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Summary A mutant of E. coli has been isolated that is temperature-sensitive in respect of tryptophanase. When incubated at 60°C, cell-free extracts of the mutant suffer inactivation of enzyme activity much more rapidly than similar extracts of the wild type. After lysogeny with a specialized transducing phage carrying the wild-type tryptophanase gene, the mutant is able to synthesize tryptophanase that is wild-type in its response to treatment at 60°C. It is concluded that the mutation lies in the structural gene for the enzyme.Two further mutants have been isolated that synthesize tryptophanase constitutively. One mutation renders synthesis of the enzyme indifferent to the presence of inducer; the other mutation allows synthesis of the enzyme in the absence of inducer at about 35% of the fully induced wild-type rate. Neither mutation alleviates catabolite repression. Genetic mapping shows that the constitutive mutations lie very close to the structural-gene mutation, on the side of the structural gene distant from bglR.  相似文献   

Summary The fpg + gene of Escherichia coli coding for formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase was previously cloned on a multicopy plasmid. The plasmid copy of the fpg + gene was inactivated by cloning a kanamycin resistance gene into the open reading frame, yielding the fpg-1:: Knr mutation. This mutation was transferred to the chromosome in the following steps: (i) linearization of the plasmid bearing the fpg-1::Knr mutation and transformation of competent bacteria (recB recC sbcB); (ii) selection for chromosomal integration of the fpg-1::Knr mutation; (iii) phage P1 mediated transduction of the fpg-1::Knr mutation in the AB1157 background. The resulting fpg - mutant exhibited no detectable Fapy-DNA glycosylase activity in crude lysates. The insertion mutation was localized by means of genetic crosses between mtl and pyrE, at 81.7 min on the E. coli linkage map. Sequence analysis confirmed this mapping and further showed that fpg is adjacent to rpmBG in the order fpg, rpmGB, pyrE. The formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase defective strain does not show unusual sensitivity to the following DNA damaging treatments: (i) methylmethanesulfonate, (ii) N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, (iii) ultraviolet light, (iv) -radiation. The fpg gene is neither part of the SOS regulon nor the adaptive response to alkylating agents.  相似文献   

Summary A method was developed for the isolation of spontaneous mutants of Escherichia coli K-12 with deletions extending from the srl operon to the adjacent recA gene. The srl-recA deletion mutants were extremely sensitive to DNA-damaging agents; unable to support growth of the feckless red gam mutant bio11; and recombination-deficient in transduction and in conjugation. They therefore resembled recA point mutants such as recA13. The existence of these recA deletion mutants shows that the recA gene is not essential for viability.  相似文献   

Summary A recent study showed that in E. coli T44 () carrying the tif-1 mutation, elevated temperature and adenine can interfere with the translation process. The present study shows that the expression of tif phenotypes (thermoinduction and filamentation) is suppressed by factors which affect ribosomal function. Ethanol suppresses thermoinduction and, in some spc r mutants, both thermoinduction and filamentation are suppressed. An unknown factor(s) in yeast extract suppresses both thermoinduction and filamentation. In thermoresistant revertant (ts+), the expression of the ts+ phenotype is suppressed by yeast extract, ethanol, guanosine+cytidine and by the addition of a spc r mutation. This indicates that this phenotype could be due to suppressor mutations, and the interaction between factors affecting ribosomal function and the ts+ phenotype suggests that the suppression of tif in the ts+ strains could operate on the ribosomal level. In vitro studies show that in extracts from either spc r or ts+ strains, or in the presence of ethanol, translational restriction is relieved, suggesting that the suppression of tif phenotypes could involve the translation process.  相似文献   

Summary A newly-isolated Escherichia coli mutant suffers only about 10% as many mutations as normal strains on exposure to nitrosoguanidine1. The responsible mutation, inm-1, maps at approximately minute 79 in the current E. coli genetic map. The mutant is normal for overall growth, nitrosoguanidine lethality, spontaneous mutagenesis, ultraviolet light lethality and mutagenesis, ethyl methanesulfonate lethality and mutagenesis, and the adaptive repair induced by alkylating agents. The existence of this mutation proves that nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis is not merely the result of reactions between the chemical and DNA, but requires specific cellular function(s), and underscores the peculiarity of nitrosoguanidine as a mutagen.  相似文献   

Summary The ribosomal proteins of temperature-sensitive mutants of Escherichia coli isolated independently after mutagenesis with nitrosoguanidine were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Out of 400 mutants analyzed, 60 mutants (15%) showed alterations in a total of 22 different ribosomal proteins. The proteins altered in these mutants are S2, S4, S6, S7, S8, S10, S15, S16, S18, L1, L3, L6, L10, L11, L14, L15, L17, L18, L19, L22, L23 and L24. A large number of them (25 mutants) have mutations in protein S4 of the small subunit, while four mutants showed alterations in protein L6 of the large subunit. The importance of these mutants for structural and functional analyses of ribosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The lac genes were inserted with phage Mu(Ap, lac) into the fhuA, fepA, cir and tonB genes which specify components of iron uptake systems. The expression of lac in all these operon fusions was controlled by the availability of iron to the cells, thereby facilitating a quick and simple measurement of the expression of the genes listed above. In an iron rich medium under anaerobic conditions all systems were strongly repressed. fhuA was depressed at higher iron concentration than was fepA or cir, and tonB was repressed only under anaerobic conditions and could be induced by iron limitation.Mutants constitutive for the expression of -galactosidase were selected in a fhuA-lac fusion strain. The outer membrane proteins Cir, FhuA, FecA, 76K and 83K were made constitutively in such mutant strains. Therefore, they were termed fur mutants. In these fur mutant strains, the synthesis of a 19K protein was reduced. Furthermore, it was found that transport of ferric enterochelin and ferrichrome was also constitutive in the fur mutant cells, and that ferric citrate uptake could be induced by only 10 M citrate in the growth medium in contrast to wild-type cells in which at least 100 M citrate was necessary. The fepA gene was concluded to be under an additional control, because it was not fully derepressed by the fur mutation.  相似文献   

Summary A native B. stearothermophilus 5S RNA-protein complex was isolated. Homologous and hybrid 5S RNA-protein complexes could be reconstituted from B. stearothermophilus and E. coli 5S RNA and ribosomal proteins. The major proteins involved in these complexes are for the B. stearothermophilus system B-L5 and B-L22 and for the E. coli system E-L18 and E-L25. Furthermore, a two-dimensional electrophoresis pattern of B. stearothermophilus 50S proteins is presented.Paper No. 2 on Structure and Function of 5S RNA. Preceding paper is by Erdmann, V. A., Doberer, H. G., Sprinzl, M., Molec. gen. Genet. 114, 89–94 (1971).  相似文献   

Summary The mutant T44() of Escherichia coli K12, grown in the presence of adenine, develops an increased tolerance to streptomycin. In cultures grown on streptomycin, the ts character (tif) may temporarily be suppressed but, on further transfer, both the temperature-sensitive phenotype and streptomycin tolerance disappear. In a cell-free system, the relative efficiency of translation of MS2 and poly U messenger RNAs was, respectively, 75 and 50% lower in extracts from cultures grown at 37° with adenine than in extracts from 30° cultures. Similar results were obtained when adenine was added in vitro to an extract from a culture grown at 37° in the absence of adenine, using MS2 RNA as messenger. Moreover, the 37° extracts showed a much lower misincorporation of isoleucine into polyphenylalanine in the poly U system. In addition, the Mg++ concentration required for optimal translational activity was higher for the 37° than for the 30° extracts. Extracts from a culture grown in L medium at 37° or from a tif -/F tif + merodiploid grown at 37° with adenine behaved similarly to that from the 30° culture when poly U was used as messenger RNA. It is suggested that the tif + gene product may play a regulatory role in ribosomal function and the pleiotropic nature of the tif-1 mutation could be due to impairment of translational activity augmented by elevated temperature or by adenine.  相似文献   

Summary Uvm mutants of Escherichia coli K12 selected for defective UV reversion induction have previously been reported to differ considerably from the UV-reversion-less recA and lexA mutants with regard to survival or mutagenic response to UV, X-rays and alkylating agents. In the present study, the phenotypic characterization of uvm mutants was extended to investigate several cellular processes which also may be related to or involved in UV mutagenesis. Like recA and lexA mutations, the uvm mutations exhibit highly reduced Weigle reactivation and normal host cell reactivation of UV irradiated phage . But unlike recA and lexA, the uvm mutations do not impair genetic recombination, UV induction of prophage or R plasmid-mediated UV resistance and mutagenesis. These phenotypical characteristics and preliminary results of genetic mapping lend further support to the assumption that the uvm site may be a novel locus affecting, apart from the recA and lexA loci, the error-prone repair pathway in E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary Selection for defective reversion induction, after UV treatment of E. coli K 12, yielded uvm mutants. These mutants exhibited highly reduced or no UV mutability for all loci tested although they were moderately and normally mutable by X-rays and EMS, respectively. Uvm mutations confer only a slight sensitivity to killing by UV and X-rays and no clear sensitivity to the lethal effect of HN2, EMS or MMS. Growth and viability of untreated uvm cells were normal. The properties of uvm mutants are discussed in relation to those of other relevant mutant types and to some actual problems of induced mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Many mutant strains devoid of aminopeptidase activity have been isolated in Escherichia coli. All of them produce cross-reacting material when tested against specific antiaminopeptidase antibody. The map position of the locus specifying this enzyme has been determined by three conjugations and two P1 mediated transduction experiments. By analogy with Salmonella typhimurium this locus has been called pepN (Miller, 1975). Mutations in pepN are jointly transduced with fabA and pyrD at high frequency. These data and conjugation results suggest a location between 20.5 and 22.5 minutes on E. coli genetic map.  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of the rod-shaped Escherichia coli is determined by controlled growth of an exoskeleton made of murein (peptidoglycan). Recent insights in the growth strategy of the stress-bearing murein sacculus has contributed to our understanding of how the required concerted action of murein polymerizing and hydrolyzing enzymes is achieved. The proteins involved are coordinated by the formation of multienzyme complexes. In this review, we summarize the recent results on murein structure and metabolism. On the basis of these findings, we present a model that explains maintenance of the specific rod shape of E. coli.  相似文献   

Summary E. coli strains carrying the rnc-105 allele do not show any level of RNase III in extracts, grow slower than rnc + strains at temperatures up to 45°C and fail to grow at 45°C. Revertants which can grow at 45°C were isolated. The vast majority of them still do not grow as fast as rnc + strains and did not regain RNase III activity. The mutation(s) which caused them are suppressor mutations (physiological suppressors) which do not map in the immediate vicinity of the rnc gene. A few of the revertants regain normal growth, and contain normal levels of RNase III. They do not harbor the rnc-105 allele and therefore are considered to be true revertants. By using purines other than adenine it was possible to isolate rnc + pur - revertants from an rnc - pur - strain with relative ease. They behaved exactly like the true rnc + revertants isolated from rnc - strains at 45°C.A merodiploid strain which contains the rnc + gene on an episome behaves exactly like an rnc + strain with respect to growth and RNA metabolism, eventhough its specific RNase III activity is about 60% of that of an rnc + strain; thus the level of RNase III is not limiting in the cell.The rnc - strains show a characteristic pattern of transitory molecules, related to rRNA, 30S, 25S, p23 and 18S, which are not observed in rnc + strains. This pattern is unchanged in rnc - strains and in the revertants which are still lacking RNase III, regardless of the temperature in which RNA synthesis was examined (30° to 45°C). On the other hand, in the rnc + strains as well as in the true revertants and the rnc +/rnc - merodiploid, the normal pattern of p16 and p23 is observed at all temperatures. These findings suggest that all the effects observed in RNase III- strains are due to pleiotropic effects of the rnc-105 allele, and that the enzyme RNase III is not essential for the viability of the E. coli cell.  相似文献   

Summary Streptomycin treatment of competent cultures of Bacillus subtilis kills the non competent cells. This method was used to look for mutagenic effects of Streptomyces coelicolor DNA. This DNA was found to induce a class of met+ clones harbouring aromatic adventitious mutations.  相似文献   

Summary Plasmids carrying different regions of the wild-type dnaA gene were used for marker rescue analysis of the temperature sensitivity of twelve strains carrying dnaA mutations. The different dnaA(Ts) mutations could be unambiguously located within specific regions of the dnaA gene. The mutant dnaA genes were cloned on pBR322-derived plasmids and on nucleotide sequencing by dideoxy chain termination the respective mutations were determined using M13 clones carrying the relevant parts of the mutant dnaA gene. Several of the mutant dnaA genes were found to have two mutations. The dnaA5, dnaA46, dnaA601, dnaA602, dnaA604, and dnaA606 genes all had identical mutations corresponding to an amino acid change from alanine to valine at amino acid 184 in the DnaA protein, close to the proposed ATP binding site, but all carried one further mutation giving rise to an amino acid substitution. The dnaA508 gene also had two mutations, whereas dnaA167, dnaA203, dnaA204, dnaA205, and dnaA211 each had only one. The pairs dnaA601/602, dnaA604/606, and dnaA203/204 were each found to have identical mutations. Plasmids carrying the different dnaA mutant genes intact were introduced into the respective dnaA mutant strains. Surprisingly, these homopolyploid mutant strains were found to be temperature resistant in most cases, indicating that a high intracellular concentration of the mutant DnaA protein can compensate for the decreased activity of the protein.  相似文献   

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