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The consequences of polyandry for female fitness are controversial. Sexual conflict studies and a meta‐analysis of mating rates in insects suggest that there is a longevity cost when females mate repeatedly. Even so, compensatory material benefits can elevate egg production and fertility, partly because polyandry ensures an adequate sperm supply. Polyandry can therefore confer direct benefits. The main controversy surrounds genetic benefits. The argument is analogous to that surrounding the evolution of conventional female mate choice, except that with polyandry it is post‐copulatory mechanisms that might bias paternity towards males with higher breeding values for fitness. Recent meta‐analyses of extra‐pair copulations in birds have cast doubt on whether detectable genetic benefits exist. By contrast, another meta‐analysis showed that polyandry elevates egg hatching success (possibly due to a fertilization bias towards sperm with paternal genes that elevate embryo survival) in insects. A detailed summary of whether polyandry elevates other components of offspring performance is lacking. Here we present a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 232 effect sizes from 46 experimental studies. These experiments were specifically designed to try to quantify the potential genetic benefits of polyandry by controlling fully for the number of matings by females assigned to monandry and polyandry treatments. The bias‐corrected 95% confidence intervals for egg hatching success (d = ?0.01 to 0.61), clutch production (d = 0.07 to 0.45) and fertility (d = 0.04 to 0.40) all suggest that polyandry has a beneficial effect (although P values from parametric tests were marginally non‐significant at P = 0.075, 0.052 and 0.058, respectively). Polyandry was not significantly beneficial for any single offspring performance trait (e.g. growth rate, survival, adult size), but the test power was low due to small sample sizes (suggesting that many more studies are still needed). We then calculated a composite effect size that provides an index of general offspring performance. Depending on the model assumptions, the mean effect of polyandry was either significantly positive or marginally non‐significant. A possible role for publication bias is discussed. The magnitude of the reported potential genetic benefits (d = 0.07 to 0.19) are larger than those from two recent meta‐analyses comparing offspring sired by social and extra‐pair mates in birds (d = 0.02 to 0.04). This difference raises the intriguing possibility that cryptic, post‐copulatory female choice might be more likely to generate ‘good gene’ or ‘compatible gene’ benefits than female choice of mates based on the expression of secondary sexual traits.  相似文献   

The female genital structures of the entelegyne spider Latrodectus revivensis are described using semithin sections and scanning electron microscopy. Apart from the tactile hairs overhanging the opening of the atrium, the contact zones of the female epigynum are devoid of any sensilla, indicating that the female does not discriminate in favor or against males due to their genital size or stimulation through copulatory courtship. The dumb-bell shape and the spatial separation of the entrance and the exit of the paired spermathecae suggest that they are functionally of the conduit type. Not described for other entelegyne spiders so far, the small fertilization ducts originating from the spermathecae of each side lead to a common fertilization duct that connects the spermathecae to the uterus externus. During oviposition, it is most likely that spermatozoa are indiscriminately sucked out of the spermathecal lumina by the low pressure produced by the contraction of the muscle extending from the epigynal plate to the common fertilization duct. As no greater amounts of secretion are produced by the female during oviposition, and no activated sperm are present within the female genital tract, the secretion produced by the spermathecal epithelium does not serve in displacement or (selective) activation of spermatozoa. These findings suggest that female L. revivensis are not able to exert cryptic female choice by selectively choosing spermatozoa of certain males.  相似文献   

To capture how sexual selection shapes male reproductive success across different stages of reproduction in Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae), we combined sequential sperm defence (P1) and sperm offence (P2) trials with additional trials where both males were added simultaneously to the female. We found a positive correlation between the relative paternity share in simultaneous male–male competition trials and the P2 trial. This suggests that males preferred by females as sires achieve superior fertilization success during sperm competition in the second male position. In simultaneous male–male competition trials, where pre‐, peri‐ and postcopulatory sexual selection were all allowed to act, the relative paternity share of preferred males was more than 20% higher than in P2 sperm competition trials where precopulatory female choice was disabled. Additional behavioural observations revealed that mating with more attractive males resulted significantly more frequently in offspring production than mating with less attractive males. Thus, by comparing male fertilization success in trials where precopulatory choice was turned off with more inclusive estimates of fertilization success where pre‐ and pericopulatory choice could occur, we show that female mate choice may effectively inhibit sperm competition. Female mate choice and sperm competition (P2) are positively correlated, which is consistent with directional sexual selection in this species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 112 , 67–75.  相似文献   

The sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus , was used in aquarium experiments to study the importance of body size for the ability of males to gain access to nest sites and mates. When several male and female P. minutus were allowed to reproduce together, on average, half of the males built nests, and half of those males obtained eggs in their nests. Males with nests were significantly larger than males without nests, and nests with eggs belonged to males larger than the males with empty nests. In another experiment, when two males were competing for one nest, the largest male occupied the nest when both fish were put into the aquarium simultaneously. However, when the smaller male had been allowed to establish a nest before the larger male was introduced, the small male could usually retain the nest. Males with a body length < 50 mm did not build nests at all in the early part of the breeding season. In female choice experiments, no preference for larger males was found. Thus, male-male competition for nest sites and behavioural differences between different sized males seem to be the main factors influencing the non-random mating success in male P. minutus.  相似文献   

Abstract Female yellow dung flies have large paired accessory reproductive glands, the function of which remains unclear. However, gland contents are secreted during copula and egg laying. Other female flies produce a range of anti-bacterial substances in their accessory reproductive glands that protect them and their eggs from pathogens, and it is possible that gland secretion acts similarly in yellow dung flies. A series of experiments was conducted to test this idea. Because the volume of secretion remaining in the glands is negatively related to copula duration, egg hatchability and longevity of females was compared in groups that copulated experimentally once or three times. A zone inhibition assay was used to see if gland extract inhibited bacterial growth. Egg number was positively associated with female body size, but the proportion of eggs hatching was not. Neither copula number nor duration influenced egg number or hatch number or proportion. In accordance with this, gland extract did not inhibit bacterial growth. However, female longevity was reduced in females that copulated with more males. This suggests that gland secretion does not serve to protect eggs, but as with a number of taxa, copula is costly to female yellow dung flies.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory predicts competitive males and choosy females. Nevertheless, since molecular marker‐based studies, paternity outside the expected mating patterns has increasingly been described. Even in highly polygynous systems, where paternity is expected to be strongly skewed towards large, dominant males, alternative mating tactics have been suggested. We examined reproductive success in the polygynous Galápagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki). Semiaquatic territoriality allows females to move freely and may lower the degree of polygyny otherwise suggested by both territorial behaviour and strong sexual dimorphism. We assigned paternities with 22 microsatellites and analysed how male reproductive success was related to size, dominance status, intra‐sexual agonistic behaviour, proximity to females, and attendance in the colony. Male behaviour was consistent across two seasons for all parameters under consideration. Attendance was by far the most important determinant of paternal success. Skew in reproductive success towards large, dominant males was weak and dominance status played no role. This appears to be caused by an extremely long reproductive season lasting five or more months, making it difficult for any male to monopolize receptive females. Females seem to choose displaying males that were present in the colony for a long time rather than dominance per se. Sexual dimorphism in Galápagos sea lions may thus be more influenced by selection for fasting than fighting ability. Our data provide further evidence for alternative mating tactics, as several males gained relatively high reproductive success despite short attendance and hardly any involvement in agonistic interactions.  相似文献   

This study examined the behavior and reproduction of a monogamous coral-reef fish, Valenciennea strigata, to determine mate fidelity and the proximate causes of monogamy. Most fish were found in monogamous pairs that remained together over several rounds of reproduction. Pairs stayed within close proximity to each other and their burrows. Females fed at a higher rate than their mates, while males spent more time maintaining burrows. Females spawned every 13 days; males guarded eggs in the burrow for 2–3 days. Although females limited the RS of males, males did not mate polygynously under natural conditions. Reproductive success (RS) was affected primarily by survival, and secondarily by size. Both sexes enforced monogamy by guarding their mates. Three factors facilitated mate guarding: (1) all males were able to hold a nest site, (2) both sexes showed strong site fidelity, and (3) residents had an advantage in contests over mates. Thus, mates were economically defensible. Additionally, females formed a crescent of dark pigments on their abdomen that resembled a gravid condition; these marks may enhance continuation of the pair bond. Both sexes preferred large mates, and pairs were positively assorted by size. Males benefited from guarding large females because fecundity increased with size. Females may benefit from the burrowing of males, and larger males should be better burrowers.  相似文献   

  • 1 The adaptive significance of multiple mating by female Gryllus bimaculatus (De Geer) was investigated.
  • 2 Multiple mating prevented the depletion of sperm stores and, therefore, maintained high hatching success. This may not, however, explain the high frequency of remating in this species.
  • 3 Male-derived egg stimulants known to be passed with sperm at mating increased the number of eggs produced only when females mated throughout their lifespans.
  • 4 Spermatophore consumption appeared to provide nutrients which, while they did not increase the quantity of eggs, increased egg quality as indicated by weight. Females who consumed spermatophores had a greater hatching success.
  • 5 While females may derive non-genetic benefits from mating, these are apparently long-term benefits; females must mate throughout their lives in order to accrue them.
  • 6 Since the benefits of mating may not be derived from individual males, the spermatophores and their contents in this species are best considered as mating effort.

Enzyme polymorphism in phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Pgdh) is a striking example of single gene polymorphism involved in sexual conflict in bulb mite Rhizoglyphus robini. Males homozygous for the S Pgdh allele were shown to achieve higher reproductive success than FF homozygous males, while negatively influencing fecundity of their female partners. Here, we investigate proximate mechanisms responsible for the increased reproductive success of SS males and find that the S allele is associated with shorter time until copulation, higher copulation frequency and increased sperm production. We also show that Pgdh alleles are probably codominant, with SS males gaining the highest reproductive success, FF males – the lowest – and FS‐heterozygous males taking an intermediate position in all fitness parameters differentiating males of different genotypes. Additionally, we confirm the negative effect that S‐bearing males impose on the fecundity of females they mate with, showing a clear pattern of interlocus sexual conflict. We discuss that this effect is probably associated with increased copulation frequency. Whereas, contrary to what we have predicted, the S allele does not cause increased general male mobility, we speculate that the S allele‐bearing males are more efficient in forcing copulation and/or detecting females.  相似文献   

Apanius V  Nisbet IC 《Oecologia》2006,147(1):12-23
The evolution of longevity requires a low risk of mortality from extrinsic factors, relative to intrinsic factors, so that individuals that differentially invest in physiological self-maintenance and minimize their annual reproductive costs will maximize lifetime fitness through a prolonged reproductive lifespan. The trade-off between reproductive effort and self-maintenance, as measured by immune function, has been well documented in short-lived birds, but is difficult to demonstrate in long-lived birds. To assess self-maintenance in a long-lived seabird, we measured serum protein levels, including immunoglobulin G (IgG = IgY), in 30 breeding pairs of common terns (Sterna hirundo) and their first-hatched (A) chicks. Most parents were of known age from banding as hatchlings; our sample was selected to contrast young breeders (6–9 years) with very old birds (17–23 years). Body-mass of the parents declined by 5% during the chick-rearing period, while serum protein levels were stable. Serum IgG levels were higher in parents of offspring with faster growth rates, while IgG levels were lower in parents whose broods were reduced by starvation. A-chicks in broods of two had higher IgG levels than singleton chicks. Albumin levels were not related to reproductive performance. Thus, despite adequate statistical power, we could find no evidence for a trade-off between reproduction and self-maintenance in common terns, even in old age. The results are consistent with life-history predictions for long-lived vertebrates, in which selection favors sustained self-maintenance across the reproductive lifespan. The positive relationships between IgG levels and reproductive performance indicate that IgG can be used as an index of parental “quality.”  相似文献   

Molecular technologies have revolutionized our classification of animal mating systems, yet we still know very little about the genetic mating systems of many vertebrate groups. It is widely believed that anuran amphibians have the highest reproductive diversity of all vertebrates, yet genetic mating systems have been studied in <1% of all described species. Here, we use single nucleotide polymorphisms to quantify the genetic mating system of the terrestrial breeding red‐backed toadlet Pseudophryne coriacea. In this species, breeding is prolonged (approximately 5 months), and males construct subterranean nests in which females deposit eggs. We predicted that females would display extreme sequential polyandry because this mating system has been reported in a closely related species (P. bibronii). Parentage analysis revealed that mating success was heavily skewed towards a subset of males (30.6% of potential sires) and that nearly all females (92.6%) mated with one male. In a high percentage of occupied nests (37.1%), the resident male was not the genetic sire, and very few nests (4.3%) contained clutches with multiple paternity. Unexpectedly, these results show that sequential polyandry is rare. They also show that there is a high frequency of nest takeover and extreme competition between males for nest sites, but that males rarely sneak matings. Genetic analysis also revealed introgressive hybridization between P. coriacea and the red‐crowned toadlet (Pseudophryne australis). Our study demonstrates a high level of mating system complexity, and it shows that closely related anurans can vary dramatically in their genetic mating system.  相似文献   

Previous models for the evolution of alternative male matingbehavior have virtually ignored the role of female choice. Wepresent a model in which female choice favors the evolutionand maintenance of alternative mating strategies in male ruffs,Philomachus pugnax. Resident male ruffe establish and defendcourts on leks against other residents, while non-territorialsatellite males move between leks and among courts on a lek.Residents appear to actively recruit satellites to their courts,even though satellites may mate with females once there. Residentbehavior toward satellites and data on female behavior suggestthat residents benefit from a satellite's presence due to somefemale preference for mating on co-occupied courts. However,if all residents accept satellites, none gains any relativeadvantage, yet all pay the costs of having satellites on theircourt. We present a game theoretical model that shows that therelative nature of female choice places residents in an evolutionarydilemma with respect to satellite acceptance. Although all residentswould benefit if satellites could be cooperatively excludedfrom leks, the only evolutionarily stable strategy for individualresidents is to defect and accept satellites. The model alsodemonstrates that this "resident's dilemma" likely exists onlyin a local sense, since the failure of residents to cooperativelyexclude satellites from leks need not result in globally lowerpayoffs, due to frequency-dependent selection on the proportionof satellites in the population. Our analysis suggests thatthe resident-satellite relationship in ruffs, despite its obviouscompetitive elements, is fundamentally a cooperative associationfavored by female choice. Female choice has also been proposedas the primary mechanism selecting for male association to formleks in ruffe. In this context, resident-satellite associationsmay be thought of as transitory "leks within a lek  相似文献   

Alternative male mate-securing strategies are widespread among animal taxa, but there are few well-documented examples of genetic polymorphisms for them. In the Japanese calopterygid damselfly Mnais costalis, males occur as either orange-winged territorial fighter males, or clear-winged non-territorial sneaker males. It has previously been suggested that this behavioral polymorphism is genetically controlled. However, there was no direct evidence for this. By rearing two groups of larvae from the same female but sired by different male morphs, I show that differential morph development is genetically controlled and consistent with a single-locus two-allele autosomal genetic polymorphism.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the dynamics of the parapatric boundary in South Australia of the ticks Amblyomma limbatum and Bothriocroton hydrosauri the late Professor C. Michael Bull initiated studies into the ecology of sleepy lizards (Tiliqua rugosa), a common host of these parasites. These studies spanned a period of about 40 years and examined aspects such as monogamy, long‐term mate fidelity, social networks, personality, resource use and the transmission of parasites and other pathogens. This review incorporates the results of these studies with other information about this species to provide a comprehensive overview of its natural history, highlighting not only what is known, but also indicates areas that require further study.  相似文献   

The arctic–alpine Ranunculus glacialis s. l. is distributed in high‐mountain ranges of temperate Europe and in the North, where it displays an extreme disjunction between the North Atlantic Arctic and Beringia. Based on comprehensive sampling and employing plastid and nuclear marker systems, we (i) test whether the European/Beringian disjunction correlates with the main evolutionary diversification, (ii) reconstruct the phylogeographic history in the Arctic and in temperate mountains and (iii) assess the susceptibility of arctic and mountain populations to climate change. Both data sets revealed several well‐defined lineages, mostly with a coherent geographic distribution. The deepest evolutionary split did not coincide with the European/Beringian disjunction but occurred within the Alps. The Beringian lineage and North Atlantic Arctic populations, which reached their current distribution via rapid postglacial colonization, show connections to two divergent pools of Central European populations. Thus, immigration into the Arctic probably occurred at least twice. The presence of a rare cpDNA lineage related to Beringia in the Carpathians supports the role of these mountains as a stepping stone between temperate Europe and the non‐European Arctic, and as an important area of high‐mountain biodiversity. The temperate and arctic ranges presented contrasting phylogeographic histories: a largely static distribution in the former and rapid latitudinal spread in the latter. The persistence of ancient lineages with a strictly regional distribution suggests that the ability of R. glacialis to survive repeated climatic changes within southern mountain ranges is greater than what recently was predicted for alpine plants from climatic envelope modelling.  相似文献   

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