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BioControl - The alfalfa weevil (Hypera postica Gyllenhal, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest of alfalfa crops. Chemical control measures are inefficient, but the larvae are often infested...  相似文献   

Abstract:  Floral nectars, homopteran honeydews and honey are known to increase parasitoid longevity. However, these foods are composed of several sugars which may differentially affect longevity. We tested the effects of individual sugars and mixtures on the longevity of Bathyplectes curculionis Thomson (Hym., Ichenumonidae), a natural enemy of the alfalfa weevil. There was a significant difference in the longevity of female wasps on the various diets. Glucose or fructose alone appeared to have the most benefits while trehalose and melezitose were not as useful for increasing wasp longevity. Suitability of these sugars for provisioning food for parasitoids in the field is discussed.  相似文献   

To successfully complete its endoparasitic development, the strepsipteran Xenos vesparum needs to elude the defense mechanisms of its host, the wasp Polistes dominulus. SEM and TEM observations after artificial infections allow us to outline the steps of this intimate host-parasite association. Triungulins, the mobile 1st instar larvae of this parasite, are able to "softly" overcome structural barriers of the larval wasp (cuticle and epidermis) without any traumatic reaction at the entry site, to reach the hemocoel where they settle. The parasite molts 48 h later to a 2nd instar larva, which moves away from the 1st instar exuvium, molts twice more without ecdysis (a feature unique to Strepsiptera) and pupates, if male, or develops into a neotenic female. Host encapsulation involves the abandoned 1st larval exuvium, but not the living parasite. In contrast to the usual process of encapsulation, it occurs only 48 h after host invasion or later, and without any melanization. In further experiments, first, we verified Xenos vesparum's ability to reinfect an already parasitized wasp larva. Second, 2nd instar larvae implanted in a new host did not evoke any response by hemocytes. Third, we tested the efficiency of host defense mechanisms by implanting nylon filaments in control larval wasps, excluding any effect due the dynamic behavior of a living parasite; within a few minutes, we observed the beginning of a typical melanotic encapsulation plus an initial melanization in the wound site. We conclude that the immune response of the wasp is manipulated by the parasite, which is able to delay and redirect encapsulation towards a pseudo-target, the exuvia of triungulins, and to elude hemocyte attack through an active suppression of the immune defense and/or a passive avoidance of encapsulation by peculiar surface chemical properties.  相似文献   

D. Jones 《BioControl》1986,31(2):153-161
The implications of parasite regulation of host endocrinology for successful biological control have not been fully appreciated. Insect parasites regulate host metamorphosis in a number of different ways. For a given host (pest) situation, each form of host regulation has its own advantages and disadvantages. Careful selection of a parasite based upon its mode lf host regulation can enhance the potential for biological control success. A basic knowledge of the endocrine basis for parasite regulation of its host will enable prediction of whether a parasite can regulate, and survive in, a host to which it has not been previously exposed.  相似文献   

Urolepis rufipes Ashmead, a pteromalid wasp, was recently discovered parasitizing house fly and stable fly pupae in eastern Nebraska dairies. Studies have been conducted on the biology of this parasite to evaluate its potential as a biological control agent of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.] and house flies (Musca domestica L.). House fly pupae were suitable as hosts for U.rufipes at all ages; however, significantly higher parasitism occurred on host pupae aged 96-120 h. Parasite-induced mortality (host mortality without progeny production) was higher than for other pteromalid parasites of filth flies under similar conditions. Parasitism increased with parasite--host ratio at 20 degrees C; however, the opposite was noted at 30 degrees C for parasite--host ratios ranging from 5:50 to 50:50. Fly eclosion decreased as parasite--host ratio increased at 20 degrees C, and no host eclosion occurred at the highest parasite--host ratios (20:50 and 50:50) at 30 degrees C. Females produced an average of 18.6 female and 7.6 male progeny. 88% of the progeny were produced during the first 6 days post parental eclosion. The short life span, low progeny emergence rate and high per cent host eclosion, in comparison with other parasite species, suggests that the Nebraska strain of U.rufipes may not an effective biological control agent of house flies.  相似文献   

Chen C. C. and Laurence B. R. 1985. An ultrastructural study on the encapsulation of microfilariae of Brugia pahangi in the haemocoel of Anopheles quadrimaculatus. International Journal for Parasitology15: 421–428. The encapsulation of microfilariae of Brugia pahangi in the haemocoel of Anopheles quadrimaculatus was studied ultrastructurally. The microfilariae was first seen enclosed in an acellular electron dense capsule as early as 10 min after the engorgement of the mosquitoes from a cat parasitized by filariae. Two hours later, the mosquito plasmatocytes spread onto and around the humoral capsule. A completed capsule, which was seen at 24–48 h, was composed of an inner humoral layer and outer cellular layer. After 1 week, some electron dense haemocytes were seen attached to the outer surface of the cellular layer. These results suggested that the encapsulation of microfilariae in the haemocoel of mosquitoes combines both humoral and cellular reaction; humoral encapsulation occurs first and cellular encapsulation takes place later. The significance of combined reactions of humoral and cellular encapsulation in the mosquito-filarial system is discussed with reference to the encapsulation reaction of other insects.  相似文献   

M. Kivan  N. Kilic 《BioControl》2004,49(5):553-562
Trissolcus semistriatus(Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) has a high potentialfor being an effective biological control agentfor the sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps.This study was conducted to determine thepreferences of T. semistriatus in termsof host species and age of variousheteropteran host eggs (E. integriceps,Dolycoris baccarum, Graphosoma lineatum,Eurydema ornatum, Holcostethus vernalis). Theresults indicated that a small portion ofparasitism of E. ornatum eggs wasobtained (28.5%), although high parasitismrates were found in other host eggs(90.0–80.0%). A high percentage of adultemergence was also recorded. When tested for its ability toparasitize host eggs of different ages,T. semistriatus was found to preferyounger hosts: it showed parasitism ratesgreater than 50% with up to 3 daysold E. integriceps and D.baccarum, and with up to 4 days old G. lineatum and H. vernalis. However, theparasitism rates in all the ages of E. ornatum eggs were much lower than for other hostspecies. The developmental times in all hostspecies at different ages was extended withincreased host age. It was concluded that G. lineatum and D. baccarum could beused for mass production of egg parasitoids.  相似文献   

The speed and the dynamics of the co-evolutionary process strongly depend on the relative strengths of reciprocal selection pressures exerted by the interacting species. Here, we investigate the influence of an obligate social parasite, the slave-making ant Harpagoxenus sublaevis, on populations of the two main host species Leptothorax acervorum and Leptothorax muscorum from a German ant community. A combination of genetic and demographic data allowed us to analyse the consequences of raiding pressure on the hosts' life history and possible host preferences of the parasite. We can demonstrate that slave raids during which the social parasite pillages brood from neighbouring host colonies are both frequent and extremely destructive for both host species. Microsatellite analysis showed that, on average, a single slave-maker colony conducts more than three raids per year and that host colonies mostly perish in the aftermath of these parasite attacks. Only in few cases, surviving nests of previously raided host colonies were found in the surroundings of slave-maker colonies. As a consequence of the high prevalence of parasites and their recurrent and devastating slave raids on host colonies, the life expectancy of host colonies was severely reduced. Combining our results on host-specific parasitic colony founding and raiding frequencies with the post-raid survival rate, we can demonstrate an overall higher mortality rate for the smaller host species L. muscorum. This might be caused by a preference of H. sublaevis for this secondary host species as demographic data on host species usage indicate.  相似文献   

Abstract. Parasitoid host range may proceed from traits affecting host suitability, traits affecting parasitoid foraging behaviour, or both. We tested the hypothesis that encapsulation can be used as a reliable indicator of parasitoid host range in two closely related larval endoparasitoids of Lepidoptera. Cotesia glomerata (L.) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is gregarious and a generalist on several species of Pieridae, whereas C. rubecula (Marshall) is solitary and specific to Pieris rapae (L.). We determined the effects of host species ( Pieris brassicae (L.), P. napi (L.) and P. rapae ) (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) and host developmental stage (early first, second and third instar) on encapsulation of parasitoid eggs. Host species and parasitoid species, as well as the resulting interaction between these two factors had significant effects on encapsulation of Cotesia eggs. Encapsulation in Pieris hosts was much lower for C. glomerata (<34%, except for second and third instar of P. rapae ) than for C. rubecula (>32%), even when the latter was parasitizing P. rapae. Encapsulation increased with the age of the larvae, although the only significant difference was for C. glomerata. Overall, P. rapae showed a stronger encapsulation reaction than P. brassicae and P. napi. Encapsulation levels of C. glomerata corresponded well to patterns of female host species and host age preference for oviposition and parasitoid larval performance. In contrast, percentages of encapsulation of C. rubecula were not consistent with host preference and host suitability. We argue that encapsulation alone is unlikely to provide a sufficient explanation for C. glomerata and C. rubecula host range.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Classical biological control of insect pests and weeds may lead to potential conflicts, where insect pests are closely related to weed biological control agents. Such a conflict may occur in the classical biological control of the cabbage seedpod weevil, Ceutorhynchus obstrictus (Marsham) in North America, which belongs to the same subfamily, Ceutorhynchinae, as a number of agents introduced or proposed for introduction against non-indigenous invasive weed species. We propose a step-by-step procedure to select non-target species and thereby to develop a non-target species test list for screening candidate entomophagous biological control agents of a herbivore pest insect in a way that would simultaneously evaluate non-target potential on weed biological control agents and other non-target species. Using these recommendations, we developed a non-target test list for host specificity evaluations in the area of origin (Europe) and the area of introduction (North America) for cabbage seedpod weevil parasitoids. Scientifically based predictions on expected host–parasitoid interactions and ecological information about the ecological host range in the area of origin can help avoid conflicts, while still allowing the introduction of safe and effective agents against both insect pests and weeds.  相似文献   

The parasite communities of Nezumia pulchella across its geographical range in the south-eastern Pacific were described, from 217 fish captured from four localities in northern and central Chile (24° S to 33° S). Five ectoparasites and 13 endoparasites were recorded and the highest prevalence and intensity of infection was found for the copepods Jusheyhoea macrura and Clavella sp. 1, for the monogenean Diclidophora sp. and for the larval acanthocephalan Corynosoma australe . Parasite species richness decreased with latitude. Multivariate discriminant analysis and correspondence analysis supported the use of parasites of N. pulchella to discriminate populations of this host, suggesting the existence of three well-defined host populations in the geographical range examined. Jusheyhoea macrura , C. australe , Lophoura sp., Diclidophora sp., Capillaria sp. and Proleptus sp. were the most important species for discriminant analysis.  相似文献   

Two parasitoids,Pteromalus cerealellae (Ashmead) andAnisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), were compared for their ability to parasitize two important internally-developing insect pests of stored maize (Zea mays L.). Parasitism byP. cerealellae was greater on Angoumois grain moth,Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), than on maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, in no-choice experiments.Anisopteromalus calandrae parasitized more maize weevils than didP. cerealellae. The former parasitoid parasitized only a few Angoumois grain moths successfully in maize, but parasitized many in wheat if the hosts were younger than 3 weeks old. Thus, both host age and type of grain affect suitability for parasitism. The effects of parental host (species on which the female developed) and experimental host (species exposed to parasitism) on parasitism rate ofP. cerealellae were tested in a host-switching experiment. Parasitism by parasitoids reared on maize weevils was 23% lower than that of parasitoids reared on Angoumois grain moth. This effect was independent of which host the filial generation of parasitoids was tested on. However, the experimental host species had a much greater effect on parasitoid fecundity than the parental host species. Female progeny had smaller body sizes when emerging from maize weevil than from Angoumois grain moth, which may explain the parental host effect on fecundity. There was also a slight intergenerational effect of host species on parasitoid body size.  相似文献   

Encapsulation of eggs inserted by Metaphycus stanleyi (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) into the brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum (Homoptera: Coccidae) became more frequent as the host matured. This occurred with both laboratory reared and field-collected parasites. After parasitism for 24 hr at 27°C, encapsulation frequency did not differ in hosts reared at 20° or at 27°C, but significantly increased in hosts reared at 33°C. When parasitism and rearing were carried out at the same temperature, the percentage of eggs encapsulated increased from 48.7% at 27°C to 94.1% at 33°C. With M. helvolus, the percentage of eggs encapsulated was considerably higher than with M. stanleyi; e.g., 99.3 vs 48.7%, respectively, at 27°C. At 20° and 27°C, some M. helvolus development occurred in the larvae of brown soft scale but none at 33°C; the adult stages of the host encapsulated all the parasite eggs at these temperatures.  相似文献   

M.P. Hill 《BioControl》1998,43(2):215-224
The frond-feeding weevil, Stenopelmus rufinasus Gyllenhal, was imported into quarantine for testing as a potential natural enemy for the invasive fern Azolla filiculoides Lamarck in South Africa. Adult S. rufinasus lived for approximately 55 days during which the females produced on average 325 offspring. The developmental period for the immature stages (egg, three larval instars and pupation) was about 20 days indicating the potential for several overlapping generations per year. Both the adults and the larvae caused severe damage to A. filiculoides in the laboratory. Host specificity of this insect was determined by adult no-choice oviposition and larval starvation tests on 31 plant species in 19 families. Adult feeding, oviposition and larval development was only recorded on the Azolla species tested (A. filiculoides, A. pinnata subsp. poss. asiatica R.K.M. Saunders and K. Fowler, A. pinnata subsp. africana (Desv.) R.K.M. Saunders and K. Fowler and A. nilotica De Caisne Ex Mett.). A. filiculoides proved to be significantly the most suitable host for the weevil. The low adult emergence from A. nilotica and A. pinnata subsp. africana would most probably prevent the weevil from establishing on them in the field. A. pinnata subsp. poss. asiatica which supported greater development, is thought to be introduced and has a weedy phenology in South Africa and is thus of low conservation value. Therefore, any damage inflicted on this plant in the field may be an acceptable trade-off for the predicted impact of S. rufinasus on the aggressive exotic weed, A. filiculoides.  相似文献   

Four hundred Gyrodactylus species have been formally described, but the estimated number of species in this fish ectoparasite genus of Monogenean Platyhelminthes is more than 20,000. The unusually high species richness has lead to the hypotheses of speciation and adaptive radiation via host switching. These hypotheses were tested by reconstructing a molecular phylogeny for the subgenus G. (Limnonephrotus) which is a group of freshwater parasites, including five species infecting wild and farmed salmonids. The highly variable ITS1 and ITS2 segments and the conservative 5.8S ribosomal gene were sequenced in 22 species plus two species representing the subgenus G. (Paranephrotus) as an outgroup. The phylogeny was compared with host systematics: the species were collected from six fish families (Cyprinidae, Salmonidae, Percidae, Esocidae, Gasterosteidae, and Gobitidae). The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that G. (Limnonephrotus) is a monophyletic group that was originally hosted by cyprinids. The speciation has occurred in two episodes, the older one manifested in genetic distances 25-33% (4-6 Myr BP). The latter speciation burst occurred in one clade only, perhaps one million years ago. This clade has been morphologically identified as a wageneri species group. It is a monophyletic group of 18 species [studied here] and contains all five salmonid parasites, but also parasites, on cyprinids, percids, esocids, and gasterosteids. In G. (Limnonephrotus), eight host switches crossing the host family barrier were observed, and at least three of them were followed by repetitive speciation. Seven host-switch events were statistically confirmed by bootstrapping. The suggested model of speciation by host switch was accepted, and interestingly the adaptive radiation seems to be a consequence of host switch to a new family (key innovation model). The molecular and ecological evolution rate of Gyrodactylus parasites is manyfold in comparison to host species, and the phylogenies are largely independent and disconnected.  相似文献   

The egg and larval stages of the generalist endoparasitoid Campoletis sonorensis Carlson (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), which normally avoid the hemocytic reaction of many Lepidopteran host species, are encapsulated in 40% of Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larvae. The effect of parasitism on inhibiting the spreading ability of S. frugiperda plasmatocytes in vitro is more pronounced in susceptible larvae which fail to encapsulate the parasitoid than in resistant ones permitting parasitoid development. This suggests that induction of plasmatocyte pathology is relevant to the successful evasion of encapsulation by the parasitoid. Some granular cells disappear from the hemolymph of the parasitized resistant larvae, which implicates their involvement in the encapsulation reaction. Calyx fluid of C. sonorensis injected into host larvae produced effects on host hemocytes identical to natural parasitism. Several mechanism may cooperate to protect the parasitoid from encapsulation. The pathological reactions by the host plasmatocytes is one main manifestation of the immunosuppressive parasitoid effect. Results are discussed in regard to the known effects of C. sonorensis on Heliothis virescens Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) larval hemocytes which are totally unable to respond with a successful cellular defense reaction.
Résumé L'ichneumonide Campoletis sonorensis Carlson, endoparasitoïde larvaire, se développe dans de nombreuses espèces de Lépidoptères. Son statut de généraliste est dû, notamment, à son aptitude à déjouer les défenses immunitaires de ses hôtes, c.a.d. la formation d'une capsule d'hémocytes autour de l'oeuf ou de la larve parasite. Cependant, chez le noctuide Spodoptera frugiperda J.E. Smith, C. sonorensis est encapsulé dans 40% des larves qu'il parasite. Nous avons étudié la population hémocytaire de deux catégories de larves de S. frugiperda, celles qualifiées de résistantes à C. sonorensis, et qui arrêtent son développement, et celles susceptibles où le parasitoïde échappe à l'encapsulation.Cinq types d'hémocytes ont été identifiés: les prohémocytes (PR), les sphérulocytes (SP), les granulocytes (GR), les plasmatocytes (PL) et les oenocytoïdes (OE). Chez les hôtes susceptibles et résistants, le parasite provoque une baisse identique de la concentration totale des hémocytes dans l'hémolymphe (THC). Par contre, les PLs sont davantage affectés chez les hôtes susceptibles que chez ceux résistants au parasitoïde. Les résultats montrent que, chez les hôtes susceptibles, 1) le nombre des PLs dans l'hémolymphe est davantage diminué, et 2) leur aptitude d'adhérence in vitro est davantage inhibée. Il existe donc une corrélation positive entre le degré de pathologies qui affectent les PLs de l'hôte et l'incapacité de celui-ci à encapsuler le parasitoïde. Ceci tend à démontrer le rôle-clé des PLs dans la réaction immunitaire d'encapsulation chez S. frugiperda, comme chez de nombreux insectes. De plus, ce résultat renforce l'hypothèse selon laquelle C. sonorensis éviterait l'encapsulation en agissant sur les hémocytes de l'hôte, et plus particulièrement sur les PLs. Inversement aux PLs, les GRs sont moins abondants dans l'hémolymphe des hôtes qui encapsulent C. sonorensis. Les GRs pourraient donc participer à la formation de la capsule hémocytaire.Il est possible que plusieurs facteurs contribuent à protéger C. sonorensis de l'encapsulation. Néanmoins, les pathologies affectant les hémocytes des hôtes parasités sont probablement une manifestation majeure de l'effet immunosuppresseur du parasitoïde.Les effets de C. sonorensis sur les hémocytes des larves parasitées peuvent être reproduits chez des larves saines, en leur injectant de venin extrait des glandes du calyx des femelles parasitoïdes. Ces sécrétions provenant de la glande du calyx, et normalement injectées dans l'hôte lors de l'oviposition, sont probablment responsable, au moins en partie, de l'effet immunosuppresseur du parasitoïde.Ces résultats peuvent être comparés à ceux obtenus chez l'hôte Heliothis virescens Fabricius (lépidoptère, noctuide) qui n'encapsule jamais C. sonorensis. Bien que le parasitoïde provoque les mêmes effets pathologiques sur les hémocytes des hôtes de S. frugiperda et d'H. virescens, on constate que l'effet apparait quelques heures après l'oviposition chez H. virescens, contre 48 heures post-oviposition chez S. frugiperda. Ce délai pourrait contribuer à la résistance immunitaire de certaines larves de S. frugiperda, résistantes, à C. sonorensis.

Data are presented on allozyme variation between 15 populations of the stenophagous capitulum weevil, Larinus cynarae , and three populations of its congener, L. latus , that had been collected throughout the northern mediterranean range of these species. A phenetic analysis of these data revealed no direct relationship between genetic variation and host-plant association within L. cynarae , but there was a strong geographical structuring of allozyme patterns. Most of the genetic variation was due to differences between geographical regions and variation within these was small. Wright's F ST values showed that Italian and Greek populations of L. cynarae were most distinct from L. latus , with southern Iberian, northern Spanish and French populations increasingly less so. This pattern was associated with a cline in the frequencies of certain alleles along this geographical arc from France to Greece. A phenogram of Nei's genetic distances indicated the close genetic relationship between the two species of Larinus and separated the populations of L. cynarae into three allopatric groups. These groups have different host-plant spectra - dominated by Cynara cardunculus in Italy and Greece, Cynara humilis/Onopordum in southern Iberia and Onopordum spp. in France/Northern Spain - and can be considered to be host biotypes of L. cynarae. L. latus , which occurs in Greece and further east is also an Onopordum specialist. An analysis of the phylogeny of this group of Larinus indicates a primary separation into eastern ( L. latus ) and western ( L. cynarae ) taxa, with further branching of the L. cynarae lineage into the putative host-biotypes. An hypothesis for the evolution of these taxa is given, based on the evolutionary history of host-plant taxa and geographical constraints.  相似文献   

Passerine hosts of parasitic cuckoos usually vary in their abilityto discriminate and reject cuckoo eggs. Costs of discriminationand rejection errors have been invoked to explain the maintenanceof this within-population variability. Recently, enforcementof acceptance by parasites has been identified as a rejectioncost in the magpie (Pica pica) and its brood parasite, the greatspotted cuckoo (Clamator glandarius). Previous experimentalwork has shown that rejecter magpies suffer from increased nestpredation by the great spotted cuckoo. Cuckoo predatory behavioris supposed to confer a selective advantage to the parasitebecause magpies experiencing a reproductive failure may providea second opportunity for the cuckoo to parasitize a replacementclutch. This hypothesis implicitly assumes that magpies modulatetheir propensity to reject parasite eggs as a function of previousexperience. We tested this hypothesis in a magpie populationbreeding in study plots varying in parasitism rate. Magpie pairs thatwere experimentally parasitized and had their nests depredated,after their rejection behavior had been assessed, changed theirbehavior from rejection to acceptance. The change in host behaviorwas prominent in study plots with high levels of parasitism,but not in plots with rare or no cuckoo parasitism. We discussthree possible explanations for these differences, concludingthat in study plots with a high density of cuckoos, the probability fora rejecter magpie nest of being revisited and depredated bya cuckoo is high, particularly for replacement clutches, and,therefore, the cost for magpies of rejecting a cuckoo egg ina replacement clutch is increased. Moreover, in areas with highlevels of host defense (low parasitism rate), the probabilityof parasitism and predation of rejecter-magpie nests by thecuckoo is reduced in both first and replacement clutches. Therefore,rejecter magpies in such areas should not change their rejectionbehavior in replacement clutches.  相似文献   

Sepsis is a highly lethal clinical syndrome characterized by a systemic inflammatory response to infection. Fever, a non-specific acute-phase response, has been associated with improved survival and shortened disease duration in non-life-threatening infections. However, the influence of fever and the effects of antipyresis in patients with sepsis has not been prospectively studied in humans. This paper reviews the state of our knowledge concerning the biological effects of fever in infected hosts and the influence of fever and antipyretic therapy on survival during sepsis in experimental models and in man.  相似文献   

Host acceptance and suitability of Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. for Trichogramma maidis Pint. et Voeg. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) were studied, after rearing the parasitoids on O. nubilalis or Ephestia kuehniella Oliv. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for various numbers of generations. In cages, containing two maize plants with in total 30 egg masses of the natural host (O. nubilalis), wasps continuously reared on either E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis found egg masses in equal proportions. The former however, did not parasitize the eggs successfully, due to either low degree of host acceptance or insufficient host suitability or both. Subsequently, host acceptance behaviour of individual females from different strains was studied by means of direct observations after releasing them into a small arena containing eggs of O. nubilalis or E. kuehniella. Wasps continuously reared on O. nubilalis or 1–3 generations on E. kuehniella accepted egg masses of the natural host better than wasps continuously reared on E. kuehniella. Acceptance of O. nubilalis by the wasps gradually decreased with increasing numbers of generations reared on E. kuehniella. By rearing T. maidis, previously cultured on E. kuehniella, for five generations on O. nubilalis, acceptance of egg masses of this host species did not change. Host suitability of O. nubilalis appears to correspond with host acceptance of the strains. Contrary to the observations on O. nubilalis, acceptance and suitability of E. kuehniella were not influenced by the host on which T. maidis was reared. Results of this study show that host acceptance and suitability of the natural host are important quality factors for T. maidis when mass produced on a factitious host.
Zusammenfassung Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung von Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. für den Eiparasitoiden, Trichogramma maidis Pint. et. Voeg., wurden untersucht nach der Zucht auf dem natürlichen Wirt, O. nubilalis, oder auf dem Ersatzwirt, der Mehlmotte, Ephestia kühniella Zell.. Versuche mit Käfigen, in denen je zwei Maispflanzen mit insgesamt 30 Eigelegen von O. nubilalis und 40 Weibchen von T. maidis eingesperrt waren, zeigten, dass Weibchen, die seit über 150 Generationen auf O. nubilalis bzw. E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege gleich gut fanden. Während die auf O. nubilalis gezüchteten Parasitoide die Eigelege zu 80% parasitierten, war die Parasitierungsrate der auf E. kühniella gezüchteten Parasitoide gleich Null. Die Ursachen dieses Phänomens wurden in weiteren Versuchen durch direkte Beobachtungen über Wirtsakzeptanz und Wirtseignung untersucht. Einzelne Weibchen von Stämmen, die nur auf O. nubilalis oder während einer zunehmenden Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella gezüchtet worden waren, untersuchte man während 15 Minuten unter der Stereoskoplupe in einer kleinen Arena, die ein Eigelege des Maiszünslers oder Eier der Mehlmotte enthielt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Wespen, die ausschliesslich auf Maiszünslereiern oder nur 1–3 Generationen auf Mehlmotteneiern gezüchtet worden waren, die Eigelege von O. nubilalis besser akzeptierten als solche, die seit vielen Generationen auf E. kühniella vermehrt worden waren. Die Wirtsakzeptanz verschlechterte sich mit zunehmender Generationenzahl auf E. kühniella. Wenn T. maidis nach 23 Generationen auf E. kühniella wieder während 5 Generationen auf O. nubilalis gezüchtet wurde, verbesserte sich die Akzeptanz der Eigelege von O. nubilalis nicht. Die Wirtseignung der Eigelege von O. nubilalis, stimmt überein mit der Wirtsakzeptanz der verschiedenen Stämme. Dies ergaben Versuche mit 15 Minuten Direktbeobachtung und bei 24 Stunden Expositionszeit. Im Gegensatz zu den Beobachtungen auf Eigelegen von O. nubilalis wurde die Akzeptanz und Eignung der Eier von E. kühniella durch die Zucht auf verschiedenen Wirten nicht beeinflusst. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung zeigt, dass Akzeptanz und Eignung des natürlichen Wirtes wichtige Qualitätsfaktoren für T. maidis in der Massenzucht auf Ersatzwirten sind.

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