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ABSTRACT.   Snowy Plovers ( Charadrius alexandrinus ) and Wilson's Plovers ( C. wilsonia ) are shorebird species of increasing conservation concern, with populations apparently declining in North America. However, estimates of current populations are needed before initiating long-term monitoring or planning. In 2004, we estimated abundance of breeding Snowy and Wilson's plovers in the lower Laguna Madre region of Texas using occupancy abundance estimation. We made repeated visits to survey plots from April to June, recording the number of adults of both species observed and the amount of suitable breeding habitat within each plot. We considered Bayesian occupancy abundance models with and without habitat covariates to explain the abundance of both species. For both Snowy and Wilson's plovers, the number of birds counted in each plot was influenced by the amount of suitable breeding habitat within the plot (Snowy Plover αhabitat= 0.52, SD = 0.10, 95% CI = 0.33–0.71; Wilson's Plover αhabitat= 0.48, SD = 0.12, 95% CI = 0.24–0.71). Using the habitat covariate models for each species, we estimated that 416 adult Snowy Plovers (95% CI = 394–438) and 279 adult Wilson's Plovers (95% CI = 262–296) were present in our study area. Our results illustrate the use of a relatively new method for abundance estimation, and indicate that the lower Laguna Madre region of Texas is an important breeding area for both Snowy and Wilson's plovers. Given the documented and suspected population declines for Snowy and Wilson's plovers, we recommend protection of their breeding habitats along the coast of Texas from development and degradation resulting from unregulated use.  相似文献   

Count-based indices and distance sampling are widely used to monitor primate populations. Indices are often confounded by variation in detectability, whereas distance sampling is generally ineffective with species that flee or hide from observers and where it is difficult to accurately measure detection distances. We tested occupancy modeling as a means to monitor Sclater’s monkey (Cercopithecus sclateri), an endemic of Nigeria. We evaluated effects of survey methodology, habitat, and human disturbance on detection probability and site occupancy. Average detectability was high (p = 0.81), but varied substantially between two observers. Occupancy was highest in areas with intermediate levels (20–40%) of farmland and secondary forest, and was unaffected by human disturbance. Sampling plots (4 and 6.25 ha) did not concurrently contain >1 monkey group, were likely closed to monkey movements during the replicate surveys of each plot, and were spatially separated so that it was unlikely the same group was observed in >1 plot. These conditions enabled the conversion of occupancy to group density. Scaled to 6.25 ha, model-weighted occupancy averaged 0.230 (SE 0.103), yielding an estimate of 3.7 groups/km2 (95% CI 1.4–7.7 groups/km2). Because some groups straddled plot boundaries, we assumed that half of these groups were inside the plots, resulting in an adjusted estimate of 3.1 groups/km2. Our results illustrate that occupancy can be suitable for monitoring vigilant forest primates where detection distances are difficult to measure. However, special attention is required to choose spatial and temporal scales that accommodate the method’s closure and independent-detection assumptions.  相似文献   

Abstract: Effective conservation requires strategies to monitor populations efficiently, which can be especially difficult for rare or elusive species where field surveys require high effort and considerable cost. Populations of many reptiles, including Sonoran desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii), are challenging to monitor effectively because they are cryptic, they occur at low densities, and their activity is limited both seasonally and daily. We compared efficiency and statistical power of 2 survey methods appropriate for tortoises and other rare vertebrates, line-transect distance sampling and site occupancy. In 2005 and 2006 combined, we surveyed 120 1-km transects to estimate density and 40 3-ha plots 5 times each to estimate occupancy of Sonoran desert tortoises in 2 mountain ranges in southern Arizona, USA. For both mountain ranges combined, we estimated density to be 0.30 adult tortoises/ha (95% CI = 0.17–0.43) and occupancy to be 0.72 (95% CI = 0.56–0.89). For the sampling designs we evaluated, monitoring efforts based on occupancy were 8–36% more efficient than those based on density, when contrasting only survey effort, and 17–30% more efficient when contrasting total effort (surveying, hiking to and from survey locations, and radiotracking). Occupancy had greater statistical power to detect annual declines in the proportion of area occupied than did distance sampling to detect annual declines in density. For example, we estimated that power to detect a 5% annual decline with 10 years of annual sampling was 0.92 (95% CI = 0.75–0.98) for occupancy and 0.43 (95% CI = 0.35–0.52) for distance sampling. Although all sampling methods have limitations, occupancy estimation offers a promising alternative for monitoring populations of rare vertebrates, including tortoises in the Sonoran Desert.  相似文献   

The endangered golden‐rumped sengi are found only in Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest with 395.4 km2 of forest habitat, and perhaps in a few isolated forest and thicket fragments of total area less than 30 km2 all within central coastal Kenya. Understanding its habitat use is an important requirement to develop better conservation measures for the species and its remaining forest habitat. A more reliable method for monitoring its status is also needed. We used the Bayesian occupancy modelling with camera trap data and habitat mapping to characterise the species habitat use in the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest. The species uses 328 km2 (95% CI: 289–364 km2) of Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest habitat, and its site use increases with distance from forest edge, with the highest site use in the Cynometra thicket (0.93; 95% CI: 0.82–1). Its use of the mixed forest habitat has been significantly reduced following years of logging of Afzelia quanzensis. We recommend the use of modelled occupancy, interpreted as the proportion of area used by the species, to monitor the species status. Occupancy models account for detection probability, and heterogeneity in site use and detection can be incorporated. Estimated territory sizes can be combined to obtain abundance estimates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Long-term monitoring programs must use informative yet cost-effective methods. Occupancy estimates that incorporate detection probabilities are used with increasing frequency to describe species status and make management recommendations. Estimating changes in the occupancy of points over time in response to management actions or environmental changes may be especially useful for management of the Palm Springs round-tailed ground squirrel (Spermophilus tereticaudus chlorus), a subspecies covered under the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan and Natural Community Conservation Plan. In 2002 and 2003, we estimated occupancy and detection probability of ground squirrels across lands modeled as ground squirrel habitat by the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Habitat Conservation Plan and tested a priori hypotheses about how occupancy varied among vegetation and substrate types. In the 2003 study, we asked whether these associations were affected by winter rains after the 2002 drought year. Occupancy in 2003 was estimated at 0.99 (SE = 0.01) in Western honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) on dunes and hummocks, and occupancy of the remaining modeled habitat was best described by distance to mesquite, with the occupancy probability decreasing with increasing distance from mesquite on dunes or hummocks. The best-supported model in 2002 described the distribution of ground squirrels as a function of only vegetation and substrate type. However, the best-supported models in 2003 suggested that distance to mesquite was a component of the occupancy of non-mesquite vegetation. Mesquite seems to provide high-quality habitat that can support ground squirrels at high occupancy probabilities that may breed successfully every year. In contrast, other vegetation types provide low-quality habitat that can only support ground squirrels at low occupancy probabilities that may only breed occasionally. Mesquite could be an essential refugium during drought years, and the 4 best-supported models in 2003 suggest that restoration of mesquite beginning near currently occupied mesquite patches could be critical for maintaining ground squirrel populations on the preserves.  相似文献   

Habitat use has important consequences for avian reproductive success and survival. In coastal areas with recreational activity, human disturbance may limit use of otherwise suitable habitat. Snowy plovers Charadrius nivosus have a patchy breeding distribution along the coastal areas on the Florida Panhandle, USA. Our goal was to determine the relative effects of seasonal human disturbance and habitat requirements on snowy plover habitat use. We surveyed 303 sites for snowy plovers, human disturbance, and habitat features between January and July 2009 and 2010. We made multiple visits during three different sampling periods that corresponded to snowy plover breeding: pre‐breeding, incubation, and brood‐rearing and used multi‐season occupancy models to examine whether human disturbance, habitat features, or both influenced site occupancy, colonization (probability of transition from an unoccupied site to an occupied site), and extinction (probability of transition from an occupied site to an unoccupied site). Snowy plover site occupancy and colonization was negatively associated with human disturbance and site extinction was positively associated with human disturbance. Interdune vegetation had a negative effect on occupancy and colonization, indicating that plovers were less likely to use areas with uniform, dense vegetation among dunes. Also, dune shape, beach debris, and access to low‐energy foraging areas influenced site occupancy, colonization, and extinction. Plovers used habitat based on beach characteristics that provided stage‐specific resource needs; however, human disturbance was the strongest predictor of site occupancy. In addition, vegetation plantings used to enhance dune rehabilitation may negatively impact plover site occupancy. Management actions that decrease human disturbance, such as symbolic fencing and signage, may increase the amount of breeding habitat available to snowy plovers on the Florida Panhandle and in other areas with high human activity. The specific areas that require this protection may vary across snowy plover life history stages.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The migratory population of the king rail (Rallus elegans) has declined dramatically during the past 40 years, emphasizing the need to identify habitat requirements of this species to help guide conservation efforts. To assess distribution and habitat use of king rails along the Illinois and Upper Mississippi valleys, USA, we conducted repeated call-broadcast surveys at 83 locations in 2006 and 114 locations in 2007 distributed among 21 study sites. We detected king rails at 12 survey locations in 2006 and 14 locations in 2007, illustrating the limited distribution of king rails in this region. We found king rails concentrated at Clarence Cannon National Wildlife Refuge, an adjacent private Wetlands Reserve program site, and B. K. Leach Conservation Area, which were located in the Mississippi River floodplain in northeast Missouri. Using Program PRESENCE, we estimated detection probabilities and built models to identify habitat covariates that were important in king rail site occupancy. Habitat covariates included percentage of cover by tall (>1 m) and short (>1 m) emergent vegetation, percentage of cover of woody vegetation, and interspersion of water and vegetation (2007 only) within 50 m of the survey location. Detection probability was 0.43 (SE = 0.12) in 2006 and 0.35 (SE = 0.03) in 2007 and was influenced by observer identity and percentage of cover by tall herbaceous vegetation. Site occupancy was 0.11 (SE = 0.04) in 2006 and 0.14 (SE = 0.04) in 2007 and was negatively influenced most by percentage of cover by woody vegetation. In addition, we found that interspersion of vegetation and water was positively related to occupancy in 2007. Thus, nesting king rails used wetlands that were characterized by high water-vegetation interspersion and little or no cover by woody vegetation. Our results suggest that biologists can improve king rail habitat by implementing management techniques that reduce woody cover and increase vegetation-water interspersion in wetlands.  相似文献   

Population abundance estimates using predictive models are important for describing habitat use and responses to population-level impacts, evaluating conservation status of a species, and for establishing monitoring programs. The golden-cheeked warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia) is a neotropical migratory bird that was listed as federally endangered in 1990 because of threats related to loss and fragmentation of its woodland habitat. Since listing, abundance estimates for the species have mainly relied on localized population studies on public lands and qualitative-based methods. Our goal was to estimate breeding population size of male warblers using a predictive model based on metrics for patches of woodland habitat throughout the species' breeding range. We first conducted occupancy surveys to determine range-wide distribution. We then conducted standard point-count surveys on a subset of the initial sampling locations to estimate density of males. Mean observed patch-specific density was 0.23 males/ha (95% CI = 0.197–0.252, n = 301). We modeled the relationship between patch-specific density of males and woodland patch characteristics (size and landscape composition) and predicted patch occupancy. The probability of patch occupancy, derived from a model that used patch size and landscape composition as predictor variables while addressing effects of spatial relatedness, best predicted patch-specific density. We predicted patch-specific densities as a function of occupancy probability and estimated abundance of male warblers across 63,616 woodland patches accounting for 1.678 million ha of potential warbler habitat. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, our approach yielded a range-wide male warbler population estimate of 263,339 (95% CI: 223,927–302,620). Our results provide the first abundance estimate using habitat and count data from a sampling design focused on range-wide inference. Managers can use the resulting model as a tool to support conservation planning and guide recovery efforts. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Occupancy has several important advantages over abundance methods and may be the best choice for monitoring sparse populations. Here we use simulations to evaluate competing designs (number of sites vs. number of surveys) for occupancy monitoring, with emphasis on sparse populations of the endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis Nabokov). Because conservation planning is usually abundance-based, we also ask whether detection/non-detection data may reliably convert to abundance, hypothesizing that occupancy provides a more dependable shortcut when populations are sparse. Count-index and distance sampling were conducted across 50 habitat patches containing variably sparse Karner blue populations. We used occupancy-detection model estimates as simulation inputs to evaluate primary replication tradeoffs, and used peak counts and population densities to evaluate the occupancy-abundance relationship. Detection probability and therefore optimal design of occupancy monitoring was strongly temperature dependent. Assuming a quality threshold of 0.075 root-mean square error for the occupancy estimator, the minimum allowable effort was 360 (40 sites?×?9 surveys) for spring generation and 200 (20 sites?×?10 surveys) for summer generation. A mixture model abundance estimator for repeated detection/non-detection data was biased low for high-density and low-density populations, suggesting that occupancy may not provide a reliable shortcut in abundance-based conservation planning for sparse butterfly populations.  相似文献   

The only resident terrestrial herbivorous bird species in high-Arctic Svalbard, Norway is the endemic Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea) of which little is known of its population dynamics. We assessed temporal and spatial variability of the pre-breeding population of Svalbard rock ptarmigan males using: 1) distance sampling to estimate density (2000–2009) and 2) occupancy modeling to determine the proportion of survey points being occupied in relation to a habitat index for ptarmigan habitat suitability (2005–2009). Data were collected using a point-transect sampling design. We split the analysis according to type of survey point (non-random, random, and survey points combined). Our estimated spring densities were low (1.3–3.1 territorial male/km2, non-random survey points, 2000–2009) with limited annual variability. The best models describing occupancy rates of territorial males at 2 different spatial scales (ptarmigan males observed ≤250 m and ≤450 m from the sampling point) were independent of spatial scales and the type of survey points. Occupancy dynamics were related to the habitat index whereas detection probability was year dependent. Extinction probability was negatively related to habitat quality (good habitats had lower extinction probability). We could not estimate the habitat effect on colonization precisely because initial occupancy rates were high at both spatial scales (estimated average initial occupancy at scale ≤250 m = 0.96; scale ≤450 m = 0.97). Colonization appeared to be positively related to the habitat index for the random survey points (including mainly marginal habitats), but the small sample size led to large uncertainty in the parameter estimate. Detection probabilities varied greatly between study years, thus demonstrating the importance of estimating detection probability annually. We recommend that future surveys are stratified with respect to habitat quality and to integrate the 2 methodologies in population monitoring of Svalbard rock ptarmigan. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Difficulty in monitoring the flat-tailed horned lizard (Phrynosoma mcallii) has led to controversy over its conservation status. The difficulty in detecting this species has discouraged large-scale estimates of abundance and led to uncertainty over whether the species exists in population sizes of sufficient size for long-term persistence. We incorporated detection probability into monitoring of this species using closed mark—recapture and distance-sampling methods. Density estimation from mark—recapture abundance estimates was improved using an estimate of the proportion of time lizards were on the plot. We estimated the probability of detection on the line for distance sampling and adjusted density estimates accordingly. We estimated the populations of the Yuha Basin Management Area in 2002 and the East Mesa Management Area, Imperial County, California, USA, in 2003 to be 25,514 (95% CI 14,444-38,970) and 42,619 (95% CI 23,161-67,639), respectively. Two estimates of detection probability on the line in distance sampling by different methods were 0.45 and 0.65. Density estimates derived from distance analyses for 3 East Mesa Management Area plots and the Yuha Basin Management Area were 1.55 per ha (95% CI 0.64-3.76) and 0.41 per ha (95% CI 0.22-0.7), respectively. These are the first large-scale estimates of abundance and density for P. mcallii.  相似文献   

Conservation programs for breeding ducks in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) of the United States and Canada require effective means of evaluating and characterizing breeding habitat across large landscapes. Extensive surveys of the distribution of duck broods in late-summer could help identify wetland basins with greater probabilities of occupancy. Broods are difficult to detect, however, rendering presence–absence data from single-visit surveys difficult to interpret, particularly when probability of detection is related to habitat features. Multiple-visit occupancy surveys offer a potential solution. From 20 July to 5 August 2007–2009, we conducted a 3-visit survey of wetland basins located on 167 10.4-km2 study plots in the PPR. Our survey focused on broods of the 5 most common breeding duck species (Anas spp.). Our main objectives were to investigate ecological relationships between occupancy of wetland basins by broods and habitat characteristics and to examine if habitat-specific detection was of enough concern to warrant multi-survey approaches in the future. We surveyed 3,226 wetland basins during the study. Probability of occupancy of a wetland basin by a brood was positively related to the log of wet area for all 5 study species and was greater on wetlands located on plots with a greater proportion of herbaceous perennial cover for 4 of 5 species. For example, the median probability of occupancy for gadwall (Anas strepera) increased from 0.08 (90% Credible Interval [CrI]: 0.07, 0.10) to 0.28 (90% CrI: 0.23, 0.33) as wet area increased from 0.19 ha to 2.12 ha, and increased from 0.12 (90% CrI: 0.09, 0.16) to 0.20 (90% CrI: 0.16, 0.25) as proportion of perennial grass cover on the study plot increased from 0.03 to 0.99. Because occupancy and detection were both related to attributes of wetland basins, we concluded that the multiple-visit survey was a useful approach for identifying habitat relationships of duck broods. Our results indicated that most broods of the study species were found in 10.4-km2 landscapes with greater densities of small- to mid-sized wetland basins and a greater proportion of herbaceous perennial vegetation. Our study provided new empirical support that could be used to help target conservation actions to the most productive landscapes for breeding ducks. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Wildlife communities are being altered by rapid environmental change including habitat loss and fragmentation, urbanization, and spread of invasive species. To predict consequences of these anthropogenic changes to landscapes, it is necessary to identify not only species that are negatively affected, but also species that are unaffected or even thrive. We used occupancy modeling to examine the spatial distribution of muskrats (Ondatra zibethicus) in riparian habitat within an agricultural region of east-central Illinois from 2007 to 2008. We examined whether site occupancy was related to local habitat conditions and anthropogenic landscape alterations including urbanization and dominance of invasive reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). We sampled 90 study sites (200-m stream segments) for occupancy by muskrats based on presence of tracks, scat, and feeding sign. Per-survey detection probability was 0.79 (SE = 0.04) in 2007 and 0.76 (SE = 0.04) in 2008. Detection was related positively to Julian date and negatively to abundance of woody debris and emergent rocks. Site occupancy by muskrats was 0.59 (SE = 0.09) in 2007 and 0.69 (SE = 0.06) in 2008, a year with above-average precipitation. Occupancy was related positively to urban land cover surrounding sites, which could reflect higher baseflows and reduced risk from predation and trapping in urban areas. Occupancy was unrelated to site dominance by invasive reed canary grass, but muskrats occurred more often at larger, deeper streams and those with greater bank heights and less sandy bank soils. Turnover between years was driven by stream size and water availability. Muskrats exhibited tolerance to key aspects of environmental change, and muskrats might even be urban adapters when occupying riparian habitat that remains adequately connected in urbanizing landscapes. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Urbanization often has negative impacts on wildlife, nevertheless many species can persist in heavily modified habitats. Understanding factors that promote species persistence in urbanizing landscapes is therefore important for maintaining biodiversity in changing landscapes and may inform more biodiversity-friendly development. We investigated effects of landscape-scale variables on habitat occupancy of Smooth-coated otter (Lutrogale perspicillata) in the Inner Gulf of Thailand. In this internationally important wetland complex, 86% of natural habitats have been altered and are now highly urbanized. We conducted track and sign surveys in 60, 25 km2 grid cells encompassing 1,474 km2. Within each cell, we quantified the landscape cover types including urban areas, natural habitat (predominately thin ribbons of mangrove along waterways), agriculture, aquaculture, and potential prey availability using a GIS and field surveys. We used occupancy models to identify habitat variables that affected probability of detection and occupancy. Estimated otter occupancy, based on the top model, was 0.33 ± 0.07 (95% CI 0.18–0.48) and detection probability was 0.50 ± 0.05 (95% CI 0.41–0.60). Otter occupancy was positively associated with the proportion of natural habitat and the cover of traditional aquaculture ponds, but negatively associated with agriculture and urban cover. The remaining natural patches appear to act as critical refuges for otter, allowing them to persist in an otherwise heavily transformed landscape. Because aquaculture ponds are likely important prey sources for otters, it may lead to conflict with aquaculture farmers. Further studies of feeding and movement patterns in cooperation with aquaculture farmers would be beneficial for developing detailed management plans for the species in this human dominated landscape.  相似文献   

An understanding of species ecology is vital for effective conservation, particularly if the species forms an important constituent of the lesser mammal guild and regulates small mammal and bird populations. As the ecological role of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in the intricate eastern Himalayan habitats is not known, we assessed the site occupancy, detection probability and activity pattern of leopard cats in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, India, based on sign surveys and camera trapping. The estimated site occupancy was 0.352?±?0.061 and detection probability was 0.143?±?0.0484. Occupancy modelling indicated low elevation, high rodent abundance and tree cover as best predictors for the occupancy of leopard cat. Diet based on analysed scats revealed murids as the most dominant prey (89.2 %). Information based on photographic captures indicated that the leopard cat exhibited a nocturnal activity pattern (peak activity between 0200–0300 hours), which coincided with its principal prey (revealed through diet analysis), but mainly contradicted with other sympatric competitors, hence indicating a temporal partitioning of resources among them. Ecological niche factor analysis indicated that the leopard cat exhibits high global marginality (1.32) and low global tolerance (0.275). The habitat suitability map for leopard cats showed majority of the habitat as unsuitable (1,959.44 km2) and predicted only 164.54 km2 areas of lower temperate forests as moderate to highly suitable. As highly suitable habitats of the leopard cat are in close proximity to villages, conflict issues are a major threat and therefore need to be addressed in conservation program for this felid.  相似文献   

The Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina, Linnaeus, 1758) is considered common in areas where it occurs, and it is listed as Least Concern status in the IUCN red list; however, in recent decades it has been negatively affected by habitat loss and hunting. The conservation status needs to be updated since no recent studies have been conducted in the Atlantic Forest. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the density, occupancy and detectability of D. leporina in one of the larger Atlantic Forest remnants in Espírito Santo, Brazil, the Vale Natural Reserve (VNR). We surveyed four line transects between April 2013 and May 2014 to estimate density and abundance. To model occupancy probability, as well as to document activity pattern, we selected 39 sampling sites with one camera-trap each. Estimated density was 21 ± 3 individuals km–2 and estimated population size was 4935 ± 368 individuals. Occupancy increases with palm density, distance from forest edge, and canopy cover. Occupancy and detectability decreases with distance from water resources. Detectability increases with palm density. The results presented herein can be a starting point to support future action plans for the species, making predictions regarding the ecosystem and management and conservation of D. leporina.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Areas occupied by white-tailed prairie dogs (WTPD; Cynomys leucurus) and Gunnison's prairie dogs (GPD; C. gunnisoni) are not well-known in Colorado (USA) and elsewhere. Suitable methodology for monitoring changes in populations of WTPD and GPD over broad areas also has not been well established. We evaluated occupancy modeling methodology to establish baseline occupancy rates for WTPD and GPD in Colorado. We estimated that WTPD occupied 24.1% (SE = 12.8) of 47,710 0.25-km2 plots and GPD occupied 7.5% (SE = 1.3) of 158,225 0.25-km2 plots in Colorado during 2004 and 2005. Areas reported as colonies in the Colorado Division of Wildlife's database were not good predictors of WTPD and GPD occupancy. Occupancy rates were highest for GPD at intermediate elevations. We estimated detection probabilities for surveys from the ground of 0.760 (SE = 0.042) for WTPD and 0.786 (SE = 0.060) for GPD. Probability of detection for WTPD improved with lower temperature and earlier Julian date, whereas no covariates improved detection rates for GPD. We recommend that wildlife managers use occupancy monitoring to establish status and trends in populations of WTPD and GPD across their range.  相似文献   

Understanding what factors influence species occupancy in human‐modified landscapes is a central theme in ecology. We examined scale‐dependent habitat relationships and site occupancy in reptiles across three topographically different study areas in south‐eastern Australia. We collected presence–absence data on reptiles from 443 sites associated with three long‐term biodiversity monitoring programs, on four to seven occasions, between 2001 and 2013. We characterised sites by the following four variable domains: 1) field design, 2) topography, 3) local‐scale vegetation attributes and 4) landscape‐scale vegetation cover. We constructed occupancy models for 14 species and used an information‐theoretic approach to compare multiple alternative hypotheses to explain occupancy within and between study areas. We modelled detection probability and used the model with the lowest AIC in subsequent analyses. We then modelled occupancy probability against all subsets of the variable groups (field design, topography, local‐ and landscape‐scale vegetation), as well as a model that held occupancy constant (null model). We found that local‐scale vegetation attributes were important for explaining site occupancy in 12/19 possible models, although, in several cases model fit was improved by the addition of topographic variables or native vegetation cover in the surrounding landscape. Occupancy models for widespread species were broadly congruent across study areas. We demonstrate that topographic variables are important for explaining reptile occupancy in hilly landscapes, and local‐ and landscape‐scale variables are important for explaining reptile occupancy in flat or gently undulating landscapes. Management actions that improve habitat complexity at a site‐level, and encompass entire topographic gradients, will have greater benefit to woodland reptiles than simply increasing vegetation cover in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Abstract: As part of a habitat management planning process for commercially managed forests, we developed and evaluated habitat occupancy models for the orange-crowned warbler (Vermivora celata), a conservation priority species in Oregon and Washington, USA. We used repeated surveys to classify a random sample of managed conifer stands at the McKenzie, PeEll, and Tolt study sites in western Oregon and Washington as either occupied or unoccupied during 1994–1995. We modeled occupancy and detection probabilities as a function of stand-level habitat characteristics subject to manipulation by management activities. The best-fitting model indicated that orange-crowned warblers were 2 times (95% CI: 0.99-5.1) and 3.8 times (95% CI: 1.5–6.1) as likely to occupy a stand for every 5% increase in evergreen shrub cover and 5-m decrease in canopy lift (ht to lowest live branch), respectively. Management actions that maintain evergreen shrub cover >10% and permit development of low canopy lifts (4–10 m) should promote habitat occupancy by the orange-crowned warbler in commercial forests in western Oregon and Washington.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT California Black Rails (Laterallus jamaicensis coturniculus) have a disjunct and poorly understood distribution. After a new population was discovered in Yuba County in 1994, we conducted call playback surveys from 1994 to 2006 in the Sierra foothills and Sacramento Valley region to determine the distribution and residency of Black Rails, estimate densities, and obtain estimates of site occupancy and detection probability. We found Black Rails in 164 small, widely scattered marshes distributed along the lower western slopes of the Sierra Nevada foothills from just northeast of Chico (Butte County) to Rocklin (Placer County). Marshes were surrounded by unsuitable habitat, creating a patchy or metapopulation structure. We observed Black Rails nesting and found that they are year‐round residents. Assuming perfect detectability, we estimated a mean density of 1.78 rails/ha. Assuming a detection probability of 0.5, this estimate increases to a mean density of 3.55 rails/ha. The probability of detecting occupancy with a single call playback survey at a marsh was high (= 0.84), and the estimated proportion of marshes occupied (across all years) was 0.58. Irrigation ditches were the primary water source for 75% of the marshes with Black Rails. Our results indicate that Black Rails are more widespread in the Sierra foothills than previously known, and the foothills distribution appears to be discontinuous with populations in the San Francisco Bay‐Delta Estuary. Occupancy surveys may be an improved method for monitoring population trends of this secretive marsh bird where habitat patches are highly fragmented.  相似文献   

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