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Aquatic habitats are usually structured by light attenuation with depth resulting in different microalgal communities, each one adapted to a certain light regime by their specific pigment composition. Several taxa contain pigments restricted to one phylogenetic group, making them useful as marker pigments in phytoplankton community studies. The nuisance and invasive freshwater microalga Gonyostomum semen (Raphidophyceae) is mainly found in brown water lakes with sharp vertical gradients in light intensity and color. However, its pigment composition and potential photoadaptations have not been comprehensively studied. We analyzed the photopigment composition of 12 genetically different strains of G. semen by high performance liquid chromatography after acclimation to different light conditions. We confirmed the pigments chl a, chl c1c2, diadinoxanthin, trans‐neoxanthin, cis‐neoxanthin, α and β carotene, which have already been reported for G. semen. In addition, we identified, for the first time, the pigments violaxan‐thin, zeaxanthin, and alloxanthin in this species. Alloxanthin has never been observed in raphidophytes before, suggesting differences in evolutionary plastid acquisition between freshwater lineages and the well‐described marine species. The amount of total chl a per cell generally decreased with increasing light intensity. In contrast, the increasing ratios of the prominent pigments diadinoxanthin and alloxanthin per chl a with light intensity suggest photoprotective functions. In addition, we found significant variation in cell‐specific pigment concentration among strains, grouped by lake of origin, which might correspond to genetic differences between strains and populations.  相似文献   

In the Schelde continuum, a succession in the phytoplankton community is observed along the transition from the river to the freshwater tidal reaches of the estuary and from the freshwater to brackish reaches of the estuary. The goal of this study was to experimentally evaluate the contribution of changes in salinity and light climate to this succession. In summer 2000 and in spring 2001, phytoplankton communities from the river, the freshwater tidal reaches and the brackish reaches of the estuary were incubated under high or low light intensities and exposed to a change in salinity. HPLC analysis was used to evaluate the response of different algal groups to changes in light intensity and salinity. When incubated at a light intensity corresponding to the mean underwater light intensity of the freshwater tidal reaches, growth of phytoplankton from the river as well as from freshwater tidal reaches was significantly lower than when incubated at a light intensity corresponding to the mean underwater light intensity of the river. The phytoplankton community from the freshwater tidal reaches did not appear to be better adapted to low light intensities than the phytoplankton community from the river. Although diatoms were expected to be less sensitive to a reduction in light intensity than green algae, the opposite response was observed. Freshwater and brackish water phytoplankton were negatively affected by respectively an increase or decrease in salinity. However, the effect of salinity was not strong enough to explain the disappearance of freshwater and brackish water phytoplankton between a salinity of 0.5 and 10 psu, suggesting that other factors also play a role. In the freshwater phytoplankton communities from the river and the freshwater tidal reaches, green algae and diatoms responded in a similar way to an increase in salinity. In the brackish water phytoplankton community, fucoxanthin displayed a different response to salinity than lutein and chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

Toxin‐producing blooms of dinoflagellates in the genus Alexandrium have plagued the inhabitants of the Salish Sea for centuries. Yet the environmental conditions that promote accelerated growth of this organism, a producer of paralytic shellfish toxins, is lacking. This study quantitatively determined the growth response of two Alexandrium isolates to a range of temperatures and salinities, factors that will strongly respond to future climate change scenarios. An empirical equation, derived from observed growth rates describing the temperature and salinity dependence of growth, was used to hindcast bloom risk. Hindcasting was achieved by comparing predicted growth rates, calculated from in situ temperature and salinity data from Quartermaster Harbor, with corresponding Alexandrium cell counts and shellfish toxin data. The greatest bloom risk, defined at μ >0.25 d?1, generally occurred from April through November annually; however, growth rates rarely fell below 0.10 d?1. Except for a few occasions, Alexandrium cells were only observed during the periods of highest bloom risk and paralytic shellfish toxins above the regulatory limit always fell within the periods of predicted bloom occurrence. While acknowledging that Alexandrium growth rates are affected by other abiotic and biotic factors, such as grazing pressure and nutrient availability, the use of this empirical growth function to predict higher risk time frames for blooms and toxic shellfish within the Salish Sea provides the groundwork for a more comprehensive biological model of Alexandrium bloom dynamics in the region and will enhance our ability to forecast blooms in the Salish Sea under future climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

The ichthyotoxic flagellate Pseudochattonella has formed recurrent blooms in the North Sea, Skagerrak and Kattegat since 1998. Five strains of Pseudochattonella farcimen and two strains of P. verruculosa were examined in an assay comparing the light response of specific growth rates over a range of temperatures and salinities to get further knowledge on the autecology of members of this genus. Temperature optima were lower in P. farcimen (9°C–15°C) than in P. verruculosa (12°C–20°C). P. farcimen also showed a somewhat lower salinity optimum (18–26) than P. verruculosa (20–32). All strains showed light‐dependent growth responses reaching saturation between 18 and 52 μmol · photons · m?2 · s?1 at optimal temperature and salinity conditions. Compensation point estimates ranged from 4.2 to 15 μmol · photons · m?2 · s?1. Loss rates increased with temperature and were lowest at salinities close to optimal growth conditions. Blooms of P. farcimen have been recorded in nature under conditions more similar to those minimizing loss rates rather than those maximizing growth rates in our culture study.  相似文献   

Growth and pigment composition of both the skeleton‐bearing and naked forms and toxicology of the naked form of Dictyocha octonaria were studied here using clonal cultures derived from a single cell from Wellington Harbour. In this study both the naked and skeleton‐bearing forms showed optimum growth between 14 and 18°C. Maximum growth rates of the naked and skeleton‐bearing forms were 1.46 and 0.99 division day?1, respectively. Growth rates of the naked form at temperatures <18°C were found to be greater than those of the skeleton‐bearing form. The reverse was true at temperatures >22°C. Cells of the naked form died at 24°C while those of the skeleton‐bearing form at 26°C. In this study the naked and skeleton‐bearing forms cultured in identical growth conditions contained almost the same pigments, except zeaxanthin, which made up about 3.2% of the total carotenoid in the skeleton‐bearing form and virtually none in the naked form. Toxicological tests conducted on rotifers indicated that the naked form was not harmful to the test organisms.  相似文献   

Fragments of Ecklonia cava Kjellman were cultured under controlled laboratory conditions of light irradiance, water temperature, and photoperiod. To clarify the relationship between the maturation of E. cava and the photosynthetic products, laminaran, the content in the fragments was measured with the progress of maturation. The culture conditions ranged from 12.5 to 100 µmol m?2 s?1, 10–25°C, and 14 : 10 h LD (light : dark) to 10 : 14 h LD. In the case of low light conditions, despite an optimum temperature for maturation, the fragments did not form sori and laminaran was not accumulated during the culture period. In the case of sufficient light and non‐optimum temperature conditions, the fragments did not form sori, but laminaran was accumulated. When the fragments were cultured under optimum light and temperature conditions for maturation, laminaran was accumulated in the early stage of maturation, just before or after cortex of the bladelets thickened, and decreased with the progress of maturation, and all fragments matured regardless of the length of the photoperiod. So, these results support the idea that laminaran is used as the main respiratory substrate in the maturation of E. cava.  相似文献   

A laboratory study using the fish‐killing raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo was conducted to examine its capability to grow at salinities below oceanic, and to test the perceived relationship between reduced salinities and increased cytotoxicity. A nonaxenic strain of H. akashiwo isolated from the U.S. Pacific Northwest was exposed to a combination of three salinity (32, 20, and 10) and five temperature (14.7°C, 18.4°C, 21.4°C, 24.4°C and 27.8°C) conditions. Our results demonstrate that cell permeability and cytotoxicity are strongly correlated in unialgal cultures of H. akashiwo, which both increased as salinity decreased from 32 to 10. Furthermore, over a broad median range of salinities (10 and 20), neither temperature nor specific growth rate was correlated with cytotoxicity. However, in cultures grown at the salinity of 32, both temperature and specific growth rate were inversely proportional to toxicity; this relationship was likely due to the effect of contamination by an unidentified species of Skeletonema in those cultures. The presence of Skeletonema sp. resulted in a cytotoxic response from H. akashiwo that was greater than the response caused by salinity alone. These laboratory results reveal the capability of H. akashiwo to become more toxic not only at reduced salinities but also in competition with another algal species. Changes in cell permeability in response to salinity may be an acclimation mechanism by which H. akashiwo is able to respond rapidly to different salinities. Furthermore, due to its strong positive correlation with cytotoxicity, cellular permeability is potentially associated with the ichthyotoxic pathway of this raphytophyte.  相似文献   

Inter‐ and intra‐specific physiological variations of intertidal macroalgae have been well investigated. However, studies on physiological responses of cryptic algal species have been poorly documented. Bostrychia intricata is a widespread marine red alga in the Southern Hemisphere, and has many cryptic species. We investigated the effect of different salinities and temperatures on the specific growth rate of three cryptic species (N2, N4 and N5) of B. intricata from New Zealand. Our data indicated that all cryptic species grew at the full range of salinities and temperatures tested, but exhibited a significant difference in their specific growth rates. Cryptic species N4 had a higher growth rate than the other two cryptic species under all experimental conditions, whereas cryptic species N2 occasionally showed a higher growth rate than cryptic species N5 at high salinities and lower temperatures. The distinct physiological properties of these cryptic species may explain their distribution pattern (a wider distribution of cryptic species N4 than N2 and N5) in New Zealand. The physiological divergence between the cryptic species could be related to their levels of evolutionary divergence, with more similar physiology between cryptic species, which share a more recent common ancestor (N2 and N5). Our findings underline that morphologically indistinguishable cryptic algal species are different in many other aspects and are truly independent entities.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to evaluate the antioxidant, anti‐inflammatory and antimicrobial activities of Alchemilla mollis (Buser ) Rothm . (Rosaceae) aerial parts extracts. Chemical composition was analyzed by spectrophotometric and chromatographic (HPLC) techniques. The antioxidant properties assessed included DPPH· and ABTS·+ radical scavenging, β‐carotene‐linoleic acid co‐oxidation assay. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated with disc diffusion and micro dilution method. In order to evaluate toxicity of the extracts, with the sulforhodamine B colorimetric assay L929 cell line (mouse fibroblast) was used. The anti‐inflammatory activities of the potent antioxidant extracts (methanol, 70% methanol, and water extracts) were determined by measuring the inhibitory effects on NO production and pro‐inflammatory cytokine TNF‐α levels in lipopolysaccharide stimulated RAW 264.7 cells. 70% methanol and water extracts which were found to be rich in phenolic compounds (184.79 and 172.60 mg GAE/g extract) showed higher antioxidant activity. Luteolin‐7‐O‐glucoside was the main compound in the extracts. Ethyl acetate and 70% methanol extracts showed higher antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis with MIC value of 125 μg/ml. 70% methanol extract potentially inhibited the NO and TNF‐α production (18.43 μm and 1556.22 pg/ml, respectively, 6 h).  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on early development of the sea urchinParacentrotus lividus (Lmk, 1816) are reported. The optimal temperature-salinity combinations for development are 18 °–20 °C and 34–35‰; there is a significant temperature-salinity interaction. The optimal conditions found in the experiments are above the mean yearly values for the sampled population's environment (North Adriatic Sea), being more similar to those of the Tyrrhenian Sea. These results suggest that embryonic tolerances to temperature and salinity are under genetic and not environmental control.  相似文献   

虾池常见微藻的光照强度、温度和盐度适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过Smith生态位宽度指数和Pianka生态位重叠指数分析了虾池常见微藻种群(啮蚀隐藻、新月菱形藻、微绿球藻和蛋白核小球藻)在光照强度、温度和盐度资源上的生态位宽度和生态位重叠特征.结果表明:新月菱形藻和蛋白核小球藻具有较大的生态位宽度值,啮蚀隐藻和微绿球藻的生态位宽度值则相对较小.蛋白核小球藻和微绿球藻在光照强度、温度和盐度资源上的生态位重叠值均为最大,啮蚀隐藻在各资源与其他微藻的重叠值最小.新月菱形藻与蛋白核小球藻适应光照强度的范围较广.当水温达16.9℃,可定向培育新月菱形藻;当水温达25℃,可定向培育新月菱形藻和啮蚀隐藻;当水温达30℃时,可定向培育新月菱形藻、蛋白核小球藻和微绿球藻.养殖水体盐度处于9~26,可引入蛋白核小球藻与微绿球藻;处于9~17.5,应引入啮蚀隐藻;高盐水体,应引入新月菱形藻.蛋白核小球藻和微绿球藻在光照强度、温度和盐度资源上的生态位重叠值均为最大,因此微藻定向培育,不可同时引入蛋白核小球藻与微绿球藻.  相似文献   

The agarophyte Gracilaria cornea, collected over 2.5 y in the Florida Keys, shows adaptations to oceanic salinities and subtropical to tropical water temperatures in its photosynthetic and respiratory responses as measured with a respirometer. No seasonal pattern in responses to irradiance, temperature, and salinity were evident between five collections over a 20-month period, indicating the tropical nature of the populations from Bahia Honda and Pigeon Keys. Concentrations of chlorophyll a (0.09 to 0.41 mg g d wt-1) and phycoerythrin (0.06 to 0.36 mg g d wt- 1) were low and reflect the low nutrient regime of the habitats, especially when compared to laboratory cultured plants. Compensation and saturation irradiances were also low (11–38 and 90–127 μmol photon m-2 s-1), indicating acclimation to lower irradiances in their shallow (1–2 m depth) habitats where turbidity can be high. In comparison with other subtropical and warm temperate species of Gracilaria, G. cornea had lower levels of pigment, but similarly high photosynthetic efficiency, demonstrating shade adaptation; it had only limited tolerance to salinities below 20‰ and temperatures below 15 °C. Thus, G. cornea from the Florida Keys in mariculture would require subtropical to tropical temperatures and stable oceanic salinities. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic behaviour of Dunaliella parva Lerche from the athalassic lagoon of Fuente de Piedra (Málaga, Southern Spain) was studied experimentally at three NaCl concentrations (1, 2 and 3 M), five temperatures (15, 23, 31, 38 and 42°C) and nine different irradiances between 82 and 891 mol m–2 s–1. Results are analyzed to define the best growing conditions for the algae. D. parva shows the highest photosynthetic rates at a NaCl molarity of 2 M, under a moderate light intensity (600 mol m–2 s–1) at 31°C. Above this light intensity a clear photoinhibition of the photosynthesis was found at 2 M and 3 M of NaCl. D. parva is a halotolerant and a thermoresistant species as evidenced by its net photosynthesis rate and positive values of oxygen evolution at 42°C.Two methods for modelling photosynthesis vs. irradiance curves are discussed. The first is a single model, based on third-order polynomial equations, and the second is double model, based on hyperbolical Michaelis-Menten type functions and negative exponential to define photoinhibition.  相似文献   

A new atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry (APCI‐LC/MS) method improved detection and aided characterization of fucoxanthin related carotenoids, revealing the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay et Mohler (strain MBA 92, Plymouth) to contain a wider range of acyloxyfucoxanthins than reported previously. The diversity is confirmed as arising from differences in the length of the alkanoic acid substituent esterified at position C‐19′. Acyloxyfucoxanthins with substituents of between four and eight carbons at the C‐19′ position have been detected in a culture of Emiliania huxleyi, where previously only 19′‐butanoyloxyfucoxanthin and 19′‐hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin have been reported in the literature. Novel fucoxanthinol derivatives were also found. The detection of these novel carotenoids in Emiliania huxleyi permits detailed studies of the impact of environmental factors on individual components of the complex pool of fucoxanthin‐type carotenoids in this organism.  相似文献   

NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR) catalyzes photoreduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide in chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and is required for prolamellar body (PLB) formation in etioplasts. Rice faded green leaf (fgl) mutants develop yellow/white leaf variegation and necrotic lesions during leaf elongation in field‐grown plants. Map‐based cloning revealed that FGL encodes OsPORB, one of two rice POR isoforms. In fgl, etiolated seedlings contained smaller PLBs in etioplasts, and lower levels of total and photoactive Pchlide. Under constant or high light (HL) conditions, newly emerging green leaves rapidly turned yellow and formed lesions. Increased levels of non‐photoactive Pchlide, which acts as a photosensitizer, may cause reactive oxygen accumulation and lesion formation. OsPORA expression is repressed by light and OsPORB expression is regulated in a circadian rhythm in short‐day conditions. OsPORA was expressed at high levels in developing leaves and decreased dramatically in fully mature leaves, whereas OsPORB expression was relatively constant throughout leaf development, similar to expression patterns of AtPORA and AtPORB in Arabidopsis. However, OsPORB expression is rapidly upregulated by HL treatment, similar to the fluence rate‐dependent regulation of AtPORC. This suggests that OsPORB function is equivalent to both AtPORB and AtPORC functions. Our results demonstrate that OsPORB is essential for maintaining light‐dependent Chl synthesis throughout leaf development, especially under HL conditions, whereas OsPORA mainly functions in the early stages of leaf development. Developmentally and physiologically distinct roles of monocot OsPORs are discussed by comparing with those of dicot AtPORs.  相似文献   

The object of this work was to determine, using a full-factorial experiment, the influence of temperature, irradiance and salinity on growth and hepatotoxin production by Nodularia spumigena, isolated from Lake Alexandrina in the south-east of South Australia. Higher levels of biomass (determined as particulate organic carbon, POC), toxin production and intracellular toxin concentration per mg POC were produced under light limited conditions (30 mol m–2 s–1) and at salinities equal to or greater than those experienced in Lake Alexandrina. Both highest biomass and total toxin production rates were recorded at temperatures equal to or greater than those of the lake (20 and 30°C). The temperature at which maximum biomass and toxin production was recorded decreased from 30°C for cultures grown at 30 mol m–2 s–1 to 20°C when grown at 80 mol m–2 s–1. In contrast, intracellular toxin per mg POC was highest at the lowest growth temperature, 10°C, at both 30 and 80 mol m–2 s–1. It appears that the optimum temperature for biosynthetic pathways used in the production of toxin is lower than the optimum temperature for those pathways associated with growth. Intracellular toxin levels were higher in cells cultured at 10°C/30 mol m–2 s–1 whereas the majority of the toxin was extracellular in cells grown at 30°C/30 mol m–2 s–1. This implies that the highest concentration of toxin in lake water would occur under high temperature and high irradiance conditions. Individual environmental parameters of salinity, irradiance and temperature were all shown to influence growth and toxin production. Notwithstanding, the overall influence of these three parameters on toxin production was mediated through their effect upon growth rate.  相似文献   

  • Research into the influence of stress factors, such as drought, different temperatures and/or varied light conditions, on plants due to climate changes is becoming increasingly important. Epiphytes, like many species of the Bromeliaceae, are particularly affected by this, but little is known about impacts on nectar composition and nectary metabolism.
  • We investigated the influence of drought, different temperatures and light–dark regimes on nectar and nectaries of the epiphytic bromeliad species, Aechmea fasciata, and also the influence of drought with the terrestrial bromeliad, Billbergia nutans. The content of sugars, amino acids and ions in nectar and nectaries was analysed using HPLC. In addition, the starch content and the activities of different invertases in nectaries were determined.
  • Compositions of nectar and nectaries were hardly influenced, neither by light nor dark, nor by different temperatures. In contrast, drought revealed changes in nectar volumes and nectar sugar compositions in the epiphytic bromeliad as well as in the terrestrial bromeliad. In both species, the sucrose‐to‐hexose ratio in nectar decreased considerably during the drought period. These changes in nectar sugar composition do not correlate with changes in the nectaries. The total sugar, amino acid and ion concentrations remained constant in nectar as well as in nectaries during the drought period.
  • Changes in nectar composition or in the production of floral pollinator rewards are likely to affect plant–pollinator interactions. It remains questionable how far the adaptations of the bromeliads to drought and diverse light or temperature conditions are still sufficient.

Spartidium saharae is an endemic species of the Saharo-Arabian region. It is a tall shrub widely distributed in many sandy habitats including desert dunes and sandy systems in south-western part of Tunisia, where water and salinity are serious constraints. Laboratory experiments were carried out to assess temperature and salinity effects on seed germination. The seed germination responses were determined in complete darkness over a wide range of temperatures and salinities. Germination was inhibited by either an increase or decrease in temperature from the optimal temperature range (15–20°C). Highest germination percentages were obtained under nonsaline conditions and an increase in NaCl concentrations progressively inhibited seed germination. An interaction between salinity and temperature yielded no germination at 200 m m NaCl.  相似文献   

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