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Opiate receptor binding is regulated by guanine nucleotides differentially for agonists and antagonists. Guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP), its stable analogue guanyl-5′-yl-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p) and GDP inhibit binding of the 3H-agonists dihydromorphine, etorphine and enkephalins but not the 3H-antagonists naloxone or diprenorphine. GMP, ATP, ADP and AMP fail to alter either agonist or antagonist binding. Effects are more pronounced in the presence than in the absence of sodium.  相似文献   

Investigation of the properties of the binding of the radiolabelled antagonists (125I)-iodohydroxybenzylpindolol, (125I)-iodopindolol, and (125I)-iodocyanopindolol to beta-adrenergic receptors of L6 myoblast membranes revealed that guanine nucleotides caused a 2 to 4.5 fold increase in the apparent affinity of these antagonists. No significant effects of GTP were observed on the density of binding sites determined with each radioligand. GTP, GDP, and GMPPNP were of similar high affinity in producing this effect, while GMP was much less potent, and ATP was without effect. Under similar assay conditions GTP reduced the apparent binding affinity of the agonist isoproterenol for the beta-adrenergic receptors of L6 cells. The results indicate that, contrary to previous observations, guanine nucleotides affect not only the interactions of agonists with beta-adrenergic receptors, but also the interaction of antagonists with these adenylate cyclase-linked receptors.  相似文献   

The addition of GTP (50 M), MnCl2 (1 mM) or EDTA (2 mM) had no effect on the affinity or capacity of bovine striatal plasma membranes for [3H]spiperone. However, GTP caused a decrease in the potency of dopamine as an inhibitor of [3H]spiperone binding under all conditions tested. Manganese enhanced the potency of dopamine both in the presence and absence of GTP, but NaCl (100 mM) had no effect. Neither manganese nor GTP caused any change in the affinity or capacity of bovine striatal membranes for the tritiated agonists dopamine, apomorphine or ADTN. GPPNHP, a nonhydrolyzable analog of GTP, was also ineffective. However, in identical experiments using rat striatal membranes, 50 M GTP caused a decrease in affinity for all three tritiated agonists and this effect was observed both in the presence and absence of manganese (1 mM). In addition, binding capacities for [3H]dopamine and [3H]ADTN were doubled when manganese was present. In light of this and other reports that GTP inhibits tritiated agonist binding in rat striatum, it is suggested that the absence of such inhibition in bovine striatal membranes may reflect a fundamental difference between the two species with regard to their receptors for dopamine agonists.  相似文献   

The binding of one irreversible and two reversible radioactive antagonists to muscarinic receptors in synaptosome preparations of rat cerebral cortex has been studied. The ligands all bind to the same receptor pool and directly and competitively yield self-consistent binding constants closely similar to those obtained by pharmacological methods on intact smooth muscle. The binding process for antagonists seems to be a simple mass action-determined process with a Hill slope of 1.0. The quantitative correlations strongly support the view that the receptor studied by ligand binding corresponds to the receptor studied by pharmacological methods. Inhibition of antagonist binding by most agonists shows a reduced Hill slope which also applies to direct binding studies of [3H] acetylcholine. Mechanisms that might account for the behavior of agonists are discussed but do not conclusively point to any single mechanism.  相似文献   

Insulin, epidermal growth factor (EGF), platelet-derived growth factor, multiplication-stimulating activity and 10% foetal-calf serum each stimulated the phosphorylation of a cytosolic Mr-22000 acidic heat-stable protein in Swiss mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Phosphorylation of this protein was not stimulated by isoprenaline or dibutyryl cyclic AMP. The effect of insulin was maximal (3-fold increase) by 10 min; half-maximal stimulation was observed at 70 pM-insulin. Both [32P]phosphoserine and [32P]phosphothreonine residues were present in the Mr-22000 protein after insulin- and growth-factor-stimulated phosphorylation, but no [32P]phosphotyrosine. The major site of insulin- and EGF-stimulated phosphorylation appeared to be a threonine residue, in contrast with previously studied insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of serine residues. Insulin treatment appeared to result in a shift of the protein toward the anode on isoelectric focusing. Insulin and EGF present simultaneously did not lead to phosphorylation beyond that seen with each hormone singly. We surmise that insulin, EGF and perhaps other growth factors may activate a common protein kinase or inhibit a common protein phosphatase in 3T3-L1 adipocytes which acts on the Mr-22000 protein.  相似文献   

The effect of guanine nucleotides on platelet and calf brain cytosolic phospholipase C was examined in the absence of membranes or detergents in an assay using labeled lipid vesicles. Guanine nucleotides stimulate hydrolysis of [3H]phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [( 3H]PtdIns-4,5-P2) catalyzed both by enzyme from human platelets and by partially purified enzyme from calf brain. Guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S) was the most potent guanine nucleotide with a half-maximal stimulation at 1-10 microM, followed by guanosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imido)triphosphate greater than GTP greater than GDP = guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate). Guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) was able to reverse the GTP gamma S-mediated stimulation. NaF also stimulated phospholipase C activity, further implying a role for a guanine nucleotide-binding protein. In the presence of GTP gamma S, the enzyme cleaved PtdIns-4,5-P2 at higher pH values, and the need for calcium ions was reduced 100-fold. The stimulation of PtdIns-4,5-P2 hydrolysis by GTP gamma S ranged from 2 to 25-fold under various conditions, whereas hydrolysis of [3H]phosphatidylinositol was only slightly affected by guanine nucleotides. We propose that a soluble guanine nucleotide-dependent protein activates phospholipase C to hydrolyze its initial substrate in the sequence of phosphoinositide-derived messenger generation.  相似文献   

Previous evidence suggests that guanine nucleotides can directly inhibit N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and AMPA/kainate receptors and antagonize a variety of cellular functions elicited by these glutamate receptor agonists. We investigated the possibility that the guanine nucleotides GTP, GDP, and GMP exert a neuroprotective effect on cultured rat hippocampal or neocortical neurons exposed to the excitotoxicants NMDA (30 microM) or kainate (300 microM). On co-application with NMDA all three nucleotides revealed a comparable rescue effect from 100 microM nucleotide concentrations onwards, with a higher inhibitory potential in hippocampal than in neocortical cultures. Similarly, kainate-induced neurotoxicity was inhibited by all three nucleotides but the inhibitory potential was lower than after application of NMDA. Guanosine had no effect on either culture system. GTP and GDP where hydrolyzed by hippocampal and cortical cultures with GMP accumulating in the medium, suggesting that hydrolysis of GTP had no effect on the effective nucleotide concentration. Our results show that GTP, GDP, and GMP inhibit NMDA- and kainate-mediated neurotoxicity in cultured hippocampal and neocortical neurons. They suggest that guanine nucleotides may be candidates for broadly antagonizing glutamate receptor-mediated neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The behavioral effects of opiate agonists and antagonists were studied on the female aggression model. Mu-agonist buprenorphine more selectively decreased maternal aggression than kappa-agonist tifluadom. Kappa-agonists (bremazocine, tifluadom) increased passive defence in lactating female rats. Ethopharmacological data shows predominant involvement of brain mu-opiate receptor system in the integrative processes of maternal behavior and maternal aggression in particular.  相似文献   

A G Rehm  H Wu  S P Halenda 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):316-320
The effects of guanine nucleotides on arachidonic acid (AA) release were studied in intact and saponin-permeabilized human platelets. While GTP[S] itself caused a stimulation of AA release in permeabilized cells, GTP[S], GDP[S], GTP, ATP and other nucleotides inhibited AA release in response to thrombin and other agonists in intact, as well as permeabilized platelets. Inhibition of agonist-stimulated AA release by nucleotides was partially attenuated by addition of ADP, and was abolished by prior stimulation of platelets to discharge the ADP-containing dense granules. These results suggest: (i) that released ADP plays an important contributory role in agonist-stimulated platelet AA release, and (ii) that guanine nucleotides can modulate platelet activation through an extracellular action which is distinct from their effects on G-proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Guanosine di- and triphosphates specifically decrease the affinity of chemotactic cAMP receptors in isolatedDictyostelium discoideum membranes. The K0.5 was increased from 50 nM to 150 nM. Receptors were shown to be heterogeneous in dissociation kinetics. In the absence of guanine nucleotides three dissociation processes could be resolved, having first order rate constants of 8.7 x 10−4, 1.3 X 10−2, and higher than 0.1 s−1. Guanine nucleotides decreased the affinity for cAMP by transforming the slowest dissociating receptor form (KD is 8 nM) to forms dissociating more rapidly. Our data indicate that a guanine nucleotide binding protein (G-protein) is involved in the transduction of the cAMP signal inD. discoideum.  相似文献   

A Nagy  L Gráf  A Lajtha 《Life sciences》1983,33(9):835-840
Using synaptosomal rat brain membranes, the degradation of Met-enkephalin in both free and receptor-bound form was measured, together with the dissociation of Met-enkephalin from the receptors. The results show that the degradation rate of initially receptor-bound Met-enkephalin is significantly smaller than either the rate of dissociation from the receptors or that of the degradation of free Met-enkephalin. These data suggest that intact Met-enkephalin dissociates from the receptors and then it becomes a target for the same membrane-associated peptidases that split free Met-enkephalin. This view is supported by the good fitness of the measured degradation of initially receptor-bound Met-enkephalin to the predicted degradation curve calculated from the dissociation rate of receptor-bound Met-enkephalin and the degradation rate of free Met-enkephalin.  相似文献   

Opiate-sensitive feeding behavior has now been demonstrated in a number of species. We sought information on which opioid receptors might be involved in the observed feeding behaviors. Guinea pigs are known to have higher concentrations of the opioid kappa receptor than any other laboratory animal, so we compared the feeding suppressive potency of the general opiate antagonist, diprenorphine to that of the relatively more mu-specific antagonist, naloxone in that species. We found that diprenorphine was over twenty times more effective than naloxone in suppressing feeding in guinea pigs, suggesting the importance of receptors other than mu in feeding initiation in the guinea pig. Confirmatory evidence for the role of kappa receptors was sought, but not found, in comparisons of the effectiveness of different types of opiate agonists in promoting feeding in these animals. These agonists suppressed, rather than stimulated feeding. We conclude that no feeding stimulatory effects of opiates can be demonstrated in guinea pigs. This observation may indicate that opioids play little role in the natural regulation of feeding in this species or that opioids result in prolonged sedation during which the animals fail to eat. The greater feeding suppressive potency of diprenorphine, a general opiate antagonist, versus naloxone, a mu-preferential antagonist, indicates that to whatever extent opiates are involved in guinea pig feeding, the opiate effect is probably not a mu receptor effect.  相似文献   

We have synthesized a series of hydrazones and acylhydrazones of naltrexone. These substitutions had modest effects on competition of mu binding but many greatly enhanced the relative potency of the compounds for delta receptors. Increased delta affinity was most prominent with the acylhydrazones. Many of the derivatives elicited a wash-resistant inhibition of binding which was restricted to mu, not delta, binding sites. This wash-resistant inhibition of binding did not correlate with affinity, as determined by IC50 values, implying that the inhibition could not be explained simply by slow rate of dissociation due to increased affinity.  相似文献   

A Pfeiffer  A Herz 《Life sciences》1982,31(12-13):1355-1358
The present studies were undertaken to evaluate whether different types of opiate agonists interact in a distinguishable manner with mu, delta and kappa opiate binding sites. Two approaches were employed: (a) the well known effects of metal ions on opiate agonist binding affinities of subsite selective ligands were studied at mu, delta and kappa sites in rat brain homogenates. Binding parameters were obtained by simultaneous computeranalysis of displacement curves using the prototypic ligands dihydromorphine (DHM), (D-Ala2, D-Leu5) enkephalin (DADL) and ethylketocyclazocine (EKC) of the mu, delta and kappa binding sites respectively. The results show that the effects of metal ions depend not only on the binding site, but also on the ligand under investigation. (b) The interaction of the delta agonist DADL with the mu agonist DHM was investigated at mu binding sites by characterizing the type of competition occurring between the two ligands. The interaction was of the noncompetitive type. It therefore appears that the various opiate agonists either interact preferentially with different parts of a larger receptor site area or bind to topographically distinct sites on a single receptor molecule which are coupled allosterically.  相似文献   

In contrast to antagonists, agonists tend to induce considerable conformational changes in their receptors, resulting in opening of ion channels, either directly or via secondary messengers. These conformational transformations require great energy expenses. However, the experimentally determined free energies of complexation between agonists and receptors are often relatively smaller than those for the corresponding antagonists. To rationalize this so-called 'agonist paradox', which has not been clarified in the literature, we have developed an alternative model. Our model may help to discriminate between agonists and antagonists of the acetylcholine (ACh) and mu-opioid receptors. For this purpose, a series of ligands (1-18) have been analyzed both in structural terms and with respect to complexation geometry within the anionic binding sites of these two receptor types.  相似文献   

Owing to the critical role of follicle stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) signaling in human reproduction, FSHR has been widely explored for development of fertility regulators. Using high-throughput screening approaches, several low molecular weight (LMW) compounds that can modulate FSHR activity have been identified. However, the information about the binding sites of these molecules on FSHR is not known. In the present study, we extracted the structural and functional information of 161 experimentally validated LMW FSHR modulators available in PubMed records. The potential FSHR binding sites for these modulators were identified through molecular docking experiments. The binding sites were further mapped to the agonist or antagonist activity reported for these molecules in literature. MD simulations were performed to evaluate the effect of ligand binding on conformational changes in the receptor, specifically the transmembrane domain. A peptidomimetic library was screened using these binding sites. Six peptidomimetics that interacted with the residues of transmembrane domain and extracellular loops were evaluated for binding activity using in vitro cAMP assay. Two of the six peptidomimetics exhibited positive allosteric modulatory activity and four peptidomimetics exhibited negative allosteric modulatory activity. All six peptidomimetics interacted with Asp521 of hFSHR(TMD). Several of the experimentally known LMW FSHR modulators also participated in H-bond interactions with Asp521, suggesting its important role in FSHR modulatory activity.  相似文献   

X J Wang  S G Fan  M F Ren  J S Han 《Life sciences》1989,45(2):117-123
Radio receptor assay (RRA) was adopted to analyse the influence of CCK-8 on 3H-etorphine binding to opiate receptors in rat brain synaptosomal membranes (P2). In the competition experiment CCK-8 (1pM to 1 microM) suppressed the binding of 3H-etorphine. This effect was completely reversed by proglumide at 1 microM. Rosenthal analysis for saturation revealed two populations of 3H-etorphine binding sites. CCK-8 (1pM to 1 microM) inhibited 3H-etorphine binding to the high affinity sites by an increase in Kd (up to +235%) and decrease in Bmax (up to -80%) without significant changes in the Kd and Bmax of the low affinity sites. This effect of CCK-8 (10nM) was also completely reversed by proglumide at 1 microM. Unsulfated CCK-8 (100pM to 1 microM) produced only a slight increase in Kd of the high affinity sites (+64%) without affecting Bmax. The results suggest that CCK-8 might be capable of suppressing the high affinity opioid binding sites via the activation of CCK receptor.  相似文献   

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