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The cultures of Chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO-K1 clone 773) can be brought to the stationary state with most of cellular populations in G1 phase by growing continuously for 4 days up to the cultural density (10-12) X 10(4) cells/cm2. Upon introduction of fresh Eagle medium with 10% calf serum the cells progress from G1 to S phase for 7-9 hours. It is shown that within the first minutes of serum addition ouabain-sensitive rubidium influx increases, however, lithium influx, which serves a test for passive sodium pathways in the membrane, increases or does not change. No correlation was found between the rubidium influx and intracellular sodium changes, induced by serum. From comparative studies of ouabain-sensitive rubidium influx, lithium influx and intracellular sodium content it is concluded that the increase in intracellular sodium is not responsible for serum-induced Na,K-ATPase activation.  相似文献   

Intracellular sodium, calcium, and magnesium content as well as lithium influx have been examined in serum-stimulated CHO cultures using flame-emission technique. Intracellular sodium and lithium influx does not change during the G1----S transition, they increase by 1.3-2 times in the late S and in mitosis. In stationary cultures of CHO cells cellular magnesium is about 50-60 mumole/gr protein; its content increases in 2-3 hours after serum addition and remains constant during the G1----S transition. In stationary cultures of CHO cells cellular calcium is about 20 mumole/gr protein and it increases by 1.5-2 times in the late G1 and S phases. It is concluded that alterations of ion transport accompany not only the early cell response to mitogen but also the G1----S transition.  相似文献   

The passive K influx in low K(LK) red blood cells of sheep saturates with increasing external K concentration, indicating that this mode of transport is mediated by membrane-associated sites. The passive K influx, iMLK, is inhibited by external Na. Isoimmune anti-L serum, known to stimulate active K transport in LK sheep red cells, inhibits iMLK about twofold. iMLK is affected by changes in intracellular K concentration, [K]i, in a complex fashion: increasing [K]i from near zero stimulates iMLK, while further increases in [K]i, above 3 mmol/liter cells, inhibit iMLK. The passive K influx is not mediated by K-K exchange diffusion. The effects of anti-L antibody and [K]i on passive cation transport are specific for K: neither factor affects passive Na transport. The common characteristics of passive and active K influx suggest that iMLK is mediated by inactive Na-K pump sites, and that the inability to translocate Na characterizes the inactive pumps. Anti-L antibody stimulates the K pump in reticulocytes of LK sheep. However, anti-L has no effect on iMLK in these cells, apparently because reticulocytes do not have the inactive pump sites which, in mature LK cells, are a consequence of the process of maturation of circulating LK cells. The results also indicate that anti-L alters the maximum velocity of both active and passive K fluxes by converting pumps sites from a form mediating passive K influx to an actively transporting form.  相似文献   

The uptake of rubidium in intact Halobacterium halobium cells was followed, and found to be light-dependent. The exchange process is slow, the steady-state rate of 86Rb+/Rb+ exchange being given by k. = 6.3 - 10(-4) min-1. Starved cells exhibited a faster rate than unstarved cells. The influx of 86Rb+ was almost completely blocked in the presence of proton conductors (CCCP, FCCP, and SF 6847), and was sensitive to the presence of the permeant cation TPMP+. Valinomycin very slightly increased the rate of uptake, while 1 - 10(-6) M nigericin showed significant inhibition. On the other hand, release of 86Rb+ was not light-dependent, although still affected by uncouplers, TPMP+, and nigericin. These experimental observations may be explained in terms of a passive flux driven by an electrical potential difference, and influenced by positive isotope interaction within the membrane. In carefully matched influx-efflux studies, the extent of the positive isotope interaction was measured. Using the formal treatment of Kedem and Essig, the ratio (exchange resistance)/(resistance to net flow) for 86Rb+ was found to be 1.7.  相似文献   

(1) The kinetics of uptake of uridine into 3T3 cells have been measured as a function of concentration in the temperature range 5-37 degrees C, for both quiescent and serum-stimulated cells. (2) The maximun velocity of uridine uptake is increased some ten-fold by adding serum, but the hald-saturation concentration is not systematically affected in this temperature range. (3) A detailed study of the temperature dependence of the maximum velocity of transport in the range 4-43 degrees C shows that the activation energy of uridine transport is not increased following serum activation. (4) The data suggest that any change in membrane fluidity that might occur as a result of serum activation does not in itself lead to a more rapid rate of turn over of the individual uridine carriers. It would appear, rather, that there is an increase in the number of functional uridine carriers.  相似文献   

Potassium influx, intracellular potassium and sodium content and cellular volume were determined in vitro in Ehrlich ascites cells in the presence of up to 0.8 mM bilirubin in the incubation medium. Bilirubin uptake into cells as a function of bilirubin concentration in the incubation medium increased linearly with a molar bilirubin/albumin ratio of 20 : 1. Potassium influx and intracellular content decreased while cellular volume increased after 180 min of incubation of cells in bilirubin at a molar bilirubin/albumin ratio of 20 : 1. At a bilirubin/albumin ratio 2 : 1, potassium influx decreased, cellular volume remained unchanged, and bilirubin uptake into cells became saturated at bilirubin concentrations greater than 0.3 mM. It is suggested that bilirubin-induced alterations in potassium gradients across cell membranes may play a role in toxic effects of bilirubin on cells.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular K activities, (K) c , in rabbit gallbladder were determined using conventional and ion-selective microelectrodes. (K) c averaged 73mm and was 1.5 times that predicted for an equilibrium distribution of the ion across both apical and basolateral membranes. Thus, K must be actively transported into the cell, and the responsible mechanism is almost certainly the Na–K exchange pump in the basolateral membrane.Measurements of the bidirectional transepithelial fluxes of42K indicate that K is secreted into the mucosal solution at a rate of 0.8 eq/cm2 hr; this value is only 6% of the rate of transcellular Na absorption by this epithelium.Calculation of the conductance of the basolateral membrane,G s, reveals that it is too low to account for the maintenance of the steady-state (K) c by a 3 Na2 K pump mechanism at the basolateral membrane if K exit across that barrier is entirely electrodiffusional.Our results together with those of others strongly suggest that a significant fraction of downhill K exit from the cell across the basolateral membrane is nonconductive and coupled to the movement of some other ion, perhaps Cl.  相似文献   

Summary To understand the generation and maintenance of Na and K gradients in cultured vascular endothelial cells, net Na and K movements were studied. Ouabain-sensitive (OS) net Na gain and K loss were estimated as the difference between the cation content in the presence of ouabain and that in the control. Ouabain-and furosemide-resistant (OFR) fluxes were determined in the presence of the two inhibitors. When the normal medium bicarbonate and phosphate buffers were replaced by N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethane sulfonic acid both the OS ans OFR fluxes decreased more than 50%. Ouabain-sensitive and ouabain-and furosemide-resistant fluxes decreased with increasing cellular age (passage number) an effect not observed when the cation movements were studied in the absence of bicarbonate and phosphate. These results suggest that cultured vascular endothelial cells possess bicarbonate-and phosphate-dependent Na and K pathways which account for a significant portion of their passive movements. Furthermore, the behavior of cation permeabilities with passage number suggests that these modulations may be related to the cellular aging process.  相似文献   

The deposition of amyloid beta-protein (A beta or beta A4) is a key feature of Alzheimer's disease. Most studies have focused on the generation of A beta, but little is known about the degradation of A beta. Recent reports suggest that insulin-degrading enzyme (IDE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP) are involved in the extracellular degradation of A beta. To date, however, far less is known about the degradation of intracellular A beta. To elucidate the protease(s) responsible for the degradation of intracellular A beta, we investigated the effect of various protease inhibitors on A beta in two distinct intracellular pools (i.e., nonionic detergent-soluble and detergent-insoluble pools) in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Treatment with thiol and metal inhibitors resulted in the accumulation of intracellular A beta and oligomers in detergent-soluble and -insoluble fractions. The overexpression of thiol-metalloprotease IDE resulted in a marked reduction in levels of detergent-soluble intracellular A beta as well as extracellular A beta 40 and A beta 42. Moreover, intracellular A beta in the detergent-insoluble fraction extracted with 70% formic acid or 6 M guanidine hydrochloride decreased markedly in the cells overexpressing IDE. In contrast, expression of NEP degraded the A beta in the detergent-insoluble fraction markedly and partially degraded extracellular A beta 40 and A beta 42, but not intracellular soluble A beta. Thiorphan, an inhibitor of NEP, accumulated, albeit to a lesser extent, in insoluble A beta but not in soluble A beta. Thus, IDE appears to degrade intracellular A beta more effectively than does NEP in both the detergent-soluble and -insoluble fractions.  相似文献   

Cation transport and cell volume changes in maturing rat reticulocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During maturation, reticulocytes lose membrane material,including transporters, and this is accompanied by a loss of cell waterand volume. Here we determined a possible role of ion transport inadjusting cell volume during maturation. Reticulocytes and red bloodcells of different ages were prepared from erythropoietin-treated ratsby density gradient fractionation. Cell volume and ion transport weremeasured in freshly prepared cells and in reticulocytes during in vitromaturation. Reticulocytes had an increased K content and cell volume,whereas intracellular Na was decreased. All parameters approached wholeblood values after 2 days in culture. Na-K pump was elevated inreticulocytes and decreased during maturation. Na-K-2Cl cotransport(NKCC) activity was lower in reticulocytes and was activated 8- and20-fold by shrinkage and okadaic acid, respectively, whereasstimulation was barely detectable in high-buoyant density red bloodcells. The ouabain- and bumetanide-insensitive Na flux in reticulocytesdecreased on maturation. Most of it was inhibited by amiloride,indicating the presence of Na/proton exchange. Our results show that,although the Na-K-pump activity in reticulocytes is very muchincreased, the enhanced capacity of NKCC is essentially cryptic untilstimulated. Both types of capacities (activities) decrease duringmaturation, indicating a possible loss of transport protein. Thedecrease was constrained to the period of reticulocyte maturation. Lossof transport capacity appears to exceed the loss of membrane surfacearea. Reticulocyte age-related changes in the net electrochemicaldriving force indicate that the increasing NKCC activity mightcontribute to the reduction in cell water.


Evidence is presented showing that the Cl- uptake process in the squid giant axon is tightly coupled not only to Na+ uptake but also to K+ uptake. Thus, removal of external K+ causes both Cl- and Na+ influxes to be reduced, particularly when [Cl-]i is low, that is, under conditions previously shown to be optimal for Cl-/Na+-coupled influx. In addition, there exists a ouabain-insensitive K+ influx, which depends on the presence of external Cl- and Na+, is inversely proportional to [Cl-]i, and is blocked by furosemide/bumetanide. Finally, this ouabain-insensitive K+ influx appears to require the presence of cellular ATP. The stoichiometry of the coupled transport process was measured using a double-labeling technique combining in the same axon either 36Cl and 42K or 22Na and 42K. The stoichiometry of the flux changes occurring in response either to varying [Cl-]i between 150 and 0 mM or to treatment with 0.3 mM furosemide is, in both cases, approximately 3:2:1 (Cl-/Na+/K+). Although these fluxes require ATP, they are not inhibited by 3 mM vanadate. In addition, treatment with DIDS has no effect on the fluxes.  相似文献   

The intracellular sodium and potassium concentrations and membrane transport properties for these ions were investigated in red blood cells from newborn puppies and adult dogs. At birth the intracellular concentrations of sodium and potassium are much higher than those found in adult dog red cells. During the first few weeks of life the intracellular concentrations of these ions gradually decrease until the adult level is reached. Changes in the membrane transport properties develop concurrently. The rate of active potassium influx, as measured by ouabain-sensitivity, and the pump to leak ratio are greater in red cells from newborn puppies than in those from adult animals. No ouabain-sensitive sodium efflux could be demonstrated in red cells from older puppies or adult dogs. When either puppy or adult dog red cells are depleted of ATP (by incubation at 37°C with no substrate), potassium permeability increases, and the permeability of the membrane to sodium decreases. The addition of adenosine reverses the effect of depletion.  相似文献   

Modulation of hepatic cholate transport by transmembrane pH-gradients and during interferences with the homeostatic regulation of intracellular pH and K+ was studied in the isolated perfused rat liver. Within the concentration range studied uptake into the liver was saturable and appeared to be associated with release of OH- and uptake of K+. Perfusate acidification ineffectually stimulated uptake. Application of NH4Cl caused intracellular alkalinization, release of K+ and stimulation of cholate uptake, withdrawal of NH4Cl resulted in intracellular acidification, regain of K+ and inhibition of cholate uptake. Inhibition of Na+/H(+)-exchange with amiloride reduced basal release of acid equivalents into the perfusate, initiated K(+)-release, and inhibited both, control cholate uptake and its recovery following intracellular acidification. K(+)-free perfusion caused K(+)-release and inhibited cholate uptake. K(+)-readmission resulted in brisk K(+)-uptake and recovery of cholate transport. Both effects were inhibited by amiloride. Interference with cholate transport through modulation of pH homeostasis by diisothiocyanostilbenedisulfonate (DIDS) could not be demonstrated because DIDS affected bile acid transport directly. Biliary bile acid secretion was stimulated by intracellular alkalinization and by activation of K(+)-transport. Uncoupling of the mutual interference between pH-dependent cholate uptake and K(+)-transport by amiloride indicates tertiary active transport of cholate. In this, Na+/K(+)-ATPase provides the transmembrane Na(+)-gradient to sustain Na+/H(+)-exchange which maintains the transmembrane pH-gradient and thus supports cholate uptake. Effects of canalicular bile acid secretion are consistent with a saturable, electrogenic transport.  相似文献   

1. Ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake by tissue preparations has been used as an estimate of Na+ pump activity. This uptake, however, may be a measure of the Na+ influx rate, rather than capacity of the Na+ pump, since intracellular Na+ concentration is a determinant of the active Na+/Rb+ exchange reaction under certain conditions. This aspect was examined by studying the effect of altered Na+ influx rate on ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake in atrial preparations of guinea pig hearts. 2. Electrical stimulation markedly enhanced ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake without affecting nonspecific, ouabain-insensitive uptake. Paired-pulse stimulation studies indicate that the stimulation-induced enhancement of 86Rb+ uptake is due to membrane depolarizations, and hence related to the rate of Na+ influx. 3. Alterations in the extracellular Ca2+ concentration failed to affect the 86Rb+ uptake indicating that the force of contraction does not influence 86Rb+ uptake. 4. Reduced Na+ influx by low extracellular Na+ concentration decreased 86Rb+ uptake, and an increased Na+ influx by a Na+-specific ionophore, monensin, enhanced 86Rb+ uptake in quiescent atria. 5. Grayanotoxins, agents that increase transmembrane Na+ influx, and high concentrations of monensin appear to have inhibitory effects on ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake in electrically stimulated and in quiescent atria. 6. Electrical stimulation or monensin enhanced ouabain binding to (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and also increased the potency of ouabain to inhibit 86Rb+ uptake indicating that the intracellular Na+ available to the Na+ pump is increased under these conditions. 7. The ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake in electrically stimulated atria was less sensitive to alterations in the extracellular Na+ concentration, temperature and monensin than that in quiescent atria. 8. These results indicate that the rate of Na+ influx is the primary determinant of ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake in isolated atria. Electrical stimulation most effectively increases the Na+ available to the Na+ pump system. The ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake by atrial preparations under electrical stimulation at a relatively high frequency seems to represent the maximal capacity of the Na+ pump in this tissue.  相似文献   

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