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In most songbirds, the processes of song learning and territory establishment overlap in the early life and a young bird usually winds up with songs matching those of his territorial neighbors in his first breeding season. In the present study, we examined the relationships among the timing of territory establishment, the pattern of song learning and territorial success in a sedentary population of song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). Males in this population tend to learn their songs from their neighbors and consequently they show high song sharing with neighbors and use these shared songs preferentially in interactions with them. Males also show significant variation in the timing of territory establishment, ranging from their natal summer to the next spring. Using a three-year dataset, we found that the timing of territory establishment did not systematically affect the composition of the song repertoire of the tutee: early establishers and late establishers learned equally as much from their primary tutors and had a similar number of tutors and similar repertoire sizes, nor did timing of territory establishment affect subsequent survival on territory. Therefore, the song-learning program of song sparrows seems versatile enough to lead to high song sharing even for birds that establish territories relatively late.  相似文献   

Repertoire matching occurs when one songbird replies to another with a song type that the two birds share. Repertoire matching has previously been demonstrated to occur at well above chance levels in a western population of song sparrows, where it is hypothesized to serve as a low level threat in a hierarchy of aggressive signals. Here we test for repertoire matching in an eastern population of song sparrows. Previous work indicates that this eastern population differs from the western one in having lower levels of song sharing between neighboring males and in showing no association between song sharing and territory tenure. Here we confirm that males in this eastern population on average share few whole songs with their neighbors. The eastern males are familiar with their neighbors’ repertoires, as evidenced by a stronger singing response to stranger song than to neighbor song. Males in the eastern population did not repertoire match: when played an unshared song type from a specific neighbor, they did not reply with a song type shared with that neighbor more often than expected by chance or more often than in response to playback of a control song (an unshared stranger song). The results thus demonstrate a qualitative difference in vocal signaling strategies between two populations of the same species.  相似文献   

Phenotypic traits such as songs are important in species recognition. Variation in acoustic traits can form barriers to gene flow and promote speciation. Therefore, understanding song divergence is crucial in groups with controversial taxonomy such as Olive Sparrows (Arremonops rufivirgatus), a widespread Neotropical species of songbird with multiple allopatric populations. Taxonomic authorities disagree on the number of Olive Sparrow subspecies, placing them into either two or three main groups. These groups may represent separate species based on morphological traits, but trait divergence within the complex has not been examined. We studied geographic variation in the characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows at two geographical levels: among three proposed groups and among five allopatric populations. In a second analysis, we evaluated the strength of acoustic divergence within the complex by comparing acoustic distances among groups and allopatric populations of Olive Sparrows with the acoustic distance among three recognized species in the genus Arremonops. We analyzed 802 songs from 174 individuals across 81 locations and measured 12 variables to describe the fine structural characteristics of the songs of Olive Sparrows, Green-backed Sparrows (A. chloronotus), Black-striped Sparrows (A. conirostris), and Tocuyo Sparrows (A. tocuyensis). We found significant acoustic variation in the Olive Sparrow complex at both geographical levels. Our divergence analysis also revealed that vocal divergence within the complex is similar to or greater than that found between recognized species in the genus. Together, these results suggest that acoustic diversity within the Olive Sparrow complex probably originated by isolation in tandem with selective and/or non-selective factors.  相似文献   

J. VIELLIARD 《Bioacoustics.》2013,22(3):239-240
Although it is highly recognisable, relatively little is known about the repertoire composition and singing behaviour of the Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus). To address this, we recorded spontaneously singing males in two eastern populations (Halifax, NS (n = 11) and Hancock County, ME (n = 7)) and analysed the recordings with respect to repertoire size, basic song type characteristics and song syntax. Males had song type repertoires of 7–12 song types, and no song type sharing between individuals was observed within or between populations. While frequency-related structural characteristics of the song types were the same between the populations, song type duration (especially that of the introductory note) differed significantly. The song types within each repertoire could be categorised into high and low song types based on introductory note frequency, and these song type categories also differed with respect to the amount and distribution of spectral energy. In both populations, males sang with immediate variety, never repeating the same song type consecutively, and preferentially used some song-type to song-type transitions more than others. In addition, we found correlational evidence of changes in singing behaviour (e.g., the relative use of low versus high song types) over the course of the breeding season. We discuss these findings in the context of other songbird research as well as their implications for future work examining how Hermit Thrush males utilise their songs in defending territories and attracting mates.  相似文献   

In birds with song repertoires, song‐type matching occurs when an individual responds to another individual's song by producing the same song type. Song‐type matching has been described in multiple bird species and a growing body of evidence suggests that song‐type matching may serve as a conventional signal of aggression, particularly in male birds in the temperate zone. Few studies have investigated song‐type matching in tropical birds or female birds, in spite of the fact that avian biodiversity is highest in the tropics, that female song is widespread in the tropics, and that female song is the ancestral state among songbirds. In this study of rufous‐and‐white wrens Thryophilus rufalbus, a resident neotropical songbird where both sexes sing, we presented territorial males and females with playback that simulated a territorial rival producing shared and unshared songs. In response, both males and females sang matched song types at levels statistically equal to levels expected by chance. Furthermore, males and females exhibited similar levels of aggression and similar vocal behaviours in response to playback of both shared and unshared songs. These results indicate that rufous‐and‐white wrens do not use song‐type matching in territorial conflicts as a conventional signal of aggression. We discuss alternative hypotheses for the function of song‐type sharing in tropical birds. In particular, we point out that shared songs may play an important role in intra‐pair communication, especially for birds where males and females combine their songs in vocal duets, and this may supersede the function of song‐type matching in some tropical birds.  相似文献   

In many oscine passerines males’ songs, the repertoire size increases with age. At the same time it often remains unknown when and where males learn new songs. To infer the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra song learning strategy, we described and catalogued song-type repertoire, revealed age differences and examined song sharing strategies among neighbouring and distant males. We recorded song vocalizations of 40 males in a limited (104 ha) study plot during four years. Whinchats produce short and discrete songs with clear intersong pauses. In total 45 song types were allocated, the individual repertoire size averaged 23.5 ± 7.6 song types (range 9–34 song types). The males’ age significantly influenced the song-type repertoire size. The second calendar year (first breeding) males had a lower repertoire size than the older males. The majority of song types were shared by less than half of males in our sample. The Jaccard similarity indexes varied from 0.5 to 0.7. We could not find a relationship between males’ song sharing and geographic distances between their nests. We assume that Whinchat males learned new songs in the local population before territory establishment.  相似文献   

The spectacled warbler (Sylvia conspicillata) is a small passerine with a patchy distribution throughout the circum-Mediterranean region, including the North Atlantic archipelagos of Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde. Here we characterize the species song structure on the island of Fuerteventura, quantifying repertoire size, inter- and intra-individual spectrographic variation, to determine whether acoustic variation occurred within an island population. Male song display was organized in song bouts of a variable number of song phrases, which in turn were made up of 4–69 syllables. We classified syllable types to derive a measure of repertoire size (number of different syllables) per song bout, and then used rarefaction methods to calculate the estimated repertoire size for our population of males. Three categories of song bout length were considered in analyses: short song bouts of 10 phrases, average bouts of 19 phrases and long bouts of ≥ 29 phrases. The observed and estimated repertoire size per male (between 43 and 126 syllables per male) increased with song bout duration, although the relationship was not significant for the estimated values. To test whether songs could be individually specific, we measured 11 spectrotemporal parameters of the song. A discriminant analysis using these variables performed poorly in classifying songs to the individuals that uttered them, but we found less variation in the individual than in the population for three out of the 11 variables. These individually specific variables, involving the first or the most common syllable of the song, the trill, were the duration of the first syllable of the phrase, the duration and the dominant frequency of the trill syllable. Our study emphasizes the complexity of spectacled warbler songs, in which males continuously add novel syllables over the entire song bout. This complexity appears to be determined by individual innovation capabilities rather than by the behaviour of copying neighbour repertoires, since songs of close birds were not more similar than songs from far-away territories.  相似文献   

Song of passerine birds is one of the few animal signals that is learned and that improves with practice. Vocal practice is crucial early in life to perfect a song imitation, but it also occurs throughout life and may continue to improve aspects of song performance. Differences in song performance among males that share song types, that is sing structurally similar songs may be particularly salient to receivers. We here test the hypothesis that aspects of song performance improve in a songbird species that deletes song types from its repertoire early in the first breeding season to share their final single song type with territorial neighbours. Over 3 yrs, we recorded songs in a population of Puget Sound white‐crowned sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis and measured percentage peak performance and consistency thereof in all of the song types in each male's repertoire. We found that within the first year on territory, percentage peak performance was higher in shared than unshared songs but did not change from first to second recording. Contrary to the hypothesis that song performance improves with age, song performance declined from the first to the second year. Our results support the hypothesis that high‐performance singers share songs. We did not find support for song performance improving within or between years, like it does in some other songbird species.  相似文献   

Territorial songbirds often match the song features or singing patterns of rivals, commonly as an aggressive signal. Most studies of song matching have been on Northern Hemisphere species with short lifespans and high song rates, but vocal matching is predicted to be affected both by longevity and territorial stability. We studied song matching in males of the white-browed scrubwren, Sericornis frontalis, a long-lived, sedentary, territorial Australian songbird. We quantified natural song rate and diversity, and then conducted three playback experiments to test: (a) whether males match by song type; (b) how they respond physically and vocally to territorial intrusion; and (c) whether they match by song length, and use it as an agonistic signal. Males naturally had very low song rates, singing on average less than three times per hour, and moderate repertoires, with an estimated mean of 17.5 song types for individual males. Males did not engage in extended counter-singing bouts. The first experiment showed that males matched the song type of immediate neighbours almost 90% of the time, if that type was in their repertoire. The remaining experiments revealed that song-type matching was an aggressive signal; males responded more aggressively to, and were more likely to match, playback simulating a neighbour's territorial intrusion than song from their shared boundary. Males did not match songs by length, but they produced longer songs after simulated intrusion. Males also responded more aggressively to playback of longer songs that simulated intrusion, but less aggressively to longer songs from the territory boundary. Overall, we show that sedentary, long-lived songbirds with low song rates, can use song-type matching as an aggressive signal to communicate with neighbours and intruders. Song length had a different role in communication, possibly related to individual quality or territory ownership.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in male bird songs has been studied extensively, but there have been few investigations of geographic variation in female songs or sex differences in patterns of geographic variation. We compared patterns of variation in male and female songs of eastern whipbirds Psophodes olivaceus by analyzing recordings from 16 populations across the species’ geographic range in eastern Australia. We found remarkably different patterns of geographic variation between the sexes. Female eastern whipbird songs are easily categorized into discrete song types. Song types are shared between nearby females, but female songs show pronounced differences at a continental scale. In contrast, male eastern whipbird songs show high consistency throughout the species’ geographic range. All recorded males share the ability to transpose the frequency of the introductory whistle and most recorded males share the ability to vary the direction of the slope of the terminal whip crack. For eight of nine measured variables, female songs show significantly higher levels of variation than male songs. We discuss whether sex differences in dispersal, song learning strategies, and song function may explain these sex differences in patterns of song variation. We suggest that eastern whipbirds have experienced a decoupling of male and female song learning strategies and that the songs of each sex have responded to different selective pressures in the context of countersinging interactions. We speculate that consistency in male songs throughout the geographic range of eastern whipbirds may arise through female preference for males that perform large bandwidth whip cracks.  相似文献   

Male Megaptera novaeangliae produce complex and structured songs which are shared at the population level. Song patterns are culturally transmitted and evolve progressively through time, both over the breeding season and among years. The songs also undergo periods of relatively rapid change, termed “revolutions.” Acoustic monitoring was conducted from 2016 to 2018 in Reunion and throughout 2018 in Madagascar to assess spatiotemporal variation in song structures and population connectivity. A total of 46 high-quality song samples were selected, representing 2,760 min of recordings in Reunion. In Madagascar, 12 samples representing 240 min of recordings were analyzed. Analysis of songs revealed 11 phrases and their variants. Low levels of temporal variations were observed over the breeding season. Songs recorded in June were very similar to those recorded in September. Greater variation was observed between years, and some phrases identified in 2018 may have evolved from phrases recorded in 2017. More variants were described for each phrase type in 2018 compared to 2016. All themes recorded in Reunion were shared with Madagascar, suggesting a high degree of population connectivity during the breeding season.  相似文献   

We describe songs of the California Thrasher (Toxostoma redivivum), a territorial, monogamous species whose complex songs are composed of extended sequences of phonetically diverse phrases. We take a network approach, so that network nodes represent specific phrases, and links or transitions between nodes describe a subgroup structure that reveals the syntax of phrases within the songs. We found that individual birds have large and largely distinct repertoires, with limited phrase sharing between neighbours and repertoire similarity decaying between individuals with distance apart, decaying also over time within individuals. During song sequences, only a limited number of phrases (ca. 15–20) were found to be actually “in play” at any given time; these phrases can be grouped into themes within which transitions are much more common than among them, a feature contributing to a small-world structure. It appears that such “small-world themes” arise abruptly, while old themes are abandoned more gradually during extended song sequences; most individual thrashers switch among 3–4 themes over the course of several successive songs, and some small-world themes appear to have specific roles in starting or ending thrasher songs.  相似文献   

In many passerines, males have repertoires of different songs of which some songs are often shared with other males. Sharing of song repertoires among males can provide insights into the context in which songs were acquired and on the role of song repertoires in inter- and intrasexual communication. Here we studied repertoire sharing in male territorial thrush nightingales ( Luscinia luscinia ). We compared male vocal repertoires of the basic song components, full songs, and the sequencing of songs in a bout. The results show that males differed significantly in the size of their song repertoires but not in the size of the repertoire of basic song components. Moreover, they shared almost all (80%) the repertoire of song components but only 30% of their song types. Neighboring males shared significantly more song types than did non-neighboring males but interestingly they did not share more basic song components than non-neighboring males. These results show that the repertoire of basic song components is under much less sexual selection than the size of song repertoires. Sharing of song repertoires among neighbors presumably results from repertoire conversion over time and from males returning to their territories in the following season. Repertoire sharing then can be an indicator of territory tenure and thus it can be important in repelling rivals and in female choice.  相似文献   

Characteristics of birdsong, especially minimum frequency, have been shown to vary for some species between urban and rural populations and along urban–rural gradients. However, few urban–rural comparisons of song complexity—and none that we know of based on the number of distinct song types in repertoires—have occurred. Given the potential ability of song repertoire size to indicate bird condition, we primarily sought to determine if number of distinct song types displayed by Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia) varied between an urban and a rural site. We determined song repertoire size of 24 individuals; 12 were at an urban (‘human‐dominated’) site and 12 were at a rural (‘agricultural’) site. Then, we compared song repertoire size, note rate, and peak frequency between these sites. Song repertoire size and note rate did not vary between our human‐dominated and agricultural sites. Peak frequency was greater at the agricultural site. Our finding that peak frequency was higher at the agricultural site compared to the human‐dominated site, contrary to many previous findings pertaining to frequency shifts in songbirds, warrants further investigation. Results of our pilot study suggest that song complexity may be less affected by anthropogenic factors in Song Sparrows than are frequency characteristics. Additional study, however, will be required to identify particular causal factors related to the trends that we report and to replicate, ideally via multiple urban–rural pairings, so that broader generalization is possible.  相似文献   

Song development in oscine songbirds relies on imitation of adult singers and thus leaves developing birds vulnerable to potentially costly errors caused by imitation of inappropriate models, such as the songs of other species. In May and June 2012, we recorded the songs of a bird that made such an error: a male Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor) in western Massachusetts that sang songs seemingly acquired by imitating the songs of a Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). Another song type in the bird's repertoire was a near‐normal Group A Prairie Warbler song, but the bird used this song in contexts normally reserved for Group B songs. Despite its abnormal singing behavior, the aberrant bird successfully defended a territory and attracted a mate that laid two clutches of eggs. Results of playbacks of the focal bird's heterospecific song suggested that neighboring conspecific males learned to associate the Field Sparrow‐like song with the focal male, and responded to the song as if it were a Prairie Warbler song. Our evidence suggests that the focal bird's aberrant singing evoked normal responses from potential mates and rivals. If such responses are widespread among songbirds, the general failure of heterospecific songs, once acquired, to spread through populations by cultural transmission is probably not attributable to a lack of recognition by conspecifics of the songs of heterospecific singers.  相似文献   

Song complexity in many songbirds is a trait subject to sexual selection. It is often associated with male territorial defence. Empirical studies testing differential male responses to rival song in vocally complex songbirds have, however, been scarce. We conducted playback experiments of the endemic New Zealand Tui Prosthemadera novaeseelandiae to test the aggressive response of territorial male Tui to rival songs with differing complexity levels. Overall, complex songs evoked significantly stronger responses from territorial males than did simple songs. Following playback of complex songs, focal males approached the playback more closely and rapidly, and responded with songs of higher complexity than they did to playback of simple songs. This suggests males could both distinguish between different levels of complexity within the Tui repertoire, and perceive a more complex song as a greater territorial threat. Our study is one of the first to demonstrate strong aggressive responses to increased levels of song complexity in a songbird species with highly complex vocalizations.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in bird song has received much attention in evolutionary studies, yet few consider components within songs that may be subject to different constraints and follow different evolutionary trajectories. Here, we quantify patterns of geographic variation in the socially transmitted “whistle” song of Albert''s lyrebirds (Menura alberti), an oscine passerine renowned for its remarkable vocal abilities. Albert''s lyrebirds are confined to narrow stretches of suitable habitat in Australia, allowing us to map likely paths of cultural transmission using a species distribution model and least cost paths. We use quantitative methods to divide the songs into three components present in all study populations: the introductory elements, the song body, and the final element. We compare geographic separation between populations with variation in these components as well as the full song. All populations were distinguishable by song, and songs varied according to the geographic distance between populations. However, within songs, only the introductory elements and song body could be used to distinguish among populations. The song body and final element changed with distance, but the introductory elements varied independently of geographic separation. These differing geographic patterns of within‐song variation are unexpected, given that the whistle song components are always produced in the same sequence and may be perceived as a temporally discrete unit. Knowledge of such spatial patterns of within‐song variation enables further work to determine possible selective pressures and constraints acting on each song component and provides spatially explicit targets for preserving cultural diversity. As such, our study highlights the importance for science and conservation of investigating spatial patterns within seemingly discrete behavioral traits at multiple levels of organization.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in male bird songs has been studied extensively, but there have been few investigations of geographic variation in female songs or sex differences in patterns of geographic variation. We compared patterns of variation in male and female songs of eastern whipbirds Psophodes olivaceus by analyzing recordings from 16 populations across the species' geographic range in eastern Australia. We found remarkably different patterns of geographic variation between the sexes. Female eastern whipbird songs are easily categorized into discrete song types. Song types are shared between nearby females, but female songs show pronounced differences at a continental scale. In contrast, male eastern whipbird songs show high consistency throughout the species' geographic range. All recorded males share the ability to transpose the frequency of the introductory whistle and most recorded males share the ability to vary the direction of the slope of the terminal whip crack. For eight of nine measured variables, female songs show significantly higher levels of variation than male songs. We discuss whether sex differences in dispersal, song learning strategies, and song function may explain these sex differences in patterns of song variation. We suggest that eastern whipbirds have experienced a decoupling of male and female song learning strategies and that the songs of each sex have responded to different selective pressures in the context of countersinging interactions. We speculate that consistency in male songs throughout the geographic range of eastern whipbirds may arise through female preference for males that perform large bandwidth whip cracks.  相似文献   

Lloyd, P., Hulley, P.E. & Craig, A.J.F.K. 1999. Song sharing by neighbourhood groups of territorial male Blackeyed Bulbuls. Ostrich 70 (3&4): 208–213

The territorial song of the Blackeyed Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus is described for a population followed over two breeding seasons in suburban Grahamstown, South Africa. The Blackeyed Bulbul has a discrete and highly structured system of phrase sharing by neighbourhood groups of males. The most common repertoire size is five phrases (mean 5.5; range 2–9). In a temporally-stable song population, individual phrases are shared independently by discrete clusters of males. Neighbours show a strong tendency to share phrase types (but rarely whole repertoires), with overall song similarity decreasing rapidly with increasing distance between birds. This species is an ideal candidate for testing hypotheses concerning the adaptive value of song sharing by neighbourhood groups.  相似文献   

Song matching, replying to a song with a similar song, occurs in many songbird species. Almost all investigations of song matching have been of type matching, where one bird's reply is unambiguously similar to the other's song (i.e. the same song type). In many populations, however, neighbours do not share song types, and therefore cannot type-match. We hypothesized that a bird lacking a true type match could still song-match a stimulus song with a song from his repertoire that was similar in some way the birds recognized. We tested this hypothesis in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, in two playback experiments. We played the subject a stranger song that was similar to one or more of his songs, but a type match to none of them. In the first experiment, we used playback songs that began with two buzzes (‘double-buzz’ songs). In the second experiment, we used songs that began with a slow trill that increased in tempo ('speed-up' songs). Birds replied at rates significantly above chance with their own double-buzz, or speed-up song match to the respective types of playback. The results suggest that birds who do not share true song types, can still song-match each other. This broad-sense form of song matching may also occur in populations with low song type sharing. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

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