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Both dopamine and glutamate are critically involved in cognitive processes such as working memory. Astrocytes, which express dopamine receptors, are essential elements in the termination of glutamatergic signaling: the astrocytic glutamate transporter GLT‐1 is responsible for > 90% of cortical glutamate uptake. The effect of dopamine depletion on glutamate transporters in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) remains unknown. In an effort to determine if astrocytes are a locus of cortical dopamine–glutamate interactions, we examined the effects of chronic dopamine denervation on PFC protein and mRNA levels of glutamate transporters. PFC dopamine denervation elicited a marked increase in GLT‐1 protein levels, but had no effect on levels of other glutamate transporters; high‐affinity glutamate transport was positively correlated with the extent of dopamine depletion. GLT‐1 gene expression was not altered. Our data suggest that dopamine depletion may lead to post‐translational modifications that result in increased expression and activity of GLT‐1 in PFC astrocytes.


The mammalian (or mechanistic) target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) is a serine and threonine kinase that regulates cell growth, survival, and proliferation. mTORC1 is a master controller of the translation of a subset of mRNAs. In the central nervous system mTORC1 plays a crucial role in mechanisms underlying learning and memory by controlling synaptic protein synthesis. Here, we review recent evidence suggesting that the mTORC1 signaling pathway promotes neuroadaptations following exposure to a diverse group of drugs of abuse including stimulants, cannabinoids, opiates, and alcohol. We further describe potential molecular mechanisms by which drug‐induced mTORC1 activation may alter brain functions. Finally, we propose that mTORC1 is a focal point shared by drugs of abuse to mediate drug‐related behaviors such as reward seeking and excessive drug intake, and offer future directions to decipher the contribution of the kinase to mechanisms underlying addiction.


Excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) regulate glutamatergic signal transmission by clearing extracellular glutamate. Dysfunction of these transporters has been implicated in the pathogenesis of various neurological disorders. Previous studies have shown that venom from the spider Parawixia bistriata and a purified compound (Parawixin1) stimulate EAAT2 activity and protect retinal tissue from ischemic damage. In the present study, the EAAT2 subtype specificity of this compound was explored, employing chimeric proteins between EAAT2 and EAAT3 transporter subtypes and mutants to characterize the structural region targeted by the compound. This identified a critical residue (Histidine‐71 in EAAT2 and Serine‐45 in EAAT3) in transmembrane domain 2 (TM2) to be important for the selectivity between EAAT2 and EAAT3 and for the activity of the venom. Using the identified residue in TM2 as a structural anchor, several neighboring amino acids within TM5 and TM8 were identified to also be important for the activity of the venom. This structural domain of the transporter lies at the interface of the rigid trimerization domain and the central substrate‐binding transport domain. Our studies suggest that the mechanism of glutamate transport enhancement involves an interaction with the transporter that facilitates the movement of the transport domain.


Microglia are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system that survey the microenvironment for signals of injury or infection. The response to such signals induces an inflammatory response involving macrophages derived from both resident microglia and recruited circulating monocytes. Although implicated as contributors to autoimmune‐mediated injury, microglia/ macrophages have recently been shown to be critical for the important central nervous system regenerative process of remyelination. This functional dichotomy may reflect their ability to be polarized along a continuum of activation states including the well‐characterized cytotoxic M1 and regenerative M2 phenotypes. Here, we review the roles of microglia, monocytes and the macrophages which they give rise to in creating lesion environments favourable to remyelination, highlighting the specific roles of M1 and M2 phenotypes and how the pro‐regenerative role of the innate immune system is altered by ageing.


We have previously shown that the selective sigma‐1 receptor (σ1R) antagonist S1RA (E‐52862) inhibits neuropathic pain and activity‐induced spinal sensitization in various pre‐clinical pain models. In this study we characterized both the behavioral and the spinal neurochemical effects of S1RA in the rat formalin test. Systemic administration of S1RA produced a dose‐related attenuation of flinching and lifting/licking behaviors in the formalin test. Neurochemical studies using concentric microdialysis in the ipsilateral dorsal horn of awake, freely moving rats revealed that the systemic S1RA‐induced antinociceptive effect occurs concomitantly with an enhancement of noradrenaline levels and an attenuation of formalin‐evoked glutamate release in the spinal dorsal horn. Intrathecal pre‐treatment with idazoxan prevented the systemic S1RA antinociceptive effect, suggesting that the S1RA antinociception depends on the activation of spinal α2‐adrenoceptors which, in turn, could induce an inhibition of formalin‐evoked glutamate release. When administered locally, intrathecal S1RA inhibited only the flinching behavior, whereas intracerebroventricularly or intraplantarly injected also attenuated the lifting/licking behavior. These results suggest that S1RA supraspinally activates the descending noradrenergic pain inhibitory system, which may explain part of its antinociceptive properties in the formalin test; however, effects at other central and peripheral sites also account for the overall effect.


Microtubules in neurons consist of highly dynamic regions as well as stable regions, some of which persist after bouts of severing as short mobile polymers. Concentrated at the plus ends of the highly dynamic regions are microtubule plus end tracking proteins called +TIPs that can interact with an array of other proteins and structures relevant to the plasticity of the neuron. It is also provocative to ponder that short mobile microtubules might similarly convey information with them as they transit within the neuron. Thus, beyond their known conventional functions in supporting neuronal architecture and organelle transport, microtubules may act as ‘information carriers’ in the neuron.


Huntington's disease (HD) is one of many neurodegenerative diseases with reported alterations in brain iron homeostasis that may contribute to neuropathogenesis. Iron accumulation in the specific brain areas of neurodegeneration in HD has been proposed based on observations in post‐mortem tissue and magnetic resonance imaging studies. Altered magnetic resonance imaging signal within specific brain regions undergoing neurodegeneration has been consistently reported and interpreted as altered levels of brain iron. Biochemical studies using various techniques to measure iron species in human samples, mouse tissue, or in vitro has generated equivocal data to support such an association. Whether elevated brain iron occurs in HD, plays a significant contributing role in HD pathogenesis, or is a secondary effect remains currently unclear.


Paclitaxel is a chemotherapeutic agent widely used for treating carcinomas. Patients receiving paclitaxel often develop neuropathic pain and have a reduced quality of life which hinders the use of this life‐saving drug. In this study, we determined the role of GABA transporters in the genesis of paclitaxel‐induced neuropathic pain using behavioral tests, electrophysiology, and biochemical techniques. We found that tonic GABA receptor activities in the spinal dorsal horn were reduced in rats with neuropathic pain induced by paclitaxel. In normal controls, tonic GABA receptor activities were mainly controlled by the GABA transporter GAT‐1 but not GAT‐3. In the spinal dorsal horn, GAT‐1 was expressed at presynaptic terminals and astrocytes while GAT‐3 was only expressed in astrocytes. In rats with paclitaxel‐induced neuropathic pain, the protein expression of GAT‐1 was increased while GAT‐3 was decreased. This was concurrently associated with an increase in global GABA uptake. The paclitaxel‐induced attenuation of GABAergic tonic inhibition was ameliorated by blocking GAT‐1 but not GAT‐3 transporters. Paclitaxel‐induced neuropathic pain was significantly attenuated by the intrathecal injection of a GAT‐1 inhibitor. These findings suggest that targeting GAT‐1 transporters for reversing disinhibition in the spinal dorsal horn may be a useful approach for treating paclitaxel‐induced neuropathic pain.


Chronic neuropathic pain is a common consequence of spinal cord injury (SCI), develops over time and negatively impacts quality of life, often leading to substance abuse and suicide. Recent evidence has demonstrated that reactive oxygen species (ROS) play a role in contributing to neuropathic pain in SCI animal models. This investigation examines four compounds that reduce ROS and the downstream lipid peroxidation products, apocynin, 4‐oxo‐tempo, U‐83836E, and tirilazad, and tests if these compounds can reduce nocioceptive behaviors in chronic SCI animals. Apocynin and 4‐oxo‐tempo significantly reduced abnormal mechanical hypersensitivity measured in forelimbs and hindlimbs in a model of chronic SCI‐induced neuropathic pain. Thus, compounds that inhibit ROS or lipid peroxidation products can be used to ameliorate chronic neuropathic pain.


Our recent studies have shown that endogenous zinc, co‐released with glutamate from the synaptic terminals of vertebrate retinal photoreceptors, provides a feedback mechanism that reduces calcium entry and the concomitant vesicular release of glutamate. We hypothesized that zinc feedback may serve to protect the retina from glutamate excitotoxicity, and conducted in vivo experiments on the retina of the skate (Raja erinacea) to determine the effects of removing endogenous zinc by chelation. These studies showed that removal of zinc by injecting the zinc chelator histidine results in inner retinal damage similar to that induced by the glutamate receptor agonist kainic acid. In contrast, when an equimolar quantity of zinc followed the injection of histidine, the retinal cells were unaffected. Our results are a good indication that zinc, co‐released with glutamate by photoreceptors, provides an auto‐feedback system that plays an important cytoprotective role in the retina.


The Ketogenic diet (KD) is an effective treatment with regards to treating pharmaco‐resistant epilepsy. However, there are difficulties around compliance and tolerability. Consequently, there is a need for refined/simpler formulations that could replicate the efficacy of the KD. One of the proposed hypotheses is that the KD increases cellular mitochondrial content which results in elevation of the seizure threshold. Here, we have focussed on the medium‐chain triglyceride form of the diet and the observation that plasma octanoic acid (C8) and decanoic acid (C10) levels are elevated in patients on the medium‐chain triglyceride KD. Using a neuronal cell line (SH‐SY5Y), we demonstrated that 250‐μM C10, but not C8, caused, over a 6‐day period, a marked increase in the mitochondrial enzyme, citrate synthase along with complex I activity and catalase activity. Increased mitochondrial number was also indicated by electron microscopy. C10 is a reported peroxisome proliferator activator receptor γ agonist, and the use of a peroxisome proliferator activator receptor γ antagonist was shown to prevent the C10‐mediated increase in mitochondrial content and catalase. C10 may mimic the mitochondrial proliferation associated with the KD and raises the possibility that formulations based on this fatty acid could replace a more complex diet.


This review focuses on recent advances in the understanding of the organization and roles of actin filaments, and associated myosin motor proteins, in regulating the structure and function of the axon shaft. ‘Patches’ of actin filaments have emerged as a major type of actin filament organization in axons. In the distal axon, patches function as precursors to the formation of filopodia and branches. At the axon initial segment, patches locally capture membranous organelles and contribute to polarized trafficking. The trapping function of patches at the initial segment can be ascribed to interactions with myosin motors, and likely also applies to patches in the more distal axon. Finally, submembranous rings of actin filaments were recently described in axons, which form an actin‐spectrin cytoskeleton, likely contributing to the maintenance of axon integrity. Continued investigation into the roles of axonal actin filaments and myosins will shed light on fundamental aspects of the development, adult function and the repair of axons in the nervous system.


Manganese (Mn) is an essential heavy metal that is naturally found in the environment. Daily intake through dietary sources provides the necessary amount required for several key physiological processes, including antioxidant defense, energy metabolism, immune function and others. However, overexposure from environmental sources can result in a condition known as manganism that features symptomatology similar to Parkinson's disease (PD). This disorder presents with debilitating motor and cognitive deficits that arise from a neurodegenerative process. In order to maintain a balance between its essentiality and neurotoxicity, several mechanisms exist to properly buffer cellular Mn levels. These include transporters involved in Mn uptake, and newly discovered Mn efflux mechanisms. This review will focus on current studies related to mechanisms underlying Mn import and export, primarily the Mn transporters, and their function and roles in Mn‐induced neurotoxicity.


Glutamate transport is a critical process in the brain that maintains low extracellular levels of glutamate to allow for efficient neurotransmission and prevent excitotoxicity. Loss of glutamate transport function is implicated in epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It remains unclear whether or not glutamate transport can be modulated in these disease conditions to improve outcome. Here, we show that sirtuin (SIRT)4, a mitochondrial sirtuin, is up‐regulated in response to treatment with the potent excitotoxin kainic acid. Loss of SIRT4 leads to a more severe reaction to kainic acid and decreased glutamate transporter expression and function in the brain. Together, these results indicate a critical and novel stress response role for SIRT4 in promoting proper glutamate transport capacity and protecting against excitotoxicity.


The effect of psychoactive drugs on depression has usually been studied in cases of prolonged drug addiction and/or withdrawal, without much emphasis on the effects of subchronic or recreational drug use. To address this issue, we exposed laboratory rats to subchronic regimens of heroin or cocaine and tested long‐term effects on (i) depressive‐like behaviors, (ii) brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in reward‐related brain regions, and (iii) depressive‐like behavior following an additional chronic mild stress procedure. The long‐term effect of subchronic cocaine exposure was a general reduction in locomotor activity whereas heroin exposure induced a more specific increase in immobility during the forced swim test. Both cocaine and heroin exposure induced alterations in BDNF levels that are similar to those observed in several animal models of depression. Finally, both cocaine and heroin exposure significantly enhanced the anhedonic effect of chronic mild stress. These results suggest that subchronic drug exposure induces depressive‐like behavior which is accompanied by modifications in BDNF expression and increases the vulnerability to develop depressive‐like behavior following chronic stress. Implications for recreational and small‐scale drug users are discussed.


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