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Anecdotal accounts regarding reduced US cropping system diversity have raised concerns about negative impacts of increasingly homogeneous cropping systems. However, formal analyses to document such changes are lacking. Using US Agriculture Census data, which are collected every five years, we quantified crop species diversity from 1978 to 2012, for the contiguous US on a county level basis. We used Shannon diversity indices expressed as effective number of crop species (ENCS) to quantify crop diversity. We then evaluated changes in county-level crop diversity both nationally and for each of the eight Farm Resource Regions developed by the National Agriculture Statistics Service. During the 34 years we considered in our analyses, both national and regional ENCS changed. Nationally, crop diversity was lower in 2012 than in 1978. However, our analyses also revealed interesting trends between and within different Resource Regions. Overall, the Heartland Resource Region had the lowest crop diversity whereas the Fruitful Rim and Northern Crescent had the highest. In contrast to the other Resource Regions, the Mississippi Portal had significantly higher crop diversity in 2012 than in 1978. Also, within regions there were differences between counties in crop diversity. Spatial autocorrelation revealed clustering of low and high ENCS and this trend became stronger over time. These results show that, nationally counties have been clustering into areas of either low diversity or high diversity. Moreover, a significant trend of more counties shifting to lower rather than to higher crop diversity was detected. The clustering and shifting demonstrates a trend toward crop diversity loss and attendant homogenization of agricultural production systems, which could have far-reaching consequences for provision of ecosystem system services associated with agricultural systems as well as food system sustainability.  相似文献   

The multiple cropping practice is essential to agriculture because it has been shown to significantly increase the grain yield and promote agricultural economic development. In this study, potential multiple cropping systems in China are calculated based on meteorological observation data by using the Agricultural Ecology Zone (AEZ) model. Following this, the changes in the potential cropping systems in response to climate change between the 1960s and the 2010s were subsequently analyzed. The results indicate that the changes of potential multiple cropping systems show tremendous heterogeneity in respect to the spatial pattern in China. A key finding is that the magnitude of change of the potential cropping systems showed a pattern of increase both from northern China to southern China and from western China to eastern China. Furthermore, the area found to be suitable only for single cropping decreased, while the area suitable for triple cropping increased significantly from the 1960s to the 2000s. During the studied period, the potential multiple cropping index (PMCI) gap between rain-fed and irrigated scenarios increased from 18% to 24%, which indicated noticeable growth of water supply limitations under the rain-fed scenario. The most significant finding of this research was that from the 1960s to the 2000s climate change had led to a significant increase of PMCI by 13% under irrigated scenario and 7% under rain-fed scenario across the whole of China. Furthermore, the growth of the annual mean temperature is identified as the main reason underlying the increase of PMCI. It has also been noticed that across China the changes of potential multiple cropping systems under climate change were different from region to region.  相似文献   

The effect of soil temperature on the net photosynthetic rate was studied by the method of multifactor analysis at early growth stages of narrow-leaved lupine (Lupinus angustifolius L.), white cabbage (Brassica capitata Lisg.), spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), and cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) plant species and cultivars contrasting in their heat demand. The optimum level of the net photosynthetic rate was observed in a wide range of soil and air temperatures, from cold- to heat-hardening temperatures, irrespective of the sign of the temperature gradient, whereas the magnitude and sign of the temperature gradient favorable for the highest potential net photosynthetic rate were species- and cultivar-specific and were not related to the cold tolerance of a species or cultivar.  相似文献   

The modern situation of the vertebrate population in the clay semidesert of the interfluve of the Volga and Ural rivers differs significantly from that observed 50–60 years ago. This is due to the fact that reduction of ravine forests and steppe shrubs (which began in the 18th century) has extremely affected the forest and dendrophilous animals. The artificial afforestation, especially intense since the middle of the 20th century, provided surrogate “forest” sites in the region by the end of the 1970s. This helped to restore the missing species and raise the abundance and dispersal of forest and dendrophilous animals. By the beginning of the 21st century, afforestation had stopped in the region and the plantation areas had begun to shrink. Some trends in the populations of mammals and birds can be already noticed.  相似文献   

Three species of tortoise (Testudinidae) occur in Greece (Testudo hermanni, T. graeca and the endemic T. marginata), all of which have been listed as rare or vulnerable. This paper describes the current situation of 75 populations that were last observed in the 1970s and 1980s and described in 1989. Twenty-nine populations had declined in density and/or status (significantly more than had improved), 10 of which were functionally extinct. A particularly notable loss was a dense population of T. marginata at Gytheion in the Peloponnese due to a widespread fire. Declining populations were significantly associated with identified high threat in 1989 and with close proximity to human settlement. There were no significant effects of tortoise species, area of site, characteristics of surrounding areas or original density on these changes. Declines were less associated with agriculture than predicted in 1989, reflecting changing economic conditions in Greece in the 1990s. Continuing threats to tortoise habitats make their long-term future appear bleak outside of protected areas. The risk of extinction from stochastic variation in small populations was also assessed, using the VORTEX program. This risk was much lower than that from habitat loss; 60–96% of populations of 100 tortoises would survive for 1000 years, depending on adult body size, compared to only 0–0.02% of habitats. The high survival potential of small populations would facilitate conservation of the high intraspecific diversity of tortoises in Greece.  相似文献   

BackgroundAustralia has one of the highest rates of cancer incidence worldwide and, despite improving survival, cancer continues to be a major public health problem. Our aim was to provide simple summary measures of changes in cancer mortality and incidence in Australia so that progress and areas for improvement in cancer control can be identified.MethodsWe used national data on cancer deaths and newly registered cancer cases and compared expected and observed numbers of deaths and cases diagnosed in 2007. The expected numbers were obtained by applying 1987 age–sex specific rates (average of 1986–1988) directly to the 2007 population. The observed numbers of deaths and incident cases were calculated for 2007 (average of 2006–2008). We limited the analyses to people aged less than 75 years.ResultsThere was a 28% fall in cancer mortality (7827 fewer deaths in 2007 vs. 1987) and a 21% increase in new cancer diagnoses (13,012 more diagnosed cases in 2007). The greatest reductions in deaths were for cancers of the lung in males (?2259), bowel (?1797), breast (?773) and stomach (?577). Other notable falls were for cancers of the prostate (?295), cervix (?242) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (?240). Only small or no changes occurred in mortality for cancers of the lung (female only), pancreas, brain and related, oesophagus and thyroid, with an increase in liver cancer (267). Cancer types that showed the greatest increase in incident cases were cancers of the prostate (10,245), breast (2736), other cancers (1353), melanoma (1138) and thyroid (1107), while falls were seen for cancers of the lung (?1705), bladder (?1110) and unknown primary (?904).ConclusionsThe reduction in mortality indicates that prevention strategies, improvements in cancer treatment, and screening programmes have made significant contributions to cancer control in Australia since 1987. The rise in incidence is partly due to diagnoses being brought forward by technological improvements and increased coverage of screening and early diagnostic testing.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1273-1283
It is generally assumed that skin vascular resistance contributes only to a small extent to total peripheral resistance and hence to blood pressure (BP). However, little is known about the impact of skin blood flow (SBF) changes on the diurnal variations of BP under ambulatory conditions. The main aim of the study was to determine whether diurnal patterns of distal SBF are related to mean arterial BP (MAP). Twenty-four-hour ambulatory measurements of BP, heart rate (HR) and distal (mean of hands and feet) as well as proximal (mean of sternum and infraclavicular region) skin temperatures were carried out in 51 patients (men/women?=?18/33) during a 2-d eye hospital investigation. The standardized ambulatory protocol allowed measurements with minimal interference from uncontrolled parameters and, hence, some conclusive interpretations. The distal minus proximal skin temperature gradient (DPG) provided a measure for distal SBF. Individual cross-correlation analyses revealed that the diurnal pattern of MAP was nearly a mirror image of DPG and hence of distal SBF. Scheduled lunch and dinner induced an increase in DPG and a decline in MAP, while HR increased. Low daytime DPG (i.e. low distal SBF) levels significantly predicted sleep-induced BP dipping (r?=??.436, p?=?.0014). Preliminary path analysis suggested that outdoor air temperature and atmospheric pressure may act on MAP via changed distal SBF. Changes in distal SBF may contribute to diurnal variation in MAP, including sleep-induced BP dipping and changes related to food intake. This finding might have an impact on individual cardiovascular risk prediction with respect to diurnal, seasonal and weather variations; however, the underlying mechanisms remain to be discovered.  相似文献   

About 25% of European livestock intake is based on permanent and sown grasslands. To fulfill rising demand for animal products, an intensification of livestock production may lead to an increased consumption of crop and compound feeds. In order to preserve an economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture, a more forage based livestock alimentation may be an advantage. However, besides management, grassland productivity is highly vulnerable to climate (i.e., temperature, precipitation, CO2 concentration), and spatial information about European grassland productivity in response to climate change is scarce. The process-based vegetation model ORCHIDEE-GM, containing an explicit representation of grassland management (i.e., herbage mowing and grazing), is used here to estimate changes in potential productivity and potential grass-fed ruminant livestock density across European grasslands over the period 1961–2010. Here “potential grass-fed ruminant livestock density” denotes the maximum density of livestock that can be supported by grassland productivity in each 25 km × 25 km grid cell. In reality, livestock density could be higher than potential (e.g., if additional feed is supplied to animals) or lower (e.g., in response to economic factors, pedo-climatic and biotic conditions ignored by the model, or policy decisions that can for instance reduce livestock numbers). When compared to agricultural statistics (Eurostat and FAOstat), ORCHIDEE-GM gave a good reproduction of the regional gradients of annual grassland productivity and ruminant livestock density. The model however tends to systematically overestimate the absolute values of productivity in most regions, suggesting that most grid cells remain below their potential grassland productivity due to possible nutrient and biotic limitations on plant growth. When ORCHIDEE-GM was run for the period 1961–2010 with variable climate and rising CO2, an increase of potential annual production (over 3%) per decade was found: 97% of this increase was attributed to the rise in CO2, -3% to climate trends and 15% to trends in nitrogen fertilization and deposition. When compared with statistical data, ORCHIDEE-GM captures well the observed phase of climate-driven interannual variability in grassland production well, whereas the magnitude of the interannual variability in modeled productivity is larger than the statistical data. Regional grass-fed livestock numbers can be reproduced by ORCHIDEE-GM based on its simple assumptions and parameterization about productivity being the only limiting factor to define the sustainable number of animals per unit area. Causes for regional model-data misfits are discussed, including uncertainties in farming practices (e.g., nitrogen fertilizer application, and mowing and grazing intensity) and in ruminant diet composition, as well as uncertainties in the statistical data and in model parameter values.  相似文献   

The Mombasa Cohort is an open cohort study following HIV-seronegative women reporting transactional sex. Established in 1993, the cohort provides regular HIV counseling and testing at monthly visits. Over time, HIV acquisition risk has declined steadily in this cohort. To evaluate whether this decline may reflect changes in sexual risk behavior, we investigated trends in condom use and partner numbers among women who participated in the Mombasa Cohort between 1993 and 2007. Multinomial logistic regression and generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the association of calendar time and follow-up time with key risk behaviors, after adjustment for potential confounding factors. At enrollment visits by 1,844 women, the adjusted probability of never using condoms decreased over time, from 34.2% to 18.9%. Over 23,911 follow-up visits, the adjusted probabilities of reporting >2 partners decreased from 9.9% to 4.9% and inconsistent condom use decreased from 7.9% to 5.3% after ≥12 cohort visits. Important predictors of risk behavior were work venue, charging low fees for sex, and substance abuse. Women with a later sexual debut had less risky behavior. Although sexual risk has declined among women participating in the Mombasa Cohort, HIV acquisition continues to occur and interventions to promote and reinforce safer sex are clearly needed.  相似文献   

Changes in the incidence of Down syndrome in Sweden during 1968–1982   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
Summary A continuous increase in the incidence of Down syndrome in Sweden was noted during 1979–1981. This increase mainly occurred among children of younger mothers and was more pronounced for hte males than for the females. There was no evidence of a significant seasonal variation, increased frequency of prematurely born children, or decrease in the number of cases aborted after prenatal diagnosis. An analysis of the whole 15-year period indicates that the incidence of Down syndrome has increased slowly in both sexes, and that there might have been a superimposed cyclic variation limited to the males.  相似文献   

The flora of 17 islets was studied during the period 1968–2000, with thorough inventories from 1971. At each visit the species present and their population sizes were noted. The flora of the smallest islets of hard rock consisted mainly of perennials, and remained unchanged in terms of species present throughout the period of study. In the larger and more complex islets the major part of the flora consisted of islet-specialised taxa staying for long periods of time. To them are added some other mostly casual species from the close large islands, introduced by human influence, birds or winds and standing for most of the turnover in the islets flora. Few changes were observed in the plant communities of rock crevices, the spray zone of the shores and other constant habitats. The dominant perennial species forming layer of shrubs or subshrubs also mostly remained the same. Most of the changes concerned soil spaces opened by animals or erosion. Most annual species were found to survive by an extreme seed bank strategy. Many taxa common on the neighbouring islands were lacking or casual on the islets. Some others reached dominance or high frequencies that have not been observed on islands or in mainland areas. The conditions for the flora on the Aegean islets are considered to differ fundamentally from that on large isolated islands because they are situated comparatively close among each other and to islands and mainland areas. They are also vulnerable towards catastrophic events and therefore frequently presenting opened targets for invasions. The islet-specialised taxa are found to retain good ability for dispersal over moderately long distances. The grazing of the islets is stated to be an important factor for the evolution of islet adapted and specialised taxa.  相似文献   

Based on information obtained from publications, online material and experienced birdwatchers we describe changes in the breeding avifauna of Israel between 2003 and 2016. We provide details on nine species that were found breeding in Israel during this period for the first time (Common Shelduck, Great Cormorant, Black-winged Kite, Caspian Tern, White-cheeked Tern, Common Wood Pigeon, Black Bush Robin, Basra Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff); two species that were found breeding in Israel after they were not documented breeding for more than 50 years (Great Crested Grebe, Pallid Scops Owl), one species that significantly extended its breeding range in Israel (Striated Heron), and two exotic species that have recently established populations in Israel (Monk Parakeet, Vinous-breasted Starling). This brings the number of bird species breeding in Israel in 2016 to 220. We also report here that out of six new breeding species reported in 2003, three species established breeding populations in Israel, while the other species did not continue to breed in Israel regularly.  相似文献   



Invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is a major cause of bacterial meningitides and septicaemia. This study shows the results of the laboratory-based surveillance of IMD in Belgium over the period 1997–2012.


The results are based on microbiological and molecular laboratory surveillance of 2997 clinical isolates of N. meningitides received by the Belgian Meningococcal Reference Centre (BMRC) over the period 1997–2012.


Serogroup B has always been a major cause of meningococcal disease in Belgium, with P3.4 as most frequent serotype till 2008, while an increase in non-serotypable strains has been observed in the last few years. Clonal complexes cc-41/44 and cc-269 are most frequently observed in serogroup B strains. In the late nineties, the incidence of serogroup C disease increased considerably and peaked in 2001, mainly associated with phenotypes C:2a:P1.5,2, C:2a:P1.5 and C:2a:P1.2 (ST-11/ET-37 clonal complex). The introduction of the meningococcal C conjugate vaccine has been followed by an 88% significant decrease in serogroup C disease from 2001 to 2004 nationally, yet sharper in Flanders (92%) compared to Wallonia (77%). Since 2008 a difference in incidence of serogroup C was observed in Flanders (0–0.1/100,000) versus Wallonia (0.1–0.3/100,000).


This study showed the change in epidemiology and strain population over a 16 years period spanning an exhaustive vaccination campaign and highlights the influence of regional vaccination policies with different cohorts sizes on short and long-term IMD incidences.  相似文献   

Charophyte assemblages from the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary transition in the JZK-2 borehole of the Jiaolai Basin (eastern China) were studied. The charophyte flora includes Tolypella grambastii, Peckichara praecursoria, Microchara cristata, Microchara prolixa, Chara changzhouensis, Lamprothamnium ellipticum, Nodosochara (Turbochara) specialis, Lychnothamnus aff. vectensis, and Lychnothamnus lanpingensis n. comb. The discovery of the ostracod species Porpocypris sphaeroidalis Guan in the upper section of the JZK-2 borehole strongly indicates the arrival of the Paleocene. Three floras of the latest Cretaceous to the early Paleocene were compared among the Jiaolai, Pingyi, and Songliao basins. The Pingyi Basin is special because it is the only carbonate palaeolake that occurred throughout the K/Pg transition in China. It is characterized by the appearance of the Cretaceous brackish water element, Feistiella anluensis (Wang), and is dominated by the Paleocene species, Peckichara varians Grambast. The Songliao and Jiaolai floras grow in clastic lakes; the Jiaolai Basin is thought to correspond to an altitude lake, which was formed in the coastal mountains with high palaeoelevation (≥ 2.0 km), while the Songliao Basin is presumed to have been formed in a low elevation site according to previous studies. This difference in altitude explains why the Songliao Basin is more species-rich than the Jiaolai Basin.  相似文献   

Stomatal size and density were measured from graminoid cuticular fragments extracted from dated sediments in two tropical-montane crater lakes on Mount Kenya. The sediments had been dated in other studies and spanned 1500–37 000 calibrated years BP. Changes in the mean size and density of the graminoid stomata were found. Using a coarse signal analysis the two lakes gave fairly similar results, although there was some divergence at the start and end of the time period analyzed. There is some correspondence between the atmospheric CO2 concentration and graminoid stomatal density during the transition from the LGM to the start of the Holocene, where stomatal density decreased while CO2 concentrations increased. All the changes observed may have been plastic responses within existing species at the site or competitive replacements of grass floras. We argue that higher stomatal density may have been a response to falling CO2 levels during the last glaciation, accompanying the replacement of a C3 flora by C4 species. The stomatal size changes exhibited over this time period may have adapted plants to changes in soil water availability. That stomatal morphology changes in a sample flora (not a single taxon) over millennia is a novel finding, and one that may have implications for paleoecological interpretation and the prediction of grass behavior in the future.  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(3):191-203
Atmospheric acid deposition has decreased in the northeastern United States since the 1970s, resulting in modest increases in pH, acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC), and decreases in inorganic monomeric aluminum (AlIM) concentrations since stream chemistry monitoring began in the 1980s in the acid-sensitive upper Neversink River basin in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Stream pH has increased by 0.01 units/year during 1987–2003 at three sites in the Neversink basin as determined by Seasonal Kendall trend analysis. In light of this observed decrease in stream acidity, we sampled 12 stream sites within the Neversink River watershed for water chemistry, macroinvertebrates, fish, and periphytic diatoms in 2003 to compare with a similar data set collected in 1987. Metrics and indices that reflect sensitivity to stream acidity were developed with these biological data to determine whether changes in stream biota over the intervening 16 years parallel those of stream chemistry. Statistical comparisons of data on stream chemistry and an acid biological assessment profile (Acid BAP) derived from invertebrate data showed no significant differences between the two years. For pH and ANC, however, values in 2003 were generally lower than those in 1987; this difference likely resulted from higher streamflow in summer 2003. Despite these likely flow-induced changes in summer 2003, an ordination and cluster analysis of macroinvertebrate taxa based on the Acid BAP indicated that the most acidic sites in the upstream half of the East Branch Neversink River form a statistically significant separate cluster consistent with less acidic stream conditions. This analysis is consistent with limited recovery of invertebrate species in the most acidic reaches of the river, but will require additional improvement in stream chemistry before a stronger conclusion can be drawn. Data on the fish and periphytic diatom communities in 2003 indicate that slimy sculpin had not extended their habitat to upstream reaches that previously were devoid of this acid-intolerant species in 1987; a diatom acid-tolerance index indicates continued high-acid impact throughout most of the East Branch and headwaters of the West Branch Neversink River.  相似文献   

European Journal of Wildlife Research -  相似文献   

The freeze–drying behavior of three model proteins, namely, lysozyme, BSA, and IgG, has been studied using a variety of techniques under two different primary drying conditions (shelf temperatures of −25°C and +25°C, respectively) in an amorphous formulation. Manometric temperature measurements were used to characterize product temperature (T pr), sublimation rates, and product resistance (R p) during primary drying. Biophysical techniques such as circular dichroism, fluorescence, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy were used to study protein conformation. Size exclusion chromatography was used to monitor the formation of high-molecular-weight species (HMWS) over time on storage, and cake morphology was studied using scanning electron microscopy. The differences in the freeze–drying behavior of the three proteins were more evident at higher protein concentrations, where the protein significantly influences the behavior of the formulation matrix. However, these differences were minimized in the aggressive mode and were insignificant at lower protein concentrations where excipients dominated the freeze–drying behavior. Differences in cake morphology were observed between the two drying conditions employed as well as between the three proteins studied. The stability and the protein structure, however, were equivalent for the protein cakes generated using the two different primary drying conditions.  相似文献   

Optimizing culture conditions is known to be crucial for the differentiation of urothelial cell cultures and the formation of the permeability barrier. However, so far, no data exist to confirm if air–liquid (AL) and liquid–liquid (LL) interfaces are physiologically relevant during urothelial differentiation and barrier formation. To reveal the influence of interfaces on the proliferation, differentiation, and barrier formation of the urothelial cells (UCs) in vitro, we cultured UCs under four different conditions, i.e., at the AL or LL interfaces with physiological calcium concentration and without serum or without physiological calcium concentration and with serum. For each of the four models, the urothelial integrity was tested by measuring the transepithelial resistance (TER), and the differentiation stage was examined by immunolabeling of differentiation-related markers and ultrastructural analysis. We found that the UCs at a LL interface, regardless of the presence or absence of calcium or serum, form the urothelium with more cell layers and achieve a higher TER than UCs at an AL interface. However, UCs grown at an AL interface with physiological concentration of calcium in medium form only one- to two-layered urothelium of UCs, which are larger and express more differentiation-related proteins uroplakins than UCs in other models. These results demonstrate that the interface itself can play a major, although so-far neglected, role in urothelial physiology, particularly in the formation of the urothelial permeability barrier in vitro and the regulatory mechanisms related with urothelial differentiation. In the study, the culturing of UCs in three successive steps is proposed.  相似文献   

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