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Dry Matter Production in a Tomato Crop: Measurements and Simulation   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Heuvelink  E. 《Annals of botany》1995,75(4):369-379
Simulation of dry matter production by the explanatory glasshousecrop growth model SUKAM (Gijzen, 1992, Simulation Monographs),based on SUCROS87 (Spitters, Van Keulen and Van Kraalingen,1989, Simulation and systems management in crop protection),was validated for tomato. In the model, assimilation rates arecalculated separately for shaded and sunlit leaf area at differentcumulative leaf area in the canopy, taking into account thedifferent interception of direct and diffuse components of light.Daily crop gross assimilation rate (Pgd) is computed by integrationof these rates over total crop leaf area and over the day. Leafphotochemical efficiency and potential gross assimilation rateat saturating light depend on temperature and CO2 concentrationand are approximated as being identical in the whole canopy.Crop growth results from Pgd minus maintenance respiration rate(Rm; dependent on temperature and crop dry weight), multipliedby the conversion efficiency (carbohydrates to structural drymatter; Cf). Growth experiments (periodic destructive harvest) with differentplanting dates and plant densities and two data-sets from commerciallygrown crops, were used for model validation. Hourly averagesfor global radiation outside the glasshouse, glasshouse temperatureand CO2 concentration, together with measured leaf area index,dry matter distribution (for calculation of Cf) and organ dryweights (for calculation of Rm) were the inputs to the model. Dry matter production (both level and dynamic behaviour) wassimulated reasonably well for most experiments, but final drymatter production was under-estimated by about 27% for the commerciallygrown crops. At low irradiance and with large crop dry weight,growth rate was under-estimated, probably as a result of over-estimationof Rm. This could almost completely explain the large under-estimationfor the commercially grown crops, which had large dry weight.Final dry matter production was over-estimated by 7-11% if dailyaverages instead of hourly input of climatic data were used. It is concluded that SUKAM is a reliable model for simulatingdry matter production in a tomato crop, except for those situationswhere Rm has a large influence on crop growth rate (low irradianceand large crop dry weight). An improved estimate of Rm wouldtake into account the influence of metabolic activity. A preliminaryattempt to relate maintenance costs to relative growth rate(a measure for metabolic activity), showed promising results.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Crop growth, dry matter production, glasshouse, maintenance respiration, metabolic activity, model, relative growth rate, respiration, simulation, tomato, model validation  相似文献   

At low nitrogen (N) supply, it is well known that rye has ahigher biomass production than wheat. This study investigateswhether these species differences can be explained by differencesin dry matter and nitrogen partitioning, specific leaf area,specific root length and net assimilation rate, which determineboth N acquisition and carbon assimilation during vegetativegrowth. Winter rye (Secale cereale L.), wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) and triticale (X Triticosecale) were grown in solution cultureat relative addition rates (RN) of nitrate-N supply rangingfrom 0.03–0.18 d-1and at non-limiting N supply under controlledconditions. The relative growth rate (RW) was closely equalto RNin the range 0.03–0.15 d-1. The maximalRW at non-limitingnitrate nutrition was approx. 0.18 d-1. The biomass allocationto the roots showed a considerable plasticity but did not differbetween species. There were no interspecific differences ineither net assimilation rate or specific leaf area. Higher accumulationof N in the plant, despite the same relative growth rate atnon-limiting N supplies, suggests that rye has a greater abilityto accumulate reserves of nitrogen. Rye had a higher specificroot length over a wide range of sub-optimal N rates than wheat,especially at extreme N deficiency (RN=0.03–0.06 d-1).Triticale had a similar specific root length as that of wheatbut had the ability to accumulate N to the same amount as ryeunder conditions of free N access. It is concluded that thebetter adaptation of rye to low N availability compared to wheatis related to higher specific root length in rye. Additionally,the greater ability to accumulate nitrogen under conditionsof free N access for rye and triticale compared to wheat maybe useful for subsequent N utilization during plant growth.In general, species differences are explained by growth componentsresponsible for nitrogen acquisition rather than carbon assimilation.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Growth analysis, nitrogen, nitrogen productivity, partitioning, specific root length, Secale cereale L.,Triticum aestivum L., X Triticosecale, winter rye, winter wheat, winter triticale.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out to analyse the growth oflettuce, onion and red beet in terms of: (a) canopy architecture,radiation interception and absorption; (b) efficiency of conversionof absorbed radiation into biomass; and (c) dry matter partitioning.Growth analysis, total solar radiation interception, PAR interceptionand absorption by the crop canopy, ground cover, maintenancerespiration of onion bulbs and red beet storage roots were measured.Models for different leaf angle distribution and ground coverwere used to simulate light transmission by the crop canopy. The three crops are shown to have contrasting growth patternsfrom both a morphological and a physiological point of view.Lettuce showed very high light interception and growth afterthe early growth stages but, throughout the growth cycle, thisleafy crop showed the lowest radiation use efficiency due tothe respirational cost of the high leaf area. Onion showed alower early relative growth rate than lettuce and red beet.This was due partly to the low light interception per unit leafarea in the later stages of growth and partly to the low initialradiation use efficiency compared with the other two crops.On the other hand, thanks to more uniform distribution of theradiation inside the canopy, to the earlier termination of leafdevelopment and to the very low level of bulb respiration, onionshowed high radiation use efficiency and was able to producea large amount of dry matter. Red beet leaf posture and canopystructure resulted in high light interception and absorption.Its radiation use efficiency was lower than that of onion, partlyperhaps because of the more adverse distribution of the interceptedradiation fluxes within the canopy and partly because of thehigh respiration cost of a continuous dry-matter allocationto the leaves. However, this crop can accumulate a very largeamount of dry matter as leaf blade development and storage rootgrowth can both continue almost indefinitely, providing continuouslyavailable sinks. Ground cover gave a good estimate of the PAR interception onlyat low values of light interception but, in general, it underestimatedPAR interception in all three crops. Ratios between attenuationcoefficients established by considering PAR or total solar radiationand LAI or ground cover were calculated. Lettuce,Lactuca sativa L. var.crispa ; onion,Allium cepa L.; red beet; Beta vulgaris L. var.conditiva ; growth analysis; light interception and absorption; canopy architecture; ground cover; radiation use efficiency; maintenance respiration rate; dry matter distribution  相似文献   

Rye (Secale cereale cv. Rheidol) and wheat (Triticum aestivumcv. Mardler) were grown at shoot/root temperatures of 20/20°C (warm grown, WG plants), 8/8 °C (cold grown, CG plants)and 20/8 °C (differential grown, DG plants). Plants fromcontrasting growth temperature regimes were standardized andcompared using a developmental timescale based on accumulatedthermal time (°C d) at the shoot meristem. Accumulationof dry matter, nitrogen and potassium were exponential overthe time period studied (150–550 °C d). In rye, therates of plant dry matter and f. wt accumulation were linearlyrelated to the temperature of the shoot meristem. However, inwheat, although the rates of plant dry matter and f. wt accumulationwere temperature dependent, the linear relationship with shootmeristem temperature was weaker than in rye. The shoot/rootratio of rye was stable irrespective of growth temperature treatment,but the shoot/root ratio of wheat varied with growth temperaturetreatment. The shoot/root ratio of DG wheat was 50% greaterthan WG wheat. In both cereals, nutrient concentrations anddry matter content tended to be greater in organs exposed directlyto low temperatures. The mean specific absorption rates of nutrientswere calculated for the whole period studied for each species/temperaturecombination and were positively correlated with both plant shoot/rootratio and relative growth rate. The data suggest that nutrientuptake rates were influenced primarily by plant demand, withno indication of specific nutrient limitations at low temperatures. Nutrient accumulation, relative growth rate (RGR), rye, Secale cereale cv. Rheidol, temperature, thermal time, Triticum aestivum cv. Mardler, wheat  相似文献   

Rates of CO2 efflux from the aerial parts of eight winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) genotypes were determined duringspike emergence, anthesis and early grain filling over two seasons.Dry weight data were also recorded at flag leaf full expansionand anthesis Respiration rates on a ground area basis did not differ (P >0–05) among the times of day when measurements were made.In contrast, highly significant day-to-day effects (P > 0–001)were evident. Daily respiratory efflux was consistently highduring spike emergence, declining to lower values before andafter anthesis in each year. Changes in daily respiration wereanalysed in terms of a two-parameter respiration model. Modelpredictions suggested that changes in chemical composition ofthe dry matter formed during ontogeny could explain the day-to-dayeffect Although no genotypic differences in respiration (ground areabasis) and crop growth rate were found, significant negativecorrelations between crop d. wt and respiration rate per unitd. wt were evident. Genotypic differences in crop d. wt alsobecame more distinct from the first harvest to the second. Theseobservations are discussed in terms of genotypic variation inmaintenance respiration Wheat, respiration, genotype, ontogeny  相似文献   

A method to determine the rate of conversion of reserve materialsinto structural dry matter in living, whole plants is presented.It is based on a brief measurement of plant respiration. Therate of increase in structural dry matter and of decrease ofreserve materials is calculated by subtracting the maintenancerespiration component from the total respiration. The remainder,the growth respiration rate, is multiplied by a factor thatis derived from the biochemical composition of the structuraldry matter formed. This method is applied to determine the relations of the rateof conversion of reserve material into structural dry matterto temperature, water stress and the level of reserve carbohydratesin plants of three species. The weakest part of the method is in the determination of therate of maintenance respiration. Consequences of different assumptionsconcerning the rate of adjustment of this respiration componentto modified environmental conditions are discussed. Lolium perenne L, Triticum aestivum L, Zea mays L, ryegrass, wheat, maize, respiration, maintenance respiration, water stress, sugar content, structured dry matter  相似文献   

Vegetative crops of chrysanthemum were grown for 5 or 6 weekperiods in daylit assimilation chambers. Crop responses to differentradiation levels and temperatures were analysed into effectson dry matter partitioning, specific leaf area, leaf photosynthesisand canopy light interception. The percentage of newly formed dry matter partitioned to theleaves was almost constant, although with increasing radiationor decreasing temperature, a greater percentage of dry matterwas partitioned to stem tissue at the expense of root tissue.There was a positive correlation between the percentage of drymatter in shoot material and the overall carbon: dry matterratio. Canopy photosynthesis was analysed assuming identical behaviourfor all leaves in the crop. Leaf photochemical efficiency wasonly slightly affected by crop environment. The rate of grossphotosynthesis per unit leaf area at light saturation, PA (max),increased with increasing radiation integral, but the same parameterexpressed per unit leaf dry matter, Pw (max) was almost unaffectedby growth radiation. In contrast, PA (max) was hardly affectedby temperature but Pw (max) increased with increasing growthtemperature. This was because specific leaf area decreased withdecreasing temperature and increased with decreasing radiation.There was a positive correlation between canopy respirationintegral and photosynthesis integral, and despite a four-foldchange in crop mass during the experiments, the maintenancecomponent of canopy respiration remained small and constant. Canopy extinction coefficient showed no consistent variationwith radiation integral but was negatively correlated with temperature.This decrease in the efficiency of the canopy at interceptingradiation exactly cancelled the increase in specific carbonassimilation rate that occurred with increasing growth temperature,giving a growth rate depending solely on the incident lightlevel. Chrysanthemum, dry matter partitioning, photosynthesis, specific leaf area  相似文献   

Salt Tolerance in the Triticeae: Ion Discrimination in Rye and Triticale   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
When rye and triticale accessions were grown in saline hydroponicculture they exhibited the low Na and high K concentrationsin their leaves which are characteristic of the enhanced K/Nadiscrimination trait originally found in the D genome of wheat.This trait was not consistently improved by the presence ofthe D genome in octaploid triticale or in D genome substitutionlines of hexaploid triticale. The presence of the rye genomedid not significantly affect anion concentrations within theleaves. At high salt concentrations (250 mol m–3 NaCl+12.5mol m–3 CaCl2) the triticales were more tolerant thanthe rye accessions or a DDRR-genome tetraploid, with two triticalelines being almost as salt-tolerant as barley. Key words: Salt, ion transport, R genome, rye (Secale cereale L.)  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out within a crop of spring wheat(cv. Condor) to examine dry matter partitioning between thedeveloping stem and ear, and to estimate the magnitude of carbonstored in the stem both before and after anthesis, and the subsequentutilization of these reserves during grain growth. The amount of reserve laid down and mobilized was estimatedfrom analysis of data for changes in masses of stem and leaffrom frequent harvests. The rate of change of the dry mass ofthe individual plant organs was expressed as a proportion ofthe rate of change of the total dry mass of the large culm.This value was called the Allocation Ratio (AR). It was assumedthat assimilate was transferred directly from the stem intothe growing ear, and not into other organs. This paper providesevidence for the idea that the stem intemodes of wheat are ableto accumulate and subsequently mobilize a dry matter reserve.The accumulation and subsequent mobilization of fructans inthe stem was demonstrated using ascending thinlayer chromatography.On a dry matter basis the large culms of the wheat crop accumulatedall of their stem reserves after anthesis (0–41 g perlarge culm; 98·4 g m–1). After adjusting the lossof mass by 33% to allow for respiration, it was concluded thatpost-anthesis stem reserves may have contributed at least 21%of the final grain yield of this crop. Triticum aestivum L., semi-dwarf spring wheat, dry matter partitioning, stem reserves, fructans  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感的小麦叶干重和叶面积指数监测   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
生物量和叶面积指数(LAI)是描述作物长势的重要参数, 叶干重和LAI的实时动态监测对小麦(Triticum aestivum)生长诊断和管理调控具有重要意义。为分析多种高光谱参数估算小麦叶干重和LAI的效果, 建立小麦叶干重和LAI的定量监测模型, 该研究连续3年采用不同小麦品种进行不同施氮水平的大田试验, 于小麦不同生育期采集田间冠层高光谱数据并测定叶片叶干重和LAI。试验结果显示, 小麦叶干重和LAI随施氮水平的提高而增加, 随生育进程呈单峰动态变化模式。小麦叶干重和LAI与光谱反射率间相关性较好的区域主要位于红光波段(590~710 nm, r<-0.60)和近红外波段(745~1 130 nm, r>0.69)。对于不同试验条件下的叶干重和LAI, 可以使用统一的光谱参数进行定量反演, 其中基于RVI (810, 560)、FD755GM1SARVI (MSS)和TC3等光谱参数的方程拟合效果较好。经不同年际独立试验数据的检验表明, 以参数RVI (810, 560)、GM1SARVI (MSS)、PSSRb、(R750-800/R695-740) -1、VOG2MSR705为变量建立的叶干重和LAI监测模型均给出较好的检验结果。因此, 利用关键特征光谱参数可以有效地评价小麦叶片生长状况, 尤其是光谱参数RVI (810, 560)、GM1SARVI (MSS)可以对不同条件下小麦叶干重和LAI进行准确可靠的监测。  相似文献   

HEUVELINK  E. 《Annals of botany》1999,83(4):413-422
A dynamic simulation model for tomato crop growth and development,TOMSIM, is evaluated. Potential crop growth and daily crop grossassimilation rate (Pgc,d) is computed by integration of leafassimilation rates over total crop leaf area throughout theday. Crop growth results fromPgc,dminus maintenance respirationrate (Rm), multiplied by the conversion efficiency. Dry matterdistribution is simulated, based on the sink strength of theplant organs, which is quantified by their potential growthrate. Within the plant, individual fruit trusses and vegetativeunits (three leaves and stem internodes between two trusses)are distinguished. Sink strength of a truss or a vegetativeunit is described as a function of its developmental stage.In this paper, emphasis is on the interactions between the twosubmodels of, respectively, dry matter production and dry matterdistribution. Sensitivity analysis showed that global radiation,CO2concentration, specific leaf area (SLA) and the developmentalstage of a vegetative unit at leaf pruning had a large influenceon crop growth rate, whereas temperature, number of fruits pertruss, sink strength of a vegetative unit and plant densitywere less important. Leaf area index (LAI) was very sensitiveto SLA and the developmental stage of a vegetative unit at leafpruning. Temperature did not influence the simulated Rm, asincreased respiration rate per unit of biomass at higher temperatureswas compensated by a decrease in biomass. The model was validatedfor four glasshouse experiments with plant density and fruitpruning treatments, and on data from two commercially growncrops. In general, measured and simulated crop growth ratesfrom 1 month after planting onwards agreed reasonably well,average overestimation being 12%. However, crop growth ratesin the first month after planting were overestimated by 52%on average. Final crop dry mass was overestimated by 0–31%,due to inaccurate simulation of LAI, resulting partly from inaccurateSLA prediction, which is especially important at low plant densityand in a young crop.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Crop growth, dry matter production, glasshouse, leaf area,Lycopersicon esculentum, partitioning, simulation model, tomato, TOMSIM.  相似文献   

The dark respiration of shoots (measured between March and anthesisin mid-June) and of ears (measured between anthesis and maturityat end of July) of winter wheat crops, grown in 1982 and 1985under different nitrogen application and irrigation conditions,was determined in the field. The respiration rate of 126 averagesof four samples was measured hourly for a 12–14-h darkperiod including the night. Respiration (expressed per unitdry mass) generally declined through the season for both shootsand ears. The average rate of respiration obtained on the samenight was greater for fertilized and irrigated crops, comparedwith unfertilized and droughted crops. The relationship betweenthe measured respiration and photosynthesis, simulated usinga modified version of the model developed by Spitters (1986),was analysed. This revealed that: (a) Shoot respiration was less well correlated with photosynthesisfrom the day preceding measurement than with the average ofthe photosynthesis from the two days preceding measurement. (b) The constants relating shoot respiration to total crop photosynthesisper unit crop mass and ear respiration to total crop photosynthesisper unit ear mass had similar values. This suggests that allgrowth respiration takes place in the ears at the end of theseason. (c) Crop growth respiration consumes about 35% of assimilatebefore anthesis, and that growth respiration of the ear consumesabout 40% of assimilate at the end of the season. (d) No significant effect of treatment on the relationship betweenrespiration and photosynthesis was detected, suggesting thatthe observed effect of treatment on respiration is due entirelyto differences in photosynthesis. Triticwn aestivum var. Avalon, winter wheat, dark respiration, growth coefficient, photosynthesis model, nitrogen nutrition, irrigation  相似文献   

Cakmak  I.  Ekiz  H.  Yilmaz  A.  Torun  B.  Köleli  N.  Gültekin  I.  Alkan  A.  Eker  S. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):1-10
Field and greenhouse experiments were carried out to study the response of rye (Secale cereale L. cv. Aslim), triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmark. cv. Presto), two bread wheats (Triticum aestivum L, cvs. Bezostaja-1 and Atay-85) and two durum wheats (Triticum durum L. cvs. Kunduru-1149 and C-1252) to zinc (Zn) deficiency and Zn fertilization in severely Zn-deficient calcareus soils (DTPA-Zn=0.09 mg kg-1 soil). The first visible symptom of Zn deficiency was a reduction in shoot elongation followed by the appearance of whitish-brown necrotic patches on the leaf blades. These symptoms were either absent or only slight in rye and triticale, but occurred more rapidly and severely in wheats, particularly in durum wheats. The same was true for the decrease in shoot dry matter production and grain yield. For example, in field experiments at the milk stage, decreases in shoot dry matter production due to Zn deficiency were absent in rye, and were on average 5% in triticale, 34% in bread wheats and 70%, in durum wheats. Zinc fertilization had no effect on grain yield in rye but enhanced grain yield of the other cereals. Zinc efficiency of cereals, expressed as the ratio of yield (shoot dry matter or grain) produced under Zn deficiency compared to Zn fertilization were, on average, 99% for rye, 74% for triticale, 59% for bread wheats and 25% for durum wheats.These distinct differences among and within the cereal species in susceptibility to Zn deficiency were closely related to the total amount (content) of Zn per shoot, but not with the Zn concentrations in shoot dry matter. For example, the most Zn-efficient rye and the Zn-inefficient durum wheat cultivar C-1252 did not differ in shoot Zn concentration under Zn deficiency, but the total amount of Zn per whole shoot was approximately 6-fold higher in rye than the durum wheat. When Zn was applied, rye and triticale accumulated markedly more Zn both per whole shoot and per unit shoot dry matter in comparison to wheats.The results demonstrate an exceptionally high Zn efficiency of rye and show that among the cereals studied Zn efficiency declines in the order rye>triticale>bread wheat>durum wheat. The differences in expression of Zn efficiency are possibly related to a greater capacity of efficient genotypes to acquire Zn from the soil compared to inefficient genotypes.  相似文献   

The physiological response of winter wheat to reductions in plant density   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effects of reducing the plant density of winter wheat (cv. Haven) on canopy formation, radiation absorption and dry matter production and partitioning were investigated in field experiments in 1996/97 and 1997/98. Crop densities established ranged from 19 to 338 plants m?2. Grain yield was maintained with large reductions in plant density. At low plant densities the relative growth rate of the crop increased allowing a maintenance of crop dry matter production. An 18 fold reduction in plant density led only to a six fold reduction in green area index at the beginning of stem extension and by anthesis the difference was less than two fold. Crops grown at low plant densities increased green area per plant through increased duration of tiller production, green area per shoot and shoot survival. Main stem leaf number, phyllochron and tiller production rate were not significantly affected by plant density. Radiation use efficiency was greater at the low plant densities. We propose that better radiation distribution through the canopy and increased canopy nitrogen ratio were the causative mechanisms for this increase in RUE. As a result of increased green area per shoot and a decrease in ear production, more radiation was absorbed per shoot at the low plant densities, allowing an increase in grain number per ear from 32 to 48.  相似文献   

Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittm.) is a hybrid derived by crossing wheat (Triticum sp.) and rye (Secale sp.). Till date, only a limited number of simple sequence repeat (SSRs) markers have been used in triticale molecular analyses and there is a need to identify dedicated high-throughput molecular markers to better exploit this crop. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate diversity arrays technology (DArT) markers in triticale. DArT marker technology offers a high level of multiplexing. Development of new markers from triticale accessions was combined with mining the large collection of previously developed markers in rye and wheat. Three genotyping arrays were used to analyze a collection of 144 triticale accessions. The polymorphism level ranged from 8.6 to 23.8% for wheat and rye DArT markers, respectively. Among the polymorphic markers, rye markers were the most abundant (3,109) followed by wheat (2,214) and triticale (719). The mean polymorphism information content values were 0.34 for rye DArT markers and 0.37 for those from triticale and wheat. High correlation was observed between similarity matrices derived from rye, triticale, wheat and combined marker sets, as well as for the cophenetic values matrices. Cluster analysis revealed genetic relationships among the accessions consistent with the agronomic and pedigree information available. The newly developed triticale DArT markers as well as those originated from rye and wheat provide high quality markers that can be used for diversity analyses and might be exploited in a range of molecular breeding and genomics applications in triticale.  相似文献   

Growth and dark respiration were measured in dense, miniatureswards of kikuyu grass grown at constant temperatures of 15,20, 25 and 30 °C. Total respiration over the first 12 hof darkness was very high and CO2 efflux per unit surface areavaried from 2.4 to 3.9 g CO2 m–2 h–1 at 15 and 30°C respectively. Such rates were consistent with the correspondinglyhigh net growth rates of 24 and 63 g d. wt m–2 d–1and the heavy yields of herbage. When plants were kept in thedark, CO2 efflux subsequently declined rapidly to a lower, constantrate which was taken to be the maintenance respiration rate.The half-life of the declining phase of respiration averaged10.9 and 6.0 h at 15 and 30 °C respectively, and was curvilinearlyrelated to the specific maintenance respiration rate (m). Therapid decline in respiration was consistent with the low concentrationsof total soluble carbohydrate and starch in the herbage. Valuesof m for lamina and top growth increased with temperature witha Q10 of 2.6 and 1.42 respectively, but m of stems alone wasnot affected by temperature. Using results from this study forkikuyu and from McCree (1974) for sorghum and white clover,it was noted that all three species have similar m when grownat temperatures which are near their respective optimums forgrowth. Kikuyu, Pennisetum clandestinum, growth, respiration, temperature  相似文献   

Cakmak  I.  Derici  R.  Torun  B.  Tolay  I.  Braun  H.J.  Schlegel  R. 《Plant and Soil》1997,196(2):249-253
Using the disomic wheat-rye addition lines (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Holdfast-Secale cereale L., cv. King-II) and an octoploid triticale line (xTriticosecale Wittmark L. "PlutoxFakon") as well as the respective wheat and rye parents, greenhouse experiments were carried out to study the role of rye chromosomes on the severity of Zn deficiency symptoms, shoot dry matter production, Zn efficiency, shoot Zn concentration and Zn content. Plants were grown in a Zn-deficient calcareous soil with (10 mg Zn kg-1 soil) and without Zn supply. Zinc efficiency was calculated as the ratio of dry weight produced under Zn deficiency to the dry weight produced under Zn fertilization. In the experiments with addition lines, visual Zn deficiency symptoms were slight in the rye cultivar King-II, but were severe in the wheat cultivar Holdfast. The addition of rye chromosomes, particularly 1R, 2R and 7R, into Holdfast reduced the severity of deficiency symptoms. Holdfast showed higher decreases in shoot dry matter production by Zn deficiency and thus had a low Zn efficiency (53 %), while King-II was less affected by Zn deficiency and had a higher Zn efficiency (89 %). With the exception of the 3R line, all addition lines had higher Zn efficiency than their wheat parent: the 1R line had the highest Zn efficiency (80 %). In the experiment with the triticale cultivar and its parents, rye cv. Pluto and wheat cv. Fakon, Zn deficiency symptoms were absent in Pluto, slight in triticale and very severe in Fakon. Zinc efficiency was 88 % for Pluto, 73 % for triticale and 64% for Fakon. Such differences in Zn efficiency were better related to the total amount of Zn per shoot than to the amount of Zn per unit dry weight of shoot. Only in the rye cultivars, Zn efficiency was closely related with Zn concentration. Triticale was more similar to rye than wheat regarding Zn concentration and Zn accumulation per shoot under both Zn-deficient and Zn-sufficient conditions.The results presented in this study show that rye has an exceptionally high Zn efficiency, and the rye chromosomes, particularly 1R and 7R carry the genes controlling Zn efficiency. To our knowledge, the result with triticale and its rye parents is the first report showing that the genes controlling Zn efficiency in rye are transferable into wheat and can be used for development of new wheat varieties with high Zn efficiency for severely Zn-deficient conditions.  相似文献   

Shoot and root growth rate, carbohydrate accumulation (includingfructan), reducing sugar content and dry matter percentage weremeasured in six wheat cultivars, ranging from winter to springtypes, grown at either 5 or 25 °C. At 5 °C (comparedwith 25 °C), the relative growth rate (RGR) of shoots wassimilarly reduced in all cultivars, but the RGR of shoots wasmore affected in winter wheats. This difference resulted insmaller root:shoot ratios than in spring wheats, which alsodeveloped more first-order lateral roots. A direct relationshipbetween carbohydrate accumulation at low temperatures and reductionin root growth was established. These results suggest that differentialshootvs.root growth inhibition at low temperature may play akey role in carbohydrate accumulation at chilling temperatures.This differential response might lead to improvements in survivalat temperatures below 0 °C, regrowth during spring, andwater and nutrient absorption at low temperatures.Copyright1997 Annals of Botany Company Wheat; Triticum aestivum; low temperatures; root growth; root: shoot ratio; sugar accumulation  相似文献   

Deoxynivalenol and Zearalenone contents were determined in wheat, rye and triticale samples which were representative of the 2001 and 2002 harvests in Germany. The frequency of DON and ZEA detection and the mean levels of these toxins were higher in wheat, rye and triticale in 2002 in comparison to 2001. The influence of varieties and preceding crop on DON contents in wheat and triticale is presented.
Presented at the 25th Mykotoxin-Workshop in Giessen, Germany, May 19–21, 2003  相似文献   

Small communities of S24 ryegrass were grown under supplementarylights in a glasshouse at 20°C, and abundantly suppliedwith a complete nutrient solution containing 300 p.p.m. of nitrogen,until they had a leaf area index of 5 and fully interceptedthe light. Half were then given a solution containing only 3p.p.m. of nitrogen (LN) while the rest were kept at 300 p.p.m.(HN). The LN plants had a rate of single leaf photosynthesis lowerthan that of the HN plants at all but the lowest light intensities(33 per cent lower at the saturating irradiance of 170 W m–2).Similarly, the LN communities had rates of canopy gross photosynthesis(Psc) markedly lower than those of the HN communities. A comparisonof the observed rates of Psc with those predicted by a mathematicalmodel of canopy photosynthesis indicated that it was the effectof nitrogen on single leaf photosynthesis, rather than differencesbetween the communities in leaf area, which led to the observeddifferences in Psc. The superiority of the HN communities in terms of Psc was partlyoffset by a higher rate of respiration so that they only exceededthe LN communities in terms of canopy net photosynthesis atirradiances in excess of 180 W m–2, and produced only15 per cent more total dry matter. Nevertheless, the HN plantsdirected less of that dry matter into root and more into topsso that they came to possess twice the weight of live laminae,and the HN communities twice the leaf area, of their nitrogendeficient counterparts. Lolium perenne, S24 ryegrass, photosynthesis, respiration, dry matter production and partition, nitrogen dekieacy  相似文献   

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