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Growth hormone transgenic Atlantic salmon Salmo salar reared at 12–13°C were F2 generation derived, using eggs from a transgenic F1 female and fertilized with milt from a non-transgenic male. At the time of tissue sampling the transgenic salmon were growing 1·6 times faster than control salmon. Transgenic salmon tended to have more intestinal folds that were longer than those of control salmon. Consequently, the transgenic salmon had a larger digestive surface area both in the anterior intestine (surface area 1·5 times control) and in the pyloric caeca (surface area 1·2 times control). Most morphological features of the intestine and of the pyloric caeca of transgenic salmon were larger than those of control salmon; in particular, the surface area of the anterior intestine was concordant with the growth rate difference.  相似文献   

The effect of feed cycling (consisting of periods of starvation followed by periods of refeeding to satiation) on compensatory growth was evaluated in growth hormone transgenic and non‐transgenic wild‐type coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch. The specific growth rate (GSR) of feed‐restricted non‐transgenic O. kisutch was not significantly different from the GSR of fully‐fed non‐transgenic O. kisutch during two refeeding periods, whereas the GSR of feed‐restricted transgenic O. kisutch was significantly higher in relation to the GSR of fully‐fed transgenic O. kisutch during the second refeeding period, but not during the first, indicating that growth compensation mechanisms are different between non‐transgenic and growth‐hormone (GH)‐transgenic O. kisutch and may depend on life history (i.e. previous starvation). Despite the non‐significant growth rate compensation in non‐transgenic O. kisutch, these fish showed a level of body mass catch‐up growth not displayed by transgenic O. kisutch.  相似文献   

Growth hormone transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch fed at the same ration level as non‐transgenic controls (Tc) had the same growth rate as non‐transgenic controls (Nt). In contrast, growth hormone transgenic coho salmon (Tf) fed ad libitum ate about twice as much and had much higher growth rates than the other two groups. The most obvious result was the significantly larger caeca in the Tf group relative to both Nt or pair‐fed Tc. The Tf fish had more caeca that were longer. The results suggested that the effect was indirect and the enlarged caeca required both the GHtransgene and hyperphagia to cause enlarged caecal capacity. A small part of the results, however, also suggested that there was a direct effect of the GHtransgene on some gut tissues, particularly the intestine.  相似文献   

Underwater acoustic tag telemetry was used to assess behavioural differences between juvenile wild‐type (i.e. non‐transgenic, NT) and growth hormone (GH) transgenic (T) coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch in a contained simulated ocean environment. T O. kisutch were found across days to maintain higher baseline swimming speeds than NT O. kisutch and differences in response to feeding were detected between T and NT genotypes. This is the first study to assess behaviour of GH transgenic salmonids in a marine environment and has relevance for assessing whether behavioural effects of GH overexpression seen in freshwater environments can be extrapolated to oceanic phases of the life cycle.  相似文献   

Diploid and triploid coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch transgenic for growth hormone (GH) and control coho salmon were compared for differences in disease resistance and stress response. Resistance to the bacterial pathogen Vibrio anguillarum was not affected in transgenic fish relative to their non‐transgenic counterparts when they were infected at the fry stage, but was lower in transgenic fish when infected near smolting. Vaccination against vibriosis provided equal protection to both transgenic and non‐transgenic fish. Triploid fish showed a lower resistance to vibriosis than their diploid counterparts. Diploid transgenic fish and non‐transgenic fish appeared to show similar physiological and cellular stress responses to a heat shock. These studies provide information useful for both performance and ecological risk assessments of growth‐accelerated coho salmon.  相似文献   

Insertion of a growth hormone (GH) transgene in coho salmon results in accelerated growth, and increased feeding and metabolic rates. Whether other physiological systems within the fish are adjusted to this accelerated growth has not been well explored. We examined the effects of a GH transgene and feeding level on the antioxidant glutathione and its associated enzymes in various tissues of coho salmon. When transgenic and control salmon were fed to satiation, transgenic fish had increased tissue glutathione, increased hepatic glutathione reductase activity, decreased hepatic activity of the glutathione synthesis enzyme γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, and increased intestinal activity of the glutathione catabolic enzyme γ-glutamyltranspeptidase. However, these differences were mostly abolished by ration restriction and fasting, indicating that upregulation of the glutathione antioxidant system was due to accelerated growth, and not to intrinsic effects of the transgene. Increased food intake and ability to digest potential dietary glutathione, and not increased activity of glutathione synthesis enzymes, likely contributed to the higher levels of glutathione in transgenic fish. Components of the glutathione antioxidant system are likely upregulated to combat potentially higher reactive oxygen species production from increased metabolic rates in GH transgenic salmon.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake of growth hormone transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch was measured in individual fish with a closed-system respirometer and was compared with that of similar-sized non-transgenic control coho salmon during starvation and when fed a fixed ration or to satiation. Transgenic and control fish did not differ in their standard oxygen uptake after 4 days of starvation, although control fish had a higher routine oxygen uptake, scope for spontaneous activity and initial acclimation oxygen uptake. During feeding, transgenic fish ate significantly more than control fish, and had an overall oxygen uptake that was 1·7 times greater than control fish. When fish that had eaten the same per cent body mass were compared, transgenic fish had an oxygen uptake that was 1·4 times greater than control fish. Differences in oxygen uptake in growth hormone transgenic coho salmon and non-transgenic fish appear to be due to the effects of feeding, acclimation and activity level, and not to a difference in basal metabolism.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence from the animal kingdom shows that there is a trade-off between benefits and costs associated with rapid somatic growth. One would therefore expect growth rates under natural conditions to be close to an evolutionary optimum. Nevertheless, natural selection in many salmonid species appears to be toward larger size and earlier emergence from spawning redds, indicating a potential for increased growth rate to evolve. We tested how selection for genetic variants (growth hormone transgenic coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, with more than doubled daily growth rate potential relative to wild genotypes) depended on predator timing and food abundance during the early period of life (fry stage). In artificial redds, fry of the fast-growing genotypes showed a highly significant developmental shift, emerging from gravel nests approximately two weeks sooner, but with an 18.6% reduced survival, relative to wild-genotype fry. In seminatural streams, fry of the fast-growing genotypes suffered higher predation than those of wild genotypes when predators were present at the time of fry emergence, but this difference was less pronounced when food was scarce. In streams where predators were introduced after emergence, fry survived equally well regardless of food availability. Surviving fry grew faster in habitats provided with more food, and fast-growing genotypes also grew faster than wild genotypes when predators arrived late and food was abundant. Fewer fish migrated downstream past a waterfall when food availability was high and in the presence of predators, and wild-genotype fry were more likely to migrate than fry of the fast-growing genotypes. After being returned to the experimental streams after migration, fast-growing genotypes survived equally well as those of the same genotypes that did not migrate, whereas migrating wild genotypes experienced higher mortality relative to those of the same genotypes that did not migrate. Comparisons of growth rates between siblings retained under hatchery conditions and those from habitats with the fastest growth in the experimental stream revealed that growth rates were similar for wild genotypes in both environments, whereas the fast-growing genotypes in the streams only realized 90% of their growth potential. The present study has shown that a major shift in developmental timing can alter critical early stages affecting survival and can have a significant effect on fitness. Furthermore, ecological conditions such as food abundance and predation pressure can strongly influence the potential for fast-growing variants to survive under natural conditions. The large-scale removal of many predatory species around the world may augment the evolution of increased intrinsic growth rates in some taxa.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive and specific chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) was developed for quantification of growth hormone (GH) in salmonid species. The CLIA for salmon GH was performed using the sandwich method with anti-GH IgG as the first antibody and chemiluminescent acridinium ester-labelled specific anti-GH F(ab′)2 as the second antibody. The measurable range of salmon GH in the CLIA was 39–1250 pg/mL using a short assay (1 day) protocol and 3.9–125 pg/mL in a longer (2-day) assay. The dilution curve in the CLIA of serum from masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) was parallel to the standard curve of recombinant chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) GH. Seasonal changes of serum GH levels were measured in 1 year-old masu salmon cultivated in a pond from March to November. Their serum GH levels increased during smoltification from March to April, achieved a maximum level of 21 ng/mL in August, and then declined gradually to 11 ng/mL in October. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An immune complex transfer two-site chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) for salmon growth hormone (GH) was developed to measure serum GH in alevin chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) using a chemiluminescent acridinium ester as a label. The immune complex transfer method dramatically reduced non-specifically bound of acridinium ester-labelled antibody without a decrease in the specific binding. Consequently, we could detect lower levels of GH than achieved previously in a two-site CLIA for salmon GH. The detection limit of the assay was 7.8 fg/mL and the standard curve was linear up to 250 fg/mL. Coefficients of variation were 2.2–7.7% within-assay and 5.3–9.1% between-assay. We have developed a highly sensitive and reproducible GH method and applied it to measurement of GH in alevin chum salmon. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic studies present strong evidence for a multiductal system conveying digestive enzymes from the exocrine pancreas into the anterior intestine in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

In coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch, no significant differences in critical thermal maximum (c. 26·9° C, CTmax) were observed among size‐matched wild‐type, domesticated, growth hormone (GH)‐transgenic fish fed to satiation, and GH‐transgenic fish on a ration‐restricted diet. Instead, GH‐transgenic fish fed to satiation had significantly higher maximum heart rate and Arrhenius breakpoint temperature (mean ± s.e. = 17·3 ± 0·1° C, TAB). These results provide insight into effects of modified growth rate on temperature tolerance in salmonids, and can be used to assess the potential ecological consequences of GH‐transgenic fishes should they enter natural environments with temperatures near their thermal tolerance limits.  相似文献   

The growth rates of naturally sympatric juvenile pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka salmon were compared in a common lacustrine environment in south‐west Alsaka, an unusual opportunity given the normal disparity in freshwater residence time of these two species. Fork length ( L F) frequency distributions of juvenile pink salmon caught in the lake during the summer in 1991 and 1999–2003 indicated a growth rate of 0·54 mm day−1, 54% greater than the estimated growth rate of juvenile sockeye salmon sampled from 1958 to 2003 (0·35 mm day−1). Examination of daily growth rings on otoliths indicated that pink salmon in Lake Aleknagik grew an average of 1·34 mm day−1 in 2003 but sockeye salmon grew only 0·63 mm day−1(average specific growth rates were 3·0 and 1·8% day−1, respectively). Pink salmon increased from c . 32 mm L F and 0·2 g at emergence to 78 mm L F and 3·0 g within 3–4 weeks. After experiencing these rapid growth rates, the pink salmon appeared to leave the lake by late July in most years. The diets of pink and sockeye salmon in the littoral zone of the lake were very similar; >80% of the stomach contents consisted of adult and pupal insects and the remainder was zooplankton. This high degree of diet overlap suggested that the observed differences in growth rate were not attributable to variation in prey composition.  相似文献   

A co-injection strategy was employed to improve the efficiency of integration of a poorly integrating but commercially important growth hormone gene construct in tilapia. Its co-injection with a reporter gene construct of higher integration efficiency yielded a threefold increase in the integration efficiency of the growth hormone gene construct. In addition, out of 13 transgenic founder tilapia generated, three transmitted the transgenes to G1 and G2 progeny with expected Mendelian inheritance ratios in the G2 generation. We also observed expression of both constructs in a number of founder and G1/G2 individuals. Evidence is provided for the co-ligation of the two constructs and we suggest that this accounts for the increased integration efficiency of growth hormone gene construct and its successful transmission and expression, thus generating lines of novel growth hormone expressing tilapia  相似文献   

Clock genes are involved in generating a circadian rhythm that is integrated with the metabolic state of an organism and information from the environment. Growth hormone (GH) transgenic coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, show a large increase in growth rate, but also attenuated seasonal growth modulations, modified timing of physiological transformations (e.g. smoltification) and disruptions in pituitary gene expression compared with wild-type salmon. In several fishes, circadian rhythm gene expression has been found to oscillate in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, as well as in multiple peripheral tissues, but this control system has not been examined in the pituitary gland nor has the effect of transgenic growth modification been examined. Thus, the daily expression of 10 core clock genes has been examined in pituitary glands of GH transgenic (T) and wild-type coho salmon (NT) entrained on a regular photocycle (12L: 12D) and provided either with scheduled feeding or had food withheld for 60?h. Most clock genes in both genotypes showed oscillating patterns of mRNA levels with light and dark cycles. However, T showed different amplitudes and patterns of expression compared with wild salmon, both in fed and starved conditions. The results from this study indicate that constitutive expression of GH is associated with changes in clock gene regulation, which may play a role in the disrupted behavioural and physiological phenotypes observed in growth-modified transgenic strains.  相似文献   

In this study, individual growth patterns of wild‐type and growth‐enhanced coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch at 8, 12 and 16° C water temperature were followed. Despite large differences among individuals in growth rates, there was generally little variation in the shape of the growth curves among O. kisutch individuals of both genotypes and at all temperatures. Typically, individuals that were relatively large initially were also relatively large at the end of the growth period. The limitation in variation was more pronounced in the growth‐enhanced O. kisutch than in the wild type, where the relative size of some individuals reared at 12 and 8° C changed by the end of the trial. As a warmer temperature seems to decrease the plasticity of growth trajectories in wild‐type fish, it is possible that global warming will influence the ability of wild fish to adapt their growth to changing conditions.  相似文献   

Routine oxygen consumption ( M o 2) was 35% higher in 1 day starved and 21% higher in 4 day starved adult transgenic coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch relative to end of migration ocean-ranched coho salmon. Critical swimming speed ( U crit) and M o 2 at U crit ( M o 2max) were significantly lower in 4 day starved transgenic coho salmon (1·25 BL s−1; 8·79 mg O2 kg−1 min−1) compared to ocean-ranched coho salmon (1·60 BL s−1; 9·87 mg O2 kg−1 min−1). Transgenic fish swam energetically less efficiently than ocean-ranched fish, as indicated by a poorer swimming economy at U crit ( M o 2max     ). Although M o 2max was lower in transgenic coho salmon, the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) measured during the first 20 min of recovery was significantly larger in transgenic coho salmon (44·1 mg O2 kg−1) compared with ocean-ranched coho salmon (34·2 mg O2 kg−1), which had a faster rate of recovery.  相似文献   

The proportions of individual masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou whose genotypic and phenotypic sex differed were compared among juvenile and adult fish in three rivers, and genotypically male but phenotypically female individuals were observed 6–16% more often among adults than among juveniles. This suggests that during the transition from juvenile to adult, survival rates of genotypically male but phenotypically female individuals are higher than those of normal females. In contrast, genotypically female but phenotypically male individuals were only found in the juvenile period, which suggests that they exhibit a decreased survival rate in comparison with normal males.  相似文献   

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