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Summary The cerebral neurohemal area of Melanogryllus desertus is located posteriorly among the neurons of nervus corporis cardiaci I (NCCI) on the ventral median surface of the protocerebrum where axons penetrate the neural lamella and terminate on its outer surface. Numerous neurosecretory fibers containing three different types of granule occur within and on the outer surface of the neural lamella.The release of neurosecretory granules is accomplished by exocytosis and the formation of synaptoids. It can also take place as a mass release of granules into the stroma.  相似文献   

Adult female Dysdercus cingulatus which feed on cotton seeds shows a decrease in midgut protease and invertase after extirpation of the median neurosecretory cells (mnc). This is reversed after implantation of fresh active mnc into the operated insects if they are allowed to feed on cotton seeds. However, when these insects are fed only on sucrose solution after implantation of mnc, protease or invertase does not increase. A significant decrease in food consumption is also noticed after ablation of the mnc which is reversed by their implantation. It is suggested that the mnc stimulate food consumption and that this ingested food in turn stimulates the digestive enzyme activity through a secretogogue mechanism in Dysdercus cingulatus.  相似文献   

The brain and thoracic ganglion neurosecretory cells of the freshwater prawn, M. kistnensis displayed characteristic changes following 24 hr exposure to warm (31.0° ± 0.5°C) and cold (13.0° ±0.5°C) stress. A and B cells from the brain showed significant elevation in their nuclear diameters after warm and cold stress. Warm stress depressed whereas cold stress enhanced the neurosecretory material intensity of A cells. However, the intensity of B cells neurosecretory material remained unaltered following both treatments. On the contrary nuclear diameters of both A and B neurosecretory cell significantly decreased and an increment in neurosecretory material intensity was revealed in the thoracic ganglion of both warm and cold stressed prawns.  相似文献   

Summary The paramedian neurosecretory cells (PNC) (A-type) in the suboesophageal ganglion of the cricket, Teleogryllus commodus (Walk.), have been studied by electron microscopy. In control animals (10 day-old virgin females) three different cell stages could be distinguished: Stage 1 shows a variable content of elementary granules and characteristics of actively synthesising cells. Stage 2 is characterised by the presence of numerous fusion bodies, which are formed by the coalescence of elementary granules, presumably for storage purposes. In stage 3 granules are degraded in lysosomes (?). While the production of material rich in cysteine increases after ovariectomy (Dürnberger et al., 1978), the fine structure of the cells is essentially unchanged. The only noted differences are an increased lysosomal synthetic activity and the existence of stages intermediate between 2 and 3, which were never found in control animals. The functional significance of the different stages is discussed.  相似文献   

When examined under an electron microscope, the central nervous system of Megalobulimus abbreviatus showed two types of glial cells: firstly, protoplasmic glial cells which displayed a nucleus with peripheral heterochromatin, scanty or no intermediate filaments, a developed Golgi complex, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticula, mitochondria and polymorphic lysosomes that indicate phagocytic activity of debris from the extracellular space; and, secondly, fibrous glial cells which showed numerous glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin immunoreactive intermediate filament bundles, a discrete Golgi complex, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, lipid droplets and lysosomes. The contacts between the glial cells consisted of desmosomes and puncta adherentia, while those between the glial cells and the basal lamina consisted of hemidesmosomes. Both glial cell types were located in the cortex and medullary regions, however, the protoplasmic glial cells prevailed in the cortical region, while the fibrous glial cells prevailed in the medullar region. As the nervous tissue is avascular, the passage of nutrients and waste products may be facilitated by the glial labyrinthic system which is located in the cortical region. Glial processes adjacent to large and giant neurones formed a trophospongium, which seemed to be involved in a metabolic exchange between these cells. Thus, this evidence suggests that glial cells of M. abbreviatus are involved in structural support, isolation of different ganglionic areas, the formation of a microcirculatory system and an intimate metabolic relationship with neurones.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is an intermediate filament protein considered to be the best astroglial marker. However, the predominant cell population in adult human brain tissue cultures does not express GFAP; these cells have been termed “glia-like” cells. The basic question about histological origin of adult human brain cultures remains unanswered. Some authors showed that “glia-like” cells in adult human brain cultures might be of non-glial origin. We examined primary explant tissue cultures derived from 70 adult human brain biopsies. Within first 5–10 days approximately 5–10% of the small explants became attached. Outgrowing cells were mostly flat cells. These cells formed confluent layer over 3–6 weeks in culture. At confluence the cultures contained 2–5% of microglial cells, 0.1% GFAP-positive astrocytes, less than 0.01% oligodendrocytes and 95–98% GFAP-negative “glia-like” cells. This population of flat “glia-like” cells was positively stained for vimentin, fibronectin, and 20–30% of these cells stained for nestin. Our findings revealed that 1 mM dibutyryl-cAMP addition, in serum free conditions, induced a reversible stellation in 5-10% of the flat “glia-like” cells but did not induce the expression of GFAP or nestin in morphologically changed stellate cells. These results demonstrate that “glia-like” cells in primary adult human brain cultures constitute heterogeneous cell populations albeit with similar morphological features. Two distinct subpopulations have been shown: (i) the one immunostained for nestin; and (ii) the other reactive for dibutyryl-cAMP treatment.  相似文献   

In each optic lobe and optic peduncle of two aquatic beetles viz. Dineutes indicus and Cybister rugulosus the neurosecretory cells are observed with the help of various histochemical techniques. These cells are arranged to form a discrete group. A group in the optic lobe of both species contains about 25 to 30 neurosecretory cells. On the basis of staining properties the neurosecretory cells are classified into A and B types. These cells stain with chrome haematoxylin-phloxine and paraldehyde fuchsin, but do not stain with azan. Histochemically, the neurosecretory material is positive for proteins and shows a negative reaction for 1,2-glycols. The cells show variations in RNA contents in correlation with the state of secretory activity. Axons of the neurosecretory cell group of the optic lobe are observed directed to the optic peduncle. The axonal tract from neurosecretory cells in the optic peduncle runs towards the lateral margin of the brain.  相似文献   

Annual changes in the brain neurosecretory profile of Poecilobdella viridis in relation to reproductive activity have been investigated. The changes in A cell neurosecretory activities were found to be in strong correlative correspondence with the reproductive programme. Heavy accumulation of neurosecretory material was observed in A cells perikarya during the reproductive period i.e. from March to June, 1975, with enlarged nuclei and during reproductive quiescence i.e. from August, 1974 to January 1975, the neurosecretory activity was low.  相似文献   

Summary Neuropile glial (NG) cells in the central nervous system of the medicinal leech, Hirudo medicinalis L., were studied by histological and intracellular electrophysiological methods. Potential profiles of single leech ganglia were mapped by advancing an electrolyte-filled microelectrode into the ganglion as far as the NG cell. A small negative potential usually appeared during or immediately after penetration of the ganglion sheath. Most of the ganglia in the chain (ganglia 1–4 and 7–21) have Retzius-cell-bodies of normal size; in these, the potential associated with the ganglion sheath was followed by a jump to a more negative potential. Superimposed action potentials were associated with entry of the electrode into a Retzius cell. When the electrode tip passed out of the cell into the center of the ganglion, another potential change was observed, namely that to the membrane potential of the anterior NG cell. This membrane potential averaged -60.2 mV and ranged from -50 to -73 mV. In ganglia 5 and 6 the Retzius-cell-bodies are particularly small, and no changes of potential associated with these cells were observed; the first potential to appear after the electrode passed through the sheath of the ganglion was the membrane potential of the NG cell. Potential profiles like those of ganglia 5 and 6 are recorded in the posterior parts of all ganglia.Potential profiles of single leech ganglia were also recorded with microelectrodes filled with the fluorescent dye Procion Yellow M4-RAN. When the presumed membrane potential of an NG cell appeared, the dye was injected into the ganglion. Subsequent histological examination with the fluorescence microscope revealed that all of the dye was contained in NG cells.Supported by a Fellowship (Heisenberg-Stipendium, Schl 169/5) and grants (Schl 169/2, 4) to W.R.S. from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftThe authors thank Gisela Geiger for excellent assistance during this work  相似文献   

Polymorphic di‐, tri‐ and tetranucleotide repeats were examined in Allonemobius to determine whether they could serve as useful markers in studies of sperm precedence, population genetics and hybrid zone structure. Ten microsatellite DNA loci were sufficiently polymorphic to be used for paternity tests and showed no evidence of linkage disequilibrium or deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium in Allonemobius socius. Nine of 10 of these microsatellites can be amplified from three other Allonemobius species, suggesting that these markers will have widespread utility in this ground cricket genus.  相似文献   

In members of the cricket subfamily Eneopterinae (Orthoptera, Grylloidea), songs with powerful high-frequency (HF) harmonics have evolved, which likely represents a distinctive acoustic adaptation. In this study, we analysed or reanalysed the songs of the three eneopterine genera present in the Neotropics to evaluate whether they also possess high-amplitude HF components. We present new data and combine several lines of evidence to interpret or reinterpret the calling signals of a representative species for each genus. We used new recordings in order to detect and analyse potential HF components of the songs. Stridulatory files were measured, and stridulation was studied using high-speed video recordings. The results suggest that all eneopterine genera from the Neotropics use HFs to communicate, based on the rich harmonic content of their songs. Strikingly, the Neotropical eneopterines possess high dominant frequencies, recalling the patterns observed in the tribe Lebinthini, the most speciose tribe of the subfamily distributed in the Western Pacific region and in Southeast Asia: Ligypterus and Ponca show dominant harmonic peaks, whereas Eneoptera possesses unique features. The three species under study, however, deal differently with HFs.  相似文献   

Summary The neurosecretory cells of the corpus cardiacum of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria secrete their hormonal products by exocytosis. The insecticide lindane is known to cause release of hyperglycaemic and adipokinetic neurohormones. Electron microscopy of lindane-poisoned corpora cardiaca reveals many exocytotic omega figures. Mitochondria are affected either directly by the poison or by the consequences of secretory hyperactivity. They occur in increased number, divide, acquire dense mitochondrial granules larger than in the controls, and sometimes line up along plasma membranes, mitochondria in two neighbouring cells forming pairs in juxtaposition. Between two such mitochondria the plasma membranes form a junction-like structure. It is suggested that these effects reflect an excessive calcium entry caused by lindane.This work was supported by a Wellcome-Carlsberg Travelling Research Fellowship awarded to T.N. and by a Commonwealth Scholarship for Postgraduate Research awarded to M.S.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of urotensin I has been investigated in the caudal neurosecretory system of the white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). The peptide is present in all the cells of the system both large and small, in the large axons passing to the urophysis, and in fine beaded fibres not only within the urophysis but also in a fine plexus lateral to the large cells in the spinal cord proper. The possibility that the caudal neurosecretory system is not a functionally uniform system but rather a collection of dissimilar cells of different synaptic inputs with a common entity, urotensin I, is discussed. Moreover, the feasibility of a urotensin I feedback loop is described.Financial support for this investigation was provided in part by MRC (Canada). K.L. is MRC career investigator; K.L.W, was in receipt of an Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Fellowship. It is a pleasure to record the valuable technical assistance of Mrs. W. Ho and the dedicated assistance in the collection of the experimental animals by Mrs. Helen Wilson of Nanton, Alberta.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocytochemical staining has shown that the median neurosecretory cells (MNC) of the brain of the blowfly, Calliphora vomitoria, contain an insulin-like material which cross reacts with antibodies to bovine insulin. There are 24–26 paraldehyde fuchsin-positive MNC of which only 6–8 show the specific insulin-like immunoreactivity.Dr. M.C. Thorndyke, Department of Zoology, Bedford College, London University, kindly provided us with fluorescence facilities, and we are also grateful to him for helpful discussions on the immunofluorescence procedure  相似文献   

The enhancement of electrical activity of the neurosecretory cells in the brain and corpus cardiacum of Rhodnius prolixus induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone has been used as a means of examining the role of aminergic neurons in this reflex. The response of the brain and corpus cardiacum from mated ovariectomized females to 20-hydroxyecdysone was blocked by phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine (α-aminergic receptor antagonists) but not by propranolol (a β-aminergic receptor antagonist). Preparations taken from ‘reserpinzed’ females failed to respond to 20-hydroxyecdysone. Dopamine at 10?7 M was capable of mimicking 20-hydroxyecdysone in activating the neurosecretory system from mated ovariectomised females as well as from ‘reserpinized’ mated ovariectomised females. The response to dopamine was blocked by phentolamine. The neurosecretory system from virgin ovariectomized females failed to respond to 10?7 or 10?6 M dopamine, but was activated by 10?5 M dopamine.It is concluded that the action of 20-hydroxyecdysone onto the neurosecretory cells is indirect and involves aminergic interneurons. The results also suggest that the mating stimuli may function by enhancing the response of neurons to amines.  相似文献   

Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) is a novel evolutionary conserved protein which can protect and restore the function of dopaminergic neurons in the rat model of Parkinson's disease, suggesting that CDNF might be beneficial for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. CDNF is widely expressed in neurons in several brain regions including cerebral cortex, hippocampus, substantia nigra, striatum and cerebellum. Human CDNF is glycosylated and secreted from transiently transfected cells; however, the mechanism underlying CDNF secretion is currently unclear. In this study, we found that CDNF could be secreted primarily via the regulated secretion pathway in PC12 cells. The glycosylation of CDNF is not required for its secretion. Moreover, we identified two key subdomains in CDNF which are important for its intracellular localization and secretion. Disrupting helix-1 of CDNF significantly reduces its constitutive and regulated secretion and the helix-1 mutant is retained in the endoplasmic reticulum. Although helix-7 mutation only decreases CDNF regulated secretion and has no effect on its constitutive secretion, which is further supported by the reduction in co-localization of helix-7 mutant with secretory granules. In all, these findings will advance our understanding of the molecular mechanism of CDNF trafficking and secretion.  相似文献   

Changes in the neurosecretory cell cytology of I. exustus subjected to hypertonic saline (0.1 ml of 1.5%/snail) loading and thermal stress (35°C) for two hours, have been investigated. Of the two types of neurosecretory cells A and B that are present in the central nervous system (CNS) of I. exustus, striking changes were evident only in B cells. After both treatments, there was about 33% decline in NSM (Neurosecretory material) intensity. However, the nuclear diameter of B cells was significantly (P < 0.001) increased in the snails administrated with hypertonic saline unlike in those exposed to 35°C wherein significant (P < 0.005) decline was evident. The adaptive significance of the neuroendocrine system of I exustus is discussed in relation to hydrothermal stress.  相似文献   

Glial cells are the most abundant cells in the central nervous system and play crucial roles in neural development, homeostasis, immunity, and conductivity. Over the past few decades, glial cell activity in mammals has been linked to circadian rhythms, the 24-h chronobiological clocks that regulate many physiological processes. Indeed, glial cells rhythmically express clock genes that cell-autonomously regulate glial function. In addition, recent findings in rodents have revealed that disruption of the glial molecular clock could impact the entire organism. In this review, we discuss the impact of circadian rhythms on the function of the three major glial cell types – astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocytes – across different locations within the central nervous system. We also review recent evidence uncovering the impact of glial cells on the body's circadian rhythm. Together, this sheds new light on the involvement of glial clock machinery in various diseases.  相似文献   

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