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Arguably the most useful model of evolution emerged from the mind of Sewall Wright when he invented the fitness landscape (Wright 1932 ). In a recent issue of Molecular Ecology, Martin & Feinstein ( 2014 ) investigate the genetics and demographic history of an adaptive radiation of pupfish on San Salvador Island. Since the founder species colonized the island 10 000 years ago, two descendent species have appeared and in several lakes all three species (a durophage, a scale‐eater, and the generalist ancestral form) coexist. The three species are thought to occupy three distinct fitness peaks. The durophage and generalists' peaks are close, whereas the scale‐eater's peak is predicted to be distant and separated from the other two by a deep valley. Consistent with this view, gene flow between the two species on close fitness peaks is greater than the gene flow between these two species and the third species on a more distant peak. Correspondingly, the inferred fitness landscape predicts progress towards speciation, with more limited separation of species on close peaks, and that speciation is more complete for the scale‐eater. The article provides an illustrative example of the power afforded by analysis of large numbers of SNPs for estimating key parameters underlying evolutionary divergence.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of adaptation is fundamental to understanding the mechanisms and constraints governing diversification. However, most case studies focus on loss of complex traits or parallel speciation in similar environments. It is still unclear how the genetic architecture of these local adaptive processes compares to the architecture of evolutionary transitions contributing to morphological and ecological novelty. Here, we identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) between two trophic specialists in an excellent case study for examining the origins of ecological novelty: a sympatric radiation of pupfishes endemic to San Salvador Island, Bahamas, containing a large‐jawed scale‐eater and a short‐jawed molluscivore with a skeletal nasal protrusion. These specialized niches and trophic traits are unique among over 2000 related species. Measurements of the fitness landscape on San Salvador demonstrate multiple fitness peaks and a larger fitness valley isolating the scale‐eater from the putative ancestral intermediate phenotype of the generalist, suggesting that more large‐effect QTL should contribute to its unique phenotype. We evaluated this prediction using an F2 intercross between these specialists. We present the first linkage map for pupfishes and detect significant QTL for sex and eight skeletal traits. Large‐effect QTL contributed more to enlarged scale‐eater jaws than the molluscivore nasal protrusion, consistent with predictions from the adaptive landscape. The microevolutionary genetic architecture of large‐effect QTL for oral jaws parallels the exceptional diversification rates of oral jaws within the San Salvador radiation observed over macroevolutionary timescales and may have facilitated exceptional trophic novelty in this system.  相似文献   

Ancient lakes are natural laboratories for the study of adaptive radiation. Recently, two lake systems on the Indonesian island Sulawesi have emerged as promising new model systems. A species flock of atyid freshwater shrimps in the Malili lake system comprises 15 colorful endemic taxa. Mitochondrial DNA data suggest two independent colonizations by riverine ancestors. Only one colonization event led to subsequent radiation into 14 species, while the second clade comprises just one species. The vast majority of species (n= 12) are habitat specialists, which are confined to the larger Malili clade and include all taxa with species‐specific color patterns and a restricted distribution within the five connected Malili lakes. Morphological, genetic, and ecological data are consistent with the existence of an adaptive radiation in the Malili lakes, involving the habitat‐specific diversification of trophic morphology. In addition to testing criteria for the recognition of an adaptive radiation, an ancestral state reconstruction reveals an equal probability for either a riverine generalist or a lacustrine specialist as ancestor of the large Malili clade, which is interpreted as indicative of an early stage of habitat specialization within this radiation. Finally, our results suggest that species diversification may have been primarily driven by ecological specialization and allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation and adaptive radiation are key processes shaping northern temperate freshwater fish diversity. Both often involve parapatric differentiation between stream and lake populations and less often, sympatric intralacustrine diversification into habitat‐ and resource‐associated ecotypes. However, few taxa have been studied, calling for studies of others to investigate the generality of these processes. Here, we test for diversification within catchments in freshwater sculpins in a network of peri‐Alpine lakes and streams. Using 8047 and 13 182 restriction site‐associated (RADseq) SNPs, respectively, we identify three deeply divergent phylogeographic lineages associated with different major European drainages. Within the Aare catchment, we observe populations from geographically distant lakes to be genetically more similar to each other than to populations from nearby streams. This pattern is consistent with two distinct colonization waves, rather than by parapatric ecological speciation after a single colonization wave. We further find two distinct depth distribution modes in three lakes of the Aare catchment, one in very shallow and one in very deep water, and significant genomewide differentiation between these in one lake. Sculpins in the Aare catchment appear to represent an early‐stage adaptive radiation involving the evolution of a lacustrine lineage distinct from parapatric stream sculpins and the repeated onset of depth‐related intralacustrine differentiation.  相似文献   

Ecological opportunity is frequently proposed as the sole ingredient for adaptive radiation into novel niches. An additional trigger may be genome‐wide hybridization resulting from “hybrid swarm.” However, these hypotheses have been difficult to test due to the rarity of comparable control environments lacking adaptive radiations. Here I exploit such a pattern in microendemic radiations of Caribbean pupfishes. I show that a sympatric three species radiation on San Salvador Island, Bahamas diversified 1445 times faster than neighboring islands in jaw length due to the evolution of a novel scale‐eating adaptive zone from a generalist ancestral niche. I then sampled 22 generalist populations on seven neighboring islands and measured morphological diversity, stomach content diversity, dietary isotopic diversity, genetic diversity, lake/island areas, macroalgae richness, and Caribbean‐wide patterns of gene flow. None of these standard metrics of ecological opportunity or gene flow were associated with adaptive radiation, except for slight increases in macroalgae richness. Thus, exceptional trophic diversification is highly localized despite myriad generalist populations in comparable environmental and genetic backgrounds. This study provides a strong counterexample to the ecological and hybrid swarm theories of adaptive radiation and suggests that diversification of novel specialists on a sparse fitness landscape is constrained by more than ecological opportunity and gene flow.  相似文献   

Established empirical cases of sympatric speciation are scarce, although there is an increasing consensus that sympatric speciation might be more common than previously thought. Midas cichlid fish are one of the few substantiated cases of sympatric speciation, and they formed repeated radiations in crater lakes. In contrast, in the same environment, such radiation patterns have not been observed in other species of cichlids and other families of fish. We analyze morphological and genetic variation in a cichlid species (Archocentrus centrarchus) that co‐inhabits several crater lakes with the Midas species complex. In particular, we analyze variation in body and pharyngeal jaw shape (two ecologically important traits in sympatrically divergent Midas cichlids) and relate that to genetic variation in mitochondrial control region and microsatellites. Using these four datasets, we analyze variation between and within two Nicaraguan lakes: a crater lake where multiple Midas cichlids have been described and a lake where the source population lives. We do not observe any within‐lake clustering consistent across morphological traits and genetic markers, suggesting the absence of sympatric divergence in A. centrarchus. Genetic differentiation between lakes was low and morphological divergence absent. Such morphological similarity between lakes is found not only in average morphology, but also when analyzing covariation between traits and degree of morphospace occupation. A combined analysis of the mitochondrial control region in A. centrarchus and Midas cichlids suggests that a difference between lineages in the timing of crater lake colonization cannot be invoked as an explanation for the difference in their levels of diversification. In light of our results, A. centrarchus represents the ideal candidate to study the genomic differences between these two lineages that might explain why some lineages are more likely to speciate and diverge in sympatry than others.  相似文献   

Divergent selection is the main driving force in sympatric ecological speciation and may also play a strong role in divergence between allopatric populations. Characterizing the genome‐wide impact of divergent selection often constitutes a first step in unravelling the genetic bases underlying adaptation and ecological speciation. The Midas cichlid fish (Amphilophus citrinellus) species complex in Nicaragua is a powerful system for studying evolutionary processes. Independent colonizations of isolated young crater lakes by Midas cichlid populations from the older and great lakes of Nicaragua resulted in the repeated evolution of adaptive radiations by intralacustrine sympatric speciation. In this study we performed genome scans on two repeated radiations of crater lake species and their great lake source populations (1030 polymorphic AFLPs, n ~ 30 individuals per species). We detected regions under divergent selection (0.3% in the crater lake Xiloá flock and 1.7% in the older crater lake Apoyo radiation) that might be responsible for the sympatric diversifications. We find no evidence that the same genomic regions have been involved in the repeated evolution of parallel adaptations across crater lake flocks. However, there is some genetic parallelism apparent (seven out of 51 crater lake to great lake outlier loci are shared; 13.7%) that is associated with the allopatric divergence of both crater lake flocks. Interestingly, our results suggest that the number of outlier loci involved in sympatric and allopatric divergence increases over time. A phylogeny based on the AFLP data clearly supports the monophyly of both crater lake species flocks and indicates a parallel branching order with a primary split along the limnetic‐benthic axis in both radiations.  相似文献   

The Crassulacean genus Aeonium is a well‐known example for plant species radiation on oceanic archipelagos. However, while allopatric speciation among islands is documented for this genus, the role of intra‐island speciation due to population divergence by topographical isolation or ecological heterogeneity has not yet been addressed. The aim of this study was to investigate intraspecific genetic structures and to identify spatial and ecological drivers of genetic population differentiation on the island scale. We analyzed inter simple sequence repeat variation within two island‐endemic Aeonium species of La Palma: one widespread generalist that covers a large variety of different habitat types (Ae. davidbramwellii) and one narrow ecological specialist (Ae. nobile), in order to assess evolutionary potentials on this island. Gene pool differentiation and genetic diversity patterns were associated with major landscape structures in both species, with phylogeographic implications. However, overall levels of genetic differentiation were low. For the generalist species, outlier loci detection and loci–environment correlation approaches indicated moderate signatures of divergent selection pressures linked to temperature and precipitation variables, while the specialist species missed such patterns. Our data point to incipient differentiation among populations, emphasizing that ecological heterogeneity and topographical structuring within the small scales of an island can foster evolutionary processes. Very likely, such processes have contributed to the radiation of Aeonium on the Canary Islands. There is also support for different evolutionary mechanisms between generalist and specialist species.  相似文献   

The erosion of habitat heterogeneity can reduce species diversity directly but can also lead to the loss of distinctiveness of sympatric species through speciation reversal. We know little about changes in genomic differentiation during the early stages of these processes, which can be mediated by anthropogenic perturbation. Here, we analyse three sympatric whitefish species (Coregonus spp) sampled across two neighbouring and connected Swiss pre‐alpine lakes, which have been differentially affected by anthropogenic eutrophication. Our data set comprises 16,173 loci genotyped across 138 whitefish using restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (RADseq). Our analysis suggests that in each of the two lakes, the population of a different, but ecologically similar, whitefish species declined following a recent period of eutrophication. Genomic signatures consistent with hybridization are more pronounced in the more severely impacted lake. Comparisons between sympatric pairs of whitefish species with contrasting ecology, where one is shallow benthic and the other one more profundal pelagic, reveal genomic differentiation that is largely correlated along the genome, while differentiation is uncorrelated between pairs of allopatric provenance with similar ecology. We identify four genomic loci that provide evidence of parallel divergent adaptation between the shallow benthic species and the two different more profundal species. Functional annotations available for two of those loci are consistent with divergent ecological adaptation. Our genomic analysis indicates the action of divergent natural selection between sympatric whitefish species in pre‐alpine lakes and reveals the vulnerability of these species to anthropogenic alterations of the environment and associated adaptive landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract Sympatric speciation is a contentious concept, although theoretical models as well as empirical evidence support its relevance in evolutionary biology. The Midas cichlid species complex (Amphilophus citrinellus, labiatus, zaliosus) from several crater lakes in Nicaragua fits several of the key characteristics of a sympatric speciation model. In particular, in A. citrinellus (i) strong assortative mating on the basis of colour polymorphism and (ii) ecological differentiation based on morphological polymorphisms involving the feeding apparatus and body shape might both be mechanisms of incipient speciation. Seven microsatellite markers and mtDNA control region sequences [836 base pairs (bp)] were used to study the population genetic structure of 519 specimens of Midas cichlid populations from the two Great Lakes Managua and Nicaragua, and three crater lakes in Nicaragua, Central America. The three named species of the species complex occupy different ecological niches, are morphologically distinct and can be distinguished genetically. We uncovered allopatric genetic differentiation of populations of A. citrinellus from different lakes and distant locations within Lake Managua and, more interestingly, incipient genetic differentiation of several sympatric populations based on colouration (in A. citrinellus and A. labiatus) but not on the morphology of the pharyngeal jaws (in A. citrinellus). Sexual selection and assortative mating might be the driven forces of diversification within named species. The Midas cichlid species complex in Nicaragua is an excellent model system for the study of the incipient stages of adaptation, speciation and the formation of species flocks.  相似文献   

Understanding how landscape structure influences biodiversity patterns and ecological processes are essential in ecological research and conservation practices. Forest discontinuity is a primary driver affecting the population persistence and genetic structure of forest‐dwelling species. However, the actual impacts on populations are highly species‐specific. In this study, we tested whether dispersal capability and host specialization are associated with susceptibility to forest discontinuity using three closely related, sympatric fungivorous ciid beetle species (two host specialists, Octotemnus assimilis and O. crassus; one host generalist, O. kawanabei). Landscape genetic analyses and the estimation of effective migration surfaces (EEMS) method consistently demonstrated contrasting differences in the relationships between genetic structure and configuration of forest land cover. Octotemnus assimilis, one of the specialists with a presumably higher dispersal capability due to lower wing loading, lacked a definite spatial genetic structure in our study landscape. The remaining two species showed clear spatial genetic structure, but the results of landscape genetic analyses differed between the two species: while landscape resistance appeared to describe the spatial genetic structure of the specialist O. crassus, genetic differentiation of the generalist O. kawanabei was explained by geographic distance alone. This finding is consistent with the prediction that nonforest areas act more strongly as barriers between specialist populations. Our results suggest that differences in host range can influence the species‐specific resistance to habitat discontinuity among closely related species inhabiting the same landscape.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of populations of closely related, sympatric species may hold the signature of the geographical mode of the speciation process. In fully allopatric speciation, it is expected that genetic differentiation between species is homogeneously distributed across the genome. In nonallopatric speciation, the genomes may remain undifferentiated to a large extent. In this article, we analyzed the genetic structure of five sympatric species from the plant genus Heliotropium in the Atacama Desert. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) to characterize the genetic structure of these species and evaluate their genetic differentiation as well as the number of loci subject to positive selection using divergence outlier analysis (DOA). The five species form distinguishable groups in the genetic space, with zones of overlap, indicating that they are possibly not completely isolated. Among‐species differentiation accounts for 35% of the total genetic differentiation (FST = 0.35), and FST between species pairs is positively correlated with phylogenetic distance. DOA suggests that few loci are subject to positive selection, which is in line with a scenario of nonallopatric speciation. These results support the idea that sympatric species of Heliotropium sect. Cochranea are under an ongoing speciation process, characterized by a fluctuation of population ranges in response to pulses of arid and humid periods during Quaternary times.  相似文献   

Parasitism has been proposed as a factor in host speciation, as an agent affecting coexistence of host species in species‐rich communities and as a driver of post‐speciation diversification. Young adaptive radiations of closely related host species of varying ecological and genomic differentiation provide interesting opportunities to explore interactions between patterns of parasitism, divergence and coexistence of sympatric host species. Here, we explored patterns in ectoparasitism in a community of 16 fully sympatric cichlid species at Makobe Island in Lake Victoria, a model system of vertebrate adaptive radiation. We asked whether host niche, host abundance or host genetic differentiation explains variation in infection patterns. We found significant differences in infections, the magnitude of which was weakly correlated with the extent of genomic divergence between the host species, but more strongly with the main ecological gradient, water depth. These effects were most evident with infections of Cichlidogyrus monogeneans, whereas the only host species with a strictly crevice‐dwelling niche, Pundamilia pundamilia, deviated from the general negative relationship between depth and parasitism. In accordance with the Janzen–Connell hypothesis, we also found that host abundance tended to be positively associated with infections in some parasite taxa. Data on the Pundamilia sister species pairs from three other islands with variable degrees of habitat (crevice) specialization suggested that the lower parasite abundance of P. pundamilia at Makobe could result from both habitat specialization and the evolution of specific resistance. Our results support influences of host genetic differentiation and host ecology in determining infections in this diverse community of sympatric cichlid species.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence that host shifts in plant‐feeding insects have been instrumental in generating the enormous diversity of insects. Changes in host use can cause host‐associated differentiation (HAD) among populations that may lead to reproductive isolation and eventual speciation. The importance of geography in facilitating this process remains controversial. We examined the geographic context of HAD in the wide‐ranging generalist yucca moth Prodoxus decipiens. Previous work demonstrated HAD among sympatric moth populations feeding on two different Yucca species occurring on the barrier islands of North Carolina, USA. We assessed the genetic structure of P. decipiens across its entire geographic and host range to determine whether HAD is widespread in this generalist herbivore. Population genetic analyses of microsatellite and mtDNA sequence data across the entire range showed genetic structuring with respect to host use and geography. In particular, genetic differentiation was relatively strong between mainland populations and those on the barrier islands of North Carolina. Finer scale analyses, however, among sympatric populations using different host plant species only showed significant clustering based on host use for populations on the barrier islands. Mainland populations did not form population clusters based on host plant use. Reduced genetic diversity in the barrier island populations, especially on the derived host, suggests that founder effects may have been instrumental in facilitating HAD. In general, results suggest that the interplay of local adaptation, geography and demography can determine the tempo of HAD. We argue that future studies should include comprehensive surveys across a wide range of environmental and geographic conditions to elucidate the contribution of various processes to HAD.  相似文献   

Studying recent adaptive radiations in isolated insular systems avoids complicating causal events and thus may offer clearer insight into mechanisms generating biological diversity. Here, we investigate evolutionary relationships and genomic differentiation within the recent radiation of Alcolapia cichlid fish that exhibit extensive phenotypic diversification, and which are confined to the extreme soda lakes Magadi and Natron in East Africa. We generated an extensive RAD data set of 96 individuals from multiple sampling sites and found evidence for genetic admixture between species within Lake Natron, with the highest levels of admixture between sympatric populations of the most recently diverged species. Despite considerable environmental separation, populations within Lake Natron do not exhibit isolation by distance, indicating panmixia within the lake, although individuals within lineages clustered by population in phylogenomic analysis. Our results indicate exceptionally low genetic differentiation across the radiation despite considerable phenotypic trophic variation, supporting previous findings from smaller data sets; however, with the increased power of densely sampled SNPs, we identify genomic peaks of differentiation (FST outliers) between Alcolapia species. While evidence of ongoing gene flow and interspecies hybridization in certain populations suggests that Alcolapia species are incompletely reproductively isolated, the identification of outlier SNPs under diversifying selection indicates the radiation is undergoing adaptive divergence.  相似文献   

Several studies underline the importance of ecological barriers and differential selection in driving sympatric speciation. Host‐associated differentiation (HAD) has been proposed as one of the mechanisms leading to sympatric speciation. However, it is still unclear how common HAD is or which are the factors that could promote it. In particular, not much is known about HAD in predators and parasitoids of herbivorous insects. One of the characteristics postulated to pre‐dispose insects to HAD is parthenogenesis as it may favour adaptive responses to particular environments, amplifying selected gene complexes. In this study, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to determine whether HAD is present in two parthenogenetic egg parasitoids attacking the same herbivore species – the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) – on two host Pinus species. A total of 100 loci for 59 individuals sampled in four populations of Baryscapus servadeii (Domenichini) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), a specialist parasitoid, and 106 loci for 117 individuals sampled in six populations of Ooencyrtus pityocampae Mercet (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a generalist parasitoid, were analysed. Levels of genetic differentiation were also assessed with an outlier analysis, checking for alleles associated to host plants. No evidence of HAD was detected in any of the two parasitoid species. We hypothesize that both the lack of strict parthenogenetic reproduction and the ectophagous nature of the insect host could explain the absence of HAD. The genetic variation observed in the generalist parasitoid responded to a pattern of local adaptation, whereas no relationship with either host or geography was found in the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   

Adaptation to different environments can promote population divergence via natural selection even in the presence of gene flow – a phenomenon that typically occurs during ecological speciation. To elucidate how natural selection promotes and maintains population divergence during speciation, we investigated the population genetic structure, degree of gene flow and heterogeneous genomic divergence in three closely related Japanese phytophagous ladybird beetles: Henosepilachna pustulosa, H. niponica and H. yasutomii. These species act as a generalist, a wild thistle (Cirsium spp.) specialist and a blue cohosh (Caulophyllum robustum) specialist, respectively, and their ranges differ accordingly. The two specialist species widely co‐occur but are reproductively isolated solely due to their high specialization to a particular host plant. Genomewide amplified fragment‐length polymorphism (AFLP) markers and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences demonstrated obvious genomewide divergence associated with both geographic distance and ecological divergence. However, a hybridization assessment for both AFLP loci and the mitochondrial sequences revealed a certain degree of unidirectional gene flow between the two sympatric specialist species. Principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) based on all of the variable AFLP loci demonstrated that there are genetic similarities between populations from adjacent localities irrespective of the species (i.e. host range). However, a further comparative genome scan identified a few fractions of loci representing approximately 1% of all loci as different host‐associated outliers. These results suggest that these three species had a complex origin, which could be obscured by current gene flow, and that ecological divergence can be maintained with only a small fraction of the genome is related to different host use even when there is a certain degree of gene flow between sympatric species pairs.  相似文献   

Aim The size of the climatic niche of a species is a major factor determining its distribution and evolution. In particular, it has been proposed that niche width should be associated with the rate of species diversification. Here, we test whether species niche width affects the speciation and extinction rates of three main clades of vertebrates: amphibians, mammals and birds. Location Global. Methods We obtained the time‐calibrated phylogenies, IUCN conservation status, species distribution maps and climatic data for 2340 species of amphibians, 4563 species of mammals and 9823 species of birds. We computed the niche width for each species as the mean annual temperature across the species range. We estimated speciation, extinction and transition rates associated with lineages with either narrow (specialist) or wide (generalist) niches using phylogeny‐based birth–death models. We also tested if current conservation status was correlated with the niche width of species. Results We found higher net diversification rates in specialist species than in generalist species. This result was explained by both higher speciation rates (for the three taxonomic groups) and lower extinction rates (for mammals and birds only) in specialist than in generalist species. In contrast, current specialist species tended to be more threatened than generalist species. Main conclusions Our diversification analysis shows that the width of the climatic niche is strongly associated with diversification rates and may thus be a crucial factor for understanding the emergence of diversity patterns in vertebrates. The striking difference between our diversification results and current conservation status suggests that the current extinction process may be different from extinction rates estimated from the whole history of the group.  相似文献   

Female and male mate choices can reinforce reproductive isolation after sympatric speciation. Using a binary choice design, we examine the importance of visual cues in female mate choice in all three sympatric species of pupfish on San Salvador Island. We also examine the importance of olfactory cues in female choice of the hard‐shelled invertebrate specialist (Cyprinodon brontotheroides). We examine male mate choice in two of the three species, the scale eater (C. desquamator) and the detritivore (C. variegatus). Females of all three species use visual cues and prefer conspecific males. C. brontotheroides females do not use olfactory cues to discriminate between conspecific and heterospecific males. Males of C. desquamator and C. variegatus also preferentially court conspecific females. Thus, mutual mate choice, where both females and males exhibit mate choice, acts as a strong behavioral pre‐mating isolation mechanism in these sympatrically speciated pupfish.  相似文献   

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