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The Cpx envelope stress response mediates adaptation to potentially lethal envelope stresses in Escherichia coli. The two-component regulatory system consisting of the sensor kinase CpxA and the response regulator CpxR senses and mediates adaptation to envelope insults believed to result in protein misfolding in this compartment. Recently, a role was demonstrated for the Cpx response in the biogenesis of P pili, attachment organelles expressed by uropathogenic E. coli. CpxA senses misfolded P pilus assembly intermediates and initiates increased expression of both assembly and regulatory factors required for P pilus elaboration. In this report, we demonstrate that the Cpx response is also involved in the expression of the type IV bundle-forming pili of enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC). Bundle-forming pili were not elaborated from an exogenous promoter in E. coli laboratory strain MC4100 unless the Cpx pathway was constitutively activated. Further, an EPEC cpxR mutant synthesized diminished levels of bundle-forming pili and was significantly affected in adherence to epithelial cells. Since type IV bundle-forming pili are very different from chaperone-usher-type P pili in both form and biogenesis, our results suggest that the Cpx envelope stress response plays a general role in the expression of envelope-localized organelles with diverse structures and assembly pathways.  相似文献   

Hfq, a chaperone for small noncoding RNAs, regulates many processes in Escherichia coli, including the sigma(S)-mediated general stress response. Here we used microarray analysis to identify the changes in gene expression resulting from lack of Hfq. We identify several potential new targets for Hfq regulation, including genes encoding outer membrane proteins, enzymes, factors, and transporters. Many of these genes are involved in amino acid uptake and biosynthesis, sugar uptake and metabolism, and cell energetics. In addition, we find altered regulation of the sigma(E)- and sigma(32)-mediated stress responses, which we analyze further. We show that cells lacking Hfq induce the sigma(E)-mediated envelope stress response and are defective in sigma(E)-mediated repression of outer membrane proteins. We also show that the sigma(32)-mediated cytoplasmic stress response is repressed in cells lacking Hfq due to increased expression of DnaK. Furthermore, we show that cells lacking Hfq are defective in the "long-term adaptation" of sigma(32) to chronic chaperone overexpression. Together, our results indicate that Hfq may play a general role in stress response regulation in E. coli.  相似文献   

The Hfq protein was discovered in Escherichia coli in the early seventies as a host factor for the Qbeta phage RNA replication. During the last decade, it was shown to be involved in many RNA processing events and remote sequence homology indicated a link to spliceosomal Sm proteins. We report the crystal structure of the E.coli Hfq protein showing that its monomer displays a characteristic Sm-fold and forms a homo-hexamer, in agreement with former biochemical data. Overall, the structure of the E.coli Hfq ring is similar to the one recently described for Staphylococcus aureus. This confirms that bacteria contain a hexameric Sm-like protein which is likely to be an ancient and less specialized form characterized by a relaxed RNA binding specificity. In addition, we identified an Hfq ortholog in the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii which lacks a classical Sm/Lsm gene. Finally, a detailed structural comparison shows that the Sm-fold is remarkably well conserved in bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya, and represents a universal and modular building unit for oligomeric RNA binding proteins.  相似文献   

J M Pages 《Biochimie》1983,65(10):531-541
Bacterial protein synthesis takes place in the cytoplasm, thus periplasmic and outer membrane proteins pass through the cytoplasmic membrane during their dispatch to the cell envelope. The exported proteins are synthesized as precursor that contains an extra amino-terminal sequence of amino-acids. This sequence, termed "signal sequence", is essential for transport of the envelope proteins through the inner membrane and is cleaved during the exportation process. Various hypotheses for the mechanism have been presented, and it is likely that no signal model will be suitable to the export of all cell envelope proteins. This review is focused on the relationship between the cytoplasmic membrane and the precursor form. The physiological state of the membrane - fluidity, membrane potential for instance - is the strategic requirement of exportation process. Precursors can be accumulated in whole cells with various treatments which alter the cytoplasmic membrane. This inhibition of processing is obtained by modification of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids ratio or with phenylethyl alcohol which perturbs the membrane fluidity, with uncoupler agents such as carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone which dissipate the proton motive force, or with hybrid proteins which get jamming in the membrane. However, little is known about the early steps of translocation process across the cytoplasmic membrane ; for instance, it is not clear yet whether energy is required for either or both of the first interaction membrane-precursor and the crossing through the membrane. Several studies have recently shown the presence of exportation sites and of proteins which might play a prominent role in the export process, but the mechanism of discrimination between outer membrane proteins and periplasmic proteins is unknown. Considerable work has been done by genetic or biochemical methods and we have now the first lights of the expert mechanism.  相似文献   

Ler, encoded by the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE) of attaching and effacing (A/E) pathogens, induces the expression of LEE genes by counteracting the silencing exerted by H-NS. Ler expression is modulated by several global regulators, and is activated by GrlA, which is also LEE-encoded. Typical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains contain the EAF plasmid, which carries the perABC locus encoding PerC. The precise role of PerC in EPEC virulence gene regulation has remained unclear, mainly because EPEC strains lacking the pEAF still express the LEE genes and because PerC is not present in other A/E pathogens such as Citrobacter rodentium. Here, we describe that either PerC or GrlA can independently activate ler expression and, in consequence, of LEE genes depending on the growth conditions. Both PerC and GrlA, with the aid of IHF, counteract the repression exerted by H-NS on ler and can also further increase its activity. Our results substantiate the role of PerC and GrlA in EPEC virulence gene regulation and suggest that these convergent regulatory mechanisms may have represented an evolutionary adaptation in EPEC to co-ordinate the expression of plasmid- and chromosome-encoded virulence factors needed to successfully colonize its intestinal niche.  相似文献   

Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) are heterogeneous strains in terms of serotypes, adherence patterns and the presence of novel virulence factors. This heterogeneity is intriguing, promoting studies trying to characterize these novel proteins and to better comprehend this pathotype group. In a previous study analyzing low‐molecular mass proteomes of four representative aEPEC strains of three different adhesion phenotypes, we classified proteins according to their annotated function, with most of them being involved in metabolism and transport; while some of them were classified as hypothetical proteins. The majority of the hypothetical proteins were homologue products of genes identified in the genome of enterohemorrhagic E. coli. One of the hypothetical proteins was annotated as Z2335, with orthologue in EPEC, and by bioinformatics analysis, this protein was revealed to be the universal stress protein F (UspF). Thus, herein we successfully obtained a recombinant UspF protein from aEPEC, which is a α/β, ATP‐binding protein involved in stress response, with comparable protein production among the four studied strains, but showing noteworthy differences when cultivated in different stress conditions, also present in other enterobacterial species, such as Shigella sonnei and Citrobacter freundii. Furthermore, our results confirm that the Usp protein superfamily encompasses a conserved group of proteins involved in stress resistance in aEPEC and other Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

Adaptation to osmotic stress alters the amounts of several specific proteins in the Escherichia coli K-12 envelope. The most striking feature of the response to elevated osmolarity was the strong induction of a periplasmic protein with an Mr of 31,000. This protein was absent in mutants with lambda plac Mu insertions in an osmotically inducible locus mapping near 58 min. The insertions are likely to be in proU, a locus encoding a transport activity for the osmoprotectants glycine betaine and proline. Factors affecting the extent of proU induction were identified by direct examination of periplasmic proteins on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and by measuring beta-galactosidase activity from proU-lac fusions. Expression was stimulated by increasing additions of salt or sucrose to minimal medium, up to a maximum at 0.5 M NaCl. Exogenous glycine betaine acted as an osmoregulatory signal; its addition to the high-osmolarity medium substantially repressed the expression of the 31,000-dalton periplasmic protein and the proU-lac+ fusions. Elevated osmolarity also caused the appearance of a second periplasmic protein (Mr = 16,000), and severe reduction in the amounts of two others. In the outer membrane, the well-characterized repression of OmpF by high osmolarity was observed and was reversed by glycine betaine. Additional changes in membrane composition were also responsive to glycine betaine regulation.  相似文献   

Type III secretion systems (TTSS) are sophisticated macromolecular structures that play an imperative role in bacterial infections and human disease. The TTSS needle complex is conserved among bacterial pathogens and shows broad similarity to the flagellar basal body. However, the TTSS of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, two important human enteric pathogens, is unique in that it has an approximately 12-nm-diameter filamentous extension to the needle that is composed of the secreted translocator protein EspA. EspA filaments and flagellar structures have very similar helical symmetry parameters. In this study we investigated EspA filament assembly and the delivery of effector proteins across the bacterial cell wall. We show that EspA filaments are elongated by addition of EspA subunits to the tip of the growing filament. Moreover, EspA filament length is modulated by the availability of intracellular EspA subunits. Finally, we provide direct evidence that EspA filaments are hollow conduits through which effector proteins are delivered to the extremity of the bacterial cell (and subsequently into the host cell).  相似文献   

The cell envelope in Gram-negative bacteria comprises two distinct membranes with a cell wall between them. There has been a growing interest in understanding the mechanical adaptation of this cell envelope to the osmotic pressure (or turgor pressure), which is generated by the difference in the concentration of solutes between the cytoplasm and the external environment. However, it remains unexplored how the cell wall, the inner membrane (IM), and the outer membrane (OM) effectively protect the cell from this pressure by bearing the resulting surface tension, thus preventing the formation of inner membrane bulges, abnormal cell morphology, spheroplasts and cell lysis. In this study, we have used molecular dynamics (MD) simulations combined with experiments to resolve how and to what extent models of the IM, OM, and cell wall respond to changes in surface tension. We calculated the area compressibility modulus of all three components in simulations from tension-area isotherms. Experiments on monolayers mimicking individual leaflets of the IM and OM were also used to characterize their compressibility. While the membranes become softer as they expand, the cell wall exhibits significant strain stiffening at moderate to high tensions. We integrate these results into a model of the cell envelope in which the OM and cell wall share the tension at low turgor pressure (0.3 atm) but the tension in the cell wall dominates at high values (>1 atm).  相似文献   

Disruption of normal protein trafficking in the Escherichia coli cell envelope (inner membrane, periplasm, outer membrane) can activate two parallel, but distinct, signal transduction pathways. This activation stimulates the expression of a number of genes whose products function to fold or degrade the mislocalized proteins. One of these signal transduction pathways is a two-component regulatory system comprised of the histidine kinase CpxA and the response regulator, CpxR. In this study we characterized gain-of-function Cpx* mutants in order to learn more about Cpx signal transduction. Sequencing demonstrated that the cpx* mutations cluster in either the periplasmic, the transmembrane, or the H-box domain of CpxA. Intriguingly, most of the periplasmic cpx* gain-of-function mutations cluster in the central region of this domain, and one encodes a deletion of 32 amino acids. Strains harboring these mutations are rendered insensitive to a normally activating signal. In vivo and in vitro characterization of maltose-binding-protein fusions between the wild-type CpxA and a representative cpx* mutant, CpxA101, showed that the mutant CpxA is altered in phosphotransfer reactions with CpxR. Specifically, while both CpxA and CpxA101 function as autokinases and CpxR kinases, CpxA101 is devoid of a CpxR-P phosphatase activity normally present in the wild-type protein. Taken together, the data support a model for Cpx-mediated signal transduction in which the kinase/phosphatase ratio is elevated by stress. Further, the sequence and phenotypes of periplasmic cpx* mutations suggest that interactions with a periplasmic signaling molecule may normally dictate a decreased kinase/phosphatase ratio under nonstress conditions.  相似文献   

Physiological and morphological changes in Escherichia coli exposed to oligotrophic natural waters and reagent grade water were studied. Several lines of evidence indicated that short-term exposure in water causes cellular envelope damage. Increasing susceptibility to lysozyme, lag time before cell division, and injury as defined by differential counts on selective and nonselective media occurred with exposure time. Electron micrographs of injured cells showed morphological changes in cell envelope.  相似文献   

Two strains of Escherichia coli isogenic except for the cya (adenylate cyclase) allele were grown with [35S]methionine and cysteine in minimal defined glucose medium and in this medium with 600 mM NaCl to induce osmotic stress. Cells were grown for approximately two generations. The labeled proteins were separated by 2-dimensional electrophoresis and were quantified fluorographically. Of the 263 major proteins (proteins incorporating 0.10% or more of the total radioactivity) in the cya+ control culture, radioactivity in 41 proteins was at least ten times greater in cells grown with osmotic stress. Six of these individual proteins each accounted for 1.0% or more of the total radioactive label in the cells. Conversely, radioactivity in 31 major proteins appeared to decrease at least ten times when cells grew with osmotic stress. These data indicate that the response of the bacterium to osmotic stress involves induction of some proteins and repression of others. 61% of the proteins that appear to be stimulated by salt stress were found in both strains indicating there is no obligatory requirement for cAMP.  相似文献   

Stárka J 《FEBS letters》1971,16(3):223-225

To facilitate studies of multicomponent protein complexes, I have developed an Escherichia coli expression system which coexpresses up to four polypeptides from a single plasmid. The modular nature of the system enables efficient subcloning of a gene into each of the 4 cassettes in the polycistronic expression vector. Restriction sites present in the polycistronic expression vector allow both affinity tagged and untagged complexes to be overexpressed. I demonstrate successful use of the expression system for binary and ternary complexes, including the reconstitution of the VHL-elonginC-elonginB complex in E. coli and purification of the complex by affinity and ion-exchange chromatography. This polycistronic expression system should provide an important alternative to in vitro reconstitution of multicomponent complexes.  相似文献   

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