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Fallow field biotopes that develop from abandoned rice fields are man‐made wetlands that provide new habitats for various aquatic animals. Although consideration of such biotopes generally focuses on their positive aspects, this study evaluated the negative aspects of establishing fallow field biotopes with regard to mosquito breeding sites. To determine whether fallow field biotopes become breeding habitats for vector mosquitoes, we evaluated mosquito fauna in fallow field biotopes and adjacent rice fields. We found larvae of Anopheles lesteri, Anopheles sinensis and Culex tritaeniorhynchus (all: Diptera: Culicidae) in the biotopes. Although abundances of mosquito larvae in the biotopes and rice fields were statistically similar, mosquito abundances in rice fields increased dramatically in August when the water level reduced after the rainy season. The abundance and variety of the mosquitoes' natural predators were greater in biotopes than in rice fields because the former are a permanent and stable aquatic environment. A generalized linear mixed model showed a negative effect of predator diversity on mosquito larvae abundance in both habitats. Although fallow field biotopes become breeding habitats for vector mosquitoes, establishing biotopes from fallow fields in order to protect various aquatic animals, including mosquito insect predators, may help to control mosquito breeding.  相似文献   

围食膜: 害虫生物防治的潜在靶标   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
吉洪湖  袁哲明 《昆虫学报》2005,48(6):968-974
围食膜是昆虫中肠细胞分泌的一层特有的非细胞结构,由蛋白质、粘多糖和几丁质组成,是昆虫中肠细胞抵御随食物摄入的病原微生物入侵的第一道天然屏障。昆虫病毒增效蛋白、几丁质酶、荧光增白剂和外源凝集素等生物防治促进因子通过与围食膜上特异位点的结合,可破坏围食膜结构,改变其通透性,促进病原微生物对害虫的感染。该文综述了与昆虫围食膜密切相关的生防促进因子的增效活性及其作用机理,阐明了以围食膜为害虫生物防治靶标的应用前景。  相似文献   

Abundance prediction of aquatic insects (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera = EPT) based on environmental variables (precipitation, discharge, temperature) and abundance of the parent generation with Artificial Neural Nets (ANN) was carried out successfully. A general model for all species does not exist. Easy to understand models for individual species were restricted to stream sections with a characteristic set of variables. The amount of zero-values in the data did not affect the models. Transfer of one model to other stream sections resulted in a decrease of the determination coefficient B. Sufficient models for populations that have larvae in the stream all the year round required more information than for species with a diapause. All scaling options used decreased prediction quality. Long term mean values of variables and the deviation of actual from long term data were the best predictors, indicating a successful temporal link between seasonal variables and univoltine life cycles of most species tested. Prediction of monthly emergence in individual years was adequate with determination coefficients > 0.8 for five, and < 0.5 for only two out of ten years.  相似文献   

Urban wetlands are being created in the UK as part of sustainable urban drainage strategies, to create wetland habitats lost during development, to provide a habitat for protected species, and to increase the public's access to ‘blue‐space’ for the improvement of health and well‐being. Sewage treatment reedbeds are also being incorporated into newly constructed wetlands to offer an alternative approach to dealing with sewage. This field study aims to provide the first UK evidence of how such newly constructed aquatic habitats are colonized by mosquitoes. A number of new aquatic habitats were surveyed for immature mosquitoes every fortnight over the first two years following wetland construction. The majority of mosquitoes collected were Culex sp. and were significantly associated with the sewage treatment reedbed system, particularly following storm events and sewage inflow. Other more natural aquatic habitats that were subject to cycles of drying and re‐wetting contributed the majority of the remaining mosquitoes colonizing. Colonization of permanent habitats was slow, particularly where fluctuations in water levels inhibited emergent vegetation growth. It is recommended that during the planning process for newly constructed wetlands consideration is given on a case‐by‐case basis to the impact of mosquitoes, either as a cause of nuisance or as potential vectors. Although ornithophagic Culex dominated in this wetland, their potential role as enzootic West Nile virus vectors should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

【目的】通过对内蒙古阿拉善骆驼生活环境中水生双翅目昆虫的调查研究,以明确其种类的组成和分布。【方法】于2014年5-9月利用网捕法,调查了阿拉善骆驼生活环境水生双翅目昆虫。对鉴定的吸血种类的COI基因序列进行了测序和分析。【结果】共发现水生双翅目昆虫21科41属47种,其中有16种为内蒙古地区新记录,12种为吸血种类,长角亚目、芒角亚目和短角亚目个体数量分别占水生双翅目昆虫总数的49.3%,43.5%和7.2%。分子数据分析显示,12种吸血水生双翅目昆虫的COI基因序列一致性在75.9%~97.3%之间,不同科之间大部分水生双翅目昆虫差异显著,科内不同属间差异也较明显。【结论】本研究基本上掌握了内蒙古骆驼生活环境水生双翅目昆虫的种类,特别是吸血种类,为后期骆驼福斯盘尾丝虫病传播媒介种属的确定提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

An experimental system used to determine microhabitat current velocity and microhabitat selection by aquatic insects is described. The experimental system includes a microvelocity probe and a hydraulically calibrated artificial substrate. A thermistor velocity probe detects flow velocities to 0.5 m s–1 near the surface of substrates at locations inhabited by aquatic insects. The artificial substrate was designed to provide two major habitat types, highly turbulent vortex areas and regions with unidirectional, near laminar flow. Substrate calibration and microhabitat characteristics of the substrates are demonstrated. Experimental studies of Simulium sp. location on substrates indicated that while simuliid larvae are characteristic of lotic, erosional habitats, actual microhabitats selected are governed by substantially lower flow velocity.  相似文献   

The metacommunity concept studies the processes that structure communities on local and regional scales. This concept is useful to assess spatial variability. However, temporal patterns (e.g., ecological succession and colonization) are neglected in metacommunity studies, since such patterns require temporally extensive, and hard to execute studies. We used experimental habitats in temporary streams located within the Brazilian Cerrado to evaluate the importance of succession for the aquatic insect metacommunity. Five artificial habitats consisting of wrapped crushed rock were set transversally to the water flow in five streams. The habitats were sampled weekly to assess community composition, and replaced after sampling to identify new potential colonizers. We analyzed the accumulation of new colonizers after each week using a logistic model. We selected pairs of experimental habitats and estimated the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index to assess the community composition trajectory during the experiment. We used the dissimilarity values in ANOVA tests, identifying the importance of time and space for the community. The number of new taxa stabilized in the third week, and we estimated a weekly increase of 1.61 new taxa in the community after stabilization. The overall pattern was a small change on community composition, but one stream had a higher weekly turnover. Our results showed a relevant influence of time in the initial communities of aquatic insects of temporary streams. However, we must observe the temporal pattern in a spatial context, once different streams have different successional history regarding number of taxa and community turnover. We highlight the importance of aerial dispersal and movement to seek oviposition sites as an important factor in determining colonization patterns.  相似文献   

The use of biochemical or physiological measurements as indicators of ecotoxicity is under constant development and has the advantage of delineating effects before the appearance of disease. However, these biomarkers are often part of a battery of tests, and it is difficult to integrate them together to gain an overall view of an organism's health. The aim of this study was to develop an index that could integrate the data derived from a battery of biomarkers for application to both spatial and temporal studies. Mya arenaria clams were collected at different sites along the Saguenay Fjord (Quebec, Canada). Six biomarkers were measured: metallothioneins, DNA strand breakage, lipid peroxidation, vitellin-like proteins, phagocytosis, and non-specific esterase activity in haemocytes. A biomarker index was obtained by summing the biomarker values expressed in term of classes. Classes were determined by a distribution-free approach derived from the theory of rough sets. The results of the spatial study show that the index values discriminated well between contaminated and uncontaminated sites. The highly polluted sites had the highest index values (18 compared with a reference value of 14). In the temporal study, the index was also able to highlight possible contamination-induced alterations, even though the interpretation of temporal variation is complicated by natural variations occurring throughout the year. A control chart approach is proposed for determining contaminated sites in both spatial and temporal surveys.  相似文献   

Leaf beetles of the genus Macroplea live permanently under water. Species‐specific preferences for either freshwater or brackish water are available in the literature. To detect potential physiological differences, the oxygen consumption of Macroplea mutica and Macroplea appendiculata from habitats with differing salinities is measured at two different salinities (0 and 10). The specific oxygen consumption does not depend on oxygen saturation of the water (values in the approximate range of 25–100% occur during the experiments). There is no difference between species or sampling locations. Similarly, the salinity during the measurements does not affect the oxygen consumption of the beetles, either when compared as salinity per se (0 versus 10), or when classified as home salinity or atypical salinity. Comparisons with other chrysomelid beetles and aquatic insects (using available published data) reveal that the two Macroplea species have relatively low metabolic rates. This finding is discussed in the light of activity patterns and morphology, especially the reduction of flight muscles, which comprise a highly metabolically active tissue.  相似文献   

Abstract.Ether extracts of water samples taken from tyre sections in the field were shown to be active in electroantennogram studies with female Toxorhynchites moctezuma (Dyar & Knab) and Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall). In addition, electroantennograms were recorded from both Toxorhynchites species for seven compounds found commonly in water containing decaying leaves and known to be oviposition attractants for other mosquito species. The compounds were 4‐methylcyclohexanol, phenol, indole, 3‐methylindole, m‐ cresol, o‐ cresol and p‐ cresol. The response thresholds for these compounds ranged between 1 × 10–4μg and 1 μg for female antennae (100 μg for male antennae). These results provide a basis for behavioural studies of oviposition attractants for the Toxorhynchites species.  相似文献   

Vector-borne diseases often originate from wildlife and can spill over into the human population. One of the most important determinants of vector-borne disease transmission is the host preference of mosquitoes. Mosquitoes with a specialised host preference are guided by body odours to find their hosts in addition to carbon dioxide. Little is known about the role of mosquito host preference in the spillover of pathogenic agents from humans towards animals and vice versa. In the Republic of Congo, the attraction of mosquitoes to primate host odours was determined, as well as their possible role as malaria vectors, using odour-baited traps mimicking the potential hosts of mosquitoes. Most of the mosquito species caught showed a generalistic host preference. Anopheles obscurus was the most abundant Anopheles mosquito, with a generalistic host preference observed from the olfactory response and the detection of various Plasmodium parasites. Interestingly, Culex decens showed a much higher attraction towards chimpanzee odours than to human or cow odours. Human Plasmodium parasites were observed in both human and chimpanzee blood, although not in the Anopheles mosquitoes that were collected. Understanding the role of mosquito host preference for cross-species parasite transmission provides information that will help to determine the risk of spillover of vector-borne diseases.  相似文献   

Leopards Panthera pardus have a catholic diet and are generally thought to prey on medium-sized ungulates; however, knowledge on which species are actually preferred and avoided is lacking, along with an understanding of why such preferences arise. Twenty-nine published and four unpublished studies of leopard diet that had relative prey abundance estimates associated with them were analysed from 13 countries in 41 different spatial locations or temporal periods throughout the distribution of the leopard. A Jacobs' index value was calculated for each prey species in each study and the mean of these was then tested against a mean of 0 using t or sign tests for preference or avoidance. Leopards preferentially prey upon species within a weight range of 10–40 kg. Regression plots suggest that the most preferred mass of leopard prey is 25 kg, whereas the mean body mass of significantly preferred prey is 23 kg. Leopards prefer prey within this body mass range, which occur in small herds, in dense habitat and afford the hunter minimal risk of injury during capture. Consequently, impala, bushbuck and common duiker are significantly preferred, with chital likely to also be preferred with a larger sample size from Asian sites. Species outside the preferred weight range are generally avoided, as are species that are restricted to open vegetation or that have sufficient anti-predator strategies. The ratio of mean leopard body mass with that of their preferred prey is less than 1 and may be a reflection of their solitary hunting strategy. This model will allow us to predict the diet of leopards in areas where dietary information is lacking, also providing information to assist wildlife managers and conservation bodies on predator carrying capacity and predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

1. Classic studies of succession, largely dominated by plant community studies, focus on intrinsic drivers of change in community composition, such as inter‐specific competition and changes to the abiotic environment. They often do not consider extrinsic drivers of colonisation, such as seasonal phenology, that can affect community change. 2. Both intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of succession for dipteran communities that occupy ephemeral pools, such as those in artificial containers were investigated. By initiating communities at different times in the season and following them over time, the relative importance of intrinsic (i.e. habitat age) versus extrinsic (i.e. seasonal phenology) drivers of succession were compared. 3. Water‐filled artificial containers were placed in a deciduous forest with 20 containers initiated in each of 3 months. Containers were sampled weekly to assess community composition. Repeated‐measures mixed‐effects analysis of community correspondence analysis (CA) scores enabled us to partition intrinsic and extrinsic effects on succession. Covariates of temperature and precipitation were also tested. 4. Community trajectories (as defined by CA) differed significantly with habitat age and season, indicating that both intrinsic and extrinsic effects influence succession patterns. Comparisons of Akaike Information Criteria corrected for sample sizes (AICcs) showed that habitat age was more important than season for species composition. Temperature and precipitation did not explain composition changes beyond those explained by habitat age and season. 5. Quantification of relative strengths of intrinsic and extrinsic effects on succession in dipteran and other ephemeral communities enables us to disentangle processes that must be understood for predicting changes in community composition.  相似文献   

We engaged in field studies of native mosquitoes in a Cambridgeshire Fen, investigating a) the habitat specificity and seasonal dynamics of our native fauna in an intensively managed wetland, b) the impact of water‐level and ditch management, and c) their colonization of an arable reversion to flooded grassland wetland expansion project. Studies from April to October, 2010 collected 14,000 adult mosquitoes (15 species) over 292 trap‐nights and ~4,000 pre‐imaginal mosquitoes (11 species). Open floodwater species (Aedes caspius and Aedes cinereus, 43.3%) and wet woodland species (Aedes cantans/annulipes and Aedes rusticus, 32.4%) dominated, highlighting the major impact of seasonal water‐level management on mosquito populations in an intensively managed wetland. In permanent habitats, managing marginal ditch vegetation and ditch drying significantly affect densities of pre‐imaginal anophelines and culicines, respectively. This study presents the first UK field evidence of the implications of wetland expansion through arable reversion on mosquito colonization. Understanding the heterogeneity of mosquito diversity, phenology, and abundance in intensively managed UK wetlands will be crucial to mitigating nuisance and vector species through habitat management and biocidal control.  相似文献   

The effects ofDugesia dorotocephala (Woodworth), a proven predator of aquatic Diptera, on 17 species of nontarget aquatic organisms were determined under controlled laboratory conditions. Only 3 of the nontarget organisms,Aeolosoma sp.,Cyclops sp. andToxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall), were significantly affected byD. dorotocephala. No significant difference in prey preference was found when planaria were maintained together with the target organism,Aedes aegypti, and the 3 adversely affected nontarget organisms. Results of this initial evaluation indicate thatD. dorotocephala is potentially safe to integrate as a biological control with most nontarget aquatic organisms tested. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the author(s) and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the view of the Department of the Army or the Deparmtment of Defense.  相似文献   

The Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris suffered declines in western Europe during the 20th century, partly because of wetland reclamation. The species has been traditionally considered a reedbed specialist but recent studies identified a greater ecological plasticity than previously believed. We investigated habitat associations of a Eurasian Bittern population that has started to breed in the ricefields of northwest Italy since the early 1990s. Booming Bitterns had a higher probability of occurring in ricefields with taller rice plants, more vegetated field banks, more weeds, a larger surface and closer to remaining natural wetlands. The positive effect of field bank vegetation height on the probability that a ricefield hosted a booming Bittern declined late in the season, in contrast to the effects of weeds and ricefield area, which were stronger later in the season. A decreasing importance of vegetation on field banks to booming Bitterns may be a consequence of seasonal changes in habitat structure through the Bittern’s breeding period. The degree of flooding did not affect the probability of occurrence of booming Bitterns, probably because most ricefields were homogeneously flooded during the peak breeding season (June–July). Our findings have important implications for the management of Bittern populations breeding in the ricefields of northwest Italy. We propose simple conservation actions that may favour the occurrence of booming Bitterns and help the species spread in this novel habitat.  相似文献   

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