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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing has led to an unprecedented rise in the identification of cryptic species. However, it is widely acknowledged that nuclear DNA (nuDNA) sequence data are also necessary to properly define species boundaries. Next generation sequencing techniques provide a wealth of nuclear genomic data, which can be used to ascertain both the evolutionary history and taxonomic status of putative cryptic species. Here, we focus on the intriguing case of the butterfly Thymelicus sylvestris (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). We identified six deeply diverged mitochondrial lineages; three distributed all across Europe and found in sympatry, suggesting a potential case of cryptic species. We then sequenced these six lineages using double‐digest restriction‐site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq). Nuclear genomic loci contradicted mtDNA patterns and genotypes generally clustered according to geography, i.e., a pattern expected under the assumption of postglacial recolonization from different refugia. Further analyses indicated that this strong mtDNA/nuDNA discrepancy cannot be explained by incomplete lineage sorting, sex‐biased asymmetries, NUMTs, natural selection, introgression or Wolbachia‐mediated genetic sweeps. We suggest that this mitonuclear discordance was caused by long periods of geographic isolation followed by range expansions, homogenizing the nuclear but not the mitochondrial genome. These results highlight T. sylvestris as a potential case of multiple despeciation and/or lineage fusion events. We finally argue, since mtDNA and nuDNA do not necessarily follow the same mechanisms of evolution, their respective evolutionary history reflects complementary aspects of past demographic and biogeographic events.  相似文献   

Geography influences the evolutionary trajectory of species by mediating opportunities for hybridization, gene flow, demographic shifts and adaptation. We sought to understand how geography and introgression can generate species‐specific patterns of genetic diversity by examining phylogeographical relationships in the North American skink species Plestiodon multivirgatus and P. tetragrammus (Squamata: Scincidae). Using a multilocus dataset (three mitochondrial genes, four nuclear genes; a total of 3455 bp) we discovered mito‐nuclear discordance, consistent with mtDNA introgression. We further tested for evidence of species‐wide mtDNA introgression by using comparisons of genetic diversity, selection tests and extended Bayesian skyline analyses. Our findings suggest that P. multivirgatus acquired its mitochondrial genome from P. tetragrammus after their initial divergence. This putative species‐wide mitochondrial capture was further evidenced by statistically indistinguishable substitution rates between mtDNA and nDNA in P. multivirgatus. This rate discrepancy was observed in P. multivirgatus but not P. tetragrammus, which has important implications for studies that combine mtDNA and nDNA sequences when inferring time since divergence between taxa. Our findings suggest that by facilitating opportunities for interspecific introgression, geography can alter the course of molecular evolution between recently diverged lineages.  相似文献   

Hybridization and gene introgression can occur frequently between closely related taxa, but appear to be rare phenomena among members of the species‐rich West Indian radiation of Anolis lizards. We investigated the pattern and possible mechanism of introgression between two sister species from Puerto Rico, Anolis pulchellus and Anolis krugi, using mitochondrial (ND2) and nuclear (DNAH3, NKTR) DNA sequences. Our findings demonstrated extensive introgression of A. krugi mtDNA (k‐mtDNA) into the genome of A. pulchellus in western Puerto Rico, to the extent that k‐mtDNA has mostly or completely replaced the native mtDNA of A. pulchellus on this part of the island. We proposed two not mutually exclusive scenarios to account for the interspecific matings between A. pulchellus and A. krugi. We inferred that hybridization events occurred independently in several populations, and determined that k‐mtDNA haplotypes harboured in individuals of A. pulchellus can be assigned to four of the five major mtDNA clades of A. krugi. Further, the spatial distribution of k‐mtDNA clades in the two species is largely congruent. Based on this evidence, we concluded that natural selection was the probable driving mechanism for the extensive k‐mtDNA introgression into A. pulchellus. Our two nuclear data sets yielded different results. DNAH3 showed reciprocal monophyly of A. pulchellus and A. krugi, indicating no effect of hybridization on this marker. In contrast, the two species shared nine NKTR alleles, probably due to incomplete lineage sorting. Our study system will provide an excellent opportunity to experimentally assess the behavioural and ecological mechanisms that can lead to hybridization in closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Hybridization is an important evolutionary process, with ecological and behavioural factors influencing gene exchange between hybrids and parent species. Patterns of hybridization in anemonefishes may result from living in highly specialized habitats and breeding status regulated by size‐based hierarchal social groups. Here, morphological, ecological and genetic analyses in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea, examine the hybrid status of Amphiprion leucokranos, a nominal species and presumed hybrid between Amphiprion sandaracinos and Amphiprion chrysopterus. We test the hypothesis that habitat use and relative size differences of the parent species and hybrids determine the patterns of gene exchange. There is strong evidence that A. leucokranos is a hybrid of smaller A. sandaracinos and larger A. chrysopterus, where A. chrysopterus is exclusively the mother to each hybrid, based on mtDNA cytochrome b and multiple nDNA microsatellite loci. Overlap in habitat, depth and host anemone use was found, with hybrids intermediate to parents and cohabitation in over 25% of anemones sampled. Hybrids, intermediate in body size, colour and pattern, were classified 55% of the time as morphologically first‐generation hybrids relative to parents, whereas 45% of hybrids were more A. sandaracinos‐like, suggesting backcrossing. Unidirectional introgression of A. chrysopterus mtDNA into A. sandaracinos via hybrid backcrosses was found, with larger female hybrids and small male A. sandaracinos mating. Potential nDNA introgression was also evident through distinct intermediate hybrid genotypes penetrating both parent species. Findings support the hypothesis that anemonefish hierarchical behaviour, habitat use and species‐specific size differences determine how hybrids form and the evolutionary consequences of hybridization.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization offers a unique platform for studying the molecular basis of natural selection acting on mitogenomes. Most of the mtDNA protein‐coding genes are extremely conserved; however, some of the observed variations have potentially adaptive significance. Here, we evaluated whether the evolution of mtDNA in closely related roe deer species affected by widespread mtDNA introgression is neutral or adaptive. We characterized and compared 16 complete mitogenomes of European (Capreolus capreolus) and Siberian (C. pygargus) roe deer, including four of Siberian origin introgressed into European species. The average sequence divergence of species‐specific lineages was estimated at 2.8% and varied across gene classes. Only 21 of 315 fixed differences identified in protein‐coding genes represented nonsynonymous changes. Only three of them were determined to have arisen in the C. pygargus lineage since the time to the most recent common ancestor (TMRCA) of both Capreolus species, reflecting a decelerated evolutionary ratio. The almost four‐fold higher dN/dS ratio described for the European roe deer lineage is constrained by overall purifying selection, especially pronounced in the ND4 and ND5 genes. We suggest that the highly divergent C. capreolus lineage could have maintained a capability for genomic incorporation of the well‐preserved and almost ancestral type of mtDNA present in C. pygargus. Our analyses did not indicate any signs of positive selection for Siberian roe deer mtDNA, suggesting that the present widespread introgression is evolutionarily neutral.  相似文献   

Genealogical discordance, or when different genes tell distinct stories although they evolved under a shared history, often emerges from either coalescent stochasticity or introgression. In this study, we present a strong case of mito‐nuclear genealogical discordance in the Australian rainforest lizard species complex of Saproscincus basiliscus and S. lewisi. One of the lineages that comprises this complex, the Southern S. basiliscus lineage, is deeply divergent at the mitochondrial genome but shows markedly less divergence at the nuclear genome. By placing our results in a comparative context and reconstructing the lineages' demography via multilocus and coalescent‐based approximate Bayesian computation methods, we test hypotheses for how coalescent variance and introgression contribute to this pattern. These analyses suggest that the observed genealogical discordance likely results from introgression. Further, to generate such strong discordance, introgression probably acted in concert with other factors promoting asymmetric gene flow between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, such as selection or sex‐biased dispersal. This study offers a framework for testing sources of genealogical discordance and suggests that historical introgression can be an important force shaping the genetic diversity of species and their populations.  相似文献   

When isolated but reproductively compatible populations expand geographically and meet, simulations predict asymmetric introgression of neutral loci from a local to invading taxon. Genetic introgression may affect phylogenetic reconstruction by obscuring topology and divergence estimates. We combined phylogenetic analysis of sequences from one mtDNA and 12 nuDNA loci with analysis of gene flow among 5 species of Pacific Locustella warblers to test for presence of genetic introgression and its effects on tree topology and divergence estimates. Our data showed that nuDNA introgression was substantial and asymmetrical among all members of superspecies groups whereas mtDNA showed no introgression except a single species pair where the invader''s mtDNA was swept by mtDNA of the local species. This introgressive sweep of mtDNA had the opposite direction of the nuDNA introgression and resulted in the paraphyly of the local species'' mtDNA haplotypes with respect to those of the invader. Тhe multilocus nuDNA species tree resolved all inter- and intraspecific relationships despite substantial introgression. However, the node ages on the species tree may be underestimated as suggested by the differences in node age estimates based on non-introgressing mtDNA and introgressing nuDNA. In turn, the introgressive sweep and strong purifying selection appear to elongate internal branches in the mtDNA gene tree.  相似文献   

The completion of speciation is typically difficult to ascertain in rapidly diverging taxa but the amount of hybridization and gene flow in sympatry or parapatry contains important information about the level of reproductive isolation achieved. Here, we examined the progress in speciation between the Mediterranean (Microtus duodecimcostatus) and the Lusitanian pine vole (M. lusitanicus), which are part of the most rapid radiation of species known in mammals. These two Iberian pine voles are classified as separate species because of differences in morphology and ecology, but relatively many ambiguous individuals can be found in sympatric conditions. Our phylogenetic analyses of rangewide data from the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (mtDNA) demonstrated high levels of diversity and a basal separation in two parapatric lineages. However, mtDNA affiliation was at odds with morphological classification or geographical distribution of the taxa. In contrast, statistical analyses of microsatellites (nucDNA) showed two clear genetic clusters in allopatry and sympatry generally matching morphological classification. This cytonuclear discordance over a large geographic area suggests historical introgression of mtDNA from M. duodecimcostatus to M. lusitanicus. There was statistical evidence for at least two recent hybrids in the sympatry zone but gene flow is apparently low given clear‐cut differences in nucDNA. Our results indicate a relatively advanced speciation process in these Iberian pine voles without fully established reproductive isolation. This situation enables use of combined population genomic and experimental approaches for the separation of patterns and mechanisms in the ongoing explosive diversification of these and other Arvicoline rodents in the future.  相似文献   

Species‐level paraphyly inferred from mitochondrial gene trees is a prevalent phenomenon in taxonomy and systematics, but there are several potential causes that are not easily explained by currently used methods. This study aimed to test the underlying causes behind the observed paraphyly of Streak‐breasted Scimitar Babbler (Pomatorhinus ruficollis) via statistical analyses of four mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nine nuclear (nuDNA) genes. Mitochondrial gene trees show paraphyly of P. ruficollis with respect to the Taiwan Scimitar Babbler (Pomatorhinus musicus), but nuclear genealogies support a sister‐group relationship. Predictive coalescent simulations imply several hypothetical explanations, the most likely being mitochondrial capture of P. ruficollis by P. musicus for the observed cyto‐nuclear incongruence. Further approximate Bayesian computation suggests a unidirectional introgression model with substantial level of gene flow from P. ruficollis to P. musicus during their initial divergence during the Late Pleistocene. This specific observation frames several potential causes for incongruent outcomes of mitochondrial and nuclear introgression in general, and on the whole, our results underscore the strength of multiple independent loci for species delimitation and importance of testing hypotheses that explain disparate causes of mitochondrial gene‐tree paraphyly.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy aims to document biodiversity by incorporating all useful characters to increase confidence in hypotheses about phylogenetic relationships. In this study, we combine data obtained independently from morphology, two maternally inherited mtDNA genes and two biparentally inherited nuDNA genes to make phylogenetic and taxonomic hypotheses about the Palaearctic members of the bat genus Eptesicus (Vespertilionidae). This genus is distributed worldwide (except for Antarctica) and is highly diversified, presenting one of the most entangled taxonomic puzzles among all mammals. Our results support restoring the genus Rhyneptesicus and separating E. isabellinus and E. pachyomus from E. serotinus and E. ognevi and E. anatolicus from E. bottae. Differences in the phylogenetic hypotheses from mtDNA and nuDNA data suggest the occurrence within E. serotinus of evolutionary processes such as mtDNA capture and secondary contacts between partially differentiated ecomorphs. These two evolutionary processes deserve more in‐depth studies within the group.  相似文献   

Hybrid zone movement may result in substantial unidirectional introgression of selectively neutral material from the local to the advancing species, leaving a genetic footprint. This genetic footprint is represented by a trail of asymmetric tails and displaced cline centres in the wake of the moving hybrid zone. A peak of admixture linkage disequilibrium is predicted to exist ahead of the centre of the moving hybrid zone. We test these predictions of the movement hypothesis in a hybrid zone between common (Bufo bufo) and spined toads (B. spinosus), using 31 nuclear and one mtDNA SNPs along a transect in the northwest of France. Average effective selection in Bufo hybrids is low and clines vary in shape and centre. A weak pattern of asymmetric introgression is inferred from cline discordance of seven nuclear markers. The dominant direction of gene flow is from B. spinosus to B. bufo and is in support of southward movement of the hybrid zone. Conversely, a peak of admixture linkage disequilibrium north of the hybrid zone suggests northward movement. These contrasting results can be explained by reproductive isolation of the B. spinosus and B. bufo gene pools at the southern (B. spinosus) side of the hybrid zone. The joint occurrence of asymmetric introgression and admixture linkage disequilibrium can also be explained by the combination of low dispersal and random genetic drift due to low effective population sizes.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of waterfowl (Anatidae) have observed the full spectrum of mitochondrial (mt) DNA population divergence, from apparent panmixia to deep, reciprocally monophyletic lineages. Yet, these studies often found weak or no nuclear (nu) DNA structure, which was often attributed to male‐biased gene flow, a common behaviour within this family. An alternative explanation for this ‘conflict’ is that the smaller effective population size and faster sorting rate of mtDNA relative to nuDNA lead to different signals of population structure. We tested these alternatives by sequencing 12 nuDNA introns for a Holarctic pair of waterfowl subspecies, the European goosander (Mergus merganser merganser) and the North American common merganser (M. m. americanus), which exhibit strong population structure in mtDNA. We inferred effective population sizes, gene flow and divergence times from published mtDNA sequences and simulated expected differentiation for nuDNA based on those histories. Between Europe and North America, nuDNA ФST was 3.4‐fold lower than mtDNA ФST, a result consistent with differences in sorting rates. However, despite geographically structured and monophyletic mtDNA lineages within continents, nuDNA ФST values were generally zero and significantly lower than predicted. This between‐ and within‐continent contrast held when comparing mtDNA and nuDNA among published studies of ducks. Thus, male‐mediated gene flow is a better explanation than slower sorting rates for limited nuDNA differentiation within continents, which is also supported by nonmolecular data. This study illustrates the value of quantitatively testing discrepancies between mtDNA and nuDNA to reject the null hypothesis that conflict simply reflects different sorting rates.  相似文献   

Besides several exceptions, asexual metazoans are usually viewed as ephemeral sinks for genomes, which become ‘frozen’ in clonal lineages after their emergence from ancestral sexual species. Here, we investigated whether and at what rate the asexuals are able to introgress their genomes back into the parental sexual population, thus more or less importantly affecting the gene pools of sexual species. We focused on hybridogenetic hybrids of western Palaearctic water frogs (Pelophylax esculentus), which originate through hybridization between P. ridibundus and P. lessonae, but transmit only clonal ridibundus genome into their gametes. Although usually mating with P. lessonae, P. esculentus may upon mating with P. ridibundus or another hybrid produce sexually reproducing P. ridibundus offspring with the introgressed ex‐clonal genome. We compared the rate of nuclear amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and mitochondrial introgression in two types of populations, that is, those where P. ridibundus occurs in isolation and those where it lives with the hybridogens. Although significant differentiation (Φpt) between sexual and clonal ridibundus genomes suggested limited gene flow between sexuals and hybridogens, a non‐negligible (~5%) proportion of P. ridibundus bore introgressed mtDNA and AFLP markers. Whereas transfer of mtDNA was exclusively unidirectional, introgression of nuclear markers was bidirectional. The proportion of introgressed P. ridibundus was highest in syntopic populations with P. esculentus, proving an ongoing and site‐specific interspecific genetic transfer mediated by hybridogenetic hybrids. It turns out that asexual hybrids are not just a sink for genes of sexual species, but may significantly influence the genetic architecture of their sexual counterparts.  相似文献   

The processes responsible for cytonuclear discordance frequently remain unclear. Here, we employed an exon capture data set and demographic methods to test hypotheses generated by species distribution models to examine how contrasting histories of range stability vs. fluctuation have caused cytonuclear concordance and discordance in ground squirrel lineages from the Otospermophilus beecheyi species complex. Previous studies in O. beecheyi revealed three morphologically cryptic and highly divergent mitochondrial DNA lineages (named the Northern, Central and Southern lineages based on geography) with only the Northern lineage exhibiting concordant divergence for nuclear genes. Here, we showed that these mtDNA lineages likely formed in allopatry during the Pleistocene, but responded differentially to climatic changes that occurred since the last interglacial (~120,000 years ago). We find that the Northern lineage maintained a stable range throughout this period, correlating with genetic distinctiveness among all genetic markers and low migration rates with the other lineages. In contrast, our results suggested that the Southern lineage expanded from Baja California Sur during the Late Pleistocene to overlap and potentially swamp a contracting Central lineage. High rates of intraspecific gene flow between Southern lineage individuals among expansion origin and expansion edge populations largely eroded Central ancestry from autosomal markers. However, male‐biased dispersal in this system preserved signals of this past hybridization and introgression event in matrilineal‐biased X‐chromosome and mtDNA markers. Our results highlight the importance of range stability in maintaining the persistence of phylogeographic lineages, whereas unstable range dynamics can increase the tendency for lineages to merge upon secondary contact.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mito‐genome) introgression among metazoans is commonplace, and several biological processes may promote such introgression. We examined two proposed processes for the mito‐genome introgression between Rana chensinensis and R. kukunoris: natural hybridization and sex‐biased dispersal. We sampled 477 individuals from 28 sites in the potential hybrid zone in the western Tsinling Mountains. Mitochondrial gene (cytb) trees were used to examine the introgression events. Microsatellite DNA loci, cytb and morphological data were used to identify hybrids and to examine the extent of natural hybridization. We detected rampant bidirectional introgressions, both ancient and recent, between the two species. Furthermore, we found a wide hybrid zone, and frequent and asymmetric hybridization. The hybrid zone cline analysis revealed a clear mitochondrial–nuclear discordance; while most nuclear markers displayed similar and steep clines, cytb had a displaced cline centre and a more gradual and wider cline. We also detected strong and asymmetric historical maternal gene flow across the hybrid zone. This widespread hybridization and detected low mito‐nuclear conflicts may, at least partially, explain the high frequency of introgression. Lastly, microsatellite data and population genetic methods were used to assess sex‐biased dispersal. A weak pattern of female‐biased dispersal was detected in both species, suggesting it may not play an important role in the observed introgression. Our data are consistent with the hybridization hypothesis, but support for the sex‐biased dispersal hypothesis is weak. We further suggest that selective advantages of the R. kukunoris‐type mito‐genome in thermal adaptation may also contribute to the introgression between the two species.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization is becoming more frequent worldwide due to increasing global changes and translocations of organisms. For individual organisms, the most significant negative consequences are sterility or inviability of hybrid offspring. However, hybridization sometimes leads to fertile offspring, promoting introgression from one species into another. In such situations, hybridization can play a key role in evolution and speciation. Combining hypervariable DNA (microsatellites) and mitochondrial DNA markers with the use of several modeling methods allow an efficient detection of hybridization processes. The present study therefore investigates hybridization between two ant species, Tetramorium immigrans and T. caespitum, using multiple methods, and systematically comparing results with simulated data to ensure accurate identification of hybrids. Introgression was revealed both by backcross detection based on 14 nuclear microsatellite loci and by mitochondrial‐nuclear discordance based on comparison with mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I). Results were spatially consistent, with hybrids located at latitudes where parental species are sympatric. The causes and consequences of hybridization and introgression between T. caespitum and T. immigrans remain to be further investigated, especially because T. immigrans could be an invasive species in France.  相似文献   

Hybridization in the ocean was once considered rare, a process prohibited by the rapid evolution of intrinsic reproductive barriers in a high‐dispersal medium. However, recent genetic surveys have prompted a reappraisal of marine hybridization as an important demographic and evolutionary process. The Hawaiian Archipelago offers an unusual case history in this arena, due to the recent arrival of the widely distributed Indo‐Pacific sergeant (Abudefduf vaigiensis), which is hybridizing with the endemic congener, A. abdominalis. Surveys of mtDNA and three nuclear loci across Hawai'i (N = 396, Abudefduf abdominalis and N = 314, A. vaigiensis) reveal that hybridization is significantly higher in the human‐perturbed southeast archipelago (19.8%), tapering off to 5.9% in the pristine northwest archipelago. While densities of the two species varied throughout Hawai'i, hybridization was highest in regions with similar species densities, contradicting the generalization that the rarity of one species promotes interspecific mating. Our finding of later generation hybrids throughout the archipelago invokes the possibility of genetic swamping of the endemic species. Exaptation, an adaptation with unintended consequences, may explain these findings: the endemic species has transient yellow coloration during reproduction, whereas the introduced species has yellow coloration continuously as adults, in effect a permanent signal of reproductive receptivity. Haplotype diversity is higher in Hawaiian A. vaigiensis than in our samples from the native range, indicating large‐scale colonization almost certainly facilitated by the historically recent surge of marine debris. In this chain of events, marine debris promotes colonization, exaptation promotes hybridization, and introgression invokes the possible collapse of an endemic species.  相似文献   

Phylogeographical studies have shown that some shallow‐water marine organisms, such as certain coral reef fishes, lack spatial population structure at oceanic scales, despite vast distances of pelagic habitat between reefs and other dispersal barriers. However, whether these dispersive widespread taxa constitute long‐term panmictic populations across their species ranges remains unknown. Conventional phylogeographical inferences frequently fail to distinguish between long‐term panmixia and metapopulations connected by gene flow. Moreover, marine organisms have notoriously large effective population sizes that confound population structure detection. Therefore, at what spatial scale marine populations experience independent evolutionary trajectories and ultimately species divergence is still unclear. Here, we present a phylogeographical study of a cosmopolitan Indo‐Pacific coral reef fish Naso hexacanthus and its sister species Naso caesius, using two mtDNA and two nDNA markers. The purpose of this study was two‐fold: first, to test for broad‐scale panmixia in N. hexacanthus by fitting the data to various phylogeographical models within a Bayesian statistical framework, and second, to explore patterns of genetic divergence between the two broadly sympatric species. We report that N. hexacanthus shows little population structure across the Indo‐Pacific and a range‐wide, long‐term panmictic population model best fit the data. Hence, this species presently comprises a single evolutionary unit across much of the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. Naso hexacanthus and N. caesius were not reciprocally monophyletic in the mtDNA markers but showed varying degrees of population level divergence in the two nuclear introns. Overall, patterns are consistent with secondary introgression following a period of isolation, which may be attributed to oceanographic conditions of the mid to late Pleistocene, when these two species appear to have diverged.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization is a widespread evolutionary phenomenon which may lead to increased allelic variation at selective neutral loci and to transfer of fitness‐related traits to introgressed lineages. We inferred the population genetic structure of the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) in Poland from mitochondrial (CR and cyt b) and sex‐linked markers (ZFX, SRY, DBY4 and DBY8). Analyses of CR mtDNA sequences from 452 individuals indicated widespread introgression of Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus) mtDNA in the European roe deer genome, 2000 km from the current distribution range of C. pygargus. Introgressed individuals constituted 16.6% of the deer studied. Nearly 75% of them possessed haplotypes belonging to the group which arose 23 kyr ago and have not been detected within the natural range of Siberian roe deer, indicating that majority of present introgression has ancient origin. Unlike the mtDNA results, sex‐specific markers did not show signs of introgression. Species distribution modelling analyses suggested that C. pygargus could have extended its range as far west as Central Europe after last glacial maximum. The main hybridization event was probably associated with range expansion of the most abundant European roe deer lineage from western refugia and took place in Central Europe after the Younger Dryas (10.8–10.0 ka BP). Initially, introgressed mtDNA variants could have spread out on the wave of expansion through the mechanism of gene surfing, reaching high frequencies in European roe deer populations and leading to observed asymmetrical gene flow. Human‐mediated introductions of C. pygargus had minimal effect on the extent of mtDNA introgression.  相似文献   

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