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The functional roles of the orphan nuclear receptor, Nurr1, have been extensively studied and well established in the development and survival of midbrain dopamine neurons. As Nurr1 and other NR4A members are widely expressed in the brain in overlapping and distinct manners, it has been an open question whether Nurr1 has important function(s) in other brain areas. Recent studies suggest that up‐regulation of Nurr1 expression is critical for cognitive functions and/or long‐term memory in forebrain areas including hippocampal formation. Questions remain about the association between Nurr1 expression and Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain pathology. Here, using our newly developed Nurr1‐selective antibody, we report that Nurr1 protein is prominently expressed in brain areas with Aβ accumulation, that is, the subiculum and the frontal cortex, in the 5XFAD mouse and that Nurr1 is highly co‐expressed with Aβ at early stages. Furthermore, the number of Nurr1‐expressing cells significantly declines in the 5XFAD mouse in an age‐dependent manner, accompanied by increased plaque deposition. Thus, our findings suggest that altered expression of Nurr1 is associated with AD progression.


Tolerance to the neurochemical and psychoactive effects of cocaine after repeated use is a hallmark of cocaine addiction in humans. However, comprehensive studies on tolerance to the behavioral, psychoactive, and neurochemical effects of cocaine following contingent administration in rodents are lacking. We outlined the consequences of extended access cocaine self‐administration as it related to tolerance to the psychomotor activating, dopamine (DA) elevating, and DA transporter (DAT) inhibiting effects of cocaine. Cocaine self‐administration (1.5 mg/kg/inj; 40 inj; 5 days), which resulted in escalation of first hour intake, caused reductions in evoked DA release and reduced maximal rates of uptake through the DAT as measured by slice voltammetry in the nucleus accumbens core. Furthermore, we report reductions in cocaine‐induced uptake inhibition and a corresponding increase in the dose of cocaine required for 50% inhibition of DA uptake (Ki) at the DAT. Cocaine tolerance at the DAT translated to reductions in cocaine‐induced DA overflow as measured by microdialysis. In addition, cocaine‐induced elevations in locomotor activity and stereotypy were reduced, while rearing behavior was enhanced in animals with a history of cocaine self‐administration. Here, we demonstrate both neurochemical and behavioral cocaine tolerance in an extended‐access rodent model of cocaine abuse, which allows for a better understanding of the neurochemical and psychomotor tolerance that develops to cocaine in human addicts.


Increasing evidence supports the critical role of α‐amino‐3‐hydroxy‐5‐methyl‐4‐isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) glutamate receptors in psychostimulant action. These receptors are regulated via a phosphorylation‐dependent mechanism in their trafficking, distribution, and function. The hippocampus is a brain structure important for learning and memory and is emerging as a critical site for processing psychostimulant effects. To determine whether the hippocampal pool of AMPA receptors is regulated by stimulants, we investigated and characterized the impact of amphetamine (AMPH) on phosphorylation of AMPA receptors in the adult rat hippocampus in vivo. We found that AMPH markedly increased phosphorylation of AMPA receptor GluA1 subunits at serine 845 (S845) in the hippocampus. The effect of AMPH was dose dependent. A single dose of AMPH induced a rapid and transient increase in S845 phosphorylation. Among different hippocampal subfields, AMPH primarily elevated S845 phosphorylation in the Cornu Ammonis area 1 and dentate gyrus. In contrast to S845, serine 831 phosphorylation of GluA1 and serine 880 phosphorylation of GluA2 were not altered by AMPH. In addition, surface expression of hippocampal GluA1 was up‐regulated, while the amount of intracellular GluA1 fraction was concurrently reduced in response to AMPH. GluA2 protein levels in either the surface or intracellular pool were insensitive to AMPH. These data demonstrate that the AMPA receptor in the hippocampus is sensitive to dopamine stimulation. Acute AMPH administration induces dose‐, time‐, site‐, and subunit‐dependent phosphorylation of AMPA receptors and facilitates surface trafficking of GluA1 AMPA receptors in hippocampal neurons in vivo.


Dopamine (DA), a highly significant neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system, operates on multiple time scales to affect a diverse array of physiological functions. The significance of DA in human health is heightened by its role in a variety of pathologies. Voltammetric measurements of electrically evoked DA release have brought to light the existence of a patchwork of DA kinetic domains in the dorsal striatum (DS) of the rat. Thus, it becomes necessary to consider how these domains might be related to specific aspects of DA's functions. Responses evoked in the fast and slow domains are distinct in both amplitude and temporal profile. Herein, we report that responses evoked in fast domains can be further classified into four distinct types, types 1–4. The DS, therefore, exhibits a total of at least five distinct evoked responses (four fast types and one slow type). All five response types conform to kinetic models based entirely on first‐order rate expressions, which indicates that the heterogeneity among the response types arises from kinetic diversity within the DS terminal field. We report also that functionally distinct subregions of the DS express DA kinetic diversity in a selective manner. Thus, this study documents five response types, provides a thorough kinetic explanation for each of them, and confirms their differential association with functionally distinct subregions of this key DA terminal field.


Inflammation is a key part of central nervous system pathophysiology. However, inflammatory factors are now thought to have both beneficial and deleterious effects. Here, we examine the hypothesis that lipocalin‐2 (LCN2), an inflammatory molecule that can be up‐regulated in the distressed central nervous system, may enhance angiogenesis in brain endothelial cells. Adding LCN2 (0.5–2.0 μg/mL) to RBE (Rat brain endothelial cells). 4 rat brain endothelial cells significantly increased matrigel tube formation and scratch migration, and also elevated levels of iron and reactive oxygen species. Co‐treatment with a radical scavenger (U83836E), a Nox inhibitor (apocynin) and an iron chelating agent (deferiprone) significantly dampened the ability of LCN2 to enhance tube formation and scratch migration in brain endothelial cells. These findings provide in vitro proof of the concept that LCN2 can promote angiogenesis via iron‐ and reactive oxygen species‐related pathways, and support the idea that LCN2 may contribute to the neurovascular recovery aspects of inflammation.


Microtubules in neurons consist of highly dynamic regions as well as stable regions, some of which persist after bouts of severing as short mobile polymers. Concentrated at the plus ends of the highly dynamic regions are microtubule plus end tracking proteins called +TIPs that can interact with an array of other proteins and structures relevant to the plasticity of the neuron. It is also provocative to ponder that short mobile microtubules might similarly convey information with them as they transit within the neuron. Thus, beyond their known conventional functions in supporting neuronal architecture and organelle transport, microtubules may act as ‘information carriers’ in the neuron.


The neurotransmitter serotonin underlies many of the brain's functions. Understanding serotonin neurochemistry is important for improving treatments for neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression. Antidepressants commonly target serotonin clearance via serotonin transporters and have variable clinical effects. Adjunctive therapies, targeting other systems including serotonin autoreceptors, also vary clinically and carry adverse consequences. Fast scan cyclic voltammetry is particularly well suited for studying antidepressant effects on serotonin clearance and autoreceptors by providing real‐time chemical information on serotonin kinetics in vivo. However, the complex nature of in vivo serotonin responses makes it difficult to interpret experimental data with established kinetic models. Here, we electrically stimulated the mouse medial forebrain bundle to provoke and detect terminal serotonin in the substantia nigra reticulata. In response to medial forebrain bundle stimulation we found three dynamically distinct serotonin signals. To interpret these signals we developed a computational model that supports two independent serotonin reuptake mechanisms (high affinity, low efficiency reuptake mechanism, and low affinity, high efficiency reuptake system) and bolsters an important inhibitory role for the serotonin autoreceptors. Our data and analysis, afforded by the powerful combination of voltammetric and theoretical methods, gives new understanding of the chemical heterogeneity of serotonin dynamics in the brain. This diverse serotonergic matrix likely contributes to clinical variability of antidepressants.


This review focuses on recent advances in the understanding of the organization and roles of actin filaments, and associated myosin motor proteins, in regulating the structure and function of the axon shaft. ‘Patches’ of actin filaments have emerged as a major type of actin filament organization in axons. In the distal axon, patches function as precursors to the formation of filopodia and branches. At the axon initial segment, patches locally capture membranous organelles and contribute to polarized trafficking. The trapping function of patches at the initial segment can be ascribed to interactions with myosin motors, and likely also applies to patches in the more distal axon. Finally, submembranous rings of actin filaments were recently described in axons, which form an actin‐spectrin cytoskeleton, likely contributing to the maintenance of axon integrity. Continued investigation into the roles of axonal actin filaments and myosins will shed light on fundamental aspects of the development, adult function and the repair of axons in the nervous system.


Huntington's disease (HD) is one of many neurodegenerative diseases with reported alterations in brain iron homeostasis that may contribute to neuropathogenesis. Iron accumulation in the specific brain areas of neurodegeneration in HD has been proposed based on observations in post‐mortem tissue and magnetic resonance imaging studies. Altered magnetic resonance imaging signal within specific brain regions undergoing neurodegeneration has been consistently reported and interpreted as altered levels of brain iron. Biochemical studies using various techniques to measure iron species in human samples, mouse tissue, or in vitro has generated equivocal data to support such an association. Whether elevated brain iron occurs in HD, plays a significant contributing role in HD pathogenesis, or is a secondary effect remains currently unclear.


Subcellular trafficking of neuronal receptors is known to play a key role in synaptic development, homeostasis, and plasticity. We have developed a ligand‐targeted and photo‐cleavable probe for delivering a synthetic fluorophore to AMPA receptors natively expressed in neurons. After a receptor is bound to the ligand portion of the probe molecule, a proteinaceous nucleophile reacts with an electrophile on the probe, covalently bonding the two species. The ligand may then be removed by photolysis, returning the receptor to its non‐liganded state while leaving intact the new covalent bond between the receptor and the fluorophore. This strategy was used to label polyamine‐sensitive receptors, including calcium‐permeable AMPA receptors, in live hippocampal neurons from rats. Here, we describe experiments where we examined specificity, competition, and concentration on labeling efficacy as well as quantified receptor trafficking. Pharmacological competition during the labeling step with either a competitive or non‐competitive glutamate receptor antagonist prevented the majority of labeling observed without a blocker. In other experiments, labeled receptors were observed to alter their locations and we were able to track and quantify their movements.


Manganese (Mn) is an essential heavy metal that is naturally found in the environment. Daily intake through dietary sources provides the necessary amount required for several key physiological processes, including antioxidant defense, energy metabolism, immune function and others. However, overexposure from environmental sources can result in a condition known as manganism that features symptomatology similar to Parkinson's disease (PD). This disorder presents with debilitating motor and cognitive deficits that arise from a neurodegenerative process. In order to maintain a balance between its essentiality and neurotoxicity, several mechanisms exist to properly buffer cellular Mn levels. These include transporters involved in Mn uptake, and newly discovered Mn efflux mechanisms. This review will focus on current studies related to mechanisms underlying Mn import and export, primarily the Mn transporters, and their function and roles in Mn‐induced neurotoxicity.


Taste information from type III taste cells to gustatory neurons is thought to be transmitted via synapses. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying taste transduction through this pathway have not been fully elucidated. In this study, to identify molecules that participate in synaptic taste transduction, we investigated whether complexins (Cplxs), which play roles in regulating membrane fusion in synaptic vesicle exocytosis, were expressed in taste bud cells. Among four Cplx isoforms, strong expression of Cplx2 mRNA was detected in type III taste cells. To investigate the function of CPLX2 in taste transduction, we observed taste responses in CPLX2‐knockout mice. When assessed with electrophysiological and behavioral assays, taste responses to some sour stimuli in CPLX2‐knockout mice were significantly lower than those in wild‐type mice. These results suggested that CPLX2 participated in synaptic taste transduction from type III taste cells to gustatory neurons.


Clustered protocadherins (cPcdhs) comprising cPcdh‐α, ‐β, and ‐γ, encode a large family of cadherin‐like cell‐adhesion molecules specific to neurons. Impairment of cPcdh‐α results in abnormal neuronal projection patterns in specific brain areas. To elucidate the role of cPcdh‐α in retinogeniculate projections, we investigated the morphological patterns of retinogeniculate terminals in the lateral geniculate (LG) nucleus of mice with impaired cPcdh‐α. We found huge aggregated retinogeniculate terminals in the dorsal LG nucleus, whereas no such aggregated terminals derived from the retina were observed in the olivary pretectal nucleus and the ventral LG nucleus. These aggregated terminals appeared between P10 and P14, just before eye opening and at the beginning of the refinement stage of the retinogeniculate projections. Reduced visual acuity was observed in adult mice with impaired cPcdh‐α, whereas the orientation selectivity and direction selectivity of neurons in the primary visual cortex were apparently normal. These findings suggest that cPcdh‐α is required for adequate spacing of retinogeniculate projections, which may be essential for normal development of visual acuity.


The nucleus accumbens is highly heterogeneous, integrating regionally distinct afferent projections and accumbal interneurons, resulting in diverse local microenvironments. Dopamine (DA) neuron terminals similarly express a heterogeneous collection of terminal receptors that modulate DA signaling. Cyclic voltammetry is often used to probe DA terminal dynamics in brain slice preparations; however, this method traditionally requires electrical stimulation to induce DA release. Electrical stimulation excites all of the neuronal processes in the stimulation field, potentially introducing simultaneous, multi‐synaptic modulation of DA terminal release. We used optogenetics to selectively stimulate DA terminals and used voltammetry to compare DA responses from electrical and optical stimulation of the same area of tissue around a recording electrode. We found that with multiple pulse stimulation trains, optically stimulated DA release increasingly exceeded that of electrical stimulation. Furthermore, electrical stimulation produced inhibition of DA release across longer duration stimulations. The GABAB antagonist, CGP 55845, increased electrically stimulated DA release significantly more than light stimulated release. The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, dihydro‐β‐erythroidine hydrobromide, inhibited single pulse electrically stimulated DA release while having no effect on optically stimulated DA release. Our results demonstrate that electrical stimulation introduces local multi‐synaptic modulation of DA release that is absent with optogenetically targeted stimulation.


Compelling evidence indicates that type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance (IR), and metabolic syndrome are often accompanied by cognitive impairment. However, the mechanistic link between these metabolic abnormalities and CNS dysfunction requires further investigations. Here, we evaluated whether adipose tissue IR and related metabolic alterations resulted in CNS changes by studying synapse lipid composition and function in the adipocyte‐specific ecto‐nucleotide pyrophosphate phosphodiesterase over‐expressing transgenic (AtENPP1‐Tg) mouse, a model characterized by white adipocyte IR, systemic IR, and ectopic fat deposition. When fed a high‐fat diet, AtENPP1‐Tg mice recapitulate essential features of the human metabolic syndrome, making them an ideal model to characterize peripherally induced CNS deficits. Using a combination of gas chromatography and western blot analysis, we found evidence of altered lipid composition, including decreased phospholipids and increased triglycerides (TG) and free fatty acid in hippocampal synaptosomes isolated from high‐fat diet‐fed AtENPP1‐Tg mice. These changes were associated with impaired basal synaptic transmission at the Schaffer collaterals to hippocampal cornu ammonis 1 (CA1) synapses, decreased phosphorylation of the GluN1 glutamate receptor subunit, down‐regulation of insulin receptor expression, and up‐regulation of the free fatty acid receptor 1.


Mutations in more than 10 genes are reported to cause familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Among these genes, optineurin (OPTN) is virtually the only gene that is considered to cause classical ALS by a loss‐of‐function mutation. Wild‐type optineurin (OPTNWT) suppresses nuclear factor‐kappa B (NF‐κB) activity, but the ALS‐causing mutant OPTN is unable to suppress NF‐κB activity. Therefore, we knocked down OPTN in neuronal cells and examined the resulting NF‐κB activity and phenotype. First, we confirmed the loss of the endogenous OPTN expression after siRNA treatment and found that NF‐κB activity was increased in OPTN‐knockdown cells. Next, we found that OPTN knockdown caused neuronal cell death. Then, overexpression of OPTNWT or OPTNE50K with intact NF‐κB‐suppressive activity, but not overexpression of ALS‐related OPTN mutants, suppressed the neuronal death induced by OPTN knockdown. This neuronal cell death was inhibited by withaferin A, which selectively inhibits NF‐κB activation. Lastly, involvement of the mitochondrial proapoptotic pathway was suggested for neuronal death induced by OPTN knockdown. Taken together, these results indicate that inappropriate NF‐κB activation is the pathogenic mechanism underlying OPTN mutation‐related ALS.


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