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Analysis of epigenetic mechanisms, particularly DNA methylation, is of increasing interest for epidemiologic studies examining disease etiology and impacts of environmental exposures. The Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip® (450K), which interrogates over 480?000 CpG sites and is relatively cost effective, has become a popular tool to characterize the DNA methylome. For large-scale studies, minimizing technical variability and potential bias is paramount. The goal of this paper was to evaluate the performance of several existing and novel color channel normalizations designed to reduce technical variability and batch effects in 450K analysis from a large population study. Comparative assessment of 10 normalization procedures included the GenomeStudio® Illumina procedure, the lumi smooth quantile approach, and the newly proposed All Sample Mean Normalization (ASMN). We also examined the performance of normalizations in combination with correction for the two types of Infinium chemistry utilized on the 450K array. We observed that the performance of the GenomeStudio® normalization procedure was highly variable and dependent on the quality of the first sample analyzed in an experiment, which is used as a reference in this procedure. While the lumi normalization was able to decrease batch variability, it increased variation among technical replicates, potentially reducing biologically meaningful findings. The proposed ASMN procedure performed consistently well, both at reducing batch effects and improving replicate comparability. In summary, the ASMN procedure can improve existing color channel normalization, especially for large epidemiologic studies, and can be successfully implemented to enhance a 450K DNA methylation data pipeline.  相似文献   

Due to their relatively low-cost per sample and broad, gene-centric coverage of CpGs across the human genome, Illumina''s 450k arrays are widely used in large scale differential methylation studies. However, by their very nature, large studies are particularly susceptible to the effects of unwanted variation. The effects of unwanted variation have been extensively documented in gene expression array studies and numerous methods have been developed to mitigate these effects. However, there has been much less research focused on the appropriate methodology to use for accounting for unwanted variation in methylation array studies. Here we present a novel 2-stage approach using RUV-inverse in a differential methylation analysis of 450k data and show that it outperforms existing methods.  相似文献   

DNA methylation plays an important role in disease etiology. The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 (450K) BeadChip is a widely used platform in large-scale epidemiologic studies. This platform can efficiently and simultaneously measure methylation levels at ∼480,000 CpG sites in the human genome in multiple study samples. Due to the intrinsic chip design of 2 types of chemistry probes, data normalization or preprocessing is a critical step to consider before data analysis. To date, numerous methods and pipelines have been developed for this purpose, and some studies have been conducted to evaluate different methods. However, validation studies have often been limited to a small number of CpG sites to reduce the variability in technical replicates. In this study, we measured methylation on a set of samples using both whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) and 450K chips. We used WGBS data as a gold standard of true methylation states in cells to compare the performances of 8 normalization methods for 450K data on a genome-wide scale. Analyses on our dataset indicate that the most effective methods are peak-based correction (PBC) and quantile normalization plus β-mixture quantile normalization (QN.BMIQ). To our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically compare existing normalization methods for Illumina 450K data using novel WGBS data. Our results provide a benchmark reference for the analysis of DNA methylation chip data, particularly in white blood cells.  相似文献   

The proper identification of differentially methylated CpGs is central in most epigenetic studies. The Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip is widely used to quantify DNA methylation; nevertheless, the design of an appropriate analysis pipeline faces severe challenges due to the convolution of biological and technical variability and the presence of a signal bias between Infinium I and II probe design types. Despite recent attempts to investigate how to analyze DNA methylation data with such an array design, it has not been possible to perform a comprehensive comparison between different bioinformatics pipelines due to the lack of appropriate data sets having both large sample size and sufficient number of technical replicates. Here we perform such a comparative analysis, targeting the problems of reducing the technical variability, eliminating the probe design bias and reducing the batch effect by exploiting two unpublished data sets, which included technical replicates and were profiled for DNA methylation either on peripheral blood, monocytes or muscle biopsies. We evaluated the performance of different analysis pipelines and demonstrated that: (1) it is critical to correct for the probe design type, since the amplitude of the measured methylation change depends on the underlying chemistry; (2) the effect of different normalization schemes is mixed, and the most effective method in our hands were quantile normalization and Beta Mixture Quantile dilation (BMIQ); (3) it is beneficial to correct for batch effects. In conclusion, our comparative analysis using a comprehensive data set suggests an efficient pipeline for proper identification of differentially methylated CpGs using the Illumina 450K arrays.  相似文献   

Endometriosis is a common chronic gynecologic disorder characterized by the presence and growth of endometrial‐like tissue outside of the uterine cavity. Although the exact etiology remains unclear, epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation, are thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of endometriosis. Here, we used the Illumina Human Methylation 450 K BeadChip Array to analyze the genome‐wide DNA methylation profiles of six endometriotic lesions and six eutopic endometria from patients with ovarian endometriosis and six endometria of women without endometriosis. Compared with the eutopic endometria of women with endometriosis, 12,159 differentially methylated CpG sites and 375 differentially methylated promoter regions were identified in endometriotic lesions. GO analyses showed that these putative differentially methylated genes were primarily associated with immune response, inflammatory response, response to steroid hormone stimulus, cell adhesion, negative regulation of apoptosis, and activation of the MAPK activity. In addition, the expression levels of DNMT1, DNMT3A, DNMT3B, and MBD2 in endometriotic lesions and eutopic endometria were significantly decreased compared with control endometria. Our findings suggest that aberrant DNA methylation status in endometriotic lesions may play a significant role in the pathogenesis and progression of endometriosis.  相似文献   

Epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) have focused primarily on DNA methylation as a chemically stable and functional epigenetic modification. However, the stability and accuracy of the measurement of methylation in different tissues and extraction types is still being actively studied, and the longitudinal stability of DNA methylation in commonly studied peripheral tissues is of great interest. Here, we used data from two studies, three tissue types, and multiple time points to assess the stability of DNA methylation measured with the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip array. Redundancy analysis enabled visual assessment of agreement of replicate samples overall and showed good agreement after removing effects of tissue type, age, and sex. At the probe level, analysis of variance contrasts separating technical and biological replicates clearly showed better agreement between technical replicates versus longitudinal samples, and suggested increased stability for buccal cells versus blood or blood spots. Intraclass correlations (ICCs) demonstrated that inter-individual variability is of similar magnitude to within-sample variability at many probes; however, as inter-individual variability increased, so did ICC. Furthermore, we were able to demonstrate decreasing agreement in methylation levels with time, despite a maximal sampling interval of only 576 days. Finally, at 6 popular candidate genes, there was a large range of stability across probes. Our findings highlight important sources of technical and biological variation in DNA methylation across different tissues over time. These data will help to inform longitudinal sampling strategies of future EWAS.  相似文献   

Analysis of DNA methylation helps to understand the effects of environmental exposures as well as the role of epigenetics in human health. Illumina, Inc. recently replaced the HumanMethylation450 BeadChip (450K) with the EPIC BeadChip, which nearly doubles the measured CpG sites to >850,000. Although the new chip uses the same underlying technology, it is important to establish if data between the two platforms are comparable within cohorts and for meta-analyses. DNA methylation was assessed by 450K and EPIC using whole blood from newborn (n = 109) and 14-year-old (n = 86) participants of the Center for the Health Assessment of Mothers and Children of Salinas. The overall per-sample correlations were very high (r >0.99), although many individual CpG sites, especially those with low variance of methylation, had lower correlations (median r = 0.24). There was also a small subset of CpGs with large mean methylation β-value differences between platforms, in both the newborn and 14-year datasets. However, estimates of cell type proportion prediction by 450K and EPIC were highly correlated at both ages. Finally, differentially methylated positions between boys and girls replicated very well by both platforms in newborns and older children. These findings are encouraging for application of combined data from EPIC and 450K platforms for birth cohorts and other population studies. These data in children corroborate recent comparisons of the two BeadChips in adults and in cancer cell lines. However, researchers should be cautious when characterizing individual CpG sites and consider independent methods for validation of significant hits.  相似文献   

The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip has emerged as one of the most popular platforms for genome wide profiling of DNA methylation. While the technology is wide-spread, systematic technical biases are believed to be present in the data. For example, this array incorporates two different chemical assays, i.e., Type I and Type II probes, which exhibit different technical characteristics and potentially complicate the computational and statistical analysis. Several normalization methods have been introduced recently to adjust for possible biases. However, there is considerable debate within the field on which normalization procedure should be used and indeed whether normalization is even necessary. Yet despite the importance of the question, there has been little comprehensive comparison of normalization methods. We sought to systematically compare several popular normalization approaches using the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) methylation data set and the technical replicates analyzed with it as a case study. We assessed both the reproducibility between technical replicates following normalization and the effect of normalization on association analysis. Results indicate that the raw data are already highly reproducible, some normalization approaches can slightly improve reproducibility, but other normalization approaches may introduce more variability into the data. Results also suggest that differences in association analysis after applying different normalizations are not large when the signal is strong, but when the signal is more modest, different normalizations can yield very different numbers of findings that meet a weaker statistical significance threshold. Overall, our work provides useful, objective assessment of the effectiveness of key normalization methods.  相似文献   

The Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip has emerged as one of the most popular platforms for genome wide profiling of DNA methylation. While the technology is wide-spread, systematic technical biases are believed to be present in the data. For example, this array incorporates two different chemical assays, i.e., Type I and Type II probes, which exhibit different technical characteristics and potentially complicate the computational and statistical analysis. Several normalization methods have been introduced recently to adjust for possible biases. However, there is considerable debate within the field on which normalization procedure should be used and indeed whether normalization is even necessary. Yet despite the importance of the question, there has been little comprehensive comparison of normalization methods. We sought to systematically compare several popular normalization approaches using the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) methylation data set and the technical replicates analyzed with it as a case study. We assessed both the reproducibility between technical replicates following normalization and the effect of normalization on association analysis. Results indicate that the raw data are already highly reproducible, some normalization approaches can slightly improve reproducibility, but other normalization approaches may introduce more variability into the data. Results also suggest that differences in association analysis after applying different normalizations are not large when the signal is strong, but when the signal is more modest, different normalizations can yield very different numbers of findings that meet a weaker statistical significance threshold. Overall, our work provides useful, objective assessment of the effectiveness of key normalization methods.  相似文献   

Plot‐to‐plot dissimilarity measures are considered a valuable tool for understanding the complex ecological mechanisms that drive community composition. Traditional presence/absence coefficients are usually based on different combinations of the matching/mismatching components of the 2 × 2 contingency table. However, more recently, dissimilarity measures that incorporate information about the degree of functional differences between the species in both plots have received increasing attention. This is because such “functional dissimilarity measures” capture information on the species' functional traits, which is ignored by traditional coefficients. Therefore, functional dissimilarity measures tend to correlate more strongly with ecosystem‐level processes, as species influence these processes via their traits. In this study, we introduce a new family of dissimilarity measures for presence and absence data, which consider functional dissimilarities among species in the calculation of the matching/mismatching components of the 2 × 2 contingency table. Within this family, the behavior of the Jaccard coefficient, together with its additive components, species replacement, and richness difference, is examined by graphical comparisons and ordinations based on simulated data.  相似文献   

We describe a methodology for detecting differentially methylated regions (DMRs) and variably methylated regions (VMRs), in data from Infinium 450K arrays that are very widely used in epigenetic studies. Region detection is more specific than single CpG analysis as it increases the extent of common findings between studies, and is more powerful as it reduces the multiple testing problem inherent in epigenetic whole‐genome association studies (EWAS). In addition, results driven by single erroneous probes are removed. We have used multiple publicly available Infinium 450K data sets to generate a consensus list of DMRs for age, supporting the hypothesis that aging is associated with specific epigenetic modifications. The consensus aging DMRs are significantly enriched for muscle biogenesis pathways. We find a massive increase in VMRs with age and in regions of the genome associated with open chromatin and neurotransmission. Old age VMRs are significantly enriched for neurotransmission pathways. EWAS studies should investigate the role of this interindividual variation in DNA methylation, in the age‐associated diseases of sarcopenia and dementia.  相似文献   

DNA methylation plays a fundamental role in the regulation of the genome, but the optimal strategy for analysis of genome-wide DNA methylation data remains to be determined. We developed a comprehensive analysis pipeline for epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip, based on 2,687 individuals, with 36 samples measured in duplicate. We propose new approaches to quality control, data normalisation and batch correction through control-probe adjustment and establish a null hypothesis for EWAS using permutation testing. Our analysis pipeline outperforms existing approaches, enabling accurate identification of methylation quantitative trait loci for hypothesis driven follow-up experiments.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0600-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Wu MC  Follmann DA 《Biometrics》1999,55(1):75-84
We discuss how to apply the conditional informative missing model of Wu and Bailey (1989, Biometrics 45, 939-955) to the setting where the probability of missing a visit depends on the random effects of the primary response in a time-dependent fashion. This includes the case where the probability of missing a visit depends on the true value of the primary response. Summary measures for missingness that are weighted sums of the indicators of missed visits are derived for these situations. These summary measures are then incorporated as covariates in a random effects model for the primary response. This approach is illustrated by analyzing data collected from a trial of heroin addicts where missed visits are informative about drug test results. Simulations of realistic experiments indicate that these time-dependent summary measures also work well under a variety of informative censoring models. These summary measures can achieve large reductions in estimation bias and mean squared errors relative to those obtained by using other summary measures.  相似文献   

Interindividual variability in the epigenome has gained tremendous attention for its potential in pathophysiological investigation, disease diagnosis, and evaluation of clinical intervention. DNA methylation is the most studied epigenetic mark in epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) as it can be detected from limited starting material. Infinium 450K methylation array is the most popular platform for high-throughput profiling of this mark in clinical samples, as it is cost-effective and requires small amounts of DNA. However, this method suffers from low genome coverage and errors introduced by probe cross-hybridization. Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing can overcome these limitations but elevates the costs tremendously. Methyl-Capture Sequencing (MC Seq) is an attractive intermediate solution to increase the methylome coverage in large sample sets. Here we first demonstrate that MC Seq can be employed using DNA amounts comparable to the amounts used for Infinium 450K. Second, to provide guidance when choosing between the 2 platforms for EWAS, we evaluate and compare MC Seq and Infinium 450K in terms of coverage, technical variation, and concordance of methylation calls in clinical samples. Last, since the focus in EWAS is to study interindividual variation, we demonstrate the utility of MC Seq in studying interindividual variation in subjects from different ethnicities.  相似文献   

DNA methylation, an important type of epigenetic modification in humans, participates in crucial cellular processes, such as embryonic development, X-inactivation, genomic imprinting and chromosome stability. Several platforms have been developed to study genome-wide DNA methylation. Many investigators in the field have chosen the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation microarray for its ability to reliably assess DNA methylation following sodium bisulfite conversion. Here, we analyzed methylation profiles of 489 adult males and 357 adult females generated by the Infinium HumanMethylation450 microarray. Among the autosomal CpG sites that displayed significant methylation differences between the two sexes, we observed a significant enrichment of cross-reactive probes co-hybridizing to the sex chromosomes with more than 94% sequence identity. This could lead investigators to mistakenly infer the existence of significant autosomal sex-associated methylation. Using sequence identity cutoffs derived from the sex methylation analysis, we concluded that 6% of the array probes can potentially generate spurious signals because of co-hybridization to alternate genomic sequences highly homologous to the intended targets. Additionally, we discovered probes targeting polymorphic CpGs that overlapped SNPs. The methylation levels detected by these probes are simply the reflection of underlying genetic polymorphisms but could be misinterpreted as true signals. The existence of probes that are cross-reactive or of target polymorphic CpGs in the Illumina HumanMethylation microarrays can confound data obtained from such microarrays. Therefore, investigators should exercise caution when significant biological associations are found using these array platforms. A list of all cross-reactive probes and polymorphic CpGs identified by us are annotated in this paper.  相似文献   

In the analysis of longitudinal data, before assuming a parametric model, an idea of the shape of the variance and correlation functions for both the genetic and environmental parts should be known. When a small number of observations is available for each subject at a fixed set of times, it is possible to estimate unstructured covariance matrices, but not when the number of observations over time is large and when individuals are not measured at all times. The non-parametric approach, based on the variogram, presented by Diggle & Verbyla (1998), is specially adapted for exploratory analysis of such data. This paper presents a generalization of their approach to genetic analyses. The methodology is applied to daily records for milk production in dairy cattle and data on age-specific fertility in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Potassium ions are vital for maintaining functionality of K channels. In their absence, many K channel types enter a long-lasting defunct condition characterized by absence of conductance and drastic changes in gating current. We show that channels pass through a dilated condition with altered selectivity as they are becoming defunct. To characterize these abnormalities we examined gating and ionic currents generated by Shaker IR and by three nonconducting mutants, W434F, D447N, and Y445A, in 0 K+. On entering the dilated condition, Shaker IR becomes permeable to Na+ and tetramethylammonium-positive (TMA+), signaling deformation of the selectivity filter. When dilated, nearly normal closing is possible at -140 mV. At -80 mV, however, closing is very slow and channels stray from the dilated into the defunct condition. Restoration from defunct to dilated condition requires tens of seconds at 0 mV and can occur in the absence of K+. W434F and D447N are similar to Shaker IR, showing Na+ and TMA+ permeability when dilated. The defunct gating currents are similar in Shaker IR and these two mutants and are reminiscent of the early transitions of normal gating. Y445A does not become defunct and shows Na+ but not TMA+ permeability on K+ removal.  相似文献   

A formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample usually yields highly degraded DNA, which limits the use of techniques requiring high-quality DNA, such as Infinium Methylation microarrays. To overcome this restriction, we have applied an FFPE restoration procedure consisting of DNA repair and ligation processes in a set of paired fresh-frozen (FF) and FFPE samples. We validated the FFPE results in comparison with matched FF samples, enabling us to use FFPE samples on the Infinium HumanMethylation450 Methylation array.  相似文献   

A formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) sample usually yields highly degraded DNA, which limits the use of techniques requiring high-quality DNA, such as Infinium Methylation microarrays. To overcome this restriction, we have applied an FFPE restoration procedure consisting of DNA repair and ligation processes in a set of paired fresh-frozen (FF) and FFPE samples. We validated the FFPE results in comparison with matched FF samples, enabling us to use FFPE samples on the Infinium HumanMethylation450 Methylation array.  相似文献   

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