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The most common lesion in DNA is an abasic site resulting from glycolytic cleavage of a base. In a number of cellular studies, abasic sites preferentially code for dATP insertion (the “A rule”). In some cases frameshifts are also common. X-ray structures with abasic sites in oligonucleotides have been reported for several microbial and human DNA polymerases (pols), e.g. Dpo4, RB69, KlenTaq, yeast pol ι, human (h) pol ι, and human pol β. We reported previously that hpol η is a major pol involved in abasic site bypass (Choi, J.-Y., Lim, S., Kim, E. J., Jo, A., and Guengerich, F. P. (2010 J. Mol. Biol. 404, 34–44). hpol η inserted all four dNTPs in steady-state and pre-steady-state assays, preferentially inserting A and G. In LC-MS analysis of primer-template pairs, A and G were inserted but little C or T was inserted. Frameshifts were observed when an appropriate pyrimidine was positioned 5′ to the abasic site in the template. In x-ray structures of hpol η with a non-hydrolyzable analog of dATP or dGTP opposite an abasic site, H-bonding was observed between the phosphate 5′ to the abasic site and water H-bonded to N1 and N6 of A and N1 and O6 of G nucleoside triphosphate analogs, offering an explanation for what appears to be a “purine rule.” A structure was also obtained for an A inserted and bonded in the primer opposite the abasic site, but it did not pair with a 5′ T in the template. We conclude that hpol η, a major copying enzyme with abasic sites, follows a purine rule, which can also lead to frameshifts. The phenomenon can be explained with H-bonds.  相似文献   



Oxygen-free radicals formed during normal aerobic cellular metabolism attack bases in DNA and 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) is one of the major lesions formed. It is amongst the most mutagenic lesions in cells because of its dual coding potential, wherein 8-oxoG(syn) can pair with an A in addition to normal base pairing of 8-oxoG(anti) with a C. Human DNA polymerase κ (Polκ) is a member of the newly discovered Y-family of DNA polymerases that possess the ability to replicate through DNA lesions. To understand the basis of Polκ''s preference for insertion of an A opposite 8-oxoG lesion, we have solved the structure of Polκ in ternary complex with a template-primer presenting 8-oxoG in the active site and with dATP as the incoming nucleotide.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We show that the Polκ active site is well-adapted to accommodate 8-oxoG in the syn conformation. That is, the polymerase and the bound template-primer are almost identical in their conformations to that in the ternary complex with undamaged DNA. There is no steric hindrance to accommodating 8-oxoG in the syn conformation for Hoogsteen base-paring with incoming dATP.

Conclusions and Significance

The structure we present here is the first for a eukaryotic translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerase with an 8-oxoG:A base pair in the active site. The structure shows why Polκ is more efficient at inserting an A opposite the 8-oxoG lesion than a C. The structure also provides a basis for why Polκ is more efficient at inserting an A opposite the lesion than other Y-family DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

GM1 gangliosidosis and Morquio B disease are autosomal recessive diseases caused by the defect in the lysosomal β-galactosidase (β-Gal), frequently related to misfolding and subsequent endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. Pharmacological chaperone (PC) therapy is a newly developed molecular therapeutic approach by using small molecule ligands of the mutant enzyme that are able to promote the correct folding and prevent endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation and promote trafficking to the lysosome. In this report, we describe the enzymological properties of purified recombinant human β-GalWT and two representative mutations in GM1 gangliosidosis Japanese patients, β-GalR201C and β-GalI51T. We have also evaluated the PC effect of two competitive inhibitors of β-Gal. Moreover, we provide a detailed atomic view of the recognition mechanism of these compounds in comparison with two structurally related analogues. All compounds bind to the active site of β-Gal with the sugar-mimicking moiety making hydrogen bonds to active site residues. Moreover, the binding affinity, the enzyme selectivity, and the PC potential are strongly affected by the mono- or bicyclic structure of the core as well as the orientation, nature, and length of the exocyclic substituent. These results provide understanding on the mechanism of action of β-Gal selective chaperoning by newly developed PC compounds.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase α-primase (Pol-prim) plays an essential role in eukaryotic DNA replication, initiating synthesis of the leading strand and of each Okazaki fragment on the lagging strand. Pol-prim is composed of a primase heterodimer that synthesizes an RNA primer, a DNA polymerase subunit that extends the primer, and a regulatory B-subunit (p68) without apparent enzymatic activity. Pol-prim is thought to interact with eukaryotic replicative helicases, forming a dynamic multiprotein assembly that displays primosome activity. At least three subunits of Pol-prim interact physically with the hexameric replicative helicase SV40 large T antigen, constituting a simple primosome that is active in vitro. However, structural understanding of these interactions and their role in viral chromatin replication in vivo remains incomplete. Here, we report the detailed large T antigen-p68 interface, as revealed in a co-crystal structure and validated by site-directed mutagenesis, and we demonstrate its functional importance in activating the SV40 primosome in cell-free reactions with purified Pol-prim, as well as in monkey cells in vivo.  相似文献   

Human polymerase kappa (hPol κ) is one of four eukaryotic Y-class DNA polymerases and may be an important element in the cellular response to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons such as benzo[a]pyrene, which can lead to reactive oxygenated metabolite-mediated oxidative stress. Here, we present a detailed analysis of the activity and specificity of hPol κ bypass opposite the major oxidative adduct 7,8-dihydro-8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxoG). Unlike its archaeal homolog Dpo4, hPol κ bypasses this lesion in an error-prone fashion by inserting mainly dATP. Analysis of transient-state kinetics shows diminished “bursts” for dATP:8-oxoG and dCTP:8-oxoG incorporation, indicative of non-productive complex formation, but dATP:8-oxoG insertion events that do occur are 2-fold more efficient than dCTP:G insertion events. Crystal structures of ternary hPol κ complexes with adducted template-primer DNA reveal non-productive (dGTP and dATP) alignments of incoming nucleotide and 8-oxoG. Structural limitations placed upon the hPol κ by interactions between the N-clasp and finger domains combined with stabilization of the syn-oriented template 8-oxoG through the side chain of Met-135 both appear to contribute to error-prone bypass. Mutating Leu-508 in the little finger domain of hPol κ to lysine modulates the insertion opposite 8-oxoG toward more accurate bypass, similar to previous findings with Dpo4. Our structural and activity data provide insight into important mechanistic aspects of error-prone bypass of 8-oxoG by hPol κ compared with accurate and efficient bypass of the lesion by Dpo4 and polymerase η.DNA damage incurred by a multitude of endogenous and exogenous factors constitutes an inevitable challenge for the replication machinery, and various mechanisms exist to either remove the resulting lesions or bypass them in a more or less mutation-prone fashion (1). Error-prone polymerases are central to trans-lesion synthesis across sites of damaged DNA (2, 3). Four so-called Y-class DNA polymerases have been identified in humans, Pol η,4 Pol ι, Pol κ, and Rev1, which exhibit different activities and abilities to replicate past a flurry of individual lesions (4, 5). Homologs have also been identified and characterized in other organisms, notably DinB (Pol IV) in Escherichia coli (68), Dbh in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius (9, 10), and Dpo4 in Sulfolobus solfataricus (11, 12). A decade of investigations directed at the structural and functional properties of bypass polymerases have significantly improved our understanding of this class of enzymes (5, 13). A unique feature of Y-class polymerases, compared with the common right-handed arrangement of palm, thumb, and finger subdomains of high fidelity (i.e. A-class) DNA polymerases (14), is a “little finger” or “PAD” (palm-associated domain) subdomain that plays a crucial role in lesion bypass (12, 1521). In addition to the little finger subdomain at the C-terminal end of the catalytic core, both Rev1 and Pol κ exhibit an N-terminal extension that is absent in other translesion polymerases. The N-terminal extension in the structure of the ternary (human) hPol κ·DNA·dTTP complex folds into a U-shaped tether-helix-turn-helix “clasp” that is located between the thumb and little finger domains, allowing the polymerase to completely encircle the DNA (18). Although the precise role of the clasp for lesion bypass by hPol κ remains to be established, it is clear that this entity is functionally important, because mutant enzymes with partially or completely removed clasps exhibit diminished catalytic activity compared with the full-length catalytic core (hPol κ N1–526) or a core lacking the N-terminal 19 residues (hPol κ N19–526; the construct used for crystal structure determination of the ternary complex (18)).7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxoG), found in both lower organisms and eukaryotes, is a major lesion that is a consequence of oxidative stress. The lesion is of relevance not only because of its association with cancer (22, 23), but also in connection with aging (24), hepatitis (25), and infertility (26). It is far from clear which DNA polymerases bypass 8-oxoG most often in a cellular context, but given the ubiquitous nature of the lesion it seems likely that more than one enzyme could encounter the lesion. Replicative polymerases commonly insert dATP opposite template 8-oxoG, with the lesion adopting the preferred syn conformation (e.g. 27, 28). It was recently found that the translesion polymerase Dpo4 from S. solfataricus synthesizes efficiently past 8-oxoG, inserting ≥95% dCTP > dATP opposite the lesion (29, 30). The efficient and low error bypass of the 8-oxoG lesion by Dpo4 is associated to a large extent with an arginine residue in the little finger domain (17). In the crystal structure of the ternary Dpo4·DNA·dCTP complex, the side chain of Arg-332 forms a hydrogen bond to the 8-oxygen of 8-oxoG, thus shifting the nucleoside conformational equilibrium toward the anti state and enabling a Watson-Crick binding mode with the incoming dCTP (30). The efficient and accurate replication of templates bearing 8-oxoG by yeast Pol η (31, 32) may indicate similarities between the bypass reactions catalyzed by the archaeal and eukaryotic enzymes. In contrast, bypass synthesis opposite 8-oxoG by human Pol κ is error-prone, resulting in efficient incorporation of A (3335). The inaccurate bypass of 8-oxoG is thought to contribute to the deleterious effects associated with the lesion. These observations indicate different behaviors of the eukaryotic trans-lesion Pol κ and its archaeal “homolog” Dpo4 vis-à-vis the major oxidative stress lesion 8-oxoG. A mechanistic understanding of human DNA polymerases that bypass 8-oxoG in an error-prone fashion, such as hPol κ, is therefore of great interest.To elucidate commonalities and differences between the trans-8-oxoG syntheses of S. solfataricus Dpo4, yeast Pol η, and hPol κ, we carried out a comprehensive analysis of the bypass activity for the latter with template·DNA containing the 8-oxoG lesion, including pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetics of primer extension opposite and beyond 8-oxoG and LC-MS/MS assays of full-length extension products. We determined crystal structures of ternary hPol κ-(8-oxoG)DNA-dGTP and hPol κ-(8-oxoG)DNA-dATP complexes, apparently the first for any complex with adducted DNA for the κ enzyme reported to date. Our work demonstrates clear distinctions between genetically related translesion polymerases and provides insights into the origins of the error-prone reactions opposite 8-oxoG catalyzed by Y-family DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

The β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) complex mediates the assembly of β-barrel membrane proteins in the outer membrane. BepA, formerly known as YfgC, interacts with the BAM complex and functions as a protease/chaperone for the enhancement of the assembly and/or degradation of β-barrel membrane proteins. To elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the dual functions of BepA, its full-length three-dimensional structure is needed. Here, we report the crystal structure of full-length BepA at 2.6-Å resolution. BepA possesses an N-terminal protease domain and a C-terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain, which interact with each other. Domain cross-linking by structure-guided introduction of disulfide bonds did not affect the activities of BepA in vivo, suggesting that the function of this protein does not involve domain rearrangement. The full-length BepA structure is compatible with the previously proposed docking model of BAM complex and tetratricopeptide repeat domain of BepA.  相似文献   

Poliovirus (PV) is a well-characterized RNA virus, and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) from PV (3Dpol) has been widely employed as an important model for understanding the structure-function relationships of RNA and DNA polymerases. Many experimental studies of the kinetics of nucleotide incorporation by RNA and DNA polymerases suggest that each nucleotide incorporation cycle basically consists of six sequential steps: (1) an incoming nucleotide binds to the polymerase-primer/template complex; (2) the ternary complex (nucleotide-polymerase-primer/template) undergoes a conformational change; (3) phosphoryl transfer occurs (the chemistry step); (4) a post-chemistry conformational change occurs; (5) pyrophosphate is released; (6) RNA or DNA translocation. Recently, the importance of structural motif D in nucleotide incorporation has been recognized, but the functions of motif D are less well explored so far. In this work, we used two computational techniques, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and quantum mechanics (QM) method, to explore the roles of motif D in nucleotide incorporation catalyzed by PV 3Dpol. We discovered that the motif D, exhibiting high flexibility in either the presence or the absence of RNA primer/template, might facilitate the transportation of incoming nucleotide or outgoing pyrophosphate. We observed that the dynamic behavior of motif A, which should be essential to the polymerase function, was greatly affected by the motions of motif D. In the end, through QM calculations, we attempted to investigate the proton transfer in enzyme catalysis associated with a few amino acid residues of motifs F and D.  相似文献   

The nuclear-encoded DNA polymerase γ (DNA POLγ) is the sole DNA polymerase required for the replication of the mitochondrial DNA. We have cloned the cDNA for human DNA POLγ and have mapped the gene to the chromosomal location 15q24. Additionally, the DNA POLγ gene fromDrosophila melanogasterand a partial cDNA for DNA POLγ fromGallus gallushave been cloned. The predicted human DNA POLγ polypeptide is 1239 amino acids, with a calculated molecular mass of 139.5 kDa. The human amino acid sequence is 41.6, 43.0, 48.7, and 77.6% identical to those ofSchizosaccharomyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila melanogaster,and the C-terminal half ofG. gallus,respectively. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the polymerase portion of the protein reacted specifically with a 140-kDa protein in mitochondrial extracts and immunoprecipitated a protein with DNA POLγ like activity from mitochondrial extracts. The human DNA POLγ is unique in that the first exon of the gene contains a CAG10trinucleotide repeat.  相似文献   

We present molecular dynamics simulation studies of the structural stability of an enclosed loop in the β domain of the Escherichia coli O157:H7 autotransporter EspP. Our investigation revealed that, in addition to its excellent resistance to thermal perturbations, EspP loop 5 (L5) also has remarkable mechanical stability against pulling forces along the membrane norm. These findings are consistent with the experimental report that EspP L5 helps to maintain the permeability barrier in the outer membrane. In contrast to the major secondary structure elements of globular proteins such as ubiquitin, whose resistance to thermal and mechanical perturbations depends mainly on backbone hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions, the structural stability of EspP L5 can be attributed mainly to geometric constraints and side-chain interactions dominated by hydrogen bonds. Examination of B-factors from available high-resolution structures of membrane-embedded β barrels indicates that most of the enclosed loops have stable structures. This finding suggests that loops stabilized by geometric constraints and side-chain interactions might be used more generally to restrict β-barrel channels for various functional purposes.  相似文献   

REV1, REV3, and REV7 are pivotal proteins in translesion DNA synthesis, which allows DNA synthesis even in the presence of DNA damage. REV1 and REV3 are error-prone DNA polymerases and function as inserter and extender polymerases in this process, respectively. REV7 interacts with both REV1 and REV3, acting as an adaptor that functionally links the two, although the structural basis of this collaboration remains unclear. Here, we show the crystal structure of the ternary complex, composed of the C-terminal domain of human REV1, REV7, and a REV3 fragment. The REV1 C-terminal domain adopts a four-helix bundle that interacts with REV7. A linker region between helices 2 and 3, which is conserved among mammals, interacts with the β-sheet of REV7. Remarkably, the REV7-binding interface is distinct from the binding site of DNA polymerase η or κ. Thus, the REV1 C-terminal domain might facilitate polymerase switching by providing a scaffold for both inserter and extender polymerases to bind. Our structure reveals the basis of DNA polymerase ζ (a complex of REV3 and REV7) recruitment to the stalled replication fork and provides insight into the mechanism of polymerase switching.  相似文献   

The biological functions of human DNA polymerase (pol) θ, an A family polymerase, have remained poorly defined. Here we identify a role of polθ in translesion synthesis (TLS) in human cells. We show that TLS through the thymine glycol (TG) lesion, the most common oxidation product of thymine, occurs via two alternative pathways, in one of which, polymerases κ and ζ function together and mediate error-free TLS, whereas in the other, polθ functions in an error-prone manner. Human polθ is comprised of an N-terminal ATPase/helicase domain, a large central domain, and a C-terminal polymerase domain; however, we find that only the C-terminal polymerase domain is required for TLS opposite TG in human cells. In contrast to TLS mediated by polκ and polζ, in which polζ would elongate the chain from the TG:A base pair formed by polκ action, the ability of polθ alone to carry out the nucleotide insertion step, as well as the subsequent extension step that presents a considerable impediment due to displacement of the 5′ template base, suggests that the polθ active site can accommodate highly distorting DNA lesions.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA synthesis during replication of the human genome is accomplished primarily by the DNA polymerase α-primase complex, which makes the RNA-DNA primers accessible to processive DNA pols. The structural information needed to understand the mechanism of regulation of this complex biochemical reaction is incomplete. The presence of two enzymes in one complex poses the question of how these two enzymes cooperate during priming of DNA synthesis. Yeast two-hybrid and direct pulldown assays revealed that the N-terminal domain of the large subunit of primase (p58N) directly interacts with the C-terminal domain of the catalytic subunit of polα (p180C). We found that a complex of the C-terminal domain of the catalytic subunit of polα with the second subunit (p180C-p70) stimulated primase activity, whereas the whole catalytically active heterodimer of polα (p180ΔN-p70) inhibited RNA synthesis by primase. Conversely, the polα catalytic domain without the C-terminal part (p180ΔN-core) possessed a much higher propensity to extend the RNA primer than the two-subunit polα (p180ΔN-p70), suggesting that p180C and/or p70 are involved in the negative regulation of DNA pol activity. We conclude that the interaction between p180C, p70, and p58 regulates the proper primase and polymerase function. The composition of the template DNA is another important factor determining the activity of the complex. We have found that polα activity strongly depends on the sequence of the template and that homopyrimidine runs create a strong barrier for DNA synthesis by polα.  相似文献   

Periplasmic α-carbonic anhydrase of Helicobacter pylori (HpαCA), an oncogenic bacterium in the human stomach, is essential for its acclimation to low pH. It catalyses the conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate using Zn(II) as the cofactor. In H. pylori, Neisseria spp., Brucella suis and Streptococcus pneumoniae this enzyme is the target for sulfonamide antibacterial agents. We present structural analysis correlated with inhibition data, on the complexes of HpαCA with two pharmacological inhibitors of human carbonic anhydrases, acetazolamide and methazolamide. This analysis reveals that two sulfonamide oxygen atoms of the inhibitors are positioned proximal to the putative location of the oxygens of the CO2 substrate in the Michaelis complex, whilst the zinc-coordinating sulfonamide nitrogen occupies the position of the catalytic water molecule. The structures are consistent with acetazolamide acting as site-directed, nanomolar inhibitors of the enzyme by mimicking its reaction transition state. Additionally, inhibitor binding provides insights into the channel for substrate entry and product exit. This analysis has implications for the structure-based design of inhibitors of bacterial carbonic anhydrases.  相似文献   

Psychrophilic enzymes play crucial roles in cold adaptation of microbes and provide useful models for studies of protein evolution, folding, and dynamic properties. We examined the crystal structure (2.2-Å resolution) of the psychrophilic β-glucosidase BglU, a member of the glycosyl hydrolase 1 (GH1) enzyme family found in the cold-adapted bacterium Micrococcus antarcticus. Structural comparison and sequence alignment between BglU and its mesophilic and thermophilic counterpart enzymes (BglB and GlyTn, respectively) revealed two notable features distinct to BglU: (i) a unique long-loop L3 (35 versus 7 amino acids in others) involved in substrate binding and (ii) a unique amino acid, His299 (Tyr in others), involved in the stabilization of an ordered water molecule chain. Shortening of loop L3 to 25 amino acids reduced low-temperature catalytic activity, substrate-binding ability, the optimal temperature, and the melting temperature (Tm). Mutation of His299 to Tyr increased the optimal temperature, the Tm, and the catalytic activity. Conversely, mutation of Tyr301 to His in BglB caused a reduction in catalytic activity, thermostability, and the optimal temperature (45 to 35°C). Loop L3 shortening and H299Y substitution jointly restored enzyme activity to the level of BglU, but at moderate temperatures. Our findings indicate that loop L3 controls the level of catalytic activity at low temperatures, residue His299 is responsible for thermolability (particularly heat lability of the active center), and long-loop L3 and His299 are jointly responsible for the psychrophilic properties. The described structural basis for the cold adaptedness of BglU will be helpful for structure-based engineering of new cold-adapted enzymes and for the production of mutants useful in a variety of industrial processes at different temperatures.  相似文献   

Human β-defensins (hBDs) are believed to function as alarm molecules that stimulate the adaptive immune system when a threat is present. In addition to its antimicrobial activity, defensins present other activities such as chemoattraction of a range of different cell types to the sites of inflammation. We have solved the structure of the hBD6 by NMR spectroscopy that contains a conserved β-defensin domain followed by an extended C-terminus. We use NMR to monitor the interaction of hBD6 with microvesicles shed by breast cancer cell lines and with peptides derived from the extracellular domain of CC chemokine receptor 2 (Nt-CCR2) possessing or not possessing sulfation on Tyr26 and Tyr28. The NMR-derived model of the hBD6/CCR2 complex reveals a contiguous binding surface on hBD6, which comprises amino acid residues of the α-helix and β2–β3 loop. The microvesicle binding surface partially overlaps with the chemokine receptor interface. NMR spin relaxation suggests that free hBD6 and the hBD6/CCR2 complex exhibit microsecond-to-millisecond conformational dynamics encompassing the CCR2 binding site, which might facilitate selection of the molecular configuration optimal for binding. These data offer new insights into the structure–function relation of the hBD6–CCR2 interaction, which is a promising target for the design of novel anticancer agents.  相似文献   

Human β-glucuronidase (GUS) cleaves β-D-glucuronic acid residues from the non-reducing termini of glycosaminoglycan and its deficiency leads to mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (MPSVII). Here we report a high resolution crystal structure of human GUS at 1.7 Å resolution and present an extensive analysis of the structural features, unifying recent findings in the field of lysosome targeting and glycosyl hydrolases. The structure revealed several new details including a new glycan chain at Asn272, in addition to that previously observed at Asn173, and coordination of the glycan chain at Asn173 with Lys197 of the lysosomal targeting motif which is essential for phosphotransferase recognition. Analysis of the high resolution structure not only provided new insights into the structural basis for lysosomal targeting but showed significant differences between human GUS, which is medically important in its own right, and E. coli GUS, which can be selectively inhibited in the human gut to prevent prodrug activation and is also widely used as a reporter gene by plant biologists. Despite these differences, both human and E. coli GUS share a high structure homology in all three domains with most of the glycosyl hydrolases, suggesting that they all evolved from a common ancestral gene.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) is one of the major replicative DNA polymerases in eukaryotic cells, catalyzing lagging strand synthesis as well as playing a role in many DNA repair pathways. The catalytic site for polymerization consists of a palm domain and mobile fingers domain that opens and closes each catalytic cycle. We explored the effect of amino acid substitutions in a region of the highly conserved sequence motif B in the fingers domain on replication fidelity. A novel substitution, A699Q, results in a marked increase in mutation rate at the yeast CAN1 locus, and is synthetic lethal with both proofreading deficiency and mismatch repair deficiency. Modeling the A699Q mutation onto the crystal structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol δ template reveals four potential contacts for A699Q but not for A699. We substituted alanine for each of these residues and determined that an interaction with multiple residues of the N-terminal domain is responsible for the mutator phenotype. The corresponding mutation in purified human Pol δ results in a similar 30-fold increase in mutation frequency when copying gapped DNA templates. Sequence analysis indicates that the most characteristic mutation is a guanine-to-adenine (G to A) transition. The increase in deoxythymidine 5′-triphosphate-G mispairs was confirmed by performing steady state single nucleotide addition studies. Our combined data support a model in which the Ala-to-Gln substitution in the fingers domain of Pol δ results in an interaction with the N-terminal domain that affects the base selectivity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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