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During a virus survey in autumn 2007 and spring 2008 of two Tunisian olive mother blocks, 175 olive samples were collected from 19 different cultivars and tested by RT‐PCR for the presence of Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV), Cherry leaf roll virus (CLRV), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Olive latent ringspot virus (OLRSV), Olive latent virus 1 (OLV‐1), Olive latent virus 2 (OLV‐2), Olive leaf yellowing‐associated virus (OLYaV) and Strawberry latent ringspot virus (SLRSV), using specific sets of primers. The PCR‐negative samples were also subjected to dsRNA and mechanical transmission tests. PCR results indicated that c. 86% of the trees were infected with at least one virus, whereas visible bands were shown by 3 of 24 PCR‐negative samples in dsRNA analysis. OLYaV was the most prevalent virus (49.1%), followed by OLV‐1 (34.3%), CMV (25.7%), OLRSV (16.6%), CLRV (13.1%), SLRSV (7.4%) and OLV‐2 (6.9%), whereas ArMV was not detected. Very high infection rates were found in the two main oil cvs. Chemlali (84.6%) and Chétoui (86.9%).  相似文献   

The presence of Orchid fleck virus (OFV) in Paraguay was confirmed in orchid plants collected during a survey carried out in 2013. Leaves displayed ringspot and fleck symptoms, and in infected tissues, non‐enveloped, short, rodlike viral particles were observed. Partial OFV N and L genes were amplified using specific and degenerate primers, respectively; the nucleotide sequences demonstrated high identities (98%) with other OFV isolates. Degenerate primers for the L gene were designed considering conserved regions within all of the available OFV sequences and those from the closely related isolates citrus leprosis virus nuclear type (CiLV‐N) and citrus necrotic spot virus. Degenerate primers were also successfully used for the detection of CiLV‐N from infected citrus samples.  相似文献   

The alignment of the complete genomes of genetic variants of Grapevine leafroll‐associated virus 3 (GLRaV‐3) representing phylogenetic groups I, II, III and VI revealed numerous regions with exceptionally high divergence between group I to III and group VI variants. Oligonucleotide primers universal for all the above groups of the virus were designed in conserved short stretches of sequences flanking the divergent regions in the helicase (Hel) and RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) domains of the replicase gene and the divergent copy of the capsid protein (dCP) gene. Cloning and sequencing of the 549‐bp RT‐PCR amplicon of the helicase domain from grapevine cv. Shiraz lead to the detection of a variant of GLRaV‐3, which shared only 69.6–74.1% nt similarity with other variants, including the recently reported, new, highly divergent variant, isolate 139. This was confirmed by the results of the analysis of 517‐bp amplicon of the HSP70 gene of GLRaV‐3 generated in RT‐nested PCR based on degenerate primers for the simultaneous amplification of members of the Closteroviridae family designed by Dovas and Katis (J Virol Methods, 109, 2003, 217). In this genomic region, the variant shares 72.3–78.7% nt similarity with other variants of GLRaV‐3. This previously unreported, new, highly divergent variant was provisionally named GTG10. From the alignment of the HSP70 sequences primers for the specific RT‐nested PCR amplification of the variant GTG10 and members of group VI, and specific simultaneous amplification of variants of groups I, II and III, were designed. The results obtained from brief testing of various grapevines using all these primers suggest a relatively limited presence of GTG10 variant in vineyards.  相似文献   

Graft unions of nursery stock of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) collected in Japan yielded non‐pathogenic strains of Agrobacterium. On the basis of classic diagnostic tests, a sequence analysis and a previously reported multiplex PCR method, the non‐pathogenic strains ARK‐1, ARK‐2 and ARK‐3 were identified as Agrobacterium vitis. Stems of grapevine seedlings were inoculated with both a cell suspension of seven mixed strains of A. vitis (Ti) as a pathogen and one of a new strain or A. vitis strain VAR03‐1, one of the biological control agents against crown gall previously reported, as competitors to assay the suppression of tumour formation caused by the pathogen. In a test with a 1:1 cell ratio of pathogen/nonpathogen, strains ARK‐1, ARK‐2 and ARK‐3 reduced the tumour incidence.. In particular, strain ARK‐1 was strongest at inhibiting tumour formation in this study. Strain ARK‐1 established populations on roots of grapevine tree rootstock and persisted on roots for a year. ARK‐1, ARK‐2 and ARK‐3 did not produce a halo of inhibition against A. vitis (Ti) strain on YMA medium. Moreover, strain ARK‐1 did not reduce tumour incidence on the stems of grapevine when ARK‐1 was dead or only culture filtrate was used. This result indicates the possibility that these new strains inhibit grapevine crown gall in planta by a different mechanism other than VAR03‐1. In particular, one of the new strains, named ARK‐1, was most effective in inhibiting tumour formation on grapevine and appears to be a promising new agent to control grapevine crown gall.  相似文献   

Diplodia seriata, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium aleophilum are the three main species associated with grapevine decline in Spain. AFLP markers were developed to discriminate Spanish populations of these species. The markers were used to genotype isolates of D. seriata, P. chlamydospora and P. aleophilum. AFLP markers were valuable in performing population genetic studies as genetic variability (Kx) ranged from 0.07 in the P. chlamydospora population to 0.28 in the D. seriata population. Species‐specific markers obtained using only two AFLP combinations clearly discriminate D. seriata, P. chlamydospora and P. aleophilum and are a useful tool in simultaneous identification tests.  相似文献   

A one‐step multiplex RT‐PCR method has been developed for the simultaneous detection of four viruses frequently occurring in tobacco (Cucumber mosaic virus, Tobacco mosaic virus, Tobacco etch virus and Potato virus Y). Four sets of specific primers were designed to work with the same reaction reagents and cycling conditions, resulting in four distinguishable amplicons representative of the four viruses independently. This one‐step multiplex RT‐PCR is consistently specific using different combinations of virus RNA as templates, and no non‐specific band was observed. It has high sensitivity compared to single RT‐PCR. Moreover, field samples in China can be tested by this method for virus detection. Our results show that one‐step multiplex RT‐PCR is a high‐throughput, specific, sensitive method for tobacco virus detection.  相似文献   

To evaluate the genetic diversity of Grapevine virus A (GVA), the genomic region encompassing the partial capsid protein gene and ORF5 was analysed from 10 GVA isolates. Phylogenetic study showed a broad variability of the GVA isolates recovered from a limited geographical area (Slovakia and Czech Republic) and further confirmed the absence of geographical structuration within GVA. Moreover, assessment of structure and intra‐isolate variability revealed that grapevine samples infected with SK13 and SK29 isolates have harboured a population of different sequence variants.  相似文献   

Five asparagus cultivars, three breeding lines and the wild relative Asparagus amarus were tested for natural infection by Asparagus virus 1 (AV‐1) in experimental fields at two locations over 3 and 4 years, respectively. In the first year after re‐planting the annual crowns in the field, more than 90% of tested plants of cultivars were infected by AV‐1. In the third and fourth year, 100% of tested plants of cultivars were AV‐1 infected. In comparison, all plants of the wild relative A. amarus were completely free of AV‐1, suggesting a high level of resistance. Additionally, 1‐year‐old glasshouse‐cultivated plants of A. officinalis and A. amarus were placed in an AV‐1 provocation cabin under field conditions. Seven months later, 100% of the A. officinalis plants showed a high virus concentration in ELISA, whereas no AV‐1 was detectable in the A. amarus plants. This result was confirmed by highly sensitive AV‐1‐specific RT‐PCR. To exclude vector resistance, the feeding behaviour of green peach aphid Myzus persicae was tested over 12 h using the electrical penetration graph method. Both asparagus genotypes were accepted by the aphids as potential hosts, but the feeding time was significantly longer on A. amarus. A genetic distance analysis of the various cultivars of Asparagus officinalis and selected wild relatives of the JKI collection was carried out, resulting in a clear discrimination of cultivars and wild relatives, especially A. amarus. The potential breeding value of the putative resistance carrier is discussed.  相似文献   

As one of the most serious diseases in grape, downy mildew caused by Plasmopara viticola is a worldwide grape disease. Much effort has been focused on improving susceptible grapevine resistance, and wild resistant grapevine species are important for germplasm improvement of commercial cultivars. Using yeast two‐hybrid screen followed by a series of immunoprecipitation experiments, we identified voltage‐dependent anion channel 3 (VDAC3) protein from Vitis piasezkii ‘Liuba‐8’ as an interacting partner of VpPR10.1 cloned from Vitis pseudoreticulata ‘Baihe‐35‐1’, which is an important germplasm for its resistance to a range of pathogens. Co‐expression of VpPR10.1/VpVDAC3 induced cell death in Nicotiana benthamiana, which accompanied by ROS accumulation. VpPR10.1 transgenic grapevine line showed resistance to P. viticola. We conclude that the VpPR10.1/VpVDAC3 complex is responsible for cell death‐mediated defence response to P. viticola in grapevine.  相似文献   

Lily symptomless virus (LSV) and Arabis mosaic virus (ArMV) cause severe losses of quantity and quality of lily flower and bulb production. Specificity, sensitivity and speed of detection methods for viruses need to be improved greatly to prevent LSV and ArMV from spreading from infected lilies. A dual IC‐RT‐PCR procedure for detection was developed in which the antibodies of LSV and ArMV were mixed and the mixture used to coat the PCR tubes. The particles of the two viruses were captured by the respective antibodies. Interference by other RNA viruses in infected lily was eliminated in the RT‐PCR. Also, an RNA extraction step was omitted. The dual IC‐RT‐PCR products of LSV and ArMV were 521 bp and 691 bp, respectively. The specificity of the method was validated; only LSV and ArMV of four viruses were detected by dual IC‐RT‐PCR. The sensitivity of the detection method is 1 mg leaf tissue and higher than DAS‐ELISA due to enrichment by dual immunocapture.  相似文献   

The genus Ditylenchus contains more than 80 recognized nematode species with a very wide host range. The most serious species are Ditylenchus dipsaci and Ditylenchus destructor. Populations of D. dipsaci species complex were collected from Allium cepa, Cichorium endivia and Phlox paniculata in Poland. The Ditylenchus gigas population was collected from Vicia faba minor, and populations of D. destructor, from Solanum tuberosum spp. tuberosum. Analyses of the rDNA sequences spanning both ITS1 and ITS2 fragment regions were carried out on the collected populations. The obtained DNA sequences were compared with those DNA sequences deposited in GenBank of populations isolated in other countries. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the data obtained from the DNA sequence comparisons. The results indicated that there is no clear distinction between European and non‐European populations within D. dipsaci. The results also showed no clear distinction between populations isolated from different host plant species, including populations found in Poland. The populations of D. destructor described here constitute a common group together with American and Chinese populations belonging to the haplotype C of the D. destructor species. On the other hand, the D. gigas population was localized separately from those populations that have been described up until now, from Europe and Africa. This is also the first report on the occurrence of D. gigas in Poland.  相似文献   

近年来,病毒性流感的不断流行和暴发已引起世界范围的广泛关注。为了更好地对流感病毒进行检测和分型,我们对目前流感病毒常用的血清学检测和分型方法、免疫荧光法、PCR方法、多重RT-PCR法、实时RT-PCR法、依赖核酸序列的扩增法、环介导等温扩增法、焦磷酸测序法、基因芯片技术分别进行了描述,并阐述了其优缺点。  相似文献   

The one‐step real‐time turbidity loop‐mediated isothermal amplification assay (RealAmp) was developed to detect Hosta virus X (HVX), the most devastating threat to hosta industry. The reaction was performed in a single tube at 63°C for 15 min, and real‐time turbidimetry was used to monitor the amplification results. Specificity and sensitivity analyses demonstrated that this RealAmp method was sensitive as real‐time TaqMan RT‐PCR and about 100‐fold higher than conventional RT‐PCR with no cross‐reaction with other viral pathogens. Field samples detection showed that HVX could be identified effectively with this method. Overall, this RealAmp assay for HVX detection was simple, specific, sensitive, convenient and time‐saving and could assist in the quarantine measures for prevention and control of the disease caused by HVX.  相似文献   

Several grapevine leafroll‐associated viruses (GLRaVs) have been found frequently in grapevines behaving GLD. Among them, GLRaV‐2 is the only one belonging to Closterovirus, and mainly induces leafroll symptoms and graft incompatibility. In this study, new degenerate primer pairs designed against the HSP70 gene were applied in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and nested PCR (nPCR) to detect GLRaV‐2 in 132 samples collected from 14 provinces and regions of China. Of the samples, 51.5% were infected with GLRaV‐2, and most did not exhibit GLD symptoms. Some popular grape cultivars had a high incidence of GLRaV‐2 infection, such as Cabernet Sauvignon (92.3%), Chardonnay (80%), Red Globe (75%) and Italian Riesling (73.7%). ‘Beta’ rootstocks, previously identified as negative samples, were also found to be highly infected with GLRaV‐2 (50%). GLRaV‐2 isolates obtained in this study showed identities ranging from 68.9% to 100% and 76.47% to 100.0% at the nucleotide and amino acid levels, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis based on the HSP70 gene showed that all GLRaV‐2 isolates in China belong to three of five reported phylogenetic groups. Different variants belonging to the PN and RG groups were present in a single isolate. The results showed that the new degenerate primer pairs could detect more GLRaV‐2 isolates than the previously reported primers. This is the first detailed report on the prevalence and gene diversity of GLRaV‐2 in China and also provides an nPCR method to improve the sensitivity of PCR as an alternative method when no real‐time PCR device is available.  相似文献   

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