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The mitochondrial ribosome (mitoribosome) is a multicomponent machine that has unique structural features. Biogenesis of the human mitoribosome includes correct maturation and folding of the mitochondria-encoded RNA components (12S and 16S mt-rRNAs, and mt-tRNAVal) and their assembly together with 82 nucleus-encoded mitoribosomal proteins. This complex process requires the coordinated action of multiple assembly factors. Recent advances in single-particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) have provided detailed insights into the specific functions of several mitoribosome assembly factors and have defined their timing. In this review we summarize mitoribosomal small (mtSSU) and large subunit (mtLSU) biogenesis based on structural findings, and we discuss potential crosstalk between mtSSU and mtLSU assembly pathways as well as coordination between mitoribosome biogenesis and other processes involved in mitochondrial gene expression.  相似文献   

Filler SG 《Cytokine》2012,58(1):129-132
Candida spp. are the most common cause of mucosal and disseminated fungal infections in humans. Studies using mutant strains of mice have provided initial information about the roles of dectin-1, CARD9, and Th17 cytokines in the host defense against candidiasis. Recent technological advances have resulted in the identification of mutations in specific genes that predispose humans to develop candidal infection. The analysis of individuals with these mutations demonstrates that dectin-1 is critical for the host defense against vulvovaginal candidiasis and candidal colonization of the gastrointestinal tract. They also indicate that CARD9 is important for preventing both mucosal and disseminated candidiasis, whereas the Th17 response is necessary for the defense against mucocutaneous candidiasis. This article reviews the recent studies of genetic defects in humans that result in an increased susceptibility to candidiasis and discusses how these studies provide new insight into the host defense against different types of candidal infections.  相似文献   

It is now well understood that, although proteins fold spontaneously (in a thermodynamic sense), many nevertheless require the assistance of helpers called molecular chaperones to reach their correct and active folded state in living cells. This is because the pathways of protein folding are full of traps for the unwary: the forces that drive proteins into their folded states can also drive them into insoluble aggregates, and, particularly when cells are stressed, this can lead, without prevention or correction, to cell death. The chaperonins are a family of molecular chaperones, practically ubiquitous in all living organisms, which possess a remarkable structure and mechanism of action. They act as nanoboxes in which proteins can fold, isolated from their environment and from other partners with which they might, with potentially deleterious consequences, interact. The opening and closing of these boxes is timed by the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. The chaperonins which are found in bacteria are extremely well characterized, and, although those found in archaea (also known as thermosomes) and eukaryotes have received less attention, our understanding of these proteins is constantly improving. This short review will summarize what we know about chaperonin function in the cell from studies on the archaeal chaperonins, and show how recent work is improving our understanding of this essential class of molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

The generation of immunocompetent lymphocytes is a complex process that utilizes a multitude of cell surface receptors and intracellular signaling pathways. Moreover, specific cell-cell interactions and specialized microenvironments are required, so that purely in vitro experimental systems are limited in their ability to explain the complexity of T-cell development. In vivo models have been used extensively in the study of T-cell development. In the present review we summarize but a few of the seminal discoveries that have been made in this field using transgenic and knockout mouse models. In addition to demonstrating the wealth of information that can be gained, we also discuss some of the present limitations of this technology. Novel advances that allow the conditional and inducible modification of the genome and knock-in mutations promise to lead to an even more rapid advancement in our knowledge of T-cell development.  相似文献   

At first glance Cryptococcus neoformans appears an unlikely microbe to provide a new understanding of mechanisms of antibody-mediated immunity (AMI), because it is a facultative intracellular fungal pathogen for which the role of naturally acquired AMI in host defense is uncertain. However, numerous studies have now established that certain antibodies (Abs) against C. neoformans are protective in certain hosts. Studies with Abs to C. neoformans have provided new insights into AMI and generated new precedents with implications for other pathogens. The following concepts have emerged: 1) susceptibility to C. neoformans may be related to qualitative and quantitative aspects of the Ab response; 2) protective monoclonal Abs can be generated against pathogens even when the role of humoral immunity is uncertain; 3) Abs to C. neoformans mediate protection by immunomodulatory effects, thereby linking Ab efficacy to the overall host immune response; 4) Ab efficacy is critically dependent on fine specificity, which in turn is affected by immunoglobulin variable region usage, somatic mutation and constant region usage; 5) the efficacy of passive Ab therapy is a function of Ab dose and infecting innoculum, with lack of efficacy at the extremes of Ab concentration; 6) Ab-mediated toxicity resulting from antigen-Ab complex-induced release of platelet activating factor is isotype dependent. Observations with C. neoformans have stimulated a reappraisal of the role of humoral immunity for other pathogens and highlighted the limitations in current methods of assessing the role of Ab in host defense.  相似文献   

The P-glycoprotein multidrug transporter is a 170-kDa efflux pump which exports a diverse group of natural products, chemotherapeutic drugs, and hydrophobic peptides across the plasma membrane, driven by ATP hydrolysis. The transporter has been proposed to interact with its drug substrates within the membrane environment; however, much remains to be learned about the nature and number of the drug binding site(s). The two nucleotide binding domains are responsible for ATP binding and hydrolysis, which is coupled to drug movement across the membrane. In recent years, P-glycoprotein has been purified and functionally reconstituted in amounts large enough to allow biophysical studies. The use of spectroscopic techniques has led to insights into both its secondary and tertiary structure, and its interaction with nucleotides and drugs. In this review, we will summarise what has been learned by application to purified P-glycoprotein of fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy and infra-red spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The unique gating kinetics of hERG K+ channels are critical for normal cardiac repolarization, and patients with mutations in hERG have a markedly increased risk of cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac arrest. HERG K+ channels are also remarkably promiscuous with respect to drug binding, which has been a very significant problem for the pharmaceutical industry. Here, we review the progress that has been made in understanding the structure and function of hERG K+ channels with a particular focus on nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the domains of the hERG K+ channel.  相似文献   

Analysis of the oncogenes v-erbB and v-erbA and their normal proto-oncogene counterparts has revealed several novel aspects of erythroid differentiation. A new erythroid progenitor capable of extended self-renewal has been described, tyrosine kinase receptors and steroid hormone receptors have been found to cooperate in controlling self-renewal, and dramatic alterations in the cell cycle have been found to accompany induction of terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Several of the nucleoside analogs used in the treatment of AIDS exhibit a delayed clinical toxicity limiting their usefulness. The toxicity of nucleoside analogs may be related to their effects on the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase (Pol gamma), the polymerase responsible for mitochondrial DNA replication. Among the AIDS drugs approved by the FDA for clinical use, two are modified cytosine analogs, Zalcitabine (2',3'-dideoxycytidine (ddC)) and Lamivudine (beta-d-(+)-2',3'-dideoxy-3'-thiacytidine ((-)3TC])). (-)3TC is the only analog containing an unnatural l(-) nucleoside configuration and is well tolerated by patients even after long term administration. In cell culture (-)3TC is less toxic than its d(+) isomer, (+)3TC, containing the natural nucleoside configuration, and both are considerably less toxic than ddC. We have investigated the mechanistic basis for the differential toxicity of these three cytosine analogs by comparing the effects of dideoxy-CTP), (+)3TC-triphosphate (TP), and (-)3TC-TP on the polymerase and exonuclease activities of recombinant human Pol gamma. This analysis reveals that Pol gamma incorporates (-)3TC-triphosphate 16-fold less efficiently than the corresponding (+)isomer and 1140-fold less efficiently than dideoxy-CTP, showing a good correlation between incorporation rate and toxicity. The rates of excision of the incorporated analogs from the chain-terminated 3'-end of the DNA primer by the 3'-5'-exonuclease activity of Pol gamma were similar (0.01 s(-)1) for both 3TC analogs. In marked contrast, the rate of exonuclease removal of a ddC chain-terminated DNA occurs at least 2 orders of magnitude slower, suggesting that the failure of the exonuclease to remove ddC may play a major role in its greater toxicity. This study demonstrates that direct analysis of the mitochondrial DNA polymerase structure/function relationships may provide valuable insights leading to the design of less toxic inhibitors.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanisms of neuronal Zn2+ homeostasis better, experimental data obtained from cultured cortical neurons were used to inform a series of increasingly complex computational models. Total metals (inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry), resting metallothionein, (65)Zn2+ uptake and release, and intracellular free Zn2+ levels using ZnAF-2F were determined before and after neurons were exposed to increased Zn2+, either with or without the addition of a Zn2+ ionophore (pyrithione) or metal chelators [EDTA, clioquinol (CQ), and N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine]. Three models were tested for the ability to match intracellular free Zn2+ transients and total Zn2+ content observed under these conditions. Only a model that incorporated a muffler with high affinity for Zn2+, trafficking Zn2+ to intracellular storage sites, was able to reproduce the experimental results, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This "muffler model" estimated the resting intracellular free Zn2+ concentration to be 1.07 nM. If metallothionein were to function as the exclusive cytosolic Zn2+ muffler, the muffler model predicts that the cellular concentration required to match experimental data is greater than the measured resting concentration of metallothionein. Thus Zn2+ buffering in resting cultured neurons requires additional high-affinity cytosolic metal binding moieties. Added CQ, as low as 1 microM, was shown to selectively increase Zn2+ influx. Simulations reproduced these data by modeling CQ as an ionophore. We conclude that maintenance of neuronal Zn2+ homeostasis, when challenged with Zn2+ loads, relies heavily on the function of a high-affinity muffler, the characteristics of which can be effectively studied with computational models.  相似文献   

The CLC family of chloride channels and transporters is a functionally diverse group of proteins important in a wide range of physiological processes. ClC-4 and ClC-5 are localized to endosomes and seem to play roles in the acidification of these compartments. These proteins were recently shown to function as Cl/H+ antiporters. However, relatively little is known about the detailed mechanism of CLC-mediated Cl/H+ antiport, especially for mammalian isoforms. We attempted to identify molecular tools that might be useful in probing structure-function relationships in these proteins. Here, we record currents from human ClC-4 (hClC-4) expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and find that Zn2+ inhibits these currents, with an apparent affinity of ∼50 μM. Although Cd2+ has a similar effect, Co2+ and Mn2+ do not inhibit hClC-4 currents. In contrast, the effect of Zn2+ on the ClC-0 channel, Zn2+-mediated inhibition of hClC-4 is minimally voltage-dependent, suggesting an extracellular binding site for the ion. Nine candidate external residues were tested; only mutations of three consecutive histidine residues, located in a single extracellular loop, significantly reduced the effect of Zn2+, with one of these making a larger contribution than the other two. An analogous tri-His sequence is absent from ClC-0, suggesting a fundamentally different inhibitory mechanism for the ion on hClC-4. Manipulations that alter transport properties of hClC-4, varying permeant ions as well as mutating the “gating glutamate”, dramatically affect Zn2+ inhibition, suggesting the involvement of a heretofore unexplored part of the protein in the transport process.  相似文献   

从北美的研究看大熊猫的种群动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
尽管人们对大熊猫的种群动态了解很少 ,但是我们可以从对相似物种的研究和经历中了解一些基本原理。在不减少对后续的有关大熊猫种群特征、遗传学和行为研究的前提下 ,根据对北美食肉动物种群生物学的理解 ,我提出了下面一般性的结论。首先 ,弹性分析确认 ,大熊猫演变出了确保雌性个体高存活率的生活史。比较而言 ,繁殖率并不重要。成年雌性个体的存活率增加 ,比相应的繁殖输出要导致 5倍的保护效益。第二 ,在可能表现大熊猫种群特征的假设前提下 ,雄性 (甚至成年个体 )的存活率相对而言也是不重要的。第三 ,尽管都认为大熊猫繁殖很缓慢 ,但是从数学上来说 ,如果生境 (以及与其相关的存活率 )允许 ,大熊猫的种群能够比较快地增长。最后 ,北美西部对濒危物种再引入的经验提醒我们 ,保留大片尚未破碎化的生境非常重要。狼在 2 0世纪中叶就在美国西部灭绝了 ,但是目前由于有广阔的生存区域和丰富的食物 ,种群恢复很快。对比而言 ,最近从原野中消失的黑足鼬 ,在种群重建过程中遇到了很大的困难 ,尽管人们在科学上做出了巨大的努力。看来黑足鼬可能只是没有足够的野外栖息地 (猎物 )以维持生存。如果没有足够的栖息地 ,再好的科学也不能拯救大熊猫  相似文献   

Insights into membrane insertion based on studies of colicins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The recently determined three-dimensional structure of the pore-forming domain of colicin A has led to a hypothetical model for membrane insertion and channel formation. Certain features of this model have implications for understanding the mechanism of membrane insertion by other toxins and may have a broader relevance to protein transport in general.  相似文献   

PSE-4 is a class A beta-lactamase produced by strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is highly active for the penicillin derivative carbenicillin. The crystal structure of the wild-type PSE-4 carbenicillinase has been determined to 1.95 A resolution by molecular replacement and represents the first structure of a carbenicillinase published to date. A superposition of the PSE-4 structure with that of TEM-1 shows a rms deviation of 1.3 A for 263 Calpha atoms. Most carbenicillinases are unique among class A beta-lactamases in that residue 234 is an arginine (ABL standard numbering scheme), while in all other class A enzymes this residue is a lysine. Kinetic characterization of a R234K PSE-4 mutant reveals a 50-fold reduction in k(cat)/K(m) and confirms the importance of Arg 234 for carbenicillinase activity. A comparison of the structure of the R234K mutant refined to 1.75 A resolution with the wild-type structure shows that Arg 234 stabilizes an alternate conformation of the Ser 130 side chain, not seen in other class A beta-lactamase structures. Our molecular modeling studies suggest that the position of a bound carbenicillin would be shifted relative to that of a bound benzylpenicillin in order to avoid a steric clash between the carbenicillin alpha-carboxylate group and the conserved side chain of Asn 170. The alternate conformation of the catalytic Ser 130 in wild-type PSE-4 may be involved in accommodating this shift in the bound substrate position.  相似文献   

Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) is known to have interesting effects on flagellar motility. Permeabilized and reactivated bull sperm exhibit a marked reduction in beating frequency and a greatly increased beat amplitude in the presence of 1-4 mM ADP. In this study we examined the force production of sperm reactivated with 0.1 mM ATP with and without 1 mM ADP and found that there is little or no resulting change in the stalling force produced by a bull sperm flagella in response to ADP. Because bull sperm bend to a higher curvature after ADP treatment we explored the possibility that ADP-treated sperm flagella are more flexible. We measured the stiffness of 50 μM sodium vanadate treated bull sperm in the presence of 4 mM ADP, but found no change in the passive flagellar stiffness. When we analyzed the torque that develops in ADP-treated sperm at the point of beat reversal we found that the torque developed by the flagellum is significantly increased. Our torque estimates also allow us to calculate the transverse force (t-force) acting on the flagellum at the point of beat direction reversal. We find that the t-force at the switch-point of the beat is increased significantly in the ADP treated condition, averaging 0.7 ± 0.29 nN/μm in 0.1 mM ATP and increasing to 2.9 ± 1.2 nN/μm in 0.1 mM ATP plus 4 mM ADP. This suggests that ADP is exerting its effect on the beat by increasing the tenacity of dynein attachment at the B-subtubule. This could be a direct result of a regulatory effect of ADP on the binding affinity of dynein for the B-subtubule of the outer doublets. This result could also help to explain a number of previous experimental observations, as discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses (and related historical evidence) can be used to test hypotheses about the oppurtinity for coevolution among plants and insect herbivores, the role of plant chemistry in mediating host shifts, the reality of coevolutionary 'arms races', and the role of novel defensive or counterdefensive characteristics in enhancing rates of diversification. Recent analyses provide evidence on each of these hypotheses. The strong phylogenetic component in many insect-plant associations suggests that host shifts by insects are often strongly constrained, that insect diets may not be 'optimal', and that the trophic structure and species diversity of local communities strongly reflect evolutionary history.  相似文献   

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