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Effective predictive and management approaches for species occurring in a metapopulation structure require good understanding of interpopulation connectivity. In this study, we ask whether population genetic structure of marine species with fragmented distributions can be predicted by stepping‐stone oceanographic transport and habitat continuity, using as model an ecosystem‐structuring brown alga, Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta. To answer this question, we analysed the genetic structure and estimated the connectivity of populations along discontinuous rocky habitat patches in southern Italy, using microsatellite markers at multiple scales. In addition, we modelled the effect of rocky habitat continuity and ocean circulation on gene flow by simulating Lagrangian particle dispersal based on ocean surface currents allowing multigenerational stepping‐stone dynamics. Populations were highly differentiated, at scales from few metres up to thousands of kilometres. The best possible model fit to explain the genetic results combined current direction, rocky habitat extension and distance along the coast among rocky sites. We conclude that a combination of variable suitable habitat and oceanographic transport is a useful predictor of genetic structure. This relationship provides insight into the mechanisms of dispersal and the role of life‐history traits. Our results highlight the importance of spatially explicit modelling of stepping‐stone dynamics and oceanographic directional transport coupled with habitat suitability, to better describe and predict marine population structure and differentiation. This study also suggests the appropriate spatial scales for the conservation, restoration and management of species that are increasingly affected by habitat modifications.  相似文献   

Sequencing reduced‐representation libraries of restriction site‐associated DNA (RADseq) to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is quickly becoming a standard methodology for molecular ecologists. Because of the scale of RADseq data sets, putative loci cannot be assessed individually, making the process of filtering noise and correctly identifying biologically meaningful signal more difficult. Artefacts introduced during library preparation and/or bioinformatic processing of SNP data can create patterns that are incorrectly interpreted as indicative of population structure or natural selection. Therefore, it is crucial to carefully consider types of errors that may be introduced during laboratory work and data processing, and how to minimize, detect and remove these errors. Here, we discuss issues inherent to RADseq methodologies that can result in artefacts during library preparation and locus reconstruction resulting in erroneous SNP calls and, ultimately, genotyping error. Further, we describe steps that can be implemented to create a rigorously filtered data set consisting of markers accurately representing independent loci and compare the effect of different combinations of filters on four RAD data sets. At last, we stress the importance of publishing raw sequence data along with final filtered data sets in addition to detailed documentation of filtering steps and quality control measures.  相似文献   

Kelp aquaculture is globally developing steadily as human food source, along with other applications. One of the newer crop species is Saccharina latissima, a northern hemisphere kelp inhabiting temperate to arctic rocky shores. To protect and document its natural genetic variation at the onset of this novel aquaculture, as well as increase knowledge on its taxonomy and phylogeography, we collected new genetic data, both nuclear and mitochondrial, and combined it with previous knowledge to estimate genetic connectivity and infer colonization history. Isolation‐with‐migration coalescent analyses demonstrate that gene flow among the sampled locations is virtually nonexistent. An updated scenario for the origin and colonization history of S. latissima is developed as follows: We propose that the species (or species complex) originated in the northwest Pacific, crossed to the northeast Pacific in the Miocene, and then crossed the Bering Strait after its opening ~5.5 Ma into the Arctic and northeast Atlantic. It subsequently crossed the Atlantic from east to west. During the Pleistocene, it was compressed in the south with evidence for northern refugia in Europe. Postglacial recolonization led to secondary contact in the Canadian Arctic. Saccharina cichorioides is shown to probably belong to the S. latissima species complex and to derive from ancestral populations in the Asian North Pacific. Our novel approach of comparing inferred gene flow based on coalescent analysis versus Wright's island model suggests that equilibrium levels of differentiation have not yet been reached in Europe and, hence, that genetic differentiation is expected to increase further if populations are left undisturbed.  相似文献   

Bluetongue (BT) is a commonly cited example of a disease with a distribution believed to have recently expanded in response to global warming. The BT virus is transmitted to ruminants by biting midges of the genus Culicoides, and it has been hypothesized that the emergence of BT in Mediterranean Europe during the last two decades is a consequence of the recent colonization of the region by Culicoides imicola and linked to climate change. To better understand the mechanism responsible for the northward spread of BT, we tested the hypothesis of a recent colonization of Italy by C. imicola, by obtaining samples from more than 60 localities across Italy, Corsica, Southern France, and Northern Africa (the hypothesized source point for the recent invasion of C. imicola), and by genotyping them with 10 newly identified microsatellite loci. The patterns of genetic variation within and among the sampled populations were characterized and used in a rigorous approximate Bayesian computation framework to compare three competing historical hypotheses related to the arrival and establishment of C. imicola in Italy. The hypothesis of an ancient presence of the insect vector was strongly favoured by this analysis, with an associated P ≥ 99%, suggesting that causes other than the northward range expansion of C. imicola may have supported the emergence of BT in southern Europe. Overall, this study illustrates the potential of molecular genetic markers for exploring the assumed link between climate change and the spread of diseases.  相似文献   

Genetic structure in host species is often used to predict disease spread. However, host and pathogen genetic variation may be incongruent. Understanding landscape factors that have either concordant or divergent influence on host and pathogen genetic structure is crucial for wildlife disease management. Devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) was first observed in 1996 and has spread throughout almost the entire Tasmanian devil geographic range, causing dramatic population declines. Whereas DFTD is predominantly spread via biting among adults, devils typically disperse as juveniles, which experience low DFTD prevalence. Thus, we predicted little association between devil and tumour population structure and that environmental factors influencing gene flow differ between devils and tumours. We employed a comparative landscape genetics framework to test the influence of environmental factors on patterns of isolation by resistance (IBR) and isolation by environment (IBE) in devils and DFTD. Although we found evidence for broad‐scale costructuring between devils and tumours, we found no relationship between host and tumour individual genetic distances. Further, the factors driving the spatial distribution of genetic variation differed for each. Devils exhibited a strong IBR pattern driven by major roads, with no evidence of IBE. By contrast, tumours showed little evidence for IBR and a weak IBE pattern with respect to elevation in one of two tumour clusters we identify herein. Our results warrant caution when inferring pathogen spread using host population genetic structure and suggest that reliance on environmental barriers to host connectivity may be ineffective for managing the spread of wildlife diseases. Our findings demonstrate the utility of comparative landscape genetics for identifying differential factors driving host dispersal and pathogen transmission.  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Neuwald & Templeton (2013) report on a 22‐year study of natural populations of Collared Lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) that evolved on isolated on rock outcrops (‘glades’) in the Ozark Mountains in eastern Missouri. This ecosystem was originally maintained by frequent fires that kept the forest understory open, but fire‐suppression was adopted as official policy in about 1945, which led to a loss of native biodiversity, including local extinctions of some lizard populations. Policies aimed at restoring biodiversity included controlled burns and re‐introductions of lizards to some glades, which began in 1984. Populations were monitored from 1984–2006, and demographic and genetic data collected from 1 679 lizards were used to documents shifts in meta‐population dynamics over four distinct phases of lizard recovery: 1–an initial translocation of lizards drawn from the same source populations onto three glades that were likely part of one meta‐population; 2–a period of isolation and genetic drift associated with the absence of fires; 3–a period of rapid colonization and population increase following restoration of fire; and 4–stabilization of the meta‐population under regular prescribed burning. This study system thus provides a rare opportunity to characterize the dynamics of a landscape‐scale management strategy on the restoration of the meta‐population of a reintroduced species; long‐term case studies of the extinction, founding, increase, and stabilization of a well‐defined meta‐population, based on both demographic and population genetic data, are rare in the conservation, ecological, and evolutionary literature.  相似文献   

Molecular ecology has become one of the key tools in the modern conservationist's kit. Here we review three areas where molecular ecology has been applied to amphibian conservation: genes on landscapes, within‐population processes, and genes that matter. We summarize relevant analytical methods, recent important studies from the amphibian literature, and conservation implications for each section. Finally, we include five in‐depth examples of how molecular ecology has been successfully applied to specific amphibian systems.  相似文献   

Management programmes often have to make decisions based on the analysis of the genetic properties and diversity of populations. Expected heterozygosity (or gene diversity) and population structure parameters are often used to make recommendations for conservation, such as avoidance of inbreeding or migration across subpopulations. Allelic diversity, however, can also provide complementary and useful information for conservation programmes, as it is highly sensitive to population bottlenecks, and is more related to long‐term selection response than heterozygosity. Here we present a completely revised and updated re‐implementation of the software metapop for the analysis of diversity in subdivided populations, as well as a tool for the management and dynamic estimation of optimal contributions in conservation programmes. This new update includes computation of allelic diversity for population analysis and management, as well as a simulation mode to forecast the consequences of taking different management strategies over time. Furthermore, the new implementation in C++ includes code optimization and improved memory usage, allowing for fast analysis of large data sets including single nucleotide polymorphism markers, as well as enhanced cross‐software and cross‐platform compatibility.  相似文献   

We describe temporal changes in the genetic composition of a small anadromous Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) population from South Newfoundland, an area where salmon populations are considered threatened (COSEWIC 2010). We examined the genetic variability (13 microsatellite loci) in 869 out‐migrating smolt and post‐spawning kelt samples, collected from 1985 to 2011 for a total of 22 annual collections and a 30 year span of assigned cohorts. We estimated the annual effective number of breeders (Nb) and the generational effective population size (Ne) through genetic methods and demographically using the adult sex ratio. Comparisons between genetic and demographic estimates show that the adult spawners inadequately explain the observed Ne estimates, suggesting that mature male parr are significantly increasing Nb and Ne over the study period. Spawning as parr appears to be a viable and important strategy in the near absence of adult males.  相似文献   

Population divergence can occur due to mechanisms associated with geographic isolation and/or due to selection associated with different ecological niches. Much of the evidence for selection‐driven speciation has come from studies of specialist insect herbivores that use different host plant species; however, the influence of host plant use on population divergence of generalist herbivores remains poorly understood. We tested how diet breadth, host plant species and geographic distance influence population divergence of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea; FW). FW is a broadly distributed, extreme generalist herbivore consisting of two morphotypes that have been argued to represent two different species: black‐headed and red‐headed. We characterized the differentiation of FW populations at two geographic scales. We first analysed the influence of host plant and geographic distance on genetic divergence across a broad continental scale for both colour types. We further analysed the influence of host plant, diet breadth and geographic distance on divergence at a finer geographic scale focusing on red‐headed FW in Colorado. We found clear genetic and morphological distinction between red‐ and black‐headed FW, and Colorado FW formed a genetic cluster distinct from other locations. Although both geographic distance and host plant use were correlated with genetic distance, geographic distance accounted for up to 3× more variation in genetic distance than did host plant use. As a rare study investigating the genetic structure of a widespread generalist herbivore over a broad geographic range (up to 3,000 km), our study supports a strong role for geographic isolation in divergence in this system.  相似文献   

The Arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) is a classic example of an avian plumage polymorphism, with variation in melanin‐based ventral plumage coloration defining pale, intermediate and dark morphs in adults of both sexes. However, despite several decades of field research, there is an incomplete understanding of how the polymorphism in ventral plumage colour is maintained and the selective forces involved. Here, we investigate selection on a locus (MC1R) that is strongly associated with plumage colour variation in Arctic skuas using patterns of nucleotide variation and comparison to neutral loci (nuclear introns and mtDNA). We find that three linked nonsynonymous mutations in MC1R, including the single mutation described previously, are associated with plumage colour in the Arctic skua. The position of nonsynonymous mutations on a MC1R haplotype network implies that divergent selection drove the initial evolution of the colour morphs. Comparisons of FSTs of MC1R vs. nuclear introns among five skua populations differing in proportion of dark morphs along an approximate north–south cline reveal a signature of divergent selection on MC1R. In contrast, we find limited evidence for balancing selection on MC1R within populations, although the power is low. Our results provide strong evidence for both past and ongoing selection on MC1R, and, by implication, plumage colour in Arctic skuas. The results suggest that a fruitful avenue for future ecological studies will be analysis of selection on morphs in colonies at the extremes along the morph ratio cline.  相似文献   

Populations that maintain phenotypic divergence in sympatry typically show a mosaic pattern of genomic divergence, requiring a corresponding mosaic of genomic isolation (reduced gene flow). However, mechanisms that could produce the genomic isolation required for divergence‐with‐gene‐flow have barely been explored, apart from the traditional localized effects of selection and reduced recombination near centromeres or inversions. By localizing FST outliers from a genome scan of wild pea aphid host races on a Quantitative Trait Locus (QTL) map of key traits, we test the hypothesis that between‐population recombination and gene exchange are reduced over large ‘divergence hitchhiking’ (DH) regions. As expected under divergence hitchhiking, our map confirms that QTL and divergent markers cluster together in multiple large genomic regions. Under divergence hitchhiking, the nonoutlier markers within these regions should show signs of reduced gene exchange relative to nonoutlier markers in genomic regions where ongoing gene flow is expected. We use this predicted difference among nonoutliers to perform a critical test of divergence hitchhiking. Results show that nonoutlier markers within clusters of FST outliers and QTL resolve the genetic population structure of the two host races nearly as well as the outliers themselves, while nonoutliers outside DH regions reveal no population structure, as expected if they experience more gene flow. These results provide clear evidence for divergence hitchhiking, a mechanism that may dramatically facilitate the process of speciation‐with‐gene‐flow. They also show the power of integrating genome scans with genetic analyses of the phenotypic traits involved in local adaptation and population divergence.  相似文献   

Like many wide‐ranging mammals, American bison (Bison bison) have experienced significant range contraction over the past two centuries and are maintained in artificially isolated populations. A basic understanding of the distribution of genetic variation among populations is necessary to facilitate long‐term germplasm preservation and species conservation. The 11 herds maintained within the US federal system are a critically important source of germplasm for bison conservation, as they include many of the oldest herds in the USA and have served as a primary resource for the establishment of private and public herds worldwide. In this study, we used a panel of 51 nuclear markers to investigate patterns of neutral genetic variation among these herds. Most of these herds have maintained remarkably high levels of variation despite the severe bottleneck suffered in the late 1800s. However, differences were noted in the patterns of variation and levels of differentiation among herds, which were compared with historical records of establishment, supplementation, herd size, and culling practices. Although some lineages have been replicated across multiple herds within the US federal system, other lineages with high levels of genetic variation exist in isolated herds and should be considered targets for the establishment of satellite herds. From this and other studies, it is clear that the genetic variation represented in the US federal system is unevenly distributed among National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service herds, and that these resources must be carefully managed to ensure long‐term species conservation.  相似文献   

We describe functions recently added to the r package popgenreport that can be used to perform a landscape genetic analysis (LGA) based on landscape resistance surfaces, which aims to detect the effect of landscape features on gene flow. These functions for the first time implement a LGA in a single framework. Although the approach has been shown to be a valuable tool to study gene flow in landscapes, it has not been widely used to date, despite the type of data being widely available. In part, this is likely due to the necessity to use several software packages to perform landscape genetic analyses. To apply LGA functions, two types of data sets are required: a data set with spatially referenced and genotyped individuals, and a resistance layer representing the effect of the landscape. The function outputs three pairwise distance matrices from these data: a genetic distance matrix, a cost distance matrix and a Euclidean distance matrix. Statistical tests are performed to test whether the cost matrix contributes to the understanding of the observed population structure. A full report on the analysis and outputs in the form of plots and tables of all intermediate steps of the LGA is produced. It is possible to customize the LGA to allow for different cost path approaches and measures of genetic distances. The package is written in the r language and is available through the Comprehensive r Archive. Comprehensive tutorials and information on how to install and use the package are provided at the authors’ website ( www.popgenreport.org ).  相似文献   

Z S Taylor  S M G Hoffman 《Heredity》2014,112(6):588-595
Dramatic changes in the North American landscape over the last 12 000 years have shaped the genomes of the small mammals, such as the white-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus), which currently inhabit the region. However, very recent interactions of populations with each other and the environment are expected to leave the most pronounced signature on rapidly evolving nuclear microsatellite loci. We analyzed landscape characteristics and microsatellite markers of P. leucopus populations along a transect from southern Ohio to northern Michigan, in order to evaluate hypotheses about the spatial distribution of genetic heterogeneity. Genetic diversity increased to the north and was best approximated by a single-variable model based on habitat availability within a 0.5-km radius of trapping sites. Interpopulation differentiation measured by clustering analysis was highly variable and not significantly related to latitude or habitat availability. Interpopulation differentiation measured as FST values and chord distance was correlated with the proportion of habitat intervening, but was best explained by agricultural distance and by latitude. The observed gradients in diversity and interpopulation differentiation were consistent with recent habitat availability being the major constraint on effective population size in this system, and contradicted the predictions of both the postglacial expansion and core-periphery hypotheses.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing data can be mined for highly informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to develop high‐throughput genomic assays for nonmodel organisms. However, choosing a set of SNPs to address a variety of objectives can be difficult because SNPs are often not equally informative. We developed an optimal combination of 96 high‐throughput SNP assays from a total of 4439 SNPs identified in a previous study of Pacific lamprey (Entosphenus tridentatus) and used them to address four disparate objectives: parentage analysis, species identification and characterization of neutral and adaptive variation. Nine of these SNPs are FST outliers, and five of these outliers are localized within genes and significantly associated with geography, run‐timing and dwarf life history. Two of the 96 SNPs were diagnostic for two other lamprey species that were morphologically indistinguishable at early larval stages and were sympatric in the Pacific Northwest. The majority (85) of SNPs in the panel were highly informative for parentage analysis, that is, putatively neutral with high minor allele frequency across the species’ range. Results from three case studies are presented to demonstrate the broad utility of this panel of SNP markers in this species. As Pacific lamprey populations are undergoing rapid decline, these SNPs provide an important resource to address critical uncertainties associated with the conservation and recovery of this imperiled species.  相似文献   

The ability to generate genomic data from wild animal populations has the potential to give unprecedented insight into the population history and dynamics of species in their natural habitats. However, for many species, it is impossible legally, ethically or logistically to obtain tissue samples of quality sufficient for genomic analyses. In this study we evaluate the success of multiple sources of genetic material (faeces, urine, dentin and dental calculus) and several capture methods (shotgun, whole‐genome, exome) in generating genome‐scale data in wild eastern chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) from Gombe National Park, Tanzania. We found that urine harbours significantly more host DNA than other sources, leading to broader and deeper coverage across the genome. Urine also exhibited a lower rate of allelic dropout. We found exome sequencing to be far more successful than both shotgun sequencing and whole‐genome capture at generating usable data from low‐quality samples such as faeces and dental calculus. These results highlight urine as a promising and untapped source of DNA that can be noninvasively collected from wild populations of many species.  相似文献   

Population geneticists often use multiple independent hypothesis tests of Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE), Linkage Disequilibrium (LD), and population differentiation, to make broad inferences about their systems of choice. However, correcting for Family‐Wise Error Rates (FWER) that are inflated due to multiple comparisons, is sparingly reported in our current literature. In this issue of Molecular Ecology Resources, perform a meta‐analysis of 215 population genetics studies published between 2011 and 2013 to show (i) scarce use of FWER corrections across all three classes of tests, and (ii) when used, inconsistent application of correction methods with a clear bias towards less‐conservative corrections for tests of population differentiation, than for tests of HWE, and LD. Here we replicate this meta‐analysis using 205 population genetics studies published between 2013 and 2018, to show the same continued disuse, and inconsistencies. We hope that both studies serve as a wake‐up call to population geneticists, reviewers, and editors to be rigorous about consistently correcting for FWER inflation.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental attribute of species in nature and shapes population dynamics, evolutionary trajectories and genetic variation across spatial and temporal scales. It is increasingly clear that landscape features have large impacts on dispersal patterns. Thus, understanding how individuals and species move through landscapes is essential for predicting impacts of landscape alterations. Information on dispersal patterns, however, is lacking for many taxa, particularly reptiles. Eastern foxsnakes (Mintoinus gloydi) are marsh and prairie specialists that avoid agricultural fields, but they have persisted across a fragmented region in southwestern Ontario and northern Ohio. Here, we combined habitat suitability modelling with population genetic analyses to infer how foxsnakes disperse through a habitat mosaic of natural and altered landscape features. Boundary regions between the eight genetic clusters, identified through assignment tests, were comprised of low suitability habitat (e.g. agricultural fields). Island populations were grouped into a single genetic cluster, and comparatively low F(ST) values between island and mainland populations suggest open water presents less of a barrier than nonsuitable terrestrial habitat. Isolation by resistance and least-cost path analysis produced similar results with matrices of pairwise individual genetic distance significantly more correlated to matrices of resistance values derived from habitat suitability than models with an undifferentiated landscape. Spatial autocorrelation results matched better with assignment results when incorporating resistance values rather than straight-line distances. All analyses used in our study produced similar results suggesting that habitat degradation limits dispersal for foxsnakes, which has had a strong effect on the genetic population structure across this region.  相似文献   

Translocations of threatened species can reduce the risk of extinction from a catastrophic event. For plants, translocation consists of moving individuals, seeds, or cuttings from a native (source) population to a new site. Ideally a translocation population would be genetically diverse and consist of fit founding individuals. In practice, there are challenges to designing such a population, including constraints on the availability of material, and tradeoffs between different goals. Here, we present an approach for designing a translocation population that identifies sets of founders that are optimized according to multiple criteria (e.g., genetic diversity), while also conforming to constraints on the representation of different founders (e.g., propagation success). It uses flexible inputs, including SNP genotypes, matrices of similarity between individuals, and vectors of phenotype data. We apply the approach to a critically endangered plant, Hibbertia puberula subsp. glabrescens (Dilleniaceae), which was genotyped at thousands of SNP loci. The goals of minimizing genetic similarity among the founding individuals and maximizing genetic diversity were largely complementary: populations optimized for one of these criteria were near‐optimal for the other. We also performed analyses in which we minimized genetic similarity among founding individuals while imposing selection (against hypothetical deleterious alleles, and against undesirable phenotypes, respectively), and here characterized sharp tradeoffs. This was useful in allowing the benefits of selection to be weighed against costs in terms of genetic similarity. In summary, we present an approach for designing a translocation population that allows flexible inputs, the imposition of realistic constraints, and examination of conflicting goals.  相似文献   

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