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In order to complete its life cycle, a cyst nematode must stimulate the production of a specialized syncytial feeding site within host root tissues. This process is characterized by major changes in local root morphology, including enlargement of affected nuclei and nucleoli, cell wall degradation, and proliferation of subcellular organelles. At the molecular level very little is known about the processes involved in this host response, but recent evidence suggests that cyst nematodes are able to regulate specific host genes. The host-parasite model system provided by Arabidopsis thaliana and Heterodera schachtii will be fundamental to our future understanding of the formation of syncytia. Molecular biology now offers us the opportunity to study this complex host-parasite interaction in great detail. A better understanding of the host genes regulated by cyst nematodes and the mechanisms by which this regulation is achieved will facilitate the engineering of crop cultivars that possess novel forms of resistance to these adept parasites.  相似文献   

In translational cancer medicine, implicated pathways and the relevant master genes are of focus. Exome''s specificity, processing-time, and cost advantage makes it a compelling tool for this purpose. However, analysis of exome lacks reliable combinatory analysis tools and techniques. In this paper we present XomAnnotate – a meta- and functional-analysis software for exome. We compared UnifiedGenotyper, Freebayes, Delly, and Lumpy algorithms that were designed for whole-genome and combined their strengths in XomAnnotate for exome data through meta-analysis to identify comprehensive mutation profile (SNPs/SNVs, short inserts/deletes, and SVs) of patients. The mutation profile is annotated followed by functional analysis through pathway enrichment and network analysis to identify most critical genes and pathways implicated in the disease genesis. The efficacy of the software is verified through MDS and clustering and tested with available 11 familial non-BRCA1/BRCA2 breast cancer exome data. The results showed that the most significantly affected pathways across all samples are cell communication and antigen processing and presentation. ESCO1, HYAL1, RAF1 and PRKCA emerged as the key genes. Network analysis further showed the purine and propanotate metabolism pathways along with RAF1 and PRKCA genes to be master regulators in these patients. Therefore, XomAnnotate is able to use exome data to identify entire mutation landscape, pathways, and the master genes accurately with wide concordance from earlier microarray and whole-genome studies -- making it a suitable biomedical software for using exome in next-generation translational medicine.


http://www.iomics.in/research/XomAnnotate  相似文献   

The plant hormone ethylene plays a pivotal role in steering various processes by regulating the biosynthesis, distribution, or signal transduction of other hormones. Ethylene also mediates the effects of other hormones. Similarly, hormones control the ethylene synthesis and signalling pathway. Eventually, integration of this network of signals leads to an appropriate morphological or biochemical response. Consequently, this cross-talk results in the characteristic plasticity associated with plant development. Here, the interplay of ethylene with other hormones is described for germination and seedling growth, stomatal control, and tissue elongation. The mechanisms by which this occurs are discussed in more detail.  相似文献   

Uncovering how natural selection and genetic drift shape the evolutionary dynamics of virus populations within their hosts can pave the way to a better understanding of virus emergence. Mathematical models already play a leading role in these studies and are intended to predict future emergences. Here, using high-throughput sequencing, we analyzed the within-host population dynamics of four Potato virus Y (PVY) variants differing at most by two substitutions involved in pathogenicity properties. Model selection procedures were used to compare experimental results to six hypotheses regarding competitiveness and intensity of genetic drift experienced by viruses during host plant colonization. Results indicated that the frequencies of variants were well described using Lotka-Volterra models where the competition coefficients βij exerted by variant j on variant i are equal to their fitness ratio, rj/ri. Statistical inference allowed the estimation of the effect of each mutation on fitness, revealing slight (s = −0.45%) and high (s = −13.2%) fitness costs and a negative epistasis between them. Results also indicated that only 1 to 4 infectious units initiated the population of one apical leaf. The between-host variances of the variant frequencies were described using Dirichlet-multinomial distributions whose scale parameters, closely related to the fixation index F ST, were shown to vary with time. The genetic differentiation of virus populations among plants increased from 0 to 10 days post-inoculation and then decreased until 35 days. Overall, this study showed that mathematical models can accurately describe both selection and genetic drift processes shaping the evolutionary dynamics of viruses within their hosts.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium ulcerans is the causative agent of Buruli ulcer, a rare but chronic debilitating skin and soft tissue disease found predominantly in West Africa and Southeast Australia. While a moderate body of research has examined the distribution of M. ulcerans, the specific route(s) of transmission of this bacterium remain unknown, hindering control efforts. M. ulcerans is considered an environmental pathogen given it is associated with lentic ecosystems and human-to-human spread is negligible. However, the pathogen is also carried by various mammals and invertebrates, which may serve as key reservoirs and mechanical vectors, respectively. Here, we examine and review recent evidence from these endemic regions on potential transmission pathways, noting differences in findings between Africa and Australia, and summarising the risk and protective factors associated with Buruli ulcer transmission. We also discuss evidence suggesting that environmental disturbance and human population changes precede outbreaks. We note five key research priorities, including adoption of One Health frameworks, to resolve transmission pathways and inform control strategies to reduce the spread of Buruli ulcer.  相似文献   

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is transmitted to vertebrates by taiga or forest ticks through bites, inducing disease of variable severity. The reasons underlying these differences in the severity of the disease are unknown. In order to identify genetic factors affecting the pathogenicity of virus strains, we have sequenced and compared the complete genomes of 34 Far-Eastern subtype (FE) TBEV strains isolated from patients with different disease severity (Primorye, the Russian Far East). We analyzed the complete genomes of 11 human pathogenic strains isolated from the brains of dead patients with the encephalitic form of the disease (Efd), 4 strains from the blood of patients with the febrile form of TBE (Ffd), and 19 strains from patients with the subclinical form of TBE (Sfd). On the phylogenetic tree, pathogenic Efd strains formed two clusters containing the prototype strains, Senzhang and Sofjin, respectively. Sfd strains formed a third separate cluster, including the Oshima strain. The strains that caused the febrile form of the disease did not form a separate cluster. In the viral proteins, we found 198 positions with at least one amino acid residue substitution, of which only 17 amino acid residue substitutions were correlated with the variable pathogenicity of these strains in humans and they authentically differed between the groups. We considered the role of each amino acid substitution and assumed that the deletion of 111 amino acids in the capsid protein in combination with the amino acid substitutions R16K and S45F in the NS3 protease may affect the budding process of viral particles. These changes may be the major reason for the diminished pathogenicity of TBEV strains. We recommend Sfd strains for testing as attenuation vaccine candidates.  相似文献   

Soil amendments containing carbonized materials increase the soil carbon reservoir, influence plant productivity, and, ultimately, help to clean the environment. There is data on the effect of such additions on soil physicochemical properties or plant growth, but few studies have focused on how these carbonized materials are distributed by termite species in the soil ecosystem. It is the first comprehensive study of the transportation of biochar (BC) by termite species under tropical environmental conditions in Pakistan. The present study was carried out to test the hypothesis that if termite species I) were involved in the distribution of biochar particles II) if yes, then how far these particles were transported during the study period (10 days) and III) check their preference between the enriched BC (EBC) and non-enriched BC. BC was enriched with the cattle slurry after its pyrolysis in the study. The results showed that EBC particles were significantly more widely distributed than non-enriched BC particles, but both types of BC were transported more than 4 cm (ring 4) within 10 days (at the end of the experiment). The current study also revealed that EBC was easily attached to the setae, cuticle, and legs of termites, implying that it could potentially be transported over a greater distance. Furthermore, transportation of EBC over larger distances indicated a potential preference of termite species between the EBC and BC particles. During the study, however, the preference among the termite species was also observed. Under the prevailing study conditions, the Coptotermes heimi and Heteroterme indicola species transported the EBC further than Microtermes obesi and Odontotermes obesus. These findings revealed that transportation preferences were observed among the four termite species. In conclusion, the current study found that termites were involved in the distribution of BC particles, with a preference for EBC and that these have the potential to transport BC particles more than 4 cm within 10 days. Furthermore, two species Coptotermes heimi and Heteroterme indicola may be more suitable candidates for EBC transpiration in Pakistani soils. It was necessary to conduct additional research into the effect of temperature on the transportation process.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Salinity is a major constraint of agricultural productivity globally and is recognized to be severely elevated by alterations in the climatic conditions. High...  相似文献   



Oxysterols are oxidized forms of cholesterol. They have been shown to be implicated in cholesterol turnover, inflammation and in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer''s disease and multiple sclerosis. Glial cells are targets of oxysterols: they inhibit astrocyte proliferation after brain injury, and we have previously shown that 25-hydroxycholesterol (25OH) provokes oligodendrocyte apoptosis and stimulates the expression of sPLA2 type IIA (sPLA2-IIA), which has a protective effect.

Methodology/Principal Findings

As glucocorticoids are well-known for their anti-inflammatory effects, our aim was to understand their direct effects on oxysterol-induced responses in oligodendrocytes (sPLA2-IIA stimulation and apoptosis). We demonstrate that the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (Dex) abolishes the stimulation of sPLA2-IIA by 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OH). This inhibition is mediated by the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which decreases the expression of the oxysterol receptor Pregnane X Receptor (PXR) and interferes with oxysterol signaling by recruiting a common limiting coactivator PGC1α. Consistent with the finding that sPLA2-IIA can partially protect oligodendrocytes against oxysterol-triggered apoptosis, we demonstrate here that the inhibition of sPLA2-IIA by Dex accelerates the apoptotic phenomenon, leading to a shift towards necrosis. We have shown by atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy that 25-OH and Dex alters oligodendrocyte shape and disorganizes the cytoplasm.


Our results provide a new understanding of the cross-talk between oxysterol and glucocorticoid signaling pathways and their respective roles in apoptosis and oligodendrocyte functions.  相似文献   

Viruses of theArenaviridaecause hemorrhagic fevers and neurologic disease in humans. Historically, the arenaviruses have been divided into two complexes (LASV-LCMV, Tacaribe) through the use of antigenic typing. The phylogeny of theArenaviridaeas a whole has not been estimated previously due to a lack of sequence data for all members of the family. In this study, nucleocapsid protein gene sequence data were obtained for all currently known arenaviruses and used to estimate, for the first time, a phylogeny of the entire virus family. The LCMV-LASV complex arenaviruses are monophyletic and comprise three distinct lineages. The Tacaribe complex viruses also are monophyletic and occupy three distinct lineages. Comparisons of arenavirus phylogeny with rodent host phylogeny and taxonomic relationships provide several examples in which virus–host cospeciation is potentially occurring. The pathogenic arenaviruses do not appear to be monophyletic, suggesting that the pathogenic phenotype has arisen in multiple independent events during virus evolution.  相似文献   

The effects of certain plant steroids (belonging to furostanol glycosides or glycoalkaloids) and -ecdysone on growth and development of phytoparasitic nematodes were studied. It was shown using an experimental system including tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. and root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita Kofoid et White, that a steroid molecule exhibits significant nematicidal activity if it contains a carbohydrate moiety and an additional heterocycle in the steroid core. The maximum nematicidal activity is inherent in glycosides containing chacotriose as the carbohydrate moiety of the molecule. Some compounds tested in this work could be used for protecting plants against phytoparasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

Due to its inhibition of the Abl kinase domain in the BCR-ABL fusion protein, imatinib is strikingly effective in the initial stage of chronic myeloid leukemia with more than 90% of the patients showing complete remission. However, as in the case of most targeted anti-cancer therapies, the emergence of drug resistance is a serious concern. Several drug-resistant mutations affecting the catalytic domain of Abl and other tyrosine kinases are now known. But, despite their importance and the adverse effect that they have on the prognosis of the cancer patients harboring them, the molecular mechanism of these mutations is still debated. Here by using long molecular dynamics simulations and large-scale free energy calculations complemented by in vitro mutagenesis and microcalorimetry experiments, we model the effect of several widespread drug-resistant mutations of Abl. By comparing the conformational free energy landscape of the mutants with those of the wild-type tyrosine kinases we clarify their mode of action. It involves significant and complex changes in the inactive-to-active dynamics and entropy/enthalpy balance of two functional elements: the activation-loop and the conserved DFG motif. What is more the T315I gatekeeper mutant has a significant impact on the binding mechanism itself and on the binding kinetics.  相似文献   

The photoelectric effect can provide the physical basis for a new method of mapping organic and biological surfaces. The technique, photoelectron microscopy, is similar to fluorescence microscopy using incident ultraviolet light except that photoejected electrons form the image of the specimen surface. In this work the minimum wavelengths of incident light required to produce an image were determined for the molecules 3,6-bis(dimethylamino)acridine (acridine orange) (I), benzo[a]pyrene (II), N,N,N′,N′-tetraphenylbenzidine (III), and copper phthalocyanine (IV). The photoelectron image thresholds for these compounds are 220 (I), 215 (II), 220 (III), and 240 nm (IV), all ±5 nm. Contrast of I-IV with respect to typical protein, lipid, nucleic acid, and polysaccharide surfaces was examined over the wavelength range 240-180 nm. The low magnification micrographs exhibited bright areas corresponding to I-IV but dark regions for the biochemical surfaces. The high contrast suggests the feasibility of performing extrinsic photoelectron microscopy experiments through selective labeling of sites on biological surfaces.  相似文献   

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