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Dietary nucleic acid, or certain constituents thereof, is essential for full development of the mosquito Culex pipiens. Yeast RNA, whole or hydrolysed, is fully effective. Sperm DNA is totally ineffective on its own, but becomes fully effective when supplemented with uridylic acid. RNA can be replaced with only partial success by a mixture of its component nucleotides (adenylic, guanylic, cytidylic, and uridylic acids), but with the addition of thymidylic acid (characteristic of DNA but present in RNA only as a minor component of transfer RNA), the resulting five-nucleotide mixture is a fully adequate replacement for yeast RNA. Single and multiple deletions from this five-nucleotide mixture showed a minimal requirement for three nucleotides: adenylic acid (a purine ribonucleotide) and thymidylic acid (a pyrimidine deoxyribonucleotide) were both specifically required; as the third nucleotide, either cytidylic or uridylic acid (both pyrimidine ribonucleotides) was equally satisfactory. Mixtures of the five nucleosides or five deoxynucleotides corresponding in base composition to the effective five-nucleotide mixture were only partially effective substitutes.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid subcomponents needed to satisfy the dietary nucleic acid requirement of Culex pipiens were studied in growth experiments using synthetic media in which nucleosides, bases and alternative nucleotides were variously substituted in mixtures of 3 nucleotides (adenylic acid, thymidylic acid, and either cytidylic or uridylic acid) previously shown to be adequate replacements for whole nucleic acid. Any or all 3 nucleotides could be replaced by corresponding nucleosides without adverse effect, except that adenosine substitution moderately delayed pupation. All base substitutions were unsatisfactory: substitution of thymine for thymidylic acid allowed development to the adult stage but at a greatly reduced rate; single substitution of adenine, cytosine or uracil for the corresponding nucleotides allowed scarcely more development than in the total absence of nucleic acid derivatives. Inosinic acid or inosine were adequate substitutes for adenylic acid, but orotic acid or orotidine were ineffective in place of the pyrimidine ribonucleotides, cytidylic or uridylic acids. Deoxyadenylic acid could take the place of adenylic acid, though inefficiently, but deoxycytidylic and deoxyuridylic acids were very poor replacements for the corresponding ribonucleotides. The minimal required nucleic acid derivatives thus appear to be a purine ribonucleotide (adenylic or inosinic acids), a pyrimidine ribonucleoside (either uridine or cytidine), and the pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside, thymidine.  相似文献   

Dual infections with a mosquito iridescent virus (MIV) and the mermithid nematode, Strelkovimermis spiculatus were recorded in natural Culex pipiens populations around La Plata city, Argentina. S. spiculatus was detected in 82% of samples that were positive for MIV infection. Dissected larvae of Cx. pipiens with patent MIV infection presented 42% infection with S. spiculatus. Larvae of Cx. pipiens exposed to MIV and S. spiculatus under laboratory conditions produced a high joint infection rate (82.5%) while no infection was recorded on larvae exposed to virus suspension only. Field and laboratory results suggest a strong association between S. spiculatus and MIV in natural populations of Cx. pipiens, in which S. spiculatus could be a mode of entry for the virus into the mosquito hemocele.  相似文献   

Effects of various inhibitors of prostaglandin metabolism on essential fatty acid function in Culex pipiens were examined by rearing the mosquito in synthetic dietary media containing arachidonic acid and putative prostaglandin inhibitors in various combinations. Both non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs variously inhibited overall development and the arachidonic acid-dependent viability of newly emerged adults. In many cases such inhibitory effects could be counteracted by increased concentrations of dietary arachidonic acid, indicating that in the mosquito, as in mammals, these drugs interfered with arachidonic acid function specifically. In the cases of non-steroidal anti-inflammatorials (indomethacin, phenylbutazone and acetaminophen), which are known to inhibit enzymes of the prostaglandin synthetase complex, such inhibition is construed to indicate that prostaglandinogenesis may be among the physiological functions underlying the essentiality of arachidonic acid for the mosquito.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of juvenile hormone deprivation on the growth of secondary follicles during the second gonotrophic cycle, female mosquitoes, Culex pipiens L., were allatectomized daily after the first blood meal. Allatectomy on days 1–3 suppressed growth of secondary follicles indicating that juvenile hormone was required for a second gonotrophic cycle. When allatectomy was performed 4 days or more after the first blood meal, secondary follicles grew, indicating the presence of juvenile hormone. However, if mosquitoes were allatectomized before oviposition, only 25% developed a second batch of eggs after a second blood meal.Allatectomies performed 1 and 24 h after oviposition indicated that additional juvenile hormone was released after deposition of the first batch of eggs, and that this second release was needed for secondary follicles to complete previtellogenic growth. Thus, in C. pipiens, secondary follicles undergo two periods of juvenile hormone-mediated growth-one before and one after oviposition.  相似文献   

Hemolymph composition of fourth instar larvae of an autogenous strain of Culex pipiens was examined to determine the effects of parasitism by a mermithid nematode, Romanomermis culicivorax. Mosquitoes were reared under two different pH regimens: 4.5 and 7.3. Wet and dry weight of infected mosquitoes reared at either pH were significantly lower than controls. The effects of parasitism in the development of C. pipiens were evaluated from paraffin sections of mosquito larvae 2, 4, and 6 days postinfection. At 2 days postinfection, the infected larvae showed no apparent effects of parasitism; at day 4, the fat body tissue was reduced and imaginal disc development was retarded; and at day 6, parasitized mosquitoes were smaller in cross section, fat body tissue was found only in isolated clumps, and there was a complete absence of imaginal discs. Concentrations of total carbohydrates in hemolymph from infected fourth instar mosquitoes reared at pH 7.3 were reduced. Trehalose and glucose were each reduced by more than half. Total α-amino nitrogen was significantly lower in infected mosquitoes reared at pH 7.3. However, total amino acid concentrations for hemolymph from control and infected larvae reared at pH 7.3 were the same. Methionine sulfoxide decreased 63% and proline increased 2.5 times in infected mosquitoes. Hemolymph protein concentrations were reduced 80% in infected mosquitoes reared at both pHs. The number of hemolymph proteins also declined from 35 to 22 during infection. Two host proteins, 82,000 and 158,000 daltons, remained prominent throughout the mermithid infection.  相似文献   

The nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora serves as a vector enabling its bacterial associate to reach the hemocoel of its host, the seventh-instar larva of Galleria mellonella. At 28.5°C, the LD50s of the orally introduced nematode-bacterial complex and the intrahemocoelically injected bacteria are three to six nematodes and one to two cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Oral introduction of invasive juveniles of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora results in an inhibition of silk production by seventh-instar larvae of Galleria mellonella. The inhibition can be duplicated by intrahemocoelic injection of its bacterial associate alone. The inhibition varies directly with dose and is correlated with a progressive increase in hemolymph bacterial titer.  相似文献   

At 28.5°C, oral dosages of the invasive juveniles of Heterorhabditis bacteriophora and intrahemocoelic injections of its associated bacterium, Xenorhabdus luminescens, resulted in a decrease in larval feeding rate, larval wet weight, and frass production in its host, the seventh-instar larvae of Schizura concinna.  相似文献   

Shortly after penetration into the hemocoel of seventh-instar larva of Galleria mellouella, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora begins feeding upon the fat body. Disruption of the organ is associated with an increase in turbidity and hemolymph refractive index. Intrahemocoelic injection of the associated bacterium alone results in a depression of the refractive index.  相似文献   

Frequent melanization of larvae of the nematode Dirofilaria immitis parasitizing the Malpighian tubules of the mosquito, Aedes sollicitans, has been observed. Melanized and nonmelanized larvae in the Malpighian tubules were examined using light and electron microscopy. The results indicate that the pattern of melanin deposition and the ultrastructural characteristics of the pigment around the worms are identical to that observed on nematodes which have undergone humoral melanization in other dipteran insects. In the Malpighian tubules, no contact between the intracellular melanized nematodes and the hemolymph or hemocytes was observed. The results suggest that the Malpighian tubules of this species of mosquito are capable of inducing a melanotic response to invading nematode parasites. It is proposed that this is an example of “humoral” melanization at an intracellular site.  相似文献   

Chloroform/methanol extracts were prepared from groups of Culex pipiens reared in synthetic dietary media provided with various concentrations of arachidonic acid. Extracts were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography to determine the fatty acid composition of whole extracts and also of phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions separated by thin-layer chromatography from the whole extracts. The same extracts were also tested for their ability to support flight of adult C. pipiens reared in basal synthetic diet containing various concentrations of the extracts: this provided a bioassay for the presence of arachidonic acid or related polyunsaturates in the extracted lipid, since adults can fly only if provided, as larvae, with dietary arachidonic or related fatty acids. For comparison, chromatographic and bioassay data obtained from normal stock mosquitoes, reared in crude septic medium, are also presented. All extracts were shown by gas-liquid chromatography to contain some arachidonic acid and other polyunsaturated fatty acids. The proportions of arachidonic acid in extracts from mosquitoes reared in synthetic media were greater the greater the concentration of dietary arachidonic acid provided; and in the bioassay, extracts induced more flight activity in test mosquitoes the higher the dietary arachidonic acid provided for extracted mosquitoes. Extracts from stock-reared mosquitoes were more active in the bioassay than synthetic dietreared extracts, even though gas-liquid chromatography indicated lower proportions of arachidonic acid in stock-reared extract. However, stock-reared extract contained a substantial proportion of gammalinolenic acid, which is flight active for C. pipiens, as well as more linolenic acid and a large amount of linoleic acid, both of which are semi-active for flight; thus, stock-reared extract contained a higher overall proportion of flight-inducing fatty acids. Proportions of polyunsaturates in the phospholipid fractions of extracts from synthetic diet-reared mosquitoes were much greater than in the unfractionated extracts, whereas polyunsaturates were virtually absent from the triacylglycerol fractions, indicating a sequestering of polyunsaturates into phospholipids.  相似文献   

Culex salinarius is susceptible to Plasmodium hermani, a malarial parasite of wild turkeys in Florida. The sporogonous cycle was completed and mosquitoes with infected salivary glands transmitted the parasite by bites. Transmission was also achieved by intraperitoneal and intravenous injections of whole body slurry. This is the third species found to be susceptible to turkey malaria in Florida. A comparison of C. salinarius with two other susceptible Florida mosquitoes, Culex nigripalpus and Wyeomyia vanduzeei, revealed that C. salinarius was more susceptible to P. hermani based on oocyst counts. C. nigripalpus has previously been demonstrated as an experimental and a natural vector of P. hermani, whereas W. vanduzeei has been designated as an experimental host only. In W. vanduzeei at least 30% of the oocysts were melanized (“black bodies”) and this mosquito did not transmit the parasite via bites. Additional detailed comparisons of comparative susceptibility and transmission potentials of these three species to turkey malaria, P. hermani, have been made.  相似文献   

Insect repellents are widely used to protect against insect bites and thus prevent allergic reaction and the spread of disease. To gain insight into the mosquito’s response to chemicals repellents, we investigated the interaction between the olfactory system of the mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say and chemical repellents using single sensillum recording. The interactions of 50 repellent chemicals with olfactory receptor neurons were measured in six different types of mosquito sensilla: long sharp trichoid (LST), short sharp trichoid (SST), short blunt trichoid I (SBT-I), short blunt trichoid II (SBT-II), short blunt trichoid-curved (SBT-C), and grooved peg (GP). A single olfactory neuron reacted to the chemical repellents in each of the sensilla except for SBT-I and SBT-II, where two neurons were involved. Other than LST and GP, which showed no or very weak responses to the repellents tested, all the sensilla showed significant excitatory responses to certain types of repellents. Terpene-derived chemicals such as eucalyptol, α-pinene, and camphor, stimulated olfactory receptor neurons in a dose-dependent manner and mosquitoes responded more strongly to terpene-derived chemical repellents than to non-terpene-derived chemicals such as dimethyl phthalate. Mosquitoes also exhibited a similar response to stereoisomers of chemicals such as (−)-β-pinene versus (+)-β-pinene, and (−)-menthone versus (+)-menthone. This study not only demonstrates the effects of chemical repellents on the mosquito olfactory system but also provides important information that will assist those screening new mosquito repellents and designing new mosquito control agents.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanism by which mermithid nematodes avoid encapsulation responses of insect hosts. In this study, we investigated the influence of the mermithid nematode Ovomermis sinensis on host Helicoverpa armigera hemocyte number, encapsulation activity, spreading behavior and cytoskeleton. Parasitism by O. sinensis caused a significant increase in the total hemocyte counts (THC) and plasmatocyte numbers of H. armigera. However, in vivo encapsulation assays revealed that hemocyte encapsulation abilities of H. armigera were suppressed by O. sinensis. Moreover, parasitism by O. sinensis changed the spreading behavior and cytoskeletons of the host hemocytes. The results suggested that O. sinensis could actively suppress the hemocyte immune response of its host, possibly by destroying the host hemocyte cytoskeleton. This is the first report of a possible mechanism by which mermithid nematodes suppress encapsulation responses of insect hosts.  相似文献   

Despite current theory that fungi of the order Laboulbeniales are not injurious to their hosts, we found that Trenomyces histophtorus, a parasite of Mallophaga, invaded the body cavity of its host and produced an extensive rhizomycelium that resulted in the loss of fat body and skeletal muscle in these insects.  相似文献   

小地老虎Agrotis ipsilon是烟草Nicotiana tabacum移栽期主要的切根害虫,严重危害烟草生产。为研判烟草生产中符合双减(减肥、减药)要求的生物和生态防控技术,集成适合推广的虫害综合治理模式,本研究在云南玉溪华宁县以昆虫病原线虫(EPN)Steinernema carpocapsae All粉剂和化学药剂敌杀死(溴氰菊酯)处理,配合2种幼虫食诱方法(传统引诱剂、人工引诱剂)以及2种增效助剂(激健1、2)组合,调查移栽后烟草幼苗受小地老虎危害死亡率,评价生物药剂、食诱剂和助剂对烟草幼苗的保护效果。结果表明,无论是否存在食诱剂,移栽4 d各施药处理均能显著降低烟草幼苗死亡率,随时间的推移,所有处理的烟草幼苗死亡率均显著上升;无食诱剂情况下,EPN+激健1和敌杀死于移栽7 d仍具显著保苗效果;传统的糖醋酒液食诱法本身具备一定保苗效果,配合施药,初期效果最好,4 d时,烟草幼苗危害率最低达0.83%±0.008%(传统食诱剂+昆虫病原线虫);人工食诱剂持效性最好,移栽10 d时配合EPN、EPN+激健2和敌杀死仍具明显保苗效果。施用化学药剂时,食诱剂本身对保苗效果无显著贡献;使用EPN时,传统食诱法较空白具有显著保苗效果,但与人工食诱法间差异不显著。移栽4 d时,EPN+激健1较单独施放EPN具显著保苗效果,之后调查中添加助剂小区与EPN小区无显著差异。综上所述,EPN粉剂配合人工食诱剂和激健助剂,可长期较好地抑制小地老虎对烟草幼苗危害,为集成烟草全程绿色生态治理模式提供了有效参考。  相似文献   

It has now been well established that insects can respond to variation in their environment via acclimation, yet the extent of the response varies among populations and environmental characteristics. One under-investigated theme which may contribute to this variation concerns acclimation effects across the life cycle. The present study explores how acclimation in the larval stage of Culex pipiens affects thermal relations in the adult stage. Mosquitoes were reared in a full factorial design at 18 or 26 °C as larvae and adults, then critical thermal maxima (CTmax) and metabolic rate–temperature relationships (MR–T) were determined for all 4 treatments. CTmax was positively affected by both larval and adult acclimation treatments. MR–T slope was significantly affected only by adult treatment: warm acclimated adults had on average shallower slopes and higher y-intercepts than cool acclimated ones. These results demonstrate that larval acclimation effects can alter adult phenotypes in a species whose life cycle includes two drastically different environments, an aquatic and a terrestrial stage. Studying insects with complex life cycles, especially those with aquatic or subterranean larval stages, can provide valuable information on the effects of thermal variability and predictability on phenotypic plasticity.  相似文献   

1 Sirex noctilio F. (Hymenoptera: Siricidae) is a wood‐boring wasp that attacks many pine species, including commercial trees planted throughout the world. Management of its populations is largely based on biological control using the nematode Beddingia siricidicola. Adult females are sterilized by the nematode, but are free to move and attack new trees, promoting nematode dispersal. Although generally successful, wasp management through nematode introductions has sometimes been inadequate. 2 We evaluated the effect of parasitism by B. siricidicola on flight performance of woodwasps under laboratory conditions. Using flight mills, we recorded a total of 46 flight trials over 23 h, obtained from infected and control (uninfected) females. 3 Although all wasps lost weight during flight, parasitized females were significantly smaller and suffered larger weight losses than uninfected females. In addition, total flight distance and velocity were lower in parasitized females. 4 Because nematode infection transmission relies on healthy wasps attacking trees previously visited by nematode‐bearing females, differential dispersal capacity could limit biological control success.  相似文献   

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