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《Animal behaviour》1998,55(2):377-386
Differential treatment of kin and non-kin has been well documented, but much remains unclear about how kin are recognized. If kin are recognized by a phenotype-matching mechanism, there must be a correlation between genetic relatedness and the similarity of cues used for recognition. A habituation technique was used with golden hamsters,Mesocricetus auratus, to investigate the relative similarity of the odour quality of flank gland secretions from siblings and unrelated individuals. Hamsters discriminated between the odours of their own, same-sex siblings but also treated these odours as similar compared to odours of non-siblings (experiment 1). They did not discriminate between the flank gland odours of unfamiliar siblings from another family (experiment 2). They also did not discriminate between the flank gland odours of unfamiliar, paternal half-siblings from another family (experiment 3). These results indicate that subjects perceived odours from genetically similar individuals as similar and provide evidence for kinship odour cues. The discrimination between the flank gland odours of subjects’ own siblings, however, indicates that hamsters learn the subtle differences between the odours of their close kin, probably through experience with siblings in the nest. When only volatile components from flank gland secretions were available to subjects (experiment 4), they again discriminated between the odours of their own siblings, suggesting that the volatile components from the flank gland secretion were sufficient for recognition of individual litter-mates.  相似文献   

In mammals, some embryonic genes are expressed differently depending on whether they are inherited from the sperm or egg, a phenomenon known as genomic imprinting. The information on the parental origin is transmitted by an epigenetic mark. Both the molecular mechanisms and evolutionary processes of genomic imprinting have been studied extensively. Here, I illustrate the simplest evolutionary dynamics of imprinting evolution based on the “conflict theory,” by considering the evolution of a gene encoding an embryonic growth factor controlling the maternal resource supply. It demonstrates that (a) the autosomal genes controlling placenta development to modify maternal resource acquisition may evolve a strong asymmetry of gene expression, provided the mother has some chance of accepting multiple males. (b) The genomic imprinting may not evolve if there is a small fraction of recessive deleterious mutations on the gene. (c) The growth-enhancing genes should evolve to paternally expressed, while the growth-suppressing genes should evolve to maternally expressed. (d) The X-linked genes also evolve genomic imprinting, but the main evolutionary force is the sex difference in the optimal embryonic size. I discuss other aberrations that can be explained by the modified versions of the basic model.  相似文献   

Abstract By contrast to females that can maximize reproductive success with only one or a few copulations, males generally increase their fitness with frequency of mating. Sperm storage and allocation is therefore crucial for both male and female fitness. Sperm storage in Aleochara bilineata (Coleoptera; Staphylinidae) is investigated by measuring the number of spermatozoa stored in the female spermatheca after single, double or triple successive copulations with different males. The potential advantages of polyandry are studied in terms of the number of sperm stored by females mated twice with the same male (i.e. repeated copulation), compared with females mated twice with two different virgin males (i.e. polyandry). Level of polygyny is also estimated by measuring sperm allocation when ten successive mates are offered to a virgin male. Aleochara bilineata females store the sperm of the same or different males additively, suggesting no advantage for polyandry in terms of the number of sperm stored. A virgin male is able to inseminate ten different females but the number of sperm transferred decreases linearly. Finally, the latencies and durations of copulations are measured in all experiments to estimate changes according to the male or female status (i.e. virgin or mated). The latency before mating is higher when females are virgin than when females have already mated.  相似文献   

Distinguishing kin from non-kin profoundly impacts the evolution of social behaviour. Individuals able to assess the genetic relatedness of conspecifics can preferentially allocate resources towards related individuals and avoid inbreeding. We have addressed the question of how animals acquire the ability to recognize kin by studying the development of olfactory kin preference in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Previously, we showed that zebrafish use an olfactory template to recognize even unfamiliar kin through phenotype matching. Here, we show for the first time that this phenotype matching is based on a learned olfactory imprinting process in which exposure to kin individuals on day 6 post fertilization (pf) is necessary and sufficient for imprinting. Larvae that were exposed to kin before or after but not on day 6 pf did not recognize kin. Larvae isolated from all contact with conspecifics did not imprint on their own chemical cues; therefore, we see no evidence for kin recognition through self-matching in this species. Surprisingly, exposure to non-kin odour during the sensitive phase of development did not result in imprinting on the odour cues of unrelated individuals, suggesting a genetic predisposition to kin odour. Urine-born peptides expressed by genes of the immune system (MHC) are important messengers carrying information about 'self' and 'other'. We suggest that phenotype matching is acquired through a time-sensitive learning process that, in zebrafish, includes a genetic predisposition potentially involving MHC genes expressed in the olfactory receptor neurons.  相似文献   

The rove beetle, Aleochara bilineata, is characterised as having monomorphic long sperm (spermatophoral mean approx. +/-2.5%), whilst simultaneously having a large variation in mean sperm length across a mixed age population. Spermatophoral means of between 627 and 996 mum were measured in this investigation. The hypothesis that sperm length increases as a function of male age is tested. In order to examine this hypothesis in a 'good genes' context, three a priori subhypotheses were tested: (1) spermatophoral mean sperm length increases as a function of male age and not as a function of the sequential order of the spermatophore from which sperm were taken, (2) the rate of this increase is dependent upon nutritional intake, and (3) sperm length is not determined by adult body size. The first prediction is supported in its entirety by the data, whereas the second is not supported at all and the third subhypothesis is supported only in older males. These findings are interesting in the field of postcopulatory sexual selection, as this is the first time that such an increase in mean sperm length has been recorded.  相似文献   

Aleochara bilineata Gyll. (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) adults feed on eggs and larvae of cabbage maggot, Delia radicum (L.) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), and might be used to control this pest. We undertook tests in a Y-tube olfactometer to determine if infochemicals are involved in the food foraging behaviour of A. bilineata adults and to precisely determine the potential sources of stimuli. A. bilineata adults oriented toward the stimuli from both the food-plant of the prey (rutabaga: Brassica napus var. napobrassica (L.) Reichb.) and the prey-plant complex (rutabaga infested by cabbage maggot larvae), but adults significantly preferred the effluvia of infested to uninfested rutabaga in a choice test. The sources of infochemicals in the infested rutabaga were the cabbage maggot larvae themselves and their frass. However, in a choice test adults preferred the effluvia of the larvae to that of the damaged rutabaga from which those larvae were obtained. It is not expected that a generalist predator uses precise herbivore-derived signals in food foraging activity, but the preference of A. bilineata adults for the larval volatiles over frass volatiles may reflect the dependence of this species on dipteran pupae for reproduction.  相似文献   

Wolf JB  Hager R 《PLoS biology》2006,4(12):e380
Imprinted genes are expressed either from the maternally or paternally inherited copy only, and they play a key role in regulating complex biological processes, including offspring development and mother–offspring interactions. There are several competing theories attempting to explain the evolutionary origin of this monoallelic pattern of gene expression, but a prevailing view has emerged that holds that genomic imprinting is a consequence of conflict between maternal and paternal gene copies over maternal investment. However, many imprinting patterns and the apparent overabundance of maternally expressed genes remain unexplained and may be incompatible with current theory. Here we demonstrate that sole expression of maternal gene copies is favored by natural selection because it increases the adaptive integration of offspring and maternal genomes, leading to higher offspring fitness. This novel coadaptation theory for the evolution of genomic imprinting is consistent with results of recent studies on epigenetic effects, and it provides a testable hypothesis for the origin of previously unexplained major imprinting patterns across different taxa. In conjunction with existing hypotheses, our results suggest that imprinting may have evolved due to different selective pressures at different loci.  相似文献   

Aleochara bilineata oviposits in soil microhabitats likely to contain the dipteran pupae that are hosts of its ectoparasitoid first instar larvae. The eggs of A. bilineata have a rigid chorion but they are nonetheless hydropic and, after 30 h of development, start to increase in volume and do so until 50 h. This increase in volume is due to absorption of water. The eggs increase their initial volume by a factor of 1.68 that corresponds to an increase of 44.44% of initial weight. To explain this augmentation in volume, we describe the modifications occurring in the egg chorion during hydropy. The increase in volume in such a rigid egg is made possible through the fragmentation of the chorion which, initially dense and regular, becomes fragmented. Such adaptation enables female A. bilineata to oviposit hydropic eggs in habitats where mechanical resistance is needed. Accepted: 29 October 2000  相似文献   

Plant biodiversity is known to affect insect populations, both herbivores and their natural enemies, and as a consequence, habitat management through increased plant species composition and abundance can be exploited for sustainable pest management. In agroecosystems where crop monocultures are the routine production practice, plant biodiversity can be increased by maintaining small populations of weeds, with potential beneficial effects arising from concomitant increases in the abundance of predator and parasitoid populations. We manipulated weed populations in both species of canola, Brassica rapa L. and Brassica napus L., to investigate responses of adults of Aleochara bilineata Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), an important natural enemy of root maggots (Delia spp., Diptera: Anthomyiidae). Larval root maggots feed on canola taproots, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients within the plants, causing substantial yield reductions. Aleochara bilineata is a predator–parasitoid that attacks all root maggot pre-imaginal life stages. Activity density of A. bilineata increased as monocotyledonous weed biomass declined. Significant preferences between canola species were observed, with A. bilineata associated most frequently with B. rapa compared with B. napus. Our research suggests that improved management of root maggot infestations in canola through enhancement of populations of the A. bilineata predator–parasitoid could be accomplished by reducing weed infestations; however, such recommendations should consider other predators in the system and the role of weeds in reducing root maggot oviposition and damage.  相似文献   

Snakes are often regarded as the least social of all vertebrate groups, but this assumption stems from the fact that they are secretive and difficult to observe in nature, rather than direct evidence. Recent studies have revealed a surprising degree of social complexity in snakes. Here, I examine the ability of captive-raised timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) to recognize siblings by measuring the mean separation distance and frequency of contact between pairs of individuals housed together. The results show that female siblings associate more closely with each other than nonsibling pairs. Previous studies have shown that timber rattlesnakes occupying the same hibernacula have higher relatedness than snakes using neighbouring hibernacula, and frequently form social aggregations. Rattlesnakes exhibit other characteristics consistent with advanced sociality, including group defence, conspecific alarm signals and maternal defence of young. These findings reinforce the notion that, rather than being solitary and asocial, some snake species may form family groups.  相似文献   

Kin recognition in social insects has become a central issue in sociobiology because studies of the recognition abilities of social insects provide a test of kin selection theory. W.D. Hamilton(1) formalized kin selection theory by showing how individuals can gain fitness by increasing the reproductive output of relatives (kin). The social interactions of individuals, or groups, should be influenced by the genetic structure of the population. The ability to recognize kin can increase the adaptive value of social behavior by modulating it according to genetic relationship. From this, the specific prediction emerges: if individuals can distinguish among others with which they interact on the basis of the degree to which they are related, then behavior should be biased preferentially toward more closely related reproductive individuals.  相似文献   

Predator‐induced mortality rates are highest in early life stages; therefore, early recognition of threats can greatly increase survival chances. Some species of coral reef fishes have been frequently found to recruit back to their natal reefs; in this instance, there is a high chance of juveniles encountering their siblings, among other kin, after hatching. Kin recognition plays an important ecological role in that it allows individuals to protect genetically similar relatives, and hence increase their inclusive fitness. By observing changes in heart rates, we demonstrated that embryos of two damselfish species, Acanthochromis polyacanthus and Amphiprion melanopus, not only possess recognition of kin and damage‐released alarm odours, but also react to them in a graded manner. Such refined olfactory capabilities in embryonic stage organisms (seven and eleven days after fertilisation) suggest identification of threats may provide survival advantages post‐hatching, such as the informed choice of low risk habitats at settlement. To our knowledge this is the first time that kin recognition has been identified in embryos of any species.  相似文献   

The morphology of mature spermatozoa of the rove beetle Aleochara bilineata was examined by using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. They are about 1000 mum long and filiform. The acrosome and the nucleus are elongate and each about 20 mum long. A well-developed centriole adjunct region connects the nucleus with the sperm tail. The axoneme reveals the 9 + 9 + 2 pattern of the pterygote sperm flagellum. Two accessory bodies and two mitochondrial derivatives with paracrystalline inclusions are present. Cristae are reduced to the cortical zone of the derivatives. Cytochrome-c oxidase activity was detected within the cristae by DAB-reaction. The energy metabolism of the spermatozoa was investigated by using different inhibitors affecting the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic metabolic pathways. Sperm movement was used as an indicator for the utilization of ATP by the axoneme. In control experiments, the duration of motility was longer than 45 min. In the presence of atractyloside or potassium cyanide the motility duration was not affected. On the other hand, iodoacetic acid in the medium stopped sperm motility within 15 min. This indicates that sperm energy metabolism mainly depends on the glycolytic pathway.  相似文献   

Genetic conflicts in genomic imprinting   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The expression pattern of genes in mammals and plants can depend upon the parent from which the gene was inherited, evidence for a mechanism of parent-specific genomic imprinting. Kinship considerations are likely to be important in the natural selection of many such genes, because coefficients of relatedness will usually differ between maternally and paternally derived genes. Three classes of gene are likely to be involved in genomic imprinting: the imprinted genes themselves, trans-acting genes in the parents, which affect the application of the imprint, and trnas-acting genes in the offspring, which recognize and affect the expression of the imprint. We show that coefficients of relatedness will typically differ among these three classes, thus engendering conflicts of interest between Imprinter genes, imprinted genes, and imprint-recognition genes, with probable consequences for the evolution of the imprinting machinery.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of genomic imprinting   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

Genomic imprinting is known from flowering plants and mammals but has not been confirmed for the Hymenoptera even though the eusocial Hymenoptera are prime candidates for this peculiar form of gene expression. Here, the kin selection theory of genomic imprinting is reviewed and applied to the eusocial Hymenoptera. The evidence for imprinting in eusocial Hymenoptera with the typical mode of reproduction, involving the sexual production of diploid female offspring, which develop into workers or gynes, and the arrhenotokous parthenogenesis of haploid males, is also reviewed briefly. However, the focus of this review is how atypical modes of reproduction, involving thelytokous parthenogenesis, hybridisation and androgenesis, may also select for imprinting. In particular, naturally occurring hybridisation in several genera of ants may provide useful tests of the role of kin selection in the evolution of imprinting. Hybridisation is expected to disrupt the coadaptation of antagonistically imprinted loci, and thus affect the phenotypes of hybrids. Some of the limited data available on hybrid worker reproduction and on colony sex ratios support predictions about patterns of imprinting derived from kin selection theory.  相似文献   

Mammalian imprinted genes are clustered in chromosomal domains. Their mono-allelic, parent-of-origin-specific expression is regulated by imprinting control regions (ICRs), which are essential sequence elements marked by DNA methylation on one of the two parental alleles. These methylation “imprints” are established during gametogenesis and, after fertilization, are somatically maintained throughout development. Nonhistone proteins and histone modifications contribute to this epigenetic process. The way ICRs mediate imprinted gene expression differs between domains. At some domains, for instance, ICRs produce long noncoding RNAs that mediate chromatin silencing. Lysine methylation on histone H3 is involved in this developmental process and is particularly important for imprinting in the placenta and brain. Together, the newly discovered chromatin mechanisms provide further clues for addressing imprinting-related pathologies in humans.  相似文献   

Social spiders accept immigrant spiders into their kin-based groups, suggesting that spiders cannot recognise kin and may lose inclusive fitness benefits. A field and two laboratory experiments on Diaea ergandros, a social crab spider, demonstrated that younger and older instar D. ergandros do discriminate siblings, but potential benefits were variable and not equally distributed. First, proportional survival was greater in large groups regardless of the within-group relatedness, so accepting immigrants increases probability of group survival (although relatedness was more important among smaller groups). Second, juvenile D. ergandros ate unrelated spiders instead of siblings when starved, so immigrants might represent a food reserve in times of food shortage. Third, subadult resident, sibling females cannibalised unrelated, immigrant females and their brothers instead of immigrant males when starved, suggesting that subadult female spiders may maximise outbreeding opportunities. These benefits provide selective pressure for groups to accept immigrants, but as benefits are realised differentially, conflict and cooperation will exist within spider groups similar to that shown in other group-living taxa.  相似文献   

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