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Polygonum sect.Tovara comprises three morphologically very similar species;P. virginianum,P. filiforme, andP. neofiliforme. Sequences of internal transcribed spacers (ITSs) of nuclear ribosomal DNA of these were determined to examine phylogenetic relationships and the levels of differentiation among them. The size of ITS 1 was 241 bp inP. filiforme andP. neofiliforme, and 242 bp inP. virginianum. The size of ITS 2 was 243 bp, and that of the 5.8S rRNA coding region was 163 bp. The ITS sequences clearly separate North AmericanP. virginianum from the eastern Asian species. Nucleotide divergence between them ranges from 3.3% to 3.8% for ITS 1 and from 9.3% to 10.7% for ITS 2. The molecular data also revealed that two eastern Asian species are closely related but should be treated as distinct species.  相似文献   

Rumex sect.Axillares first described by the author in 1937 is known to be represented in N. America by 20 endemic species. From S. America only five species, all endemic, were previously known; this number is raised in the present revision to 15. Outside America there exist small groups of endemic species in S. Africa and in the islands of Hawaii as well as in Australia and scattered single species in C. Africa, on the remote Atlantic islands of Tristan de Cunha and Gough Island, and in eastern Asia.—In Europe the section is completely absent, except for three American species which occur as rare aliens. TheAxillares are not only morphologically well-characterized by their growth—no leaf rosettes, flowering period practically unlimited by formation of later flowering axillary shoots, flowers often monoecious—but also by their genetic structure expressed by a different behaviour in hybridization. Hybrids are frequent between species of sect.Rumex (syn.Simplices) and are easy to recognize by their sterility which results in a certain peculiarity in habit. In contrast, no spontaneous hybrids are known with certainty among species of sect.Axillares. Most artificial hybrids are fairly fertile. So far only three hybrids between species of the two sections have been known. Three more have been found by the author in Chile, all being highly sterile and showing the growth characteristics resulting from sterility as occur in hybrids between species of sect.Rumex.
Resumen Rumex secciónAxillares fue descrito por primera vez por el autor en 1937. Se conoce en América del Norte con 20 especies endémicas. De América del Sur se conocían sólo 5 especies, todas ellas endemicas; este número asciende a 15 en la presente revision. Fuera de las Américas se encuentran pequeños grupos de especies endémicas en Sudáfrica, en las Islas de Hawaii y en Australia; especies aisladas se encuentran en Africa Central, en las lejanas Islas Atlánticas de Tristan de Cunha y Gough Island y en Asia Oriental. La sección no tiene representantes en Europa, con excepción de tres especies americanas introducidas, poco frecuentes. La secciónAxillares se caracteriza bien, tanto morfológicamente por su forma de creciemiento—sin rosetas foliares, período floral prácticamente ilimitado por la formación de inflorescencias axilares parciales, flores a menudo monoicas—como por su estructura genética que se manifiesta en un comportamiento diferente de hibridación. Híbridos son frecuentes en las especies de la secciónRumex (syn.Simplices) y reconocibles por su esterilidad que se expresa en cierta particularidad del habito. Al contrario, no hay seguridad de híbridos espontáneos en la secciónAxillares. La mayor parte de los híbridos artificiales son totalmente fértiles. Hasta ahora se conocían solo tres híbridos entre las especies de ambas secciones. Otros tres han sido encontrados por el autor en Chile. Todos completamente estériles y con las características de hábito típicas resultantes la esterilidad, como ocurre en los híbridos de la secciónRumex.

Several anatomical characters in leaves were described, and their distribution determined, for 153 species ofPolygonum, mostly from herbarium specimens. Structures surveyed were epidermal (glandular and nonglandular trichomes, nodules, specialized parenchyma, stomatal apparatus) and internal (cavities, crystals, laticifer-like cells, nodules, subepidermal fibers). Cleared leaves were supplemented by resin-embedded sections and SEM preparations of selected species. No feature defines any taxonomic section, but some features occur only within one section. Laticifer-like cells, epidermal and internal nodules, resin cups, and unique epidermal and subepidermal cavities seem to be unknown elsewhere; other features (invaginated epidermal cells; enlarged crystal cells confined to paraveinal layer) are rare among angiosperms.  相似文献   

应用解剖镜和电子扫描显微镜对中国产蓼属萹蓄组Polygonum sect.Polygonum 16种1变种及1变型植物的果实形态进行了研究。发现该组5种一年生植物的果实具有两型性,即有长、短两种果实类型。短果类型为卵形,具三棱,包于宿存花被内或与花被近等长,呈黑褐色。在解剖镜下观察到其表面具小点、无光泽,而在电子扫描显微镜下观察到其表面具有散乱分布或排列成行的瘤状颗粒;长果类型为狭卵形,具三棱,长于宿存花被,黄褐色或淡黄绿色,在解剖镜下观察到其表面平滑、有光泽,而在电子扫描显微镜下观察到其表面上部具有散乱分布的瘤状颗粒,中、下部则具不规则洼点、星花状褶皱或浅波纹状。果实具两型性的植物有萹蓄P.aviculare、乌鲁木齐萹蓄P.urumqiense、展枝萹蓄P.patulum、直立萹蓄P.avicularef.erectum和尖果萹蓄P.rigidum。果实微形态可分为两种类型:1.果实表面无瘤状颗粒或疣状突起、有光泽,此类型又可以分为2种亚类型:(1)果实表面平滑、浅波纹状,如岩萹蓄P.cognatum、松叶萹蓄P.acerosum和帚萹蓄P.argyrocoleum;(2)果实表面具浅洼点或洼点,如铁马鞭P.plebeium和针叶萹蓄P.polycnemoides。2.果实表面有瘤状颗粒或疣状突起,无或具微光泽,此类型又可分为4种亚类型:(1)果实表面具疣状突起,如圆叶萹蓄P.intramongolicum.;(2)果实表面具散乱分布的瘤状颗粒,如普通萹蓄P.humifusum和展枝萹蓄的短果;(3)果实表面具有纵行排列的瘤状颗粒,如萹蓄和乌鲁木齐萹蓄的短果;(4)果实表面上部具散乱分布的瘤状颗粒,中、下部具不规则洼点、星花状褶皱或浅波纹状,如萹蓄、展枝萹蓄、直立萹蓄和尖果萹蓄的长果。因此果实两型性和果实微形态特征对蓼属萹蓄组种、变种的鉴定具有较大的分类学价值。基于果实微形态特征以及其他形态特征,确定了新种晖春萹蓄Polygonum huichunense F.Z.Li,Y.T.Hou&C.Y.Qu,同时恢复褐鞘萹蓄Polygonum aviculareL.var.fusco-ochreatum(Kom.)A.J.Li为原种,即Polygonum fusco-ochreatum Kom.。  相似文献   

Thirteen flavonoid compounds were isolated and identified from five Korean species in theA. jaluense complex; they were glycosylated derivatives of the flavonols kaempferol, quercetin, and isorhamnetin, and of the flavone apigenin. The flavonoid data revealed the presence of two entities in the complex in Korea; one includesA. jaluense s. str. and the other includes the remaining four species which have identical flavonoid profiles. Based on these results, in conjunction with evidence from the morphology, it is suggested that the taxa should be recognized as two sub-species ofA. jaluense s. l. The flavonoid data also provide strong evidence for the occurrence of hybridization betweenA. jaluense s. str. andA. japonicum subsp.napiforme at Mt. Chiri in southern Korea.  相似文献   

该文将铺地火炭母(Polygonum chinense L. var. procumbens Z. E. Zhao et J. R. Zhao)处理为火炭母原变种(Persicaria chinensis var. chinensis)的异名,并讨论了火炭母在命名上的问题,及其系统学位置。  相似文献   

TheThymus teucrioides Boiss. & Spruner aggregate is revised and the following new taxa, all from the alpine zone in the Greek mountains, are described:Th. leucospermus Hartvig from the calcareous mountains of Pindhos and Mt Parnassos in Sterea Ellas,Th. rechingeri Hartvig with the subsp.macrocalyx Hartvig from calcareous mountains in Sterea Ellas and N Peloponnissos, andTh. teucrioides subsp.alpinus Hartvig from the serpentine areas of N Pindhos. In the variableTh. teucrioides s. str. many characters have turned out to be markedly geographically correlated and many local populations can be distinguished by a particular combination of characters.Dedicated to Prof.K. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The pollen of 30 taxa (27 species, one subspecies and two varieties) in two genera, viz Polygonum s. str. and Polygonella was investigated with LM and SEM, and some selected taxa with TEM. In all genera investigated the pollen is prolate to spheroidal, and the aperture is mostly tricolporate, rarely panto-hexacolporate (especially Polygonum section Polygonum). The exine sculpturing pattern is the most variable feature. Three types of exine can be recognized. Type 1 (Avicularia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - All species of section Polygonum and section Tephis share the smooth tectate exine with spinules, sometimes the surface is more or less rough (Polygonum afromontanum in section Tephis). Type 2 (Pseudomollia-Type, sensu Hong) - Pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) has the exine, which is verrucose on both poles and nearby the mesocolpium, and mostly psilate around the ectoaperture. Type 3 (Duravia-Type, sensu Hedberg) - Pollen grains of Polygonum section Duravia and Polygonella have the exine which is semitectate-reticulate at the mesocolpium and the poles, and rugulate/reticulate or sometimes foveolate with microspinules around the ectoapertures. The pollen grains in four taxa (viz Polygonum section Pseudomollia, P. section Duravia and genus Polygonella) have a well-marked dimorphism of the ektexine, which is considered to be a synapomorphic condition. The differences of pollen grain between the genus Polygonella and Polygonum section Duravia are almost non existent and clearly interrelated. It is therefore postulated that the similarity in pollen of both taxa is not the result of convergency, but is interpreted as a homology. It is noteworthy that the pollen of Polygonum molliaeforme (section Pseudomollia) appears as intermediate between the Avicularia-type and the Duravia-type, and is well supported the value of separated section for its own. Additionally, in TEM, some exine ultrastructures (e.g. columellae, foot layer, endexine) appear to be valuable characters for comparison between/among taxa. The systematic potentialities of the pollen data of the studied taxa at various systematic levels are also discussed.  相似文献   

WithinEpilobium sect.Epilobium, a cytological analysis of 121 experimental hybrids, involving 40 species, indicates the presence of a widespread BB chromosome arrangement in Eurasia, Africa, and Australasia, as well as in North and South America less commonly. The AA chromosome arrangement, which differs from BB by one reciprocal translocation, occurs in North America, South America, and in at least three European species. The CC arrangement, which differs from AA by two reciprocal translocations, characterizes theAlpinae, a circumboreal group. Distinctive or only partly worked out chromosome arrangements occur in the EuropeanE. duriaei andE. nutans and in the North AmericanE. luteum, E. obcordatum, E. oregonense, andE. rigidum. With earlier results, the chromosome arrangements of some 65 of the estimated 185 species of the section have been established fully or partly.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):31-57
对毛茛科铁线莲属(Clematis)中单型的翅果铁线莲组(sect. Pterocarpa)进行了分类学修订,写出了此组及其惟一种,翅果铁线莲(C. brachyura)的分类学简史和形态描述,给出此种的插图。根据其体态及花构造近似亚洲东部的辣蓼铁线莲(C. mandshurica Rupr.)和圆锥铁线莲(C. terniflora DC.)[二种均为威灵仙组(sect. Clematis)的成员],推测翅果铁线莲可能源自威灵仙组。  相似文献   

The presence of bottle-like hairs has been described in four hitherto uninvestigated taxa ofPlantago sect.Coronopus sensuDietrich. This hair type is a feature characteristic of sect.Coronopus.  相似文献   

Justicia brevipedunculata, a new species ofJ. sect.Ansellia endemic to Tanzania, is described and illustrated. Detailed palynological information is given, and relationships to other species of the section are discussed.  相似文献   

Pelargonium otaviense Knuth andP. spinosum Willd. are excluded from sect.Glaucophyllum, whileP. grandiflorum (Andr.)Willd.,P. patulum Jacq. andP. tabulare (Burm. f.)L'Hérit. of sect.Eumorpha are included. Sect.Glaucophyllum is characterized by green to glaucous vegetative organs and zygomorphic white to pink corolla with five narrow petals. All the species have an identical pollen and chromosome morphology, the same basic chromosome number (x = 11) and similar flavonoid patterns. A close relationship between sect.Glaucophyllum and sect.Pelargonium is indicated by the occurrence of natural hybrids and concordant characters. Isorhamnetin and luteolin have been detected in the genus for the first time.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision ofVerbesina sect.Ochractinia is presented. 40 species plus 7 additional infraspecific taxa are recognized. A table of the distribution of the species, key to the species and synonymy are included. Relationships to other sections ofVerbesina and species relationships within sect.Ochractinia are discussed.  相似文献   

We previously isolated and characterized a new free amino acid withd-configuration at the α-carbon,trans-3, 4-dehydro-d-2-aminopimelic acid and its related amino acids,d-2-aminopimelic acid and 4-hydroxy-l-2-aminopimelic acid fromAsplenium unilaterale. In this paper, we report that the biosynthetic relationshps among these three amino acids were studied using14C-and3H-labeled compounds as tracers. Glutamate and aspartate were shown to be good precursors and it was suggested that 4-hydroxy-l-2-aminopimelic acid is biosynthesized first and the twod-amino acids are derived from it. Furthermore, the distribution patterns of these non-protein amino acids inAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium were examined in detail and they were evaluated by their biosynthetic pathway. Morphological characters especially on their rhizomes were also examined and their character phylogeny was determined by outgroup comparison. Taking all the characters available into account, the phylogenetic relationship among 7 species ofAsplenium sect.Hymenasplenium in Japan and Taiwan is discussed by the transformed cladistic method.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation was examined inCarex sect.Phyllostachys (Cyperaceae) to provide insight into phylogenetic relationships hypothesized in an earlier study and to determine the degree of genetic differentiation within and between taxa. Genetic identity values are concordant with the morphological differences found between species. The lowest values are found between species with the greatest morphological dissimilarity. Conversely, the highest values are associated with species pairs distinguished by relatively few morphological differences. Conspecific populations possess high genetic identities, although interpopulation differentiation has characterized the evolutionary history of some species. Geographic patterning is also evident within species, with geographically proximate populations often having the highest identity values. Phylogenetic trees produced using different cladistic methods were poorly supported and varied in their depiction of relationships among species. One cladogram produced using presence/absence allelic data is more or less congruent with a topology recovered from an earlier analysis utilizing molecular and morphological data. The wide- and narrow-scaled clades are maintained as are the sister species pairsC. backii/C. saximontana, C. basiantha/C. superata, andC. jamesii/C. juniperorum. Contrary to the finding of our previous study, however,C. willdenowii is aligned withC. jamesii/C. juniperorum.  相似文献   

Plant material of 55 strains from 32 species ofSolanum sect.Solanum ( = sect.Morella) has been investigated for the content of steroidal alkaloids and sapogenins. The leaf-extracts of all species contain diosgenin resp. tigogenin or both together in considerable amount. On the contrary the characteristic steroidal alkaloid solasodine was absent in these samples. For 29 species the presence of steroidal sapogenins has been proved for the first time. In unripe fruits, however, solasodine could be detected in most of the species examined. New occurences of solasodine are reported for seven further species. These chemical results may contribute to a better comprehension of the difficult genusSolanum.—Ontogenetic studies on different organs ofS. atriplicifolium show the relationship between accumulation of steroidal compounds and plant maturity.  相似文献   

Parsimony analyses of 54 nrDNA ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) sequences ofSaxifraga sect.Saxifraga were performed. In addition to some unresolved clades, there is strong disagreement between the ITS phylogeny and previous classifications based primarily on morphology. The extensive cytological instability of sect.Saxifraga prevents previous cytotaxonomical results from resolving the incongruence between molecular and morphological data. Dissimilar topologies between chloroplast (matK) and nuclear (ITS) trees for eight species of sect.Saxifraga suggest that gene trees and the true species tree are not coincident. Recent and mid-term reticulation is proposed as an explanation for the incongruence between morphological, cytological, organellar, and nuclear data. Homogenization in multigene families, such as the ITS region, via concerted evolution may be the key to the interpretation of results based on ITS sequences within sect.Saxifraga. The use of organellar genes in a larger sample should help to determine whether extensive reticulation occurs in sect.Saxifraga, as has been documented in various genera of Saxifragaceae.  相似文献   

杨丽娥  孟盈  聂泽龙  孙航 《广西植物》2017,37(7):829-840
茜草属为茜草科模式属,全球约80种,中国有近一半的物种,是茜草属的重要分布中心,大部分隶属于sect.Oligoneura。但是,该组内各种间的形态特征错综复杂,依靠单个性状不易划定种间界限。该研究在全面衡量sect.Oligoneura组内各种间形态特征的基础上,选取该组20种共171份标本,对其3个数量性状和28个定性性状进行聚类分析和主成分分析。结果表明:在主成分分析中,前3个主成分累积贡献率有46.88%,性状的累积贡献率增长并不明显,但该结果仍与聚类分析结果一致。对前3个主成分贡献较大的特征包括叶形(叶长宽比)、叶柄长度、叶脉、每轮叶片数和生活型等,这些形态性状也是该属传统分类学中重要的物种鉴定特征。该研究结果与分子系统发育结果基本一致,支持该组内ser.Chinenses、R.mandersii group、R.angustissima group和R.siamensis group类群的划分,但并不支持ser.Cordifoliae单独成系。sect.Oligoneura内除少数物种外,大部分物种界限均比较清晰。形态计量学研究为sect.Oligoneura甚至茜草属的物种鉴定与划分提供了重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

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