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The shore crab Carcinus maenas (L.) reported hitherto not to express endogenous circatidal rhythmicity in winter, is shown not to lose the ability to express such rhythmicity. Crabs maintained in constant reduced salinity in winter exhibit circatidal and circadian rhythms similar to the normal endogenous rhythms of summer caught crabs.In sinusoidal changes of salinity of tidal periodicity, reductions of salinity and increases to ambient sea water induced increased locomotor activity. The former were purely exogenous responses but the latter were also observed to entrain the underlying endogenously controlled circatidal pattern of behaviour.The occurrence of separate exogenous and endogenous responses to different phases of imposed salinity cycles has implications when seeking to understand rhythmic locomotor activity of crabs on the shore and in the search for components of the underlying physiological clock mechanism.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory experiments show that endogenous circatidal rhythms in coastal animals are entrained by exposure to real or simulated tidal cycles of hydrostatic pressure, temperature, salinity, wave agitation, immersion and light. Short pulses (2–3 h) of simulated high tide induce slight phase advances or delays in the free-running circatidal rhythm of groups of experimental animals, depending upon the time of application. Phase-response curves derived in this way are less clear-cut than for typical circadian rhythms, but their pattern suggests that tidally rhythmic behaviour is controlled by truly circatidal (and not circadian) oscillators. The underlying circatidal oscillators appear, in general, to be fairly stable, suggesting that populations of coastal animals are relatively unsusceptible to irregularly timed environmental stimuli associated, say, with severe storms.  相似文献   

Juvenile American horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, express both daily and tidal rhythms. To determine if, and how, tidal cues influence the expression of these rhythms, we exposed 25 animals to artificial tides, and 17 to artificial tides with inundation, both with a 12:12 LD cycle. In the first experiment, 24% expressed daily rhythms of activity, 24% tidal rhythms, 12% a combination of the two, and the rest were arrhythmic. Under subsequent atidal conditions some expressed daily rhythms, but more were circatidal. In the second experiment, 6% expressed daily rhythms, 71% tidal, 12% a combination, and 12% were arrhythmic. Those expressing tidal rhythms were more active during flood/high tide, while daily animals tended to be nocturnal. Under subsequent constant conditions, the majority exhibited circatidal activity, with some expressing one activity bout per day. We conclude that juvenile horseshoe crabs entrain to artificial tides, with inundation cycles providing stronger cues than water depth changes.  相似文献   

In the laboratory, horseshoe crabs express a circadian rhythm of visual sensitivity as well as daily and circatidal rhythms of locomotion. The major goal of this investigation was to determine whether the circadian clock underlying changes in visual sensitivity also modulates locomotion. To address this question, we developed a method for simultaneously recording changes in visual sensitivity and locomotion. Although every animal (24) expressed consistent circadian rhythms of visual sensitivity, rhythms of locomotion were more variable: 44% expressed a tidal rhythm, 28% were most active at night, and the rest lacked statistically significant rhythms. When exposed to artificial tides, 8 of 16 animals expressed circatidal rhythms of locomotion that continued after tidal cycles were stopped. However, rhythms of visual sensitivity remained stable and showed no tendency to be influenced by the imposed tides or locomotor activity. These results indicate that horseshoe crabs possess at least two biological clocks: one circadian clock primarily used for modulating visual sensitivity, and one or more clocks that control patterns of locomotion. This arrangement allows horseshoe crabs to see quite well while mating during both daytime and nighttime high tides.  相似文献   

American horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) exhibit clear circadian rhythms of visual sensitivity in the laboratory and in the field they exhibit seasonal patterns of mating behavior that are closely associated with the tides. Recent reports suggest that Limulus locomotor activity may be controlled by endogenous circadian and/or circatidal clocks and that light:dark (LD) cycles may affect the rhythmic output of both of these clocks. In this study, we examined locomotor behavior in the laboratory to determine the extent of this endogenous activity and to examine the influence of LD cycles on these rhythms. Thirty-three L. polyphemus were captured during the breeding season and their activity was monitored with activity boxes and “running wheels” in seawater kept at constant temperature and salinity. Activity patterns were analyzed using visual inspection of actograms and Chi-square and Lomb-Scargle periodograms. Overall, 36% of the animals was significantly more active during L, while only 12% was more active during D (52% showed no preference). Circatidal rhythms were observed in LD in 67% of the horseshoe crabs. Surprisingly, LD cycles appeared to synchronize these rhythms at times. In DD, the majority of animals tested (63%) exhibited circatidal rhythms that persisted for at least seven days. Overall, the results demonstrate that an endogenously controlled tidal rhythm of locomotion operates during, and significantly after, the breeding season in this species. In addition, the present results are consistent with the presence of circalunidian oscillators controlling these rhythms.  相似文献   

Limulus polyphemus, the American horseshoe crab, has an endogenous clock that drives circatidal rhythms of locomotor activity. In this study, we examined the ability of artificial tides to entrain the locomotor rhythms of Limulus in the laboratory. In experiments one and two, the activity of 16 individuals of L. polyphemus was monitored with activity boxes and "running wheels." When the crabs were exposed to artificial tides created by changes in water depth, circatidal rhythms were observed in animals exposed to 12.4-h "tidal" cycles of either water depth changes (8 of 8 animals) or inundation (7 of 8 animals). In experiment three, an additional 8 animals were exposed to water depth changes under cyclic conditions of light and dark and then monitored for 10 days with no imposed artificial tides. Most animals (5) clearly synchronized their activity to the imposed artificial tidal cycles, and 3 of these animals showed clear evidence of entrainment after the artificial tides were terminated. Overall, these results demonstrate that the endogenous tidal clock that influences locomotion in Limulus can be entrained by imposed artificial tides. In the laboratory, these tidal cues override the influence of light/dark cycles. In their natural habitat, where both tidal and photoperiod inputs are typically always present, their activity rhythms are likely to be much more complex.  相似文献   

This study investigated the entrainment of a larval release rhythm by determining whether a tidal cycle in hydrostatic pressure could entrain the circatidal rhythm in larval release by the crab Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould). Ovigerous females were collected from a non-tidal estuary. The time of larval release by individual crabs was monitored under constant conditions with a time-lapse video system. Crabs with mature embryos at the time of collection had a pronounced circadian rhythm in larval release with a free running period of 25.1 h. Crabs with immature embryos that were maintained under constant conditions from the time of collection until larval release retained a weak circadian rhythm. Other crabs with immature embryos were exposed to a tidal cycle in step changes in hydrostatic pressure equivalent to 1 m of water. This cycle entrained a circatidal rhythm in larval release. The free-running period was 12.1 h and larvae were released at the time of the transition from low to high pressure. Although past studies demonstrated that a tidal cycle in hydrostatic pressure could entrain activity rhythms in crustaceans, this is the first study to show that pressure can entrain a larval release rhythm.  相似文献   

The circalunidian hypothesis that tidal rhythms in coastal animals are controlled by two lunar-day (c. 24.8 h) oscillators coupled in antiphase is challenged. Rhythmic locomotor activity patterns of the shore crab Carcinus maenas, and probably of some other species too, are more economically explained by interacting circadian (c. 24 h) and true circatidal (c. 12.4 h) physiological oscillators. A testable hypothesis is proposed that combines a circadian promotor and a circatidal inhibitor of locomotor activity.  相似文献   

The mole crab Emerita talpoida migrates with the tide in the swash zone of sand beaches. A circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming underlies movement, in which mature male crabs show peak swimming activity 1-2 h after the time of high tides at the collection site. In addition, there is a secondary rhythm in activity amplitude, in which crabs are maximally active following low amplitude high tides and minimally active following high amplitude high tides. The present study determined the phase response relationship for entrainment of the circatidal rhythm with mechanical agitation and whether the cycle in activity related to tidal amplitude could be entrained by a cycle in the duration of mechanical agitation at the times of consecutive high tides. After entrainment with mechanical agitation on an orbital shaker, activity of individual crabs was monitored in constant conditions with a video system and quantified as the number of ascents from the sand each 0.5 h. Mechanical agitation at the times of high tide, mid-ebb and low tide reset the timing of the circatidal rhythm according to the timing relationship to high tide. However, mechanical agitation during flood tide had no entrainment effect. In addition, a cycle in duration of mechanical agitation entrained the rhythm in activity amplitude associated with tidal amplitude. Both rhythms and entrainment effectiveness over the tidal cycle may function to reduce the likelihood of stranding above the swash zone.  相似文献   

The intertidal teleosts Gobius paganellus and Lipophrys pholis show endogenous circatidal activity rhythms when recorded in constant conditions. Under these conditions, the rhythm of L. pholis is the more precise which may indicate stronger coupling between underlying circalunadian oscillators in this species. In G. pagunellus the inter-oscillator coupling may be weaker and this could enable a more subtle interpretation of tidal fluctuations than in L. pholis . The oscillators may, however, be fundamentally different in the two species; circalunadian in G. paganellus and circatidal in L. pholis .
When exposed to hydrostatic pressure cycles of tidal frequency both species responded pre- dominantly to increasing pressure, which suggests that in the wild they are likely to be most active on the rising tide. Hydrostatic pressure cycles are confirmed as a zeitgeber for both species by the successful entrainment of some individuals. The lack of entrainment of others impIies that additional zeitgebers are required for complete entrainment.  相似文献   

The American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus (Linnaeus), typically inhabits estuaries and coastal areas with pronounced semi-diurnal and diurnal tides that are used to synchronize the timing of spawning, larval hatching, and emergence. Horseshoe crabs spawn in the intertidal zone of sandy beaches and larval emergence occurs when the larvae exit the sediments and enter the plankton. However, L. polyphemus populations also occur in areas that lack significant tidal changes and associated synchronization cues. Endogenous activity rhythms that match predictable environmental cycles may enable larval horseshoe crabs to time swimming activity to prevent stranding on the beach. To determine if L. polyphemus larvae possess a circatidal rhythm in vertical swimming, larvae collected from beach nests and the plankton were placed under constant conditions and their activity monitored for 72 h. Time-series analyses of the activity records revealed a circatidal rhythm with a free-running period of ≈ 12.5 h. Maximum swimming activity consistently occurred during the time of expected falling tides, which may serve to reduce the chance of larvae being stranded on the beach and aid in seaward transport by ebb currents (i.e., ebb-tide transport). To determine if agitation serves as the entrainment cue, larvae were shaken on a 12.4 h cycle to simulate conditions during high tide in areas with semi-diurnal tides. When placed under constant conditions, larval swimming increased near the expected times of agitation. Thus, endogenous rhythms of swimming activity of L. polyphemus larvae in both tidal and nontidal systems may help synchronize swimming activity with periods of high water and inundation.  相似文献   

Another place, another timer: Marine species and the rhythms of life   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The marine ecosystem is governed by a multitude of environmental cycles, all of which are linked to the periodical recurrence of the sun or the moon. In accordance with these cycles, marine species exhibit a variety of biological rhythms, ranging from circadian and circatidal rhythms to circalunar and seasonal rhythms. However, our current molecular understanding of biological rhythms and clocks is largely restricted to solar-controlled circadian and seasonal rhythms in land model species. Here, we discuss the first molecular data emerging for circalunar and circatidal rhythms and present selected species suitable for further molecular analyses. We argue that a re-focus on marine species will be crucial to understand the principles, interactions and evolution of rhythms that govern a broad range of eukaryotes, including ourselves.  相似文献   

Entrainment experiments have been carried out with geographically widely separated populations of the sand beach isopod Eurydice pulchra Leach subjected to periods of simulated tidal agitation imposed concurrently with a 24-h light: dark (L: D) cycle. Circatidal swimming rhythms of greatest amplitude were induced when agitation was applied with the subjective timing, within the L: D cycle, of local spring high tides. This occurred in a normal L: D regime and also when the L: D regime was phase shifted through 90°. Animals previously maintained in constant darkness (D: D) and subsequently exposed to simulated tidal disturbance at various times in constant darkness were unable to modulate the amplitude of circatidal swimming activity. Isopods previously maintained in a normal L: D cycle and subsequently subjected to artificial tidal agitation in constant darkness were, however, able to modulate circatidal activity. This indicates that E. pulchra is capable of detecting tidal agitation and daily light cues and using them in conjunction with its circadian “clock” to modulate its endogenous circatidal rhythmicity. The free-running semilunar rhythm of swimming activity entrained only when the timing of agitation within the day/night cycle mimicked the pattern of local spring high tides. Agitation with the timing of neap high tides entrained no free-running circa-semilunar activity pattern.  相似文献   

Mictyris guinotae is endemic to the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. During low tide, the crabs emerge onto the tidal flat to feed, and then burrow into the sand before the incoming tide. They feed in droves during daytime, but separately at night. Under constant conditions without sand sediment, crabs exhibited a bimodal daily activity pattern, with a free-running period of ~12.8 h, comprising an active phase of ~11 h alternating with a resting phase of ~1 h, and a lag of ~3 h between the activity peak and low tide. Crabs were more active during the notional night-time than during the notional daytime. In crabs placed in an arena with sand sediment, a free-running period of ~12.8 h comprised a surface-active phase of ~3 h and a subsurface resting phase of ~9 h, with a lag of 1.5 h. In contrast to the non-sand condition, more crabs were active during daytime than during night-time. Thus, M. guinotae possesses circatidal and circadian locomotor rhythms that are modified by the sediment.  相似文献   

Heart rates were monitored in situ in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas, in relation to variations in depth, salinity, oxygen tension, temperature, light intensity and pH. Experiments were performed in the Looe Estuary, Cornwall, England and in Batson Creek in the Salcombe-Kingsbridge Estuary, Devon, England. Experiments in the Looe Estuary were conducted in the vicinity of a storm water storage discharge whereas the experiments in Batson Creek were performed on a clean site. Tidal rhythms in heart rates were commonly detected but diel rhythms in heart rate were also observed frequently. Both types of rhythm were more evident in animals from Batson Creek than from Looe. In Batson Creek, 12 out of 15 crabs expressed tidal rhythms in heart rate, whereas 6 out of 15 crabs expressed diel rhythms. In the two studies in the Looe Estuary, 6 out of 15 crabs and 3 out of 15 crabs expressed tidal and diel rhythm in heart rate, respectively. At both experimental sites, heart rates were positively correlated with increasing changes in depth and salinity, whereas heart rates were negatively correlated with light intensity. In addition, heart rates appeared to be positively correlated with increasing oxygen tension in the experiments performed in the Looe Estuary. The study suggests that depth and oxygen availability are more important to in situ heart rates in shore crabs within tidal estuaries than are salinity, light intensity and pH. Also, sewage discharge appears to cause an acute increase in heart rate, which may affect expression of biological rhythms in shore crabs.  相似文献   

Organisms living along the shore are exposed to complex sets of environmental oscillations. In addition to solar (24.0 h) and lunar (24.8 h) cycles, local tides may reoccur on a 12.4 h schedule. Beyond daily routines, biweekly, monthly and annual rhythms may each have a significant impact on an animal's activity. For some time, it has been established firmly that intertidal crabs possess several internal biological clocks with distinctly different periods and properties. However, the versatility of these clocks has not been obvious. Crabs living in the littoral zone must adjust their internal chrono-meters to be synchronous with the specific temporal structure of the immediate habitat. Fine adjustments in their clocks will depend upon on a particular tide province and the location of their niche in the intertidal zone. Over a wide geographic range, the location of an intertidal habitat for one species may be in as many as four tidal provinces. Based on wave form and harmonic components, tide provinces are characterized as either a) semidiurnal, b) mixed, mainly semidiurnal, c) mixed mainly diurnal, or d) diurnal. Likewise, the primary frequency associated with an intertidal niche in each tide province may be augmented by diel (24 h) and semilunar (14 day) periods. In addition, supralittoral habitats may be influenced by monthly (28 day) and seasonal rhythms. Since some species live in several tidal provinces and different positions in the littoral zone, locomotor and larval release rhythms of intertidal crabs must naturally be adjusted to the timetable of the local habitat. Flexibility in ambulatory and egg hatching rhythms of crabs are discussed from this environmental perspective. The nature and location of the underlying circadian and tidal oscillators tracking these environmental rhythms are reviewed.  相似文献   

The cumacean Dimorphostylis asiatica (Crustacea) exhibits a circatidal swimming activity rhythm. The animals were exposed to a 12.5 hr sinusoidal change of hydrostatic pressure of 0.3 atm amplitude in the laboratory. Under constant dark conditions, most of the specimens were entrained to a daily bimodal swimming activity rhythm by the hydrostatic pressure cycle. A small number of individuals exhibited a unimodal daily rhythm, with no apparent entraining from the administered cycles. A marked feature was a flexible phase relationship between the entrained daily bimodal rhythm and the hydrostatic pressure cycles: the swimming activity of most of the specimens occurred around the pressure-decreasing phase, but for a small number of individuals it coincided with the pressure-increasing phase. Such flexibility suggests a weak entraining effect of hydrostatic pressure on the circatidal rhythm of this species. When exposed to 24 hr light-dark cycles and a hydrostatic pressure cycle simultaneously, the specimens exhibited a rhythmic activity entrained by the hydrostatic pressure cycle during the dark period, which closely resembles the temporal activity pattern of this species in the field. The light cycles entrained the swimming activity via direct inhibition and induction of activity (i.e., masking). Under light-dark conditions, the specimens exhibited activity on the pressure-increasing phase more frequently compared with specimens kept in constant darkness.  相似文献   

While many intertidal animals exhibit circatidal rhythms, the nature of the underlying endogenous clocks that control these rhythms has been controversial. In this study American horseshoe crabs, Limulus polyphemus, were used to test the circalunidian hypothesis by exposing them to four different tidal regimes. Overall, the results obtained support the circalunidian hypothesis: each of the twice-daily rhythms of activity appears to be controlled by a separate clock, each with an endogenous period of approximately 24.8 h. First, spontaneous “skipping” of one of the daily bouts was observed under several different conditions. Second, the presence of two bouts of activity/day, with different periods, was observed. Lastly, we were able to separately synchronize bouts of activity to two artificial tidal regimes with different periods. These results, taken together, argue in favor of two separate circalunidian clocks in Limulus, each of which controls one of the two bouts of their daily tidal activity rhythms.  相似文献   

Larval release patterns in brachyuran crabs are often synchronized with environmental cycles. While previous studies have focused extensively on supratidal and intertidal taxa, there have been relatively few investigations of subtidal species. This study examined patterns of larval release by the Florida stone crab, Menippe mercenaria, from three different tidal regimes. Ovigerous stone crabs were collected from Sebastian Inlet on the east coast of Florida, Tampa Bay on the west coast of Florida, and the Florida Keys. Patterns of larval release were monitored in the laboratory in relation to local tidal and diel cycles. Results showed a significant diel pattern in initiation of hatching by crabs from each of three study areas. Larval release consistently occurred during the diurnal phase despite the maintenance of females in constant laboratory conditions for up to 96 h prior to hatching. This implies that release may be controlled by a circadian clock. Patterns of release by stone crabs in relation to tidal cycle were more variable. Larval release by females from populations near Tampa Bay and Sebastian Inlet were not synchronized with the tides, whereas females collected from the Florida Keys exhibited a pattern that was strongly related to tidal cycle. These results may be explained by differences in tidal amplitude at the three sampling locations.  相似文献   

The locomotor activities of individual specimens of Uca subcylindrica (Stimpson) collected from semi-arid, supratidal habitats in south Texas and northeastern Mexico were studied in the laboratory using periodogram analysis. When crabs were placed under constant darkness (DD) or constant illumination (LL), free-running circadian rhythms were observed in the activity recordings. The locomotor activity of strongly rhythmic crabs in LL has an average period length of 24.4 h. Crabs held in DD express motor rhythms with periods of approximately 24.0 h. In LL the most common wave form for activity is unimodal, while under DD it is bimodal. Recordings under natural illumination (NL) revealed that both period length and the time of maximum activity (phasing) varied through the year. During winter months, the crabs are primarily diurnal with peaks in activity occurring between 0900 and 2100 h and possess a circadian rhythm with a 23.9 h period. During summer, crabs were nocturnal with maximal activity between 1300 and 0600 and a circadian period closer to 24.0 h. In these experiments, the rhythmic locomotor activities of U. subcylindrica are best described as “circadian”. This is unusual for a genus known for its expression of circatidal and circalunidian rhythms.  相似文献   

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