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The zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha is widely present in Italy, but Italian populations of this bivalve have never been genetically characterized. The mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I gene fragments have been used to determine the genetic structures of 3 populations from Lake Garda (n = 30), the first Italian basin colonized by this species, as well as 2 populations from Lake Constance, Germany (n = 14). A Neighbor-Joining tree and a Maximum Likelihood analysis were performed with 4 new Italian (LG1-LG4) and 3 German (LC1-LC3) haplotypes, also considering all the available Dreissena sequences from GenBank in order to estimate phylogeographic relationships. Almost all Italian haplotypes clustered with German and mid-European samples providing evidences of a mixed origin for Italian mussels. We speculate about Lake Garda colonization, for which the hypothesized "German origin" has been partially confirmed as well as the necessity of more efficient control strategies at least to minimize new colonizations.  相似文献   

Differences in the neural processing of six categories of pictorial stimuli (maps, body parts, objects, animals, famous faces and colours) were investigated using positron emission tomography. Stimuli were presented either with or without the written name of the picture, thereby creating a naming condition and a reading condition. As predicted, naming increased the demands on lexical processes. This was demonstrated by activation of the left temporal lobe in a posterior region associated with name retrieval in several previous studies. This lexical effect was common to all meaningful stimuli and no category-specific effects were observed for naming relative to reading. Nevertheless, category differences were found when naming and reading were considered together. Stimuli with greater visual complexity (animals, faces and maps) enhanced activation in the left extrastriate cortex. Furthermore, map recognition, which requires greater spatio-topographical processing, also activated the right occipito-parietal and parahippocampal cortices. These effects in the visuo-spatial regions emphasize inevitable differences in the perceptual properties of pictorial stimuli. In the semantic temporal regions, famous faces and objects enhanced activation in the left antero-lateral and postero-lateral cortices, respectively. In addition, we showed that the same posterior left temporal region is also activated by body parts. We conclude that category-specific brain activations depend more on differential processing at the perceptual and semantic levels rather than at the lexical retrieval level.  相似文献   

The occurrence of large burnt areas has increased considerably in southern Europe in recent years. In order to design management plans to prevent large wildfires while preserving biodiversity, understanding of the ways in which birds respond to these fires is required. We investigated the spatial variability of both avifauna and habitat structure in three zones: unburnt, burnt in 1982, and burnt in 1994. The habitat structure of the unburnt zone was the most variable spatially. However, bird species composition between sampling points was very homogeneous in space. In contrast, the bird communities inhabiting burnt zones were more spatially heterogeneous. This pattern was caused by distinct specific responses to variations in habitat structure. Open-space species responded to small changes in habitat structure with large changes in local abundance, whereas the response of forest species to these structural variations was much less. We suggest that land managers should select specific zones with limited vegetation recovery within large burnt areas and maintain them as open space to keep combustibility low and provide an appropriate habitat for several open space species that are of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Identifying where animals come from during population recovery can help to understand the impacts of disturbance events and regimes on species distributions and genetic diversity. Alternative recovery processes for animal populations affected by fire include external recolonization, nucleated recovery from refuges, or in situ survival and population growth. We used simulations to develop hypotheses about ecological and genetic patterns corresponding to these alternative models. We tested these hypotheses in a study of the recovery of two small mammals, the Australian bush rat and the agile antechinus, after a large (> 50 000 ha), severe wildfire. The abundance of both species was severely reduced by fire and recovered to near or above pre‐fire levels within two generations, yet we rejected a hypothesis of recovery by external recolonization. While the agile antechinus showed genetic evidence for far greater dispersal capacity than the bush rat, neither species showed gradients in abundance or genetic diversity with distance from unburnt forest during population recovery. Population recovery was driven by local‐scale processes. However, the mechanisms differed between species, resulting from the spatial impacts of fire on habitat suitability. Agile antechinus populations recovered through population growth from in situ survivors. The bush rat followed a model of nucleated recovery, involving local recolonization from micro‐refuges in topographic drainage lines. Nucleated recovery by the bush rat was associated with changes in dispersal, and fine‐scale patterns of genetic admixture. We identified increased dispersal by females during recovery, contrasting with male‐biased dispersal in unburnt forest. Such flexibility in dispersal can potentially increase recovery rates compared to expectations based on dispersal behavior within undisturbed populations. Our study shows how the initial distribution of survivors, determined by fire effects on resource distribution, determines the subsequent scaling of population recovery patterns, and the sensitivity of population distribution and genetic diversity to changing disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

Instrumental learning involves both variation and selection: variation of what the animal does, and selection by reward from among the variation. Four experiments with rats suggested a rule about how variation is controlled by recent events. Experiment 1 used the peak procedure. Measurements of bar-press durations showed a sharp increase in mean duration after the time that food was sometimes given. The increase was triggered by the omission of expected food. Our first explanation of the increase was that it was a frustration effect. Experiment 2 tested this explanation with a procedure in which the first response of a trial usually produced food, ending the trial. In Experiment 2, unlike Experiment 1, omission of expected food did not produce a large increase in bar-press duration, which cast doubt on the frustration explanation. Experiments 3 and 4 tested an alternative explanation: a decrease in expectation of reward increases variation. Both used two signals associated with different probabilities of reward. Bar presses were more variable in duration during the signal with the lower probability of reward, supporting this alternative. These experiments show how variation can be studied with ordinary equipment and responses.  相似文献   

The international conference 'Stem Cells in Development and Disease' took place in September 2011 at the Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin. It brought together scientists working on different types of stem cell and covered the latest findings in stem cell biology, including the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of reprogramming, maintenance of pluripotency and differentiation.  相似文献   

Belder  Donna J.  Pierson  Jennifer C.  Ikin  Karen  Lindenmayer  David B. 《Oecologia》2020,192(4):865-878
Oecologia - Restoration plantings are frequently occupied by native wildlife, but little is known about how planting attributes influence breeding by, and persistence of, fauna populations. We...  相似文献   

This review focuses on the energy metabolism during pollen maturation and tube growth and updates current knowledge. Pollen tube growth is essential for male reproductive success and extremely fast. Therefore, pollen development and tube growth are high energy-demanding processes. During the last years, various publications (including research papers and reviews) emphasize the importance of mitochondrial respiration and fermentation during male gametogenesis and pollen tube elongation. These pathways obviously contribute to satisfy the high energy demand, and there are many studies which suggest that respiration and fermentation are the only pathways to generate the needed energy. Here, we review data which show for the first time that in addition plastidial glycolysis and the balancing of the ATP/NAD(P)H ratio (by malate valves and NAD+ biosynthesis) contribute to satisfy the energy demand during pollen development. Although the importance of energy generation by plastids was discounted during the last years (possibly due to the controversial opinion about their existence in pollen grains and pollen tubes), the available data underline their prime role during pollen maturation and tube growth.  相似文献   

Identifying landscape elements that influence gene flow and migration in wild species is the current main topic of landscape genetics. Most landscape genetic studies infer gene flow and migration from genetic distances among populations or individuals and statistically relate these measurements to landscape composition and configuration. This approach assumes symmetrical gene flow between pairs of populations. Such an assumption, however, will often be violated, especially in source–sink systems. Source populations provide more emigrants than they receive immigrants, and sink populations get many immigrants, but release few emigrants. Source–sink dynamics cannot be explored using common landscape genetic approaches relying on genetic distances. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Andreasen et al. ( 2012 ) apply an alternative approach allowing them to infer asymmetrical migration. They use a Bayesian assignment test among objectively defined populations of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in western USA to estimate recent and directional migration rates. The study shows that an area with a high amount of wildlife refuges and low hunting pressure harbours a source population for mountain lion dispersal, while areas with high hunting pressures form sink populations; a result helpful in making informed decisions in conservation management.  相似文献   

Sexual selection in hermaphrodites: where did our ideas come from?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Interpretations of hermaphroditism have been influenced by theold idea that organisms can be arranged in a series from lowerto higher, with human beings at the top, leading toward theangels and God (the scala naturae). The consequent notion thathermaphroditism is a primitive condition is still with us. Suchissues need to be addressed empirically, in a phylogenetic context.Darwin's theory of sexual selection provided the key to understandingsex switches, but it was not invoked until 1969 when it wasconjoined with ideas about relative size influenced by the workof Bernhard Rensch. In principle the problem could have beensolved a century earlier, and genetics was misleading ratherthan helpful. What really helped was an appreciation of Darwin'snonteleological way of thinking.  相似文献   

Free cholesterol in atherosclerotic plaques: where does it come from?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Free cholesterol in plaques is an emerging contributing factor to lesion instability and, until recently, apoptosis of lipid-laden macrophages was considered the major source of free cholesterol. The validity of this concept is beginning to be challenged since there is recent evidence of erythrocyte membrane-derived cholesterol in plaques. Therefore, intraplaque hemorrhage may not be a passive event, as once considered as studies continue to support the relationship of intraplaque hemorrhage and necrotic core expansion. RECENT FINDINGS: The association of intraplaque hemorrhage, accumulated free cholesterol, and necrotic core expansion is beginning to unfold and recent MRI studies suggest the value of intraplaque hemorrhage as a predictor of recurrent cerebrovascular events. The amount of erythrocyte membrane-derived cholesterol is also suggested to be a measure of lesion vulnerability in acute coronary syndromes. Recent inhibitors studies of vascular permeability factors further emphasize the importance of intraplaque hemorrhage in plaque progression. Finally, DNA microarray analysis is starting to reveal key molecules involved in the accumulation of free cholesterol that are selectively induced in high-risk plaques. SUMMARY: These recent findings emphasize the importance of intraplaque hemorrhage as a contributor of free cholesterol in plaques and point to its provocative role in lesion destabilization.  相似文献   

Factors in the synovial fluid that maintain healthy articular cartilage, such as hyaluronic acid and lubricin, come from above. Is it possible that factors which lead to the destruction of cartilage come from below in the subchondral bone? The recent acquisition of tools to probe early events in osteoarthritis is shedding new light on possible contributions from this compartment on the initiation and progression of the disease. Tanamas and co-workers now provide evidence that bone marrow lesions in the subchondral bone are predictive, both of loss of cartilage and of formation of subchondral cysts. These data provoke questions about the nature and role of bone marrow lesions.Finding the factors that initiate, or the mechanisms that lead to progression of, osteoarthritis (OA) has proven frustrating and largely unproductive. Identification of risk factors for the condition - such as prior trauma to the joint, elevated body weight and female sex - may have helped with management of OA but has done little to progress understanding of the underlying factors that drive it. OA research has been more difficult than research for some other diseases of the skeleton, for several important reasons. Early OA, at the level of symptoms, can be episodic, making it difficult to identify the disease and to follow it longitudinally. Since the main early symptom is pain, clinical trials of new therapies have been problematic. Animal experiments have been bedevilled by a lack of models that accurately replicate the human disease. And perhaps, as argued by a minority of workers in the field, disease initiators have been sought in the wrong place; that is, cartilage versus bone.The recent study of Tanamas and colleagues highlights the way in which new-generation imaging holds the promise of shedding new light on this old problem [1]. In particular, high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can now deliver objective, measurable information about all structures of the joint, including the amount and quality of articular cartilage, and is also a powerful tool to investigate the subchondral bone. The holy grail of clinical investigation, namely longitudinal study with quantitative endpoints, is now accessible for OA. What Tanamas and colleagues'' study shows is important because it adds to emerging evidence that processes in the subchondral bone relate strongly to changes in the volumetric amount of articular cartilage. Specifically, bone marrow lesions (BMLs), the mysterious MRI-bright regions in the subchondral bone that occur more commonly in OA, were shown to be predictive of loss of cartilage and of formation of subchondral cysts. In turn, cysts were more likely than BMLs to occur in association with loss of cartilage.These data pose the intriguing question of whether BMLs encode key clues to the aetiology of OA. Longitudinal studies have shown that the presence of BMLs constitutes a potent risk factor for structural deterioration in knee OA [2]. BML enlargement has been strongly associated with increased cartilage loss, and Tanamas and colleagues'' data further suggest that their conversion into cysts is even more predictive of cartilage loss. Significantly, a reduction in the extent of BMLs on MRI has been shown to associate with a decrease in cartilage degradation [3]. Since the origin of BMLs is not known, its investigation needs to be prioritised as an important research topic. Current informed guesses are that BMLs comprise regions of oedema, perhaps secondary to episodes of local ischaemia. Although it is not possible to biopsy BMLs in patients with early OA, several studies have sought to correlate the MRI findings with histology in more severe disease. Regions of BMLs in end-stage OA patients at knee replacement were more likely to exhibit oedema, bone necrosis and trabecular abnormalities than were control sites [4].If BMLs are secondary to local ischaemia in the subchondral bone, there are several possible consequences. Firstly, the supply of nutrients and oxygen from regions of ischaemic subchondral bone, to the overlying articular cartilage, might be reduced. Cartilage nutrition has been considered to derive from the synovial fluid. The work of Imhof and colleagues, however, suggested that more than 50% of the glucose, oxygen and water requirements of cartilage are provided by perfusion from the subchondral vessels [5]. They described the dense subchondral vasculature in close proximity to the cartilage, and the micro-channels that penetrate the subchondral mineralisation zone and permit communication between the bone and the cartilage. More recent work indicates that small molecules can diffuse, in healthy joints, bidirectionally from the synovial compartment into the cartilage and underlying bone and from the subchondral bone into the overlying cartilage [6]. Inspection of the osteochondral junction of long bones reveals that osteocytes and osteocyte canaliculi, which are also probable conduits of nutrients, are intimately associated with the articular cartilage. Experimental interruption of contact between articular cartilage and subchondral bone results in degeneration of the cartilage, and osteoblasts from OA subchondral bone conferred catabolic changes in articular chondrocytes [7].Secondly, osteocyte death in bone is becoming recognised as a signalling event for osteoclastic removal of the nonviable bone and its replacement in a remodelling episode [8]. Although subchondral bone is constantly being remodelled, concentration of this activity in a particular region of the bone could alter its mechanical integrity and its ability to properly support the overlying cartilage.Tanamas and colleagues conclude that cysts (and BMLs) may provide therapeutic targets for the treatment of knee OA [1]. Certainly, the recent acquisition of tools to probe early events in subchondral bone in OA should deliver rapid advances in our understanding of the natural history of this condition.  相似文献   

Bovine abortions due to Neospora caninum infection are a major cattle-production problem worldwide. The parasite is readily maintained in cattle populations by vertical transmission. The domestic dog excretes oocysts in its feces and, after sporulation, these oocysts are infectious to cattle. Current control measures are aimed at culling infected cows and limiting the access of cattle to infective oocysts. The recent revelations that coyotes (Canis latrans) can excrete N. caninum oocysts in their feces and that white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are natural intermediate hosts of the parasite demonstrate the existence of a sylvatic cycle of neosporosis in North America. This complicates parasite-prevention programs but opens many new and exciting avenues of research. Similar canid-ruminant sylvatic cycles might exist in other countries and, if so, need to be investigated.  相似文献   

The global database of invasive trees and shrubs has been updated, resulting in a total of 751 species (434 trees and 317 shrubs) from 90 families (Rejmánek and Richardson 2013 Divers Distrib 19:1093–1094). This database is used to assess major trends in human-assisted exchanges of dendrofloras among 15 major geographical regions. Areas most invaded by non-native trees are Pacific Islands (136 species), Southern Africa (118), Australia (116), and North America (114). Areas most invaded by non-native shrubs are North America (98), Australia (87), Pacific Islands (71), and Europe (61). The most important sources of invasive trees are Asia (122–146 species, depending on how many Eurasian species are considered to have been introduced only from Europe), Australia (81), and South America (81). The most important sources of invasive shrubs are Asia (103–118), Europe (68), and South America (54). Mean number of native geographical regions for invasive trees is 1.64, while the mean number of invaded regions by trees is 2.51. The difference is smaller for shrubs: 1.60 versus 2.11. Asia is the major source of invasive Rosaceae shrubs, as well as invasive Arecaceae and Oleaceae species. South America and Australia are major sources of invasive Fabaceae trees. North America and Europe are major sources of invasive Pinaceae. Most of the invasive Salicaceae are of Eurasian origin. The identified trends will very likely continue in this century. Because of increasing interactions with many states in Asia, even more invasive woody species will be introduced from this part of the world.  相似文献   

Dosage compensation: do birds do it as well?   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  

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