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Entomopathogenic fungi, such as Metarhizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana, have been shown to be efficacious in killing mosquito larvae of different mosquito species. The current study compared the pathogenicity and efficacy of two formulations of three fungal strains against different instars of three mosquito species with the aim of identifying the most virulent strain for use under field conditions. Three strains of Metarhizium, ARESF 4556, ARSEF 3297 and V275, were assayed against early (L2?3) and late (L3–4) instar larvae of Aedes aegypti, Anopheles stephensi and Culex quinquefasciatus. Two formulations of the fungi were tested, dry conidia and aqueous suspensions (i.e. ‘wet’ conidia). Effects of all combinations of conidia, mosquito species, instar, fungal strain and concentration on mosquito mortality were analysed using Cox regression and Kaplan–Meier analyses. Strain ARSEF 4556 was more virulent than ARSEF 3297 and V275, with LT50 values ranging from 0.3 to 1.1 days, with Anopheles and Culex being more susceptible than Aedes. Early and late instars were equally susceptible independent of species. Although the formulation did influence mortality rates, both ‘wet’ and ‘dry’ conidia applications were highly effective in killing mosquito larvae. Viable spores were more efficacious than heat killed spores. The latter did cause mortality but only at high concentrations. Metarhizium sp. has proved to be effective in reducing survivability of all larval stages of Aedes, Anopheles and Culex under laboratory conditions. Aedes larvae were generally more tolerant than Anopheles and Culex irrespective of fungal strain.  相似文献   

Frequency dependent mosquito larval size (II and IV instars) and species selection by the water bug Diplonychus indicus against three mosquito species Culex quinquefasciatus, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi was studied in the laboratory. The different frequencies used for each species selection were 20:30:50, 30:50:20, 50:20:30, 25:35:40, 35:40:25 and 40:25:35 of fourth instars of the respective three prey species. All nymphal water bugs (I–V instars) selected IV instar mosquito larvae and the mean proportion of late (larger) larvae eaten by the predator instars was significantly higher than the mean proportion of early (smaller) larvae eaten (F= 2.28; P < 0.001). In all six ratios used to determine the frequency dependent mosquito species selection, all the stages of the water bug selected Ae. aegypti over the other two species (F= 452.43; P < 0.001). The mean number of mosquito larvae eaten increased as its density increased based on various ratios of larvae offered. The study indicated that the predatory efficiency of D. indicus was high when Ae. aegypti was offered as prey, suggesting the utility of this mosquito predator in the control of dengue vectors.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In this work, 246 Bacillus sphaericus strains were evaluated against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus larvae to select the most effective ones to be used as the basis of a national product. All strains were isolated from different regions of Brazil and they are stored in a Bacillus spp. collection at Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology. The selected strains were characterized by biochemical and molecular methods. Based on selective bioassays, 87 strains were identified as toxic to one or both target species. All of these strains contain genes that encode the 42, 51 kDa proteins that constitute the binary toxin and the 100 kDa Mtx1 toxin. All toxic strains presented a very high LC50 against A. aegypti , so, a product based on any of these B. sphaericus strains would not be recommended for use in programmes to control A. aegypti . S201 had highest activity against C. quinquefasciatus , presenting the lowest LC50 and LC90 in bioassays.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Three mosquito species, Culex tarsalis Coquillett, Culex quinquefasciatus Say and Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidae), were examined in laboratory binary choice experiments to investigate whether fish exudates from the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis (Baird & Girard) (Cyprinodontiformes: Poecilliidae), deter oviposition and whether the responses of these mosquito species to fish exudates in oviposition sites are consistent with the risk of predation from fish experienced by each species in their respective natural breeding habitats. Culex tarsalis was deterred significantly from egg laying by the presence of fish exudates in oviposition cups, consistent with high levels of predation by fish in natural breeding sites. Egg laying by Cx quinquefasciatus was slightly reduced in water with fish exudates, but was not consistently deterred by water conditioned by mosquitofish, consistent with the species' relatively low risk of fish predation in natural habitats. Oviposition by container-breeding Ae. aegypti was not deterred by the presence of fish exudates in oviposition cups, consistent with a low risk of predation by fish in natural habitats.  相似文献   

The use of insect pathogens is a viable alternative for insect control because of their relative specificity and lower environmental impact. The search for wild strains against dipterans could have an impact on mosquito control programs. We have made an extensive screening of soil in western Cuba to find bacteria with larvicidal activity against mosquitoes. A total of 150 soil samples were collected and isolates were identifying using the API 50 CHB gallery. Phenotypic characteristics were analyzed by hierarchical ascending classification. Quantitative bioassays were conducted under laboratory conditions following the World Health Organization protocol in order to ascertain the toxicity and efficacy of isolates. The protein profiles of the crystal components were determined by SDS‐PAGE. Eight hundred and eighty‐one bacterial isolates were obtained, and 13 isolates with entomopathogenic activity were isolated from nine samples. Nine isolates displayed higher entomopathogenic activity against both Cx. quinquefasciatus and Ae. aegypti compared with the reference strain 266/2. All toxic isolates showed higher biological potency than the 266/2 strain. These isolates with high entomopathogenic activity displayed a protein pattern similar to the B. thuringiensis var. israelensis IPS‐82 and 266/2 strains. These results are a valuable tool for the control of Diptera of medical importance.  相似文献   

Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is primarily transmitted by Aedes spp. mosquitoes. The present study investigated vector competence for CHIKV in Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes found in Madurai, South India. The role of receptor proteins on midguts contributing to permissiveness of CHIKV to Aedes spp. mosquitoes was also undertaken. Mosquitoes were orally infected with CHIKV DRDE‐06. Infection of midguts and dissemination to heads was confirmed by immunofluorescence assay at different time points. A plaque assay was performed from mosquito homogenates at different time points to study CHIKV replication. Presence of putative CHIKV receptor proteins on mosquito midgut epithelial cells was detected by virus overlay protein binding assay (VOPBA). The identity of these proteins was established using mass spectrometry. CHIKV infection of Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus midguts and dissemination to heads was observed to be similar. A plaque assay performed with infected mosquito homogenates revealed that CHIKV replication dynamics was similar in Aedes sp. mosquitoes until 28 days post infection. VOPBA performed with mosquito midgut membrane proteins revealed that prohibitin could serve as a putative CHIKV receptor on Aedes mosquito midguts, whereas an absence of CHIKV binding protein/s on Culex quinquefasciatus midguts can partially explain the non‐permissiveness of these mosquitoes to infection.  相似文献   

Adult Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) (Diptera: Culicidae) were previously recovered from emergence traps on septic tanks in southeastern Puerto Rico. In this study we quantified immature mosquito abundance and its relationship with structural variables of the septic tanks and chemical properties of the water containing raw sewage. A miniaturized floating funnel trap was used to sample 89 septic tanks for larvae in the Puerto Rican community of Playa‐Playita. Aedes aegypti larvae were recovered from 18% of the sampled tanks (10.3 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and uncovered access ports. Larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls and larger tank surface areas, and inversely associated with the total dissolved solids (TDS). Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) larvae were also recovered from 74% of the septic tanks (129.6 larvae per septic tank per day). Larval presence was negatively associated with TDS in the water and larval abundance was positively associated with cracking of the septic tank walls. A screened, plastic emergence trap was used to sample 93 septic tanks within the community for Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults. Aedes aegypti adults were recovered from 49% of the sampled tanks (8.7 adults per septic tank per day) and Cx. quinquefasciatus adults were recovered from 97% of the sampled tanks (155.5 adults per septic tank per day). Aedes aegypti adult presence was positively associated with cracking, uncapped openings and septic water pH. The Ae. aegypti adult counts were positively associated with cracking and inversely associated with TDS and conductivity. This study marks the first published record of the recovery of Ae. aegypti larvae from holding tanks containing raw sewage in the Caribbean region. Our study indicates that Ae. aegypti larvae are present in sewage water and that septic tanks have at least the potential to maintain dengue transmission during the dry season.  相似文献   

Abstract  Mosquitoes are a significant pest and human health issue in the Kingdom of Tonga. The occurrence of species and habitats used by mosquito larvae were investigated to determine the potential for control through larval habitat management. Forty-two sites, including 22 villages and 20 farm plantations on the six islands of Tongatapu, Pangaimotu, Vava'u, Pangaimotu (Vava'u group), 'Utungake and Nuku, were surveyed in April 2006. A total of eight mosquito species were collected: Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus), Ae. horrescens (Edwards), Ae. nocturnus (Theobold), Ae. tongae (Edwards), Culex albinervis (Edwards), Cx. annulirostris (Skuse), Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say) and Cx. sitiens (Wiedemann). Several species were widespread, particularly Ae. aegypti and Ae. nocturnus on the main island of Tongatapu, whereas Ae. aegypti dominated sites on islands of the Vava'u group. Comparative sampling of 17 village and 17 rural sites showed that larval habitat was more abundant in towns than in rural areas. Larvae were found in a wide range of habitats but were particularly abundant in artificial water bodies (e.g. disused concrete water tanks, 44-gallon drums and used car tyres). In rural sites, habitats were generally sparse except in rain-filled branch stems of giant taro plants. Mosquito populations in artificial habitats could be markedly reduced by seeding disused water tanks with aquatic predators already present in Tonga, using mesh-net covers over 44-gallon drums, and drilling holes in used car tyres.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) face their hosts' haemostatic mechanisms when attempting to feed on blood. Accordingly, they antagonize haemostasis by salivary agents that include anti-clotting, anti-platelet and vasodilatory compounds. Because haemostasis is a complex and redundant physiological response that varies between vertebrates, it is to be expected that haematophagous animals have a salivary armoury that most efficiently counteracts their preferred hosts. The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say, which has a strong tendency to ornithophagy, appears to have only recently adapted to mammals and may not have evolved efficient mechanisms to counteract mammalian platelet responses, while birds only have relatively inefficient thrombocytes. Accordingly, we compared the probing behaviour of Cx. quinquefasciatus with two other mosquito species from different backgrounds: Aedes aegypti (L.) and Anopheles albimanus Weidemann, that have apparently had a longer evolutionary association with mammals. Culex takes much more time to find blood on a mammalian host (human or mouse) when compared to the two other mosquito species, but does not differ in probing behaviour when feeding on a chicken. Salivary anti-haemostatic components were also measured in those three species of mosquito and results are discussed in context with the probing behaviour.  相似文献   

Variations in the life tables and other biological attributes of four strains of Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) from geographically isolated regions of India that had been reared to the fifth generation in the laboratory were assessed under a standardized rearing regime under constant laboratory conditions. Two strains from arid habitats [Jodhpur (JD) and Bikaner (BKN)], one from a semi-arid inland habitat [Bathinda (BTH)], one from a semi-arid coastal habitat [Jamnagar (JMN)] and a standard laboratory strain (LAB) were compared. Horizontal life-table parameters were measured for each strain. Egg mortality ranged from 4.4% (JD and BTH) to 19.5% (BKN). The lowest rate of adult emergence and highest female : male ratio were found in BKN, and the highest rate of adult emergence and lowest female : male ratio were recorded in BTH. The egg-hatching period was longest in BTH and shortest in LAB. The duration from oviposition to adult emergence was longest in JD and shortest in LAB. Females lived longer than males in all strains. The net reproductive rates (R(0) ) of all field-derived strains (122.9-162.2) differed significantly between strains and were significantly greater than that of LAB (107.6). Similarly, both the intrinsic rate of increase (r(m) ) and finite rate of increase (λ) were found to be lower in LAB than in the field strains, but the mean generation time (T) and doubling time (DT) were longest in LAB. For several life-table attributes, JD and BTH clustered together and were more similar to JMN than to BKN and LAB. The results indicate that BTH, BKN and JD can be characterized as r-strategists, more so than JMN. Overall fecundity increased with age. Differences in annual temperature ranges and mean annual rainfall between locations were positively correlated (r = 0.46-0.97) with egg production, female life expectancy, R(0) , r(m) , λ and T. The results suggest that strains of Cx. quinquefasciatus from different geographical areas with contrasting habitats vary in their survival and reproductive strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

Spinosad is a naturally derived biorational insecticide with an environmentally favourable toxicity profile, so we investigated its potency against mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae). By laboratory bioassays of a suspension concentrate formulation of spinosad (Tracer), the 24 h lethal concentration (LC50) against Aedes aegypti (L.) third and fourth instars was estimated at 0.025 p.p.m. following logit regression. The concentration-mortality response of third- and fourth-instar Anopheles albimanus Weidemann did not conform to a logit model. The LC50 value of spinosad in Anopheles albimanus was 0.024 p.p.m. by quadratic linear regression. A field trial in southern Mexico demonstrated that spinosad 1 p.p.m. compared with the standard temephos (Abate) 1% granules 100 g/m3 water prevented Ae. aegypti breeding in plastic containers of water for 8 weeks; at 10 p.p.m. spinosad prevented breeding for > 22 weeks. In another field trial, spinosad at 5 p.p.m. and temephos both completely eliminated reproduction of Ae. aegypti for 13 weeks. In contrast, the bacterial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti, Vectobac) AS) performed poorly with just 2 weeks of complete inhibition of Ae. aegypti breeding. Spinosad also effectively prevented breeding of Culex mosquitoes and chironomids in both trials to a degree similar to that of temephos. We conclude that spinosad merits evaluation as a replacement for organophosphate or Bti treatment of domestic water tanks in Mesoamerica. We also predict that spinosad is likely to be an effective larvicide for treatment of mosquito breeding sites.  相似文献   

1. Seven types of water-insoluble adhesives were evaluated in sticky traps for collecting adults of Musca domestica L. and Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) or mosquito larvae (Aedes aegypti (L.) and Culex quinquefasciatus Say). 2. Adhesive viscosity affected the tackiness of the glues and this determined their trapping efficiency in air or water. 3. From the 'Hyvis' range of adhesives tested, 'Hyvis 200' was most effective for trapping adult flies. 4. With 24 h exposure to fourth instar Ae.aegypti larvae in tapwater, submerged plates coated with 'Hyvis 10', 'Hyvis 30' or 'Hyvis 200' formulations trapped the majority of larvae. In polluted water the highest rates of trapping were 17.3% of Ae.aegypti and 18.7% of Cx quinquefasciatus with 'Hyvis 200'. Floating traps were consistently less productive than submerged traps under laboratory conditions. 5. In a heavily polluted natural breeding-site of Cx quinquefasciatus, floating traps were more productive than submerged sticky traps with four of seven adhesives tested, the most efficient being 'Hyvis 200' (4.2 mosquitoes per hour) and Hyvis:polyethylene 90:10 (4.5/h). Despite the relative inefficiency of aquatic traps, emergent adults, pupae and second to fourth instars of larvae were collected quickly from the habitat.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies of insect vectors can generate knowledge to improve epidemiological studies focused on the decrease of pathogen transmission. In this study, we used nine SNPs across the Aedes aegypti genome to characterize seasonal population variations of this important dengue vector. Mosquito samples were obtained by ovitraps placed over Botucatu SP from 2005 to 2010. Our data show that, regardless of the large variation in mosquito abundance (deduced from the number of eggs obtained from ovitraps), the effective population size remained stable over the years. These results suggest that Ae. aegypti is able to maintain a sufficiently large active breeding population during the dry season to keep genetic frequencies stable. These results open new perspectives on mosquito survey and control methods.  相似文献   

Several studies have examined how climatic variables such as temperature and precipitation may affect life history traits in mosquitoes that are important to disease transmission. Despite its importance as a seasonal cue in nature, studies investigating the influence of photoperiod on such traits are relatively few. This study aims to investigate how photoperiod alters life history traits, survival, and blood‐feeding activity in Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus). We performed three experiments that tested the effects of day length on female survival, development time, adult size, fecundity, adult life span, and propensity to blood feed in Ae. albopictus and Ae. aegypti. Each experiment had three photoperiod treatments: 1) short‐day (10L:14D), 2) control (12L:12D), and 3) long‐day (14L:10D). Aedes albopictus adult females were consistently larger in size when reared in short‐day conditions. Aedes aegypti adult females from short‐day treatments lived longer and were more likely to take a blood meal compared to other treatments. We discuss how species‐specific responses may reflect alternative strategies evolved to increase survival during unfavorable conditions. We review the potential impacts of these responses on seasonal transmission patterns, such as potentially increasing vectorial capacity of Ae. aegypti during periods of shorter day lengths.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Hypotheses about declining populations of container-inhabiting Aedes mosquitoes following the invasion by additional species were tested.
2. The larval competition hypothesis was studied experimentally in pure and mixed cultures of Aedes aegypti (L.), A.albopictus (Skuse) and A.triseriatus (Say). The experiments used decomposing leaf litter in the laboratory, as opposed to most previous research which used non-natural food.
3. Resistance to starvation is introduced as a new measure of larval performance and competitiveness. The hypothesis is that more successful larvae store larger energy reserves and resist the lack of food longer.
4. Contrary to previous research showing better performance of A.aegypti in mixed cultures, A.albopictus developed faster and had greater survival when natural food was used.
5. Resistance to starvation was greater in the better performing species (i.e. A.aegypti with non-natural food and A.albopictus with leaf litter). Oxygen consumption by starved larvae was similar in the three container species, and in the ground-water mosquito, A.taeniorhynchus (Wied.), whose resistance to starvation was comparatively very low.  相似文献   

The copepod Mesocyclops aspericornis Daday and the larvivorous fishes Gambusia affinis (B. & G.) and Poecilia reticulata R. & B., were released into mosquito breeding sites in Tuherahera village, Tikehau atoll, French Polynesia, to control larvae of Aedes aegypti (L.), Ae.polynesiensis Marks, Culex annulirostris Skuse and Cx quinquefasciatus Say. Treatments were completed within a week, in January 1990. Fish quickly eliminated mosquito larvae from the open breeding sites (ponds, wells). The impact of copepods in water tanks, drums and covered wells was inconsistent, apparently depending on the availability of microfaunal diet for growth of copepod nauplii. As the biting rate of adult Ae.aegypti seemed to be unaffected by the biological control of larvae, this village-scale experiment was judged to be unsuccessful as a means of vector control.  相似文献   

The oomycete Leptolegnia chapmanii has been identified as a potential control agent of the primary vector of dengue, Aedes aegypti. In our assays, the persistence and pathogenicity of a native isolate of L. chapmanii decreased over time regardless of location. However, the mortality of Ae. aegypti larvae was significantly lower (p < 0.05) in containers located outside without sun protection (89% at first week and 9% at sixth week) compared with the containers located indoors (97% at first week and 42% at sixth week) and outside with shade (89% at first week and 29% at sixth week) possibly because of exposure to sun radiation.  相似文献   

Abstract. A survey of the dengue vector mosquito Aedes aegypti was undertaken using runnel traps to detect immature stages (larvae and pupae) in flooded disused mine shafts and wells in Charters Towers, Queensland, Northern Australia. The town has a history of dengue fever since 1885 when goldminers were the first recorded victims. During the latest dengue epidemic in 1993, 2% of the population had laboratory-confirmed dengue virus Type 2, despite source reduction of Ae.aegypti breeding-sites at ground level or above. This led to suspicions that dengue vector Ae.aegypti breeding-sites might be below ground level. When surveyed in March 1994, Ae.aegypti immatures were found in 9/10 wells and 1/6 mine shafts. The water in wells and mines had similar characteristics -except that turbidity was higher in the mines, which more often contained predators of mosquito immatures.
The copepod Mesocyclops aspericornis was collected from water in 1/10 wells and 2/6 mine shafts. Laboratory predation trials resulted in 95.5–100% predation by 25 copepods/1 on Ae.aegypti first-instar larvae up to 200 larvae/1. Five wells containing Ae.aegypti in the survey were inoculated with fifty indigenous M.aspericornis , and five wells (one positive and four negative in the survey) were left untreated as controls. Nine months later, in December 1994, Ae.aegypti had been eliminated from all five treated wells but all untreated control wells contained Ae.aegypti , except for one well that contained a natural population of M.aspericornis. The role of wells and mines as winter/ dry season refuges of Ae.aegypti in northern Australia is reviewed, and we recommend the use of M.aspericornis as a cost-effective, environmentally acceptable and persistent agent for the sustainable control of Ae.aegypti , especially in inaccessible breeding sites.  相似文献   

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