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Density functional theory calculations have been performed to investigate two-dimensional hexagonal boron nitride (2D hBN) structures functionalization with organic molecules. 2x2, 4x4 and 6x6 periodic 2D hBN layers have been considered to interact with acetylene. To deal with the exchange-correlation energy the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is invoked. The electron-ion interaction is treated with the pseudopotential method. The GGA with the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhoff (PBE) functionals together with van der Waals interactions are considered to deal with the composed systems. To investigate the functionalization two main configurations have been explored; in one case the molecule interacts with the boron atom and in the other with the nitrogen atom. Results of the adsorption energies indicate chemisorption in both cases. The total density of states (DOS) displays an energy gap in both cases. The projected DOS indicate that the B-p and N-p orbitals are those that make the most important contribution in the valence band and the H-s and C-p orbitals provide an important contribution in the conduction band to the DOS. Provided that the interactions of the acetylene with the 2D layer modify the structural and electronic properties of the hBN the possibility of structural functionalization using organic molecules may be concluded.  相似文献   

We have investigated the adsorption properties of acetone on zigzag single-walled BNNTs using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The results obtained show that acetone is strongly bound to the outer surface of a (5,0) BNNT on the top site directly above the boron atom, with a binding energy of ?96.16 kJ?mol?1 and a B–O binding distance of 1.654 Å. Our first-principles calculations also predict that the ability of zigzag BNNTs to adsorb acetone is significantly stronger than the corresponding ability of zigzag CNTs. A comparative investigation of BNNTs with different diameters indicated that the ability of the side walls of the tubes to adsorb acetone decreases significantly for nanotubes with larger diameters. Furthermore, the stability of the most stable acetone/BNNT complex was tested using ab initio molecular dynamics simulation at room temperature.
First-principles calculations predict that acetone is strongly bound to the outer surfaces of BNNTs with a binding energy of ?107.14 kJ?mol?1. Comparison with the corresponding adsorption on CNTs reveals that the ability of BNNTs to adsorb acetone is about threefold that of CNTs.  相似文献   

In this paper first principles total energy calculations to study the adsorption of amine group (NH2) on graphene (G) and boron nitride (hBN) nanosheets are developed; the density functional theory, within the local density approximation and Perdew-Wang functional was employed. The sheets were modeled with a sufficiently proved CnHm-like cluster with armchair edge. The optimized geometry was obtained following the minimum energy criterion, searching on four positions for each nanosheet: perpendicular to the carbon atom, on the hexagon, inside the hexagon and on the bridge C–C, for the G-amine interaction; and, perpendicular to the B, perpendicular to the N, on the hexagon, and inside the hexagon, for the hBN-amine interaction. A physisorption, with amine parallel to the C–C–C bond with a distance graphene-amine of 2.56 Å, was found. For the case of BN a B–N bond, with bond length equal to 1.56 Å, was found; the amine lies perpendicular to the nanosheet. When the graphene is doped with B and Al atoms a chemisorption with B–N (1.57 Å) and Al–N (1.78 Å) bonds is observed; the bond angle in the amine group is also incremented, 5.5° and 8.1°, respectively. In the presence of point defects (monovacancies) of B in the hBN-amine and C in the G-amine, there exists chemisorption, increasing the reactivity of the sheets.  相似文献   

The adsorption of CO onto Ni-doped boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) was investigated using density functional theory at the B3LYP/LanL2DZ level of theory. The structures of the Ni-doped BNNTs and their CO-adsorbed configurations were obtained. It was found that the strength of adsorption of CO onto Ni-doped perfect BNNTs is higher than that on defective BNNTs. The electronic properties of all of the adsorption configurations of CO on Ni-doped BNNTs are reported.
The optimized structures of CO adsorption on Ni-doped BNNTs  相似文献   

The ability of pristine graphene (PG) and Al-doped graphene (AlG) to detect toxic acrolein (C3H4O) was investigated by using density functional calculations. It was found that C3H4O molecule can be adsorbed on the PG and AlG with adsorption energies about ?50.43 and – v30.92 kcal mol?1 corresponding to the most stable configurations, respectively. Despite the fact that interaction of C3H4O has no obvious effects on the of electronic properties of PG, the interaction between C3H4O and AlG can induce significant changes in the HOMO/LUMO energy gap of the sheet, altering its electrical conductivity which is beneficial to sensor designing. Thus, the AlG may be sensitive in the presence of C3H4O molecule and might be used in its sensor devices. Also, applying an external electric filed in an appropriate orientation (almost stronger than 0.01 a.u.) can energetically facilitate the adsorption of C3H4O molecule on the AlG.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we examine the general applicability of different TiO2 model clusters to study of local chemical events on TiO2 sub-nanoparticles. Our previous DFT study of TiO2 activation through H adsorption and following deactivation by O2 adsorption using small amorphous Ti8O16 cluster were complemented by examination of rutile-type and spherical Ti15O30 nanoclusters. The obtained results were thoroughly compared with experimental data and results of related computational studies using other TiO2 models including periodic structures. It turned out that all considered model TiO2 model systems provide qualitatively similar results. It was shown that atomic hydrogen is adsorbed with negligible activation energy on surface O atoms, which is accompanied by the appearance of reduced Ti3+ species and corresponding localized band gap 3d-Ti states. Oxygen molecule is adsorbed on Ti3+ sites spontaneously forming molecular O2 species by capturing an extra electron of Ti3+ ion, which results in disappearance of Ti3+ species and corresponding band gap states. Calculated g-tensor values of Ti3+ and O2 species agree well with the results of EPR studies and do not depend on the used TiO2 model cluster. Additionally, it was shown that the various cluster calculations provide results comparable with the calculations of periodic structures with respect to the modeling of chemical processes under study. As a whole, the present study approves the validity of molecular cluster approach to study of local chemical events on TiO2 sub-nanoparticles.
Electronic structure diagrams for small Ti8O16H and large Ti15O30H hydrogenated clusters  相似文献   

Density functional theory was utilized to study the electronic properties of boron nitride (BN) sheets, taking into account the presence of defects. The structure considered consisted of a central hexagon surrounded by alternating pentagons (three) and heptagons (three). The isocoronene cluster model with an armchair edge was used with three different chemical compositions. In the first structure, three B–B bonds were formed where one B in the dimer was part of the central hexagon. In the second structure, three N–N–N bonds were formed at the periphery of the cluster, around the central hexagon. In the third structure, three N–N bonds were formed in a similar fashion to the first model. Our results indicated that the third structure was the most stable configuration; this exhibited planar geometry, semiconductor behavior, and ionic character. To explore the effects of doping, we replaced B and N atoms with C atoms, considering different atomic positions in the central hexagon. When an N atom was replaced with a C atom, the new structure was a semiconductor, but when a B atom was replaced with a C atom, the new structure was a semimetal. At the same time, the polarity increased, inducing covalent behavior. Replacing two N atoms with two C atoms also resulted in a semiconductor, while replacing two B atoms with two C atoms yielded a semimetal; in both cases the bonding was covalent. When three B (three N) atoms of the central hexagon were replaced with three C atoms, the new structure exhibited a transition to a conductor (remained a semiconductor) with low polarity. When monovacancies (N) and divacancies (B and N) were inserted into the lattice, the system was transformed into a covalent semiconductor. Finally, the electrostatic potential surface was calculated in order to explore intermolecular properties such as the charge distribution, which showed how the reactivity of the boron nitride sheets was affected by doping and orbital hybridization.  相似文献   

Hydrogen adsorption in multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes and their arrays was studied using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation. The results show that hydrogen storage increases with tube diameter and the distance between the tubes in multi-walled boron nitride nanotube arrays. Also, triple-walled boron nitride nanotubes present the lowest level of hydrogen physisorption, double-walled boron nitride nanotubes adsorb hydrogen better when the diameter of the inner tube diameter is sufficiently large, and single-walled boron nitride nanotubes adsorb hydrogen well when the tube diameter is small enough. Boron nitride nanotube arrays adsorb hydrogen, but the percentage of adsorbed hydrogen (by weight) in boron nitride nanotube arrays is rather similar to that found in multi-walled boron nitride nanotubes. Also, when the Langmuir and Langmuir-Freundlich equations were fitted to the simulated data, it was found that multi-layer adsorptivity occurs more prominently as the number of walls and the tube diameter increase. However, in single-walled boron nitride nanotubes with a small diameter, the dominant mechanism is monolayer adsorptivity.  相似文献   

The binding affinities of graphite-binding peptides to a graphite surface were electrically characterized using sprayed graphene field effect transistors (SGFETs) fabricated with solution exfoliated graphene. The binding affinities of these peptides were also characterized using atomic force microscopy (AFM) and mechanically exfoliated graphene field effect transistors (GFETs) to confirm the validity of the SGFET platform. Binding constants obtained via GFET and AFM were comparable with those observed using SGFETs. The sprayed graphene film serves as a scalable platform to study biomolecular adsorption to graphitic surfaces.  相似文献   

Journal of Molecular Modeling - Widespread use of pharmaceuticals such as benzodiazepines has been resulting over the last decades in the dissemination of residues of these compounds in the...  相似文献   

High moisture content is a main characteristic of low-rank coal, such as lignite. Numerous oxygen containing functional groups in lignite make it represent some special properties, and these functional groups affect the adsorption mechanisms of water molecules on lignite surface. This study reports some typical water?·?·?·?lignite conformations, along with a detailed analysis of the geometry, electrostatic potential distribution, reduced density gradient of interaction, and interaction energy decomposition. The results show that water molecules tend to aggregate around functional groups, and hydrogen bonds play a dominant role in the interaction. The adsorption energy of water cluster on lignite surface is larger than that of isolated water molecule, a good linear relationship between the interaction distance and adsorption energy of layers has been found. Since water is a polar molecule, the local minima and maxima of electrostatic potential in conformations increase along with more water adsorbing on lignite surface. Reduced density gradient analysis shows that H-bonds, van der Waals interaction, and a little steric make up the interaction between water cluster and lignite molecule. In these studied conformations which mainly are H-bond complexes, electrostatic and exchange repulsion play a dominant role, whereas polarization and dispersion make relatively small contribution to the interaction. Attractive and repulsive interaction both affect the stability of water?·?·?·?lignite conformations.  相似文献   

Thanks to a non-covalent wrapping with glycol-chitosan, highly biocompatible and highly concentrated dispersions of boron nitride nanotubes were obtained and tested on human neuroblastoma cells. A systematic investigation of the cytotoxicity of these nanovectors with several complementary qualitative and quantitative assays allowed a strong interference with the MTT metabolic assay to be highlighted, similar to a phenomenon already observed for carbon nanotubes, that would wrongly suggest toxicity of boron nitride nanotubes. These results confirm the high complexity of these new nanomaterials, and the needing of extensive investigations on their exciting potential applications in the biomedical field.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies of the phenol sulphotranferase reaction   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

Density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed at the PBE/DZP level using the DFT-D2 method were utilized to investigate the adsorption of phenol on pristine activated carbon (AC) and on activated carbon functionalized with OH, CHO, or COOH groups. Over the pristine AC, the phenol molecule undergoes weak physical adsorption due to van der Waals interactions between the aromatic part of the phenol and the basal planes of the AC. Among the three functional groups used to functionalize the AC, the carboxylic group was found to interact most strongly with the hydroxyl group of phenol. These results suggest that functionalized AC-COOH has great potential for use in environmental applications as an adsorbent of phenol molecules in aqueous phases.  相似文献   

Boron adsorption onto activated sludge was investigated using bench-scale reactors under simulated wastewater treatment conditions. Two experiments, continuous flow and batch, were performed. Boron concentrations were determined by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results of the continuous-flow experiment indicated that a small amount of boron accumulated on the activated sludge and its concentration in the sludge depended on the nature of the biota in the sludge. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm plots generated using the data from the batch experiment indicated that boron was adsorbed onto rather than absorbed into the sludge. The Freundlich constants, k and 1/n, were determined to be 26 mg/kg and 0.87. These values indicate that activated sludge has a limited capacity for boron adsorption and thus utilization of the excess sludge for farmland may not be toxic to plant at least boron concern.  相似文献   

We perform density functional theory studies to investigate structural and electronic properties of the (5,5) boron nitride nanotubes (BNNTs) with surfaces and ends functionalized by thiol (SH) and hydroxyl (OH) groups. The exchange-correlation energies are treated according to the functional of Hamprecht-Cohen-Tozer-Handy within the generalized gradient approximation (HCTH-GGA). We use the base function with double polarization DNP. To determine the (5,5) BNNT-SH and (5,5) BNNT-OH relaxed structures the minimum energy criterion is applied considering six different geometries depending upon the SH and OH functional groups orientation: (C1) The adsorbed functional group is oriented toward the N atom, (C2) the functional group is oriented toward the B atom, (C3) the functional group is at the central hexagon of the BNNT surface. The (C4) fourth and (C5) fifth configurations are formed by allowing bonds (of S or O) with B or N atoms at one end of the nanotube. (C6) The sixth geometry is obtained by placing the functional group at the center of one end of the BNNT. The (5,5) BNNT-SH system, in vacuum, suffers a semiconductor to metal transition while the (5,5) BNNT-OH system retains the semiconductor behavior. When structures are solvated in water these systems behave as semiconductors. The polarity increases as a consequence of the functional group-nanotube interactions no matter if they are in vacuum or in solvation situation, which indicates the possible solubility and dispersion. According to the work function the best option to construct a device is with the BNNT-OH system.  相似文献   

Detailed density functional theory (DFT) calculations on the structure and harmonic frequencies of model all-trans and all-cis polyenes were undertaken. For the first time, we report on the convergence of selected B3LYP/6-311++G** and BLYP/6-311++G** calculated structural parameters resulting from a systematic increase in polyene size (chains containing 2 to 14 C?=?C units). The limiting values of the structural parameters for very long chains were estimated using simple three-parameter empirical formulae. BLYP/6-311++G** calculated ν(C?=?C) and ν(C–C) frequencies for all-trans and all-cis polyenes containing up to 14 carbon–carbon double bonds were used to estimate these values for very long chains. Correction of raw, unscaled vibrational data was performed by comparing theoretical and experimental wavenumbers for polyenes chains containing 3 to 12 conjugated C?=?C units with both ends substituted by tert-butyl groups. The corrected ν(C?=?C) and ν(C–C) wavenumbers for all-trans molecules were used to estimate the presence of 9 – 12 C?=?C units in all-trans polyene pigment in red coral.
Graphical abstract Detailed density functional theory (DFT) calculations on the structure and harmonic frequencies of model all-trans and all-cis polyenes were undertaken. For the first time, we report on the convergence of selected B3LYP/6-311++G** and BLYP/6-311++G** calculated structural parameters resulting from a systematic increase in polyene size (chains containing 2 to 14 C=C units). The limiting values of the structural parameters for very long chains were estimated using simple three-parameter empirical formulae.

Catalytic combustion of hydrocarbons is an important technology to produce energy. Compared to conventional flame combustion, the catalyst enables this process to operate at lower temperatures; hence, reducing the energy required for efficient combustion. The reaction and activation energies of direct combustion of hydrocarbons (CH?→?C?+?H) on a series of metal surfaces were investigated using density functional theory (DFT). The data obtained for the Ag, Au, Al, Cu, Rh, Pt, and Pd surfaces were used to investigate the validity of the Brønsted-Evans-Polanyi (BEP) and transition state scaling (TSS) relations for this reaction on these surfaces. These relations were found to be valid (R2?=?0.94 for the BEP correlation and R2?=?1.0 for the TSS correlation) and were therefore used to estimate the energetics of the combustion reaction on Ni, Co, and Fe surfaces. It was found that the estimated transition state and activation energies (ETS?=??69.70 eV and Ea?=?1.20 eV for Ni, ETS?=??87.93 eV and Ea?=?1.08 eV for Co and ETS?=??92.45 eV and Ea?=?0.83 eV for Fe) are in agreement with those obtained by DFT calculations (ETS?=??69.98 eV and Ea?=?1.23 eV for Ni, ETS?=??87.88 eV and Ea?=?1.08 eV for Co and ETS?=??92.57 eV and Ea?=?0.79 eV for Fe). Therefore, these relations can be used to predict energetics of this reaction on these surfaces without doing the time consuming transition state calculations. Also, the calculations show that the activation barrier for CH dissociation decreases in the order Ag ? Au ? Al ? Cu ? Pt ? Pd ? Ni?>?Co?>?Rh?>?Fe.  相似文献   

Chemical functionalization of the boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) allows a wider flexibility in engineering its electronic and magnetic properties as well as chemical reactivity, thus making it have potential applications in many fields. In the present work, the encapsulation of 13 different Pd3M (M?=?Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Pd, Pt, and Au) clusters inside the (10, 0) BNNT has been studied by performing comprehensive density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Particular attention is paid to searching for the stable configurations, calculating the corresponding binding energies, and evaluating the effects of the encapsulation of Pd3M cluster on the electronic and magnetic properties of BNNT. The results indicate that all the studied Pd3M clusters can be stably encapsulated inside the (10, 0) BNNT, with binding energies ranging from ?0.96 (for Pd3Sc) to ?5.31 eV (for Pd3V). Moreover, due to a certain amount of charge transfer from Pd3M clusters to BNNT, certain impurity states are induced within the band gap of pristine BNNT, leading to the reduction of the band gap in various ways. Most Pd3M@BNNT nanocomposites exhibit nonzero magnetic moments, which mainly originate from the contribution of the Pd3M clusters. In particular, the adsorption of O2 molecule on BNNT is greatly enhanced due to Pd3M encapsulation. The elongation of O-O bonds of the adsorbed O2 molecules indicates that Pd3M@BNNT could be used to fabricate the oxidative catalysis.  相似文献   

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