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Interveinal leaf chlorosis, brittleness, limited necrotic flecking or bronzing developed on greenhouse‐grown tobacco and tomato plants at Nanjing Agricultural University from 2010 to 2013. A positive RT‐PCR using a pair of degenerate primers for Crinivirus confirmed the diseased plants were infected with Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV). The complete RNA 1 genomic sequence of this ToCV isolate was determined; it comprises of 8596 nucleotides with four open reading frames. Phylogenetic analysis of ToCV isolates from diverse geographical regions categorized the ToCV isolates into two main groups. Group one consisted of Chinese, American‐Florida, Greek and Brazilian isolates, while Group two contained only the Spanish isolate. The first group had two subgroups, one of Chinese and American‐Florida isolates, while the other subgroup had Greek and Brazilian isolates. This is the first study of the complete nucleotide sequence of the RNA 1 of ToCV isolated from China.  相似文献   

By comparing the partial nucleotide sequences of the heat shock protein HSP70 homologue gene, we assessed the genetic diversity of Brazilian tomato isolates of Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), as well as their relationship with other ToCV isolates found worldwide. The Brazilian ToCV isolates shared 99.9–100% nucleotide identity, which indicates low genetic diversity. Brazilian ToCV isolates showed a closer evolutionary relationship to those from Mediterranean countries. Based on these results, the origin of Brazilian ToCV isolates and the possible number of introductions of the virus into Brazil are discussed.  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV), which is a newly emerged and rapidly spreading plant virus in China, has seriously reduced tomato production and quality over the past several years. In this study, the effect of ToCV on the demography of the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype Q (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), fed on infected and healthy tomato plants was evaluated using the age‐stage, two‐sex life table. When reared on ToCV‐infected tomato plants, the fecundity, length of oviposition period and female adult longevity of B. tabaci biotype Q decreased significantly, while the pre‐adult duration significantly increased compared to controls reared on healthy tomatoes. Consequently, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) and finite of increase (λ) of B. tabaci biotype Q on ToCV‐infected tomato plants significantly decreased compared to those on healthy tomatoes. Population projection predicted that a population of B. tabaci biotype Q fed on ToCV‐infected tomatoes increases slower than on healthy plants. These findings demonstrated that ToCV infection decreased the performance of B. tabaci biotype Q on tomato plants.  相似文献   

The complete genome sequence of a Laixi isolate of Peanut stripe virus (PStV‐Laixi) from China was determined to be 10, 056 nucleotides in length, excluding the 3′‐terminal poly (A) tail. The viral genome contains a single long open reading frame of 9669 nucleotides encoding a polyprotein of 3222 amino acids. The polyprotein was predicted to be cleaved into ten functional proteins by three viral proteases. An additional protein, termed ‘PIPO’, is also found in the P3 cistron. The complete genome sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis indicated that PStV‐Laixi was most closely related to three other isolates of PStV (two from USA and one from Taiwan). To our knowledge, this is the first report of the complete sequence of a PStV isolate from China.  相似文献   

Virus particles of approximately 740–760 nm in length and 13 nm in diameter were observed from a diseased Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) plant in Sichuan Province, China. The complete genomic sequence of the virus isolate XC1 was determined to contain 9659 nucleotides without 3′ terminal poly(A) tail. XC1 has a genome typical of members of the genus Potyvirus, encoding a large polyprotein of 3075 amino acids. Putative proteolytic cleavage sites and a number of well characterized functional motifs were identified by sequence comparisons with those of known potyviruses. Sequence comparison revealed that XC1 shared the highest level of nucleotide sequence identity (76.5%) with Wild tomato mosaic virus (WTMV). Phylogenetic analysis showed that XC1 was closely related to the WTMV Guangdong isolate with an identity of 94.3% between CP gene sequence of the two viruses. We thus named XC1 WTMV‐XC‐1 as a novel isolate of WTMV. The full sequence of WTMV‐XC‐1 may serve as a basis for future investigations on the gene diversity of WTMV.  相似文献   

Orchids are some of the most important ornamental flowers. Cymbidium mosaic virus (CymMV) and Odontoglossum ringspot virus (ORSV) are the most prevalent and economically important viruses affecting orchids in China. In this study, 20 CymMV and 28 ORSV isolates were selected for genetic diversity analysis. The CymMV isolates shared 84.6–100% and 89.5–100% identities of coat protein (CP) at the nucleotide (nt) and amino acid (aa) levels, respectively. The identities of ORSV isolates were 96.4–100% (nt) and 92.5–99.4% (aa). The CP genes of CymMV were found to have genetic diversity, and the CP genes of ORSV were genetically conservative. These results can aid in designing effective disease‐control strategies.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy studies were carried out to investigate the cytopathological changes induced in tomato leaves by Tomato torrado virus (ToTV) that infects tomato plants worldwide causing severe necrotic symptoms. Plants infected with one of the Polish isolates of ToTV were used for cytopathological research. The results revealed severe cellular alterations, especially in Solanum lycopersicum. Moreover, it was shown that crystalline aggregates of virions occurred not only within the phloem cells as it has been previously reported.  相似文献   

Virus‐like chlorotic symptoms were observed on tomato plants, cv. Velocity, grown in a greenhouse, region of Plovdiv. Samples collected from the leaves with interveinal yellowing and with initial interveinal chlorosis were tested for virus presence. Only the samples collected from the upper leaves with slight interveinal chlorosis were positive for Tomato infectious chlorosis virus (TICV) in indirect ELISA. Further, RT‐PCR analysis with specific primers for Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) heat shock protein 70, for TICV heat shock protein 70 and for TICV minor capsid protein was positive for TICV in all tested samples. No signals were obtained with primers for ToCV. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Bulgarian sequence of Hsp70 and a sequence of Greek isolate clustered together having the highest resampling score. Regarding CPm, the Bulgarian isolate was more relevant to the French isolate. The obtained results from phylogenetic analysis supported the idea of a close relationship between the Bulgarian and Greek isolates.  相似文献   

The combinational analysis of polymerase chain reaction and restriction enzyme analysis (PCR‐RE) to distinguish six Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) isolates from five countries was developed. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus has spread from the Middle East to Western Europe, Central America and Eastern Asia, and occurs on infected crops such as tomatoes, peppers, cucurbits and beans. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus isolates from Jordan (TYLCV‐Mld[Jo:Cuc] and TYLCV‐IL[Jo:Cuc]), Israel (TYLCV‐IL[IL:Reo:86]), Spain (TYLCV‐Mld[ES72/97]), USA (TYLCV‐IL[US:F10:04]) and Korea (TYLCV‐KR) were collected, and the sequences of the six isolates were analysed to distinguish them by PCR‐RE combination analysis. Oligonucleotide primers for the six TYLCV isolates were designed to amplify approximately 740 base pairs including the intergenic region (IR) and parts of V1 and V2 ORF. Unique restriction enzyme sites were analysed to identify isolate‐specific restriction enzyme sites on the PCR products of each isolate. Three enzymes (DdeI, FauI and BssSI) were selected by in silico analysis, and then, the PCR products following the serial digestion of each restriction enzyme were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis to distinguish the TYLCV isolates. Taken together, the PCR‐RE combination analysis by serial digestion with three restriction enzymes could be a useful method for distinguishing the six isolates.  相似文献   

The key regions in Panama involved in open field‐ and greenhouse‐grown commercial tomato production, including the Chiriquí, Veraguas, Herrera, Los Santos, Coclé and Panama Oeste provinces, were surveyed for the incidence and distribution of begomoviruses in the growing seasons of 2011 and 2012. The surveys took place in 14 of the 51 districts of the above‐mentioned provinces and comprised all relevant tomato production areas of the provinces. A total of 28 tomato plots were surveyed. The exact location of each plot was geo‐referenced using a hand‐held Global Positioning System unit. In total, 319 individual tomato plants (181 in 2011 and 138 in 2012) were sampled. Plants displayed diverse combinations of virus‐like symptoms of different severity, including necrosis, yellowing, mosaic, mottling, rolling, curling, distortion and puckering of leaves, reduced leaf size, and stunted growth. DNA was extracted from each plant for a subsequent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, using two sets of degenerate primers able to detect members of the genus Begomovirus. The samples displaying a positive reaction were subsequently analysed with specific primer pairs to identify the affecting begomoviruses. A total of 42.3% of all collected samples showed a positive signal to PCRs. Three begomovirus species were detected with the species‐specific set of primers; in particular, in the samples obtained in 2011, Potato yellow mosaic Panama virus (PYMPV), Tomato leaf curl Sinaloa virus (ToLCSiV) and Tomato yellow mottle virus (TYMoV) were detected, while in the 2012 samples, only PYMPV and ToLCSiV were found. To our knowledge, this is the first reported incidence of ToLCSiV and TYMoV in Panamanian tomato crops.  相似文献   

Two virus isolates, designated S1 and TL, were obtained from tomato and camellia root in China, respectively, and their host ranges, symptomatology, serological reactions and complete nucleotide sequences were determined. Isolate TL systemically infected Chenopodium amaranticolor causing leaf chlorosis, but the isolate S1 induced only local necrotic lesions. The complete nucleotide sequences of S1 and TL were determined and consisted of 6384 and 6383 nucleotides (Genbank accessions AJ132845 and AJ417701 ), respectively. Sequence analysis revealed that both isolates have the highest nucleotide sequence identity (over 92%) with Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV), but less (80%) with other tobamoviruses. Phylogenetic analyses based on the amino acid sequences of 30‐kD and 17.5‐kD proteins also indicated that both the isolates form a cluster with the isolates of ToMV. These data suggest that S1 and TL are isolates of ToMV. The possible reasons that TL infected C. amaranticolor systemically but S1 induced only local necrotic lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

The full‐length nucleotide sequence of the Iranian isolate of Eggplant mottled dwarf virus (EMDV), a phytorhabdovirus, was determined using the random polymerase chain reaction method (rPCR) followed by PCR with specific primers to fill in the gaps. The negative‐sense RNA genome of the Iranian isolate of EMDV contains 13154 nucleotides and seven open‐reading frames (ORFs) in the order 3′‐leader‐N‐X‐P‐Y‐M‐G‐L‐trailer‐5′. These ORFs encode the nucleocapsid, X protein (of unknown function), phosphoprotein, Y protein (putative movement protein), matrix protein, glycoprotein and RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase, respectively. EMDV has a 199 nt 3′ leader RNA and a 151 nt 5′ trailer, and the ORFs are separated by conserved intergenic sequences. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that EMDV is most closely related to Potato yellow dwarf virus, which has a distinctly different geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of an Indian isolate of Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) was determined and found to be 7,525 nt in length. The genome organization was similar to known isolates of ACLSV, encoding three ORFs. Comparisons indicated high sequence variability among known isolates with overall nucleotide sequence identities of 80 to 84%. A striking variable region was identified among the replicase protein upstream of the RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (aa 1510–1590), which showed a 41–43% match with the corresponding region in other isolates. Phylogenetic analysis at the nucleotide level clustered the isolates into three groups, without any relation to geographical origin. Recombination analysis showed that the isolate is a recombinant with recombination sites spread throughout the genome, especially in the polymerase gene region (nt 4700–5400). Most recombination sites were bordered by an upstream region (5′) of GC‐rich and downstream region (3′) of AU‐rich sequences of similar length. Correlation of recombination site with host type is discussed, and it was found that there were more interlineage recombinations in the apple host compared with intralineage recombinations.  相似文献   

Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) is one of the economically important latent viruses that are distributed in apple production areas worldwide. The presence of ASGV in apple trees was studied by serological assay and molecular biology methods. A total of 550 apple leaf samples from 14 different areas in Shaanxi were tested by DAS‐ELISA, and the results revealed an ASGV infection level of 55%. Those samples were also examined by RT‐PCR, and an infection level of 67% was found. Fourteen complete coat protein gene sequences of ASGV were obtained; phylogenetic analysis revealed that these 14 sequences separated into two clusters regardless of the geographic origin or host plants. To our knowledge, this is the first report of molecular variability analysis of ASGV in apple trees in China.  相似文献   

Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) is a member of the genus Crinivirus in the family Closteroviridae. It has a wide host range and wide distribution, causing serious harm to the vegetable industry. The autophagy pathway plays an important role in plant resistance to virus infection. Viruses and plant hosts coevolve in defence and antidefence processes around autophagy. In this study, the interaction between ToCV p22 and Nicotiana benthamiana B-cell lymphoma2-associated athanogenes5 Nicotiana benthamiana (NbBAG5) was examined. Through overexpression and down-regulation of NbBAG5, results showed that NbBAG5 could negatively regulate ToCV infection. NbBAG5 was found to be localized in mitochondria and can change the original localization of ToCV p22, which is colocalized in mitochondria. NbBAG5 inhibited the expression of mitophagy-related genes and the number of autophagosomes, thereby regulating viral infection by affecting mitophagy. In summary, this study demonstrated that ToCV p22 affects autophagy by interacting with NbBAG5, established the association between viral infection, BAG proteins family, and the autophagy pathway, and explained the molecular mechanism by which ToCV p22 interacts with NbBAG5 to inhibit autophagy to regulate viral infection.  相似文献   

An epidemic outbreak of severe yellow leaf curl disease was reported in field grown tomato within Zhejiang Province of China in the autumn–winter cropping season of 2006. A molecular diagnostic survey was carried out based on comparisons of partial and complete viral DNA sequences. Comparison of partial DNA‐A sequences amplified with degenerate primers specific for begomoviruses confirmed the presence of two types of begomoviruses. The complete DNA sequences of five isolates, corresponding to the two types, were determined. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analysis revealed that they correspond to two previously identified begomoviruses, Tomato yellow leaf curl virus and Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus. The satellite DNAβ molecule was not detected in these samples by either PCR or Southern blot hybridization analysis. There has been no previous report of geminivirus disease incidence in Zhejiang Province, indicating that the introduction of these two tomato infecting geminiviruses into the agro‐ecological zone of South‐eastern China is a fairly recent event. The implications for disease control are discussed.  相似文献   

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