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QscR is a quorum‐sensing (QS) signal receptor that controls expression of virulence genes in the prevalent opportunistic pathogen, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Unlike the previously reported LuxR‐type QS receptor proteins, that is, LasR and TraR, QscR can be obtained as an apo‐protein that can reversibly form an active complex in vitro with its cognate signal molecule, 3‐oxododecanoyl‐homoserine lactone (3OC12‐HSL), and subsequently bind to target promoter DNA sequences. To search for potential QS inhibitors, an in vitro gel retardation assay was developed using the purified QscR. Both the in vitro assay and the in vivo cell‐based assay using QscR‐overproducing recombinant strains were applied in the screening process. Furanones were chosen for testing the activity as QS inhibitors because they have been reported to strongly inhibit expression of QS‐related genes in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Among more than a hundred furanones tested, three compounds showed strong and dose‐dependent inhibitory effects on QscR in both assays. One compound in particular, designated as F2, could completely inhibit the 3OC12‐HSL‐dependent QscR activity in vitro at a concentration of 50‐fold molar excess over 3OC12‐HSL. However, with the furanones F3 and F4, which are structurally similar to F2 but with a nitro group instead of the amine moiety, significantly decreased activities were observed. These results suggest that (i) the in vitro assay is a sensitive and reliable tool for screening QS inhibitors, and (ii) furanones are potentially important QS inhibitors for many LuxR‐type receptor proteins. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010; 106: 119–126. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a process of bacterial cell–cell communication that relies on the production, release and receptor‐driven detection of extracellular signal molecules called autoinducers. The quorum‐sensing bacterium Vibrio harveyi exclusively detects the autoinducer N‐((R)‐3‐hydroxybutanoyl)‐L‐homoserine lactone (3OH‐C4 HSL) via the two‐component receptor LuxN. To discover the principles underlying the exquisite selectivity LuxN has for its ligand, we identified LuxN mutants with altered specificity. LuxN uses three mechanisms to verify that the bound molecule is the correct ligand: in the context of the overall ligand‐binding site, His210 validates the C3 modification, Leu166 surveys the chain‐length and a strong steady‐state kinase bias imposes an energetic hurdle for inappropriate ligands to elicit signal transduction. Affinities for the LuxN kinase on and kinase off states underpin whether a ligand will act as an antagonist or an agonist. Mutations that bias LuxN to the agonized, kinase off, state are clustered in a region adjacent to the ligand‐binding site, suggesting that this region acts as the switch that triggers signal transduction. Together, our analyses illuminate how a histidine sensor kinase differentiates between ligands and exploits those differences to regulate its signaling activity.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a chemical communication process that bacteria use to control collective behaviours including bioluminescence, biofilm formation, and virulence factor production. In Vibrio harveyi, five homologous small RNAs (sRNAs) called Qrr1–5, control quorum‐sensing transitions. Here, we identify 16 new targets of the Qrr sRNAs. Mutagenesis reveals that particular sequence differences among the Qrr sRNAs determine their target specificities. Modelling coupled with biochemical and genetic analyses show that all five of the Qrr sRNAs possess four stem‐loops: the first stem‐loop is crucial for base pairing with a subset of targets. This stem‐loop also protects the Qrr sRNAs from RNase E‐mediated degradation. The second stem‐loop contains conserved sequences required for base pairing with the majority of the target mRNAs. The third stem‐loop plays an accessory role in base pairing and stability. The fourth stem‐loop functions as a rho‐independent terminator. In the quorum‐sensing regulon, Qrr sRNAs‐controlled genes are the most rapid to respond to quorum‐sensing autoinducers. The Qrr sRNAs are conserved throughout vibrios, thus insights from this work could apply generally to Vibrio quorum sensing.  相似文献   

Gene transfer agents (GTAs) are genetic exchange elements that resemble small DNA bacteriophages that transfer random pieces of the producing cell's genome to recipient cells. The best‐studied GTA is that of Rhodobacter capsulatus, termed RcGTA. We discovered that the putative response regulator CtrA, which is essential for RcGTA production, is required for RcGTA‐mediated gene acquisition, and confirmed that a RecA homologue is required. It was also discovered that a DprA (DNA‐protecting protein A) homologue is essential for RcGTA‐mediated gene acquisition, and that dprA expression is induced by gtaI‐dependent quorum‐sensing and non‐phosphorylated CtrA. Modelling of the R. capsulatus DprA structure indicated the presence of a C‐terminal region that resembles a dsDNA‐binding protein domain. Purified His‐tagged R. capsulatus DprA protein bound to both single‐stranded (ss)DNA and double‐stranded (ds)DNA, but with a greater affinity for ssDNA. Additionally, DprA protected dsDNA from endonuclease digestion, and increased the rate of nucleation of Escherichia coli RecA onto ssDNA. Single‐cell expression analyses revealed that dprA is expressed in the majority of cells throughout a population. Overall, the results suggest that incorporation of RcGTA DNA into the recipient cell genome proceeds through a homologous recombination pathway resembling DNA recombination in natural transformation.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing is a chemical signaling mechanism used by bacteria to communicate and orchestrate group behaviors. Multiple feedback loops exist in the quorum‐sensing circuit of the model bacterium Vibrio harveyi. Using fluorescence microscopy of individual cells, we assayed the activity of the quorum‐sensing circuit, with a focus on defining the functions of the feedback loops. We quantitatively investigated the signaling input–output relation both in cells with all feedback loops present as well as in mutants with specific feedback loops disrupted. We found that one of the feedback loops regulates receptor ratios to control the integration of multiple signals. Together, the feedback loops affect the input–output dynamic range of signal transmission and the noise in the output. We conclude that V. harveyi employs multiple feedback loops to simultaneously control quorum‐sensing signal integration and to ensure signal transmission fidelity.  相似文献   

Quorum sensing (QS) is a process of bacterial cell–cell communication that relies on the production, detection and population‐wide response to extracellular signal molecules called autoinducers. The QS system commonly found in vibrios and photobacteria consists of the CqsA synthase/CqsS receptor pair. Vibrio cholerae CqsA/S synthesizes and detects (S)‐3‐hydroxytridecan‐4‐one (C10‐CAI‐1), whereas Vibrio harveyi produces and detects a distinct but similar molecule, (Z)‐3‐aminoundec‐2‐en‐4‐one (Ea‐C8‐CAI‐1). To understand the signalling properties of the larger family of CqsA–CqsS pairs, here, we characterize the Photobacterium angustum CqsA/S system. Many photobacterial cqsA genes harbour a conserved frameshift mutation that abolishes CAI‐1 production. By contrast, their cqsS genes are intact. Correcting the P. angustum cqsA reading frame restores production of a mixture of CAI‐1 moieties, including C8‐CAI‐1, C10‐CAI‐1, Ea‐C8‐CAI‐1 and Ea‐C10‐CAI‐1. This signal production profile matches the P. angustum CqsS receptor ligand‐detection capability. The receptor exhibits a preference for molecules with 10‐carbon tails, and the CqsS Ser168 residue governs this preference. P. angustum can overcome the cqsA frameshift to produce CAI‐1 under particular limiting growth conditions presumably through a ribosome slippage mechanism. Thus, we propose that P. angustum uses CAI‐1 signalling for adaptation to stressful environments.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Tm) is a facultative intracellular pathogen that induces entry into non‐phagocytic cells by a Type III secretion system (TTSS) and cognate effector proteins. Upon host cell entry, S. Tm expresses a second TTSS and subverts intracellular trafficking to create a replicative niche – the Salmonella‐containing vacuole (SCV). SopE, a guanidyl exchange factor (GEF) for Rac1 and Cdc42, is translocated by the TTSS‐1 upon host cell contact and promotes entry through triggering of actin‐dependent ruffles. After host cell entry, the bulk of SopE undergoes proteasomal degradation. Here we show that a subfraction is however detectable on the nascent SCV membrane up to ~ 6 h post infection. Membrane localization of SopE and the closely related SopE2 differentially depend on the Rho‐GTPase‐binding GEF domain, and to some extent involves also the unstructured N‐terminus. SopE localizes transiently to the early SCV, dependent on continuous synthesis and secretion by the TTSS‐1 during the intracellular state. Mutant strains lacking SopE or SopE2 are attenuated in early intracellular replication, while complementation restores this defect. Hence, the present study reveals an unanticipated role for SopE and SopE2 in establishing the Salmonella replicative niche, and further emphasizes the importance of entry effectors in later stages of host‐cell manipulation.  相似文献   

The quorum‐sensing (QS) response of Vibrio fischeri involves a rapid switch between low and high induction states of the lux operon over a narrow concentration range of the autoinducer (AI) 3‐oxo‐hexanoyl‐L ‐homoserine lactone. In this system, LuxR is an AI‐dependent positive regulator of the lux operon, which encodes the AI synthase. This creates a positive feedback loop common in many bacterial species that exhibit QS‐controlled gene expression. Applying a combination of modeling and experimental analyses, we provide evidence for a LuxR autoregulatory feedback loop that allows LuxR to increase its concentration in the cell during the switch to full lux activation. Using synthetic lux gene fragments, with or without the AI synthase gene, we show that the buildup of LuxR provides more sensitivity to increasing AI, and promotes the induction process. Elevated LuxR levels buffer against spurious variations in AI levels ensuring a robust response that endows the system with enhanced hysteresis. LuxR autoregulation also allows for two distinct responses within the same cell population.  相似文献   

Reorganization of the host cell actin cytoskeleton is crucial during pathogen invasion. We established micropatterned cells as a standardized infection model for cell invasion to quantitatively study actin rearrangements triggered by Salmonella Typhimurium (S. Tm). Micropatterns of extracellular matrix proteins force cells to adopt a reproducible shape avoiding strong cell‐to‐cell variations, a major limitation in classical cell culture conditions. S. Tm induced F‐actin‐rich ruffles and invaded micropatterned cells similar to unconstrained cells. Yet, standardized conditions allowed fast and unbiased comparison of cellular changes triggered by the SipA and SopE bacterial effector proteins. Intensity measurements in defined regions revealed that the content of pre‐existing F‐actin remained unchanged during infection, suggesting that newly polymerized F‐actin in bacteria‐triggered ruffles originates from the G‐actin pool. Analysing bacterial target sites, we found that bacteria did not show any preferences for the local actin cytoskeleton specificities. Rather, invasion was constrained to a specific ‘cell height’, due to flagella‐mediated near‐surface swimming. We found that invasion sites were similar to bacterial binding sites, indicating that S. Tm can induce a permissive invasion site wherever it binds. As micropatterned cells can be infected by many different pathogens they represent a valuable new tool for quantitative analysis of host–pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

The facultative intracellular pathogen, Salmonella enterica, triggers its own uptake into non‐phagocytic epithelial cells. Invasion is dependent on a type 3 secretion system (T3SS), which delivers a cohort of effector proteins across the plasma membrane where they induce dynamic actin‐driven ruffling of the membrane and ultimately, internalization of the bacteria into a modified phagosome. In eukaryotic cells, the calcium‐ and phospholipid‐binding protein Annexin A2 (AnxA2) functions as a platform for actin remodelling in the vicinity of dynamic cellular membranes. AnxA2 is mostly found in a stable heterotetramer, with p11, which can interact with other proteins such as the giant phosphoprotein AHNAK. We show here that AnxA2, p11 and AHNAK are required for T3SS‐mediated Salmonella invasion of cultured epithelial cells and that the T3SS effector SopB is required for recruitment of AnxA2 and AHNAK to Salmonella invasion sites. Altogether this work shows that, in addition to targeting Rho‐family GTPases, Salmonella can intersect the host cell actin pathway via AnxA2.  相似文献   

Control of the AcrAB multidrug efflux pump by quorum-sensing regulator SdiA   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
SdiA is an Escherichia coli protein that regulates cell division in a cell density-dependent, or quorum-sensing, manner. We report that SdiA also controls multidrug resistance by positively regulating the multidrug resistance pump AcrAB. Overproduction of SdiA confers multidrug resistance and increased levels of AcrAB. Conversely, sdiA null mutants are hypersensitive to drugs and have decreased levels of AcrB protein. Our findings provide a link between quorum sensing and multidrug efflux. Combined with previously published reports, our data support a model in which a role of drug efflux pumps is to mediate cell-cell communication in response to cell density. Xenobiotics expelled by pumps may resemble the communication molecules that they normally efflux.  相似文献   

Bistable flagellar and virulence gene expression generates specialized Salmonella subpopulations with distinct functions. Repressing flagellar genes allows Salmonella to evade caspase‐1 mediated host defenses and enhances systemic colonization. By definition, bistability arises when intermediate states of gene expression are rendered unstable by the underlying genetic circuitry. We demonstrate sustained bistable fliC expression in virulent Salmonella 14028 and document dynamic control of the distribution, or single‐cell census, of flagellar gene expression by the mutually repressing repressors YdiV and FliZ. YdiV partitions cells into the fliC‐OFF subpopulation, while FliZ partitions cells into the fliC‐HIGH subpopulation at late time points during growth. Bistability of ΔfliZ populations and ydiV‐independent FliZ control of flagellar gene expression provide evidence that the YdiV‐FliZ mutually repressing repressor circuit is not required for bistability. Repression and activation by YdiV and FliZ (respectively) can shape the census of fliC expression independently, and bistability collapses into a predominantly intermediate population in the absence of both regulators. Metered expression of YdiV and FliZ reveals variable sensitivity to these regulators and defines conditions where expression of FliZ enhances fliC expression and where FliZ does not alter the fliC census. Thus, this evolved genetic circuitry coordinates multiple layers of regulatory heterogeneity into a binary response.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, an opportunistic life‐threatening human bacterial pathogen, employs quorum‐sensing (QS) signal molecules to modulate virulence gene expression. 2‐(2‐hydroxyphenyl)‐thiazole‐4‐carbaldehyde (IQS) is a recently identified QS signal that integrates the canonical lasR‐type QS of P. aeruginosa and host phosphate stress response to fine‐tune its virulence production for a successful infection. To address the role of IQS in pathogen–host interaction, we here present that IQS inhibits host cell growth and stimulates apoptosis in a dosage‐dependent manner. By downregulating the telomere‐protecting protein POT1 in host cells, IQS activates CHK1, CHK2, and p53 in an Ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM)/ATM and RAD3‐related (ATR)‐dependent manner and induces DNA damage response. Overexpression of POT1 in host cells presents a resistance to IQS treatment. These results suggest a pivotal role of IQS in host apoptosis, highlighting the complexity of pathogenesis mechanisms developed by P. aeruginosa during infection.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis is a widespread and diverse bacterium t exhibits a remarkable intraspecific diversity of the ComQXPA quorum‐sensing (QS) system. This manifests in the existence of distinct communication groups (pherotypes) that can efficiently communicate within a group, but not between groups. Similar QS diversity was also found in other bacterial species, and its ecological and evolutionary meaning is still being explored. Here we further address the ComQXPA QS diversity among isolates from the tomato rhizoplane, a natural habitat of B. subtilis, where these bacteria likely exist in their vegetative form. Because this QS system regulates production of anti‐pathogenic and biofilm‐inducing substances such as surfactins, knowledge on cell–cell communication of this bacterium within rhizoplane is also important from the biocontrol perspective. We confirm the presence of pherotype diversity within B. subtilis strains isolated from a rhizoplane of a single plant. We also show that B. subtilis rhizoplane isolates show a remarkable diversity of surfactin production and potential plant growth promoting traits. Finally, we discover that effects of surfactin deletion on biofilm formation can be strain specific and unexpected in the light of current knowledge on its role it this process.  相似文献   

Aims: To investigate roles of quorum‐sensing (QS) system in Acinetobacter sp. strain DR1 and rifampicin‐resistant variant (hereinafter DR1R). Methods and Results: The DR1 strain generated three putative acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs), while the DR1R produced only one signal and QS signal production was abrogated in the aqsI (LuxI homolog) mutant. The hexadecane‐degradation and biofilm‐formation capabilities of DR1, DR1R, and aqsI mutants were compared, along with their proteomic data. Proteomics analysis revealed that the AHL lactonase responsible for degrading QS signal was highly upregulated in both DR1R and aqsI mutant, also showed that several proteins, including ppGpp synthase, histidine kinase sensors, might be under the control of QS signalling. Interestingly, biofilm‐formation and hexadecane‐biodegradation abilities were reduced more profoundly in the aqsI mutant. These altered phenotypes of the aqsI mutant were restored via the addition of free wild‐type cell supernatant and exogenous C12‐AHL. Conclusions: The QS system in strain DR1 contributes to hexadecane degradation and biofilm formation. Significance and Impact of the Study: This is the first report to demonstrate that a specific QS signal appears to be a critical factor for hexadecane degradation and biofilm formation in Acinetobacter sp. strain DR1.  相似文献   

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