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利用聚合酶链式反应扩增胶州湾表层海水浮游植物核酮糖1,5-二磷酸羧化/氧化酶大亚基基因(rbcL)片段,建立了该基因片段变异类型文库.随机测定了28个rbcL片段序列,依此初步分析了胶州湾表层海水浮游植物rbcL基因分子遗传多样性.结果表明,春季胶州湾表层海水浮游植物优势种群为D类rbcL代表的浮游植物,其中隐藻占28.6%、Stramenopies占32.1%、定鞭藻占28.6%、红藻占3.6%.B类rbcL代表的浮游植物为绿藻,占7.1%.根据各操作分类单元丰度计算的分子遗传多样性指数为2.85,根据逆翻译成的氨基酸序列计算的序列多样性为0.20,  相似文献   

茶叶是世界上最受人们欢迎的饮品之一,但茶叶中掺杂其他植物成分的现象时有发生。依靠传统的感官和理化检验方法难以准确判断茶叶中掺杂的植物种类。报道一种基于植物核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸羧化酶/加氧酶大亚基(rbc L)基因序列进行茶叶掺杂定性检测的方法,包括rbc L基因片段的扩增、测序和序列分析等步骤。利用所建立的方法对7份茶叶样品进行分析,发现岳阳黄茶(黄茶)和信阳毛尖(绿茶)未掺杂其他植物成分,而正山小种(红茶)、铁观音(乌龙茶)、太姥银针(白茶)、六堡茶和普洱茶(黑茶)均一定程度上混杂有其他植物成分。所建立的检测方法对样品的需求量小,操作简便,检测结果可靠性高,能定性检测各类茶叶中是否掺杂及掺杂了何种植物成分。  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene in Leguminosae are consistent with previous hypotheses in suggesting that the family as a whole is monophyletic, but that only two of its three subfamilies are natural. The earliest dichotomies in the family appear to have involved tribes Cercideae or Cassieae (subtribe Dialiinae), followed by Detarieae/ Macrolobieae, all of which are members of subfamily Caesalpinioideae. The remainder of the family is divided into two clades: (1) Mimosoideae and the caesalpinioid tribes Caeasalpinieae and Cassieae (subtribes Ceratoniinae and Cassiinae); (2) Papilionoideae. Basal groups within Papilionoideae are, as expected, elements of the grade tribes Sophoreae and Swartzieae. Major clades within Papilionoideae include: (1) a Genistoid Alliance comprising Genisteae, Crotalarieae, Podalyrieae, Thermopsideae, Euchresteae, and also some Sophoreae; (2) a clade marked by the absence of one copy of the chloroplast inverted repeat, with which are associated Robinieae. Loteae, and some Sophoreae; (3) Phaseoleae, Desmodieae. Psoraleeae, and most Millettieae, a group also marked by presence of pseudoracemose inflorescences; and (4) a well-supported clade comprising Aeschynomeneae, Adesmieae, and some Dalbergieae. Nodulation is most parsimoniously optimized on the rbcL strict consensus tree as three parallel gains, occurring in Papilionoideae, the caesalpioioid ancestors of Mimosoideae, and in the genus Chamaecrista (Caesalpinieae: Cassieae).  相似文献   

Mangrove logging is rampant, and its effects on phytoplankton dynamics have not been investigated. Phytoplankton are valuable in biomonitoring pollution in mangrove ecosystems. This study assessed the relationship between physico‐chemical characteristics of the water and observed phytoplankton community structure, in relation to anthropogenic activities. Water samples were collected from seven sites within the mangrove ecosystem that differed in wood harvesting age and proximity to human settlements. Characterization of samples followed standard methods. pH of all water samples indicated acidity. Phytoplankton species richness and soluble P were positively correlated (r = 0.822, P ≤ 0.023), but no correlations existed with logging age (r = ?0.273, P = 0553). The site with highest soluble phosphorus concentration (Site 4) had highest phytoplankton abundance, diversity and richness. A total of 127 species were identified in 58 families. Euglenaceae was the most abundant family (13 species) and Anacystis sp. the most frequent species (100%). The most common genera were Microcystis and Anacystis, bioindicators of pollution. The site at which harvesting was most recently performed had more eutrophic species, while site harvested earliest (Site 5) had the least. These results are discussed with respect to how anthropogenic activities influence water quality, phytoplankton community structure, mangrove conservation and management.  相似文献   

Dobinea Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don, a genus with two species endemic to east Asia, has been placed in three different families, the Podoaceae, tribe Acerineae of the Sapindaceae, and tribe Dobineeae of the Anacardiaceae. In this paper, phylogenetic relationships of the genus were examined based on DNA sequences of the chloroplast rbcL gene and the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Our data support the monophyly of Dobinea and its placement in the Anacardiaceae.  相似文献   

高宇  林光辉 《生物多样性》2018,26(11):1223-137
藻类是红树林生态系统重要的生物类群, 根据生态习性可分为浮游植物、底栖微藻和大型藻类三个生态类群, 它们在红树林生态系统生物多样性、初级生产、元素循环等方面起着重要作用。但在红树林生态系统中, 关注重点多集中在红树植物和动物, 对其中的藻类重视不够, 且多数研究集中在近20年以及亚洲的红树林区。事实上, 红树林生态系统藻类非常丰富, 其多样性研究有助于深入揭示红树林生态系统的结构与功能。本文介绍了红树林生态系统藻类的组成类群及其重要性, 重点对红树林区浮游植物、底栖硅藻和大型海藻的种类组成、地理分布及其与初级生产力、水质污染、元素循环、碳库形成等生态过程中的作用的研究动态和进展等进行了总结。根据已有研究, 红树林区浮游植物和底栖硅藻的种类数一般为几十到上百种, 其中硅藻在种类和数量上都占绝对优势, 它们是重要的初级生产者、饵料生物和水质污染指示生物; 红树林区底栖大型藻类主要由红藻、绿藻、褐藻、蓝藻组成, 绿藻的种类较多, 红藻在数量上占优势; 藻类是红树林湿地碳库的重要贡献者, 在红树林湿地生态系统碳汇和碳循环中起重要作用。红树林生态系统是个高度动态和异质的系统, 今后应加强红树林藻类多样性的长周期、大尺度变化及不同生境藻类的综合研究, 关注大陆径流和潮汐对藻类多样性和蓝碳的影响, 借助沉积物藻类记录, 探明红树林区藻类的长周期变化, 反演气候变化和人类活动对红树林生态系统的影响过程和机制。  相似文献   

王亚军  仪茜茜  王钢  孙雪  杨锐 《生态科学》2010,29(6):507-511
为阐明中国沿海浒苔的亲缘关系及地理分布特点,采集青岛栈桥、盐城弶港、宁波象山、温州平阳四地浒苔样本,克隆测序得到ITS1、5.8SrDNA和ITS23种不同长度序列片段。四个地区的rbcL目的片段,长度均为1201bp。分析核苷酸差异和遗传距离,采用邻接法建立系统发生树。结果显示,ITS序列进化速率较快,rbcL序列相当保守。ITS区较短,GC含量均在65%以上,5.8SrDNA的CG含量在50%左右,ITS1区的序列差异大于ITS2区。四个地区的浒苔存在一定的地理差异,盐城和青岛的样本间的亲缘关系较近;宁波和温州的样本间的亲缘关系较近。石莼属(Ulva)和浒苔属(Enteromorpha)的物种没有聚成各自独立的分枝,而是相互混合在一起,应是两个亲缘关系相近的属。引起青岛绿潮的海藻很可能是来自盐城海域的Enteromorpha linzaEnteromorpha prolifera。  相似文献   

Cladistic parsimony analyses of rbcL nucleotide sequence data from 171 taxa representing nearly all tribes and subtribes of Orchidaceae are presented here. These analyses divide the family into five primary monophyletic clades: apostasioid, cypripedioid, vanilloid, orchidoid, and epidendroid orchids, arranged in that order. These clades, with the exception of the vanilloids, essentially correspond to currently recognized subfamilies. A distinct subfamily, based upon tribe Vanilleae, is supported for Vanilla and its allies. The general tree topology is, for the most part, congruent with previously published hypotheses of intrafamilial relationships; however, there is no evidence supporting the previously recognized subfamilies Spiranthoideae, Neottioideae, or Vandoideae. Subfamily Spiranthoideae is embedded within a single clade containing members of Orchidoideae and sister to tribe Diurideae. Genera representing tribe Tropideae are placed within the epidendroid clade. Most traditional subtribal units are supported within each clade, but few tribes, as currently circumscribed, are monophyletic. Although powerful in assessing monophyly of clades within the family, in this case rbcL fails to provide strong support for the interrelationships of the subfamilies (i.e., along the spine of the tree). The cladograms presented here should serve as a standard to which future morphological and molecular studies can be compared.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) regions, trnS-psbC and rbcL, from 120 individuals of 24 mangrove and mangrove associate species belonging to 11 orders, 13 families and 17 genera of Angiospermae were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction-digested with HaeIII. Analysis of polymorphism in the restriction fragments (PCR-RFLP) revealed 18 classes of restriction banding pattern in trnS-psbC region. This has provided molecular evidence for diversity in the mangrove floral component at the above-species level. Intra-generic variations were observed in three genera, viz. Rhizophora, Avicennia and Suaeda. Species-specific restriction patterns were found in the genera Rhizophora and Suaeda. A natural hybrid belonging to the genus Rhizophora was also analysed, and its restriction pattern was the same as that of a putative parental species.PCR-RFLP analysis of rbcL gene region was less differentiating. However, it showed 13 different classes of restriction patterns and revealed the usefulness of these investigations for genome analysis at a higher taxonomic level. Intra-specific variation was not observed in any of the species in either of the cpDNA regions analysed. This is the first report which describes variations in the chloroplast genome of mangrove species. Received: 20 April 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

中国红树林生态系统保护空缺分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
红树林作为海岸带重要的生态系统类型,具有维持海岸生物多样性、防风固岸、促淤造陆等重要的生态功能,在气候变化和快速城市化背景下认识红树林受保护状况具有重要意义。以基于遥感解译的红树林分类数据为基础,通过空缺分析,分析了我国红树林的就地保护状况,结果显示我国分布的红树林总面积为264 km~2(尚不含我国港、澳、台的统计数据),其中61.4%在自然保护区内受到保护。从红树林分布的主要省份来看,在海南省分布的红树林面积较少但保护比例高,广西和广东省分布的红树林面积大但受保护面积比例相对较低。在3种红树林类型中,红树-木果楝林和红海榄-木榄林分布面积较小,但受保护的面积都在90%以上,秋茄-桐花树-白骨壤林分布的面积最大,但受保护的面积为52.6%。研究提出自然保护区外红树林分布的关键区域,并建议通过划定生态保护红线等方式来进行保护。  相似文献   

以海南红树林植物红海榄和秋茄为对象,研究了两种植物的内生真菌的多样性。结果表明:红海榄和秋茄的枝、叶中分别分离到内生真菌30株和27株,内生真菌的优势属分别是茎点霉属和拟盘多毛孢属;同种植物的枝和叶中内生真菌的定殖率差异显著;红海榄和秋茄内生真菌的多样性指数分别为1.7890和1.7473,均匀度指数分别为0.5260和0.5302。两种红树林植物的内生真菌显示出丰富的多样性。  相似文献   

红豆杉科及相关类群rbcL基因PCR—RFLP分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用RFLP方法对红豆杉科及相关类群14种植物叶绿体rbcL基因PCR产物进行限制酶酶切分析,共获29个酶切变异位点。采用PHYLIP软件包对限制位点变异数据进行极大简约法分析得到18个步长为6的最简约树并求得一致树,结果显示:⑴红豆杉科和三尖杉科属单系群;⑵穗花杉属Amentotaxus以置于红豆杉科内为宜,不支持将穗花杉属独立成科的处理方式;⑶白豆杉应为红豆杉科内一个属Pseudotaxus;⑷三尖杉属内篦子三尖杉地位特殊,可设篦子三尖杉组;⑸不赞同将竹柏类从罗汉松属中分离出去成立新科;⑹红豆杉科、三尖杉科和罗汉松科三者间,前两者的关系更为接近。  相似文献   

利用聚合酶链式反应扩增胶州湾表层海水浮游植物核酮糖1,5-二磷酸羧化/氧化酶大亚基基因(rbcL)片段,建立了该基因片段变异类型文库.随机测定了28个rbcL片段序列,依此初步分析了胶州湾表层海水浮游植物rbcL基因分子遗传多样性.结果表明,春季胶州湾表层海水浮游植物优势种群为D类rbcL代表的浮游植物,其中隐藻占28.6%、Stramenopies占32.1%、定鞭藻占28.6%、红藻占3.6%.B类rbcL代表的浮游植物为绿藻,占7.1%.根据各操作分类单元丰度计算的分子遗传多样性指数为2.85,根据逆翻译成的氨基酸序列计算的序列多样性为0.20.  相似文献   

The order Malvales remains poorly circumscribed, despite its seemingly indisputable core constituents: Bombacaceae, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, and Tiliaceae. We conducted a two-step parsimony analysis on 125 rbcL sequences to clarify the composition of Malvales, to determine the relationships of some controversial families, and to identify the placement of the Malvales within Rosidae. We sampled taxa that have been previously suggested to be within, or close to, Malvales (83 sequences), plus additional rosids (26 sequences) and nonrosid eudicots (16 sequences) to provide a broader framework for the analysis. The resulting trees strongly support the monophyly of the core malvalean families, listed above. In addition, these data serve to identify a broader group of taxa that are closely associated with the core families. This expanded malvalean clade is composed of four major subclades: (1) the core families (Bombacaceae, Malvaceae, Sterculiaceae, Tiliaceae); (2) Bixaceae, Cochlospermaceae, and Sphaerosepalaceae (Rhopalocarpaceae); (3) Thymelaeaceae sensu lato (s.l.); and (4) Cistaceae, Dipterocarpaceae s.l., Sarcolaenaceae (Chlaenaceae), and Muntingia. In addition, Neurada (Neuradaceae or Rosaceae) falls in the expanded malvalean clade but not clearly within any of the four major subclades. This expanded malvalean clade is sister to either the expanded capparalean clade of Rodman et al. or the sapindalean clade of Gadek et al. Members of Elaeocarpaceae, hypothesized by most authors as a sister group to the four core malvalean families, are shown to not fall close to these taxa. Also excluded as members of, or sister groups to, the expanded malvalean clade were the families Aextoxicaceae, Barbeyaceae, Cannabinaceae, Cecropiaceae, Dichapetalaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Euphorbiaceae s.l., Huaceae, Lecythidaceae, Moraceae s.l., Pandaceae, Plagiopteraceae, Rhamnaceae, Scytopetalaceae, Ulmaceae, and Urticaceae.  相似文献   

红树林生态系统遥感监测研究进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
孙永光  赵冬至  郭文永  高阳  苏岫  卫宝泉 《生态学报》2013,33(15):4523-4538
随着现代遥感技术的迅速发展,遥感监测已经成为红树林生态系统变化监测的重要手段和方法。从遥感技术在生态系统变化监测应用领域入手,综述了国内外红树林遥感监测的发展历程,系统总结了遥感技术在红树林湿地动态、种间分类、群落结构(叶面积指数、冠幅、树高等)、生物量、灾害灾情(病虫害、风暴潮等)、景观格局动态、驱动力、红树林湿地保护与管理等领域应用现状,归纳了不同应用领域遥感监测的理论、方法及研究现状。指出我国在红树林遥感监测中存在的不足。提出红树林遥感监测应在分类标准体系规范化、分类精度提升、红树林生态学特征参数(物种多样性、优势度等)、生态系统环境空间演变过程及遥感监测的尺度效应方面加大研究力度。充分发挥区域综合监测模型在红树林生态系统变化遥感监测中的作用。  相似文献   

rbcL sequence data (1324 bp on average). Our analyses indicate (1) that Antitrichia is distantly related to the other members of Leucodontaceae and should be excluded from the family, (2) that Cryphaeaceae form a monophyletic clade, not with Anomodontaceae and Leptodontaceae, but with Leucodontaceae, refuting the placement of Leucodontaceae and Cryphaeaceae in different superfamilies, (3) that Forsstroemia, variously classified in Leucodontaceae, Cryphaeaceae or Leptodontaceae, forms a monophyletic clade with Neckera (Neckeraceae), and (4) that the presumed monophyly of Anomodon and that of Anomodontaceae are not supported. Received 18 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 27 December 1999  相似文献   

Extant genera of Characeae have been assigned to two tribes: Chareae (Chara, Lamprothamnium, Nitellopsis, and Lychnothamnus) and Nitelleae (Nitella and Tolypella), based on morphology of the thallus and reproductive structures. Character analysis of fossil and extant oogonia suggest that Tolypella is polyphyletic, the genus comprising two sections, one in each of the two tribes. Eleven morphological characters and sequence data for the Rubisco large subunit (rbcL) were used to reconstruct the phylogeny of genera, including the two sections of Tolypella. Parsimony analysis of the rbcL data, with all positions and changes weighted equally, strongly supports the monophyly of the Characeae. The two Tolypella sections form a robust monophyletic group basal to the family. Transversion weighting yielded the same tree but with a paraphyletic Tolypella. The rbcL data strongly support monophyly of tribe Chareae but tribe Nitelleae is paraphyletic. Parsimony analysis of morphological data produced one unrooted tree consistent with monophyly of the two tribes; on this tree the Tolypella sections were paraphyletic. Combining morphological with rbcL data did not change the results derived from rbcL sequences alone. The rbcL data support the monophyly of the Characeae and Coleochaete, which together form a monophyletic sister group to embryophytes.  相似文献   

Ambler  J. W.  Alcala-Herrera  J.  Burke  R. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):437-446
Swarms of Dioithona oculata, shoals of Mysidium columbiae, and schools of planktivorous fish were observed among mangrove prop roots on a lagoonal island. Detritus covering epiphytic and benthic macroalgae and invertebrates was a probable food source for pelagic mysids, and copepods, as well as benthic oysters and sponges. Open water blooms of dinoflagellate Amphidinium klebsii were probably only accessible to the swarming dioithonans which spend the night away from the mangrove prop roots. Dominant species were analyzed for stable carbon isotopic composition (expressed as 13C%.) to elucidate the origin and fate of detritus. Detrital components (–23.6 to –19.1%.), which included floating detritus, marine snow, prop root detritus, and detritus below prop roots, probably originated from the dominant subtidal macroalgal species (–24.2 to –14.6%.) and A. klebsii (–25.8 to –21.2%.), although other sources which are end-members could theoretically contribute since detrital isotopic ratios are half way between end-members. These other sources include the intertidal red algal Bostrychia spp. (–30.9 to –29.6%.), red mangrove Rhizophora mangle leaves (–28.2 to –27.0%.), and turtle grass Thalassia testudinum (–12.3 to –11.1%.). Particle feeders such as mangrove oysters, sponges, mysids, and dioithonans were usually enriched with 13C (–21.0 to –16.2%.) compared to their probable food sources, detritus and A. klebsii. At Anchovy Bay, adult mysids and planktivorous fish were more 13C enriched (1–3%.) than their probable prey, the dioithonans. Turtle grass may have a minor role in food webs, since dioithonans and mysids from Outer Twin and Anchovy Bays where turtle grass beds were abundant were consistently more 13C enriched (2–7%.) than in the Lair Channel where turtle grass beds were sparse.  相似文献   

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