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Protein digestibility and food conversion were determined in groups of Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) and Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus L.) with or without the trypsin-like isozyme TRP-2*92 . Determinations were made at two salinities, 0 and 27 ppt; at two temperatures, 6 and 10° C and on large (200 g) and small (30–90 g) fish. The overall digestibility of protein was found to be 81.4±0.2% and was unaffected by the presence of the isozyme or the other variables. The feed conversion ratio of Atlantic salmon possessing TRP-2*92 was observed to be significantly lower with significantly higher specific growth rate than in fish without this isozyme.  相似文献   

Gut morphology in growth hormone transgenic Atlantic salmon   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Growth hormone transgenic Atlantic salmon Salmo salar reared at 12–13°C were F2 generation derived, using eggs from a transgenic F1 female and fertilized with milt from a non-transgenic male. At the time of tissue sampling the transgenic salmon were growing 1·6 times faster than control salmon. Transgenic salmon tended to have more intestinal folds that were longer than those of control salmon. Consequently, the transgenic salmon had a larger digestive surface area both in the anterior intestine (surface area 1·5 times control) and in the pyloric caeca (surface area 1·2 times control). Most morphological features of the intestine and of the pyloric caeca of transgenic salmon were larger than those of control salmon; in particular, the surface area of the anterior intestine was concordant with the growth rate difference.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the ESTD * isozyme locus in the Atlantic salmon show the * 80 allele to be absent across the species' European range, with the exception of northern Russia, whereas the allele is nearly fixed in North American populations. The allele was found in samples from 15 out of 18 rivers on the Kola Peninsula and White sea coast and had frequencies that ranged from 0·017 to 0·363. Typing of fish in nine of these rivers for mtDNA variation in the ND1 gene region found variation characteristic of North American salmon in three Kola Peninsula populations and is the only part of Europe where such variants have been detected. The study area was completely glaciated during the late Pleistocene period and the restriction of the European distribution of these ESTD * and mtDNA variants to this area suggests that salmon that colonized the Russian Arctic coast rivers included fish of North American origin after the Pleistocene glacier had retreated.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variation in growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spatial and temporal variation in length‐at‐age and environmental factors affecting variation in growth rate of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied using data from a long‐term study in the River Stjørdalselva, central Norway. Mean annual instantaneous growth rate among 1+ and 2+year juvenile Atlantic salmon varied between 0·59 and 1·50 g g−1 year−1 and mean instantaneous daily growth rate of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) varied between 0·013 and 0·033 g g−1 day−1. Between year variation in growth was larger than the within year intra‐watercourse spatial variation. For YOY and 1+year Atlantic salmon, a major part of the observed between year variation in growth rates was explained by variation in mean daily water discharge and spring temperature. For 2+year juvenile Atlantic salmon, mean daily water discharge and cohort density were the only variables to significantly explain variation in growth rates. A large part of the within water‐course spatial variation could not be explained by temperature variations and juvenile Atlantic salmon in the uppermost areas of the river, experiencing the lowest ambient temperatures during the growth period, displayed the highest growth rates. Within the baselines set by temperature, biotic and abiotic factors connected to water flow regime and variation in food availability are suggested to be a major determinants of the temporal and spatial variation in juvenile Atlantic salmon growth rates.  相似文献   

Some individuals within populations of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus fed diets supplemented with oxytetracycline (OTC) developed spinal deformations. Possible differences in feed intake and growth of spinally deformed fish relative to fish without any deformities were investigated. Amongst Atlantic salmon, 17% of the fish fed OTC-supplemented feed developed spinal fractures, whereas none of the fish receiving the basic feed did so. Despite deformation of the spinal column, the injured fish continued to feed and grow, but at lower rates than unaffected individuals. In contrast to Atlantic salmon, Arctic charr showed no signs of spinal fractures at any time during the 65-day experiment.  相似文献   

Understanding whether populations can adapt to new environmental conditions is a major issue in conservation and evolutionary biology. Aquatic organisms are increasingly exposed to environmental changes linked with human activities in river catchments. For instance, the clogging of bottom substratum by fine sediments is observed in many rivers and usually leads to a decrease in dissolved oxygen concentrations in gravel beds. Such hypoxic stress can alter the development and even be lethal for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) embryos that spend their early life into gravel beds. In this study, we used a common garden experiment to compare the responses to hypoxic stress of four genetically differentiated and environmentally contrasted populations. We used factorial crossing designs to measure additive genetic variation of early life‐history traits in each population. Embryos were reared under normoxic and hypoxic conditions, and we measured their survival, incubation time and length at the end of embryonic development. Under hypoxic conditions, embryos had a lower survival and hatched later than in normoxic conditions. We found different hypoxia reaction norms among populations, but almost no population effect in both treatments. We also detected significant sire × treatment interactions in most populations and a tendency for heritability values to be lower under stressful conditions. Overall, these results reveal a high degree of phenotypic plasticity in salmon populations that nevertheless differ in their adaptive potential to hypoxia given the distinct reaction norms observed between and within populations.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is the most valuable farmed fish globally and there is much interest in optimizing its genetics and rearing conditions for growth and feed efficiency. Marine feed ingredients must be replaced to meet global demand, with challenges for fish health and sustainability. Metabolic models can address this by connecting genomes to metabolism, which converts nutrients in the feed to energy and biomass, but such models are currently not available for major aquaculture species such as salmon. We present SALARECON, a model focusing on energy, amino acid, and nucleotide metabolism that links the Atlantic salmon genome to metabolic fluxes and growth. It performs well in standardized tests and captures expected metabolic (in)capabilities. We show that it can explain observed hypoxic growth in terms of metabolic fluxes and apply it to aquaculture by simulating growth with commercial feed ingredients. Predicted limiting amino acids and feed efficiencies agree with data, and the model suggests that marine feed efficiency can be achieved by supplementing a few amino acids to plant- and insect-based feeds. SALARECON is a high-quality model that makes it possible to simulate Atlantic salmon metabolism and growth. It can be used to explain Atlantic salmon physiology and address key challenges in aquaculture such as development of sustainable feeds.  相似文献   

The annual variation in sea-age of maturation for a hatchery dependent stock of Atlantic salmon was compared to variation in post-smolt growth as evidenced by circuli spacing patterns. The proportion of returns of 1-seawinter (1 SW) and 2 SW salmon and the fraction of the smolt year class or cohort that maturated as 1 SW fish, were compared to seasonal growth indices determined from circuli spacing on the scales of smolt class survivors returning as 1 SW and 2 SW spawners. Using image processing techniques, we extracted inter-circuli distances from scales from 2244 recaptured fish. Spacing data for the first year at sea were collected and then expressed as seasonal growth indices for the spring period, when post-smolts first enter the ocean; the summer, when growth appears maximal; and winter, when growth appears to be at a minimum. In general, circuli spacings were wider for 1 SW than for the 2 SW returns of the same smolt cohort. The 1 SW fraction was significantly and positively correlated with late summer growth, suggesting that growth during this season is pivotal in determining the proportion of a smolt class that matures early.  相似文献   

Leptin (Lep) is a key factor for the energy homeostasis in mammals, but the available data of its role in teleosts are not conclusive. There are large sequence differences among mammalian and teleost Lep, both at the gene and protein level. Therefore, in order to characterize Lep function in fish, the use of species-specific Lep is crucial. In this study, the cDNA sequence of salmon leptin a1 (lepa1) was used to establish a production protocol for recombinant salmon LepA1 (rsLepA1) in Escherichia coli, that enabled a final yield of 1.7 mg pure protein L?1 culture. The effects of 20-day administration of rsLepA1 on growth and brain neuroendocrine peptide gene expression [npy, cart, agrp (-1 and -2), pomc (-a1, -a2, -a2s, and -b)] were studied in juvenile, immature Atlantic salmon (96.5 ± 2.1 g) fed a commercial diet to satiation. Intraperitoneal osmotic pumps were used to deliver rsLepA1 at four different concentrations (calculated pumping rates were 0, 0.1, 1.0 and 10 ng g?1 h?1). In the highest dosage group (10 ng g?1 h?1), the growth rate was significantly reduced, and pomc-a1 gene expression was higher than in controls. The results support the lipostatic hypothesis and suggest that sLepA1 reduces growth in Atlantic salmon by affecting food intake through the central pro-opiomelanocortin pathway.  相似文献   

At low population densities, both hatchery- and wild-reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar , which were progeny of a common genetic stock, occupied sub-gravel shelters alone. However, at high population densities, hatchery-reared fish occurred within shelters in significantly higher numbers than wild-reared fish. There was a significant effect of time after introduction to the experimental arenas on the proportion of hatchery-reared fish sheltering. These results show that rearing environment influences the behaviour of Atlantic salmon parr during winter and may also affect the carrying capacity of their environment.  相似文献   

Sr : Ca ratios measured in the otoliths of sea‐caged Atlantic salmon Salmo salar showed distinct seasonal peaks that were unrelated to water temperature and somatic growth, suggesting other factors have a greater influence on strontium deposition. Atlantic salmon remained in the sea‐cages for two seasons, or equivalent to two‐seawinter fish in the wild and were subjected to seasonally varying temperatures. Water temperature appeared to be inversely related to the Sr : Ca ratios, but this relationship was statistically not significant. Furthermore, water temperature could not explain the distinct increase in the strontium during the second year. The intensity of the Sr peaks increased in the second season while average winter water temperatures were consistent between years. Additionally, strontium deposition in the otoliths was unrelated to somatic growth. Somatic growth, as evidenced by circuli spacings on the scales, was largely invariant and therefore could not explain the observed peaks. Though not explicitly measured, the data are consistent with the notion that strontium deposition is a function of maturity state in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Individually lagged, 1+ and 2+ hatchery-reared smolts of Atlantic salmon were released in spring and early summer at the mouth of the R. Imsa, south-western Norway. The post-smolts moved mainly northwards in the sea with the coastal current. The estimated mean migratory speed (± s.d. ) of those captured in the sea along the Norwegian coast was 7.45 (± 6.26) km day −1; in the fjords it was 1.63 (± 2.33) km day−2. Many of the post-smohs ascended rivers the same year as released; 37.3% of the total number recaptured were caught in R. Imsa, upstream from the site of release, and 5.8% were caught in other rivers throughout middle and southern parts of Norway. The fish recaptured in rivers was probably sexually mature and entered rivers to spawn. Mean specific growth rate for post-smolts caught in the sea was higher than for those caught in R. Imsa (P <0.001) but not for those caught in other rivers (P> 0.05). Post-smolts ascending R. Imsa were smaller at release than those ascending other rivers. However, there was no size difference at release between post-smolts captured in the sea and those recaptured in rivers other than the R. Imsa.  相似文献   

The factors influencing the composition and structure of zooplankton communities in 18 lakes in the Canadian arctic and subarctic were determined during 1975 and 1976. Phytoplankton were consumed in very low numbers by all species (Diaptomus sicilis, Heterocope septentrionalis, Cyclops scutifer, Daphnia longiremis, Bosmina longirostris, Holopedium gibberum, Keratella cochlearis, Kellicottia longispina) and therefore differences in algal productivity among the lakes had little effect on the zooplankton. Variations in surface area, maximum water depth, pH and the ionic composition of the water were also unimportant in controlling the communities. However, low temperature exerted strong influence over the diversity, abundance, fecundity and vertical distribution of most species.  相似文献   

Climate change models predict a 2 to 6° C increase in air temperature within the next 100 years in the Maritime Provinces of eastern Canada. Higher air temperatures are expected to contribute to increased water temperatures, alterations in stream flow conditions, and ultimately reductions in fish growth. Mean annual size-at-age of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar decreased in the Northwest Miramichi and Southwest Miramichi Rivers between 1971–1999. Lengths-at-age of juveniles were significantly correlated between the two rivers. For Atlantic salmon parr, stronger associations between inter-cohort fork length ( L F) than intra-cohort L F were observed, suggesting that environmental conditions in the current year of growth have the more significant effects on size of age 2 year parr than conditions encountered the previous year by age 1 year parr of the same cohort. Fork lengths of parr were significantly and negatively associated with spring air and water temperatures. In the Miramichi River, increases in air and water temperature as predicted from climate change models may adversely affect growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon parr, reducing the overall productivity of the Atlantic salmon populations in this region.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract has many important biological functions. One is to serve as a barrier between the fish and the external environment. A decreased physical barrier function of the intestine may lead to increased inflow of luminal content and subsequent activation of the intestinal mucosal immune system. This activation is governed by the ability of various compounds to induce cytokine release and immune cell activity, leading to an immune response. In mammals, the impact of stress on the intestinal barrier is well documented and results in increased intestinal permeability and thus increased stimulation of the mucosal immune system. Fish reared in sea cages may at times be exposed to unfavourable environmental conditions leading to chronic stress and disturbed intestinal integrity. This change in permeability may increase the exposure of the mucosal immune system to activating compounds. In the present study, the effect of a prolonged stress on the intestinal mucosal immune system of fish is therefore addressed. Atlantic salmon were exposed to low levels (50%) of dissolved oxygen (DO) for 6-7 weeks in consecutive experiments performed at 8 and 16 °C. Immune parameters were assessed in terms of mRNA expression of the key cytokines, interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-8, IL-10, interferon-γ (IFNγ) and transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) as well as the immune regulatory inhibitor of nuclear factor κB (IκB). In the experiment at 8 °C also mucosal neutrophil infiltration was monitored. Subjecting the fish to low DO levels at 8 °C resulted in an increased mucosal neutrophil infiltration together with a down-regulation of IκB. At the higher temperature, 16 °C, low DO levels created decreased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β in both intestinal regions as well as an increased expression of IL-10 in the proximal intestine. These results suggest that husbandry conditions in sea cages with DO levels as low as 50% clearly affects the intestinal mucosal immune system and results in a chronic inflammation. Moreover, the effects of low DO levels on the immune factors examined were more pronounced in the 16 °C experiment suggesting additive effects of high temperatures.  相似文献   

Pair and group experiments were conducted to determine whether differences exist in feeding success between juvenile diploid and triploid salmonids in a competitive situation. In the pair experiments, 22 pairs (one diploid and one triploid) of size-matched Quebec-strain brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (7·2–46·3 g) were fed an unlimited number of pellets three times a day for 5 days. Dominance was assigned to the fish which ate the most pellets within each pair. In the group experiments, groups of three diploid and three triploid size-matched fish were fed a restricted ration three times a day for 5 days. Hierarchical rank within the group was assigned based on the number of pellets consumed by each fish. The group experiment was repeated 10 times with Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (5·1–62·7 g), Quebec-strain brook trout (11·8-110·8 g), and large UNB-strain brook trout (18·2–33·0 g), and 12 times with smaller UNB-strain brook trout (0·6–2·0 g). A statistically significant difference in rank between ploidies was found only for the smaller UNB-strain brook trout in the group experiments, with diploids dominant over triploids. This suggests that there may be a difference in competitive feeding success between diploid and triploid brook trout early in development, but that this difference diminishes as the fish grow.  相似文献   

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