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There is a growing ethical concern in modern society about animals' quality of life. We hypothesize that zoo visitors' perception of zoo animal welfare, particularly in the case of lesser anteaters, changes positively after listening to scientific information. Visitors observing active lesser anteaters in their enclosures at Córdoba Zoo (Argentina) were asked to respond to a questionnaire about animal welfare. The treatment group (T) answered the questionnaire after listening to a brief informative talk based on local scientific studies on lesser anteaters. The control group (C) answered the questionnaire without hearing the informative talk. Visitors (87.2%) considered biological, sanitary, and sociocultural aspects to be necessary conditions for optimum wild zoo‐housed animal welfare. The majority of visitors considered that natural surroundings provide the highest level of welfare for wild animals. Visitors in the T group ranked the zoo as providing a higher level of animal welfare than those in group C. In reference to management measurements, the T group agreed on the positive effect of the application of environmental enrichment (Likert Medians: C = 4 and T = 5; p = .0443). On the basis of their perception, most visitors in both groups stated that the lesser anteaters at Córdoba Zoo appeared to be in a good state of welfare. We interpret this as meaning that, what these Córdoba zoo visitors personally perceived while observing the lesser anteaters carried greater weight than what they learned from the informative talk, though the talk did slightly affect their opinion.  相似文献   

The captive population of Geoffroy's tamarins (Saguinus geoffroyi) has suffered a severe decline over the past 10 years. This population decline is attributed not to a failure to produce offspring, but rather to a failure to successfully rear offspring. To date, no studies have quantitatively examined the behaviors and hormones of this tamarin species in captivity. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine whether there were any discernable factors that could be correlated with failure to rear offspring in S. geoffroyi. Fifteen adult Geoffroy's tamarins (GTs) at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo (CMZ) were observed by means of instantaneous sampling on a focal animal. In addition, all instances of social behaviors were recorded. A factorial arrangement of treatments was used, as animals were divided between a colony‐housing situation and a non‐colony situation with hand‐reared and mother‐reared animals in both treatments. Repeated‐measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no interactions between the treatments, and no differences between rearing histories for the behaviors studied. However, animals housed in a colony setting exhibited higher levels of aggressive behaviors and lower activity levels compared to those in a non‐colony setting. There also was a trend for colony‐housed animals to huddle, scent‐mark, and exhibit sexual behaviors more often than non‐colony animals. First‐morning‐void urine samples were collected once per week, and assays for E1C and PdG indicated that reproduction was not being suppressed. ANOVA conducted on samples assayed for excreted cortisol showed no differences in mean cortisol concentration by rearing histories or housing conditions. While these physiological indicators reveal no signs of stress, high levels of aggressive and territorial behaviors indicate social unrest in the colony‐housed condition, which may be contributing to the poor reproductive success of those individuals. Zoo Biol 22:545–559, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different captive housing conditions on reproductive cyclicity and adrenocortical activity in adult females of two small‐sized felid species, the tigrina (Leopardus tigrinus; n = 3) and margay (Leopardus wiedii; n = 2). Females were housed as singletons and subjected to three enclosure conditions over successive time periods: Phase I—large, enriched enclosures for 3 months; Phase II—small, empty enclosures for 5.5 months; Phase III—the same small enclosures enriched with branches and nest boxes for 6.5 months. Fecal samples were collected five times weekly throughout the study for analysis of progestagen, estrogen, and corticoid metabolites. On the basis of observed behaviors, stereotypic pacing was more frequent before feeding for all cats, regardless of enclosure conditions. Both species displayed a bimodal activity pattern, with peaks occurring at nightfall and dawn. All animals exhibited agitated behavior, characterized by a high frequency and duration of stereotypic pacing, primarily during the first 3 days after moving to the small empty enclosures. On the basis of hormonal analyses, ovarian follicular activity decreased and corticoid concentrations increased in tigrinas after transfer to the small barren cages compared to the patterns observed in the initial large, enriched enclosures. Corticoid concentrations in tigrinas then declined after small cage enrichment. Margay females exhibited increased corticoid excretion during Phases II and III, but in contrast to tigrinas, concentrations remained high even after cage enrichment. It was further showed that enriching the small enclosures was insufficient to reestablish normal ovarian activity within the time frame of the study for both species. In summary, margay and tigrina females exhibited distinct elevations in corticoid concentrations after transfer from large enriched enclosures to smaller barren cages that corresponded with agitated behavior, especially immediately after transfer. Fecal corticoid concentrations were reduced after cage enrichment in tigrinas, but not in margays. Although only a few individuals were evaluated, data suggest there may be species differences in response to captive environmental conditions. Overall results emphasize the importance of enclosure dimensions and enrichment when designing species appropriate environments for improving the health and reproductive fitness of threatened species. Zool Biol 26:441–460, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies for crocodilians often include captive breeding to create stable assurance populations. Evaluating adrenal and gonadal hormone patterns can provide animal managers with data to more effectively monitor animal welfare and reproductive status. This study evaluated the effects of season (breeding, nesting, or off), sex (male and female), and reproductive status of females (egg-laying/housed with a male or non-laying/housed solo) on concentrations of fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM), fecal androgen metabolite (FAM), and fecal progestogen metabolite (FPM) in seven Cuban crocodiles, Crocodylus rhombifer, at the Smithsonian's National Zoological Park. Overall, seasonal changes in FGM and FPM concentrations were only observed in egg-laying females; FGM and FPM concentrations were both higher during the nesting season compared to the breeding and off seasons. Seasonal changes in FAM concentrations were only observed in males; males had higher FAM concentrations during the breeding and nesting seasons compared to the off season. Future studies investigating the use of fecal hormone metabolites in crocodilians are necessary to understand differences between individuals and species, to further elucidate the interactions between hormones and environmental factors, such as social housing, and to develop long-term datasets for the management of this species.  相似文献   

Indicators of environmental adequacy relevant to the well-being of small felids are developed by examining, in 4 captive leopard cats, interrelationships between behavioral and adrenocortical responses to changes in housing conditions. Singly housed cats were moved from their barren home cage (Cage 1, baseline) sequentially to 2 new, barren housing situations (Cages 2 and 3; ≈ 10 weeks/cage). Urinary cortisol concentrations, stereotypic pacing, and hiding frequencies were transiently increased for 1 week after translocation to Cage 2. After translocation to Cage 3, cortisol concentrations and hiding also were increased for the first week. However, conditions in Cage 3 were determined to be aversive to the cats, as evidenced by cortisol concentrations that remained chronically elevated for the entire 10-week period. Exploratory behavior was suppressed during this period. When Cage 3 was enriched with a complex of branches and hiding places, urinary cortisol concentrations and stereotypic pacing decreased, and exploration increased. Concealment locations that camouflage were more often used for lying down when urinary cortisol was elevated. These results suggest that reduced exploratory behavior is an indicator of chronic exposure to aversive environmental conditions. Stereotypic pacing may not necessarily increase when adrenocortical activity increases. The results also suggest that enrichment facilitates coping with aversive stimulation by providing behavioral options to confined felids. To promote the welfare of small felids, appropriate camouflaged hiding places should be provided and enrichment programs developed to stimulate exploratory behavior. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest in the behavior of zoo animals, studies of nocturnal behavior of zoo animals are limited. In this study, we investigated the relationship between parturition, season, and the sleep‐related behaviors in captive reticulated giraffes to better understand the nocturnal life in giraffes. The subjects were two adult reticulated giraffes living in Kyoto City Zoo, Japan. Observations were made via an infrared camera that was mounted in the indoor enclosure between June 2007 and August 2009. We analyzed video clips that were recorded between 16:30 and 09:00 the next morning, over a total of 199 days. Sleep‐related behaviors were classified into two categories based on the posture of the giraffes; recumbent posture and paradoxical sleep. We also recorded the laterality of recumbent posture, which was coded based on the direction of the legs against the torso (right or left). Seasonal differences in sleep behaviors between summer and winter were observed in both individuals. They tended to start to lie down earlier in the winter than in the summer. Parturition also affected the behaviors as both individuals decreased the behaviors before and after the parturition of the female. Additionally, the female lay on her left side less frequently than her right when resuming a recumbent posture in the pre‐parturition period, while such laterality was not observed in the baseline and post‐parturition period. These results suggested that season and parturition are important factors for determining the sleep‐related behaviors in giraffes. Further studies are needed to understand how these changes in sleep affect other welfare parameters.  相似文献   

Non‐invasive techniques for monitoring the stress response in captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) were investigated. Fecal samples for cortisol measurement and concurrent behavioral data were collected from six individuals in a socially housed gorilla group (one adult male, three adult females and their three offspring) over a 7‐month period. Despite inter‐individual variation in the dynamics of fecal cortisol concentrations over time, several major secretory peaks coincided across individuals. High cortisol concentrations in feces were correlated with induced stressors or behavioral observations indicating high social tension, with a 1–2 day lag period. Entry progression order of the gorillas into a den complex and a supplant‐based dominance index were suitable indicators of overall dominance hierarchies, and fluctuations over time reflected periods of instability. Diurnal variation in fecal cortisol was not apparent when comparing afternoon and morning samples, however the sample collection interval was relatively short (3–5 hr). These results demonstrate the feasibility of monitoring stress responses based on the dynamics of both fecal cortisol excretion and behavior. This non‐invasive approach may be used for gauging responses to changes in husbandry, environment and group structure of captive gorillas. Zoo Biol 0:1–15, 2005. © 2005 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Tamandua tetradactyla (Pilosa), the lesser anteater, is a medium‐size mammal from South America. Its wide distribution through different landscapes, solitary and nocturnal habits, and the difficulty to capture and contain specimens limit the amount of individuals and populations sampled during fieldworks. These features along with the lack of specific molecular markers for the lesser anteater might be the causes for paucity in population genetic studies for the species. Historical samples from museum specimens, such as skins, and non‐invasive samples, such as plucked hair, can be supplementary sources of DNA samples. However, the DNA quantity and quality of these samples may be limiting factors in molecular studies. In this study, we describe nine microsatellite loci for T. tetradactyla and test the amplification success, data reliability and estimate errors on both historical and non‐invasive sample sets. We tested nine polymorphic microsatellites and applied the quality index approach to evaluate the relative performance in genotype analysis of 138 historical samples (study skin) and 19 non‐invasive samples (plucked hair). The observed results show a much superior DNA quality of non‐invasive over historical samples and support the quality index analysis as a practical tool to exclude samples with doubtful performance in genetic studies. We also found a relationship between the age of non‐invasive samples and DNA quality, but lack of evidence of this pattern for historical samples.  相似文献   

Captive environments encompass various factors that can elevate stress levels and jeopardize the wellbeing of the captive animals. The use of positive reinforcement training (PRT) techniques enables researchers and caretakers to reduce tension directly associated with potentially stressful procedures and states. The current study tested the general effect of PRT on the wellbeing of zoo‐housed chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) by measuring behaviors that reflect poor and good welfare and that were not directly connected to the specific aim of the training session. The behavior of a group of twelve chimpanzees was measured throughout the day from the exhibition yard, at baseline (12 weeks) and during the PRT period (10 weeks). The results show a significant decrease in abnormal and stress‐related behaviors and a significant rise in prosocial affiliative behaviors following implementation of the training program. The training was shown to have a greater positive effect on low‐ranking individuals compared with high‐ranking ones. This research shows for the first time that PRT offers an enrichment effect whose general influence lasts throughout the day, irrespective of any direct link to a specific trained behavior. Consequently, it can be claimed that PRT presents an effective enrichment tool that can be implemented with captive animals. Because of the above‐noted differential effect between high‐ and low‐ranking chimpanzees, however, this should be taken into consideration when combining PRT with the non‐human primates' daily routine. Am. J. Primatol. 71:687–695, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Reproductive strategies vary considerably among species, but most studies have focused on a very limited number of mammalian species. Knowledge of the reproductive cycle and behavior is essential for developing and implementing in situ and ex situ conservation strategies for threatened and endangered species. This study aimed at characterizing the seasonal reproductive pattern of female pichis Zaedyus pichiy, a threatened small armadillo native to arid regions of Argentina and Chile, through direct observations, histological studies, and by measuring fecal immunoreactive estrogens, progestagens and glucocorticoids in 10 wild-born, captive pichis and in free-ranging individuals. Results suggest that pichis are seasonal breeders that give birth to one yearly litter of 1–2 offspring, which do not leave the burrow until they are weaned at approximately 37 days. Ovarian follicular growth seems to occur throughout the year. Fecal progestagen, estrogen and glucocorticoid concentrations were minimal during the first half of pregnancy, increased to peak concentrations of up to 3500, 200 and 200 ng/g dry feces, respectively, and decreased before parturition. Postpartum progestagen concentrations were greater in lactating females than females that aborted or did not raise their offspring (p < 0.0001), which is probably related to an elevated corticosteroid synthesis that contributes to maintain lactation, given that fecal glucocorticoid concentrations were of similar pattern. Observations of a second pregnancy after late abortion or death of the newborn litter and sustained follicular growth during pregnancy and lactation suggest that female pichis can become receptive briefly after having lost their litter. Fecal estrogen and progestagen concentrations of non-pregnant, non-lactating females did not have a well-defined hormonal cyclic pattern, and corpora lutea were only observed in pregnant females.  相似文献   

Concern over a lack of breeding success in a pair of white‐cheeked gibbons (Hylobates leucogenys) prompted a four‐part study of gibbon behavior and physiology at the Lincoln Park Zoo. Data were collected to determine the female intermenstrual interval (IMI) and identify periods of peak receptivity. Subsequent behavioral data were gathered during both female menses and estrous periods to formulate a behavioral profile for each gibbon. The female experienced a species‐typical IMI of 21.6 days and exhibited heightened levels of behavioral receptivity toward the male during estrus. The male exhibited high levels of human‐directed behavior throughout the day. Closing the exhibit to visitors did not result in higher levels of social proximity or prosocial behavior between the pair, although it did eliminate the male's human‐directed behavior during the experimental condition only. The female exhibited higher levels of social grooming, solicitation of the male, and proximity to the male when the pair was locked indoors. Based on those findings, the pair was moved to an exclusively indoor exhibit. The female's visibility to the public decreased substantially in the alternate exhibit, but there were no other significant behavioral changes. Nearly one year after the exhibit change, the female gibbon was confirmed to be pregnant. Although the results of this study cannot be used to infer causal conditions that resulted in the pregnancy, they do support the notion that systematic documentation of animal behavior and physiology may be used as a tool for monitoring reproductive behavior and informing management decisions. Zoo Biol 21:413–434, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to study the effect of gradual replacement of dietary buffalo meat on the bone (BMB) with chicken carcass (CC) on nutrient utilization, serum cortisol, and total serum antioxidant profile of zoo‐housed Indian leopard. Twelve adult leopards were randomly distributed into a replicated Latin square design comprising three treatments, three periods, four animals, and three sequences. Leopards in group T1 were fed normal zoo diet of BMB. On the basis of dry matter, 10% and 20% of BMB was replaced with CC in groups T2 and T3, respectively. Each experimental period comprised 21 days. During each period, a digestion trial of 4‐day collection period was conducted after an adaptation period of 17 days. On Day 21 of each experimental period, blood was collected from all the animals by puncturing the ventral coccygial vein. Intake and apparent digestibility of major nutrients were similar among the groups. Replacement of 20% BMB with addition of CC increased (p < 0.001) the calculated supply of I, niacin, and vitamin A. Carotenoid intake increased (p < 0.01) with increased level of CC in the diet. Serum concentration of cortisol decreased (p < 0.01) whereas serum concentration of total carotenoids increased (p < 0.001) with increased level of CC in the diet. Serum concentration of antioxidant enzymes increased (p < 0.001) with increased level of CC in the diet. It was concluded that replacement of 20% of BMB with CC increased antioxidant profile. This may reduce oxidative stress in zoo‐housed Indian leopards without any adverse effect on nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

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