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Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and its pathogenesis is closely associated with oxidative stress. Deposition of aggregated α‐synuclein (α‐Syn) occurs in familial and sporadic forms of Parkinson's disease. Here, we studied the effect of oligomeric α‐Syn on one of the major markers of oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, in primary co‐cultures of neurons and astrocytes. We found that oligomeric but not monomeric α‐Syn significantly increases the rate of production of reactive oxygen species, subsequently inducing lipid peroxidation in both neurons and astrocytes. Pre‐incubation of cells with isotope‐reinforced polyunsaturated fatty acids (D‐PUFAs) completely prevented the effect of oligomeric α‐Syn on lipid peroxidation. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation with D‐PUFAs further protected cells from cell death induced by oligomeric α‐Syn. Thus, lipid peroxidation induced by misfolding of α‐Syn may play an important role in the cellular mechanism of neuronal cell loss in Parkinson's disease.


Epidemiological studies have indicated an inverse association between high uricemia and incidence of Parkinson's disease (PD). To investigate the link between endogenous urate and neurotoxic changes involving the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system, this study evaluated the modifications in the striatal urate levels in two models of PD. To this end, a partial dopaminergic degeneration was induced by 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1,2,3,6‐tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) in mice, while a severe dopaminergic degeneration was elicited by unilateral medial forebrain bundle infusion of 6‐hydroxydopamine (6‐OHDA) in rats. Urate levels were measured by in vivo microdialysis at 7 or 14 days from toxin exposure. The results obtained demonstrated higher urate levels in the dopamine‐denervated striatum of 6‐OHDA‐lesioned rats compared with the intact striatum. Moreover, an inverse correlation between urate and dopamine levels was observed in the same area. In contrast, only a trend to significant increase in striatal urate was observed in MPTP‐treated mice. These results demonstrate that a damage to the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system elevates the striatal levels of urate, and suggest that this could be an endogenous compensatory mechanism to attenuate dopaminergic neurodegeneration. This finding may be important in light of the epidemiological and preclinical evidences that indicate a link between urate and development of PD.


In this study, in vitro and in vivo experiments were carried out with the high‐affinity multifunctional D2/D3 agonist D‐512 to explore its potential neuroprotective effects in models of Parkinson's disease and the potential mechanism(s) underlying such properties. Pre‐treatment with D‐512 in vitro was found to rescue rat adrenal Pheochromocytoma PC12 cells from toxicity induced by 6‐hydroxydopamine administration in a dose‐dependent manner. Neuroprotection was found to coincide with reductions in intracellular reactive oxygen species, lipid peroxidation, and DNA damage. In vivo, pre‐treatment with 0.5 mg/kg D‐512 was protective against neurodegenerative phenotypes associated with systemic administration of MPTP, including losses in striatal dopamine, reductions in numbers of DAergic neurons in the substantia nigra (SN), and locomotor dysfunction. These observations strongly suggest that the multifunctional drug D‐512 may constitute a novel viable therapy for Parkinson's disease.


The gene encoding leucine‐rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) comprises a major risk factor for Parkinson's disease. Recently, it has emerged that LRRK2 plays important roles in the immune system. LRRK2 is induced by interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) in monocytes, but the signaling pathway is not known. Here, we show that IFN‐γ‐mediated induction of LRRK2 was suppressed by pharmacological inhibition and RNA interference of the extracellular signal‐regulated kinase 5 (ERK5). This was confirmed by LRRK2 immunostaining, which also revealed that the morphological responses to IFN‐γ were suppressed by ERK5 inhibitor treatment. Both human acute monocytic leukemia THP‐1 cells and human peripheral blood monocytes stimulated the ERK5‐LRRK2 pathway after differentiation into macrophages. Thus, LRRK2 is induced via a novel, ERK5‐dependent IFN‐γ signal transduction pathway, pointing to new functions of ERK5 and LRRK2 in human macrophages.


Manganese (Mn) is an essential heavy metal that is naturally found in the environment. Daily intake through dietary sources provides the necessary amount required for several key physiological processes, including antioxidant defense, energy metabolism, immune function and others. However, overexposure from environmental sources can result in a condition known as manganism that features symptomatology similar to Parkinson's disease (PD). This disorder presents with debilitating motor and cognitive deficits that arise from a neurodegenerative process. In order to maintain a balance between its essentiality and neurotoxicity, several mechanisms exist to properly buffer cellular Mn levels. These include transporters involved in Mn uptake, and newly discovered Mn efflux mechanisms. This review will focus on current studies related to mechanisms underlying Mn import and export, primarily the Mn transporters, and their function and roles in Mn‐induced neurotoxicity.


Parkinson's disease (PD) is an age‐related, neurodegenerative motor disorder characterized by progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and presence of α‐synuclein‐containing protein aggregates. Mutations in the mitochondrial Ser/Thr kinase PTEN‐induced kinase 1 (PINK1) are associated with an autosomal recessive familial form of early‐onset PD. Recent studies have suggested that PINK1 plays important neuroprotective roles against mitochondrial dysfunction by phosphorylating and recruiting Parkin, a cytosolic E3 ubiquitin ligase, to facilitate elimination of damaged mitochondria via autophagy‐lysosomal pathways. Loss of PINK1 in cells and animals leads to various mitochondrial impairments and oxidative stress, culminating in dopaminergic neuronal death in humans. Using a 2‐D polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis proteomics approach, the differences in expressed brain proteome and phosphoproteome between 6‐month‐old PINK1‐deficient mice and wild‐type mice were identified. The observed changes in the brain proteome and phosphoproteome of mice lacking PINK1 suggest that defects in signaling networks, energy metabolism, cellular proteostasis, and neuronal structure and plasticity are involved in the pathogenesis of familial PD.


Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) regulates excitatory post‐synaptic signaling in the central nervous system (CNS) and is implicated in various CNS disorders. Protein kinase A (PKA) signaling is known to play a critical role in neuropsychiatric disorders such as Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and addiction. Dopamine signaling is known to modulate the properties of mGluR5 in a cAMP‐ and PKA‐dependent manner, suggesting that mGluR5 may be a direct target for PKA. Our study identifies mGluR5 at Ser870 as a direct substrate for PKA phosphorylation and demonstrates that this phosphorylation plays a critical role in the PKA‐mediated modulation of mGluR5 functions such as extracellular signal‐regulated kinase phosphorylation and intracellular Ca2+ oscillations. The identification of the molecular mechanism by which PKA signaling modulates mGluR5‐mediated cellular responses contributes to the understanding of the interaction between dopaminergic and glutamatergic neuronal signaling.


DJ‐1 is an oxidative stress sensor that localizes to the mitochondria when the cell is exposed to oxidative stress. DJ‐1 mutations that result in gene deficiency are linked to increased risk of Parkinson's disease (PD). Activation of microglial stress conditions that are linked to PD may result in neuronal death. We postulated that DJ‐1 deficiency may increase microglial neurotoxicity. We found that down‐regulation of DJ‐1 in microglia using an shRNA approach increased cell sensitivity to dopamine as measured by secreted pro‐inflammatory cytokines such as IL‐1β and IL‐6. Furthermore, we discovered that DJ‐1‐deficient microglia had increased monoamine oxidase activity that resulted in elevation of intracellular reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide leading to increased dopaminergic neurotoxicity. Rasagaline, a monoamine oxidase inhibitor approved for treatment of PD, reduced the microglial pro‐inflammatory phenotype and significantly reduced neurotoxicity. Moreover, we discovered that DJ‐1‐deficient microglia have reduced expression of triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (TREM2), previously suggested as a risk factor for pro‐inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases. Further studies of DJ‐1‐mediated cellular pathways in microglia may contribute useful insights into the development of PD providing future avenues for therapeutic intervention.


The effects of aging were traditionally thought to be immutable, particularly evident in the loss of plasticity and cognitive abilities occurring in the aged central nervous system (CNS). However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that extrinsic systemic manipulations such as exercise, caloric restriction, and changing blood composition by heterochronic parabiosis or young plasma administration can partially counteract this age‐related loss of plasticity in the aged brain. In this review, we discuss the process of aging and rejuvenation as systemic events. We summarize genetic studies that demonstrate a surprising level of malleability in organismal lifespan, and highlight the potential for systemic manipulations to functionally reverse the effects of aging in the CNS. Based on mounting evidence, we propose that rejuvenating effects of systemic manipulations are mediated, in part, by blood‐borne ‘pro‐youthful’ factors. Thus, systemic manipulations promoting a younger blood composition provide effective strategies to rejuvenate the aged brain. As a consequence, we can now consider reactivating latent plasticity dormant in the aged CNS as a means to rejuvenate regenerative, synaptic, and cognitive functions late in life, with potential implications even for extending lifespan.


Microtubules in neurons consist of highly dynamic regions as well as stable regions, some of which persist after bouts of severing as short mobile polymers. Concentrated at the plus ends of the highly dynamic regions are microtubule plus end tracking proteins called +TIPs that can interact with an array of other proteins and structures relevant to the plasticity of the neuron. It is also provocative to ponder that short mobile microtubules might similarly convey information with them as they transit within the neuron. Thus, beyond their known conventional functions in supporting neuronal architecture and organelle transport, microtubules may act as ‘information carriers’ in the neuron.


Taste information from type III taste cells to gustatory neurons is thought to be transmitted via synapses. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying taste transduction through this pathway have not been fully elucidated. In this study, to identify molecules that participate in synaptic taste transduction, we investigated whether complexins (Cplxs), which play roles in regulating membrane fusion in synaptic vesicle exocytosis, were expressed in taste bud cells. Among four Cplx isoforms, strong expression of Cplx2 mRNA was detected in type III taste cells. To investigate the function of CPLX2 in taste transduction, we observed taste responses in CPLX2‐knockout mice. When assessed with electrophysiological and behavioral assays, taste responses to some sour stimuli in CPLX2‐knockout mice were significantly lower than those in wild‐type mice. These results suggested that CPLX2 participated in synaptic taste transduction from type III taste cells to gustatory neurons.


Chronic neuropathic pain is a common consequence of spinal cord injury (SCI), develops over time and negatively impacts quality of life, often leading to substance abuse and suicide. Recent evidence has demonstrated that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a role in contributing to neuropathic pain in SCI animal models. This investigation examines four compounds that reduce ROS and the downstream lipid peroxidation products, apocynin, 4‐oxo‐tempo, U‐83836E, and tirilazad, and tests if these compounds can reduce nocioceptive behaviors in chronic SCI animals. Apocynin and 4‐oxo‐tempo significantly reduced abnormal mechanical hypersensitivity measured in forelimbs and hindlimbs in a model of chronic SCI‐induced neuropathic pain. Thus, compounds that inhibit ROS or lipid peroxidation products can be used to ameliorate chronic neuropathic pain.


Parkinson's disease (PD) is the most prevalent neurodegenerative motor disorder worldwide, and results in the progressive loss of dopamine (DA) neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Gene–environment interactions are believed to play a significant role in the vast majority of PD cases, yet the toxicants and the associated genes involved in the neuropathology are largely ill‐defined. Recent epidemiological and biochemical evidence suggests that methylmercury (MeHg) may be an environmental toxicant that contributes to the development of PD. Here, we report that a gene coding for the putative multidrug resistance protein MRP‐7 in Caenorhabditis elegans modulates whole animal and DA neuron sensitivity to MeHg. In this study, we demonstrate that genetic knockdown of MRP‐7 results in a twofold increase in Hg levels and a dramatic increase in stress response proteins associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and mitochondria, as well as an increase in MeHg‐associated animal death. Chronic exposure to low concentrations of MeHg induces MRP‐7 gene expression, while exposures in MRP‐7 genetic knockdown animals results in a loss of DA neuron integrity without affecting whole animal viability. Furthermore, transgenic animals expressing a fluorescent reporter behind the endogenous MRP‐7 promoter indicate that the transporter is expressed in DA neurons. These studies show for the first time that a multidrug resistance protein is expressed in DA neurons, and its expression inhibits MeHg‐associated DA neuron pathology.


Lewy bodies, mainly composed of α‐synuclein (αS), are pathological hallmarks of Parkinson's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. Epidemiological studies showed that green tea consumption or habitual intake of phenolic compounds reduced Parkinson's disease risk. We previously reported that phenolic compounds inhibited αS fibrillation and destabilized preformed αS fibrils. Cumulative evidence suggests that low‐order αS oligomers are neurotoxic and critical species in the pathogenesis of α‐synucleinopathies. To develop disease modifying therapies for α‐synucleinopathies, we examined effects of phenolic compounds (myricetin (Myr), curcumin, rosmarinic acid (RA), nordihydroguaiaretic acid, and ferulic acid) on αS oligomerization. Using methods such as photo‐induced cross‐linking of unmodified proteins, circular dichroism spectroscopy, the electron microscope, and the atomic force microscope, we showed that Myr and RA inhibited αS oligomerization and secondary structure conversion. The nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed that Myr directly bound to the N‐terminal region of αS, whereas direct binding of RA to monomeric αS was not detected. Electrophysiological assays for long‐term potentiation in mouse hippocampal slices revealed that Myr and RA ameliorated αS synaptic toxicity by inhibition of αS oligomerization. These results suggest that Myr and RA prevent the αS aggregation process, reducing the neurotoxicity of αS oligomers.


The GluN2 subunits that compose NMDA receptors (NMDARs) determine functional and pharmacological properties of the receptor. In the striatum, functions and potential dysfunctions of NMDARs attributed to specific GluN2 subunits have not been clearly elucidated, although NMDARs play critical roles in the interactions between glutamate and dopamine. Through the use of amperometry and field potential recordings in mouse brain slices, we found that NMDARs that contain the GluN2D subunit contribute to NMDA‐induced inhibition of evoked dopamine release and of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the striatum of control mice. Inhibition is likely mediated through increased firing in cholinergic interneurons, which were shown to express GluN2D. Indeed, NMDA‐induced inhibition of both dopamine release and glutamatergic neurotransmission is reduced in the presence of muscarinic receptor antagonists and is mimicked by a muscarinic receptor agonist. We have also examined whether this function of GluN2D‐containing NMDARs is altered in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease. We found that the inhibitory role of GluN2D‐containing NMDARs on glutamatergic neurotransmission is impaired in the 6‐hydroxydopamine lesioned striatum. These results identify a role for GluN2D‐containing NMDARs and adaptive changes in experimental Parkinsonism. GluN2D might constitute an attractive target for the development of novel pharmacological tools for therapeutic intervention in Parkinson's disease.


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