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The distributional area of the tick Ixodes ricinus (L.), the primary European vector to humans of Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes (Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato) and tick‐borne encephalitis virus, appears to be increasing in Sweden. It is therefore important to determine which environmental factors are most useful to assess risk of human exposure to this tick and its associated pathogens. The geographical distribution of I. ricinus in Sweden was analysed with respect to vegetation zones and climate. The northern limit of I. ricinus and B. burgdorferi s.l. in Sweden corresponds roughly to the northern limit of the southern boreal vegetation zone, and is characterized climatically by snow cover for a mean duration of 150 days and a vegetation period averaging 170 days. The zoogeographical distribution of I. ricinus in Sweden can be classified as southerly–central, with the centre of the distribution south of the Limes Norrlandicus. Ixodes ricinus nymphs from 13 localities in different parts of Sweden were examined for the presence of B. burgdorferi s.l. and found to be infected with Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii. Tick sampling localities were characterized on the basis of the density of Borrelia‐infected I. ricinus nymphs, presence of specific mammals, dominant vegetation and climate. Densities of I. ricinus nymphs and Borrelia‐infected nymphs were significantly correlated, and nymphal density can thus serve as a general indicator of risk for exposure to Lyme borreliosis spirochaetes. Analysis of data from this and other studies suggests that high densities of Borrelia‐infected nymphs typically occur in coastal, broadleaf vegetation and in mixed deciduous/spruce vegetation in southern Sweden. Ixodes ricinus populations consistently infected with B. burgdorferi s.l. can occur in: (a) biotopes with shrews, rodents, hares and birds; (b) biotopes with shrews, rodents, hares, deer and birds, and (c) island locations where the varying hare (Lepus timidus) is the only mammalian tick host.  相似文献   

Questing ticks were sampled monthly over a period of 11 months from February, 2011 to December, 2011 at 13 sites in southern Germany using the flagging method. The ticks were identified to species, gender, and stadium. Although both I. ricinus and D. reticulatus were sampled, this study concentrated on I. ricinus, since it was the most abundant tick to be found. Additional weather data (air and soil temperature, relative air humidity, precipitation, sunshine duration) were recorded on each sampling site and the local vegetation described. A total of 14, 394 ticks was collected (7,862 larvae, 5,568 nymphs, 964 adults) and their activity was recorded in order to determine the seasonal activity pattern over different periods of the year. In contrast to the widely accepted pattern of a bimodal seasonal activity in moderate areas with a dominant peak in spring and a minor peak in autumn, a unimodal activity pattern was found for all development stages on six of the 12 sampling sites. Tick abundance was compared to weather variables. Tick host‐seeking activity was found to be significantly dependent on the temperature at ground level, precipitation, and sunshine duration as well as relative air humidity. Adult ticks showed a positive correlation with the duration of sunshine, whereas nymphs were mostly unaffected by this phenomenon.  相似文献   

In this study, multivariate spatial clustering on monthly normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) maps is used to classify ecological regions over the western Palaearctic. This classification is then used to delineate the distribution and climate preferences of populations (clades) of the tick Ixodes ricinus L. (Acari: Ixodidae) from a geographically extensive dataset of tick records and a gridded 2.5-km resolution climate dataset. Using monthly layers of the NDVI, regions of similar ecological attributes were defined and nine populations with significant differences in critical climate parameters (P< 0.005) were detected. Grouping of tick records according to other categories, such as political divisions, a 4 degrees x 4 degrees grid overlying the study area, or the CORINE) and USGS) vegetation classification schemes did not provided significantly separated populations (P = 0.094-0.304). Factor analysis and hierarchical tree clustering provided an ecological overview of these tick clades: two Mediterranean and one Scandinavian (western) clades are clearly separated from a node that includes clades of different parts of central Europe and the British Isles, with contrasting affinities between the different clades. The capture records of these ecologically separated clades produce a clear bias when bioclimate envelope modelling is applied to the mapping of habitat suitability for the tick in the western Palaearctic. The best-performing methods (Cohen's kappa = 0.834-0.912) use partial models developed with data from each ecoregion, which are then overlapped over the region of study. It is concluded that the use of ecologically derived ecoregions is an objective step in assessing the presence of ecologically different clades, and provides a guide in the development of data partitioning for habitat suitability modelling.  相似文献   

The abundance, seasonal activity patterns and development rates of the tick Ixodes ricinus (L.) (Acari: Ixodidae), as well as microclimate features of the site of study, are described for a 9-year-long study (1994-2002) in north-central Spain. According to drag captures, larvae had a unimodal activity pattern, with a maximum observed around July-August, whereas nymphs displayed a bimodal pattern (May-June and August-September) with strong dominance of spring activity. An inversion of this pattern, with larger autumn peak, was observed in years with humid summers. Adults showed a small spring peak and a large autumn one. In the later years of the study, a small increase in the adult spring peak of activity was noticed, correlated with mild winters. Over the entire period of study, a clear increase in the total tick abundance was detected. Statistically significant differences between years were observed for some climate variables (saturation deficit, winter temperatures and number of days with temperatures above 6 degrees C), but a consistent and constant pattern of change was not observed in any climate variable. Temperature requirements for developing stages showed a sharp decrease in weeks 35-51 (eggs) and 38-50 (larvae and nymphs), a feature attributed to the presence of the morphogenetic diapause, beginning around September. Development rates obtained under quasi-natural conditions were almost twice those reported for other sites, suggesting an adaptation of this local, largely isolated I. ricinus population. According to drag captures and field-obtained development rates, interchange of nymphs between the two cohorts is common in this site, and seems to be influenced by the winter temperature and the date of larval engorgement.  相似文献   

Abstract Protein components of homogenates of unfed larvae and nymphs of Ixodes ricinus (L.), and of ovary, haemolymph, Malpighian tubules, rectal ampulla, fat body, integument, salivary glands and midgut of partially fed adult females were studied for their antigenicity and carbohydrate moieties using immunoblotting and lectin affinity blotting (LAB) techniques. Comparing the individual anti-larval, anti-nymphal and anti-adult immune sera for their capacity to recognize the specific and trans-stadially cross-reactive antigenic proteins, larval feeding induced the most effective humoral response. The majority of immunogens recognized by rabbit anti-tick immune sera are glycoproteins. Most of the glycosylated antigens were modified with N-type glycans; however, O-type glycans were also demonstrated in some antigens. The correlation of the type of glycosylation with antigenicity, and the sharing of common antigenic epitopes by various tissues, are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between climate data and tick questing activity is crucial for estimation of the spatial and temporal distribution of the risk of ticks and tick‐borne diseases. This study establishes correlations between selected meteorological variables provided by the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) and the questing activity of Ixodes ricinus nymphs and adults on a regional scale across Lower Silesia, Poland. Application of Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM), built separately for adults and nymphs, showed that solar radiation, air temperature, and saturation deficit appeared to be the meteorological variables of prime importance, whereas the wind speed was less important. However, the effect of meteorological parameters was different for adults and nymphs. The adults are also more influenced by forest cover and the percentage of forest type if compared to nymphs. The WRF model providing meteorological variables separately for each location and day of tick sampling can be useful in studies of questing activity of ticks on a regional scale.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus (Acari: Ixodidae) L. transmit a wide variety of pathogens to vertebrates including viruses, bacteria and protozoa. Understanding of the epidemiology of tick‐borne infections requires basic knowledge of the regional and local factors influencing tick population dynamics. The present study describes the results of monitoring of a questing I. ricinus population, conducted over 35 years (1977–2011) in the eastern, poorly studied part of its range (Russia, Tula region). We have found that the multiannual average abundance of ticks is small and varies depending on the biotope and degree of urban transformation. Tick abundance for the first 14 years of observations (1977–1990) was at the lower limit of the sensitivity of our methods throughout the study area (0.1–0.9 specimens per 1‐km transect). In the following 21 years (1991–2011), a manifold increase in abundance was observed, which reached 18.1 ± 1.8 individuals per 1‐km transect in moist floodplain terraces, and 4.8 ± 0.9 in xerophylic hill woods. Long‐term growth of tick abundance occurred in spite of a relatively constant abundance of small mammals and only minor fluctuations in the abundance of large wild animals. Climate and anthropogenic changes appear to be the main contributors to increased abundance of the tick.  相似文献   

The ever‐increasing number of Lyme borreliosis patients led us to consider more effective procedures for disease prevention. The aim of our study was to monitor the annual activity and infectivity of Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Pisárky region, City of Brno, CR, and to test the responses of the locally‐captured ticks to selected repellents. The result of regular one‐hour‐perweek monitoring in 2011 was the collection of ticks that directly reflected the highest number of Lyme disease patients (4,835) detected throughout the period of recording in the Czech Republic. The ticks were examined for spirochaetes by dark field microscopy. The positive samples were identified by PCR analysis, confirming that 76% of these were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Ticks were most abundant in May and June, with August having the highest risk for spirochaetal infection. Tick activity was statistically correlated with temperature. The moving‐object‐bioassay was used to study repellent efficiency on the Ixodes ricinus nymphs captured in the above‐mentioned suburban park. Five selected commercial repellents based on DEET (N, N‐diethyl3methylbenzamide) showed statistically different effects on the non‐repellent control group.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus 1758) and Ixodes persulcatus (Schulze 1930) ticks are involved in the transmission of a wide variety of pathogens with considerable impact on human and animal health. The co‐distribution zone of these two tick species is situated in the Baltic countries, which provides a special setting for the population studies. In the present study, genetic variability of I. ricinus ticks collected in allopatric and sympatric locations in the Baltic countries has been investigated using a sequence analysis of the mitochondrial DNA control region, 16S rRNA and cytb genes. There were 32 haplotypes (Hd: 0.8551) and 27 haplotypes (Hd:0.8213) of control region sequences from ticks in allopatric and sympatric zones detected, respectively. Out of 47 16S rRNA gene haplotypes, 32 haplotypes (Hd: 0.7213) were found in the allopatric zone and 27 (Hd:0.9572) in the sympatric zone. The Cytb gene was very conserved and monomorphic in ticks from the allopatric zone, whereas three unique haplotypes were observed in the sympatric zone. The higher number of unique haplotypes of the control region was detected in the allopatric zone. Median joining network and Fst analysis did not reveal a clear separation between ticks from the two zones.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus is the main vector for important infectious diseases in both humans and in animals. Microsatellite loci were isolated from a dinucleotide‐enriched library made from I. ricinus sampled in Norway. Seventeen polymorphic microsatellites were further characterized among 24 individuals sampled from an island in the Oslofjord region. The number of observed alleles ranged from two to 17 and the observed heterozygosities between 0.10 and 0.83. Analysis of family materials gives evidence of non‐Mendelian inheritance of several of the characterized loci, among which most could be explained by presence of null alleles.  相似文献   

The main objective of this project was to predict Ixodes ricinus abundant habitats reliably as a means of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) risk assessment for the prevention of this disease. The vegetation types were used as the indicators of an ecosystem suitable for tick occurrence, for TBE virus circulation and, accordingly, for the existence of natural foci of this infection. Remote sensing methods were used to determine the indicative plant cover. Satellite data covering an experimental area of 70 × 70 km in Central Bohemia, the Czech Republic, was acquired by the Landsat 5 TM scanner. Nine forest classes were recognized in the experimental area by successive supervised and unsupervised classifications and identified in a field-checking botanical survey. An epidemiological TBE map based on human cases contracted in the territory under study was exploited for the evaluation of risk in particular forest classes. Predictive maps are expressed both in digital and in printed forms at a scale of 1 : 300 000 for an overall risk evaluation and at a scale of 1 : 25 000 for a detailed local orientation.  相似文献   

It is well established that free-living unfed ticks can compensate for their inevitable body water losses by active water vapour absorption in periods of ambient relative humidity (RH) of greater than 75-90%. Whilst many species of terrestrial arthropods are known to be capable of locating liquid water and drinking when in need, the existing knowledge concerning the ecological significance of bulk water for rehydration in ticks is scarce. In the present laboratory study batches of unfed Ixodes ricinus (larvae, nymphs, and adults) in varying states of (de)hydration were supplied with tapwater either as droplets for 45 min in a Petri dish or in a small trough for 24 h. The body mass of each tick was gravimetrically determined before and after exposure. Though fully hydrated ticks were not usually attracted to liquid water, the response became increasingly positive with a growing body water deficit (p > 0.05). No tick was ever found with its mouthparts inserted into the water, nor had any tick residues of orange G in its alimentary tract when supplied with orange G-coloured water. Linear regression analysis demonstrated that water intake took place in a regulated manner in adult ticks, i.e. the more severely the ticks had been dehydrated the more net water they subsequently gained (p > 0.01). The maximum uptake rates were <20% of the original body mass per day. These findings indicate that unfed I. ricinus do not drink liquid water but are well able to use the high RH in the immediate vicinity of bulk water to actively take up vapour.  相似文献   

Ixodes ricinus ticks were collected from dragging vegetation and from shot roe deer in the province of Trento and Belluno in northern Italy. Ticks were pooled for analyses and from 1060 pools of ticks collected in the province of Belluno and 12390 tick samples collected in Trentino, four proved positive by immunofluorescence microscopy using a tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)-specific antiserum. The identity of the virus isolates was determined by RT-PCR cycle sequencing and they were all found to be closely similar (> 98% nucleotide identity) to typical western European TBE complex viruses as found in Austria. The isolates from Trentino differed from the Neudorfl strain of western European TBE virus at eight nucleotide positions but as these nucleotide substitutions were all synonymous, there were no amino acid changes. These results imply that the virus isolates in Trentino have changed slightly from the typical European strains isolated in nearby Austria. The abundance of questing ticks and ticks feeding on roe deer was greater in TBE positive hunting districts than in hunting districts where TBE complex viruses were only probable or believed to be absent. In TBE positive and probable districts synchrony in the seasonal dynamics of larvae and nymphs of L. ricinus was observed. This study provides evidence to suggest that roe deer may have an important role to play in the maintenance of tick density and in the persistence of TBE virus.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Females of Ixodes ricinus (L. 1758) emit several semiochemicals influencing copulatory behaviour in males. One of these candidate compounds, methyl 3-chloro-4-methoxybenzoate, is emitted exclusively by engorged females, and shows a copulation inhibiting effect in males. In Y-tube experiments, the synthetic analogue of this compound at a concentration of 100 µg/mL in ethanol, attracted males in only 25.6% of tests, whereas it repelled them in 74.4% of cases. However, unengorged females do not respond to this substance at all. The number of contacts between males and unengorged females treated with methyl 3-chloro-4-methoxybenzoate (250 µg/mL in ethanol, 1 µL per female) decreases to 28% compared to a control level of 80%, and the percentage of copulating pairs decreases to 12% compared to control (49%) over 2 h. Possibly, a fertilized engorged female with mature eggs uses this semiochemical to send a signal to males indicating that another copulation is no longer needed.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to assess whether agri-environment field margins provide a habitat for the sheep/deer tick Ixodes ricinus. Field studies were conducted in arable farmland in southern England in both extant and newly constructed field margins. The presence and intensity (i.e. the mean number of nymphs per transect, excluding zeros) of questing nymphs and adult I. ricinus were compared between field margins with three adjacent habitats: woodland, hedgerow and arable land. The presence and intensity of ticks within a field margin was also compared between three ecozones: the ecotone, the margin and the crop. It was found that field margins do support I. ricinus, although the intensity of ticks was associated with field margins with adjacent woodland, with a higher tick intensity along the ecotonal ecozone, compared with the rest of the margin or the crop edge. The presence of a hedge also increased the likelihood of finding questing nymphs in a field margin compared with a margin adjacent to arable land. This effect, however, was less pronounced than in field margins with adjacent woodland. The provision of footpaths within the margin (at least 1–2 m from the ecotone), or on the edge of the crop where paths run next to woodland known to be an important tick habitat, could be promoted to minimize tick exposure. In addition, based on the results of the present study, raising awareness that walking alongside woodlands also constitutes a tick risk could be promoted.  相似文献   

Ticks are ectoparasites of vertebrates and utilize a variety ofinfochemicals for host finding and acceptance as well as for intraspecificaggregation and mating responses. Individual male and female Ixodesricinus, the vector of Lyme disease in Europe, readily arrest onfilter paper strips contaminated with their own faeces. I.ricinus also responds, but to a lesser degree, tofaeces-contaminatedpapers enclosed in metal mesh envelopes, i.e. without directly contacting thefaeces, suggesting a role for volatiles in the arrestment response. The faecalconstituents guanine, xanthine, uric acid and 8-azaguanine (a bacterialbreakdown product of guanine) also caused arrestment of individual I.ricinus males and females. However, mixtures of these productsinduced arrestment of I. ricinus at doses one hundred foldlower than the lowest active dose of any of them tested singly. Saline extractsof faeces activated receptor cells in terminal pore sensilla on the first legtarsi of I. ricinus. One cell in these sensilla respondedin a similar dose dependent manner to guanine and 8-azaguanine, whereas asecondcell was more sensitive to lower doses of 8-azaguanine. The response thresholdapproached 100 fM for both cells. These findings suggest thatfaeces and faecal breakdown products are implicated in aggregation responses ofI. ricinus. This may account for the clumped distributionof this ectoparasite on the ground and contribute to the high proportion ofmated individuals recorded prior to host colonization.  相似文献   

Haemocytes of the hard tick Ixodes ricinus were characterized on the basis of their ultrastructure, their ability to ingest foreign material, and to produce or store molecules of the immune defence. Distinction was made between types of haemocytes according to the absence or presence of granular inclusions, shape and size of the lysosomal compartment or the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and ultrastructural and functional similarity to the corresponding haemocytes of insects. Three types of haemocytes were found in adult ticks: plasmatocytes and type-I and type-II granular haemocytes, respectively. The precipitated reaction product of acid phosphatase activity revealed the shape of the lysosomal compartment. The additional injection of particulate materials into the haemocoel further revealed the endocytic activity of the haemocytes. The lysozyme-like immunoreactivity of the haemocytes suggests bactericidal potential. Detection of immunoreactivity in haemocytes to a 25 kDa antigenic protein involved in cuticle formation further suggests their involvement in wound healing and encapsulation.  相似文献   

A longitudinal survey was carried out during a 2 year period in Western France to assess the infestation level of grazing pastures byIxodes ricinus ticks. Four farms were visited once a month and each of the grazing pastures was sampled in the centre and at the border using the blanket dragging method. A total of 3562I. ricinus (34 adults, 900 nymphs and 2628 larvae) were collected and the infestation was significantly higher during the first year (p<0.0001). The infestation level byI. ricinus varied between grazing pastures and farms. Grazing pastures in the vicinity of forest were more infested than the others, all through the study. The seasonal distribution of ticks showed peaks, with low fluctuations between farms, years and stages. Tick abundance could not be related to vegetation, but only to the vicinity of woods.  相似文献   

Assessing the genetic variability of the tick Ixodes ricinus—an important vector of pathogens in Europeis an essential step for setting up antitick control methods. Here, we report the first identification of a set of SNPs isolated from the genome of I. ricinus, by applying a reduction in genomic complexity, pyrosequencing and new bioinformatics tools. Almost 1.4 million of reads (average length: 528 nt) were generated with a full Roche 454 GS FLX run on two reduced representation libraries of I. ricinus. A newly developed bioinformatics tool (DiscoSnp), which isolates SNPs without requiring any reference genome, was used to obtain 321 088 putative SNPs. Stringent selection criteria were applied in a bioinformatics pipeline to select 1768 SNPs for the development of specific primers. Among 384 randomly SNPs tested by Fluidigm genotyping technology on 464 individuals ticks, 368 SNPs loci (96%) exhibited the presence of the two expected alleles. Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium tests conducted on six natural populations of ticks have shown that from 26 to 46 of the 384 loci exhibited significant heterozygote deficiency.  相似文献   

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