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Kenealy BP  Keen KL  Terasawa E 《Steroids》2011,76(9):861-866
Estrogens play a pivotal role in the control of female reproductive function. Recent studies using primate GnRH neurons derived from embryonic nasal placode indicate that 17β-estradiol (E2) causes a rapid stimulatory action. E2 (1 nM) stimulates firing activity and intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) oscillations of primate GnRH neurons within a few min. E2 also stimulates GnRH release within 10 min. However, the classical estrogen receptors, ERα and ERβ, do not appear to play a role in E2-induced [Ca2+]i oscillations or GnRH release, as the estrogen receptor antagonist, ICI 182,780, failed to block these responses. Rather, this rapid E2 action is, at least in part, mediated by a G-protein coupled receptor GPR30. In the present study we further investigate the role of ERα and ERβ in the rapid action of E2 by knocking down cellular ERα and ERβ by transfection of GnRH neurons with specific siRNA for rhesus monkey ERα and ERβ. Results indicate that cellular knockdown of ERα and ERβ failed to block the E2-induced changes in [Ca2+]i oscillations. It is concluded that neither ERα nor ERβ is required for the rapid action of E2 in primate GnRH neurons.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) may play important roles in many estrogen physiological effects, but little is known about the fluctuation of ERalpha during the estrous cycle. In this study, the dynamic expression of ERalpha mRNA and protein in periodontal tissue during the estrous cycle were examined. Forty 12-week-old female rats were divided into four groups, based on the estrous cycle stage, and sacrificed. Immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization were used to detect dynamic changes in ERalpha protein and mRNA in periodontal tissue during the estrous cycle, and data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and cosinor analysis for temporal patterns. Significant differences (p<0.05) were found in the expression of ERalpha protein and mRNA among the four groups. The expression of ERalpha protein and mRNA exhibited an infradian rhythm with a period of about 120 h (five days). The phase and amplitude differences between ERalpha protein and mRNA were not significant (p>0.05). The results suggest the expression of ERalpha is dynamic during the estrous cycle and that in the future chronobiologic methods should be used to study the mechanism of estrogen effect on periodontal tissue.  相似文献   

A broad expression of aromatase and estrogen receptors (ERs) in the testis suggests an important role for estrogens in regulating testicular cell function and reproductive events. The aim of the present study was to show whether Leydig cells in vitro isolated from cryptorchid testes of two inbred strains of mice, KE and CBA, are a site of estrogen synthesis. Using immunocytochemistry, aromatase, estrogen receptor alpha(ERalpha), and estrogen receptor beta(ERbeta) were localized in cultured Leydig cells. Immunoreactive aromatase was found in the cytoplasm of control Leydig cells and those isolated from cryptorchid males, however the intensity of immunostaining was different, being stronger in Leydig cells deriving from cryptorchid mice. The strongest aromatase immunostaining was found in cryptorchid-KE Leydig cells. Strong immunoexpression of ERalpha was detected in the nuclei of both KE-and CBA-Leydig cells. The intensity of ERalpha immunostaining was stronger in cultured cells deriving from cryptorchid testes. ERbeta immunoexpression was detected predominantly in KE-Leydig cells. Control CBA-Leydig cells were negative for ERbeta or the result was inconclusive, whereas in cryptorchid CBA-Leydig cells a weak immunostaining was present in their nuclei. Western blot analysis confirmed the results obtained by immunocytochemistry. In KE- and CBA-Leydig cells aromatase as a band of 55 kDa protein was present, whereas ERalpha molecular weight was 67 kDa on Western blots. No band was detected for ERbeta. Radioimmunological analysis revealed that androgen and estrogen levels secreted by Leydig cells in vitro were strain-dependent. Additionally, in KE-Leydig cells that derived from cryptorchid mice estrogen level was distinctly higher in comparison with that of the respective control.  相似文献   

Evinger AJ  Levin ER 《Steroids》2005,70(5-7):361-363
The estrogen receptor alpha (ERalpha) exists as a functional receptor at the plasma membrane. The structural requirements for localization and function are not well understood. Several laboratories have recently elucidated certain requirements. We recently found the translocation of ERalpha to the membrane in the absence of estrogen is dependent on caveolin-1 and serine 522 of the ERalpha protein. Mutation of serine 522 to alanine results in a 62% decrease in membrane localization and association with caveolin-1. Similarly, deletion of the caveolin-1 scaffolding domain (amino acids 60-100) largely prevents the localization of ERalpha at the plasma membrane. In the presence of estradiol (E2), ERalpha, Src-homology and collagen homology (Shc), and insulin-like growth factor receptor-1 proteins associate with and increase the localization of ERalpha at the membrane. Membrane-localized ERalpha functions as an atypical G-protein coupled receptor. There is no good evidence that ERalpha spans the membrane or contains an extracellular domain. E2/ERalpha activates different G-proteins in cell context-related fashion. These G-proteins lead to the activation of Src through PLC, PKC, IP3 and calcium influx. In breast cancer, Src activates matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9, which cleaves heparin binding epidermal growth factor, and thus activates EGFR. This leads to downstream signaling through ERK and PI3 kinase, imparting cell growth and survival.  相似文献   

The phytoestrogen coumestrol has estrogenic actions on peripheral reproductive tissues. Yet in the brain this compound has both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effects. We used estrogen receptor alpha knockout mice (ERalphaKO) to determine whether coumestrol has estrogenic actions in mice and also if these effects are mediated by the classic ERalpha. Female wild-type (WT) and ERalphaKO mice were ovariectomized and treated with estradiol (E2), dietary coumestrol, both, or neither compound. Ten days later the animals were sacrificed, blood was collected, and brain tissues were perfused. Fixed brains were sectioned and immunocytochemistry was employed to quantify progesterone receptors (PR) in the medial preoptic (POA) and ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMN). Plasma was assayed for luteinizing hormone (LH). Estrogen treatment induced PR immunoreactivity in both regions in brains of WT females. In ERalphaKO mice, lower levels of PR were induced. The stimulatory effects of E2 on PR were attenuated in the POA by cotreatment with coumestrol, and the same trend was noted in the VMN. WT ovariectomized females treated with E2 had low levels of LH, while LH was high in untreated females and even higher in ovariectomized females treated with coumestrol. ERalphaKO females in all treatment groups had high levels of LH. Taken together, the results show that coumestrol has anti-estrogenic actions in the brain and pituitary and that ERalpha mediates these effects.  相似文献   

Around the time of birth, male rats express higher levels of progesterone receptors in the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) than female rats, suggesting that the MPN may be differentially sensitive to maternal hormones in developing males and females. Preliminary evidence suggests that this sex difference depends on the activation of estrogen receptors around birth. To test whether estrogen receptor alpha (ER alpha) is involved, we compared progesterone receptor immunoreactivity (PRir) in the brains of male and female neonatal mice that lacked a functional ER alpha gene or were wild type for the disrupted gene. We demonstrate that males express much higher levels of PRir in the MPN and the ventromedial nucleus of the neonatal mouse brain than females, and that PRir expression is dependent on the expression of ER alpha in these regions. In contrast, PRir levels in neocortex are not altered by ER alpha gene disruption. The results of this study suggest that the induction of PR via ER alpha may render specific regions of the developing male brain more sensitive to progesterone than the developing female brain, and may thereby underlie sexual differentiation of these regions.  相似文献   

Multicellular spheroids are excellent models for the analysis of cancer behavior. Just like small avascular tumors, they present a marked zonal heterogeneity which influences gene expression and thus, growth and response to chemotherapy. In the present paper, we sought to analyze the effects of three-dimensional culture in the expression and distribution of estrogen receptor alpha. Using MCF-7 breast cancer cells, we found that multicellular spheroids in estrogen-containing medium presented a paradoxical regulation of estrogen receptor alpha, with a decrease in protein expression and a marked increase in mRNA steady-state levels. Immunohistochemistry showed that only sparse cells in the periphery of the spheroid expressed estrogen receptor, in sharp contrast with progresterone receptor, which was more extensively expressed and HIF-alpha, which was expressed in the central core of the spheroid. This could mean that both hypoxia and ERA activation by estrogen participate in the expression heterogeneity of this hormone receptor in breast cancer These results are important to considerate in the analysis and interpretation of immunohistochemistry of ERA and downstream targets in samples of solid tumors.  相似文献   

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