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1. The megadiverse herbivores and their host plants are a major component of biodiversity, and their interactions have been hypothesised to drive the diversification of both. 2. If plant diversity influences the diversity of insects, there is an expectation that insect species richness will be strongly correlated with host‐plant species richness. This should be observable at two levels (i) more diverse host‐plant groups should harbour more species of insects, and (ii) the species richness of a group of insects should correlate with the richness of the host groups it uses. However, such a correlation is also consistent with a hypothesis of random host use, in which insects encounter and use hosts in proportion to the diversity of host plants. Neither of these expectations has been widely tested. 3. These expectations were tested using data from a species‐rich group of insects – the Coccidae (Hemiptera). 4. Significant positive correlations were found between the species richness of coccid clades (genera) and the species richness of the host‐plant family or families upon which the clades occur. On a global scale, more closely related plant families have more similar communities of coccid genera but the correlation is weak. 5. Random host use could not be rejected for many coccids but randomisation tests and similarity of coccid communities on closely related plant families show that there is non‐random host use in some taxa. Overall, our results support the idea that plant diversity is a driver of species richness of herbivorous insects, probably via escape‐and‐radiate or oscillation‐type processes.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean region, patches of vegetation recovering from disturbance and transiently dominated by shrubs produce one of the world's most prized fungi, the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum). In these successional plant communities, we have fragmentary knowledge of the distribution of T. melanosporum in space among ectomycorrhizal (ECM) host species and in time. Molecular identification of hosts (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) and fungi (Internal Transcribed Spacer sequencing) and quantification of T. melanosporum mycelium (quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction) were employed to evaluate the presence of T. melanosporum on four dominant ECM host species (Quercus ilex, Quercus coccifera, Arbutus unedo, Cistus albidus) and the extent to which their respective ECM communities shared fungal diversity, over the course of development of truffle grounds, from recent unproductive brûlés to senescent ones where production has stopped. We found that truffle grounds host rich communities in which multi‐host fungal species dominate in frequency. When considering both ECM tips and soil mycelia, we documented a dynamic and spatially heterogeneous pattern of T. melanosporum distribution in soils and a presence of ECM tips restricted to Q. ilex roots. This study advances our knowledge of the ecology of T. melanosporum, and provides insight into the extent of ECM fungal sharing among plant species that dominate Mediterranean landscapes.  相似文献   

Higher trophic level interactions are key mediators of ecosystem functioning in tropical forests. A rich body of theory has been developed to predict the effects of plant diversity on communities at higher trophic levels and the mechanisms underlying such effects. The 'enemies hypothesis’ states that predators exert more effective top–down control of herbivorous insects with increasing plant diversity. Support for this hypothesis has been found in temperate forests and agroecosystems, but remains understudied in tropical forests. We compared incidence of attacks of different natural enemies using artificial caterpillars in a tropical forest landscape and investigated the role of plant community structure (i.e. species richness, composition and density), and the role of forest fragmentation (i.e. patch size, edge distance and canopy openness) on predation intensity. Plant community effects were tested with respect to three vegetation strata: trees, saplings and herbs. Observed predation was substantially due to ants. Predation rates increased with plant species richness for trees and herbs. Density of saplings, herb cover and herb species composition were important factors for predation. No significant patterns were found for fragmentation parameters, suggesting that forest fragmentation has not altered predation intensity. We conclude that in tropical forests, top–down control of herbivorous insects in the understory vegetation is affected by a combination of plant diversity, plant species composition and structural features of the plant community.  相似文献   

Stockman et al. (2006 ) found that ecological niche models built using DesktopGARP ‘failed miserably’ to predict trapdoor spider (genus Promyrmekiaphila) distributions in California. This apparent failure of GARP (Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐Set Production) was actually a failure of the authors’ methods, that is, attempting to build ecological niche models using single data points. In this paper, we present a re‐analysis of their original data using standard methods with the data appropriately partitioned into training/testing subsets. This re‐evaluation generated accurate distributional predictions that we contrast with theirs. We address the consequences of model‐building using single data points and the need for a foundational understanding of the principles of ecological niche modelling.  相似文献   

A recent study by Väli et al. (2008) highlights that microsatellites will often provide a poor prediction of the genome‐wide nucleotide diversity of wild populations, but does not fully explain why. To clarify and stress the importance of identity disequilibrium and marker variability for correlations between multilocus heterozygosity and genome‐wide genetic variability, we performed a simple simulation with different types of markers, corresponding to microsatellites and SNPs, in populations with different inbreeding history. The importance of identity disequilibrium was apparent for both markers and there was a clear impact of marker variability.  相似文献   

De la Rúa et al. (2013) express some concerns about the conclusions of our recent study showing that management increases genetic diversity of honey bees (Apis mellifera) by promoting admixture (Harpur et al. 2012). We provide a brief review of the literature on the population genetics of A. mellifera and show that we utilized appropriate sampling methods to estimate genetic diversity in the focal populations. Our finding of higher genetic diversity in two managed A. mellifera populations on two different continents is expected to be the norm given the large number of studies documenting admixture in honey bees. Our study focused on elucidating how management affects genetic diversity in honey bees, not on how to best manage bee colonies. We do not endorse the intentional admixture of honey bee populations, and we agree with De la Rúa et al. (2013) that native honey bee subspecies should be conserved.  相似文献   

The census of vascular plants across a 10-year interval (1995–2005) at the fringe of a neotropical rainforest (Nouragues inselberg, French Guiana, South America) revealed that species richness decreased, both at quadrat scale (2 m2) and at the scale of the inselberg (three transects, embracing the whole variation in community composition). Juvenile stages of all tree and shrub species were most severely affected, without any discrimination between life and growth forms, fruit and dispersion types, or seed sizes. Species turnover in time resulted in a net loss of biodiversity, which was inversely related to species occurrence. The most probable cause of the observed species disappearance is global warming, which severely affected northern South America during the last 50 years (+2 °C), with a concomitant increase in the occurrence of aridity.  相似文献   

Evolution of mouthparts in adult dung beetles (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) for eating moist, fresh dung was linked with a loss of the ability to chew. However, the desert‐living genus Pachysoma, probably evolved from a wet‐dung feeding, Scarabaeus‐like ancestor, has switched to a diet of dry fecal pellets (of rodents or small ruminants) and plant litter that requires re‐establishment of chewing. Indeed, gut contents of a litter‐feeding Pachysoma species indicate efficient food comminution. Based on scanning electron microscopy, cutting and grinding mouthpart structures in six Pachysoma species, of two lineages and with different food preferences, are described and compared with homologous structures in wet‐dung feeding Scarabaeus species. In Pachysoma, cutting and breaking of large food items is probably performed by a clypeal scraper, a prominent epipharyngeal tooth and large maxillary galeal hooks. Further comminution is achieved by a large, grinding area evolved on the mandibular molae. Interspecific differences and the probable function and evolution of these structures are discussed. Particularly, the unique tools for cutting/breaking are completely novel structures and not results of some reacquisition of normal biting mouthparts. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Two clades of the lesser Egyptian jerboa Jaculus jaculus sensu lato were recently described in North Africa and considered as cryptic species. Members of both clades are also found in Israel, where they can be easily identified according to fur and tail colouration and morphology of the male external genitalia, but cannot be separated confidently using skull characters. Examination of type specimens demonstrated that the correct names for the two species are Jaculus jaculus (Linnaeus 1758) and Jaculus hirtipes (Lichtenstein, 1823). Comparisons of geographic and habitat differences of the two species revealed a high niche divergence between them, slightly higher in the sympatric North African populations than in the parapatric populations of Israel and Sinai. A low niche divergence was detected between North African and Middle Eastern populations of J. jaculus, and a low niche convergence between North African and Middle Eastern populations of J. hirtipes. The levels of niche differentiation coincide with those of genetic differences.  相似文献   

A recent study concluded that omnivorous plankton will shift from predatory to herbivorous feeding with climate warming, as consumers require increased carbon:phosphorous in their food. Although this is an appealing hypothesis, we suggest the conclusion is unfounded, based on the data presented, which seem in places questionable and poorly interpreted.  相似文献   

Cyprideis torosa (Jones , 1850) (Ostracoda, Crustacea) is one of the most common marginal marine ostracod species in the Northern hemisphere. We investigate the relationship between variable noding of its valves and salinity as well as Ca2+ concentration in the ambient water, analysing populations from an in vitro experiment and field data from the southern Baltic Sea coast. There is a clear negative linear correlation between the proportion of noded individuals from our microcosms and salinity. Deficiency of Ca2+ causes heavier noding in laboratory cultures. The same effect can be seen in the field, however, the increase of noded individuals with falling salinity appears to be stepped, not linear. This pattern probably reflects the ability of the animals to wait some time until better salinity conditions occur within the highly variable conditions of estuaries and lagoons. At the southern Baltic Sea coast, proportions of more than 20% noded valves within a C. torosa population indicates salinities of up to 2 psu, up to 10% noded valves indicate salinities between 2 and 7 psu, and the lack of noded valves salinities > 7 psu. Stable salinity conditions as in the studied microcosms cause a shift of these salinity limits to 5 and 14 psu approximately but in a linear relationship between salinity and proportion of noded individuals. Hence, athalassic populations from more stable water bodies should be used for continuous and more detailed salinity trend reconstructions. Deficiency of Ca2+ (approximately < 120 mg/l) effects up to about 20% more noded individuals than in water with same salinity but with higher Ca2+ concentrations. The reproduction rates within the microcosms indicate a salinity optimum of C. torosa eggs of 8 psu whereas the optimum of the adults seems to be at least 14 psu (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Many mammal species are declining in parts of Australia's tropical savannas, for reasons that are not yet well defined. A recent paper (Fisher et al., 2014, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 , 181–190) suggested that the primary cause is predation by feral cats, with the main evidence presented being a purported over‐representation of small species amongst the marsupials that have contracted in range (‘small body size signifies high current extinction risk’). However, a review here of the information presented in that paper shows that no marsupial species smaller than 100 g has shown range contraction in northern Australia, and that most (15 of 17) declines are of species in the ‘critical weight range’ (35 g to 5.5 kg).  相似文献   

The recent commentary by Woinarski (2014, Global Ecology and Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/geb.12165) disagreed with our conclusions on the correlates of decline in the marsupials of tropical Australia (Fisher et al., 2014, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 , 181–190). We compared traits of species that were associated with range decline in southern and northern Australia. We found that habitat structure, climate and body size were correlated with range decline. In the north, declines of marsupials were most severe in savanna with moderate rainfall. In the south, the ranges of species in open habitat with very low rainfall have declined most. Also, the association between range decline and body mass differed between north and south: this is the main concern of Woinarski, who further disagreed with our choice of the Tropic of Capricorn as a boundary between north and south, our omission of rodents, how to treat timing of extinctions, and our inference that cats are major drivers of decline. We address these concerns in this response.  相似文献   

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