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The pancreatic exocrine cell of the guinea pig has a voluminous endoplasmic reticulum distinguished by extensive association with small, dense particles, and by its orderly disposition in the basal region of the cell. In addition to the small, (~15 mµ), dense particles attached to the limiting membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, numerous particles of similar appearance are found freely scattered in the cytoplasmic matrix. The various cell structures of pancreatic exocrine cells can be satisfactorily identified in pancreatic homogenates. The microsome fraction consists primarily of spherical vesicles (80 to 300 mµ), limited by a thin membrane (7 mµ) which bears small (~15 mµ) dense particles attached on its outer surface. The content of the microsomal vesicles is usually of high density. Pancreatic microsomes derive by extensive fragmentation mainly from the rough surfaced parts of the endoplasmic reticula of exocrine cells. A few damaged mitochondria and certain dense granules (~150 mµ) originating probably from islet cells, contaminate the microsome fraction. Pancreatic microsomes contain RNA, protein, and a relatively small amount of phospholipide and hemochromogen. They do not have DPNH-cytochrome c reductase activity. In six experiments the RNA/protein N ratios were found grouped around two different means, namely 0.6 and 1.3. Pancreatic microsomes are more labile than liver microsomes but react in a similar way to RN-ase-(loss of the particulate component and RNA), and deoxycholate treatment (loss of the membranous component and of phospholipide, hemochromogen, and most of the protein). Postmicrosomal fractions consisting primarly of small (~15 mµ), dense particles of ribonucleoprotein (RNA/protein N ratio = 1 to 2) were obtained by further centrifugation of the microsomal supernatant. The small nucleoprotein particles of these fractions are frequently found associated in chains or clusters.  相似文献   

Rat liver, liver homogenates, and microsome fractions separated therefrom were examined systematically in the electron microscope in sections of OsO4-fixed, methacrylate-embedded tissue and pellets. It was found that most microsomes are morphologically identical with the rough surfaced elements of the endoplasmic reticula of hepatic cells. They appear as isolated, membrane-bound vesicles, tubules, and cisternae which contain an apparently homogeneous material of noticeable density, and bear small, dense particles (100 to 150 A) attached to their outer aspect. In solutions of various osmolar concentrations they behave like osmometers. The findings suggest that they derive from the endoplasmic reticulum by a generalized pinching-off process rather than by mechanical fragmentation. The microsome fractions contain in addition relatively few vesicles free of attached particles, probably derived from the smooth surfaced parts of the endoplasmic reticula. Dense, peribiliary bodies represent a minor component of the same fractions. The microsomes derived from 1 gm. wet weight liver pulp contained (averages of 10 experiments) 3.09 mg. protein N, 3.46 mg. RNA (RNA/protein N = 1.12), and 487 µg. phospholipide P. They displayed DPNH-cytochrome c reductase activity and contained an alcohol-soluble hemochromogen. The microsome preparations proved resistant to washing and "aging." Treatment with versene and incubation with ribonuclease (30 minutes at 37°C.) resulted in appreciable losses of RNA and in partial or total disappearance of attached particles. Treatment with deoxycholate (0.3 to 0.5 per cent, pH = 7.5) induced a partial clarification of the microsome suspensions which, upon centrifugation, yielded a small pellet of conglomerated small, dense particles (100 to 150 A) with only occasionally interspersed vesicles. The pellet contained ~80 to 90 per cent of the RNA and ~20 per cent of the protein N of the original microsomes. The supernatant accounted satisfactorily for the materials lost during deoxycholate treatment. The findings suggest that the microsomal RNA is associated with the small particles whereas most of the protein and nearly all of the phospholipide, hemochromogen, and DPNH-cytochrome c reductase activity are associated with the membrane or content of the microsomes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Glutamate and aspartate probably serve as transmitters of hippocampal perforant path and commissural afferents, respectively. We therefore used slices of hippocampal regions to evaluate certain biochemical properties as markers for sites of transmission mediated by these amino acids. In these studies content and accumulation of glutamate and aspartate were compared with their Ca2+-dependent effluxes.
Hippocampal regions varied little in their contents of glutamate and aspartate, but slices of regio superior and dentate gyrus accumulated and released more of each than slices of regio inferior. A commissurotomy or bilateral entorhinal lesion altered Ca2+-dependent efflux and accumulation in the same direction, but did not affect the glutamate or aspartate content of any hippocampal region. Elimination of hippocampal mossy fibers reduced the Ca2+-dependent efflux of glutamate and probably aspartate from slices of dentate gyrus, but not of regio inferior, where most mossy fiber synapses are located. The mossy fibers appeared relatively deficient in aspartate in both strains tested, but only in Purdue-Wistar rats were they enriched in glutamate. Removal of the perforant path input to the fascia dentata did not significantly change the activity of any of the enzymes most actively involved in glutamate synthesis.
These results suggest that accumulation or high affinity transport of glutamate or aspartate can be employed to localize afferents which use these amino acids as transmitters, although it is not so reliable or selective a marker as Ca2+-dependent efflux. Enrichment in either glutamate or aspartate content or in the activity of enzymes which synthesize them is not a reliable marker. Neither amino acid is likely to be used as a transmitter by the hippocampal mossy fibers.  相似文献   

The fine structure of integumental erythrophores and the intracellular location of pteridine and carotenoid pigments in adult goldfish, Carassius auratus, were studied by means of cytochemistry, paper and thin-layer chromatography, ionophoresis, density-gradient centrifugal fractionation, and electron microscopy. The ultrastructure of erythrophores is characterized by large numbers of somewhat ellipsoidal pigment granules and a well-developed system of tubules which resembles endoplasmic reticulum. The combined morphological and biochemical approaches show that pteridine pigments of erythrophores are located characteristically in pigment granules and are the primary yellow pigments of these organelles. Accordingly, this organelle is considered to be the "pterinosome" which was originally found in swordtail erythrophores. Major pteridines obtainable from goldfish pterinosomes are sepiapterin, 7-hydroxybiopterin, isoxanthopterin, and 6-carboxyisoxanthopterin. Density-gradient fractions indicate that carotenoids are mostly associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. Both tyrosinase and possibly a tyrosinase inhibitor containing sulfhydryl groups are present in the pterinosome. The possible existence of a tyrosinase inhibitor is suggested by the marked increase of tyrosinase activity upon the addition of iodoacetamide or p-chloromercuribenzoic acid. In the light of their fine structure, pigmentary composition, and enzymatic properties, the erythrophores and pterinosomes are discussed with respect to their probable functions and their relationship to melanophores.  相似文献   

Lovett , James S., and Edward C. Cantino . (Michigan State U., East Lansing.) The relation between biochemical and morphological differentiation in Blastocladiella emersonii. I. Enzymatic synthesis of glucosamine-6-phosphate. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(6): 499–505. Illus. 1960.—The enzyme glucosamine synthetase (glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transamidase) was purified ca. 19-fold from extracts of the aquatic phycomycete, Blastocladiella emersonii, by centrifugation, protamine sulfate fractionation, and adsorption on Ca3(PO4)2 gel The pH optimum, time course, and relation between enzyme concentration and reaction rate were established for the partially purified synthetase. The reaction was the same as that of the enzyme of Neurospora crassa: D-fructose-6- phosphate + L-glutamine —> D-glucosamine-6-phosphate + L-glutamic acid. The 20-fold purification attained resulted in an enzyme preparation with a specific activity 40 times greater than that reported for other organisms to date.  相似文献   

Postnuclear supernates from homogenates of purified neutrophil polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) from human blood were fractionated by zonal sedimentation and isopycnic equilibration in sucrose gradients. The fractions were characterized biochemically by measuring protein content and the activities of eight enzymes. Selected fractions were further analyzed by electron microscopy. In both centrifugation systems, azurophil and specific granules could be resolved almost completely. Azurophil granules sediment three to four times faster than the specifics and have an average density of 1.23. They contain all the peroxidase of the cells, large portions of four lysosomal hydrolases, and about half of the total lysozyme, and therefore appear to be, in biochemical terms, very similar to the azurophil granules of rabbit PMNs. The specific granules, which have an average density of 1.19, contain the remaining half of the lysozyme but appear to be free of the other components of the azurophil granules, and of alkaline phosphatase. Isopycnic equilibration disclosed a minor lysosomal population, which strongly overlaps the specific granules, and made possible the identification of a membrane-fraction which is characterized by the presence of the thiol-sensitive acid 4-nitrophenyl phosphatase and of alkaline phosphatase.  相似文献   

Abstract— Neonatal rats were treated with testosterone propionate (TP) or isoproterenol (ISO) to determine whether (1) increases in salivary gland mass are associated with alteration of developing sympathetic neurons and (2) whether effects on neuron growth are secondary to altered target mass itself or to increases in salivary growth factors. TP treatment is known to result in salivary tubule hypertrophy and elevated nerve growth factor (NGF) content whereas IS0 treatment results in acinar hypertrophy and no known alteration in NGF. TP treatment increased submaxillary gland weight as well as tyrosine hydroxylase (T-OH) activity, adrenergic neuron numbers and total protein in the innervating superior cervical ganglion (SCG). Unilateral sialectomy prevented the increase in T-OH activity in the SCG, suggesting that the salivary glands were necessary for this effect. T-OH activity and total protein were elevated in the distant sixth lumbar sympathetic ganglion after TP treatment, suggesting that sympathetic development as a whole was affected and that humoral factors may be involved. Salivary gland weight was also elevated following ISO administration, but T-OH activity in the SCG was not affected. These observations suggest that TP treatment increases T-OH activity and sympathetic neuron numbers by alteration of specific salivary humoral growth factor(s).  相似文献   

Morphological parameters of maturation of the cerebral pallium in rabbit fetuses ranging between 20 days of gestation (d.g.) and the early neonatal stage are expressed semi-quantitatively and correlated with progressive changes in the brain lipids, glycolipids and nucleic acids. Dual expression of the chemical values, using as referents both the dry weight of the tissue and the DNA unit, reveal the crucial stage in brain development when rapid cell proliferation is replaced by rapid cell growth; this stage in rabbit fetuses occurred between 28 and 30 d.g. Between 20 d.g. and the early neonatal phase the RNA decreased moderately when expressed per unit of DNA. Even at the time of term birth the cortical nerve cells of the rabbit showed signs of immaturity including a relatively small nuclear volume. On the dry weight basis, the lipids of the cerebral pallium exhibited little change in composition during fetal development; however, cerebrosides rose substantially between 30 d.g. and the early neonatal phase. When expressed per unit of DNA, all lipids and glycolipids continued to increase progressively in a pattern characteristic of growth throughout the prenatal period studied. This increase was also apparent when the lipid constituents were expressed per total pallium at the progressive gestational stages. The molar ratios of phospholipids:cholesterol:cerebrosides in the pallium of rabbits of different ages were as follows: in adult rabbits-2.9: 2.6: 1.0, in the newborn-2.9: 1.3: 0.2 and in the 30 d.g. fetuses-3.0: 1.2:0.44. These values reflect the fact that during maturation the content of phospholipids changes little, whereas that of cholesterol and especially erebrosides increases markedly.  相似文献   

Physcomitrella patens is a monoecious, cleistocarpous moss which completes its life cycle under defined conditions in 7 to 8 weeks. Sexual reproduction is readily obtained by culturing gametophytes at 15 to 19 C. Mutants were induced by treatment of either spores or protonemal cells with ethyl methane sulfonate, N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine and X-rays. Thiamine, para-aminobenzoic acid, niacin and yeast extract auxotrophs were obtained. Growth response to various supplements was studied in the auxotrophic mutants. Five yellow mutants and two morphological mutants were induced. The chlorophyll content of the yellow mutants is reduced 35-65% of wild type. The self-sterile, para-aminobenzoic acid-dependent mutant was used as the archegonial parent in crosses with a yellow mutant and a morphological mutant. The self-sterility of the para-aminobenzoic acid-requiring mutant appears to be pleiotropically related to the auxotrophic condition, since self-sterility does not segregate from nutritional dependence in progeny of crosses. On the basis of tests with heterozygous diploids obtained by aposporous regeneration of capsule cells, two mutant alleles were shown to be recessive to their respective wild-type alleles.  相似文献   

The fine structure of ascitic cells, consisting of 87–92% heterophil, 5–10% eosinophil leukocytes, and 3% macrophages, is well preserved by glutaraldehyde-osmium tetroxide fixation only when the osmolality of the fixative is appropriately balanced. The β-glycogen particles, 35–45 mµ in diameter, are found either as large accumulations in the perinuclear region or in a dispersed form in peripheral cytoplasm. In the heterophils, they are embedded in a coarse-grained ground substance. Extraction and purification of the glycogen were performed by differential precipitation-centrifugation. Yield (35% recovery), purity (4% protein contamination), and preservation of a high sedimentation coefficient (240S) represent the main advantages of the proposed procedure. The analysis of the profile of the sedimentation curve, together with an analysis of the particle size measurements and of particle fine structure, leads to the conclusion that the β-particles form a homogeneous population with a gaussian distribution curve. Each particle consists of smaller units which increase in number with increasing size, the largest ones taking on the appearance of small rosettes. The glycogen particles of the microsomal fraction, still loaded with phosphorylase, were submitted to a synthetic activity by incubation in the presence of glucose-l-phosphate. The analysis of the particle growth shows that particles of all sizes respond equally well.  相似文献   

黄瓜果实贮藏过程中某些形态,生化变化及其控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄瓜果实采后贮藏过程中,随着其花端部位的种子的不断发育,中部及茎端逐渐萎缩变糠,花端膨大(称为“大头现象”)。花端胎座组织中蛋白质、DNA、RNA 及干重等都随着时间延长呈增加趋势,而中部组织的上述物质的含量则急剧下降。贮藏20天,中部果皮及胎座组织中 DNase 活性分别增加了5和7倍,RNase 活性增加了5和6倍,这两种酶活性在花端组织中则几无变化。实验发现用 BA+GA,处理果实对于延迟花端膨大及中部萎缩有效,并能显著延缓果实叶绿素含量的降低。未授粉果实在贮藏过程中不出现“大头现象”,其蛋白质等物质的含量在果实各部位几乎以相同的速度降低。  相似文献   

The series introduced by this paper reports the results of a detailed analysis of the microsomal fraction from rat liver by density gradient centrifugation. The biochemical methods used throughout this work for the determination of monoamine oxidase, NADH cytochrome c reductase, NADPH cytochrome c reductase, cytochrome oxidase, catalase, aminopyrine demethylase, cytochromes b5 and P 450, glucuronyltransferase, galactosyltransferase, esterase, alkaline and acid phosphatases, 5'-nucleotidase, glucose 6-phosphatase, alkaline phosphodiesterase I, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase, β-glucuronidase, nucleoside diphosphatase, aldolase, fumarase, glutamine synthetase, protein, phospholipid, cholesterol, and RNA are described and justified when necessary.  相似文献   

Abstract— The developmental increases of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopa decarboxylase and doparnine-β-hydroxylase activities in neonatal mouse superior cervical ganglion were prevented by administration of the ganglionic blocking agent chlorisondamine. In addition, ganglionic blockade prevented the normal post-natal increase in ganglion volume and neuron numbers. Inhibition of development followed nicotinic-receptor blockade, but not muscarinic blockade with atropine.  相似文献   

Electron micrographs of a purified succinate and DPNH oxidase system prepared from heart muscle reveal that it has a vesicular appearance and is membranous in nature. In keeping with its vesicular appearance is the fact that light scattering by this preparation shows marked changes as the molarity of the suspending medium is altered. Treatment of this preparation with 0.5 per cent deoxycholate solutions removes a large part of the lipide material, which comprises almost half of the dry weight of the preparation. The residue, which still contains the "core" of the cytochrome electron transmitter system, as shown by spectroscopic and enzymatic experiments, is still structured and is membranous in morphological appearance. It is concluded that the enzyme preparation is largely composed of fragmented mitochondrial membranes, and some of the consequences of the localization of the succinate and DPNH oxidase systems in or on these membranes are discussed.  相似文献   

Purified plasma membrane fractions from lactating bovine mammary glands and membranes of milk fat globules from the same source were similar in distribution and fatty acid composition of phospholipids. The sphingomyelin content of the phospholipid fraction of both membranes was higher than in these fractions from other cell components, β-carotene, a constituent characteristic of milk fat, was present in the lipid fraction of the plasma membrane. Cholesterol esters of plasma membrane were similar in fatty acid composition to those of milk fat globule membranes. Disc electrophoresis of either membrane preparation on polyacrylamide gels revealed a single major protein component characteristic of plasma membrane from other sources. Distinct morphological differences between plasma membrane and milk fat globule membranes were observed in both thin sections and in negatively stained material. Plasma membrane was vesicular in appearance while milk fat globule membranes had a platelike aspect. These observations are consistent with derivation of fat globule membrane from plasma membrane accompanied by structural rearrangement of membrane constituents.  相似文献   

T. latifolia grows along most of the shoreline of Par Pond, a cooling reservoir for the reactors at the Savannah River Plant in Aiken, South Carolina. A thermal gradient exists because of the movement of hot water from one end of the pond to the other. This study was undertaken to determine the biochemical and morphological effects of temperature on Typha latifolia clones originating from different ends of this thermal gradient. The data indicated that both “hot” and “cold” end plants react similarly to temperature. Forty-eight rhizome plants from both ends of Par Pond were transplanted into tanks at 20 C and 30 C. Total levels of malic dehydrogenase activity, proportions of mitochondrially bound MDH and growth rates were significantly different in plants grown in the two tanks, but no significant differences were observed within each tank between individuals from the “hot” and “cold” end. The relation of these results to hypotheses concerning quantitative strategies of enzyme adaptation are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

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