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Species responses to environmental change are likely to depend on existing genetic and phenotypic variation, as well as evolutionary potential. A key challenge is to determine whether gene flow might facilitate or impede genomic divergence among populations responding to environmental change, and if emergent phenotypic variation is dependent on gene flow rates. A general expectation is that patterns of genetic differentiation in a set of codistributed species reflect differences in dispersal ability. In less dispersive species, we predict greater genetic divergence and reduced gene flow. This could lead to covariation in life‐history traits due to local adaptation, although plasticity or drift could mirror these patterns. We compare genome‐wide patterns of genetic structure in four phenotypically variable grasshopper species along a steep elevation gradient near Boulder, Colorado, and test the hypothesis that genomic differentiation is greater in short‐winged grasshopper species, and statistically associated with variation in growth, reproductive, and physiological traits along this gradient. In addition, we estimate rates of gene flow under competing demographic models, as well as potential gene flow through surveys of phenological overlap among populations within a species. All species exhibit genetic structure along the elevation gradient and limited gene flow. The most pronounced genetic divergence appears in short‐winged (less dispersive) species, which also exhibit less phenological overlap among populations. A high‐elevation population of the most widespread species, Melanoplus sanguinipes, appears to be a sink population derived from low elevation populations. While dispersal ability has a clear connection to the genetic structure in different species, genetic distance does not predict growth, reproductive, or physiological trait variation in any species, requiring further investigation to clearly link phenotypic divergence to local adaptation.  相似文献   

The mating system of a species can have great effects on its genetic structure and evolution. We studied the extent of multiple paternity in a gastropod with internal fertilization, the intertidal snail Littorina saxatilis. Paternal genotype reconstruction based on microsatellite markers was performed on the offspring of wild, naturally fertilized females from 2 populations. The numbers of males contributing to the offspring per female were among the highest detected in invertebrates so far, with the exception of social insects. No reproductive skew in favor of males that were genetically more distant from the females was detected, and the pattern of fertilization appeared random. The result fits a hypothesis of indiscriminate mating, with genetic bet hedging as the most likely explanation. Bet hedging may have evolved as a form of inbreeding avoidance, if the snails are not able to recognize relatives. However, nutritional benefits from sperm or sexual conflict with males are additional possibilities that remain to be assessed in this species. Whatever the causes, such high levels of multiple paternity are remarkable and are likely to have a large impact on population structure and dynamics in a species in which migration between populations is spurious.  相似文献   

The sensory abnormalities associated with disorders such as dyslexia, autism and schizophrenia have often been attributed to a generalized deficit in the visual magnocellular–dorsal stream and its auditory homologue. To probe magnocellular function, various psychophysical tasks are often employed that require the processing of rapidly changing stimuli. But is performance on these several tasks supported by a common substrate? To answer this question, we tested a cohort of 1060 individuals on four ‘magnocellular tasks’: detection of low-spatial-frequency gratings reversing in contrast at a high temporal frequency (so-called frequency-doubled gratings); detection of pulsed low-spatial-frequency gratings on a steady luminance pedestal; detection of coherent motion; and auditory discrimination of temporal order. Although all tasks showed test–retest reliability, only one pair shared more than 4 per cent of variance. Correlations within the set of ‘magnocellular tasks’ were similar to the correlations between those tasks and a ‘non-magnocellular task’, and there was little consistency between ‘magnocellular deficit’ groups comprising individuals with the lowest sensitivity for each task. Our results suggest that different ‘magnocellular tasks’ reflect different sources of variance, and thus are not general measures of ‘magnocellular function’.  相似文献   

Accumulated evidence suggests that in addition to hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), bone marrow (BM) also harbors endothelial stem cells (ESC), mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), multipotential adult progenitor cells (MAPC), pluripotent stem cells (PCS) as well as tissue committed stem cells (TCSC) recently identified by us. In this review we discuss the similarities and differences between these cell populations. Furthermore, we will present the hypothesis that all of these versatile BM derived stem cells are in fact different subpopulations of TCSC. These cells accumulate in bone marrow during ontogenesis and being a mobile population of cells are released from BM into peripheral blood after tissue injury to regenerate damaged organs. Furthermore, since BM is a "hideout" for TCSC, their presence in preparations of bone marrow derived mononuclear cells should be considered before experimental evidence is interpreted simply as trans-differentiation or plasticity of HSC. Finally, our observation that the number of TCSC accumulate in the bone marrow of young animals and their numbers decrease during senescence provides a new insight into aging and may explain why the regeneration processes becomes less effective in older individuals.  相似文献   

Two ecotypes of the rough periwinkle Littorina saxatilis occur at different shore levels, showing assortative mating for size and partial reproductive isolation when they meet at the mid-shore. This system represents a putative case of incomplete speciation in sympatry. Two processes contribute to the assortative mating: morph-specific microhabitat aggregation and mate choice. The estimation of mate choice coefficients in nature and a simulation of the aggregation effects on sexual isolation were used to disentangle these processes as well as to test alternative mechanisms of mate choice. Mate choice significantly increased the frequency of within-morph pairs and significantly decreased the frequency of between-morph pairs, whereas those pairs including at least one hybrid morph mated randomly. These results allow us to reject a discriminant mate choice and support a model of evolution of sexual isolation as a side-effect of size-assortative mating in a context of divergent natural selection for size in the population. This mechanism is more compatible with a model of incomplete by-product ecological speciation, as suggested by previous evidence.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare two Portuguese (Alentejana and Mertolenga) and two exotic (Frisian and Limousine) cattle breeds in terms of the relationship between the increase in ambient temperature and the responses of the evaporative heat loss pathways and the effects on homeothermy. In the experiment, six heifers of the Alentejana, Frisian, and Mertolenga breeds and four heifers of the Limousine breed were used. The animals were placed in four temperature levels, the first one under thermoneutral conditions and the other ones with increase levels of thermal stress. When submitted to severe heat stress, the Frisian developed high thermal tachypnea (125 mov/min) and moderate sweating rates (117 g m−2 h−1), which did not prevent an increase in the rectal temperature (from 38.4 °C to 40.0 °C). Moderate increases in rectal temperature were observed in the Alentejana (from 38.8 °C to 39.4 °C) and Limousine (from 38.6 °C to 39.4 °C), especially in the period of highest heat stress. The Limousine showed moderate levels of tachypnea (101 mov/min) while showing the lowest sweating rates. The Alentejana showed significant increases in sweating rate (156 g m−2 h−1) that played a major role in homeothermy. The Mertolenga showed a superior stability of body temperature, even in the period of highest heat stress (from 38.5 °C to 39.1 °C). Uncommonly, the maintenance of homeothermy during moderate heat stress was achieved primarily by intense tachypnea (122 mov/min). The sweating rate remained abnormally low under conditions of moderate heat stress, rising significantly (110 g m−2 h−1) without evidence of stabilization, only when tendency for heat storage occurred. This unusual response of the evaporative heat loss pathways infers a different thermoregulatory strategy, suggesting a different adaptation to semi-arid environment and strong association with water metabolism.  相似文献   

N. A. Tchurikov 《Genetica》1992,87(2):113-117
Based on both the occurrence of families of DNA sequences complementary in the same direction in different genomes and the physical possibility of DNA forming a parallel double helix, we postulate an unusual enzymatic synthesis of parallel DNA on a DNA template from its 5-end. We discuss the assumed evolutionary aspects of this problem and suggest ways to check the hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper compares the flexibility in the nexus between phenotype and genotype in plants and animals. These taxa although considered to be fundamentally different are found to be surprisingly similar in the mechanisms used to achieve plasticity. Although non-cognitive behaviour occurs in plants, its range is limited, while morphological and developmental plasticity also occur to a considerable extent in animals. Yet both plants and animals are subject to unique constraints and thus need to find unique solutions to functional problems. A true comparison between the plant and animal phenotype would be a comparison between plants and sessile photosynthesizing colonial invertebrates. Such comparisons are lacking. However, they would provide important insights into the adaptive significance of plasticity in these groups. It is also suggested that a comparison of inflexible traits in these groups would provide an understanding of the constraints, as well as the costs and benefits, of a plastic versus non-plastic phenotype in plants and animals.  相似文献   

The question of whether there are shape differences between populations of Littorina saxatilis living in different environments is examined by multivariate analyses of 13 morphological characters. Principal component analysis reveals that morphologic differences between populations from habitats with contrasting degrees of wave exposure are mainly due to a general size factor, including shell thickness. Utilizing the group structure among the snails, canonical variate analysis discloses that the main character excluding size that influences subpopulation differentiation is pointedness.  相似文献   

Evolution appears to be especially rapid during speciation, and the genes involved in speciation should be evident in species such as humans that have recently speciated or are presently in the process of speciation. Haldane's rule is that when one sex is sterile or inviable in interspecific F(1) hybrids, it is usually the heterogametic sex. For mammals, this implicates genes on the X chromosome as those particularly responsible for speciation. A preponderance of sex- and reproduction-related genes on the X chromosome has been shown repeatedly, but also mental retardation genes are more frequent on the X chromosome. We argue that brain, testis, and placenta are those organs most responsible for human speciation. Furthermore, the high degree of complexity of the vertebrate genome demands coordinate evolution of new characters. This coordination is best attained when the same set of genes is redeployed for these new characters in the brain, testis, and placenta.  相似文献   

Gosling  E. M.  Wilson  I. F.  Andrews  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1998,378(1-3):21-25
Littorina tenebrosa is a small fragile-shelled periwinkle which lives on permanently submerged algae in coastal lagoons and non-tidal brackish pools. This periwinkle is a member of the rough periwinkle group which also comprises Littorina saxatilis, L. arcana, L. compressa and L. neglecta and is most closely related to L. saxatilis although its exact systematic status is in some doubt. Based on its unique ecology many believe L. tenebrosa to be a valid species. However, shell morphometric and allozyme analyses on Scottish and Swedish populations of L. tenebrosa and L. saxatilis have indicated that the two periwinkles are virtually identical. Preliminary results on five allozyme loci (AAT-1, GPI, PGM-1, PGM-2 and PNP) in samples of L. tenebrosa and L. saxatilis from Golam Head, Lettermullen, and other locations on the west coast of Ireland show L. tenebrosa to be genetically differentiated from L. saxatilis At Golam Head, where opportunities for gene flow occur between the two taxa, L. tenebrosa is as genetically differentiated from local L. saxatilis as it is from L. saxatilis from more geographically distant locations.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to different pollinators is considered one of the possible initial stages of ecological speciation as reproductive isolation is a by‐product of the divergence in pollination systems. However, pollinator‐mediated divergent selection will not necessarily result in complete reproductive isolation, because incipient speciation is often overcome by gene flow. We investigated the potential of pollinator shift in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys sphegodes and Ophrys exaltata and compared the levels of floral isolation vs. genetic distance among populations with contrasting predominant pollinators. We analysed floral hydrocarbons as a proxy for floral divergence between populations. Floral adoption of pollinators and their fidelity was tested using pollinator choice experiments. Interpopulation gene flow and population differentiation levels were estimated using AFLP markers. The Tyrrhenian O. sphegodes population preferentially attracted the pollinator bee Andrena bimaculata, whereas the Adriatic O. sphegodes population exclusively attracted A. nigroaenea. Significant differences in scent component proportions were identified in O. sphegodes populations that attracted different preferred pollinators. High interpopulation gene flow was detected, but populations were genetically structured at species level. The high interpopulation gene flow levels independent of preferred pollinators suggest that local adaptation to different pollinators has not (yet) generated detectable genome‐wide separation. Alternatively, despite extensive gene flow, few genes underlying floral isolation remain differentiated as a consequence of divergent selection. Different pollination ecotypes in O. sphegodes might represent a local selective response imposed by temporal variation in a geographical mosaic of pollinators as a consequence of the frequent disturbance regimes typical of Ophrys habitats.  相似文献   

Species are groups of organisms, marked out by reproductive (replicative) properties. Monophyletic taxa are groups of species, marked out by synapomorphies. In Nelson’s analysis, monophyly and synapomorphy are identical relations. Monophyly and synapomorphy, however, are not equivalent relations. Monophyly is epistemically not accessible, whereas synapomorphy is epistemically accessible through character analysis. Monophyly originates with speciation, the two sister‐species that come into being through the splitting of the ancestral species lineage forming a monophyletic taxon at the lowest level of inclusiveness. Synapomorphy provides the empirical evidence for monophyly, inferred from character analysis in the context of a three‐taxon statement. If synapomorphy and monophyly were equivalent, phylogenetic systematists should find a single tree, instead of multiple equally parsimonious trees. Understanding synapomorphy as the relevant evidence for phylogenetic inference reveals a category mistake in contemporary phylogenetics: the treatment of morphological characters mapped onto molecular trees as synapomorphies and homoplasies. The mapping of morphological characters onto nodes of a molecular tree results in an empirically empty procedure for synapomorphy discovery. Morphological synapomorphies and homoplasies can only be discovered by morphological and combined analyses. The use of morphology in phylogenetic inference in general is defended by examples from Laurales and Squamata in particular. To make empirical evidence scientifically relevant in order to search for concordance, or dis‐concordance, of phylogenetic signal, is certainly more fruitful for phylogenetics than the uncritical mapping of morphological traits on a molecular scaffold. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

This research investigated the longevity of functional connections between leaf traces and stem xylem in 16 species of conifers to better understand the spatial use of sapwood for water transport. The first question was which ring(s) stained when a vacuum was applied to the distal end of the cut surface of a needle attached to a short stem segment. The vacuum was applied to either 1- or 2-yr-old foliage taken from 4-6-yr-old saplings. The 16 species were then categorized based on the growth ring that most consistently stained when the vacuum was applied to the 2-yr-old needles. There were three distinct stain patterns for the evergreen conifers and one pattern for the deciduous conifers. Three evergreen species could not be categorized. The second question used needle fall data to ask whether the leaf trace appeared to break because of age or stem diameter in 5-yr-old Pseudotsuga menziesii saplings. An apparent threshold stem diameter at which needles tended to be shed was more related to diameter than age. These xylem connection patterns could affect leaf cohort physiology and the spatial pattern of water flux in sapwood.  相似文献   

Experiments, some in vitro and some in vivo, with glucose-U-14C, acetate-U-14C, succinate-1,4-14C, pyruvate-U-14C and citrate-1,5-14C indicate that the digestive gland of Littorina saxatilis rudis and the daughter sporocysts of Microphallus similis aerobically catabolise glucose via an EMP pathway, a TCA cycle, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylation and malate decarboxylation. The host and parasite have similar transamination and synthetic reactions and alanine as a major carbohydrate excretory product. Oxidative metabolism appears to be less efficient in the parasite than in the host.  相似文献   

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