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A new heteronemertean is described, Gastropionsanmatiensis n. gen. et n. sp. from Caleta de LosLoros, San Matías Gulf, Argentine Republic(41& deg;S; 64° 05 W). G. sanmatiensis is mainly defined by: (1) the structure ofits proboscis sheath; (2) enteronephridia and exonephridiasituated in the anterior part of the oesophagus; (3) a sphincterbetween the oesophagus and the intestine; (4) anintestinal sphincter. This lineid heteronemerteanseems to be very well adapted to oesophagealrespiration and excretion.  相似文献   

Movement of bottlenose dolphins around the south-west coast of Britain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Nine bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves that stranded in Virginia in 1996 and 1997 died of severe blunt-force trauma. Injuries were concentrated on the head and chest and multiple rib fractures, lung lacerations, and soft tissue contusions were prominent. Skeletal and/or soft tissue trauma occurred bilaterally in all of the calves. One had a bite wound across the left mandible that exhibited deep punctures consistent with the tooth placement in an adult bottlenose dolphin. The lesions were not compatible with predation, boat strike, fisheries interactions, rough-surf injury, or blast injury. However, they were similar to traumatic injuries described in stranded bottlenose dolphin calves and harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Great Britain attributed to violent dolphin interactions. The evidence suggests that violent dolphin behavior was the cause of the trauma in the nine calves reported here and that infanticide occurs in bottlenose dolphins of the western North Atlantic.  相似文献   

A female Atlantic bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and her calf were found beached on Picnic Island in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA. Despite therapy the animals died. Necropsy revealed severe pneumonia and lymphadenopathy in the mother and the calf, gastric ulcers and infection with the stomach digenean Braunina cordiformis in the mother, and a large, pale liver in the calf. Toxoplasma gondii was identified by light and electron microscopy and by immunohistochemistry in tissues of both animals. Toxoplasma gondii was associated with interstitial pneumonia, necrotizing adrenalitis, and cardiac myonecrosis in the mother and with lymphoid necrosis in both dolphins. The source of infection and the relationship to the recent dolphin beachings along the eastern seacoast of North America are unknown. This is the first report of toxoplasmosis in cetaceans.  相似文献   

This is the first study in Argentine waters on the abundance of the threatened Franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei . During 2003–2004 we carried out 17 aerial surveys using line transect sampling methodology. We observed 101 Franciscanas in 71 sightings. In northern areas density was estimated at 0.106 individual/km2. Density was lower in southern areas (0.055/km2) and declined with depth beyond 30-m isobaths (0.05/km2). A correction factor for submerged dolphins was applied to density and then extrapolated to the strip between the coastline and the 30-m isobath. Abundance in the northern area was estimated at 8,279 (4,904–13,960) individuals, while in the southern area it was estimated at 5,896 (1,928–17,999) individuals. Considering an annual mortality of about 500–800 individuals, about 3.5%–5.6% of the stock may be removed each year by the fishery and over the 2% recommended by the International Whaling Commission (IWC) and may not be sustainable by the population. Higher densities in coastal areas make Franciscanas more vulnerable to coastal fishing camps, which increased mortality in recent years. A remarkable finding was that while density decreases to the south, values of catch per unit effort (CPUE) increases, indicating different catchability of dolphins between areas.  相似文献   

The southernmost record of aguavina Diplectrum radiale (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) is reported for the American Atlantic coast, from Mar Chiquita lagoon, Argentina.  相似文献   

Aim In this study we evaluate patterns of endemism for benthic polychaete species along the southeastern Pacific coast of Chile. Our goals were (1) to describe latitudinal gradients of endemism and identify areas of high endemism, (2) to evaluate the effect of biogeographical limits on endemism patterns, and (3) to evaluate indirectly the role played by evolutionary dynamics on patterns of endemism. Location South‐eastern Pacific coast of Chile, ranging from Arica (18° S) to Cape Horn (56° S). Methods We used a list of 178 species of endemic, shallow benthic polychaetes to evaluate patterns of endemism. Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) and the endemism index (EI) were used to evaluate hierarchical relationships of endemism between different latitudinal bands, and to identify areas with high degrees of endemism and differences in endemism. We evaluated the effect of biogeographical limits on endemic polychaete fauna by testing for the existence of geometric constraints (mid‐domain effect). The role of evolutionary dynamics on latitudinal patterns of endemism was evaluated with nestedness analysis (NA) using the temperature index. Results The PAE analysis indicated two large, separate areas of endemism: (1) the northern area between 18° S and 38° S, and (2) the southern area between 39° S and 56° S. The endemism index showed a maximum value (32 species) around 39°–41° S. Species‐richness curves of each 3° band of latitude showed a clear mid‐domain effect (69%), but the two maximum points of species richness at mid‐latitudes (36° S to 38° S and 39° S to 41° S) did not correspond to the mid‐domain peak in species richness, presenting a greater number of species than expected by the mid‐domain effect. The nestedness analysis showed that the number of genera reaches a maximum of 70 at mid‐latitudes (36°–41° S), decreasing towards both the northern and southern areas. The spatial distribution of the entire data set of endemic species showed a nested pattern (T° = 24.5°, P < 0.0001). Main conclusions Our results strongly support the existence of a latitudinal gradient of endemism for benthic polychaete species along the Chilean coast. The shape of this gradient is clearly non‐linear, with a marked peak of endemism occurring at mid‐latitudes (36°–41° S, endemism hotspot), which also corresponds to a peak in species richness. Furthermore, this hotspot is the midpoint separating two distinct areas of endemism to the north and south. We suggest that the observed pattern of endemism for benthic polychaete taxa of the Chilean coast can be explained by a combination of geometric constraints and historical mechanisms, such as the processes that affected the Chilean coast during the Neogene (e.g. ENSO, oxygen minimum zone, glaciations).  相似文献   

Although Toxoplasma gondii infection has been found occasionally in cetaceans, little is known of the prevalence of antibodies to T. gondii in wild dolphins. Antibodies to T. gondii were determined in serum samples from 58 dolphins stranded in the Spanish Mediterranean coast. Modified agglutination test was used to determine T. gondii antibodies, and a titer of 1:25 was considered indicative of T. gondii infection. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 4 of 36 striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), in 2 of 4 common dolphins (Delphinus delphis), in 4 of 7 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), and in 1 harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena). Antibodies were not found in 9 Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) and in 1 long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas) surveyed. The results indicate that T. gondii infection is frequent in at least 3 dolphin species from the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   


The Southern Cone of South America and the adjacent regions of the South Atlantic and South Pacific Oceans, as well as the opposite regions of the Antarctic, present some difficult legal, political, economic, and military problems. As the tip of the Southern Cone has been conflict prone, the political and military interests of Argentina and Chile have tended to predominate. The 1984 Argentine‐Chilean Treaty of Peace and Friendship was a significant achievement in conflict resolution, and could lead to greater economic, political and even military cooperation between the two states. Nonetheless, the general area at the tip of the Southern Cone remains conflict prone as evidenced in part by the conflicts over the Falklands/Malvinas Islands, the Beagle Channel, the Drake Passage, and the Antarctic.  相似文献   

The grouping behaviour of animals is governed by intrinsic and extrinsic factors which play an important role in shaping their social organization. We investigated the influence of ocean climate variation on the grouping behaviour of two widely separated populations of cetaceans, inhabiting north Atlantic and north Pacific coastal waters. The group size of both bottlenose dolphins in the Moray Firth, UK, and killer whales in Johnstone Strait, Canada, varied from year to year in relation to large‐scale ocean climate variation. Local indices of prey abundance were also related both to climate indices and predator group sizes. The cetaceans tended to live in smaller groups when there was less salmon available in both areas which seem to occur 2 years after a lower phase of the North Atlantic and Pacific Decadal Oscillations. These findings suggest that, even in highly social mammals, climate variation may influence social organization through changes in prey availability.  相似文献   

  • 1 The common dolphins (genus Delphinus) have one of most problematic taxonomies and complex distribution patterns of all cetaceans. Although the taxonomy and the distribution seem to have been clarified somewhat in the eastern North Pacific and Indo‐Pacific Oceans, many questions remain in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA). We review the biogeography of Delphinus in the SWA.
  • 2 We reviewed data from strandings, incidental catches and sightings since 1922. Systematic surveys were conducted in five major areas. Twenty‐one natural history collections were examined, and 135 skulls were measured.
  • 3 A total of 184 records of common dolphins were compiled. Delphinus apparently occurs in three stocks in the SWA: one located in northern Brazil and two from southeastern Brazil (~22°S) to central Argentina (~42°S). Two distinct patterns in habitat use were observed by depth: in southeastern Brazil, sightings were restricted to coastal waters with water depths ranging from 18m to 70m. On the other hand, in the area that extends from southern Brazil to Central Argentina (from 28°S to 42°S), sightings were recorded in deeper waters, ranging from 71m to 1435m, with the exception of occasional coastal sightings. The cranial analyses demonstrated that both short‐beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis and long‐beaked common dolphins Dephinus capensis occur in the SWA.
  • 4 In the SWA, Delphinus seems to occur near areas of high productivity. One stock is associated with the productive waters discharged by the Amazon River and possibily with the coastal upwelling system off the coast of Venezuela, while the other stocks are associated with the Cabo Frio upwelling system and the Subtropical Convergence. Our results indicate that the current taxonomy does not adequately reflect the amount of variation within the genus in the world.

Coastal and offshore ecotypes of common bottlenose dolphins have been recognized in the western South Atlantic, and it is possible that trophic niche divergence associated with social interactions is leading them to genetic and phenotypic differentiation. The significant morphological differentiation observed between these ecotypes suggests they represent two different subspecies. However, there is still a need to investigate whether there is congruence between morphological and genetic data to rule out the possibility of ecophenotypic variation accompanied by gene flow. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence data and 10 microsatellite loci collected from stranded and biopsied dolphins sampled in coastal and offshore waters of Brazil as well as 106 skulls for morphological analyses were used to determine whether the morphological differentiation was supported by genetic differentiation. There was congruence among the data sets, reinforcing the presence of two distinct ecotypes. The divergence may be relatively recent, however, given the moderate values of mtDNA nucleotide divergence (dA = 0.008), presence of one shared mtDNA haplotype and possibly low levels of gene flow (around 1% of migrants per generation). Results suggest the ecotypes may be in the process of speciation and reinforce they are best described as two different subspecies until the degree of nuclear genetic divergence is thoroughly evaluated: Tursiops truncatus gephyreus (coastal ecotype) and T. t. truncatus (offshore ecotype). The endemic distribution of T. t. gephyreus in the western South Atlantic and number of anthropogenic threats in the area reinforces the importance of protecting this ecotype and its habitat.  相似文献   

Atlantic white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus acutus) are highly social odontocetes with a poorly understood tendency to mass strand. With limited capacity to study social ecology in the open ocean, mass strandings provide an opportunity to improve our understanding of group structure. Our study of 32 mass stranding events that occurred on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, between 1999 and 2009 identifies aspects of social ecology that vary across the year. A greater number of mass stranding events occurred outside of the breeding season and there was evidence of age-structuring during the breeding season. We find generally low average intragroup pairwise relatedness assessed across eight microsatellite loci in a subset of 16 mass stranding events. Mass stranded groups do not show higher than expected relatedness when compared to a baseline estimate derived from single-stranded individuals. Overall, our integration of genetic estimates of relatedness with data on sex and maturity-class from stranded specimens suggests that Atlantic white-sided dolphins fall near the more fluid end of the continuum from short-term, highly fluid social associations to long-term, stable groups represented among the odontocetes. Despite their tendency to mass strand, stable, kin-based associations are not a defining feature of social group structure in this species.  相似文献   

Recently three biogeographical units were identified along the Chilean coast (the Magellanic Province, an Intermediate Area, and the Peruvian Province), however few studies have focused on the factors and dynamic processes that formed these spatial units (e.g. Rapoport's rule and its causal mechanisms). In this study we used benthic polychaetes of the Chilean coast to evaluate patterns of latitudinal distribution and species richness, and the existence of the three main biogeographical provinces described for the Chilean coast. Additionally, we evaluated the latitudinal Rapoport effects and geometric constraint as a null hypothesis explaining the species richness distribution.
We found that benthic polychaete diversity increased towards southern latitudes. The cluster and ordination (non-metric MultiDimensional Scaling, nMDS) analyses of the distribution data, presented only two statistically significant (bootstrapping techniques) biogeographic provinces along the Chilean coast, with a break occurring between 41° and 42°S. While, our results did not support a latitudinal Rapoport effect, they did support the view that latitudinal Rapoport effects are a local phenomenon, occurring only for the Northeastern Pacific marine taxa. The relationship between latitudinal range extent and mean latitude indicated the existence of two hard boundaries at either extreme of the Chilean coast, limiting the geographical ranges of the species. However, geometric constraints tested using a Monte Carlo simulation approach showed a weak level of mid-domain effect on species richness. Finally, we propose that geometric constraint together with the geomorphology and historical characteristics of the Chilean coast explain the biogeographical patterns of benthic polychaete taxa in Chile.  相似文献   

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