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We have regenerated altotetraploid plants that are interspecific somatic hybrids between Citrus sinensis Osbeck cv. Yoshida navel orange and Citrus unshiu Marc cv. Okitsu satsuma mandarin. Protoplasts isolated from ‘Yoshida’ leaves were chemically fused with call us-derived protoplasts from ‘Okitsu’. After 6 months of culture, 102 plants were obtained. These hybrids were identified by differential leaf morphology, DNA fluorescence intensity, and DNA analysis. Ploidy analysis via the flow cytometry revealed that 15 of the 102 plants were tetraploids, with the rest being diploids that morphologically resembled their mesophyll parent. SRAP analysis confirmed that 9 of the tetraploid plants were allotetraploid somatic hybrids. These will be utilized as a possible pollen parents for improving seedy citrus cultivars, e.g., ponkan, mandarin, lemon and kumquat, in order to produce triploid seedless hybrids.  相似文献   

A somatic hybrid plant was obtained by protoplast fusion between navel orange and satsuma mandarin. Protoplasts isolated from nucellar calli of navel orange and from leaves of satsuma mandarin were fused by the PEG method. The fusion products were cultured in a Murashige & Tucker medium containing 0.6 M sucrose. In this medium, some colonies developed into whole plants through embryogenesis. One of the regenerated plants was shown to be a hybrid, which was proven by restriction endonuclease analysis of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The chromosome number of the hybrid was 36. Both parents have a chromosome number 2n=18.  相似文献   

Streptomyces D3, derived from protoplast fusion between Streptomyces cyaneus 190-1 and Streptomyces griseoruber 42-9, has the ability to produce high levels of xylose isomerase when grown on hemicellulosic materials such as xylan as the carbon source. Comparison between the partial nucleotide sequences of the 16S ribosomal RNA genes from S. cyaneus 190-1, S. griseoruber 42-9, and fusant D3 showed that the 16S rRNA gene of fusant D3 was identical to that of S. cyaneus 190-1. Partial sequence analysis of the xylose isomerase genes also indicated that the gene of fusant D3 was identical to that of S. cyaneus 190-1. The partial DNA fragments for the xylanase genes (xlnA and xlnB) of fusant D3 were amplified by PCR, and subjected to Southern hybridization analysis. The results revealed that the xlnB gene of fusant D3 was similar to that of S. cyaneus 190-1, but that the xlnA gene of fusant D3 was similar to that of S. griseoruber 42-9. These results suggest that the majority of the genome of fusant D3 may be derived from S. cyaneus 190-1.  相似文献   

The genes for utilization of xylose were transferred from Pachysolen tannophilus to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The hybrids resembled the S. cerevisiae parent morphologically and in sugar assimilation. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis showed that the chromosome banding pattern was intermediate between the two parental species. Correspondence to: H. Heluane  相似文献   

Camelina sativa is a wild crucifer that is reported to be resistant to Alternaria blight. Polyethylene glycol mediated fusion was attempted between protoplasts from etiolated hypocotyls of Brassica carinata and mesophyll protoplasts of Camelina sativa. The mean frequency of heterokaryons was 6.8%. Three hybrid shoots were regenerated, each from a single fusionderived callus. These shoots failed to produce roots capable of withstanding transplantation. Confirmation of hybridity was obtained from the morphology of in vitro produced leaves, somatic chromosome number in leaf tips, and restriction fragment length polymorphism for a nuclear rDNA probe. Analysis for organelle constitution using RFLPs indicated that the hybrid contained chrloroplasts derived from the wild species and mitochondria from the cultivated Brassica species.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid - IAA Indole-3-acetic acid - NAA -Naphthaleneacetic acid - IBA Indole-3-butyric acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - BAP 6-Benzylaminopurine - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) basal medium  相似文献   

Protoplast fusion was used to obtain hybrids between Phaffia rhodozymaand Cryptococcus laurentii or Saccharomyces cerevisiae(petite form). Hybrids were obtained which produced the carotenoids b-carotene, phytoene and phytofluene, and were respiratory-competent and prototrophic.  相似文献   

Intergeneric protoplast fusion between 2,5-diketo-gluconic acid producing Gluconobacter oxydans (ATCC 9937) and a mutant strain of Corynebacterium species (ATCC 31090), capable of reducing 2,5-diketo-gluconic acid to 2-keto-L-gulonic acid, a penultimate step in vitamin C production) resulted in viable recombinants. Some of the fusion products exhibited the capacity to convert D-glucose to 2-keto-L-gulonic acid, but the conversion rate is low.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In China, boron (B) deficiency is frequently observed in citrus orchards, and is responsible for considerable loss of productivity and quality. A better understanding of B distribution and remobilization within orange plants is important for developing programs in rational fertilization and effective mitigation of B-deficiency. In the present study (i) the distribution of newly absorbed B and (ii) the translocation of foliar-applied B in ‘Newhall’ navel orange grafted on citrange and trifoliate orange was investigated.


10B was applied in the nutrient solution or sprayed on the lower-old leaves of both grafted plants for 35?days.


In the 10B uptake experiment, citrange-grafted plants showed higher newly acquired total B content and B concentration in both lower-old and upper-old leaves than those in trifoliate-orange-grafted plants. The newly absorbed B in the new leaves was much higher than that in the lower-old leaves and the upper-old leaves in both grafted plants. Foliar application of 10B to the lower-old leaves resulted in B translocation to the upper-old leaves and the new leaves with preference mainly to the new leaves in both citrange and trifoliate orange when root B supply was relatively low. However, 10B sprayed to the lower-old leaves not only did not increase the abundance percentage of 10B in the root, but also reduced B concentration and the total B content in the root.


The results suggest that foliar-applied B can be translocated within both grafted plants, which might also depress B uptake from root medium with low B supply. Rootstock can affect the B distribution in old leaves in navel orange, and newly absorbed B was preferentially transported to the new leaves.  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts were isolated from leaf explants ofPassiflora edulis var.flavicarpa (the yellow passion fruit) and from cell suspensions of fivePassiflora species. Chemical fusion was performed using polyethylene glycol and the microcolonies obtained were transferred to growth medium to produce calli. Electrophoresis of soluble proteins and analysis of isoenzymes from calli produced from the fusion experiments were performed to select somatic hybrids. Specific polypeptide bands allowed the identification of somatic hybrids betweenP. edulis var.flavicarpa (+)P. alata, P. edulis var.flavicarpa (+)P. amethystina, P. edulis var.flavicarpa (+)P. cincinnata, P. edulis var.flavicarpa (+)P. giberti andP. edulis var.flavicarpa (+)P. coccinea. An average of 3 to 5% hybrid calli were obtained. With the exception of theP. edulis var.flavicarpa (+)P. coccinea, whole plants were recovered from all hybrids. These somatic hybrids showed 4n=36 chromosomes, which represents a further evidence of their hybridity.  相似文献   

Identification of endogenous gibberellins in navel orange shoots   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Eight gibberellins (GAs) were identified from vegetative shoots of navel orange trees (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck cv Washington) after sequential purification by reverse-phase C18 high performance liquid chromatography, Nucleosil 5N(CH3)2 high performance liquid chromatography, and capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. GA1, GA17, GA19, GA20, GA29, and iso-GA3 were identified based on the full scan mass spectra and Kovats retention indices. GA8 was tentatively identified based on the comparison of the full scan mass spectra with the published spectra. GA44 was tentatively identified from the characteristic masses at the correct Kovats retention index.  相似文献   

Competition and fruit set in the Washington navel orange   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Washington navel orange [ Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] an increase in the number of flowers results in a reduction of flower weight at anthesis and the initial fruit growth rate, and the number of developing fruitlets increases. Most of these fruitlets are shed during post-anthesis, and the final set of fruit is unrelated to the number of flowers and to the total amount of metabolites and mineral elements used up in fructification but appears to be controlled by the capacity of the tree to supply metabolites to the developing fruitlets during post-anthesis. When the number of flowers is too large, there is a reduction both in the number of initially developing fruitlets and in their growth rate. The final set of fruit is reduced through a different mechanism acting at anthesis and involving differences in mineral composition, which impairs the capacity of the fruit to act as a sink.  相似文献   

Pectin lyases cleave the internal glycosidic bonds of pectin by β-elimination, producing non-saturated galacturonic oligomers. Genetic improvement of pectin lyase-overproducing strains is still necessary to improve industrial processes based on this enzyme. In the present study hybrids were obtained by protoplast fusion between mutant pectinolytic Aspergillus flavipes and Aspergillus niveus CH-Y-1043 strains. Prototrophic segregants showed different isoenzymatic profiles and produced increased levels of pectin lyase in cultures containing lemon peel as a sole carbon source. Hybrid HZ showed an increase of 450% and 1300% in pectin lyase production compared with that of A. niveus CH-Y-1043 and A. flavipes, respectively. Pectin lyase produced by the hybrid HZ was partially purified and used for the hydrolysis of orange peel. Pectin lyase was able to hydrolyze 56% of orange peel biomass. However, addition of 2 RFU and 20 U of endo- and exo-polygalacturonase, respectively, induced the hydrolysis of 92% of orange peel solids. In conclusion HZ is a pectin lyase-overproducing hybrid with potential applications in the pectin industry.  相似文献   

Intergeneric somatic hybrids have been produced between Brassica juncea (2n=36, AABB) cv. RLM-198 and Moricandia arvensis (2n=28, MM) by protoplast fusion. Hypocotyl protoplasts of B. juncea were fused with mesophyll protoplasts of M. arvensis using polyethylene glycol. Fusion frequency, estimated on the basis of differential morphological characterstics of parental protoplasts was about 5%. Of the 156 calli obtained, four calli produced shoots intermediate in morphology between the parents. Hybrid nature of the plants was confirmed using wheat nuclear rDNA probe. Hybridization of total DNA with a mitochondrial DNA probe carrying 5s–18s rRNA genes of maize showed that the mitochondria of the somatic hybrids were derived from the wild species M. arvensis. Meiosis in the only hybrid that produced normal flowers revealed the occurrence of 64 chromosomes, the sum of chromosomes of parental species. Inspite of complete pollen sterility, siliquas were produced in this hybrid by back-crossing with B. juncea. These siliquas on in vitro culture produced 12 seeds.  相似文献   

Summary The somatic hybrids of Glycine max (L)Merr.-Nicotiana glauca Grah. exhibited a preferential loss of N. glauca chromosomes. When protoplasts from such hybrid cells were back fused twice to N. glauca protoplasts, a considerable increase in stability of the N. glauca chromosomes was observed. Gel electrophoresis studies of aspartate aminotransferase showed that the chromosome(s) responsible for this enzyme was stabilized in the back fused hybrid cell lines. The data suggest that the back fusion technique described in this study might aid in stabilizing somatic hybrids.NRCC No. 18040  相似文献   

Plant regeneration from explant and protoplast derived callus has been achieved in Medicago littoralis cv. Harbinger 1886, an annual legume resistant to the fungus Pseudopeziza medicaginis. Callus was induced from different tissue explants and the fastest growth rate was observed for hypocotyls in B5 medium with 2 mg l–1 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5 mg l–1 N6-benzyladenine. Protoplasts were isolated from cotyledons and leaves of sterile plants and from callus; the first two kinds of protoplasts showed a plating efficiency of 5.6% and 5%, respectively, when embedded in agarose. Plant regeneration occurred on media containing % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9qq-f0-yqaqVeLsFr0-vr% 0-vr0db8meaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaqGobWaaW% baaSqabeaacaqG2aaaaOGaaeOVfiaabs5adaahaaWcbeqaaiaaikda% aaGccaqG+waaaa!3F97!\[{\text{N}}^{\text{6}} {\text{\Delta }}^2 {\text{}}\]isopentenyl-adenine combined with indole-3-acetic acid or 1,2-benzisoxazole-3-acetic acid, and on media with N6-benzyladenine plus -naphtaleneacetic acid; a cytokinin/auxin ratio higher than 1 induced embryos while a ratio around 1 stimulated shoot formation. Embryo development and rooting of shoots were performed in RL medium without growth regulators.Abbreviations NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - 2iP % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9qq-f0-yqaqVeLsFr0-vr% 0-vr0db8meaabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaqGobWaaW% baaSqabeaacaqG2aaaaOGaaeOVfiaabs5adaahaaWcbeqaaiaaikda% aaGccaqG+waaaa!3F97!\[{\text{N}}^{\text{6}} {\text{\Delta }}^2 {\text{}}\]isopentenyl-adenine - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - BOA 1,2-benzisoxazole-3-acetic acid - KIN kinetin - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) - GRFMS growth regulator free MS medium - B5 Gamborg et al. (1968) - RL Phillips & Collins (1979) - KM8 KM8P Kao & Michayluk (1975) - CPW Frearson et al. (1973) - f. wt fresh weight - FDA fluorescoin diacetate  相似文献   

Summary Protoplasts isolated from leaf mesophyll cells of Dianthus chinensis and D. barbatus were fused by polyethylene glycol (PEG). Calli exhibiting vigorous growth were selected from the PEG-treated protoplasts and shoots were regenerated from one of these calli after 5 months of culture. These shoots readily rooted and continuously produced flowers in the in-vitro condition. The data on flower color, chromosome number, and esterase isozyme patterns indicated that this plantlet was an interspecific somatic hybrid. The hybridity of the plantlet was also confirmed by nuclear rDNA analysis. This report provides the possibility of applying the somatic hybridization technique for the genetic improvement of the genus Dianthus.  相似文献   

Summary Intergeneric protoplast fusion betweenA.tumefaciens andB.thuringiensis was performed. The fusants exhibited some properties of both the parental strains. One of the Gram positive fusants with most of theBacillus properties showed tumor inducing capacity in pigeonpea (Cajanas cajan).  相似文献   

Intergeneric hybridization between Pleurotus ostreatus and Schizophyllum commune was studied using PEG-induced fusion. The fusion of protoplasts from auxotrophic mutant strains resulted in the formation of fusion hybrids in the frequencies of 3.6 to 7.3×10–5. Most of these fusion hybrids were monokaryotic and sterile and no heterokaryosis occurred. Most fusants showed a significantly higher nuclear DNA content when compared to parental strains and no diploids (parent 1 genome plus parent 2 genome) were found. Some fusion hybrids revealed both parental fragments in nuclear and mitochondrial rDNA PCR profiles. AP-PCR (Arbitrarily-primed Polymerase Chain Reaction) fingerprints also indicated that most of the fusion products were recombinant hybrids.  相似文献   

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