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Beta‐defensins is a family of avian peptides related to the innate immune system. Copy number variation was recently reported for the avian beta‐defensin 7 gene (AvBD7) between the highly inbred Leghorn and Fayoumi lines. Here, we examined copy number variants in 35 different chicken breeds and found that 31 of them have at least the same representation of the duplicated AvBD7 allele. We also found haplotypes upstream of the AvBD6 regions that are strongly linked to the AvBD7 duplication. We observed a strong linkage disequilibrium spanning of the upstream region of the AvBD6 gene, with two SNPs being flanking markers to detect duplication of the AvBD7.  相似文献   

Copy number variation (CNV), an essential form of genetic variation, has been increasingly recognized as one promising genetic marker in the analysis of animal genomes. Here, we used the Equine 70K single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping array for the genome‐wide detection of CNVs in 96 horses from three diverse Chinese breeds: Debao pony (DB), Mongolian horse (MG) and Yili horse (YL). A total of 287 CNVs were determined and merged into 122 CNV regions (CNVRs) ranging from 199 bp to 2344 kb in size and distributed in a heterogeneous manner on chromosomes. These CNVRs were integrated with seven existing reports to generate a composite genome‐wide dataset of 1558 equine CNVRs, revealing 69 (56.6%) novel CNVRs. The majority (69.7%) of the 122 CNVRs overlapped with 438 genes, whereas 30.3% were located in intergenic regions. Most of these genes were associated with common CNVRs, which were shared by divergent horse breeds. As many as 60, 42 and 91 genes overlapping with the breed‐specific ss were identified in DB, MG and YL respectively. Among these genes, FGF11, SPEM1, PPARG, CIDEB, HIVEP1 and GALR may have potential relevance to breed‐specific traits. These findings provide valuable information for understanding the equine genome and facilitating association studies of economically important traits with equine CNVRs in the future.  相似文献   

Genome-wide screenings for copy number variations (CNVs) in patients with schizophrenia have demonstrated the presence of several CNVs that increase the risk of developing the disease and a growing number of large rare CNVs; the contribution of these rare CNVs to schizophrenia remains unknown. Using Affymetrix 6.0 arrays, we undertook a systematic search for CNVs in 172 patients with schizophrenia and 160 healthy controls, all of Italian origin, with the aim of confirming previously identified loci and identifying novel schizophrenia susceptibility genes. We found five patients with a CNV occurring in one of the regions most convincingly implicated as risk factors for schizophrenia: NRXN1 and the 16p13.1 regions were found to be deleted in single patients and 15q11.2 in 2 patients, whereas the 15q13.3 region was duplicated in one patient. Furthermore, we found three distinct patients with CNVs in 2q12.2, 3q29 and 17p12 loci, respectively. These loci were previously reported to be deleted or duplicated in patients with schizophrenia but were never formally associated with the disease. We found 5 large CNVs (>900 kb) in 4q32, 5q14.3, 8q23.3, 11q25 and 17q12 in five different patients that could include some new candidate schizophrenia susceptibility genes. In conclusion, the identification of previously reported CNVs and of new, rare, large CNVs further supports a model of schizophrenia that includes the effect of multiple, rare, highly penetrant variants.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Gu X  Feng C  Song C  Hu X  Li N 《Animal genetics》2012,43(3):282-289
The discovery of copy number variation (CNV) in the genome has provided new insight into genomic polymorphism. Studies with chickens have identified a number of large CNV segments using a 385k comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) chip (mean length >140 kb). We present a detailed CNV map for local Chinese chicken breeds and commercial chicken lines using an Agilent 400k array CGH platform with custom-designed probes. We identified a total of 130 copy number variation regions (CNVRs; mean length = 25.70 kb). Of these, 104 (80.0%) were novel segments reported for the first time in chickens. Among the 104 novel CNVRs, 56 (53.8%) of the segments were non-coding sequences, 65 (62.5%) showed the gain of DNA and 40 (38.5%) showed the loss of DNA (one locus showed both loss and gain). Overlapping with the formal selective sweep data and the quantitative trait loci data, we identified four loci that might be considered to be high-confidence selective segments that arose during the domestication of chickens. Compared with the CNVRs reported previously, genes for the positive regulation of phospholipase A2 activity were discovered to be significantly over-represented in the novel CNVRs reported here by gene ontology analysis. Availability of our results should facilitate further research in the study of the genetic variability in chicken breeds.  相似文献   

Copy number alterations (CNAs) can be observed in most of cancer patients. Several oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes with CNAs have been identified in different kinds of tumor. However, the systematic survey of CNA-affected functions is still lack. By employing systems biology approaches, instead of examining individual genes, we directly identified the functional hotspots on human genome. A total of 838 hotspots on human genome with 540 enriched Gene Ontology functions were identified. Seventy-six aCGH array data of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tumors were employed in this study. A total of 150 regions which putatively affected by CNAs and the encoded functions were identified. Our results indicate that two immune related hotspots had copy number alterations in most of patients. In addition, our data implied that these immune-related regions might be involved in HCC oncogenesis. Also, we identified 39 hotspots of which copy number status were associated with patient survival. Our data implied that copy number alterations of the regions may contribute in the dysregulation of the encoded functions. These results further demonstrated that our method enables researchers to survey biological functions of CNAs and to construct regulation hypothesis at pathway and functional levels.  相似文献   

Copy number variations (CNVs) have provided a dynamic aspect to the apparently static human genome. We have analyzed CNVs larger than 100 kb in 477 healthy individuals from 26 diverse Indian populations of different linguistic, ethnic and geographic backgrounds. These CNVRs were identified using the Affymetrix 50K Xba 240 Array. We observed 1,425 and 1,337 CNVRs in the deletion and amplification sets, respectively, after pooling data from all the populations. More than 50% of the genes encompassed entirely in CNVs had both deletions and amplifications. There was wide variability across populations not only with respect to CNV extent (ranging from 0.04–1.14% of genome under deletion and 0.11–0.86% under amplification) but also in terms of functional enrichments of processes like keratinization, serine proteases and their inhibitors, cadherins, homeobox, olfactory receptors etc. These did not correlate with linguistic, ethnic, geographic backgrounds and size of populations. Certain processes were near exclusive to deletion (serine proteases, keratinization, olfactory receptors, GPCRs) or duplication (homeobox, serine protease inhibitors, embryonic limb morphogenesis) datasets. Populations having same enriched processes were observed to contain genes from different genomic loci. Comparison of polymorphic CNVRs (5% or more) with those cataloged in Database of Genomic Variants revealed that 78% (2473) of the genes in CNVRs in Indian populations are novel. Validation of CNVs using Sequenom MassARRAY revealed extensive heterogeneity in CNV boundaries. Exploration of CNV profiles in such diverse populations would provide a widely valuable resource for understanding diversity in phenotypes and disease.  相似文献   

Summary We previously reported the existence of a series of chemically induced trans recessive copy-number mutations (cop) for mini-F plasmids and the existence of a similar series of cop mutations induced by insertion of the ampicillin resistance transposon Tn3. In this paper we describe the experiments showing that these two series of mutations are in different genes. Briefly, the experiments show that the one mutant series can complement the other, that the mutations map in distinct but adjacent regions, that the copy numbers of double mutants are the products of the copy numbers determined by the single mutations, and that Tn3 does not elevate copy number by a polar effect on the adjacent cop gene defined by chemical mutagenesis. We term the latter gene copA and the gene mutated by Tn3, copB. We also demonstrate here that copB mutations are recessive to the wild type allele. Further, we have characterized copB by deletion and recombinational analysis as the series of five 19- to 22-base-pair directly repeated sequences that had previously been designated incC-that is, one of the incompatibility genes. The evidence for this conclusion is that plasmids lacking two, three or five direct repeats have their copy number elevated proportionately. Possible mechanisms for copB control of replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Copy number variations (CNVs) are being used as genetic markers or functional candidates in gene-mapping studies. However, unlike single nucleotide polymorphism or microsatellite genotyping techniques, most CNV detection methods are limited to detecting total copy numbers, rather than copy number in each of the two homologous chromosomes. To address this issue, we developed a statistical framework for intensity-based CNV detection platforms using family data. Our algorithm identifies CNVs for a family simultaneously, thus avoiding the generation of calls with Mendelian inconsistency while maintaining the ability to detect de novo CNVs. Applications to simulated data and real data indicate that our method significantly improves both call rates and accuracy of boundary inference, compared to existing approaches. We further illustrate the use of Mendelian inheritance to infer SNP allele compositions in each of the two homologous chromosomes in CNV regions using real data. Finally, we applied our method to a set of families genotyped using both the Illumina HumanHap550 and Affymetrix genome-wide 5.0 arrays to demonstrate its performance on both inherited and de novo CNVs. In conclusion, our method produces accurate CNV calls, gives probabilistic estimates of CNV transmission and builds a solid foundation for the development of linkage and association tests utilizing CNVs.  相似文献   

Spodoptera litura is a polyphagous pest and can feed on more than 100 species of plants, causing great damage to agricultural production. The SNP results showed that there were gene exchanges between different regions. To explore the variations of larger segments in S. litura genome, we used genome resequencing samples from 14 regions of China, India, and Japan to study the copy number variations (CNVs). We identified 3976 CNV events and 1581 unique copy number variation regions (CNVRs) occupying the 108.5 Mb genome of S. litura. A total of 5527 genes that overlapped with CNVRs were detected. Selection signal analysis identified 19 shared CNVRs and 105 group-specific CNVRs, whose related genes were involved in various biological processes in S. litura. We constructed the first CNVs map in S. litura genome, and our findings will be valuable for understanding the genomic variations and population differences of S. litura.  相似文献   

Lou H  Li S  Yang Y  Kang L  Zhang X  Jin W  Wu B  Jin L  Xu S 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27341
It has been shown that the human genome contains extensive copy number variations (CNVs). Investigating the medical and evolutionary impacts of CNVs requires the knowledge of locations, sizes and frequency distribution of them within and between populations. However, CNV study of Chinese minorities, which harbor the majority of genetic diversity of Chinese populations, has been underrepresented considering the same efforts in other populations. Here we constructed, to our knowledge, a first CNV map in seven Chinese populations representing the major linguistic groups in China with 1,440 CNV regions identified using Affymetrix SNP 6.0 Array. Considerable differences in distributions of CNV regions between populations and substantial population structures were observed. We showed that ~35% of CNV regions identified in minority ethnic groups are not shared by Han Chinese population, indicating that the contribution of the minorities to genetic architecture of Chinese population could not be ignored. We further identified highly differentiated CNV regions between populations. For example, a common deletion in Dong and Zhuang (44.4% and 50%), which overlaps two keratin-associated protein genes contributing to the structure of hair fibers, was not observed in Han Chinese. Interestingly, the most differentiated CNV deletion between HapMap CEU and YRI containing CCL3L1 gene reported in previous studies was also the highest differentiated regions between Tibetan and other populations. Besides, by jointly analyzing CNVs and SNPs, we found a CNV region containing gene CTDSPL were in almost perfect linkage disequilibrium between flanking SNPs in Tibetan while not in other populations except HapMap CHD. Furthermore, we found the SNP taggability of CNVs in Chinese populations was much lower than that in European populations. Our results suggest the necessity of a full characterization of CNVs in Chinese populations, and the CNV map we constructed serves as a useful resource in further evolutionary and medical studies.  相似文献   

Li X  Zhou J  Nahas SA  Wan H  Hu H  Gatti RA 《Genomics》2012,99(2):96-100
Hypersensitivity to radiation exposure is a major challenge to radiotherapy in the treatment of cancer patients. Copy number variations (CNVs) are believed to identify genomic regions of functional significance for radiosensitivity (RS) but have yet to be systematically investigated. We used Affymetrix 6.0 SNP arrays to survey common CNVs in a cohort of 50 radiosensitive lymphoblastoid cell lines (RS-LCLs) derived from patients with undiagnosed diseases. A total of 317 CNVs that were present in at least 10% of the studied cell lines were identified. Three hundred and eight CNVs overlapped with polymorphic CNVs, 13 of which were significantly enriched in the RS-LCLs compared to the reference. The remaining 9 CNVs were novel. The majority of these enriched and novel CNVs were chromosomal gains. The dominance of the chromosomal gains over losses is inconsistent with the traditional concept of molecular basis of RS and suggests more complex genetic mechanisms for RS.  相似文献   

拷贝数变异的全基因组关联分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基因组拷贝数变异(copy number variations,CNVs)是指与基因组参考序列相比,基因组中≥1 kb的DNA片段插入、缺失和/或扩增,及其互相组合衍生出的复杂变异.由于其具有分布范围广、可遗传、相对稳定和高度异质性等特点,目前认为,CNVs是一种新的可以作为疾病易感标志的基因组DNA多态性,其变异引起的基因剂量改变可以导致表型改变.最近,一种基于CNVs的新的疾病易感基因鉴定策略——CNV全基因组关联分析开始出现,这一策略和传统的基于单核苷酸多态性的关联分析具有互补性,通过认识基因组结构变异可以认识复杂疾病的分子机制和遗传基础.  相似文献   

Copy number variations (CNVs) in the human genome are conventionally detected using high-throughput scanning technologies, such as comparative genomic hybridization and high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays, or relatively low-throughput techniques, such as quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). All these approaches are limited in resolution and can at best distinguish a twofold (or 50%) difference in copy number. We have developed a new technology to study copy numbers using a platform known as the digital array, a nanofluidic biochip capable of accurately quantitating genes of interest in DNA samples. We have evaluated the digital array's performance using a model system, to show that this technology is exquisitely sensitive, capable of differentiating as little as a 15% difference in gene copy number (or between 6 and 7 copies of a target gene). We have also analyzed commercial DNA samples for their CYP2D6 copy numbers and confirmed that our results were consistent with those obtained independently using conventional techniques. In a screening experiment with breast cancer and normal DNA samples, the ERBB2 gene was found to be amplified in about 35% of breast cancer samples. The use of the digital array enables accurate measurement of gene copy numbers and is of significant value in CNV studies.  相似文献   



Copy number variations (CNVs) are a main source of genomic structural variations underlying animal evolution and production traits. Here, with one pure-blooded Angus bull as reference, we describe a genome-wide analysis of CNVs based on comparative genomic hybridization arrays in 29 Chinese domesticated bulls and examined their effects on gene expression and cattle growth traits.


We identified 486 copy number variable regions (CNVRs), covering 2.45% of the bovine genome, in 24 taurine (Bos taurus), together with 161 ones in 2 yaks (Bos grunniens) and 163 ones in 3 buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Totally, we discovered 605 integrated CNVRs, with more “loss” events than both “gain” and “both” ones, and clearly clustered them into three cattle groups. Interestingly, we confirmed their uneven distributions across chromosomes, and the differences of mitochondrion DNA copy number (gain: taurine, loss: yak & buffalo). Furthermore, we confirmed approximately 41.8% (253/605) and 70.6% (427/605) CNVRs span cattle genes and quantitative trait loci (QTLs), respectively. Finally, we confirmed 6 CNVRs in 9 chosen ones by using quantitative PCR, and further demonstrated that CNVR22 had significantly negative effects on expression of PLA2G2D gene, and both CNVR22 and CNVR310 were associated with body measurements in Chinese cattle, suggesting their key effects on gene expression and cattle traits.


The results advanced our understanding of CNV as an important genomic structural variation in taurine, yak and buffalo. This study provides a highly valuable resource for Chinese cattle’s evolution and breeding researches.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-480) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

In this study, we identified copy number variants (CNVs) in 19 European autochthonous pig breeds and in two commercial breeds (Italian Large White and Italian Duroc) that represent important genetic resources for this species. The genome of 725 pigs was sequenced using a breed-specific DNA pooling approach (30–35 animals per pool) obtaining an average depth per pool of 42×. This approach maximised CNV discovery as well as the related copy number states characterising, on average, the analysed breeds. By mining more than 17.5 billion reads, we identified a total of 9592 CNVs (~683 CNVs per breed) and 3710 CNV regions (CNVRs; 1.15% of the reference pig genome), with an average of 77 CNVRs per breed that were considered as private. A few CNVRs were analysed in more detail, together with other information derived from sequencing data. For example, the CNVR encompassing the KIT gene was associated with coat colour phenotypes in the analysed breeds, confirming the role of the multiple copies in determining breed-specific coat colours. The CNVR covering the MSRB3 gene was associated with ear size in most breeds. The CNVRs affecting the ELOVL6 and ZNF622 genes were private features observed in the Lithuanian Indigenous Wattle and in the Turopolje pig breeds respectively. Overall, the genome variability unravelled here can explain part of the genetic diversity among breeds and might contribute to explain their origin, history and adaptation to a variety of production systems.  相似文献   

Yang S  Jeung HC  Jeong HJ  Choi YH  Kim JE  Jung JJ  Rha SY  Yang WI  Chung HC 《Genomics》2007,89(4):451-459
To identify DNA copy number changes that had a direct influence on mRNA expression in gastric cancer, cDNA microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and gene expression profiling were performed using 17 K cDNA microarrays. A set of 158 genes showing Pearson correlation coefficients over 0.6 between DNA copy number changes and mRNA expression level variations was selected. In an independent gene expression profiling of 60 tissue samples, the 158 genes were able to distinguish most of the normal and tumor tissues in an unsupervised hierarchical clustering, suggesting that the differential expression patterns displayed by this specific group of genes are most likely based on the gene copy number changes. Furthermore, 43 statistically significant (P<0.01) genes were selected that correctly distinguished all of the tissue samples. The copy number changes detected by aCGH can be verified by fluorescence in situ hybridization and real-time polymerase chain reaction. The selected genes include those that were previously identified as being tumor suppressors or deleted in various tumors, including GATA binding protein 4 (GATA4), monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), cyclin C (CCNC), and oncogenes including malignant fibrous histiocytoma amplified sequence 1 (MFHAS1/MASL1), high mobility group AT-hook 2 (HMGA2), PPAR binding protein (PPARBP), growth factor receptor-bound protein 7 (GRB7), and TBC1 (tre-2, BUB2, cdc16) domain family, member 1 (TBC1D1).  相似文献   

Cathelicidins comprise a family of antimicrobial peptides sharing a highly conserved cathelin domain. Here we report that the entire chicken genome encodes three cathelicidins, namely fowlicidin-1 to -3, which are densely clustered within a 7.5-kb distance at the proximal end of chromosome 2p. Each fowlicidin gene adopts a fourexon, three-intron structure, typical for a mammalian cathelicidin. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that fowlicidins and a group of distantly related mammalian cathelicidins known as neutrophilic granule proteins are likely to originate from a common ancestral gene prior to the separation of birds from mammals, whereas other classic mammalian cathelicidins may have been duplicated from the primordial gene for neutrophilic granule proteins after mammals and birds are diverged. Similar to ovine cathelicidin SMAP-29, putatively mature fowlicidins displayed potent and salt-independent activities against a range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant strains, with minimum inhibitory concentrations in the range of 0.4-2.0 microm for most strains. Fowlicidin-1 and -2 also showed cytotoxicity, with 50% killing of mammalian erythrocytes or epithelial cells in the range of 6-40 microm. In addition, two fowlicidins demonstrated a strong positive cooperativity in binding lipopolysaccharide (LPS), resulting in nearly complete blockage of LPS-mediated proinflammatory gene expression in RAW264.7 cells. Taken together, fowlicidin-1 and -2 are clearly among the most potent cathelicidins that have been reported. Their broad spectrum and salt-insensitive antibacterial activities, coupled with their potent LPS-neutralizing activity, make fowlicidins excellent candidates for novel antimicrobial and anti-sepsis agents.  相似文献   

Lu TP  Lai LC  Tsai MH  Chen PC  Hsu CP  Lee JM  Hsiao CK  Chuang EY 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24829
Numerous efforts have been made to elucidate the etiology and improve the treatment of lung cancer, but the overall five-year survival rate is still only 15%. Identification of prognostic biomarkers for lung cancer using gene expression microarrays poses a major challenge in that very few overlapping genes have been reported among different studies. To address this issue, we have performed concurrent genome-wide analyses of copy number variation and gene expression to identify genes reproducibly associated with tumorigenesis and survival in non-smoking female lung adenocarcinoma. The genomic landscape of frequent copy number variable regions (CNVRs) in at least 30% of samples was revealed, and their aberration patterns were highly similar to several studies reported previously. Further statistical analysis for genes located in the CNVRs identified 475 genes differentially expressed between tumor and normal tissues (p<10−5). We demonstrated the reproducibility of these genes in another lung cancer study (p = 0.0034, Fisher''s exact test), and showed the concordance between copy number variations and gene expression changes by elevated Pearson correlation coefficients. Pathway analysis revealed two major dysregulated functions in lung tumorigenesis: survival regulation via AKT signaling and cytoskeleton reorganization. Further validation of these enriched pathways using three independent cohorts demonstrated effective prediction of survival. In conclusion, by integrating gene expression profiles and copy number variations, we identified genes/pathways that may serve as prognostic biomarkers for lung tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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