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Knowledge of the fold class of a protein is valuable because fold class gives an indication of protein function and evolution. Fold class can be accurately determined from a crystal structure or NMR structure, though these methods are expensive, time-consuming, and inapplicable to all proteins. In contrast, vibrational spectra [infra-red, Raman, or Raman optical activity (ROA)] are rapidly obtained for proteins under wide range of biological molecules under diverse experimental and physiological conditions. Here, we show that the fold class of a protein can be determined from Raman or ROA spectra by converting a spectrum into data of 10 cm−1 bin widths and applying the random forest machine learning algorithm. Spectral data from 605 and 1785 cm−1 were analyzed, as well as the amide I, II, and III regions in isolation and in combination. ROA amide II and III data gave the best performance, with 33 of 44 proteins assigned to one of the correct four top-level structural classification of proteins (SCOP) fold class (all α, all β, α and β, and disordered). The method also shows which spectral regions are most valuable in assigning fold class.  相似文献   

Zhu F  Isaacs NW  Hecht L  Tranter GE  Barron LD 《Chirality》2006,18(2):103-115
On account of its sensitivity to chirality, Raman optical activity (ROA), which may be measured as a small difference in the intensity of vibrational Raman scattering from chiral molecules in right- and left-circularly polarized incident light, or as the intensity of a small circularly polarized component in the scattered light, is a powerful probe of the structure of biomolecules. Protein ROA spectra provide information on secondary and tertiary structures of polypeptide backbones, backbone hydration and side-chain conformations, and on structural elements present in unfolded states. Carbohydrate ROA spectra provide information on the central features of carbohydrate stereochemistry, especially that of the glycosidic link. Glycoprotein ROA spectra provide information on both the polypeptide and carbohydrate components. This article describes the ROA technique and presents and discusses the ROA spectra of a selection of proteins, carbohydrates, and a glycoprotein. The many structure-sensitive bands in protein ROA spectra are favorable for applying pattern recognition techniques, illustrated here using nonlinear mapping, to determine structural relationships between different proteins.  相似文献   

We have studied the conformation of beta-lactoglobulin in aqueous solution at room temperature over the pH range approximately 2.0-9.0 using vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA). The ROA spectra clearly show that the basic up and down beta-barrel core is preserved over the entire pH range, in agreement with other studies. However, from the shift of a sharp positive ROA band at approximately 1268 to approximately 1294 cm(-1) on going from pH values below that of the Tanford transition, which is centered at pH approximately 7.5, to values above, the Tanford transition appears to be associated with changes in the local conformations of residues in loop sequences possibly corresponding to a migration into the alpha-helical region of the Ramachandran surface from a nearby region. These changes may be related to those detected in X-ray crystal structures which revealed that the Tanford transition is associated with conformational changes in loops which form a doorway to the interior of the protein. The results illustrate how the ability of ROA to detect loop and turn structure separately from secondary structure is useful for studying conformational plasticity in proteins.  相似文献   

To describe the supersecondary structure (SSS) of beta sandwich-like proteins (SPs), we introduce a structural unit called the "strandon." A strandon is defined as a set of sequentially consecutive strands connected by hydrogen bonds in 3D structures. Representing beta-proteins as the assembly of strandons exposes the underlying similarities in their SSS and enables us to construct a novel classification scheme of SPs. Classification of all known SPs is based on shared supersecondary structural features and is presented in the SSS database (http://binfs.umdnj.edu/sssdb/). Analysis of the SSS reveals two common specific patterns. The first pattern defines the arrangement of strandons and was found in 95% of all examined SPs. The second pattern establishes the ordering of strands in the protein domain and was observed in 82% of the analyzed SPs. Knowledge of these two patterns that uncover the spatial arrangement of strands will likely prove useful in protein structure prediction.  相似文献   

A series of designed peptides has been analyzed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy in order to investigate the influence of cross-strand side-chain interactions in beta-hairpin formation. The peptides differ in the N-terminal residues of a previously designed linear decapeptide that folds in aqueous solution into two interconverting beta-hairpin conformations, one with a type I turn (beta-hairpin 4:4) and the other with a type I + G1 beta-bulge turn (beta-hairpin 3:5). Analysis of the conformational behavior of the peptides studied here demonstrates three favorable and two unfavorable cross-strand side-chain interactions for beta-hairpin formation. These results are in agreement with statistical data on side-chain interactions in protein beta-sheets. All the peptides in this study form significant populations of the beta-hairpin 3:5, but only some of them also adopt the beta-hairpin 4:4. The formation of beta-hairpin 4:4 requires the presence of at least two favorable cross-strand interactions, whereas beta-hairpin 3:5 seems to be less susceptible to side-chain interactions. A protein database analysis of beta-hairpins 3:5 and beta-hairpins 4:4 indicates that the former occur more frequently than the latter. In both peptides and proteins, beta-hairpins 3:5 have a larger right-handed twist than beta-hairpins 4:4, so that a factor contributing to the higher stability of beta-hairpin 3:5 relative to beta-hairpin 4:4 is due to an appropriate backbone conformation of the type I + G1 beta-bulge turn toward the right-handed twist usually observed in protein beta-sheets. In contrast, as suggested previously, backbone geometry of the type I turn is not adequate for the right-handed twist. Because analysis of buried hydrophobic surface areas on protein beta-hairpins reveals that beta-hairpins 3:5 bury more hydrophobic surface area than beta-hairpins 4:4, we suggest that the right-handed twist observed in beta-hairpin 3:5 allows a better packing of side chains and that this may also contribute to its higher intrinsic stability.  相似文献   

Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA) spectra were calculated under off-resonance, near-resonance, and at-resonance conditions for ( A ) and under off-resonance conditions for ( B ) using a new driver software for calculating the ROA intensities from complex (damped) time-dependent linear response Kohn-Sham theory. The off-resonance spectra of A and B show many similarities. At an incident laser wavelength of 532 nm, used in commercial ROA spectrometers, the spectrum of A is enhanced by near-resonance with the ligand-field transitions of the complex. The near-resonance spectrum exhibits many qualitative differences compared with the off-resonance case, but it remains bi-signate. Even under full resonance with the ligand-field electronic transitions, the ROA spectrum of A remains bi-signate when the electronic transitions are broadened such as to yield absorption line widths that are comparable with those in the experimental UV-vis absorption and electronic circular dichroism spectra.  相似文献   

A beta-bulge is a region of irregularity in a beta-sheet involving two beta-strands. It usually involves two or more residues in the bulged strand opposite to a single residue on the adjacent strand. These irregularities in beta-sheets were identified and classified automatically, extending the definition of beta-bulges given by Richardson et al. (Richardson, J.S., Getzoff, E.D., & Richardson, D.C., 1978, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75, 2574-2578). A set of 182 protein chains (170 proteins) was used, and a total of 362 bulges were extracted. Five types of beta-bulges were found: classic, G1, wide, bent, and special. Their characteristic amino acid preferences were found for most classes of bulges. Basically, bulges occur frequently in proteins; on average there are more than two bulges per protein. In general, beta-bulges produce two main changes in the structure of a beta-sheet: (1) disrupt the normal alternation of side-chain direction; (2) accentuate the twist of the sheet, altering the direction of the surrounding strands.  相似文献   

The effect of 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE) on the structure of an all β-sheet protein, cardiotoxin analogue 111 (CTX III) from the Taiwan cobra (Naja naja atra) is studied. It is found that high concentrations ( > 80% v/v) of TFE induced a β-sheet to -helix structural transition. It is found that in denatured and reduced CTX III (rCTX III) helical conformation is induced even upon addition of low concentrations ( > 10% v/v) of TFE. Using three other proteins, namely, ribonuclease A (RNase A), lysozyme and -lactalbumin, it is been observed that helix-induction by TFE is intricately linked to drastic destabilization of native tertiary structural interactions in the proteins.  相似文献   

Dasgupta B  Pal L  Basu G  Chakrabarti P 《Proteins》2004,55(2):305-315
Like the beta-turns, which are characterized by a limiting distance between residues two positions apart (i, i+3), a distance criterion (involving residues at positions i and i+4) is used here to identify alpha-turns from a database of known protein structures. At least 15 classes of alpha-turns have been enumerated based on the location in the phi,psi space of the three central residues (i+1 to i+3)-one of the major being the class AAA, where the residues occupy the conventional helical backbone torsion angles. However, moving towards the C-terminal end of the turn, there is a shift in the phi,psi angles towards more negative phi, such that the electrostatic repulsion between two consecutive carbonyl oxygen atoms is reduced. Except for the last position (i+4), there is not much similarity in residue composition at different positions of hydrogen and non-hydrogen bonded AAA turns. The presence or absence of Pro at i+1 position of alpha- and beta-turns has a bearing on whether the turn is hydrogen-bonded or without a hydrogen bond. In the tertiary structure, alpha-turns are more likely to be found in beta-hairpin loops. The residue composition at the beginning of the hydrogen bonded AAA alpha-turn has similarity with type I beta-turn and N-terminal positions of helices, but the last position matches with the C-terminal capping position of helices, suggesting that the existence of a "helix cap signal" at i+4 position prevents alpha-turns from growing into helices. Our results also provide new insights into alpha-helix nucleation and folding.  相似文献   

P A Rice  A Goldman  T A Steitz 《Proteins》1990,8(4):334-340
By exhaustive structural comparisons, we have found that about one-third of the alpha-helix-turn-beta-strand polypeptides in alpha-beta barrel domains share a common structural motif. The chief characteristics of this motif are that first, the geometry of the turn between the alpha-helix and the beta-strand is somewhat constrained, and second, the beta-strand contains a hydrophobic patch that fits into a hydrophobic pocket on the alpha-helix. The geometry of the turn does not seem to be a major determinant of the alpha-beta unit, because the turns vary in length from four to six residues. However, the motif does not occur when there are few constraints on the geometry of the turn-for instance, when the turns between the alpha-helix and the beta-strands are very long. It also occurs much less frequently in flat-sheet alpha-beta proteins, where the topology is much less regular and the amount of twist on the sheet varies considerably more than in the barrel proteins. The motif may be one of the basic building blocks from which alpha-beta barrels are constructed.  相似文献   

Vibrational Raman optical activity (ROA), measured as a small difference in the intensity of Raman scattering from chiral molecules in right- and left-circularly polarized incident light, or as the intensity of a small circularly polarized component in the scattered light, is a powerful probe of the aqueous solution structure of proteins. The large number of structure-sensitive bands in protein ROA spectra makes multivariate analysis techniques such as nonlinear mapping (NLM) especially favorable for determining structural relationships between different proteins. We have previously used NLM to map a large dataset of peptide, protein, and virus ROA spectra into a readily visualizable two-dimensional space in which points close to or distant from each other, respectively, represent similar or dissimilar structures. As well as folded proteins, our dataset contains ROA spectra from many natively unfolded proteins, proteins containing both folded and unfolded domains, denatured partially structured molten globule and reduced protein states, together with folded proteins containing little or no alpha-helix or beta-sheet. In this article, the relative positions of these systems in the NLM plot are used to obtain information about any residual structure that they may contain. The striking differences between the structural propensities of proteins that are unfolded in their native states and those that are unfolded due to denaturation may be responsible for their often very different behavior, especially with regard to aggregation. An ab initio simulation of the Raman and ROA spectra of an alanine oligopeptide in the poly(L-proline) II-helical conformation confirms previous suggestions that this conformation is a significant structural element in disordered peptides and natively unfolded proteins. The use of ROA to identify and characterize proteins containing significant amounts of unfolded structure will, inter alia, be valuable in structural genomics/proteomics since unfolded sequences often inhibit crystallization.  相似文献   

A simple approach to estimate the number of alpha-helical and beta-strand segments from protein circular dichroism spectra is described. The alpha-helix and beta-sheet conformations in globular protein structures, assigned by DSSP and STRIDE algorithms, were divided into regular and distorted fractions by considering a certain number of terminal residues in a given alpha-helix or beta-strand segment to be distorted. The resulting secondary structure fractions for 29 reference proteins were used in the analyses of circular dichroism spectra by the SELCON method. From the performance indices of the analyses, we determined that, on an average, four residues per alpha-helix and two residues per beta-strand may be considered distorted in proteins. The number of alpha-helical and beta-strand segments and their average length in a given protein were estimated from the fraction of distorted alpha-helix and beta-strand conformations determined from the analysis of circular dichroism spectra. The statistical test for the reference protein set shows the high reliability of such a classification of protein secondary structure. The method was used to analyze the circular dichroism spectra of four additional proteins and the predicted structural characteristics agree with the crystal structure data.  相似文献   

Change of molecular properties with pressure is an attracting means to regulate molecular reactivity or biological activity. However, the effect is usually small and so far explored rather scarcely. To obtain a deeper insight and estimate the sensitivity of vibrational optical activity spectra to pressure-induced conformational changes, we investigate small model molecules. The Ala-Ala dipeptide, isomaltose disaccharide and adenine-uracil dinucleotide were chosen to represent three different biomolecular classes. The pressure effects were modeled by molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations. The dinucleotide was found to be the most sensitive to the pressure, whereas for the disaccharide the smallest changes are predicted. Pressure-induced relative intensity changes in vibrational circular dichroism and Raman optical activity spectra are predicted to be 2–3-times larger than for non-polarized IR and Raman techniques.  相似文献   

The molecules‐in‐molecules (MIM) fragment‐based method has recently been adapted to evaluate the chiroptical (vibrational circular dichroism [VCD] and Raman optical activity [ROA]) spectra of large molecules such as peptides. In the MIM‐VCD and MIM‐ROA methods, the relevant higher energy derivatives of the parent molecule are assembled from the corresponding derivatives of smaller fragment subsystems. In addition, the missing long‐range interfragment interactions are accounted at a computationally less expensive level of theory (MIM2). In this work we employed the MIM‐VCD and MIM‐ROA fragment‐based methods to explore the evolution of the chiroptical spectroscopic characteristics of 310‐helix, α‐helix, β‐hairpin, γ‐turn, and β‐extended conformers of gas phase polyalanine (chain length n = 6–14). The different conformers of polyalanine show distinctive features in the MIM chiroptical spectra and the associated spectral intensities increase with evolution of system size. For a better understanding the site‐specific effects on the vibrational spectra, isotopic substitutions were also performed employing the MIM method. An increasing redshift with the number of isotopically labeled 13C=O functional groups in the peptide molecule was seen. For larger polypeptides, we implemented the two‐step‐MIM model to circumvent the high computational expense associated with the evaluation of chiroptical spectra at a high level of theory using large basis sets. The chiroptical spectra of α‐(alanine)20 polypeptide obtained using the two‐step‐MIM model, including continuum solvation effects, show good agreement with the full calculations and experiment. This benchmark study suggests that the MIM‐fragment approach can assist in predicting and interpreting chiroptical spectra of large polypeptides.  相似文献   

Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra for the glycoproteins alpha1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) and bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM), have been measured in D2O solutions and for the films prepared from aqueous (H2O) buffer solutions in the 1800 to 900 cm(-1) region. The solution VCD results revealed that AGP has beta-sheet structure, along with a significant amount of alpha-helix as evidenced from a W pattern in the amide I region. The VCD of BSM solution suggested a polyproline II type structure, characterized by the appearance of strong negative couplet in the amide I region. The film VCD results on AGP and BSM suggested that the secondary structures of polypeptide fold in the film state are similar to those in the solution. The absence of any significant film VCD in the low frequency region (1200-900 cm(-1)), suggested that the dominant linkage for carbohydrate residues is likely to be a beta linkage. VCD spectroscopy gains importance in the secondary structural analysis of polypeptide fold in glycoproteins due to the absence of interfering VCD from the carbohydrate residues in the conformationally sensitive amide I region. Also, film VCD studies permit measurements in the low wavenumber region (1200-900 cm(-1)) that reveal the dominant type of linkage for carbohydrate residues. Such clear structural information is unlike that from ECD, where ECD bands of acylated amino sugar residues interfere with those of polypeptide backbone in the conformationally sensitive far-UV region.  相似文献   

We have recently reported on the design of a 20-residue peptide able to form a significant population of a three-stranded up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet in aqueous solution. To improve our beta-sheet model in terms of the folded population, we have modified the sequences of the two 2-residue turns by introducing the segment DPro-Gly, a sequence shown to lead to more rigid type II' beta-turns. The analysis of several NMR parameters, NOE data, as well as Deltadelta(CalphaH), DeltadeltaC(beta), and Deltadelta(Cbeta) values, demonstrates that the new peptide forms a beta-sheet structure in aqueous solution more stable than the original one, whereas the substitution of the DPro residues by LPro leads to a random coil peptide. This agrees with previous results on beta-hairpin-forming peptides showing the essential role of the turn sequence for beta-hairpin folding. The well-defined beta-sheet motif calculated for the new designed peptide (pair-wise RMSD for backbone atoms is 0.5 +/- 0.1 A) displays a high degree of twist. This twist likely contributes to stability, as a more hydrophobic surface is buried in the twisted beta-sheet than in a flatter one. The twist observed in the up-and-down antiparallel beta-sheet motifs of most proteins is less pronounced than in our designed peptide, except for the WW domains. The additional hydrophobic surface burial provided by beta-sheet twisting relative to a "flat" beta-sheet is probably more important for structure stability in peptides and small proteins like the WW domains than in larger proteins for which there exists a significant contribution to stability arising from their extensive hydrophobic cores.  相似文献   

The IR absorption frequencies as derived from second derivatives of the Fourier transform IR spectra of the amide I' bands of globular proteins in D2O are compared to those obtained from band fitting of the vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra. The two sets of frequencies are in very good agreement, yielding consistent ranges where amide I' VCD and IR features occur. Use of VCD to complement the IR allows one to add sign information to the frequency information so that features occurring in the overlapping frequency ranges that might arise from different secondary structures can be better discriminated. From this comparison, it is clear that correlation just of the frequency of a given IR transition to secondary structure can lead to a nonunique solution. Different sign patterns were identified for correlated groups of globular proteins in restricted frequency ranges that have been previously assigned to defined secondary structural elements. Hence, different secondary structural elements must contribute band components to a given frequency range.  相似文献   

With a growing number of structures available in the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank, automatic methods for domain identification are required for the construction of databases. Domains are considered to be clusters of secondary structure elements. Thus, helices and strands are first clustered using intersecondary structural distances between C alpha positions, and dendrograms based on this distance measure are used to identify domains. Individual domains are recognized by a disjoint factor, which enables the automatic identification and classification into disjoint, interacting, and conjoint domains. Application to a database of 83 protein families and 18 unique structures shows that the approach provides an effective delineation of boundaries and identifies those proteins that can be considered as a single domain. A quantitative estimate of the interaction between domains has been proposed. The database of protein domains is a useful tool for understanding protein folding, for recognizing protein folds, and for understanding structure-activity relationships.  相似文献   

The designed peptide (denoted 20-mer, sequence VFITS(D)PGKTYTEV(D)PGOKILQ) has been shown to form a three-strand antiparallel beta-sheet. It is generally believed that the (D)Pro-Gly segment has the propensity to adopt a type II' beta-turn, thereby promoting the formation of this beta-sheet. Here, we replaced (D)Pro-Gly with Asp-Gly, which should favor a type I' turn, to examine the influence of different type of turns on the stability of the beta-sheet. Contrary to our expectation, the mutant peptide, denoted P6D, forms a five-residue type I turn plus a beta-bulge between the first two strands due to a one amino-acid frameshift in the hydrogen bonding network and side-chain inversion of the first beta-strand. In contrast, the same kind of substitution at (D)Pro-14 in the double mutant, denoted P6DP14D, does not yield the same effect. These observations suggest that the SDGK sequence disfavors the type I' conformation while the VDGO sequence favors a type I' turn, and that the frameshift in the first strand provides a way for the peptide to accommodate a disfavored turn sequence by protruding a bulge in the formation of the beta-hairpin. Thus, different types of turns can affect the stability of a beta-structure.  相似文献   

An alpha-helix and a beta-strand are said to be interactively packed if at least one residue in each of the secondary structural elements loses 10% of its solvent accessible contact area on association with the other secondary structural element. An analysis of all such 5,975 nonidentical alpha/beta units in protein structures, defined at < or = 2.5 A resolution, shows that the interaxial distance between the alpha-helix and the beta-strand is linearly correlated with the residue-dependent function, log[(V/nda)/n-int], where V is the volume of amino acid residues in the packing interface, nda is the normalized difference in solvent accessible contact area of the residues in packed and unpacked secondary structural elements, and n-int is the number of residues in the packing interface. The beta-sheet unit (beta u), defined as a pair of adjacent parallel or antiparallel hydrogen-bonded beta-strands, packing with an alpha-helix shows a better correlation between the interaxial distance and log(V/nda) for the residues in the packing interface. This packing relationship is shown to be useful in the prediction of interaxial distances in alpha/beta units using the interacting residue information of equivalent alpha/beta units of homologous proteins. It is, therefore, of value in comparative modeling of protein structures.  相似文献   

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