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Cephalic nervous connexions were found necessary for oviposition and normal egg maturation in the two species studied. Neurosecretory cells of A type from the brain, suboesophageal, thoracic, and four abdominal ganglia seem to elaborate a stimulating substance for egg laying. This neurosecretion type is not present in corpora cardiaca, corpora allata, the four last abdominal ganglia, or perisympathetic organs which have no clear-cut effect on oviposition. The circadian rhythm of egg laying appears to be entirely controlled by the liberation of this neurosecretion and by an inhibitory factor localized in the head.In Carausius, egg deposition by the valvulae of the ovipositor is regulated by these two factors whereas egg transit through the common oviduct is a distinct preliminary step under nervous control. This nervous effect from the posterior region does not exist in Clitumnus.  相似文献   

Oviductal contractions and the control of oviposition were investigated in vivo and in vitro in Gryllus bimaculatus females. In vivo experiments showed that oviposition is controlled nervously by both the brain and the last abdominal ganglion, and that one or more neurohormones cause ovipositor movements and abdominal contractions. In vitro, the assay of nerve ganglia and corpora cardiaca extracts on the isolated oviduct showed that they markedly increase the frequency of oviductal contractions. However, the action of thoracic ganglia extracts varies according to a circadian cycle. This observation, combined with the finding that the effects of the corpora cardiaca differ from those of the brain, suggests that each of these organs contains distinct neurohormones. None of the neurotransmitters tested was as potent as brain or ganglia extracts, although octopamine, l-glutamate and proctolin do stimulate oviductal contractions at low concentrations.  相似文献   

The brain is not required for oviposition in five species of Blaberidae; the control centre for formation, 90° counterclockwise rotation, and retraction of the oötheca lies in the abdomen. A similar centre controls oötheca formation and 90° clockwise rotation in Blattella germanica (Blattellidae). It is suggested that during oviposition, abdominal proprioceptors or musculature contribute nervous information to the last abdominal ganglion. Nerve impulses are presumably integrated in the last abdominal ganglion and transmitted to the colleterial glands, oviducts, and ovipositor. In Periplaneta americana (Blattidae), the brain is needed for initiating egg case formation, but it is unnecessary once the process has begun. The results suggest a divergence of control centres for oviposition between the Blaberoidea and Blattoidea.  相似文献   

Observations on the host attack behaviour of the parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma (Hymenoptera : Eucoilidae) led to the supposition that this wasp should possess a structure on its ovipositor by which it can hold a host larvae in a fixed position until the larva is paralyzed. The ovipositor was studied by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy and appeared to have a clip with teeth on the unpaired valve of the ovipositor, about 50 μm from the tip. Based on the structure of this ovipositor clip and the oviposition behaviour, the functioning of the ovipositor clip is discussed.  相似文献   

韦氏缩腹榕小蜂的产卵行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甄文全  黄大卫  杨大荣  朱朝东 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):446-448,F004
通过对聚果榕上一种非传粉榕小蜂———韦氏缩腹小蜂ApocryptawestwoodiGrandi的产卵行为的详细观察 ,发现该小蜂的产卵行为与具有可伸缩的腹节这种奇特的腹部结构高度相关。该小蜂的产卵过程主要分为 3个阶段 :( 1 )寻找产卵位置 ,小蜂在果面快速搜索 ,以触角或口器触须感受产卵位点 ;( 2 )刺壁 ,小蜂将产卵针垂直于果面 ,刺入果壁 ,进入果腔 ;( 3 )产卵与拉出产卵针。通过与Ansari对于韦氏缩腹小蜂的产卵行为的描述进行比较 ,发现有如下不同之处 :( 1 )在产卵针刚刺入果面时 ,伸长的腹部末端超过头 ,整个伸长的腹部几乎与果面平行 ;( 2 )后足具有下拉产卵鞘的行为 ,并且后足除下拉产卵鞘时与果面分离外 ,均抓住果面 ;( 3 )产卵针不需要产卵鞘支撑时 ,产卵鞘与产卵针分离。  相似文献   

We performed a quantitative genetic study of oviposition behaviours and oviposition traits in the sand cricket Gryllus firmus. Egg survival in crickets depends on the depth at which they are inserted into the soil with the ovipositor. We examined whether egg depth depends on ovipositor length alone, or on both morphological and behavioural traits associated with oviposition. Heritability estimates were high (h2 >0.5) for ovipositor length and small (h2=0.2) for oviposition behaviours. Negative genetic correlations between ovipositor length and some behavioural traits (digging depth and the behavioural component of egg depth) indicated compensation between oviposition traits on egg depth. Because of behavioural compensation, females with different ovipositor lengths subject to stabilizing selection on egg depth could have equal fitnesses. Females laid their eggs deeper, and their eggs were marginally more evenly distributed in dry than in wet sand. This suggests adaptive phenotypic plasticity in laying behaviour, but may also result from physical constraints of the substrate on the insertion of the ovipositor. The absence of significant between-family variation in oviposition traits in response to sand moisture indicates low evolutionary potential for phenotypic plasticity in oviposition traits according to soil moisture. In highly unpredictable environments, females could spread the risk of desiccation by laying eggs at different depths independently of environmental conditions (bet hedging). Our results show significant additive genetic influences on the ability of a female to spread risks as measured by genetic variation in egg distribution, suggesting that a bet-hedging strategy of egg laying has the potential to evolve in this population. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

A ten times elongation of certain abdominal intersegmental muscles occurs in female locusts during digging prior to oviposition. During and after oviposition the muscles contract, shortening by up to 90% or more, restoring the resting positions of the abdominal segments.Discontinuous Z-discs permit supercontraction at the resting length and then fragment into Z-bodies when the muscle is stretched, so enabling it to superextend without loss of the contractile property. In this superextended state the fibres resemble smooth muscles. After oviposition, the muscle fibres contract but the sarcomeres are not restored completely, some of the Z-bodies being unevenly distributed in the recontracted fibres. Locust ovipositor muscle has the most extreme example of Z-disc disagregation known from the insects and is the insect muscle which approaches most closely the smooth muscle condition.Two types of motor nerve innervate this muscle, one is ordinary and the other, containing granules, resembles an octopaminergic fibre possibly involved in regulating a catch mechanism in the muscle.The physiological requirements for egg-laying with an extensible ovipositor, which is also part of the normally functioning abdomen, are well met by the ultrastructural specializations of locust ovipositor muscles.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the oviposition behaviour and strategies of Lygus bugs, and these topics are unknown for most Miridae. Lygus rugulipennis, a widespread polyphagous species in the Palaearctic Region, is a serious pest of both herbaceous crops and fruit trees. Here we report on the L. rugulipennis oviposition behaviour and preferences. Experiments were carried out utilizing fresh green beans, and data were recorded using a computerized system for behavioural acquisitions. The L. rugulipennis female examines the plant substrate by means of the labial tip and then probes into the tissue using her stylets. Once the substrate is suitable, the female inserts her ovipositor precisely in the point previously probed and lays an egg. To investigate females’ oviposition preferences, their behaviour was compared on healthy green beans vs. artificially wounded green beans, with different types of wounds and at different time intervals (1?h, 6?h, 12?h, 24?h and 48?h) after wounding. Through labial and stylet examination, females distinguished healthy and wounded tissues and significantly preferred to oviposit in the latter, with different egg densities depending on the type of wound. Such preference changed at different time intervals after wounding. The lower resistance of the wounded substrate to ovipositor insertion, compared with the healthy substrate, was confirmed through a penetrometer test. Lygus preference for damaged tissues is discussed in terms of oviposition strategies in the insect-plant interaction context and strategies to escape natural enemies.  相似文献   

The oviposition behaviour of Bombyx mori was studied by eliminating the sensory input received by the tactile setae of the anal papillae.It is shown that the removal of mechanical stimuli of the setae affects oviposition and its time course to some extent. In comparing this experimental result with the theory of Lorenz, summarized in the ‘hydromechanic model’, it is postulated that the sensory information from the mechanoreceptive setae surrounding the ovipositor is a key stimulus which releases the accumulated action-specific energy (‘drive’) and triggers and controls the organs involved in the behaviour.  相似文献   

The oviposition of female locusts is a complex behaviour that includes a dramatic extension of the abdomen. The role of internal pressure during oviposition was investigated by monitoring the intra-tracheal pressure and the activity of selected longitudinal muscles, while movements of the abdomen were visualised with a video imaging system. Locust oviposition consists of a sequence of four distinct phases: (i) probing the substrate and digging without elongation of the abdomen, (ii) longitudinal extension of the abdomen up to four times its normal length, (iii) laying packages of eggs while (iv) gradually withdrawing the abdomen. During extension, neurograms and myograms of selected longitudinal muscles revealed a decreased level of activity. When the abdomen retracted to its normal length, muscle activity re-appeared. In phases two and three, rising internal pressure prevented the abdomen from slipping back when the valves released their lateral grip from the substrate. Locking the genital segments in the hole by relative bending kept the abdomen in place when producing foam or laying eggs. Intra-abdominal pressure, therefore, is not the main cause of abdominal extension, but rather maintains extension when no mechanical locking in the hole prevents the abdomen from elastic retraction.  相似文献   

佩妃延腹榕小蜂的产卵行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
榕树与传粉榕小蜂之间的互惠共生关系是协同进化研究领域中的热点之一。榕树除了与传粉榕小蜂共生外,它还为许多非传粉榕小蜂提供食物和生境。佩妃延腹榕小蜂Philotrypesis pilosa Mayr腹部第8~9节背板极度延伸,形似长长的产卵鞘,其后更长的才是真正的产卵鞘。它将产卵针刺入榕果的果壁,产卵于果内。该蜂是对叶榕Ficus hispida L. 的传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen solmsi (Mayr)的盗食性寄生蜂。我们利用数码照相机记录了佩妃延腹榕小蜂产卵的全过程,详细描述了其产卵行为。发现了前人没有发现的下列行为特点: (1)当雌蜂找到合适的产卵位点时,身体呈倒立状,后足扶持产卵鞘到选定的产卵位点;2)从开始插入产卵针到产卵鞘向后弹出,腹部第8~9节背板延伸部分与产卵鞘之间有两次大幅度的靠拢与分开,第一次靠拢与分开是保证产卵针以最佳的垂直角度插入果内,第二次是使产卵鞘向后弹出,将暴露在外的产卵针顺利地插入果内;3)雌蜂产卵针沿榕果直径方向(最短距离)插入果壁;4)前足与后足比中足发达,与整个产卵过程中支撑身体的行为有关 。  相似文献   

Observations of oviposition behaviour by Chilo partellus revealed that antennae, ovipositor tip and possibly tarsi were all involved in the choice of oviposition site. Among a very large number of typical mechanoreceptor hairs on the tip of the ovipositor valves, two pairs of stouter, blunt-tipped hairs were discovered. These hairs alone took up silver nitrate stain and transmission electron microscope sections revealed that the hair shaft had a hollow lumen within which ran a group of four or five dendrites. It is concluded that these sensilla are contact chemoreceptors and they are positioned in such a way that, with the placing of each egg, they would contact the oviposition substrate. Similar hairs were found on the ovipositor of Spodoptera littoralis . It is suggested that the hairs may prevent oviposition on surfaces directly chemically harmful to the eggs.  相似文献   

Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1880) (Lepidoptera: Castniidae) is a South American insect developing on palms and recently introduced in Europe where it damages most palm species. Understanding the oviposition behaviour would be decisive for risk assessment and pest management but key points on oviposition behaviour are missing. Using wind tunnel and field experiments, we investigated the oviposition timing, the attraction behaviour of mated females to palms and the different steps of oviposition behaviour. Results showed that oviposition behaviour occurred between 3 pm and 6 pm. In the field, gravid females were significantly more attracted by the palm crown than virgin females. The ovipositing females exhibited distinctive steps before ovipositing. Subsequent to alighting on the crown, pre-oviposition behaviour was characterized by two main behavioural steps: walking and probing the surface with antennae and ovipositor. After the choice of oviposition place, the gravid female remains motionless and the extendible ovipositor is deeply introduced into the upper fibrous part of the crown. About 10 eggs can be lays at the same place. Finally, the female starts to walk again and reinitiates the same behavioural sequences. This paper supports the hypothesis that odours from the crown may play a key role in gravid female attraction. The study assessed that P. archon lays on the palm crown, the part of the palm that should be treated for population monitoring.  相似文献   

Re-investigation of the role of the corpora cardiaca in the reproductive behaviour of the giant silkmoths, Hyalophora cecropia and Antheraea polyphemus, showed that this pair of glands plays no essential role, either in “calling” behaviour by virgin females or in increased oviposition due to mating. Removal of corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes, either from diapausing pupae or from freshly eclosed adult females, had no effect on the calling behaviour or on its timing in either species. Moreover after mating, these operated females laid eggs in the typical mated oviposition pattern. Furthermore, females in which there was only a nervous connection between the brain and the abdomen but no haemolymph circulation called normally and oviposited after mating.Although the corpora cardiaca were not essential for calling behaviour, hormogenates of corpora cardiaca-corpora allata complexes and blood from calling or ovipositing females induced a typical “calling” response in 30–60% of the isolated virgin H. cecropia abdomens tested. This activity was not species-specific as it was also found in Manduca sexta, but the restriction of major activity to corpora cardiaca extracts and haemolymph suggested that a neurosecretory factor may modulate the normal neural control of calling behaviour.  相似文献   



Resource partitioning is facilitated by adaptations along niche dimensions that range from morphology to behaviour. The exploitation of hidden resources may require specially adapted morphological or sensory tools for resource location and utilisation. Differences in tool diversity and complexity can determine not only how many species can utilize these hidden resources but also how they do so.

Methodology and Principal Findings

The sclerotisation, gross morphology and ultrastructure of the ovipositors of a seven-member community of parasitic wasps comprising of gallers and parasitoids developing within the globular syconia (closed inflorescences) of Ficus racemosa (Moraceae) was investigated. These wasps also differ in their parasitism mode (external versus internal oviposition) and their timing of oviposition into the expanding syconium during its development. The number and diversity of sensilla, as well as ovipositor teeth, increased from internally ovipositing to externally ovipositing species and from gallers to parasitoids. The extent of sclerotisation of the ovipositor tip matched the force required to penetrate the syconium at the time of oviposition of each species. The internally ovipositing pollinator had only one type of sensillum and a single notch on the ovipositor tip. Externally ovipositing species had multiple sensilla types and teeth on their ovipositors. Chemosensilla were most concentrated at ovipositor tips while mechanoreceptors were more widely distributed, facilitating the precise location of hidden hosts in these wasps which lack larval host-seeking behaviour. Ovipositor traits of one parasitoid differed from those of its syntopic galler congeners and clustered with those of parasitoids within a different wasp subfamily. Thus ovipositor tools can show lability based on adaptive necessity, and are not constrained by phylogeny.


Ovipositor structure mirrored the increasingly complex trophic ecology and requirements for host accessibility in this parasite community. Ovipositor structure could be a useful surrogate for predicting the biology of parasites in other communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The distal part of the ovipositor of Dasineura brassicae Winn. (Diptera; Cecidomyiidae) possesses forty to forty-five sensilla of three morphological types. Most are provided with a cuticular bristle, which projects from the surface of the ovipositor; fifteen have a taste/tactile function based on fine structural characteristics; about twenty-five are innervated by a single sensory cell, specialized for mechanoreception. Scolopidial sensory receptors are anchored to the cuticle inside the distal part of the ovipositor, they probably respond to changes in length of the ovipositor. Different sensory systems are involved in the choice of oviposition site; compound eyes and antennae are probably active in the earlier stages, whereas the receptors of the ovipositor appear well suited to govern the last steps in this behaviour.  相似文献   

Bursicon activity first appears in the haemolymph of the cockroach, Leucophaea maderae, early in ecdysis as the old cuticle splits and separates over the thorax. Hormonal activity reaches high levels in the haemolymph before ecdysis is complete and remains so for about 1·5 hr, with a gradual decline and disappearance by 3 hr. The sensory mechanism controlling bursicon release is located in the thorax and appears to be stimulated as the ecdysial split widens for emergence of the thorax. If the abdomen is isolated before this time no tanning of abdominal cuticle occurs, while the isolated thorax proceeds to tan. Therefore the thoracic ganglia seem to be a site of release for bursicon. Release of the hormone from abdominal and head ganglia may also occur after neural stimulation from the thoracic system. Bursicon activity was found in all ganglia of the central nervous system and the corpora cardiaca-allata complex. Removal of the old cuticle prior to the start of ecdysial behaviour does not result in tanning of the new cuticle. However, if the old cuticle is removed after the insect begins to swallow air in preparation for ecdysis, then the new cuticle tans. Mechanical prevention of ecdysis and later removal of the old cuticle also does not result in tanning of the new cuticle. Therefore, shedding of the old cuticle only activates the release of bursicon in conjunction with other normal ecdysial events.  相似文献   

In adult female crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus), rhythmic movements of ovipositor valves are produced by contractions of a set of ovipositor muscles that mediate egg-laying behavior. Recordings from implanted wire electrodes in the ovipositor muscles of freely moving crickets revealed sequential changes in the temporal pattern of motor activity that corresponded to shifts between behavioral steps: penetration of the ovipositor into a substrate, deposition of eggs, and withdrawal of the ovipositor from the substrate. We aimed in this study to illustrate the neuronal organization producing these motor patterns and the pattern-switching mechanism during the behavioral sequence. Firstly, we obtained intracellular recordings in tethered preparations, and identified 12 types of interneurons that were involved in the rhythmic activity of the ovipositor muscles. These interneurons fell into two classes: ‘initiator interneurons’ in which excitation preceded the rhythmic contractions of ovipositor muscles, and ‘oscillator interneurons’ in which the rhythmic oscillation and spike bursting occurred in sync with the oviposition motor rhythm. One of the oscillator interneurons exhibited different depolarization patterns in the penetration and deposition motor rhythms. It is likely that some of the oscillator interneurons are involved in producing different oviposition motor patterns. Secondly, we analyzed oviposition motor patterns when the mecahnosensory hairs located on the inside surface of the dorsal ovipositor valves were removed. In deafferented preparations, the sequential change from deposition to withdrawal did not occur. Therefore, the switching from deposition pattern to withdrawal pattern is signaled by the hair sensilla that detect the passage of an egg just before it is expelled.  相似文献   

Plant and surrogate stems exhibiting specific combinations of physical cues were used to determine which plant‐related stimuli influence the oviposition of Busseola fusca (Fuller) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The number of eggs and egg batches laid per female increased with an increase in diameter of both natural and artificial stems. Direct observations of the oviposition behaviour (walking, antennating, and sweeping with the ovipositor) indicated that the female moths preferred oviposition supports with a large diameter and non‐pubescent or smooth surfaces over pubescent or rough ones. Pubescence and rough surfaces significantly affected the behavioural steps leading to oviposition by interfering with the ovipositor sweep process necessary to find a suitable oviposition site. Furthermore, more eggs and egg batches were laid on soft than rigid supports. The rigidity of the support affected the proper insertion of the ovipositor for egg deposition. Our results underline the importance of physical stimuli in B. fusca's choice of an oviposition site, which may facilitate the identification of potential host plants or preferred oviposition sites on a plant for this species.  相似文献   

The seasonal changes in ovipositor length and utilization patterns of mussels for oviposition in the rosy bitterling Rhodeus ocellatus kurumeus (Cyprinidae) were investigated in a field experiment and field surveys during the breeding period (April to August). The mean length of ovipositors at oviposition was short at the start (early April) and end (July) of the breeding period. Females with long ovipositor at oviposition were collected between mid‐April and June. Mark‐and‐recapture data showed that ovipositor length at oviposition changed rhythmically throughout the breeding period, shortening and lengthening as the female entered the spawning and resting phase. The density of rosy bitterling embryos in mussels increased between April and June, peaking in May, but decreasing in July. The position of eggs on mussel gills varied from close to the exhalant siphon to deeper inside the gill during April, and periodically thereafter. There was a positive correlation between ovipositor length at oviposition and the distance from exhalant siphon of mussels to eggs deposited by females, suggesting that ovipositor length at oviposition determined the position of eggs deposited on a mussel gill. Because dissolved oxygen in mussel gills decreased with the density of bitterling embryos, suitable positions for embryo survival in gills changed with embryo density. By changing ovipositor length at oviposition, females might be able to spawn their eggs in a position that maximizes embryo survival. Thus, plasticity in ovipositor length at oviposition may play an important role as an adaptation of rosy bitterling in utilizing mussels when their quality as a spawning substratum fluctuates seasonally.  相似文献   

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