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The species-rich genus Polyalthia has previously been shown to be highly polyphyletic, with species represented in at least five different clades. The Polyalthia species that are associated with Marsypopetalum and Trivalvaria (as revealed either by previous phylogenetic studies or inferred on the basis of comparative morphology) were included in a molecular phylogenetic study based on three chloroplast DNA regions (matK, rbcL and trnL-F). Maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses consistently revealed that several Polyalthia species form a well-supported clade with Marsypopetalum pallidum, and that this clade is sister to Trivalvaria. Diagnostic morphological characters for the clades are re-evaluated and shown to be congruent with the molecular phylogeny. Five Polyalthia species (P. crassa, P. littoralis, P. lucida, P. modesta and P. tristis) are accordingly transferred to Marsypopetalum.  相似文献   

Leaf morphology in four species of Desmos and three species of Dasymaschalon was comparatively studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with epidermal maceration and paraffin methods. The results showed that there were some remarkable foliar anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon. In leaves of Desmos, some of the adaxial epidermal cells were enlarged into globose cells each containing one large cluster crystal, while other epidermal cells were normal without any crystal, and in abaxial epidermis each cell contained one smaller cluster crystal. The leaf structure was typically bifacial, and the mesophyll cells were differentiated into palisade tissue and spongy tissue. Oil cells were distributed in the second layer of palisade and the whole spongy tissue, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 4 to 6. The vascular tissue in the midrib was separated into bundles by parenchyma cells. In leaves of Dasymaschalon, all the adaxial epidermal cells contained one cluster crystal, and the crystal size was similar to that of thecrystals in abaxial epidermal cells. The leaf structure was more or less isobilateral. Oil cells were distributed only in the spongy tissue between the two layers of the palisade, and the number of oil cells per mm leaf width ranged from 2 to 3. The vascular tissue in the midrib formed a continuous circle. It is clear that the anatomical differences between Desmos and Dasymaschalon are remarkable, supporting the treatment of Desmos and Dasymaschalon as two independent genera.  相似文献   

本文报道分离自贵州省土壤的拟棘壳孢属Pyrenochaetopsis真菌一新种,对该种结合形态特征及分子系统学分析明确其分类地位,命名为土栖拟棘壳孢Pyrenochaetopsis terricola;编制了该属13个已知种的分种检索表。研究标本保存于贵州大学植物病理学实验室(HGUP)和中国微生物菌种保藏管理委员会普通微生物中心(CGMCC)。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜技术、叶片离析法和石蜡切片法研究了假鹰爪属Desmos 4种植物和皂帽花属Dasy-maschalon 3种植物叶片的形态结构。结果表明:假鹰爪属植物叶片近轴面表皮具大型球状含晶簇细胞和不含晶簇的表皮细胞两种类型,远轴面表皮细胞均具一较小的晶簇;叶肉组织明显分化为栅栏组织细胞和海绵组织细胞,油细胞分布于第2层的栅栏组织和海绵组织内,单位毫米叶宽油细胞数为4~6个;主脉维管组织被薄壁细胞分隔成束状。皂帽花属植物叶片近轴面表皮细胞形状相同,均具一晶簇,远轴面表皮细胞的晶簇和近轴面表皮细胞的晶簇相似;靠近上、下表皮的叶肉组织均分化为栅栏组织细胞,在两层栅栏组织细胞之间分化为一至几层海绵组织细胞,油细胞分布于海绵组织内,单位毫米叶宽油细胞数为2~3个;主脉维管组织形成连续的环状。由此可见两属叶的结构具有明显的差异,因而支持假鹰爪属和皂帽花属为两个独立属的观点。  相似文献   

Cololejeuneinae is the largest subtribe of the liverwort family Lejeuneaceae and the crown group of the family. The species often grow on the surfaces of living leaves and twigs or in swiftly running waters and many of them possess neotenic gametophytes, considered an adaptation to these extreme habitats. We describe a new, epiphyllous genus and species in Cololejeuneinae from the Western Cordillera of Ecuador, Reinerantha foliicola Gradst. & R.L.Zhu. Analysis of combined molecular datasets with parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods revealed Reinerantha in a sister relationship to the large pantropical genus Diplasiolejeunea. Reinerantha differs from Diplasiolejeunea in leaf segmentation, epidermal wall thickening, stylus, male bracts and perianth keels, and is morphologically more similar to the genus Tuyamaella. In the molecular analysis, however, Reinerantha and Tuyamaella were resolved in different clades and not closely related. Tuyamaella is shown to be restricted to Asia; the report of Tuyamaella from South America (Peru) was erroneous and a case of mislabeling.  相似文献   

间座壳属真菌在多种经济上重要的农作物、观赏植物和森林树木上常作为植物病原菌、内生菌或腐生菌被人熟知.本研究调查我国云南省患病植物叶片上的间座壳属真菌,通过核糖体内部转录间隔区、β微管蛋白基因、翻译延伸因子基因、钙调蛋白基因和组蛋白基因的DNA序列数据比较和形态学特征描述了 2个新种.它们是分别采集自密花胡颓子和荔枝患病...  相似文献   

The spider genus Nanoa gen. nov. (Araneae, Pimoidae) is described to place Nanoa enana , a new species of pimoids from Western North America. Parsimony analysis of morphological characters provides support for the monophyly of Pimoa plus Nanoa and corroborates the monophyly of Pimoidae and of the clade Linyphiidae plus Pimoidae. © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 145 , 249–262.  相似文献   

The genus Labulla Simon is circumscribed in phylogenetic terms to include the species Labulla thoracica (Wider), L. flahaulti Simon and L. machadoi sp. nov. The genital anatomy of the genus is described in detail and the taxonomy of the genus is reviewed. The monophyly of Labulla is supported by numerous morphological apomorphies of the male palp and female epigynum. Based on a cladistic analysis, a new genus, Pecado gen. nov. , is erected to place Labulla impudica Denis, from Northern Africa. Lepthyphantes insularis Saito and ' Labulla ' nepula Tikader, both formerly included in Labulla , are not congeneric with the type species of Labulla .  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 359–404.  相似文献   

A survey of morphological characters is carried out for Stapeliopsis . The information obtained from this is combined with molecular data from the plastid trn L-F DNA region and ITS1 of the nuclear encoded 18S−26S rRNA cistron, to obtain a hypothesis of the evolutionary relationships among the species. It is shown that Stapeliopsis is monophyletic in a combined molecular and morphological analysis. Stapeliopsis is sister to a clade containing Huernia , Orbea and Tromotriche . The species of Stapeliopsis group into two clades. One contains S. khamiesbergensis , S. neronis and S. urniflora , and this is highly supported. The remaining species fall into an unsupported clade in which S. exasperata is sister to the others. The genera Hermanschwartzia Plowes and Neopectinaria Plowes are rejected. It is shown that a synapomorphy for Stapeliopsis is the laterally flattened inner corona-lobes, which touch the anthers only at their bases. Eight species of Stapeliopsis are recognized, with no subgeneric divisions.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 148 , 125–155.  相似文献   

Recent investigations in the upper Río Huallaga in Peru revealed the presence of an intriguing species of the Loricariinae. To characterize and place this species within the evolutionary tree of the subfamily, a molecular phylogeny of this group was inferred based on the 12S and 16S mitochondrial genes and the nuclear gene F-reticulon4. The phylogeny indicated that this distinctive species was a member of the subtribe Loricariina. Given its phylogenetic placement, and its unusual morphology, this species is described as a new genus and new species of Loricariinae: Fonchiiloricaria nanodon. This new taxon is diagnosed by usually possessing one to three premaxillary teeth that are greatly reduced; lips with globular papillae on the surface; the distal margin of lower lip bearing short, triangular filaments; the premaxilla greatly reduced; the abdomen completely covered by plates, with the plates between lateral abdominal plates small and rhombic; a caudal fin with 14 rays; the orbital notch absent; five lateral series of plates; dorsal-fin spinelet absent; preanal plate present, large and solid, and of irregular, polygonal shape, the caudal peduncle becoming more compressed posteriorly for the last seven to 10 plates.  相似文献   

Parthenocissus (the Virginia creeper genus, Vitaceae) consists of 13 species and shows a disjunct distribution between Asia and North America. We investigated the inflorescence structure, calyx morphology, appendages on the inner side of petals, leaf epidermis, pollen and seed characters throughout the genus. A combined phylogenetic analysis with 27 morphological and 4137 molecular characters was conducted and the result was largely congruent with that of the previous molecular work, but with higher resolution. The combined analysis identified two clades corresponding to the Asian and North American taxa. Parthenocissus feddei was resolved as closely related to the clade containing P. cuspidifera, P. heterophylla and P. semicordata. The four species share synapomorphies of having conspicuously raised veinlets, an obscurely five‐ (to eight‐) lobed calyx, appendages on the inner side of petals covering the entire length of anthers and foveolate pollen exine ornamentation. Within the Old World clade, the pentafoliolate species were weakly supported as more closely related to species with both simple and trifoliolate leaves. Furthermore, the ancestral states of tendril apices, inflorescence structure, appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were reconstructed on the molecular strict consensus tree. The appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were suggested to be important characters in the taxonomy of Parthenocissus, especially for species with trifoliolate leaves. Finally, the previous classifications of Parthenocissus were evaluated within the phylogenetic framework. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

A critical reassessment of the morphological features of two closely related red algal genera,Grateloupia C.Agardh and Sinotubimorpha W.X.Li & Z.F.Ding (Halymeniaceae),pointed out that members of the t...  相似文献   

武英达  员瑗 《菌物学报》2020,39(2):256-264
结合形态学特征和分子序列分析发现采自内蒙古自治区和黑龙江省兴安落叶松树上一新种——蒙古锈迷孔菌,对此种进行了形态描述和特征图示,并讨论了该新种与其近缘种之间的异同。  相似文献   

Four loaches,Niwaella brevipinna Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,N.fimbriata Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,N.nigrolinea Chen & Chen,sp.nov.and N.qujiangensis Chen &Chen,sp.nov.,are described based on specimens collected from Zhejiang and Anhui Provinces,East China.The mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 28 individuals of seven species from seven locations collected from Zhejiang,Anhui and Jiangxi Provinces were amplified and analyzed.Morphological and molecular data showed that N.fimbriata Chen & Chen,sp.nov.and N.nigrolinea Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,N.brevipinna Chen& Chen,sp.nov.and N.laterimaculata (Yan & Zheng),N.qujiangensis Chen & Chen,sp.nov.and N.longibarba Chen & Chen are closely related.The seven Chinese Niwaella species,N.brevipinna Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,N.fimbriata Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,N.laterimaculata,N.longibarba,N.nigrolinea Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,N.qujiangensis Chen & Chen,sp.nov.,and N.xinjiangensis are clearly distinguished by the combination of the color patter,mental lobes,suborbital spine,caudal peduncle,body shape,and subdorsal scales.  相似文献   

The morphological traits and mitochondrial genes of sympatric sea slaters from the genus Ligia were analysed from samples collected along northeastern coastal China and adjacent coastal East Asia to assign the species and to obtain interpretations of their distributions. Using 338 sequences and 199 diagnoses of 16S polymerase chain reaction‐restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR‐RFLP) from 331 specimens sampled from 26 localities, and homological sequences from counterparts from South Korea and the west coast of the USA, we assigned these taxa into two distinct species, Ligia exotica and Ligia cinerascens. Both species are recovered as two monophyletic clades in the robust phylogenetic hypothesis presented here. The northern boundaries of these species in China and the Korean peninsula are more southern than those of counterparts in Japan. Ligia exotica in northeastern coastal China is further split into two geographical subclades (B1 and B2), coexisting near 35°N. The distribution range of L. cinerascens covers the whole range of L. exotica subclade B1. Counterparts in Japan show a similar pattern. Oceanic rafting, shipping, damming and planting of seaweed are proposed as the media for the contemporary connectivity among populations of Ligia species inhabiting coastal China. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Turcichondrostoma, a new genus, from the Southwestern Anatolia is distinguished by having fewer gill rakers on first gill arch and morphologies of premaxilla and dentary bones. In addition, as a result of the phylogenetic analyses based on combine data set (mtDNA COI + Cytb) sequences (1706 bp.), Turcichondrostoma genus was recovered with high posterior probability value (BI PP:1.0) and strong-supported bootstrap value (ML BP: 100%) among the former Chondrostoma groups. Also, high K2P mean genetic distance values (more than 7.84%) differentiated genus Turcichondrostoma from the other genera of former Chondrostoma group. The results of both morphological-osteological and molecular analyses are congruent with each other. The results of this study revealed that the genus Turcichondrostoma is easily distinguished from the genera in Chondrostoma group.  相似文献   

对来自我国南方的木霉属标本进行分类学研究,首次发现灵芝木霉T. ganodermatis、异味木霉T. ingratum 和特里克木霉T. trixiae的有性阶段,对它们进行描述并指定3个种的附加模式。报道了3个中国新记录种:新厚木霉Trichoderma neocrassum、垫状木霉T. pulvinatum和塞缪尔斯木霉T. samuelsii、提供了它们的形态描述和图示。基于RPB2和TEF1基因序列的系统发育分析确定了上述种的系统发育位置。建立一个新名称取代晚出同名Trichoderma crystalligenum W.T. Qin & W.Y. Zhuang。  相似文献   

A critical reassessment of the morphological features of two closely related red algal genera, Grateloupia C. Agardh and Prionitis J. Agardh (Halymeniaceae), shows that members of the two genera share very similar reproductive (including the Grateloupia‐type auxiliary‐cell ampullae) and vegetative characters. Diagnostic features hitherto used for distinguishing these two genera, the texture of blades (lubricous to leathery in Grateloupia vs cartilaginous in Prionitis) and the position of reproductive structures (scattered over the entire blade in Grateloupia vs confined to particular portions of the blade in Prionitis), are continuous across some 75 species of both genera, thus making it difficult to draw a clear‐cut distinction between the two genera. In ribulose‐1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase gene (rbcL) sequence analyses, the species of Grateloupia and Prionitis, including the two generitypes, constitute a large monophyletic clade in the Halymeniaceae. It is therefore proposed that Prionitis be included in the synonymy under Grateloupia and the appropriate combinations are proposed.  相似文献   

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