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Hybrid zone movement may result in substantial unidirectional introgression of selectively neutral material from the local to the advancing species, leaving a genetic footprint. This genetic footprint is represented by a trail of asymmetric tails and displaced cline centres in the wake of the moving hybrid zone. A peak of admixture linkage disequilibrium is predicted to exist ahead of the centre of the moving hybrid zone. We test these predictions of the movement hypothesis in a hybrid zone between common (Bufo bufo) and spined toads (B. spinosus), using 31 nuclear and one mtDNA SNPs along a transect in the northwest of France. Average effective selection in Bufo hybrids is low and clines vary in shape and centre. A weak pattern of asymmetric introgression is inferred from cline discordance of seven nuclear markers. The dominant direction of gene flow is from B. spinosus to B. bufo and is in support of southward movement of the hybrid zone. Conversely, a peak of admixture linkage disequilibrium north of the hybrid zone suggests northward movement. These contrasting results can be explained by reproductive isolation of the B. spinosus and B. bufo gene pools at the southern (B. spinosus) side of the hybrid zone. The joint occurrence of asymmetric introgression and admixture linkage disequilibrium can also be explained by the combination of low dispersal and random genetic drift due to low effective population sizes.  相似文献   

The satyrine butterfly Coenonympha tullia (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) displays a deep split between two mitochondrial clades, one restricted to northern Alberta, Canada, and the other found throughout Alberta and across North America. We confirm this deep divide and test hypotheses explaining its phylogeographic structure. Neither genitalia morphology nor nuclear gene sequence supports cryptic species as an explanation, instead indicating differences between nuclear and mitochondrial genome histories. Sex‐biased dispersal is unlikely to cause such mito‐nuclear differences; however, selective sweeps by reproductive parasites could have led to this conflict. About half of the tested samples were infected by Wolbachia bacteria. Using multilocus strain typing for three Wolbachia genes, we show that the divergent mitochondrial clades are associated with two different Wolbachia strains, supporting the hypothesis that the mito‐nuclear differences resulted from selection on the mitochondrial genome due to selective sweeps by Wolbachia strains.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones have long been of interest to biologists as natural laboratories where we can gain insight into the processes of adaptation and speciation. Repeated sampling of individual hybrid zones has been particularly useful in elucidating the dynamic balance between selection and dispersal that maintains most hybrid zones. Here, we revisit a hybrid zone between Heliconius erato butterflies in Panamá for a third time over more than 30 years. We combine a novel Bayesian extension of stepped‐cline hybrid zone models with environmental data to understand the genetic and environmental causes of cline dynamics in this species. The cline has continued to move west, likely due to dominance drive, but has slowed and broadened. Environmental analyses suggest that widespread deforestation in Panamá could be leading to decreased avian predation and relaxed selection, causing the observed changes in cline dynamics.  相似文献   

Genealogical discordance, or when different genes tell distinct stories although they evolved under a shared history, often emerges from either coalescent stochasticity or introgression. In this study, we present a strong case of mito‐nuclear genealogical discordance in the Australian rainforest lizard species complex of Saproscincus basiliscus and S. lewisi. One of the lineages that comprises this complex, the Southern S. basiliscus lineage, is deeply divergent at the mitochondrial genome but shows markedly less divergence at the nuclear genome. By placing our results in a comparative context and reconstructing the lineages' demography via multilocus and coalescent‐based approximate Bayesian computation methods, we test hypotheses for how coalescent variance and introgression contribute to this pattern. These analyses suggest that the observed genealogical discordance likely results from introgression. Further, to generate such strong discordance, introgression probably acted in concert with other factors promoting asymmetric gene flow between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, such as selection or sex‐biased dispersal. This study offers a framework for testing sources of genealogical discordance and suggests that historical introgression can be an important force shaping the genetic diversity of species and their populations.  相似文献   

Contact zones between species provide a unique opportunity to test whether taxa can hybridize or not. Cross‐breeding or hybridization between closely related taxa can promote gene flow (introgression) between species, adaptation, or even speciation. Though hybridization events may be short‐lived and difficult to detect in the field, genetic data can provide information about the level of introgression between closely related taxa. Hybridization can promote introgression between species, which may be an important evolutionary mechanism for either homogenization (reversing initial divergence between species) or reproductive isolation (potentially leading to speciation). Here, we used thousands of genetic markers from nuclear DNA to detect hybridization between two parapatric frog species (Rana boylii and Rana sierrae) in the Sierra Nevada of California. Based on principal components analysis, admixture, and analysis of heterozygosity at species diagnostic SNPs, we detected two F1 hybrid individuals in the Feather River basin, as well as a weak signal of introgression and gene flow between the frog species compared with frog populations from two other adjacent watersheds. This study provides the first documentation of hybridization and introgression between these two species, which are of conservation concern.  相似文献   

Analysing genomic variation within and between sister species is a first step towards understanding species boundaries. We focused on two sister species of cold‐resistant leaf beetles, Gonioctena quinquepunctata and G. intermedia, whose ranges overlap in the Alps. A previous study of DNA sequence variation had revealed multiple instances of mitochondrial genome introgression in this region, suggesting recent hybridization between the two species. To evaluate the extent of gene exchange resulting from these hybridization events, we sampled individuals of both species inside and outside the hybrid zone and analysed genomic variation among them using RAD‐seq markers. Individual levels of introgression in the nuclear genome were estimated first by defining species‐specific SNPs (displaying a fixed difference between species) a priori and second by using model‐based methods. Both types of analyses indicated little gene exchange, if any, between species at the level of the nuclear genome. Whereas the first method suggested slightly more gene flow, we argue that it has likely overestimated introgression in the phylogeographic context of this study. We conclude that strong intrinsic barriers prevent genetic exchange at the level of the nuclear genome between the two species. The apparent discrepancy observed between introgression occurring in the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes could be explained by selection acting in favour of the latter. Also, these results have consequences for the phylogeographic study of each species, since we can assume that genetic diversity in the overlapping portion of their ranges is not the product of introgression.  相似文献   

Moving hybrid zones provide compelling examples of evolution in action, yet long‐term studies that test the assumptions of hybrid zone stability are rare. Using replicated transect samples collected over a 10‐year interval from 2002 to 2012, we find evidence for concerted movement of genetic clines in a plateau fence lizard hybrid zone (Sceloporus tristichus) in Arizona. Cline‐fitting analyses of SNP and mtDNA data both provide evidence that the hybrid zone shifted northward by approximately 2 km during the 10‐year interval. For each sampling period, the mtDNA cline centre is displaced from the SNP cline centre and maintaining an introgression distance of approximately 3 km. The northward expansion of juniper trees into the Little Colorado River Basin in the early 1900s provides a plausible mechanism for hybrid zone formation and movement, and a broadscale quantification of recent land cover change provides support for increased woody species encroachment at the southern end of the hybrid zone. However, population processes can also contribute to hybrid zone movement, and the current stability of the ecotone habitats in the centre of the hybrid zone suggests that movement could decelerate in the future.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones are unique biological interfaces that reveal both population level and species level evolutionary processes. A genome‐scale approach to assess gene flow across hybrid zones is vital, and now possible. In Mexican towhees (genus Pipilo), several morphological hybrid gradients exist. We completed a genome survey across one such gradient (9 populations, 140 birds) using mitochondrial DNA, 28 isozyme, and 377 AFLP markers. To assess variation in introgression among loci, cline parameters (i.e., width, center) for the 61 clinally varying loci were estimated and compiled into genomic distributions for tests against three empirical models spanning the range of observed cline shape. No single model accounts for observed variation in cline shape among loci. Numerous backcross individuals near the gradient center confirm a hybrid origin for these populations, contrary to a previous hypothesis based on social mimicry and character displacement. In addition, the observed variation does not bin into well‐defined categories of locus types (e.g., neutral vs. highly selected). Our multi‐locus analysis reveals cross‐genomic variation in selective constraints on gene flow and locus‐specific flexibility in the permeability of the interspecies membrane.  相似文献   

Speciation is the result of an accumulation of reproductive barriers between populations, but pinpointing the factors involved is often difficult. However, hybrid zones can form when these barriers are not complete, especially when lineages come into contact in intermediate or modified habitats. We examine a hybrid zone between two closely related riverine turtle species, Sternotherus depressus and S. peltifer, and use dual‐digest RAD sequencing to understand how this hybrid zone formed and elucidate genomic patterns of reproductive isolation. First, the geographical extent and timing of formation of the hybrid zone is established to provide context for understanding the role of extrinsic and intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms in this system. The strength of selection on taxon‐specific contributions to maintenance of the hybrid zone is then inferred using a Bayesian genomic cline model. These analyses identify a role for selection inhibiting introgression in some genomic regions at one end of the hybrid zone and promoting introgression in many loci at the other. When selective pressures necessary to generate outliers to the genomic cline are considered with the geographical and temporal context of this hybrid zone, we conclude that habitat‐specific selection probably limits introgression from S. depressus to S. peltifer in the direction of river flow. However, selection is mediating rapid, unidirectional introgression from S. peltifer to S. depressus, which is probably facilitated by anthropogenic habitat alteration. These findings indicate a potentially imminent threat of population‐level genomic extinction for an already imperiled species due to ongoing human‐caused habitat alteration.  相似文献   

The pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) is an important pest of coniferous forests at the southern edge of its range in Maghreb. Based on mitochondrial markers, a strong genetic differentiation was previously found in this species between western (pityocampa clade) and eastern Maghreb populations (ENA clade), with the contact zone between the clades located in Algeria. We focused on the moth range in Algeria, using both mitochondrial (a 648 bp fragment of the tRNA‐cox2) and nuclear (11 microsatellite loci) markers. A further analysis using a shorter mtDNA fragment and the same microsatellite loci was carried out on a transect in the contact zone between the mitochondrial clades. Mitochondrial diversity showed a strong geographical structure and a well‐defined contact zone between the two clades. In particular, in the pityocampa clade, two inner subclades were found whereas ENA did not show any further structure. Microsatellite analysis outlined a different pattern of differentiation, with two main groups not overlapping with the mitochondrial clades. The inconsistency between mitochondrial and nuclear markers is probably explained by sex‐biased dispersal and recent afforestation efforts that have bridged isolated populations.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones provide unique opportunities to examine reproductive isolation and introgression in nature. We utilized 45,384 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci to perform association mapping of 14 floral, vegetative and ecological traits that differ between Iris hexagona and Iris fulva, and to investigate, using a Bayesian genomic cline (BGC) framework, patterns of genomic introgression in a large and phenotypically diverse hybrid zone in southern Louisiana. Many loci of small effect size were consistently found to be associated with phenotypic variation across all traits, and several individual loci were revealed to influence phenotypic variation across multiple traits. Patterns of genomic introgression were quite heterogeneous throughout the Louisiana Iris genome, with I. hexagona alleles tending to be favoured over those of I. fulva. Loci that were found to have exceptional patterns of introgression were also found to be significantly associated with phenotypic variation in a small number of morphological traits. However, this was the exception rather than the rule, as most loci that were associated with morphological trait variation were not significantly associated with excess ancestry. These findings provide insights into the complexity of the genomic architecture of phenotypic differences and are a first step towards identifying loci that are associated with both trait variation and reproductive isolation in nature.  相似文献   

To examine the processes that maintain genetic diversity among closely related taxa, we investigated the dynamics of introgression across a contact zone between two lineages of California voles (Microtus californicus). We tested the prediction that introgression of nuclear loci would be greater than that for mitochondrial loci, assuming ongoing gene flow across the contact zone. We also predicted that genomic markers would show a mosaic pattern of differentiation across this zone, consistent with genomes that are semi‐permeable. Using mitochondrial cytochrome b sequences and genome‐wide loci developed via ddRAD‐seq, we analyzed genetic variation for 10 vole populations distributed along the central California coast; this transect included populations from within the distributions of both parental lineages as well as the putative contact zone. Our analyses revealed that (1) the two lineages examined are relatively young, having diverged ca. 8.5–54 kya, (2) voles from the contact zone in Santa Barbara County did not include F1 or early generation backcrossed individuals, and (3) there appeared to be little to no recurrent gene flow across the contact zone. Introgression patterns for mitochondrial and nuclear markers were not concordant; only mitochondrial markers revealed evidence of introgression, putatively due to historical hybridization. These differences in genetic signatures are intriguing given that the contact zone occurs in a region of continuous vole habitat, with no evidence of past or present physical barriers. Future studies that examine specific isolating mechanisms, such as microhabitat use and mate choice, will facilitate our understanding of how genetic boundaries are maintained in this system.  相似文献   

Birdsong is a sexually selected trait that could play an important evolutionary role when related taxa come into secondary contact. Many songbird species, however, learn their songs through copying one or more tutors, which complicates the evolutionary outcome of such contact. Two subspecies of a presumed vocal learner, the grey‐breasted wood‐wren (Henicorhina leucophrys), replace each other altitudinally across the western slope of the Ecuadorian Andes. These subspecies are morphologically very similar, but show striking differences in their song. We examined variation in acoustic traits and genetic composition across the altitudinal range covered by both subspecies and between two allopatric populations. The acoustic boundary between the subspecies was found to be highly abrupt across a narrow elevational range with virtually no evidence of song convergence. Mixed singing and use of hetero‐subspecific song occurred in the contact zone and was biased towards the use of leucophrys song types. Hetero‐subspecific song copying by hilaris and not by leucophrys reflected a previously found asymmetric pattern of response to song playback. Using amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) markers, we detected hybridization in the contact zone and asymmetric introgression in parapatric populations, with more leucophrys alleles present in hilaris populations than vice versa. This pattern may be a trail of introgression due to upslope displacement of leucophrys by hilaris. Our data suggest that song learning may impact speciation and hybridization in contrasting ways at different spatial scales: although learning may speed up population divergence in songs, thereby enhancing assortative mating and reducing gene flow, it may at a local level also lead to the copying of heterospecific songs, therefore allowing some level of hybridization and introgression.  相似文献   

The maintenance or breakdown of reproductive isolation is an observable outcome of secondary contact between species. In cases where hybrids beyond the F1 are formed, the representation of each species' ancestry can vary dramatically among genomic regions. This genomic heterogeneity in ancestry and introgression can offer insight into evolutionary processes, particularly if introgression is compared in multiple hybrid zones. Similarly, considerable heterogeneity exists across the genome in the extent to which populations and species have diverged, reflecting the combined effects of different evolutionary processes on genetic variation. We studied hybridization across two hybrid zones of two phenotypically well‐differentiated bird species in Mexico (Pipilo maculatus and P. ocai), to investigate genomic heterogeneity in differentiation and introgression. Using genotyping‐by‐sequencing (GBS) and hierarchical Bayesian models, we genotyped 460 birds at over 41 000 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci. We identified loci exhibiting extreme introgression relative to the genome‐wide expectation using a Bayesian genomic cline model. We also estimated locus‐specific FST and identified loci with exceptionally high genetic divergence between the parental species. We found some concordance of locus‐specific introgression in the two independent hybrid zones (6–20% of extreme loci shared across zones), reflecting areas of the genome that experience similar gene flow when the species interact. Additionally, heterogeneity in introgression and divergence across the genome revealed another subset of loci under the influence of locally specific factors. These results are consistent with a history in which reproductive isolation has been influenced by a common set of loci in both hybrid zones, but where local environmental and stochastic factors also lead to genomic differentiation.  相似文献   

We present a new software package (hzar ) that provides functions for fitting molecular genetic and morphological data from hybrid zones to classic equilibrium cline models using the Metropolis–Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. The software applies likelihood functions appropriate for different types of data, including diploid and haploid genetic markers and quantitative morphological traits. The modular design allows flexibility in fitting cline models of varying complexity. To facilitate hypothesis testing, an autofit function is included that allows automated model selection from a set of nested cline models. Cline parameter values, such as cline centre and cline width, are estimated and may be compared statistically across clines. The package is written in the R language and is available through the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN; http://cran.r-project.org/ ). Here, we describe hzar and demonstrate its use with a sample data set from a well‐studied hybrid zone in western Panama between white‐collared (Manacus candei) and golden‐collared manakins (M. vitellinus). Comparisons of our results with previously published results for this hybrid zone validate the hzar software. We extend analysis of this hybrid zone by fitting additional models to molecular data where appropriate.  相似文献   

Geography influences the evolutionary trajectory of species by mediating opportunities for hybridization, gene flow, demographic shifts and adaptation. We sought to understand how geography and introgression can generate species‐specific patterns of genetic diversity by examining phylogeographical relationships in the North American skink species Plestiodon multivirgatus and P. tetragrammus (Squamata: Scincidae). Using a multilocus dataset (three mitochondrial genes, four nuclear genes; a total of 3455 bp) we discovered mito‐nuclear discordance, consistent with mtDNA introgression. We further tested for evidence of species‐wide mtDNA introgression by using comparisons of genetic diversity, selection tests and extended Bayesian skyline analyses. Our findings suggest that P. multivirgatus acquired its mitochondrial genome from P. tetragrammus after their initial divergence. This putative species‐wide mitochondrial capture was further evidenced by statistically indistinguishable substitution rates between mtDNA and nDNA in P. multivirgatus. This rate discrepancy was observed in P. multivirgatus but not P. tetragrammus, which has important implications for studies that combine mtDNA and nDNA sequences when inferring time since divergence between taxa. Our findings suggest that by facilitating opportunities for interspecific introgression, geography can alter the course of molecular evolution between recently diverged lineages.  相似文献   

Sex‐biased dispersal has profound impacts on a species' biology and several factors have been attributed to its evolution, including mating system, inbreeding avoidance, and social complexity. Sex‐biased dispersal and its potential link to individual social interactions were examined in the Qinghai toad‐headed agamid (Phrynocephalus vlangalii). We first determined the pattern of sex‐biased dispersal using population genetic methods. A total of 345 specimens from 32 sites in the Qaidam Basin were collected and genotyped for nine microsatellite DNA loci. Both individual‐based assignment tests and allele frequency‐based analyses were conducted. Females revealed much more genetic structure than males and all results were consistent with male‐biased dispersal. First‐generation migrants were also identified by genetic data. We then examined eight social interaction‐related morphological traits and explored their potential link to sex‐biased dispersal. Female residents had larger heads and longer tails than female migrants. The well‐developed signal system among females, coupled with viviparity, might make remaining on natal sites beneficial, and hence promote female philopatry. Dominant females with larger heads were more likely to stay. Contrary to females, male migrants had larger heads and belly patches than residents, suggesting that dispersal might confer selective advantages for males. Such advantages may include opportunities for multiple mating and escaping from crowded sites. Large belly patches and several other morphological traits may assist their success in obtaining mates during dispersal. Furthermore, a relatively high relatedness (R = 0.06) among females suggested that this species might have rudimentary social structure. Case studies in “less” social species may provide important evidence for a better understanding of sex‐biased dispersal.  相似文献   

The ecological and genetic factors determining the extent of introgression between species in secondary contact zones remain poorly understood. Here, we investigate the relative importance of isolating barriers and the demographic expansion of invasive Mytilus galloprovincialis on the magnitude and the direction of introgression with the native Mytilus trossulus in a hybrid zone in central California. We use double‐digest restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq) to genotype 1337 randomly selected single nucleotide polymorphisms and accurately distinguish early and advanced generation hybrids for the first time in the central California Mytilus spp. hybrid zone. Weak levels of introgression were observed in both directions but were slightly more prevalent from the native M. trossulus into the invasive M. galloprovincialis. Few early and advanced backcrossed individuals were observed across the hybrid zone confirming the presence of strong barriers to interbreeding. Heterogeneous patterns of admixture across the zone of contact were consistent with the colonization history of M. galloprovincialis with more extensive introgression in northern localities furthest away from the putative site of introduction in southern California. These observations reinforce the importance of dynamic spatial and demographic expansions in determining patterns of introgression between close congeners, even in those with high dispersal potential and well‐developed reproductive barriers. Our results suggest that the threat posed by invasive M. galloprovincialis is more ecological than genetic as it has displaced, and continues to displace the native M. trossulus from much of central and southern California.  相似文献   

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