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We examined the permeabilities of homotypic and heterotypic gap junction (GJ) channels formed of rodent connexins (Cx) 30.2, 40, 43, and 45, which are expressed in the heart and other tissues, using fluorescent dyes differing in net charge and molecular mass. Combining fluorescent imaging and electrophysiological recordings in the same cell pairs, we evaluated the single-channel permeability (P(gamma)). All homotypic channels were permeable to the anionic monovalent dye Alexa Fluor-350 (AF(350)), but mCx30.2 channels exhibited a significantly lower P(gamma) than the others. The anionic divalent dye Lucifer yellow (LY) remained permeant in Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45 channels, but transfer through mCx30.2 channels was not detected. Heterotypic channels generally exhibited P(gamma) values that were intermediate to the corresponding homotypic channels. P(gamma) values of mCx30.2/Cx40, mCx30.2/Cx43, or mCx30.2/Cx45 heterotypic channels for AF(350) were similar and approximately twofold higher than P(gamma) values of mCx30.2 homotypic channels. Permeabilities for cationic dyes were assessed only qualitatively because of their binding to nucleic acids. All homotypic and heterotypic channel configurations were permeable to ethidium bromide and 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. Permeability for propidium iodide was limited only for GJ channels that contain at least one mCx30.2 hemichannel. In summary, we have demonstrated that Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45 are permeant to all examined cationic and anionic dyes, whereas mCx30.2 demonstrates permeation restrictions for molecules with molecular mass over approximately 400 Da. The ratio of single-channel conductance to permeability for AF(350) was approximately 40- to 170-fold higher for mCx30.2 than for Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45, suggesting that mCx30.2 GJs are notably more adapted to perform electrical rather than metabolic cell-cell communication.  相似文献   

Connexins (Cxs) 40, 43, and 45 are expressed in many different tissues, but most abundantly in the heart, blood vessels, and the nervous system. We examined formation and gating properties of heterotypic gap junction (GJ) channels assembled between cells expressing wild-type Cx40, Cx43, or Cx45 and their fusion forms tagged with color variants of green fluorescent protein. We show that these Cxs, with exception of Cxs 40 and 43, are compatible to form functional heterotypic GJ channels. Cx40 and Cx43 hemichannels are unable or effectively impaired in their ability to dock and/or assemble into junctional plaques. When cells expressing Cx45 contacted those expressing Cx40 or Cx43 they readily formed junctional plaques with cell-cell coupling characterized by asymmetric junctional conductance dependence on transjunctional voltage, V(j). Cx40/Cx45 heterotypic GJ channels preferentially exhibit V(j)-dependent gating transitions between open and residual states with a conductance of approximately 42 pS; transitions between fully open and closed states with conductance of approximately 52 pS in magnitude occur at substantially lower ( approximately 10-fold) frequency. Cx40/Cx45 junctions demonstrate electrical signal transfer asymmetry that can be modulated between unidirectional and bidirectional by small changes in the difference between holding potentials of the coupled cells. Furthermore, both fast and slow gating mechanisms of Cx40 exhibit a negative gating polarity.  相似文献   

Transjunctional voltage (V(j)) gating of gap junction (GJ) channels formed of connexins has been proposed to occur by gating of the component hemichannels. We took advantage of the ability of Cx46 and Cx50 to function as unapposed hemichannels to identify gating properties intrinsic to hemichannels and how they contribute to gating of GJ channels. We show that Cx46 and Cx50 hemichannels contain two distinct gating mechanisms that generate reductions in conductance for both membrane polarities. At positive voltages, gating is similar in Cx46 and Cx50 hemichannels, primarily showing increased transitioning to long-lived substates. At negative voltages, Cx46 currents deactivate completely and the underlying single hemichannels exhibit transitions to a fully closed state. In contrast, Cx50 currents do not deactivate completely at negative voltages and the underlying single hemichannels predominantly exhibit transitions to various substates. Transitions to a fully closed state occur, but are infrequent. In the respective GJ channels, both forms of gating contribute to the reduction in conductance by V(j). However, examination of gating of mutant hemichannels and GJ channels in which the Asp at position 3 was replaced with Asn (D3N) showed that the positive hemichannel gate predominantly closes Cx50 GJs, whereas the negative hemichannel gate predominantly closes Cx46 GJs in response to V(j). We also report, for the first time, single Cx50 hemichannels in oocytes to be inwardly rectifying, high conductance channels (gamma = 470 pS). The antimalarial drug mefloquine, which selectively blocks Cx50 and not Cx46 GJs, shows the same selectivity in Cx50 and Cx46 hemichannels indicating that the actions of such uncoupling agents, like voltage gating, are intrinsic hemichannel properties.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicatingformation of functional homomeric/heterotypic gap junction channels byconnexin40 (Cx40) and connexin43 (Cx43) raises the question of whetherdata previously interpreted as support for heteromeric channelformation by these connexins might not instead reflect the activity ofhomomeric/heterotypic channels. To address this question and to furthercharacterize the behavior of these channels, we used dual whole cellvoltage-clamp techniques to examine the junctions formed between cellsthat express only Cx40 (Rin40) or Cx43 (Rin43) and compared the results with those obtained when either of these cell types was paired withcells that naturally express both connexins (A7r5 cells). Rin40/Rin43cell pairs formed functional gap junctions that displayed a stronglyasymmetric voltage-dependent gating response. Single-channel eventamplitudes ranged between 34 and 150 pS, with 90- to 130-pS eventspredominating. A7r5/Rin43 and A7r5/Rin40 cell pairs had voltage-dependent gating responses that varied greatly, with most pairsdemonstrating strong asymmetry. These cell pairs exhibited a variety ofsingle-channel events that were not consistent with homomeric/homotypicCx40 or Cx43 channels or homomeric/heterotypic Cx40/Cx43 channels.These data indicate that Cx40 and Cx43 form homomeric/heterotypic aswell as heteromeric/heterotypic channels that display unique gating andconductance properties.


Many cardiovascular cells coexpress multiple connexins (Cx), leading to the potential formation of mixed (heteromeric) gap junction hemichannels whose biophysical properties may differ from homomeric channels containing only one connexin type. We examined the potential interaction of connexin Cx43 and Cx40 in HeLa cells sequentially stably transfected with these two connexins. Immunoblots verified the production of comparable amounts of both connexins, cross-linking showed that both connexins formed oligomers, and immunofluorescence showed extensive colocalization. Moreover, Cx40 copurified with (His)(6)-tagged Cx43 by affinity chromatography of detergent-solubilized connexons, demonstrating the presence of both connexins in some hemichannels. The dual whole cell patch-clamp method was used to compare the gating properties of gap junctions in HeLa Cx43/Cx40 cells with homotypic (Cx40-Cx40 and Cx43-Cx43) and heterotypic (Cx40-Cx43) gap junctions. Many of the observed single channel conductances resembled those of homotypic or heterotypic channels. The steady-state junctional conductance (g(j,ss)) in coexpressing cell pairs showed a reduced sensitivity to the voltage between cells (V(j)) compared with homotypic gap junctions and/or an asymmetrical V(j) dependence reminiscent of heterotypic gap junctions. These gating properties could be fit using a combination of homotypic and heterotypic channel properties. Thus, whereas our biochemical evidence suggests that Cx40 and Cx43 form heteromeric connexons, we conclude that they are functionally insignificant with regard to voltage-dependent gating.  相似文献   

Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio in A7r5 cells is augmented in growth stimulated vs. growth arrested conditions. To determine the impact of changing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio on gap junction function, we have developed A7r5 cell lines that display Cx40:Cx43 ratios of 1:1 (66B5n) and 10:1 (A7r540C3). When Rin43 cells were paired with these coexpressing cells, there was an increasing asymmetry of voltage dependent gating as the Cx40:Cx43 ratio increased in the coexpressing cell. This asymmetry was opposite to that which is predicted by Cx40/Cx43 heterotypic channels. In addition, when Rin43 cells were paired with coexpressing cells there was a shift toward smaller single channel event amplitudes with increasing Cx40:Cx43 ratio in the coexpressing cell. Again, this is opposite to that which is predicted by Cx40/Cx43 heterotypic channels. In dye coupling experiments, 6B5N, A7r5, and A7r540C3 cells displayed charge and size selectivity that increased with increasing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio. These data indicate that although the electrophysiological properties of heteromeric/heterotypic channels are not directly related to the proportions of Cx constituents that comprise the channel, the dye permeability data fit what would be predicted by an increase in Cx40:Cx43 ratio.  相似文献   

Gap Junction (GJ) channels, including the most common Connexin 43 (Cx43), have fundamental roles in excitable tissues by facilitating rapid transmission of action potentials between adjacent cells. For instance, synchronization during each heartbeat is regulated by these ion channels at the cardiomyocyte cell-cell border. Cx43 protein has a short half-life, and rapid synthesis and timely delivery of those proteins to particular subdomains are crucial for the cellular organization of gap junctions and maintenance of intracellular coupling. Impairment in gap junction trafficking contributes to dangerous complications in diseased hearts such as the arrhythmias of sudden cardiac death. Of recent interest are the protein-protein interactions with the Cx43 carboxy-terminus. These interactions have significant impact on the full length Cx43 lifecycle and also contribute to trafficking of Cx43 as well as possibly other functions. We are learning that many of the known non-canonical roles of Cx43 can be attributed to the recently identified six endogenous Cx43 truncated isoforms which are produced by internal translation. In general, alternative translation is a new leading edge for proteome expansion and therapeutic drug development. This review highlights recent mechanisms identified in the trafficking of gap junction channels, involvement of other proteins contributing to the delivery of channels to the cell-cell border, and understanding of possible roles of the newly discovered alternatively translated isoforms in Cx43 biology. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Gap Junction Proteins edited by Jean Claude Herve.  相似文献   

Connexin40 (Cx40) and connexin43 (Cx43) are co-expressed in the cardiovascular system, yet their ability to form functional heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions remains controversial. We paired Cx43 or Cx40 stably-transfected N2a cells to examine the formation and biophysical properties of heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junction channels. Dual whole cell patch clamp recordings demonstrated that Cx43 and Cx40 form functional heterotypic gap junctions with asymmetric transjunctional voltage (Vj) dependent gating properties. The heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions exhibited less Vj gating when the Cx40 cell was positive and pronounced gating when negative. Endogenous N2a cell connexin expression levels were 1,000-fold lower than exogenously expressed Cx40 and Cx43 levels, measured by real-time PCR and Western blotting methods, suggestive of heterotypic gap junction formation by exogenous Cx40 and Cx43. Imposing a [KCl] gradient across the heterotypic gap junction modestly diminished the asymmetry of the macroscopic normalized junctional conductance – voltage (Gj-Vj) curve when [KCl] was reduced by 50% on the Cx43 side and greatly exacerbated the Vj gating asymmetries when lowered on the Cx40 side. Pairing wild-type (wt) Cx43 with the Cx40 E9,13K mutant protein produced a nearly symmetrical heterotypic Gj-Vj curve. These studies conclusively demonstrate the ability of Cx40 and Cx43 to form rectifying heterotypic gap junctions, owing primarily to alternate amino-terminal (NT) domain acidic and basic amino acid differences that may play a significant role in the physiology and/or pathology of the cardiovascular tissues including cardiac conduction properties and myoendothelial intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Connexin40 (Cx40) and connexin43 (Cx43) are co-expressed in the cardiovascular system, yet their ability to form functional heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions remains controversial. We paired Cx43 or Cx40 stably-transfected N2a cells to examine the formation and biophysical properties of heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junction channels. Dual whole cell patch clamp recordings demonstrated that Cx43 and Cx40 form functional heterotypic gap junctions with asymmetric transjunctional voltage (Vj) dependent gating properties. The heterotypic Cx43/Cx40 gap junctions exhibited less Vj gating when the Cx40 cell was positive and pronounced gating when negative. Endogenous N2a cell connexin expression levels were 1,000-fold lower than exogenously expressed Cx40 and Cx43 levels, measured by real-time PCR and Western blotting methods, suggestive of heterotypic gap junction formation by exogenous Cx40 and Cx43. Imposing a [KCl] gradient across the heterotypic gap junction modestly diminished the asymmetry of the macroscopic normalized junctional conductance – voltage (Gj-Vj) curve when [KCl] was reduced by 50% on the Cx43 side and greatly exacerbated the Vj gating asymmetries when lowered on the Cx40 side. Pairing wild-type (wt) Cx43 with the Cx40 E9,13K mutant protein produced a nearly symmetrical heterotypic Gj-Vj curve. These studies conclusively demonstrate the ability of Cx40 and Cx43 to form rectifying heterotypic gap junctions, owing primarily to alternate amino-terminal (NT) domain acidic and basic amino acid differences that may play a significant role in the physiology and/or pathology of the cardiovascular tissues including cardiac conduction properties and myoendothelial intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels may be comprised of either connexin or pannexin proteins (innexins and pannexins). Membrane topologies of both families are similar, but sequence similarity is lacking. Recently, connexin-like sequences have been identified in mammalian and zebrafish genomes that have only four conserved cysteines in the extracellular domains (Cx23), a feature of the pannexins. Phylogenetic analyses of the non-canonical "C4" connexins reveal that these sequences are indeed connexins. Functional assays reveal that the Cx23 gap junctions are capable of sharing neurobiotin, and further, that Cx23 connexins form hemichannels in vitro.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR) is a Cl(-) channel known to influence other channels, including connexin (Cx) channels. To study the functional interaction between CFTR and gap junction channels, we coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes CFTR and either Cx45, Cx40, Cx32 or Cx50 and monitored junctional conductance (G (j)) and its sensitivity to transjunctional voltage (V (j)) by the dual voltage-clamp method. Application of forskolin induced a Cl(-) current; increased G (j) approximately 750%, 560%, 64% and 8% in Cx45, Cx40, Cx32 and Cx50, respectively; and decreased sensitivity to V (j ) gating, monitored by a change in the ratio between G (j) steady state and G (j) peak (G (j)SS/G (j)PK) at the pulse. In oocyte pairs expressing just Cx45 in one oocyte (#1) and both Cx45 and CFTR in the other (#2), with negative pulses applied to oocyte #1 forskolin application still increased G (j) and decreased the sensitivity to V (j) gating, indicating that CFTR activation is effective even when it affects only one of the two hemichannels and that the G (j) and V (j) changes are not artifacts of decreased membrane resistance in the pulsed oocyte. COOH-terminus truncation reduced the forskolin effect on Cx40 (Cx40TR) but not on Cx32 (Cx32TR) channels. The data suggest a cross-talk between CFTR and a variety of gap junction channels. Cytoskeletal scaffolding proteins and/or other intermediate cytoplasmic proteins are likely to play a role in CFTR-Cx interaction.  相似文献   

Sarah V. Gerhart 《FEBS letters》2009,583(21):3419-1089
In addition to having a Cx43 ortholog, the zebrafish genome also contains a Cx43-like gene, Cx40.8. Here, we investigate the expression of cx40.8 in zebrafish fins and the function of Cx40.8 in HeLa cells. We find that cx40.8 is present in the same population of dividing cells as cx43. Unlike Cx43, dye coupling assays suggest that Cx40.8 only inefficiently forms functional gap junction channels. However, co-transfection reveals that Cx40.8 can co-localize with Cx43 in gap junction plaques, and that the resulting plaques contain functional gap junction channels. Together, these data suggest the possibility that Cx40.8 may functionally interact with Cx43 to regulate cell proliferation in vivo.

Structured summary

MINT-7266123: cx40.8 (genbank_protein_gi:68354404) and cx43 (uniprotkb:O57474) colocalize (MI:0403) by fluorescence microscopy (MI:0416)  相似文献   

Incells that coexpress connexin (Cx)40 and Cx43, the ratio of expressioncan vary depending on the cellular environment. We examined the effectof changing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio on functional gap junctionproperties. Rin cells transfected with Cx40 or Cx43 (Rin40, Rin43) werecocultured with 6B5n, A7r5, A7r540C1, or A7r540C3 cells forelectrophysiological and dye coupling analysis. Cx40:Cx43 expressionratio in 6B5n, A7r5, A7r540C1, and A7r540C3 cells was ~1:1, 3:1, 5:1,and 10:1, respectively. When Rin43 cells were paired with coexpressingcells, there was an increasing asymmetry of voltage-dependent gatingand a shift toward smaller conductance events as Cx40:Cx43 ratioincreased in the coexpressing cell. These observations could not bepredicted by linear combinations of Cx40 and Cx43 properties inproportion to the expressed ratios of the two Cxs. When Rin40 cellswere paired with coexpressing cells, the net voltage gating andsingle-channel conductance behavior were similar to those ofRin40/Rin40 cell pairs. Dye permeability properties of cell monolayersdemonstrated that as Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio increased incoexpressing cells the charge and size selectivity of dye transferreflected that of Rin40 cells, as would be predicted. These dataindicate that the electrophysiological properties of heteromeric/heterotypic channels are not directly related to the proportions of Cx constituents expressed in the cell; however, the dyepermeability of these same channels can be predicted by the relative Cx contributions.


Endotoxemia caused by bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) leads to severe skeletal muscular deterioration, starting with higher membrane permeability and decline in resting membrane potential (RMP). However, the molecular mechanism of such changes remains unclear. Here, we evaluated the possible involvement of connexin43- and connexin45-based hemichannels (Cx43 and Cx45 HCs, respectively) as putative mediators of sarcolemmal dysfunctions induced by LPS in control (Cx43fl/flCx45fl/fl) and Cx43/Cx45 expression-deficient (Cx43fl/flCx45fl/fl:Myo-Cre) skeletal mice myofibers. At 5 h of endotoxemia, control myofibers presented Cx43 and Cx45 proteins forming functional HCs. Additionally, myofibers from endotoxic control mice showed dye uptake in vivo, which was inhibited by carbenoxolone, a Cx HC blocker. A similar increase in membrane permeability was observed in myofibers freshly isolated from skeletal muscle of mice treated for 5 h with LPS, which was blocked by the Cx HC blocker and was absent in myofibers from mice simultaneously treated with LPS and boldine, which is a Cx HC blocker. The increase in sarcolemmal permeability was mimicked by isolated myofibers treated with pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β) and occurred at 5 h after treatment. Endotoxemia also induced a significant increase in basal intracellular Ca2+ signal and a drop in RMP in control myofibers. These two changes were not elicited by myofibers deficient in Cx43/Cx45 expression. Therefore, sarcolemmal dysfunction characterizing endotoxemia is largely explained by the expression of functional Cx43 and Cx45 HCs. Hence, current therapy options for individuals suffering from endotoxic shock could be greatly improved with selective Cx HC inhibitors avoiding the underlying skeletal muscle dysfunction.  相似文献   

Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio in A7r5 cells is augmented in growth stimulated vs. growth arrested conditions. To determine the impact of changing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio on gap junction function, we have developed A7r5 cell lines that display Cx40:Cx43 ratios of 1:1 (6B5n) and 10:1 (A7r540C3). When Rin43 cells were paired with these coexpressing cells, there was an increasing asymmetry of voltage dependent gating as the Cx40:Cx43 ratio increased in the coexpressing cell. This asymmetry was opposite to that which is predicted by Cx40/Cx43 heterotypic channels. In addition, when Rin43 cells were paired with coexpressing cells there was a shift toward smaller single channel event amplitudes with increasing Cx40:Cx43 ratio in the coexpressing cell. Again, this is opposite to that which is predicted by Cx40/Cx43 heterotypic channels. In dye coupling experiments, 6B5N, A7r5, and A7r540C3 cells displayed charge and size selectivity that increased with increasing Cx40:Cx43 expression ratio. These data indicate that although the electrophysiological properties of heteromeric/heterotypic channels are not directly related to the proportions of Cx constituents that comprise the channel, the dye permeability data fit what would be predicted by an increase in Cx40:Cx43 ratio.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical co-localization of distinct connexins (Cxs) in junctional areas suggests the formation of heteromultimeric channels. To determine the docking effects of the heterotypic combination of Cx43 and Cx45 on the voltage-gating properties of their channels, we transfected DNA encoding Cx43 or Cx45 into N2A neuroblastoma or HeLa cells. Using a double whole-cell voltage-clamp technique, we determined macroscopic and single-channel gating properties of the intercellular channels formed. Cx43-Cx45 heterotypic channels had rectifying properties where Cx45 connexons inactivated rapidly upon hyperpolarizing voltage pulses applied to the Cx45-expressing cell. During depolarizing pulses to the Cx45-expressing cell, Cx43 connexons inactivated with substantially reduced kinetics as compared with homotypic Cx43 channels. Similar slow kinetics was observed for homotypic Cx43M257 (truncation mutant). Heterotypic channels had a main conductance whose value was predicted by the sum of corresponding homomeric connexon conductances; it was not voltage dependent and had no detectable residual conductance. The voltage-gating kinetics of heterotypic channels and their single-channel behavior implicate a role for the Cx43 carboxyl-terminal domain in the fast gating mechanism and in the establishment of residual conductance. Our results also suggest that heterotypic docking may lead to conformational changes that inhibit this action of the Cx43 carboxyl-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of adult mouse hepatocytes are shown here to reexpress differentiated hepatocyte features following treatment with 2% DMSO and 10(-7) M glucagon. To examine the roles of gap junctional communication during hepatocyte growth and differentiation, we have compared treated and untreated hepatocytes from connexin (Cx)32-deficient [Cx32 knockout (KO)] and wild-type mice. In untreated cultures, DNA replication of Cx32 KO hepatocytes was markedly higher than of wild types. Although Cx26 mRNA levels remained high at all time points in wild-type and Cx32 KO hepatocytes, Cx32 mRNA and protein in wild-type hepatocytes underwent a marked decline, which recovered in 10-day treated cultures. Increased levels of Cx26 protein and junctional conductance were observed in Cx32 KO hepatocytes at 96 h in culture, a time when cell growth rate was high. Treatment with DMSO/glucagon highly reinduced Cx26 expression in Cx32 KO hepatocytes, and such treatment reinduced expression of both Cx32 and Cx26 expression in wild types. Dye transfer was not observed following Lucifer yellow injection into DMSO/glucagon-treated Cx32 KO hepatocytes, whereas the spread was extensive in wild types. Nevertheless, high junctional conductance values were observed in treated cells from both genotypes. These studies provide a method by which the differentiated phenotype can be obtained in cultured mouse hepatocytes and provide in vitro evidence that expression of gap junctions formed of Cx32 are involved in the regulation of growth of mouse hepatocytes.  相似文献   

We have identified cells expressing Cx26, Cx30, Cx32, Cx36 and Cx43 in gap junctions of rat central nervous system (CNS) using confocal light microscopic immunocytochemistry and freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling (FRIL). Confocal microscopy was used to assess general distributions of connexins, whereas the 100-fold higher resolution of FRIL allowed co-localization of several different connexins within individual ultrastructurally-defined gap junction plaques in ultrastructurally and immunologically identified cell types. In >4000 labeled gap junctions found in >370 FRIL replicas of gray matter in adult rats, Cx26, Cx30 and Cx43 were found only in astrocyte gap junctions; Cx32 was only in oligodendrocytes, and Cx36 was only in neurons. Moreover, Cx26, Cx30 and Cx43 were co-localized in most astrocyte gap junctions. Oligodendrocytes shared intercellular gap junctions only with astrocytes, and these heterologous junctions had Cx32 on the oligodendrocyte side and Cx26, Cx30 and Cx43 on the astrocyte side. In 4 and 18 day postnatal rat spinal cord, neuronal gap junctions contained Cx36, whereas Cx26 was present in leptomenigeal gap junctions. Thus, in adult rat CNS, neurons and glia express different connexins, with “permissive” connexin pairing combinations apparently defining separate pathways for neuronal vs. glial gap junctional communication.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels in ventricular myocardium are required for electrical and metabolic coupling between cardiac myocytes and for normal cardiac pump function. Although much is known about expression patterns and remodeling of cardiac connexin(Cx)43, little is known about the less abundant Cx45, which is required for embryonic development and viability, is downregulated in adult hearts, and is pathophysiologically upregulated in human end-stage heart failure. We applied quantitative immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation to native myocardial extracts, immunogold electron microscopy to cardiac tissue and membrane sections, electrophysiological recordings to whole hearts, and high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry to Cx45 fusion protein, and developed two new tools, anti-Cx45 antisera and Cre(+);Cx45 floxed mice, to facilitate characterization of Cx45 in adult mammalian hearts. We found that Cx45 represents 0.3% of total Cx protein (predominantly 200 fmol Cx43 protein/μg ventricular protein) and colocalizes with Cx43 in native ventricular gap junctions, particularly in the apex and septum. Cre(+);Cx45 floxed mice express 85% less Cx45, but do not exhibit overt electrophysiologic abnormalities. Although the basal phosphorylation status of native Cx45 remains unknown, CaMKII phosphorylates 8 Ser/Thr residues in Cx45 in vitro. Thus, although downregulation of Cx45 does not produce notable deficits in electrical conduction in adult, disease-free hearts, Cx45 is a target of the multifunctional kinase CaMKII, and the phosphorylation status of Cx45 and the role of Cx43/Cx45 heteromeric gap junction channels in both normal and diseased hearts merits further investigation.  相似文献   

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